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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  December 7, 2020 12:00am-1:00am PST

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-- captions by vitac -- hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. ahead on "cnn newsroom" with coronavirus cases and hospitalizations putting pressure on health care systems across the u.s., california places tens of millions under strict new restrictions to slow down the virus' spread. plus a cnn exclusive report from
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the sudan ethiopia border. refugees who risked their life to escape conflict. and later, all eyes on the uk, as it readies to become the first western nation to rollout a covid-19 vaccine. good to have you with us. a staggering surge in covid cases across the u.s. is stretching hospitals thin. as one expert warns, a grim future lies ahead in the coming weeks. more than 175,000 cases were reported sunday, including more than 30,000 in california alone. new restrictions have just gone into effect for tens of millions of people in that state. they will be required to stay at home for the next few weeks. california is battling record number of new infections, and it's not alone. in just the first five days of
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this month, the u.s. reported more than one million cases. it took 100 days to reach that same milestone when the pandemic first began. and as cases rise, so do hospitalizations. the u.s. is seeing the highest number of covid-19 hospitalizations ever. more than 101,000. among those hospitalized is president donald trump's personal attorney rudy giuliani. the 76-year-old was admitted sunday after mr. trump announced giuliani had tested positive. a member of the white house coronavirus task force is urging the public to stay vigilant. >> it's really important at this moment in time that everyone understands also how much virus is out there. there isn't a state without increasing cases right now except hawaii. so, this is where we find ourselves, and we have to listen right now to what we know works,
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which is masks, physical distancing, washing your hands. but not gathering. you cannot gather without masks in any indoor or close outdoor situation. >> amid all this, cautious optimism a vaccine will soon be available. the chief scientific adviser for operation warp speed still urges caution though. >> this virus is a killer. we have a vaccine. there is light at the end of the tunnel, but we will not all have the vaccine in our arms before may or june. so, we need to be very cautious and vigilant. in california, officials hope the new restrictions now in place will help curve the spread of covid-19. but those measures will also be putting pressure on some businesses forced to close their doors. paul vercammen has the details.
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>> reporter: one of the rules is no more outdoor dining. for these restaurant owners it's awful and worse for the employees. the closed down pineapple hill saloon and grill in sherman oaks. she says one thing that is crushing for her is telling employees they do not have a job for the holidays. >> it's unbearable. you try to put on a good face. you try to say don't worry, we're going to reopen, i'm going omake it happen. but to look at my staff, give them their last paycheck right before christmas and some of them are newer staff that have been shut down over and over and their unemployment's running out and they have kids and children. it's the most excruciating feeling. >> there's no options. there's no pgs os for our entire
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industry and it's not because we're trying to stay on unemployment and just sit on that. >> yours is almost out. >> mine is almost out and i have no idea -- i have no idea what i'm going to do. >> and the owner here at the saloon and grill telling me she's explored the possibility of takeout, is still trying to work it out. but the numbers just don't add up in terms of trying to make some kind of profit by staying out for takeout and delivery only. reporting from ser mherman oaks. president trump's personal attorney appears to be in good spirits after his coronavirus diagnosis and hospitalization. rudy giuliani tweeted that he is getting great care and feeling good. cnn's jeremy diamond has more. >> reporter: coronavirus has struck once again inside president trump's inner circle, this time the former new york city mayor and president trump's personal attorney rudy giuliani testing positive for the virus. the president announcing the news in a tweet on sunday.
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he didn't provide many details about the condition but a source familiar with the matter told me a few hours after the president's tweet that mayor giuliani was admitted to the hospital, admitted to georgetown university hospital here in washington, d.c., a sign that clearly his condition was serious enough to at least warrant hospitalization. giuliani of course is 76 years old and in that higher risk category. but what we've seen from mayor giuliani is engaging in the kind of behavior you shouldn't engage in during this coronavirus pandemic especially the during the higher risk category. giuliani was crisscrossing the country visiting three key states. you can see him at atlanta, georgia at the georgia state capitol, shaking hands, hugging people, taking pick which you ares with folks in very close quarters, all of this not wearing a mask. this is the kind of reckless behavior, again, that not only puts mayor giuliani at risk but puts other folks at risk.
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now that he has tested positive, a lot of those people could potentially have been infected with the virus. that's obviously ai concern. major giuliani, we don't have many up-cates on his condition, but his son took to twitter saying my dad is resting, getting good care and feeling well. and giuliani's just the latest person in the president's inner circle to test positive for the virus. we have seen dozens of people close to the president testing positive. while you certainly can contract this virus while you're trying to be as careful as possible, many of those around the president are folks who have disregarded the public health guidelines, rejecting the wearing of action ms. as an important measure and none other than the president himself has continued to disregard public health guidelines and hasn't done anything amid this deadly surge of the pandemic to encourage americans to take those steps. cnn, the white house. and joining me now from los angeles is dr. robert kim farley, a professor at the ucla
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fielding school of public health. he's also the former director of communicable disease control and prevention at the los angeles county public health department. thank you, doctor, for joining us and for all you do. >> rosemary, it's always good to be with you. thank you. >> thank you. so, most of california now under stay-at-home orders in an effort to control this virus. it is, of course, a delicate balancing act trying to protect citizens while not damaging the economy too drastically. would the strict enforcement of mask wearing better serve the state, or is this lockdown absolutely necessary at this time? >> at this time, with the amount of surge -- in fact i'm now calling it a viral tsunami that is hitting us -- we really need to pull out all the stops to be able to stop this tsunami and begin to flatten the curve and ideally get going back down
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again with the number of cases. we are experiencing situations such that for example here in southern california only something like 10.3% of our icu beds are now available. >> yeah, the numbers are absolutely shocking. of course on the national stage, president trump's personal attorney rudy giuliani has been admitted to hospital after testing positive for covid-19. he certainly sounds like he's feeling well at this point. he has ignored health guidelines. and after coming into close contact with many people in atlanta last thursday and in the days that followed, many others have now been exposed to the virus as well. what do those people need to do, and how bad could this prove to be for giuliani given he is 76 years old with some very serious underlining health issues? >> certainly as we all wish for anyone speedy health. the situation of course for him, he is elderly, 76, in the sense
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that that's a higher risk group. i hope that mainly your viewership takes away the message that, look, masking the important and that this disease can affect anyone, no matter what level you are at. so, we all need to be playing our part here to wear a mask, to practice physical distancing. that's the only way we really can stop this from being a catastrophe for us as we see around the country everywhere is going up at the same time now. and i think that we need to double down on our efforts, hang in there because as an earlier speaker mentioned, we do have a light at the end of the tunnel now with vaccines on their way. so, we all need to just step up one more time here and turn this around again. >> right. let's talk about that countdown to the day when we have access to the covid-19 vaccine. of course the uk preparing to start their vaccinations this week. and pfizer's fda advisory
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meeting set for this coming thursday in the united states. it's expected that once approved, distribution of that vaccine will start almost immediately here in the u.s. going first to health professionals and residents of nursing homes and then to other vulnerable groups and ultimately the general public. what concerns do you have about the challenges involved in getting as many people vaccinated as soon as possible? >> well, i think there's a number of challenges. first of course is the manufacturing capacity. pfizer and moderna and astrazeneca are all trying to gear up as fast as they can but as safely as they can. there's the issue of the supply side. there's the issue of logistics to get the vaccine out to the different places that need it. some of them, for example the pfizer vaccine has the particular challenges in the minus 70 degree centigrade temperature that requires it to be stored at. thirdly, we have the challenge of the public stepping up and
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getting vaccine. we want to make sure everyone is comfortable about the vaccine, they realize this has gone through scientific processes and vetted. so, it's going to be a safe and effective vaccine. but we all need to step up and take it because that will then give us our community immunity or herd immunity as it is sometimes referred to, that will then break the back of this pandemic here in the united states. >> dr. robert kim farley, thank you so much for joining us. we do appreciate it. >> it's my pleasure. >> thank you. well, voters here in georgia have some major political leverage right now. the state is less than a month away from two run off elections that will decide whether republicans keep control of the u.s. senate. on sunday, republican incumbent kelly loeffler debated democratic challenger raphael warnock. loeffler faced questions about president trump and his claims of election fraud. she said he has a right to investigate alleged issues.
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listen. >> it's very clear that there were issues in this election. there are 250 investigations open, including an investigation into one of my opponent's organizations for voter fraud. and we have to make sure that georgians trust this process. president trump has every right to use every legal recourse available. in our own state, we've seen time and again that we have invest gaugss that need to be completed. >> and georgia's secretary of state, a republican, says his office has yet to find evidence supporting fraud that would change the election's outcome. and loeffler's opponent in the senate race says it's time to move forward. >> stacey abrams did not refuse to acknowledge the fact that her opponent was the governor. here we are several weeks after the election, and kelly loeffler continues to cast doubt on an american democratic election.
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it's time to put this behind us and get focused on the concerns of ordinary people. >> well, meantime, republican incumbent david perdue refused to participate in a e ddebate against his opponent, democratic candidate jon ossoff. so on sunday ossoff debated next to an empty podium. ron brownstein is a cnn political analyst. he joins me now from los angeles. always great to have you with us. >> so good to be here, rosemary. >> so, we'll watch the debate between republican kelly loeffler and raphael warnock as they battled it out in advance of the senate run off election in georgia. which one came out on top and what do the polls show in terms of which one has to do to win this very close election? >> so far the polling has shown raphael warnock ahead, the caveat being it is hard to poll for a special election because
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you have even lez certainty about who is going to show up and vote than you do in a normal election. and obviously in this previous november we saw once again the polls underestimated how many of trump's non-urban non-college white supporters would turn out. in this debate, you saw that kelly loeffler was completely invested in a single message, robotically really, over and over again, that raphael warnock was a radical liberal tool of chuck schumer. you can see from that debate she's pretty much abandoned the idea of trying to move the white collar suburbs outside of atlanta that trended away from donald trump. she is all about turning out the base. raphael warnock probably could have pushed back sometimes harder but i thought he was effective on one consistent note. i am one of you. she is a rich person. she looked out for herself when things got hard with coronavirus. >> she also knows the word socialist scares a lot of
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republicans and kept repeating that one over and other. >> yeah. >> the other senate run off is a race between david perdue and democrat jon ossoff, but purdue refused to debate his rival. in his place was an empty lectern while ossoff took questions from the moderators. how does perdue get away with refusing to debate not once but twice? >> it's a calculated risk for him in that both of these republicans are betting overwhelmingly on turning out the trump base. and i think they are assuming that they will not pay a price for refusing to participate in the normal rules of small deed democracy, much like donald trump has. and david perdue outpolled jon ossoff in november. he ran ahead of -- perdue ran ahead of donald trump. i think there is a risk to him. as to loeffler, as if there is any kind of splinter in that
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trump base, based on all of the accusations flying back and forth between the president and the leading republicans in georgia about, you know, the president's unfounded claims of fraud there, they are -- they are conducting themselves in a way, both perdue and loeffler, that leaves them very little margin for error with their suburban voters. i didn't see anything with loeffler tonight that was aimed at converting anyone who wasn't already in her camp, and obviously perdue by skipping the debate altogether is sending a similar message. >> and president trump has talked so much about his false claims of election fraud that many republicans in georgia are now questioning why they should even bother to turn out to vote. what's the likely impact of voters being told the system is rigged on one hand but then being asked to get out and vote? what are they supposed to make of that? >> it's cognitive dissonance. and probably not a lot of voters will be affected by it b. it you don't need a lot of voters to tip the outcome in a state that is now a true swing state, that
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is this closely divided. and kelly loeffler was kind of pathetic on that front tonight. she just simply would not say that donald trump won the election -- lost the election, excuse me. she would not defend the governor of georgia who appointed her. she offered not a single word of defense to him against all of donald trump's claims. and it just shows you what a difficult position these republicans are in now that they have bet their futures so entirely on turning out the trump base, having accepted the erosion trump has generated. that means they have lilly way in the base and you saw that tonight on the struggles with the answers. >> ron brownstein, thank you as always. >> thank you. the u.s. attorney general is considering quitting his post before president trump leaves office. that is according to a source who says william barr is unhappy with how the president is handling things.
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there's been tension between the two after barr said the justice department found no evidence of widespread election fraud. two whus officials told cnn that mr. trump has considered firing barr but was advised against it. meanwhile president-elect joe biden is expected to nominate california attorney general to lead the department of health and human services. that is according to a biden transition official. if confirmed by the senate, javier becerra would serve a critical role in the response to the pandemic. he's a former member of congress and first latino to serve as california's attorney general. he's a big defender of the affordable care act signed into law by former president barack obama. and still to come, preparing to roll out the vaccine. we head to the uk where an important new week in the battle against covid-19 has just begun. a cnn exclusive report from the
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ethiopia-sudan border, what refugees are telling us about the fighting inside the tigray region, who's being targeted and why. back in just a moment. essed skin that struggles? new aveeno® restorative skin therapy. with our highest concentration of prebiotic oat intensely moisturizes over time to improve skin's resilience. aveeno® healthy. it's our nature™.
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the ethiopian government has reiterated it's claim that the active forces are restoring law and order now. this statement comes as cnn has exclusively learned that the conflict is entangling neighboring countries. a member of the liberation group in the tigray region told cnn that the majority of the forces operating there are actually frommer trea. a cnn team on that border has collected testimony indicating troops are targeting civilians because of their ethnicity. and cnn senior international correspondent joins us now from london with her exclusive report. always good to see you emma. what all did you find in your
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investigation? >> reporter: well it is very much the worst possible scenario for those looking on at what's happening in the horn of africa, a regional contagion that threatens not to just entangle on the ground fighting, we have been told, but also to place further burdens on sudan's already overburdened infrastructure system. much of what you are about to see and hear is incredibly disturbing but is also incredibly important. this is testimony that these refugees risked their lives to tell. take a look at this, rosemary. the sudan-ethiopia border, the last leg in the journey to safety. in the first weeks of the conflict, thousands of refugees crossed daily. now the figures are dwindling day by day. those that do make it here come bearing scars and testimony.
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this man says he fled the city near the border. he says the soldiers beat them with machine guns, laid them on the ground and put weapons in their mouths. he said if you showed fear, they would kill you, but if you were brave, you escaped with the scars on your back. this young man described the same scene but asked that we not share his name. like many here, he's still afraid. it's very hard to know what is happening in the tigray region because the government has enforced a communications blackout. a cnn team spent days gathering testimony from refugees who say they were targeted because of their tigray ethnicity. they're taking dangerous risks to find safety. they already arrived in sudan.
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heavily pregnant when attacked by the army, she fled through back routes, giving birth in a field. she tells us only she and her mother-in-law made it to safety. we can't independently verify their accounts, but they all tell a similar story. ethiopian army enters the town, they say, tells civilians they're safe. ethiopian soldiers leave and then other armed groups arrive. they fled not too far from the sudanese border. he says the final militia opened fire and people started to flee. he was hit in the leg with a bullet and fell on the ground, his body mangled with that from other bodies piled on top of them and the militiamen threw him in a stream, left him for dead. allied with ethiopian forces, he
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said he was saved by other tigray refugees who found him and helped him flee to sudan. this man is 21. he says he was also left for dead. he shows us the bandage wound where he says he was attacked with an ax. a spokesman for the ethiopian prime minister denies these claims and told cnn these refugees' testimonies are a result of the foear of the prop gou gann da. acknowledges the militia of the region were engaged to the extent of securing border towns between the two regions. sudan is strugglingal economically and this influx of refugees have found little comfort on this side of the border. but at least it's somewhere safe. >> the ethiopian government
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would not comment specifically on this testimony. the air tray yan groups are in the government. we reached out to them many times but were unsuccessful in seeking comment. >> extraordinary report. appreciate it. coming up next, they are calling it v-day, the uk gears up to administer its first doses of the covid-19 vaccine. that story in just a moment. [ whispering ]
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what's this? oh, are we kicking karly out? we live with at&t. it was a lapse in judgment. at&t, we called this house meeting because you advertise gig-speed internet, but we can't sign up for that here. yeah, but i'm just like warming up to those speeds. you've lived here two years. the personal attacks aren't helping, karly. don't you have like a hot pilates
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class to get to or something? [ muffled scream ] stop living with at&t. xfinity can deliver gig to the most homes. well, as we've been
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reporting, million of people face new restrictions in california due to record covid numbers there. and here's how other parts of the world are responding to the pandemic this hour. china's vaccines have arrived in indonesia. 1.2 million doses were transported there. indonesia has been testing the vaccine since august. in europe, there are major new restrictions for people in the german state of bavaria, with special rules for christmas while parts of the uk will begin rolling out vaccinations on tuesday following emergency approval. so, let's stay in europe. for more on its pandemic strategy, sarah von yea is in london as a very big week begins, while fred joins us from berlin. the world watching very closely how it distributes the vaccine. how is this going to work? >> absolutely rosemary, it's
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hard to understate how important this week is going to be, a real turning point in countries fighting the pandemic, not just the uk, but every country that intends to roll out the pfizer biontech vaccine. it's been here four days and even though it hasn't been administered yet, the first jabs will be delivered tomorrow, tuesday, in scotland, england and wales. while preparations have been underway largely out of sight of the cameras for the last few days. the doses have been in country for four days. this entails significant challenges, this particular vaccine, because it needs to be stored and kept and handled at temperatures of minus 70 degrees celsius. so, the doses have arrived. they were checked for quality of livty. they are being dispatched to 50 hospitals here in england this will act as vaccination centers. the goal was as a matter of priority vaccinate residents of care homes. however because of the
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logistical challenges that we just underscored, that is not going to happen immediately. because it is so dpget those dos of the vaccine at that temperature into the care homes, it's difficult to transport them. the first people who will be receiving the jab tomorrow, tuesday, are over 80 year olds who are already in those hospitals either as outpatients or inpatients. they will be offered the jab first. then the hospitals will be inviting the staff of care homes as well as at-risk members of the health service. and that, rosemary, is how it's going to work this week. from there on, the system and the vaccination campaign is going to expand. local doctors have been put on stand by to start vaccinating in a few -- smub of number of primary care practices. >> it is incredible. so, while these vaccines are being dispensed to health professionals and nursing home
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residents, what is the situation on the ground with cases, hospitalizations and deaths across the uk? >> well, the numbers, rosemary, have been trending in the right direction for i'd say about two weeks now. now, england is coming out of a one-month lockdown that ended just a few days ago. having said that, tens of millions of people are still in tiers. the country is divided in different tiers. ten of millions of people are still in tiers living in very tight restrictions. the good news is the number of infections and deaths has been going down. things are trepding in the right direction here in england. in wales not so much. on friday they had to implement new restrictions that pubs and restaurants close starting at 6:00 p.m. pubs and restaurants not allowed to serve alcohol. the hope, rosemary, is that these vaccines are going to be able to bring the pandemic under
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control here. but we have to be realistic about the timeline. it will be at least several months before we see the vaccination campaign, the immunization campaign really start to make a dent in the number of infections. >> yeah, very true reality check there. and fred, let's go to you now in berlin. what is the latest on the virus across germany and of course preparations for vaccinations there? >> hi there, rosemary. well n germany, all the indicators right now seem to be going in the opposite direction of what serial was saying from the united kingdom. they're saying all of germany, every single region in germany is now a high risk coronavirus area, every state, which means they've had incidents of cases of coronavirus of more than 50 per 100,000 inhabitants for at least seven days in a row. and i was also just checking the number of cases. there are new cases for today. and it's -- that were put out today. and it's about 12,300.
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that's about 1,200 more than monday last week. so, you can see how things are sort of trending in the wrong direction here in germany. the germans essentially saying with the lockdown measures they've had so far that they've managed to flatten the curve a little bit. they've managed to flatten the curve a lot actually. but it's not going down here in germany. that's huge concern for angela merkel's government and state authorities as well. you mentioned bavaria now tightening its lockdown measures. people who want to leave their house have a good reason to do so, for instance doing work, doing sports, buying groceries as well. and other german states are doing exactly the same thing. as far as the vaccine is concerned, we've been reporting about the fact that the germans have been setting up these vaccination centers around the country to make sure they hit the ground running when the vaccine comes out. and just late last night, angela merkel's chief of staff was on a talk show, germany's most read daily, and there she said
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sheblsd the first vaccinations in this country are going to happen at the very beginning of next year. we know the european medicines authority has not given a green light for emergency use for the pfizer biontech vaccine. they believe that will happen later this month and the germans are saying the beginning of next year is when they believe vaccines are going to start happening in this country. we're looking at the numbers here in germany. can't happen soon enough, rosemary. >> absolutely. we certainly feel that here in the united states as well. fred polite ken joining us live from the uk. south korea has more active cases than any point in the pandemic. kristie lu stout joins us now. what's driving this surge and what restrictions are now in place as a result of this? >> reporter: a number of new clusters.
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it's not -- what we've seen -- the second wave where the cluster was isolated to a night club. this is just silent chains of transmission taking place throughout the country, particularly in seoul. it's gotten so serious that we learned today that the south korean military has been called in to help out with contact tracing efforts, this according to the blue houses monday. south korea is clamping down hard on the coronavirus as a number of new cases reaches a high not seen since nine months ago. on tuesday the south korean government will roll out a number of new tough social distancing measures as those cases surge in the capital. in the seoul metropolitan area starting on tuesday, there will be a ban on any social gatherings of more than 50 people. that pertains to both weddings and funerals. there will also be a ban on spectators and sports events. we've also learned that gyms and karaoke businesses will be closed. as for the rest of the country,
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it will be mandatory to wear a face mask in all indoor facilities in south korea. bars and clubs will be closed and restaurants will only be allowed to serve delivery or takeout after 9:00 p.m. the measures remain in place until at least three weeks from now. at the weekend we heard from the minister of health and welfare, and he describes this moment as a, quote, dangerous situation. take a listen. >> he concluded that this is a dangerous situation on the verge of expanding into a nationwide pandemic. accordingly, we decided to raise the social distancing level to 2.5 in the capital area which is a strict restriction on social activities and raise the level to 2 in non-capital areas in order to prevent the spread. >> reporter: today, south korea reported 615 new covid-19 infections. on sunday, it reported 631 new cases of the virus. that is the highest number south korea has seen and reported since march. rosemary. >> incredible.
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kristie lu stout, bringing us the latest there from hong kong. many thanks. coming up next, the uk's relationship with europe hangs in the balance and there's no guarantee of an orderly future. the latest on trade negotiations that come warn could actually fail. with mucinex all-in-one you've got unbeatable relief from your worst cold and flu symptoms. so when you need to show your cold who's boss, grab mucinex all-in-one... and get back to your rhythm. feel the power. beat the symptoms fast.
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just like you watch over your best friend. another life-changing technology from abbott, so you don't wait for life. you live it. welcome back everyone. well, as expected, venezuela's ruling party has won the country's controversial parliamentary election. but reportedly with very low voter turnout. opposition leaders urge the public to boycott what they called a fraudulent election perpetrated by president nicolas maduro. he calls the results a great victory of the democracy and the constitution, but the opposition's juan guaido which is recognized by the u.s. and many other nations as the
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interim president says venezuelaens have turned their backs on the government. >> translator: today, what you have is a fraud in argue country, which has been clearly rejected, and not just in the photos and videos but across the country. the contrast to this is to go out into the streets and to demand the right to choose. >> u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo calls the election a fraud and a sham. the british prime minister and european commission president are due to speak again today about a post-brexit trade deal. negotiations restarted over the weekend in brussels. so far both sides have said key differences remain. and now ireland is weighing in, raising concerns about controversial internal market bill. cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson joins us live from lon do. good to see you, nic. the deadline is looming yet again. where's all this going? >> well, we know at the end of
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today there will be another telephone between boris johnson and the european commission president. we know that in about an hour and a half ago the eu's chief negotiator michelle bonn yea briefed eu ambassadors about how far the talks had moved so far. from the talks they'd had the previous day. they're obviously in talks continuing today. and we understand they moment that there haven't been significant progress or they certainly haven't bridged the gap ts on the three key remaining issues on fisheries, on the playing field and the regulations that would govern how you implement and manage the agreement, that those are still outstanding. and there does seem to be the tone coming from brussels coming out of that briefing the way that's been reported out, bonn yea's brief being the ambassador social security that the eu's willing to go the extra distance. the problem at the moment is however from their perspective that it's the british that need
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to move. this is negotiations coming down to the wire. the irish prime minister said yesterday he believed there's also 50/50% chance of this going either way and what we heard from the irish foreign minister yesterday as well, a position that ireland has put forward for quite a while now that this internal market bill in the uk, which breaks international law, if passed it breaks the withdrawal agreement that was previously agreed, specifically on clauses to do with trade between northern ireland and moving goods between northern ireland and mainland britain, that that, he says, could be, you know, seen as a point that's being used as leverage by the uk, a point that could sour the negotiations as they're going at the moment and why that comes into frame and focus today is
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quite simply because boris johnson will make a decision today and it seems likely he will to push ahead with the contentious clauses in them. those clauses were removed by the house of lords. this all gets very complicated. but i think the overall picture is this is coming down to the wirement there's a lot of moving pieces. the mood music from europe at the moment however is that it's the uk that needs to make a decision and move. it's a negotiation. we haven't heard from downing street this morning responding to that, but we think we know what it b will. we expect the eu to move too. >> we'll watch closely. nic robertson joining us from london. many thanks. skblnchts if you think it's been warm recently, you're absolutely right. scientists say we have just had a report hot november. what thoo means for the world. we'll take a look next. ...or co? introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. now temperature balancing, so you can sleep better together can it help keep me asleep?
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welcome back everyone. well, european scientists say last month was the hottest november on record, the highest above average temperatures were felt in northern europe, siberia and the arctic ocean. that adversely impacts sea ice
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freezing according to the climate change servers behind the report. 2020 is on track to at least tie 2016 for the hottest year on record. but it could take the title outright. so, let's get the very latest from cnn meteorologist pedram javaheri. it's a real concern, isn't it pedram? >> it is concerning, and it could be taking the title outright. and i certainly think that is going to happen here within the next several weeks. certainly looks like it. you kind of look at what we found here based on the report from the european union's climate change service. here's the depiction of the warmth that rosemary noted, above average temperatures, planetary wide here. and you'll notice very much above average into the arctic and antarctic. that's the most concerning. you think to yourself not a lot of people live across those regions at the highest latitudes but the impacts across the region, the air conditioning unit of our planet.
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the ice across this area plays a large role in regulating global temperatures. once you reduce the ice across the region, the second largest ice coverage for the month of november since 1979. you are take a look. when you take ice away from the arctic region. because of the white color and reflective nature of it, about 80% of the sun's energy is radiated back up into the atmosphere. in recent decades we've seen this region warm up at a much greater rate than other areas around the world and that exposes additional seawater. the darker color absorbs the radiation, allows the feedback loop to take place where you have ice melting, oceans heatings as a result and global temperatures rising. europe in particular set a record for the warmest autumn on record, september, october, november nearly a degree celsius
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above believes you records across this region. this said, i want to show you what's happening across southern california. we know this region, five of the six largest fires in state history occurred in september of 2020. of course we're now into the month of december. high pressure is in place. we're getting the santa ana events that are taking shape acloss the region. rosemary, winds could gust up to hurricane force here not only monday but into tuesday fanning several wild fires across southern california. >> appreciate you keeping an eye on that. thank you pedram. thank you for joining us. i'm rosemary church. i'll be back with more news in just a moment. do stay with us.
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hello, and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world. you are watching "cnn newsroom" and i'm rosemary church. just ahead, after days of public events, president trump's lawyer, rudy giuliani, is now in the hospital after testing positive for covid-19. the latest on his condition. this as sweeping new restrictions hit california. most of the state's residents are now under stay-at-home orders as many hospitals rapidly approach capacity. and the uk prepares to launch the country's biggest


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