tv CNN Newsroom CNN December 1, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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welcome back. i'm brianna keilar. breaking news this hour. a key independent panel inside the cdc is voting on vaccine protocols specifically determining who will be first in line when these vaccines are approved for use. here's what the members of the cdc advisory panel told cnn about this decision. >> our decisions were deciding which of the priority groups are based on current knowledge and current information about the pandemic, the epidemiology, the
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persons most faaffected by this pandemic. seems pretty clear the cop group health care providers. today we will continue to look at that data, make that recommendation if appropriate, that the vaccine should be delivered to health care providers and to those individuals living in long-term care facilities. >> two vaccine makers are having the fda for use of their vaccines. that decision is still a week away. on monday the united states reported more than 150,000 cases to close out of november. nearly one-third of the u.s. cases since the pandemic came just in the last month and the united states set a new record for hospitalizations. more than 96,000. the numbers doubles since beginning of november, tripling since beginning of october. and elizabeth cohen, take us
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through what they're haconsiderg now and does the panel decision become the mandate from the cdc? >> brianna, we just heard from the head of the cdc advisory panel these are the two groups we think will be first in line. that's going to be decided in a matter of hours. look at those two groups. it appears this advisory committee will vote health care workers and residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities should be first if line, followed by other folks considered at high risk. elderly not in nursing homes, people with underlying medical conditions, and essential workers such as police officers and firefighters. now, it's important to note, this isn't just a recommendation from the cdc advisory panel. states can do whatever they want. they can put whoever they want at front of the line. as a matter of practicality, states typically follow what the
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cdc recommends. >> thank you for explaining that to us. head of the fda dr. stephen hahn making an unusual appearance at the white house. chief of staff mark meadows calling him there to explain why the agency hasn't moved faster to approve the coronavirus vaccine. i bring in kaitlan collins and why was the white house insisting this meeting be in-person and what can you tell us about this conversation? >> reporter: they insisted it happen in-person because we're told the commissioner stephen hahn asked to do it over the phone and was told, no. they wanted him there in person to meet mark meadow and the president demanding why the vaccine applied for emergency use october 25th wasn't approved yet. we knewed advise, outside
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advisory panel is not set to meet until december 10th. these things take time. if you talk to people at the fda who explain this. that, of course, has not been sufficient for president trump who long held a belief that scientists at the fda are, would go slowly to thwart him politically. a claim made before the election and one he's made since then that the fda denied. clearly, the fda thought this was going to be a tense meeting. putting out a statement last night to axios from commissioner hahn saying that it's not, he's not the one who makes this decision. the career scientists looking at data, going through it. they make the decision about whether or not one of these vaxzens can be used on an emergency basis. what would happen before that pool approval would be granted. so, of course, the white house doesn't seem to have a lot of options here, because it's not like they can be unhappy with the fda commissioner and fire him with six weeks left to go in the administration. many people do not think that would be a wise decision. though it is one they could take.
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also, if they get the advisory panel to move up their meeting from december 10th they open themselves to accusations of putting politics into this process of making a decision about a vaccine that, of course, some polls have shown some americans are wary of before this has even happened. >> and to that point, it makes sense that the head of the fda might want this to be a phone call, because he wants americans to be invested and to know that safety is coming first in getting this albeit rapidly to the american people whereas the president has a pattern of really not following that. he has a pattern of putting politics first. so how concerned is the fda about a perception problem here? >> reporter: look, i think they are very concerned, and they're aware of the reality they're living in. they look at the american public, the vaccine, the skepticism and a political veneer playing out especially from the white house and the president trump and why we've seen dr. hahn and others at the
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fda saying we are going to be public, let the meetings be broadcast publicly. not secret meeting. people will know what's going on and listen to the recommendations. worth noting those top career scientist scientists just talked about said they would resign if the president intervened and forced through a vaccine before evaluated for safety and effectiveness. the fda has to go through this line by line and can't take what moderna and pfizer are saying at face value. they have to go through data of the clinical trials and make sure what the companies are saying about the efficacy rates is true and holds up and being manufactured safely and that takes time. with governors just yesterday dr. hahn told governors usually a process that can take upwards
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of four months and trying to condense it down into essentially weeks and insists they're moving as fast as possible, obviously not fast enough for the president. >> sara murray, and kaitlan collins thank you to you both. globring in gloria borger a the fda is under pressure. gloria, seeing that play out. fda chief called to the white house and the president bragging how he is the one responsible for the good vaccine news. is this a win he can claim? >> well, i certainly think that the president gets some credit for pushing this "operation warp speed" as it's called. i think scientists get the credit for doing the work on this and the worst thing the president could do right now is push this through to the point where the scientists come to loggerheads with him and say we're not ready to approve.
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what happens down the line is, that the public doesn't have any feeling that this is actually safe. because they're going to feel like, well, this was pushed way too quickly and you already have a lot of the public believing that's the case. the bottom line here is, the president wants to be able to take credit for something when it has to do with coronavirus. the public believes he mishandled it by overwhelming margins. he said it would disappear. it did not. he needs to be the hero of his own story so this vax ooccine p to it saying that's me, as he said in a press conference over thanksgiving saying the vaccine were totally me. not joe biden. me. that's what he wants to be able to say. >> yeah. i mean, this is, did is an achievement, dr. yasmine and a little bit like letting a bunch of people drown before you rescue other ones. you know? the government failed in other things that it was supposed to do here. >> yeah. >> but this whole vaccine
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process has been moving at record speeds. tell us what the danger is if the fda does try to move even faster now at the president's behest? >> look, it's not vaccines that end the pandemic. the people choosing to get vaccinated. that's what's at stake here. we can have billions of vials of vaccines but if upwards of 200 million americans aren't rolling up their sleeves to get the shot we won't safely reach herd immunity and the pandemic will continue for many more months. unfortunately, the fda hasn't lost his capability in the face of scientists and the face of the public. earlier this year rushed and emergency use authorization of hydroxychloroquine, had to rescind it later saying the drug could are harmful and did the same really rushing the emergency use authorization for plasma as well. the fundamenta fda commissioner came under fire for scientists for that. we have a gar began chew wga ga
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gargantuan talk and taking tile. we don't have time. we're going to have to take drastic and radical measures to rebuild some of that trust, and in some cases build those bridges that have been gone for so many years, because of mistrust in medicine and the scientific establishment. i think it's so important to emphasize that the communication aspect of this is going to be key. we can have bridges and freezers full of vaccine, but if people aren't willing to get vaccinated as so many are saying in surveys, particularly black and latinx populations we just won't reach herd immunity. >> they need buy-in here. listen to something the former cdc director tom frieden said about this process earlier today. >> there may be production problems, may be rumors, people who don't want to take it even if they do have the vaccine. this is probably, george, the
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single most complicated vaccination program in american history. >> even though it's happened so -- >> i suspect bumps in the road. >> bumps in the road. already know, for instance, dr. yasmine, not enough doses at first for the first group. what are these bumps you're anticipating? >> could be everything from not being able to ramp up production as quickly as we like. maybe build the public buy-in people saying we want vaccinated but don't have the capacity to produce, store and administer these vaccines. that taked trained health care professionals. we're looking at candidates that need to be diluted in vials, put in sir riryringes. i don't think any safety corners have been cut so far in the process of these clinical trials, but once you go from testing vaccines in about 40,000 or 50,000 people to
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administering it to hundreds of millions of people you start to see really, really rare occurrences of side effects. we have to plan for those, rare as they might be. they could generate massive mistrust and really fuel the anti-vaccine movement. we have to think ahead to those challenges which are quite inevitable. >> and on one hand because of the pandemic, talking about the vaccines, approach to public health and the economic front. a group of bipartisan senators announcing a framework for a covid relief bill, far short of the $2 trillion democrats wanted but democrat mark warner, stupidity on steroids if congress left for christmas without doing an interim package. is this going to happen? >> the gbig question. who can ever predict what congress is going to do?
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people have lost complete faith in congress, and so i hope for the sake of the country and the sake of members of congress they can figure out something to do, because the public is in need. the public is desperate. congress has been completely ineffective on this front. and i think there's some blame on both sides on this, because you need to give a little to get some, and that didn't happen before the election. now, for the democrats, i think joe biden will be calling the shots to a great degree. and we'll have to see what he can agree to with republicans depending who controls the senate, for example. that's a big unknown. but on the larger question here. it is that the -- people believe the institution of the presidency has been degraded. lots of people don't believe in science anymore. they don't believe in vaccines anymore. they don't believe in the congress anymore. they don't believe in their government anymore. they don't believe in people who
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work for the government anymore. and in order to change or fix that mind-set, to get people to actually kind of believe in the people who can help us get out of this, somebody has to succeed, and that's what people want. >> yeah. so they can have some of that faith restored, so important looking for buy-in in all of these things. thank you for discussing, both of you. still ahead, the president planning to flout covid restrictions once again this week when he heads to georgia to rally voters for the senate runoff elections. plus, we are going to roll the tape on rudy guiliani and the rest of the president's supposed crack legal team. one of them just called for a former election security official to be executed.
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trump's election legal team is as bad at the new york jets. loss after ridiculous loss, week after week of the same platitudes about winning without ever really coming close. joe namath is not walking through that door but tony is soprano might. one of the trump lawyers said called it most secure in history should be whacked. >> anybody who thinks that this election went well like that idiot krebs who used to be head of cybersecurity. >> the guy on "60 minutes" last night. >> that guy is a class a moron and should be drawn and quartered taken out at dawn and shot that is the president's lawyer saying that chris krebs who trump fired for no other reason than doing his job well and telling the truth about it
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it appears, should be executed. degeneral vap calls his language hyperbole is one member of trump's crack legal team. rudy guiliani of course heads it up under active fbi investigation. then sidney powell got the boot for beingspiracies and still fi in the cause. and flagged those in a county because the free press, there is no edison count any michigan. then jenna ellis. >> this is an elite strikeforce team that is working on behalf of the president and the campaign to make sure that our constitution is protected. we are a nation of rules. not a nation of rulers. >> calling trump and idiot in the past, not american. quotes. more recently she's into posting
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fake teddy roosevelt quotes and when kmped defending the posts saying the idea itself is true so basically whatever. these are the people who all got the twitter shout-out from president trump as the best legal team there is. the oompa-loompas in trump's factory and trump is sheting out candy-coated b.s. to anyone willing to take a bite taking the country on a wild ride all of willy wonka who once said come with me and you're be in a world of imagination. in a spin ralphitraveling in a f my imagination. some aren't falling for the shiny ticket. georgia and arizona's governors certified their elections. president trump attacked the governors even though brian kemp of georgia explained the law forbids him from interfering in
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elections and doug ducey of arizona defended his state's election against the president's attacks saying he, who, is following the law. if the president has a legitimate challenge now is the time. there was one particular moment that really speaks volumes, and it happened as ducey was certifying the election yesterday. >> that was a hail to the chief ring tone, hard to hear what that was. who was on the other end of it, ducey explained it earlier this year. >> we've had so much outreach personally from both of president and the vice president that i had to change the ring tone on my phone. and it rings "hail to the chief "awe because i didn't want to miss another phone call directly from the white house. >> that was a call from the
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white house and ducey literally muted it as he certified the will of the voters signing the papers that affirm biden's legitimate win, he sent the ever-lasting fact stopper to voicemail. next, covid cases up in georgia. emergency restrictions extended there. that's not stopping the president and vice president from holding rallies there this week. we're going to take you there live and we're going to talk about the record-breaking cash being spent on the senate runoff elections there now more than $300 million. i felt like... ...i was just fighting an uphill battle in my career. so when i heard about the applied digital skills courses, i'm thinking i can become more marketable.
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president trump is attacking yet again georgia's republican governor on twitter today. he is fuming that governor brian kemp won't overturn joe biden's victory in the peach state even though it would be unlawful to do that. so it's going to be interesting when the president heads to georgia on saturday as he try whip up support for republican senators kelly loeffler and david perdue. vice president pence heads there friday. georgia's january runoffs will decide control of the senate. if the going to be democrats or republicans. cnn's ryan young is joining me now from atlanta. rye's, the governor just extended covid restrictions in the state. the president and vice president, though, are still planning to hold large events. right? >> reporter: absolutely. georgia is center of the universe when it comes to
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politics now especially in the united states. think about this in terms of friday, vice president pence will be here. they'll be a defend the majority rally held in savanna. both candidates there with him as well. then he'll travel over to the cdc here in atlanta to have a conversation about the vaccine. of course, he was just here a few weeks ago as wealth. then on saturday, president trump is expected to be here to have another ral pip think about this. right now cases are sitting, talk about over 450,000 positive coronavirus cases in the state and puts georgia around number six in terms of all the cases in this country. so ale that's happening with major rallies planned over the next few days. >> seems like a recipe for disaster heading in there for big rallies. you know, it's really wild when you look at the ad spending numbers here. we're talking about $30 million for the two runoffs. tell us how that money, where it's coming from. >> reporter: well, you think about this. in terms of ads placed.
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if you live in this state and turn on your television you cannot get through a commercial break without getting hit by double ads. two, three, four ads, crisscrossing the state in terms of money spending. talking about $300 million spent, two senate races going on same time and define the majority of the senate in the next few weeks. these two ads, take a look, on airwaves at this point. >> nobody can serve god and the military! >> raphael warnock attacks our military. >> police power. the kind of gangster and thug mentality. >> warnock attacks our police. >> somebody's got to open up the jails. >> raphael warnock is dangerous. >> kelly loeffler might have something good to say about herself if she really wants to represent georgia. instead she's trying to scare people by taking things i've said out of context from over 25 years of being a pastor. but i think georgians will see her ads for what they are --
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don't you? >> brianna, talking to voters throughout the state and in fact the last few days. they've been saying they've surprised by the amount of ads hitting them, because it's constant. barrage is. of course, you have the president and vice president coming here and then the president constantly attacking the governor here. in fact, about two weeks ago there were several rallies held outside the state capitol with people pro-trump basically saying they're going to abandon the republican party because they're upset with the administration. you have all of this circling around and, of course, early voting starts december 14th. some folks can't wait for these ads to end. it's been very hectic and an all-out fight here in of georgia. >> georgia getting a taste of being a swing state. ryan, thank you. >> reporter: absolutely. >> going on a while longer. next, republican senate john cornyn goes after
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president-elect biden's pick to lead the budget office. why? because of her mean tweets. we'll roll the tape. at dell technologies, we started by making the cloud easier to manage. but we didn't stop there. we made a cloud flexible enough to adapt to any size business. no matter what it does, or how it changes. and we kept going. so you only pay for what you use. because at dell technologies, we nothing. ♪
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. we have breaking news. the attorney general of the united states william barr has just debunked president trump's claims of widespread election fraud. in an interview with the associated press he said "to date we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election." i bring in cnn legal analyst anne milgrom and cnn political analyst ron brownstein to be here. a significant statement coming from the attorney general and one of the president's loyalists. >> it is. a really important statement. i've followed the civil cases that the campaign filed. they've lost 39 of those cases. i think they've won one and lost
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39 and courts continue to dismiss them with the circuit saying not enough to allege fraud. you have to come to court and prove it and they haven't done it. another piece of the puzzle, criminal investigations. we know earlier attorney general barr told lawyers and attorney generals they could investigate if they wanted. in longstanding with the doj policy and now saying they've looked at systemic allegations of fraud and haven't found anything and this really i think pushes it a lot closer to all the litigation between done. he said to date. we're a month after the election and i think if anything was going to come to be investigated he would have seen it by now. >> inherent in what bill barr is saying here is that joe biden won the election. what is your reaction? >> right. the fact that even bill barr is saying this, who has been the most loyalist to the president, who has repeatedly kind of twisted the law and the facts to
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try to benefit the president from the way he characterized the mueller report initially, all the way through. the fact even he it reaching this conclusion, brianna, makes it even more astonishing and egregious more republicans in congress haven't said the same. as though the sky is blue and there could not have been fraud on a scale to finish around 6.5 million or a 7 million vote margin. the fact bill barr got here makes it even, i think, underscores just how exposed these republicans in congress are and how cynical and corrosive their behavior has been in terms of allowing to undermine faith in the election which is happening among republican voters. >> ron, you have a fascinating piece on today that's about how the gop's silence right now has eck hoes of mccary inch. tell us about that. >> look, if anything, republicans in congress today
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are surrendering to trump's conspiracy claims even more about t abjectly than republicans did in 1950. robert taft, senate republican lead leader, the mitch mcconnell of his day expressed doubts from the beginning of communist infiltration in the government, but in public always supported him. a combination of expediency and fear. expediency thought he was a useful weapon against the truman administration and fear got more powerful republicans worried about he would turn his fire on them. ultimately they lost control, as mccarthy continued to make the charges once dwight eisenhower, a republican, became president. eventually it destroyed him. for years, republicans went along despite knowing that these theories, these conspiracy theories were wild and implausible. you're seeing much of the same behavior. i think mitch mcconnell will stand in history right next to
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robert taft for enabling a conspiracy he knows deep down is unfounded and extremely damping to kind of the social stability of the country. >> an important read. ron, thank you for talking to us about it. anne, thank you so much as well for discussing all of this with us. trump amnesia is sweeping through washington. republicans who selectively ignored all kinds of transgressions by president trump suddenly regained moral and ethical standards now that democrats have taken control of the white house. they're acting like the last five years never happened. the person most recently afflicted with trump amnesia is texas republican senator john cornyn slamming president-elect biden's selection neera tanden. >> in light of her em battled and insulting comments about many members of the senate, mainly on our side of the aisle,
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that it creates certainly a problematic path. i've noted she deleted a lot of her previous tweets in the last couple of weeks, which is, seems pretty juvenile, and i mean, as it people don't have access to them. >> now, he is right that neera tanden is a mean tweeter and reportedly has been deleting some tweets noticeably about republican senators whose votes she needs for confirmation. like everyone else, should be health accountable for what she puts on social media. perhaps senator cornyn clutching his pearls in donald trump's oyster bar. let's roll his pearl clumping one more time. >> i think in light of her combative and insulting comments about many members of the
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senate, mainly on our side of the aisle, that it creates certainly a problematic path. >> combative and insulting comments about senators. >> call them lyin' ted cruz. he's lyin' ted cruz. we're not going to -- he used to kiss my ass, chuck schumer. >> and when it came to vietnam. >> that stiff, mitt romney. total stiff running. by the way, he's a dope. >> this monster onstage with mike pence, destroyed her by the way, this monster. >> rand paul shouldn't even oben the stage. pocahontas, elizabeth warren, a total failure. >> crazy bernie. he is so crazy. >> don't fall asleep as we talk about sleeping -- >> i think lindsey graham is a
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disgrace. the guy is a nut job. i mean -- >> honestly, honestly, honestly, i don't want his endorsement. i don't want anything to do with him. >> he's not a war hero. he's a war hero because he was captured? >> little marco, they hate him in florida. >> the other ironic part of cornyn's trump many niesha is h ap niesha is sudden interest in twitter. often dodges questions about president trump's tweets pretending he hasn't seen them sometimes not so subtly. >> senator cornyn, can you stop at the mics for a second? what do you make of the president's tweet this morning? does the president need to be more cautious about what he tweets? >> now his sudden intense interest in the twittersphere. tweets from the president, cornyn doesn't want to talk about them or know about them he told one reporter. he said, "it's not his job to
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provide running commentary on the president's behavior" but tweets from a perspective budget director he would like to provide running commentary on her behavior. wait. more trump amnesia. cornyn suddenly very concerned about the business dealings of biden's nominees. >> the truth of the matter is we have simply no idea what kind of business or financial relationships these individual have with foreign powers. that could influence their actions as high-ranking government officials. this goes way beyond compliance with the foreign agents registration act. this is an ethical issue. it's a conflict of interests issue, when it comes to the business dealings of those who could serve in high-ranking government positions, full transparency. that's the only option. in fact, i will make a pledge here today, i will not support any nominee who doesn't provide full transparency into their
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work on behalf of a foreign government. >> cornyn's pledge wasn't one that he was interested in taking when he voted for president trump twice. cornyn details reasonable concerns but forward to ask those same questions of the once most powerful man in america. a president who delivers taxpayer dollars to his own businesses domestic and foreign by almost exclusively staying at trump properties during his travels as president, who hosted foreign dignitaries at his properties. who has continued business dealings in foreign countries while in the white house who hid his phone calls with foreign leaders and on and on. only several minutes here. trump also refused to release his tax returns. a big one, of course. never to this day revealed what foreign entanglements he had. the "new york times" got the closest reporting that trump still gets tense of millions in revenue and income from overseas, whether through properties or licensing deals. but concerns over that kind of thing just slipped cornyn's mind
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until about a month before election day as his re-election bid was shaping up to be uncomfortably competitive. he suddenly caught the courage to call the president out just a little saying that he should have released his taxes. but last year cornyn didn't seem to think it was an issue for congress. >> this is not about trying to look at the president's tax returns. that's really not a legitimate scope of oversight. this is all for show. >> trump amnesia may strike the senate, but tape doesn't forget. ahead, we have more on our breaking news. attorney general bill barr saying there is no evidence of widespread fraud to change the election, which refutes the president. stand by for that.
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. the nfl game between the baltimore ravens and the pittsburgh steelers has been delayed because of coronavirus for the third time. tonight's rescheduled game is now going to be played tomorrow. as cases are surging nationwide, many are now wondering if it's a matter of time before the nfl accepts what some say is the inevitab inevitable. cnn's martin savage is live outside the football stadium. martin? >> reporter: brianna, just as america is seeing a dangerous rise in covid cases, so is the nfl, and it could threaten the most important part of the season. coronavirus is throwing the nfl into chaos. things might have looked normal monday night. they're not. >> for this nfl season, it takes the entire nfl season doing
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their part. >> reporter: covid-19 has forced a match-up between the baltimore ravens and the unbeaten pittsburgh steelers to be rescheduled three times. according to the ravens' webs e website, about 20 team members have been placed on the list this week. have you ever seen that? >> no, i think so many things about this season we've never seen before. >> reporter: how about those broncos? when quarterback jeff driscoll tested positive, the rest of the quarterbacks were placed into quarantine after they didn't follow the rules about masks. they were forced to use a rookie receiver. they got crushed by the saints. >> i've never been playing football since i was in second grade and i certainly wasn't ready on the roster. >> after santa clara county put new anti-covid restrictions in place, including banning contact
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sports. critics say it all shows how impossible it is to play football out in the open without a bubble environment. the nba played about 10% of its regular season games and all of its playoffs in orlando under strict quarantine and guidelines. not a single game was sidelined by coronavirus. but players say the responsibility is on them. >> we are not immune to covid. our testing, our protocols will not stop a player from contracting covid outside of the building. >> reporter: sports columnist jared bell says the nfl's covid problems aren't due to a lack of strict guidelines but a lack of compliance by certain teams and players like denver. >> you know, for the life of me, i don't understand why those broncos quarterbacks refuse to really stick to the protocols. they put their team at a great risk. >> reporter: but sunday night's tampa bay-kansas city game suggests even the league's star
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still doesn't get it. there was patrick mahomes and tom brady after the graame, midfield, no social distancing, and no masks. >> it tell the truth, patrick mahomes and tom brady are the faces of the nfl. and for them not to show the example, it just really speaks to someone thinking they are bigger than the problem. >> reporter: some have argued, of course, that these are pro athletes, that covid is no threat to them, they're in great physical health. maybe, maybe not. but there's no saying what kind of impact it could have of those who come in contact with nfl players. it's cliche but it's true. unlike football, covid is no game. brianna? >> it is no game. martin savage, thank you so much, live for us from atlanta. and next, the attorney general of the united states is now publicly disputing the
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president's claims of widespread election fraud. we're going to have the breaking details about what the justice department found in its investigation. subway® app! did i just get picked off by deion sanders? you sure did! now in the app, get a free footlong when you buy two. because it's footlong season™! to save you up to 60%. these are all great. and when you get a big deal... ♪ feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal.
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none, zero, zilch, nada, nil, nothing. no evidence of widespread voter fraud. the word from the attorney of justice, bill barr, said they found in proof of fraud that would change the 2020 election. this flies completely in the face of the marathon of baseless claims the president continues to allege even today. and coming from barr himself, who has largely been seen as a trump loyalist, the conclusion means a lot. let's begin at the white house with our white house correspondent kaitlan collins and also our cnn political correspondent sara murray. kaitlan, i want to begin with you. it's my understanding that bill barr has just been skeeen at th white house? what do you know? >> reporter: a lot has happened in the last few moments because bill barr gave this interview with the associated press where he is completely knocking down the president's claims that
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