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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  December 1, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PST

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hello, and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world. you are watching cnn newsroom, and i'm rosemary church. just ahead, two vaccines are heading to the fda for approval in the u.s. and could be ready in weeks. and with covid hospitalizations hitting another daily record, help can't come fast enough. president-elect joe biden finally gets his first presidential daily briefing as he continues to appoint the team around him. also, a cnn exclusive, documents reveal what china really knew about its first cases of coronavirus, and its chaotic
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early response. good to have you with us. well, here in the united states, the number of covid-19 cases is accelerating at a record and troubling speed. a record high, 96,000 plus covid patients were hospitalized as of monday. and more than 30% of all cases ever reported in the u.s. happened in the month of november. but thankfully, hope is on the horizon. american drug maker moderna is the latest company to ask u.s. regulators to approve its covid-19 vaccine for emergency use. cnn's nick watt has our report. >> reporter: moderna's potential vaccine is, they say, 100% effective at preventing severe cases of covid-19. >> it will allow us to go back
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to basically a normal life. and that's really what we want this vaccine to do. we want it to prevent people from dying. >> reporter: that vaccine became the second submitted for fda authorization. next week, an fda committee meets to assess pfizer's offering, does it work, is it safe. >> we could be looking at approval days after that. moderna is one week behind that. we could be seeing both of these vaccines out and getting into people's arms before christmas. >> reporter: but a sign of our still very strange times, the denver broncos just played a wide receiver at quarterback. one regular qb has covid, three more in quarantine. all nfl practice suspended. >> we are nearing almost 200,000 infections a day. i expect we're going to cross that at some point. >> reporter: fueled by thanksgiving, sunday was the biggest air travel day since the
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pandemic began. >> we won't know the impact of that for at least another five or seven days. that's just the dynamics of this virus. >> reporter: so many people tired, bored, sick of this. >> expecting people to stay home is quite excessive. i understand the logic behind it. >> reporter: 15 members of this one texan family all sick after one birthday party. >> now i'm in the hospital and can't see my family. >> reporter: in november alone, 4 1/4 million americans were infected. that's equivalent to the entire populations of montana, vermont, wyoming, and new mexico put together. 42 states are now above a key threshold, more than 5% of tests are coming back positive. this is what exponential spread of an uncontrolled virus looks like. the u.s. average daily death toll now approaching 1,500.
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>> we are in it, and we are not at the end of it. by the end of this wave, we will have many more americans die than dialed in world war ii. a trefcontroversial member donald trump's team has resigned. dr. scott atlas, a source close to the task force says atlas's departure comes as welcome news. he tweeted out an image of his he h resignation letter. he believed his advice was always focused on minimizing harm especially to the working class and the poor. joining me now is dr. eric topple, a cardiologist and professor of molecular medicine. thank you, doctor, for joining us and for all that you do. >> good to be with you,
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rosemary. >> so the fda has scheduled an advisory meeting to discuss moderna's coronavirus vaccine for emergency use authorization, that meeting is set for december 17. pfizer of course will have its advisory meeting on december 10th. what happens between now and those dates to ensure that these vaccines get out swiftly, and safely. >> well, the data that are currently being reviewed internally at fda, and they're also getting sent to the external reviewers, so both on the december 10th and december 17th, separately, pfizer and moderna programs will be reviewed. most likely within a day of each of those reviews, if all goes well, the distribution, which is already started. the vaccines have been distributed throughout the country, but the actual vaccination programs will begin 24 hours after each of the external reviews are complete, assuming they're favorable.
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>> and that is very encouraging news of course. and operation warp speed official says that 100% of americans that want the vaccine will have had the vaccine by june. does that look like an achievable goal, particularly if more americans begin to trust in these vaccines. it's currently around what the 51% to 58% area right at this moment. >> well, there's a few things about that. firstly, the vaccines have performed far better than we had ever envisioned. we had a paper about super human vaccine immunity, so, you know, we were hoping 60%, 70%, not 94 or 95%, and protection against severe illness, which is what moderna showed today. so the hope is that's going to increase the enthusiasm because the safety looks quite good and here this super efficacy is really enthralling. then next is can operation warp
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speed actually deliver. they have an aspiration to have every american who wants a vaccine to get it before end of june. it's possible, but you know, there's some things that we don't have the supplies, like even just syringes. there's things that have to be squared away to meet that goal. it's an ambitious goal. it will accelerate our exit from the pandemic, but there's a lot of work has to be done to reach it. >> yeah, absolutely, and of course with the pfizer and moderna poised and ready to go with their vaccine once approval is given on this, the cdc will meet in the coming hours for an emergency meeting to determine who gets vaccinated first, and obviously health care workers need to go first, but there are mixed reviews on who goes next. how will they make that determination? will that be decided by cdc, but the ultimate decision made state by state? >> it's a really good point. so after the health care
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workers, 17 million in the u.s., then the question is who goes next. and so there is disagreement between the national academy of science and the asip committee, and that's going to get resolved tomorrow, we hope, and there will be consensus. it's not that much different. it's about the level of risk, where to fit in certain groups like teachers and those who are of advanced age and their coexisting conditions, but it's pretty close and i think we'll get a final readout on that tomorrow. >> all right. and doctor, we did get late word monday that donald trump's top medical adviser dr. scott atlas has resigned. he doubted the science behind the wearing of masks, pushed the concept of herd immunity. what's your response to his departure? >> it's probably one of the best things that's happened. it's happened like way too late, like 130 days lates, which is
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when he started. he has been a destructive force, anti-science, going against all of the public health messaging, regarding as you mentioned, rosemary, masks and the need to protect all individuals and so this whole idea that he had of herd immunity was baseless. it was reckless, and we've seen such a large toll in the fatalities and an exponential spread in the number of new infections and cases, so it's really good that he moves on. unfortunately, a lot of damage to the public was done. >> indeed, dr. eric tobble, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. around the world, countries closely following vaccine developments as the virus continues to upend daily life. in turkey, deaths hit a record high for an 8th straight day. the government will be imposing new curfews to try to control
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the virus. south korea has just reported another 451 cases, mostly locally transmitted, and in the uk, members of parliament are expected to vote today on a new set of tough regional measures aimed at controlling the coronavirus. and cnn's salina aboma abdelazi us from london. what has been the reaction so far? >> reporter: what we're expecting is starting wednesday when the nationwide lock down expires, it will be replaced with a three-tier regional system. it's important to remember that 55 million people, almost the entire population of england will be living under the highest two levels. at level three if you live under
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the strictist restrictionest res and restaurants will be shut down, and here's the catch on all of this. all nonessential shops can reopen. that means christmas shopping can begin. that's the idea behind these measures, to allow the economy to reopen during the holiday season while still controlling the virus. it hasn't been enough for a lot of lawmakers. the prime minister has spent the last several days shoring up support. the government released an economic impact report. he's faced skepticism from his own party. the opposition labor party will be sub staining from the vote. a lot of concern that the financial fallout from the three-tier strategy is high. the prime minister defending his strategy saying this is the way forward. the nationwide lock down has worked in that it has brought down infection rates by almost a third, by about 30%. the prime minister's argument is that we must maintain control of the virus, but here like
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everywhere else walking the tight rope between balancing the economy and keeping control of the illness. >> yeah, it is a tough balancing act, too. salma abdelaziz joining us live from london. many thanks. and coming up, the u.s. president-elect has one more meeting to add to his schedule after he finally received his first intelligence briefing following weeks of pushback from the white house. back with that in just a moment. robinhood believes now is the time to do money. without the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood.
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two more states have certified their electoral votes for president-elect joe biden dealing a blow to president trump's attempts to overturn the attempts. arizona secretary of state said the election process was the most secure in recent history and the republican governor even praised the integrity of the state's election system. wisconsin's governor also formally certified biden's victory following a recount of votes in two counties at the request of the trump campaign. the president's team says it still plans to further challenge the state's results in court. and despite a combative exterior, two white house advisers tell cnn president trump understands there's no
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possibility of staying in the white house. we are told he plans to keep fighting in court until all league avenues are exhausted but mr. trump is said to have seen the writing on the wall. still, the president falsely claims he won the election and has yet to concede to president-elect joe biden. well, meantime, biden has wasted no time pushing forward with his transition. on monday, the president-elect received his first intelligence briefing after the white house stalled for weeks to approve the daily updates. biden also announced his nominees for key economic positions. cnn's mj lee has the details. >> i hope these outstanding nominees receive a prompt hearing. >> reporter: the joe biden administration is starting to take shape with some history making appointments. the president-elect nominated janet yellen for treasury secretary. if confirmed, the former federal reserve chairwoman would be the first woman to serve in that
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role. >> good afternoon. >> reporter: biden also naming other women to top economic posts, including cecilia rouse, a princeton university economist to serve as the chairwoman of the council of economic advisers, and neera tanden, the center for american progress to lead the office of management budget. that name receiving fierce opposition from the progressive left and republicans. >> very interesting they are putting somebody who is fairly hard core left in that powerful position. could be very very difficult. >> reporter: both positions require congressional confirmation. >> thanksgiving has always been a special time for the biden family. >> reporter: biden also making headlines over thanksgiving weekend by naming an all female communications team at the white house. appointing key campaign and transition aides to senior most roles. kate bedingfield, his deputy campaign manager named white house communications director. >> every day is critical in transition planning, which is why for months the biden/harris
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transition team has been preparing for all scenarios. >> reporter: jen psaki, a veteran obama aide and transition official chosen to be white house press secretary. biden also elevating several women of color. simone sanders as spokesperson for vice president-elect kamala harris. >> joe biden's message was a message that resonated with folks across the spectrum. >> reporter: and karine jean-pierre as principle deputy press secretary. the biden transition team to announce several key appointments, including defense secretary and cia director. >> will you announce the defense secretary today? >> we're going to do that. >> reporter: two women among the leading contenders for each role. michelle flornoy, and sue gordon. and for the first time since becoming president-elect biden receiving the presidential daily briefing on monday. classified information that he was denied access to for weeks as president trump declined to concede the race. the former vice president also
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paying a visit to the doctors office over the weekend after biden's office says he slipped while playing with his dog major. the diagnosis, hairline infrastructures in his right foot, likely requiring a walking boot for several weeks. now president-elect joe biden will kick off tuesday by receiving another presidential daily briefing and then later in the day here in wilmington delaware, both he and the vice president elect senator kamala harris will hold an event introducing some of these key members of their new economic team. this is where we are likely to get a first glimpse of biden this that walking boot. mj lee, cnn, wilmington, delaware. let's bring in david priest to talk more about this stage of the biden transition. he has served in the clinton and george w. bush administrations and is the author of the president's book of secrets. good to have you with us.
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>> good to be back. >> so president-elect joe biden received his first presidential daily briefing, intelligence briefing monday after being blocked by donald trump for weeks. how important is it that this finally happened, and what has been the delay in the transition of the power. >> it's very important that it does happen rosemary because the president-elect needs to be prepared to be the commander in chief when he takes office. there are a whole bunch of international issues that have changed a lot in the last four years since he has seen top secret developments in the north korea nuclear program, to russian politics to chinese adventurism and terrorism and pandemics across national issues. it's important that the president-elect get the best intelligence that's available so that he can hit the ground running. the delay in the few weeks after the election makes a short
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transition even shorter. it means that he has to use the time between now and january 20th more efficiently. the good news here is that joe biden is an experienced customer of high level attendance. he has seen the president's daily brief before in a different form when he was vice president and he should be able to make up for lost time. >> he is certainly not new to this, is he? and of course this daily briefing comes after one of iran's top scientists was asa assassinated, an act that boxed joe biden in, how big a problem could this prove to be for biden, do you think, after january 20th? >> it's only the end of november now, and we've still got quite a few weeks left before january 20th, and i frankly doubt this will be the last thing that presents a challenge for soon to
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be president joe biden. there are a whole number of international issues that this president has been willing to push boundaries on, whether it's north korea, iran or the middle east. this will continue to be an issue no matter what president trump does in the meantime. iran has been a vexing issue for the american policy makers since the late 1970s. i don't think it's going to get easier. in president trump uses his remaining weeks in office to take actions that make things more difficult for a few president coming in, good policies or bad, things that require more engagement earlier on after taking the oath of office, that of course is more difficult for a new administration to handle. that's where two things matter. one is the experience and preparation of the president himself and i think joe biden, if nothing else is quite
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experienced in foreign affairs, and number two, the preparation and capability of the team around him on international affairs, and joe biden is assembling a very comp tent, experienced team around him. we are in somewhat good shape, if you will, that even if there are foreign crises hitting the president as soon as he's sworn in, he will be relatively well prepared for that compared to virtually any of his predecessors. >> and you mentioned that team he's assembling. we are still waiting for joe biden to name his defense secretary, and future cia director. given your cia background, i would be interested in getting your response to some of the names being considered to cia director post. the top contender, mike morel. other names include sue gordon, david cohen, jeh johnson, also being considered for defense secretary. who tuning would be the be-- do think would be the best pick?
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>> none of them are tv personalities, the kind of person that donald trump looked to four years ago were often people who looked good on television or people who had been championing his candidacy. joe biden has not been going for the flashing names, the recognizable faces. he has been going for the solid, steady professionals, and the whole list you mentioned are in that category. you have people who have either served as a senior level in the intelligence community or elsewhere in the national security bureaucracy. any one of those people you mentioned would be able to start pretty quickly on day one if they were to be confirmed as cia director, and understand the processes, understand how intelligence fits in to policy making, and understand the limits of intelligence. >> david priest, thank you so much for joining us. >> of course. thank you. and still to come, documents from inside china reveal chaos
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during its initial response to the coronavirus pandemic. our cnn exclusive report, next. it's down to the wire,
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the team's been working around the clock. we've had to rethink our whole approach. we're going to give togetherness. logistically, it's been a nightmare. i'm not sure it's going to work. it'll work. i didn't know you were listening.
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we now bring you an exclusive investigation on the coronavirus pandemic. cnn has obtained leaked documents from inside china that reveal the missteps and chaos of its early response to the pandemic. the documents are from hubei province, home to the city of wuhan where the pandemic is thought to have begun. they show authorities release misleading public data on the number of dates and cases, took
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an average of three weeks to diagnose a new case, and much more. cnn's nick paton walsh as this report. >> reporter: an unprecedented leak of internal chinese documents to cnn reveals for the first time what china knew in the opening weeks of the covid-19 pandemic, but did not tell the world. a whistleblower who said they worked inside the chinese health care system shared the documents with cnn online, which show a chaotic local response from the start. >> this lack of transparency sort of also contributed to the crisis. >> seeing information in black and white was very revealing and instructive. >> reporter: cnn has verified them with hatch a dozen experts, a european security official and using complex digital forensic analysis looking at their source code. the documents provide a number of key revelations about the
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province of hubei. virtually, some of the death tolls were off. the worst day in these report is february the 17th, where they say 196 people who were confirmed cases died but that day, they only announced 93. china was also circulating internally, bigger, more detailed totals for new cases in hubei. for one day in february, recording internally, nearly 6,000 new cases. so diagnosed by tests, others clinical clinically by doctors, because of symptoms and contacts, but all pretty serious. publicly that day, china reported nationwide about 2,500 new confirmed cases. the risks were down played in an ongoing tally of suspected cases. that meant patient that is doctors had diagnosed as being seriously ill sounded like they were in doubt but did later improve the criteria. >> if china had been more transparent, and also more
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aggressive in responding, clearly they would have had an impact on how much the virus spread in wuhan, in hubei, in china, and perhaps to the rest of the world as well. >> strikingly, the documents reveal a reason behind the discrepancy in the numbers. a report from early march says it took a staggering 23 days on average from when someone showed covid-19 symptoms to when they got a confirmed diagnosis. that's three weeks to officially catch each case. >> as information seems to be very surprising to me, because normally it would take just a couple of days. >> you're making follows today based on information that already is three weeks old. >> reporter: perhaps the most remarkable revelation concerns early december, the moments when covid-19 first emerged in china. sta startleingly the documents review an enormous spike, after the study reveals the first
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known patients were infected with covid-19, 20 times the report of flu. it could have flooded the hospital with patients sick with flu like symptoms, making it harder to spot the first cases of covid-19. the document don't link to coronavirus, but flu patients were regularly screened, and many did not have a known flew virus strain, leaving open the possibility they were sick with covid-19. >> the spike in wuhan was very unusual compared to, so that would raise a red flag. >> it was very very sizable. it's clear that the chinese virologists can make precise diagnoses of influenza but in retrospect, was there some covid in there mas ka as influenza.
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>> all valuable information until the hunt for where the disease came from. chinese officials have said the outbreak came here, the seafood market in wuhan in december, and despite accusations it has limited cooperation with the w.h.o. investigation into the virus origins, china has insisted it has been as transparent as possible over the coronavirus. for some time now, in order to shift the blame, u.s. politicians have used the pandemic as a pretext to sow lineu lies and misinformation about china, and will mislead the understanding of the truth and china's fight against the pandemic. china's foreign ministry and health officials in beijing and wuhan have not responded to our
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requests for comment. this disease has killed nearly 1 1/2 million people. about a fifth of known deaths in america. these documents are rare, clear and open window into what china knew all along, trying to appear in control while a local outbreak turned into a global pandemic. >> and nick paton walsh is with us now from london. good to see you, nick. we suspected china was under counting cases and deaths, but does this also put some of the conspiracy theories to bed, given china clearly struggled to get on top of this. >> this is actual evidence. suspicions are one thing, and they have been long held, but it's difficult to accuse a country of doing something unless you can actually see what it knew, and doesn't appear to have shared at that time. to some degree as well, the conspiracy theories suggesting this was a manmade virus or the result of a laboratory leak,
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crazy things that haven't had taech attached to them actual evidence, and they are not supported by these documents. no mention of ideas like that. essentially china was dealing with the problems everybody else dealt with. they had a connected unclear flu outbreak at the start of december, they had issues with diagnosis, they had issues of working out quite what the criteria was to call somebody a covid patient. added to that too is the complexity of china's bureaucratic system, to not always present the most transparent picture. while china would defend itself saying it was dealing with a chaotic system, there was an impact, the rest of the world was looking on. weren't sure how bad this was, and we're benefitting from what china learned from its mistakes, had it shared the problems it was having, it is entirely possible other countries in the world would have found it easier to deal with the virus when it broke out there. rosemary. >> no doubt, nick paton walsh
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joining us live there. thanks. state tv says iran's top nuclear scientist was buried at a mosque in iran. he was killed friday in a hail of gunfire and a car explosion. experts are skeptical about claims in iran that the assassination was a high-tech remote operation. cnn's nic robertson joins me with more. iran has given different versions of how the assassination was carried out. why has it changed so many types? >> reporter: it appears to be more information has come to light. that's the way it was presented, initially an assassination, and more details about the assassination, and the discovery that official says was this new and complex type of attack. there also seems to be potentially an effort here to give an explanation for why such a highly valued and prized
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scientist who has security around him, has security detail with him could be killed. the after math of mohsen's assassination indicates a carefully planned attack. was it a high-tech killing as iranian officials say or sloppy iranian security? as hollywood graphically depicts, in breaking bad, the k key fob is the trigger. in the real world, in iran, hypothetically possible. >> the channel is in target acquisition. how does the autonomous device work out what it's supposed to be shooting. >> reporter: in an
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assassination, more technology is needed to confirm the target. creating multiple risks. >> you're putting lots of very expensive communication relays or satellite and this kind of thing into a device like that, you are handing that technology to your enemy. and you're also creating a signature that could be detected by security. so you're more likely to find that it's being controlled from a fairly close proximity. but that could still be a few kilometer. >> reporter: the majority of nuclear scientists assassinated in iran, and there have been several over the past decade have generally been low tech gunmen or bombers on motor bikes. the assassination appears to be an embarrassment for iran's security services. he was a protected and prized scientist, however, blaming
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israel as iran has, claiming sophisticated technology was used in the killing may mollify angry iranians but won't gain national credibility without evidence. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's office will not comment but at least two israeli ministers saying they had no idea who killed him. >> witnesses are not always reliable in high stress situations. we would want the iranians to present more evidence before we make any assumptions. >> reporter: no one is saying it didn't happen as iran claims, simply teheran has yet to prove its case. of course beyond how the killing actually happened is really it points to intelligence failures in iran that the sort of outer circles, if you will, of security, which are intelligence operations to find out if there
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are covid operatives in the country and detect an attack like this coming and also make sure that this scientist movements are kept very very secret. there does appear to be a lapse in that. and because of the other attacks we have seen recently, this is a problem that now appears to be endemic in the intelligence services in iran. >> nic robertson, many thanks, joining us live from london. appreciate it. just ahead on cnn, warnings of a potential third coronavirus wave in germany from chancellor angela merkel. a live report from germany when we come back. everyone thinks i made them, but it's actually d-con. what was that? judy? d-con. mice love it to death. robinwithout the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for?
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♪ hark for the pets, ♪sweet little pets, ♪ ♪ cute faces say, "spoil us away" ♪ ♪ spoil time is here, perking their ears, ♪ ♪ lapping their tongues, old and the young ♪ ♪ bark, squawk, meow, that's how they sing. ♪ ♪ with joyful ring, so much spoiling. ♪ ♪ oh how they zoom, all through the room. ♪ ♪ so many tails! wag-ging of tails! ♪ ♪ merry, merry, merry, merry, spoiling ♪ ♪ merry, merry, merry, merry, spoiling ♪ ♪ hark for the pets, sweet little pets, ♪ ♪ cute faces say, "spoil us away" ♪ in spain, rates of coronavirus infection have been slowing, but there is concern the christmas season could cause cases to spike again. spain was one of the hardest hit european nations at the start of
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the pandemic. over the weekend, thousands of people crowded the streets of madrid, lured by christmas lights and black friday sales as the country plans to begin vaccinations in january, world health officials are pleading with the public to abide by the rules. >> this is no time for complacency, especially with holiday season approaching in many cultures and countries. we all want to be together with the people we love during festive periods. but being with family and friends is not worth putting them or yourself at risk. we all need to consider whose life we might be gambling with in the decisions we make. the covid-19 pandemic will change the way we celebrate, but it doesn't mean we can't
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celebrate. we still can celebrate. >> and in germany, chancellor angela merkel is warning of a third coronavirus wave if people are not careful. just last week, she extended a partial nationwide lock down due to a rise in cases. she warns that germans must be careful as the winter months approach. as of today, more than 1 million people in germany have been infected with the virus, and more than 16,000 have died. this according to german health officials. and cnn's fred pleitgen joins us now. he's in central germany where a vaccination distribution center is being constructed as we speak. fred, how will this distribution center work, exactly, and how many more will likely be built? >> hi there, rosemary, the germans, they plan on making dozens of vaccination centers around germany. they were talking about around 60 of these. looks like a lot more than that. a lot of this has to do with the
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fact that a lot of vaccines coming on the market probably fairly soon have to be stored at ultra cold temperatures. essentially what the germans are saying is better make some of the vaccine centers where you can store vaccines easily skprnand have the center come here. you have to give a shout out to the guys working here. this is the german disaster relief agency, technical assistance agency, and they are leading the construction of the center under pandemic conditions. we're wearing the ffp 2 masks because they're working inside, and have to be protected as well. essentially everything you see is a one way street so that folks that come and get vaccinated don't meet many other people. essentially what the germans are saying is they want people to come and get the vaccine and not possibly get the novel coronavirus. the first thing that folks do is they go into this room, and in this room, which is also where there's a lot of hammering going on right now is that they meet a doctor, and a doctor asks them
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about any sort of medical conditions they might have, any issues that could make vaccination difficult. you go into one of these four rooms where you can see that electrical cables are currently being laid, and this is where people will then get the actual vaccine. now, they have four rooms because four people can mingle in the territory at one time, to get the vaccine, to make things a little bit quicker. after you have gotten your jab which doesn't take a long time, you go to this room, which is quite important. this is a room where people stay, and then there's actually one more, is where you get monitored. people stay there, and they just rest for a couple of minutes, and that's where the folks monitor them, and see if there are any sort of side effects that happen fairly quickly. in this specific vaccine center, and they're all fairly similar, they're going to have ten of these one-way streets. they call them vaccination streets. in total, the germans are saying they're going to be able to vaccinate about a thousand people every day. essentially the concept behind
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all of this is centralizing the distribution in these centers in germany to make sure that you can get these cold storage vaccines in the same place, and use them properly. at the same time, vaccinating as many people as possible as safely as possible as well. these guys are saying that they're going to be ready with this vaccination center around the middle of december, which is about the time that of course, europe and many other countries believe that vaccines are going to start getting approval, rosemary. >> fascinating and so well organized. it is a smart model for other countries, perhaps, to follow. frederik pleitgen joining us there, taking us on a tour of this vaccination distribution center. many thanks. formula one champion lewis hamilton has tested positive for coronavirus. he will miss this weekend's race in bahrain. his team mercedes confirmed. hamilton had three negative test results including a race on sunday. he woke up on monday with mild
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symptoms and tested positive. he's now self-isolating. three kids, one house and nowhere to go, a personal look at how one irish family managed during the nation's latest lock down. we'll take a look. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free.
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welcome back, everyone. well, today ireland will begin a gradual reopening after six weeks of a nationwide lock down. since october, its citizens have been living under tight restrictions. one family in dublin shared their experiences with cnn. take a look. >> good morning, gentlemen, day one of our new lock down. >> we're lucky we have our kids to distract us. and they do a good job at that. >> typical sunday. >> in the covid lock down. >> we'd like a little bit more normality. as quick as possible, please. >> this is lock down. this is how we're working and playing during lock down time. >> pumpkin on your head. >> pumpkin on my head?
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>> happy birthday to you. >> we had james' birthday, and we had steven, their cousins birthday, and we had both my parents' birthdays, we have had lots of zoom, blowing out candles and afternoon teas and stuff, which is nice. >> daddy is on his own, watching us, really, most of the time. i don't mind it. >> we can give you a rendition if you would like. >>. ♪ is this where we're all working away? >> lock down madness. >> happy, huh? you happy? >> don't they look lovely? >> i'm happy. >> who's happy, are you happy? >> i'm sorry, mommy and daddy are on date night. what are you doing?
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>> it is one thing i miss, going out for a meal or going out for a pint, you know, we can't do that. i miss doing that. >> happy lock down. >> we want everyone to know we can't wait to welcome all of our visitors back. >> mom and dad did a great job there. thanks for your company, i'm rosemary church, be sure to connect with me on twitter. "early start" is up next. you're watching cnn. have a great day. heart failure causes nearly two hospitalizations every minute.
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welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. this is "early start," i'm christine romans. >> and i'm laura jarrett. it's tuesday, december 1st. 52 days until joe biden's inauguration as the 46th president of the united states. today we will be a step closer to answering a critical question that's been on everyone's mind for months when can people finally start getting vaccinated for coronavirus. a cdc advisory panel will meet later today to decide who will receive the vaccine first, with health care workers and the most vulnerable americans at the top of the


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