tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN December 13, 2020 12:00am-1:00am PST
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hi, welcome to all of our viewers joining us from around the world. you're watching cnn. thanks for joining me. i'm robyn curnow. in the hours ahead we expect to see the first covid vaccinations delivered around the u.s., but that's just the beginning. we'll look at the challenge of getting it out to millions of americans. but president trump still seems to have his attention focused on the election he lost, and why his own attorney general is it latest focus of his wrath. and some of the president's forces are even angrier. we'll have the details of the rally that dissolved into chaos. >> announcer: live from cnn center this is "cnn newsroom" with robyn curnow. here in the u.s. the first doses of the first covid vaccine
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reaching front line medical workers as early as tuesday or monday. now, nursing home residents and staff are also at the top of the vaccination list. a final key left to turn by the head of the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention. well, dr. robert redfield must issue the government's final blessing on the vaccine developed by pfizer and biontech. once that happens millions of frozen vials packed in dry ice will start moving cross connie under the fda's emergency use authorization. this drug with more than 95% immunity against coronavirus after two shots is showing up just as the pandemic in the u.s. is getting much, much worse much faster. a million americans tested positive in just the past four days alone bringing the total so far to a staggering 16 million people infected. it took almost 100 days to reach the first million back in april. now, nowhere is the scope of the pandemic more apparent than in the nation's hospitals. that system has been pummelled
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since july. the number of covid patients soared above 100,000 since the start of december and really hasn't slowed down as you can see from this map. there are currently a record 108,000 people battling covid in the u.s., in u.s. medical facilities right now. now, with massive public vaccination campaigns about to get under way cnn's sanjay gupta explains who's likely to benefit from the vaccine and who should not get it yet. sanjay? >> reporter: well, just remarkable developments scientifically with this vaccine. we know the vaccine is now authorized and has now been recommended by the centers for disease control as well, which means that lots of moving parts are starting to unfold. we know that the shipments are scheduled to begin this weekend, likely going to be arriving in many places by monday morning. and we could see people starting to get vaccinated for the first time outside of a clinical trial early this week, perhaps even monday or tuesday. the process so far has been once
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the fda authorized it the cdc then recommended it. and we get some better clarity on not only who the vaccine is for, recommended for but also who may not be recommended. for example, we know this is going to be recommended for people 16 and over. there was some back and forth among that on the advisory committee. some felt maybe the age should be 18 and over. but the fda and cdc saying 16 and over. we know that pregnant women, for example, were not part of the original clinical trial. 23 women that were in the trial became pregnant while in the trial, but there's not a lot of data to worry that's dangerous or not safe, and there's not a lot of data to show its efficacy in pregnant women specifically. so that's likely to end up being conversations between pregnant women and their doctors. for example, if a pregnant woman is in a particular high risk profession and exposed to covid over and over again, as a health care worker, for example, they
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may go ahead and ask for that vaccine. we know as we saw from the u.k. that people have had a significant allergic reaction to the past, so significant they'd carry an epipen, for example. they may not be recommended to get the vaccine. and also people who have conditions that have compromised their immune system. again, i think a lot of this is going to be conversations between individuals and their health care providers to try and figure out what's going to be the best course of action for them. 3 million doses roughly are going to be distributed around the country, and it's going to be up to each state then to then triage these doses. we know that health care workers, specifically health care workers who take care of covid patients and people in long-term care facilities are going to be at the tom of the list. but each state may handle that a bit differently. they may give all their doses to health care workers or all their doses to long-term care facility residents or they may split it up. so it may be different in one state as compared to the state
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right next door. so that may be a little disjoinlt disjoindi disjointed in the beginning, but the hope is as more and more vaccine is created it's going to help smooth out some of those demand surges that are likely to occur obviously in these various states. >> thanks, sanjay, for that. now, we should caution you that the cdc has not yet signed off on the pfizer-biontech vaccine. but when it does transporting millions of doses of vaccines to their destinations while keeping them super, super cold will be an epic challenge. >> reporter: we're getting new insight into why the vaccine is not on the move right this moment. pfizer says shipments will begin leaving here starting sunday morning. what's so interesting is that we know this spot is central to the vaccine distribution network. it's here in michigan, and operation warp speed says vaccine shipments will leave here going to 600 individual locations across the country.
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those are places like hospitals, pharmacies, cvs and walgreens. but operation warp speed says many of those places won't see the arrival until monday, a bulk of those not arriving until tuesday. and fedex says there is a reason why the vaccine is not rolling outrig out right this moment. >> we could deliver it within 24 hours, but the decision was made by the team because there are hundreds of administration sites going to be receiving these, they thought it best that we wait until monday to deliver them to ensure they're all open and ready to receive. so a weekday, a normal business day seemed like the optimal time to send out those first shipments rather than try to get them delivered on a sunday when some of these administrative sites might be short staffed or not open. >> reporter: also another major air operation and the faa is
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directing them to get ready for vaccine flights. the faa is telling airports that delivery trucks need to have priority access and that security should be double-checked. you know, this could be the beginning of the end for this pan dem, but this major movement is about to kick off right here. pete muntean, cnn, michigan. >> an internal medicine and viral specialist and cnn medical analyst and joins me now from los angeles. listening to sanjay there talk this is just fascinating. it's a huge scientific, historical scientific moment. we've seen this vaccination rollout. has anything like this ever been done before in the u.s.? >> nothing at all. even in the polio vaccinations no effort has ever been put together with this degree of
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sort of urgency and with this degree of cooperation. just remember that a vaccine has gone from the beginning of the pandemic to administering the vaccination in approximately nine months. that's unheard of. and this is a worldwide pandemic. so the solution is not just to get it to people in the united states. it's to give it it to people world round. so nothing like this has ever been done. it is quite astounding. >> it is quite astounding particularly organizationally now. need for ultra code freezes, military backup if need be, tight security and basic distribution. what needs to be done the most effectively, the most efficiently? >> well, the most efficient thing that needs to be done since the first vaccine, the pfizer vaccine requires such cold temperatures is that it needs to be gotten and taken to the areas that are necessary
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under the correct environment. it needs to be distributed in the correct environment. so precision is the most important thing. i think the second most important thing is telling the public when they can get the vaccine, how they can access it. because there are a lot of questions right now. so i think the communication to the public is going to be absolutely the most important thing. >> yeah, it certainly is. and that's just not a u.s. thing as well. many people asking questions, and they just need some trust, essentially, in their health care providers. and that, of course, is also seen when other people take it. so we have all these millions of people potentially being vaccinated in the coming months. how important is it for people who have already had covid to also get vaccinated? where does that fit in? >> well, that fits in, the people who already had covid should almost forget they already had covid, and they need
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to be stratified as if they never had it. because first of all we don't know if they can harbor the virus later on, if they can get it a second time. therefore, people that have have been already infected with covid should not have a sense of security they're never going to get it again. they need to be vaccinated because probably the most long lasting immunity is going to be obtained through vaccination. >> that's interesting. and also the interesting thing is that doctors like you still don't know if this vaccine stops the infection or just stops you getting sick. so this is about mask wearing way into next year, isn't it? >> absolutely. i think one of the disservices we've done for the public is that we have almost propagated the myth that when things are better we can go out and be normal. let's realize that normalcy is going to take a while. and we don't have long-term data on this vaccine. so until we know six months out, a year out that basically it is
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safe to come out of our homes we are going to have to still take precautions, perhaps live with a little bit more peace of mind that we're not going to get it. but we don't know we can spread it. so until we know differently we still have to take precautions to protect those who have not been vaccinated. and actually ourselves because we don't know how long the vaccine is going to be effective in those people that have gotten it. >> speaking with me just a little bit earlier from los angeles. new coronavirus cases are also headed in the wrong direction across parts of europe. according to john hopkins university denmark, germany are among the countries affected in the past week. chancellor angela merkel set to meet on sunday with premieres about a possible lock down there. and it's widely expected to go into effect before or shortly after christmas in hopes of stemming the country's surging cases. so for the latest on the coronavirus in europe i want to
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turn to ana stewart. ana joins us from london. hi, ana, it's certainly not going to be christmas is canceled but certainly a different christmas than any of us are used to. >> reporter: certainly. europe is really struggling. 14,000 new cases in terms of the daily figures for france. 28,000 for germany. and that is why we're expecting to see some stricter measures announced later today. germany has actually been on what's been called a soft lock down since the beginning of november, but clearly that has not done enough to curb the spread of the virus. some states in germany have already announced stricter measures. but to do so nationwide chancellor angela merkel need to come to an agreement with the heads of the 16 states of the country. so she'll be meeting with them in the coming hours. on the table are expectations that shops could be shut, schools could be closed early, terms brought forward and perhaps people being told they need to work from home. germany was actually planning to ease restrictions for christmas.
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that could still be the case. and this of course an issue being faced by governments around the world, how to allow people to meet. interesting this week chancellor angela merkel did actually give a usually impassioned speech i would say. she said if we have too many contacts between now and christmas and that ends up making it the last christmas with the grandparents then we would have failed. germany is not on its own. you mentioned some countries are struggling with the seemingly never ending wave of the coronavirus. and france 14,000 cases in the last 24 hours. they were due to ease their current lock down on tuesday. they won't be easing it nearly as much as they had expected. a curfew is going to be extended as well. in den mark around 80% of the population is facing a lock down. and even here in england where a national lock down actually ended less than two weeks ago already we're seeing the infection rate start to creep up
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particularly in certain regions. here in london the trajectory is not good, and we're expecting at the end of this coming week even stricter measures to be implemented. or before christmas trying to keep the virus under control, trying to allow people to have some normalcy for christmas, but really it's all a bit up in the air at the moment. >> anna stewart in london, thanks so much. sources say he's fuming about a member of his cabinet over the election and is considering firing him. coming up details on what one insider is calling a cold war. plus vaccine shipments will soon be underway in the u.s. as we've been saying. now, hospitals are preparing to receive those first doses. that's next. we're helping change the future of heart failure. understanding how to talk to your doctor about treatment options is key. today, we are redefining how we do things. we find new ways of speaking, so you're never out of touch.
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get their dishes as clean as possible.olks ask me how to i tell them, try cascade platinum plus the power of oxi. it breaks down food soils to clean up to 99% of visible and invisible food residue for a hygienic clean you can see and feel. cascade + the power of oxi. four people were stabbed and almost two dozen others arrested during post election unrest late saturday in washington, d.c. the mayors office says the stabbing victimerize in critical condition. videos posted online show fights such as this one breaking out between trump supporters and counterprotesters.
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large groups of trump supporters descended on the nation's capitol earlier in the day to protest the presidential election result. those daytime demonstrations were largely peaceful, but most protesters were not wearing mask as you can see even as the pandemic rages. meanwhile president trump remains furious about the election results more than a month later, the latest target of his anger his own hand picked attorney general william barr. boris? >> reporter: president trump spent saturday mostly focused on the 2020 election and myth making, repeating false claims that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen from him. and now the president is focusing his ire on those in his administration and elsewhere that are refusing to go along with his fantasy. on saturday president trump tweeting that the supreme court acted disgracefully in dismissing that lawsuit from the state of texas and other states trying to overturn the election
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results in pennsylvania and a number of other states. the president also focused on his attorney general william barr. cnn reported earlier this month that president trump was furious with barr after the attorney general revealed in the associated press that he did not believe there was any widespread election fraud. there was no evidence of widespread election fraud. cnn has learned president trump at that point contemplated potentially firing the attorney general but was talked out of it by aides ultimately suggesting he was so close to january 20th and a new administration that it wouldn't be worth it. now the president is again revisiting the idea after news that attorney general william barr worked to keep news that the department of justice was investigating president-elect joe biden's son hunter under wraps. barr following precedent and policy at doj did not reveal any sort of information about a candidate or their family
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members being under investigation around election time. the president tweeting this. quote, why didn't bill barr reveal the truth to the public before the election about hunter biden? joe was lying on the debate stage that nothing was wrong or going on. press confirmed. big disadvantage for republicans at the polls. that truth there the president is eluding to a bit nebulous at best. nevertheless this is history repeating itself. remember president trump berated jeff sessions on twitter because sessions did not do his bidding and ultimately recused himself from the russia investigation. that went on for the better part of a year before president trump ultimately fired sessions replacing him with barr. now we find ourselves in a similar situation with the current attorney general. sources close to the two men that the communication between them is virtually nonexistent, there's been a break down between the two of them. they likened it to a cold war
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between the two men. at this point we understand the president has mused about firing barr. it is unclear that he will so close to a new administration on january 20th. boris sanchez, cnn at the white house. well, joining me now to talk more about all of this is jessica levinson, professor of law at loyola and host of a podcast. lovely to see you. so the president tweeted we have just begun the fight. we're seeing americans fighting on the street. d.c. images we showed a bit before boris. but is the legal fight now totally over? >> almost, almost, almost. i wish i could say totally over. now any legitimate legal fight is way, way over and frankly never even began. so people have asked me when it comes to the post-election litigation when were you going to talk about this in the election law class? and the answer is no i would
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talk about this in an ethical lawyer class as whatnot to do or a professional responsibility class. so there haven't been any real legal questions. isn't over, over, over? any potential small path to victory is over, but will the suits potentially continue in order to help fund raise? maybe. >> well, that's a good point. so how has the legal fight to overturn the election created political opportunities for the president and his supporters? in many ways some have suggested these legal losses have created a sort of very clear post-presidency message and even movement for mr. trump. >> i think so. i mean, if you look at how much president trump has been able to fund raise as a result of continuing to fight in the courts i think at this point it's probably upwards of $200 million. so continuing the legal fights has really allowed him to continue his political fights
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and his political fund-raising. this money particularly for a leadership pact could really allow him to continue to hold sway over the republican party not just by using the media but also by using this, frankly, huge slush fund. so i think that's what we're talking about here. there really is no realistic path. i mean even in 2020, even in our crazy topsy-turvy world there is no legal path to overturning a democratic elected president-elect, in this case joe biden. >> so is what you're calling a slush fund and then also examples such as the majority of house republicans supporting this texas court case that has no real chance of winning at all. so the question is just how and to what extent mr. trump has perhaps co-opted the republican party and how long that will endure after the 20th of january. i mean, how much does the political landscape change in the years ahead? >> i wish i knew the answer to
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that. i suspect that anybody who says i know for sure, i'm a little suspicious of that. but what we do know is that the republican party really has become the party of trump. we saw this in the republican convention where the platform was one thing, re-elect president trump. and i think for some republicans some voters, not elected officials it's become kind of unrecognizable because none of these things have anything to do with your view of task policy or the environment or environment or criminal justice or voting rights. it's really about trying to elect president trump. how much kind of noise is he going to make going forward? in part it's how much the elected republicans allow him to make. i mean the fact that a majority of them signed onto a lawsuit that was so absurd that it is -- we should have a real conversation about whether the lawyer should be sanctioned doesn't say a lot about the
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institutional strength of the republican party. and that's not good for our country. it's better for our country when we have two legitimate parties. not one party with certain views and then another party that supports at least publicly undermining our democracy. >> jessica levinson there joining us from los angeles. so one quick programming note for you. voters in the u.s. cast their ballot for the president more than a month ago, but the votes that really matter, the electoral college will be cast on monday. so do stay tuned for our special coverage of the electoral college vote. it all starts at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. 4:00 in the afternoon in london right here on cnn. so coming up on cnn, before vaccines can even start going into peoples arms they first need to reach their destination. the plans underway in the u.s. to distribute the drug nationwide. plus as coronavirus numbers soar in los angeles small business owners are pleading
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be fast. be flexible. bounce forward with comcast business. get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just $64.90 a month. plus, for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. switch today. welcome back to all of our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it's exactly 30 minutes past the hour. thanks for joining me. i'm robyn curnow and of course you are watching cnn. so the u.s. is getting closer and closer to rolling out its first coronavirus vaccine. this is great news. the pfizer biontech drug has cleared one hurdle. the final step is to formally accept the recommendation. and that could come at any moment. shipments are set to begin later
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today with the first deliveries expected on monday. it is certainly a massive undertaking that requires precise coordination and temperature controls. we're covering every step of the process. report from a chicago hospital as it readies for deliveries, but we begin with diane gallagher at a michigan airport near the pfizer facility. >> reporter: as a race to distribute the pfizer vaccine in the united states is set to begin, there are different parts of the logistics, the process of actually getting that vaccine to hospitals and nursing homes and government agencies that have taken months to plan. different carriers like fedex and ups are going to take that vaccine and ship it all over the country to try and get it to people who need it quickly. now, there are three different aspects to this. of course, temperature. much has been made about the fact this vaccine must be kept
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in extremely cold conditions. we're talking negative 94 degrees fahrenheit. and timing, fedex has said choosing bluetooth and gps to make sure it has eyes on these packages of vaccines everywhere they go, every step of the way, to make sure they get there as quickly as possible. and then there's the transit and that's because airports across the country have been told by the faa to prepare for these vaccine flights even if they're not expecting them. one airport that has been told to potentially expect those vaccines is florida airport in grand rapids, michigan. steven, proximity wise it's very close to kalamazoo, but what about this airport has made this ideal for vaccine distribution. >> it's all about infrastructure. when carriers are looking to transport this vaccine not only here in the united states but globally it's all about long runways, air cargo facilities and the ability to get people
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and goods in and out rapidly. so we have a 10,000 foot long runway perfectly capable of handling wide body international flights. we handle wide body air cargo flights every single day of the week. it's just business as usual for us. >> i know you guys, though, have been planning for this about a month now. it's not just technical a difficult process, it's been kind of emotional as well, right? >> absolutely. i think for us our industry has been impacted so much by covid. many of our colleagues, our friends, our loved ones, they lost their jobs, laid off, furloughed. so to have an opportunity to be on that starting line of heroes we think of health care workers, we think of nurses. we think of, you know, scientists, all these folks the fact that transportation gets to be a part of that story and put an end to the beginning of this terrible pandemic is pretty incredible. >> reporter: i know the airport say they've spoken or in talks with at least four international carriers in terms of the
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vaccine. of course a lot of this is still scloulded in secrecy, and there's massive security involved in the vaccine distribution here in the united states and worldwide. diane gallagher, cnn, grand rapids, michigan. here at rush university medical center in chicago staff will be ready to roll when the vaccine arrives. saturday morning the staff learned the vaccine is sensitive to light. so engineers developed a plan to transform what they call the vaccination preparation area. you see this crew is working right now. they're going to darken the area to help maintain the integrity of the vaccine. over to my left you'll notice there are ten vaccine stations. this is where those health care employees who are most at risk for contracting the virus will receive that shot in the arm. i spoke with the clinical physician who is going to administer the first shot. on friday he participated in a dry run here at the hospital. they wanted to test out their system and see how things would
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flow. i asked if there were any surprises. this is what he had to say. >> it's turning into a very nice full-sized clinic,o it's one of those things i'm excited to have the opportunity to vaccinate so many people. it's also mind-boggling but we have so many different plans in place and different people working on different aspects of that i think this clinic will run smoothly. it's just a matter of getting it going. >> reporter: a staffer also tells me once people get to this stage in the game it'll look no different than receiving the flu shot. the hospital is expected to receive about 2,000 doses. there are roughly 10,000 employees at rush. >> well, small business owners in los angeles are voicing their desperation over covid restrictions there. on saturday some of them actually marched calling for a rollback of coronavirus measures and more government aid to help their struggling businesses. paul vercammen was there. paul? >> reporter: the small business owners, many of them wearing
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green shirts first started at the chinese theater in hollywood. they wanted to stress they realized the numbers are horrific in california. the spread of covid-19 throughout the state. but they say they believe they can reopen safely outside, put people back to work and not risk anybody's health. they then marched to the park here at the corner of beverly hills and los angeles, if you will. and we caught up with hector. he's a server. he said it is absolutely horrible for his family that he lost his job. >> myself, my family, my coworkers, everyone has been struggling from the beginning to this point. we made it through the first phase of the lockdown. now we're going through the second one, and now i don't know if we're going to be able -- if i'm going to be able to provide for my family. if i'm going to be able to bring a holiday meal this season because of the shutting of the
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restaurants. we've been following all the protocols. we've been taking temperatures. we've been making sure that guests are 6 feet apart from each other. they are wearing their mask when they're going to the restaurant, leaving the restaurant. we need a solution. i don't know if i can pay my rent and bills. i don't know if i can provide a safe holiday to my family, but just shutting us down and taking our jobs away, i don't think that's the solution. >> reporter: organizers of the march stressed time and time again they're willing to compromise with politicians to find some way to begin hiring people again. and they stress that most of the people who are unemployed make less than $50,000 a year. reporting from beverly hills, i'm paul vercammen. now back to you. >> thanks, paul. so coming up here at cnn it's a make-or-break day for the post-brexit trade talks as the deadline swiftly approaches.
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40 minutes past the hour. time it certainly running out for the u.k. and eu to reach a deal on their future relationship. today is the deadline. both sides are set for reaching a post-brexit trade agreement, but that's not looking very good and likely at the moment. a u.k. government source says that the latest eu offer is, quote, unacceptable. now, disruptions to commerce are already being felt. there have been miles long backups heading into the port of dover. senior international diplomatic editor nic robertson joins me now from london with more on all this. it's certainly going to be quite a stressful day or two. >> absolutely. and i think there's more of those days stretching out ahead. the reason that there are so many trucks backed up going into the port of dover and that part
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of kent is because people are already stockpiling. that's part of the government contingency plans in the event of a no deal to have medical suppliers, pharmaceutical providers to stock up in advance of possible no deal at the end of the year. the talks as you said the offer on the table from the eu according to a government source last night said very clearly the offer on the table is unacceptable. the talks were made at a very difficult place. the reality is that we don't actually know what's going on inside that room. we do know, however, boris johnson has offered to speak directly with angela merkel, the german chancellor, emmanuel macron, the french president. those offers of the direct conversations have been turned down. this is part of a very, very tough and bad year for this prime minister that began so well a year ago. boris johnson has had a tough year, and it shows.
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his party in rebellion as waves of covid-19 pandemic worse than most other nations. >> well, we did it. we did it. >> reporter: yet a year ago surfing electoral success. >> i'm humbled that you have put your trust in me. >> reporter: a massive 80 mp majority. then came the floods and covid-19's first wave. >> i was at a hospital the other night where i think there were actually a few coronavirus patients, and i shook hands with everybody. >> reporter: johnson slow to grasp the gravity. >> you must stay at home. >> reporter: slow to lock down, slow on ppe, slow on test and trace. >> i've taken to test that has come out positive. >> reporter: days later rushed to hospital. >> nhs has saved my life, no question. >> reporter: by mist december
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more than 60,000 of his citizens not so lucky. many in care homes lost their lives to covid-19. and through it all, johnson losing credibility. >> anyone who cannot work from home should be actively encouraged to go to work. >> reporter: his return to work message ridiculed. >> if you can work from home, go to work, don't go to work, go outside, don't go outside. >> reporter: his chief advisor flouting lock down guidelines. but managed to hold onto his job for another six months. >> i'm just hoping that the government make a u-turn. >> reporter: humiliating u-turns including free meals for school children. >> this is not a return to normality. i wish it were so. >> reporter: by years end the country, his party deeply divided over his handling of covid-19.
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the pandemic not his only controversy. >> the government is acting recklessly and irresponsibly. >> reporter: drawing unprecedented rebuke from his predecessor following his plans to break terms of a legal brexit treaty with the eu. >> to the other countries of the eu scot wants to return, and we hope to do so soon as an independent member state. >> reporter: and worse scotland's drive for independence gaining momentum. their leaders handling of covid-19 perceived better than his humiliating imfaem for johnson. >> i do think it's vital everybody now gets ready for that osstraustralian option. >> reporter: and brexit leaving the eu almost 11 months of talks, still no trade deal.
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>> we're not stopping. the talks will continue to negotiate. >> reporter: less than 20 days to go, time running out. failure could lead to economic pain. yet amazingly in a year packed with drama he added more at home. a divorce, a betrothal and a baby. for a man who once dreamed of being king of the world, the weight of it is surely on his shoulders now. and it will be felt this morning and this afternoon most key by the prime minister with the european commission president, that will be to determine whether these current round of talks can continue. it's not clear at all what's going on inside that negotiating room. it's not clear if there is what they describe as a landing zone for a deal. but what is clear are the pressures that have been mounting this year on boris
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johnson. and now in an extreme place the hard line brexiteers on this party demanding he doesn't bend and give in to the european union. business leaders in the country hugely concerned and worried about the economic impact of the no deal brexit. estimates at the moment could be as many as 300,000 jobs alost and more than $50 billion to the economy with a no deal. the pressure is on boris johnson, absolutely intense right now, robyn. >> it certainly is. we'll see what happens in the coming days and coming hours as well. thank you. so we're following a tense situation in northern nigeria where late friday gunmen on motorbikes attacked a secondary school for boys. one of the gunman was killed in a gun battle. the details of the clashes still not clear. what is unknown right now is whether all the 700 or so students have beenachied for. earlier reports suggest some of them may have been abducted and held for ransome, but there's no
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consformati co confirmation from the police. we'll find out why scientists are worried about a massive iceberg and where it's headed. that next. two hospitalizationsearly every minute. understanding how to talk to your doctor about treatment options is key. today, we are redefining how we do things. we find new ways of speaking, so you're never out of touch. it's seeing someone's face that comforts us, no matter where. when those around us know us, they can show us just how much they care. the first steps of checking in, the smallest moments can end up being everything. there's resources that can inform us, and that spark can make a difference. when we use it to improve things, then that change can last within us. when we understand what's possible, we won't settle for less. the best thing we can be is striving to be at our best. managing heart failure starts now with understanding.
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can anybody still deny we are facing a dramatic emergency? that is why today i call on all leaders worldwide to declare a stated climate emergency in their countries. >> ths u.n. secretary-general there urging every country to declare a climate emergency. world leaders of course marking the fifth anniversary of the paris climate accord this weekend, but they offered no bold moves forward to ending fossil fuel use or any other actions. in fact,s the impact of climate change are increasingly stark ranging from extreme wildfires in california and australia to rapidly collapsing arctic and antarctic ice sheets. and the need to deal with the climate crisis is certainly pressing. a recent report had this grim
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news. i want to read it to you. 2020 is on track to be one of the world's three warmest years on record. the oceans for instance are still warming at record levels. more than 80% of them experienced a marine heat wave this year. and in august california's death valley reached a searing 130 degrees fahrenheit. the report says that's the highest known temperature globally in at least 80 years. although the air seems cleaner in some areas because of covid lock downs because of reducing emissions, some scientists say carbon dioxide levels are at record highs and still rising. now, the changing climate may be creating an environmental danger in one of the world's most remote spots as well. a massive iceberg that broke off from an antarctic ice shelf back in 2017 is nowoon a collision course for the southern atlantic, and scientists say it
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threatens the island's extraordinary wildlife. >> reporter: a small uninhabited island deep in the southern atlantic ocean doesn't usually grab a lot of news headlines but the south georgia island off the a antarctic peninsula you see a gigantic iceberg is on a collision course with this small island which is teaming with wildlife, and that could setoff an eke logical disaster in the days and weeks to come. to fully understand what's happening we have to go back in time to july 2017 when this g gigantic iceberg, it's massive. it weighs hundreds of billions of metric tons. it got caught in the prevailing ocean currents across this region. this is known about iceberg alley. about 90% of the world's icebergs actually go through this particular region. you can see its proximity. scientists have been monitoring its progress over the past few months.
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we've highlighted the iceberg here on the satellite imagery with that shading of orange. you go back to middle of september it was over 900 kilometers off the coast of the shorelines put now it's in reach of the continental shelf of this island. it's massive. for our u.s. audience it is larger than the u.s. state of rhode island. it's also about the same length as the province of bali. so this thing is absolutely huge. scientists, however, have deemed this a shallow iceberg because it's only about 200 meters deep. and that's a concern because that means it could easily ground itself on that continental shelf that surrounds the island which has the potential here to damage some of the underwater ecosystems, of course disrupting food paths for penguins for instance who go out on these long journeys to feed
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their young. if they take longer than usual their young could actually starve to death. and the melting fresh-water could alter the ocean. still up for debate but one thing for sure antarctica is one of the fastest warming places on the planet. history was made saturday. that's where sarah fuller became the first woman to score in u.s. college football in power five conferences. her first time scoring with a successful extra point. fuller also serves as the goalie for the vanderbilt womens soccer team. so thanks for watching. i'm robyn curnow. my colleague back with more news after the break. well, thanks for joining me. have a wonderful sunday wherever you are.
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it's easy and affordable to get started. get self protection for $10 a month. in the coming hours, the first krof vaccine authorized for use in the u.s. could start being shipped across the country. we'll have the latest for you. plus clashes and arrests in the streets of the american capital stop the steal protesters, angry about the election results take their message to the supreme court. and a source tells cnn president trump raised the prospect of firing attorney general bill barr. we'll explain why. hi from cnn world head quarters, welcome to o
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