tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN December 15, 2020 1:00am-2:01am PST
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joe biden takes another step towards the oval office. even after the electoral college makes his win official, president trump is not co conceding. europe's pandemic battle, germany, the netherlands parts of england facing tougher restrictions while the uk says it's found a new variant of the virus. hello and welcome to cnn.
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i'm robyn curnow. live from cnn center, this is "cnn newsroom" with robyn curnow. >> it's more than a month after joe biden was declared the winner of the presidential election, the electoral college has officially confirmed the results of that race. on monday they cast their own ballots giving him enough electoral votes to win the white house. >> joseph r. biden of delaware, yeas 55, noes 0. >> california's 55 electors put him over the top. afterwards, president-elect said the will of the people had prevailed. >> the electoral college in the
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united states officially voting on monday to declare joe biden the president-elect. and biden really seizing that moment to deliver what was really a remarkable speech talking about how american democracy had been tested this year in ways that we had never seen before. but he also said that eventu despite the pandemic, despite abuses of power that we have seen in the country, that the american democratic system could not be extinguished. it was very clear that the former vice president wanted to send a clear message to the sitting president, president trump, essentially saying it is time for us to turn the page and move on. here's what he said. >> this battle, for the soul of america, democracy prevailed. we the people voted, faith in our institutions held. the integrity of our elections remains in tact, and now it's time to turn the page as we have done throughout our history, to
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unite, to heal. >> reporter: now, of course so much of turning the page will have to do with how the president-elect deals with the covid-19 pandemic, something that he talked about in this speech as well, and getting the economy back on track, dealing with the vaccine distribution, and also a big part of the challenge for them going forward will simply be about politics, and this is why we are going to see him travel on tuesday to atlanta, georgia, where he is going to be campaigning for the two democratic candidates who are going to be in senate runoff races. the outcome of those races will determine so much of what he can do politically and legislatively with members of congress come next year. back to you. >> so despite the results from pond's electoral vote, sitting president donald trump is still refusing to concede. >> reporter: this is a process that president trump has tried to subvert every step of the say
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since he lost the election to joe biden. he gave a short speech talking about it, talking about what has gone on with the president, and his desperate effort, by taking matters like what you saw with the supreme court and the swift rejection of the lawsuit that the attorney general of texas was trying to bring, but despite the fact that we have seen this electoral college affirm biden's win, we are told by sources that the president doesn't expect to concede this election, at least not anytime soon, he claims there are more legal steps he can take even though if you speak with people close to the president's campaign, and close to the legal team, they believe they're running out of options after the supreme court rejection, and they're not sure where they're going to go next. one tactic, the president may try to pursue as we wait for the end of his presidency and joe
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biden to be inaugurated is a distraction technique. that was in part what you saw yesterday as the last states were certifying their votes. the president chose to announce on twitter that the attorney general bill barr is resigning in the next few days. his last day at the white house will be december 23rd, he said in a resignation letter he gave to the president. if you look at the tweet and bill barr's letter, you would think this is an amicable departure, but it is certainly anything about that. and sources say the relationship between the president and once of his favorite cabinet members deteriorated after bill barr undercut the president's claims about voter fraud and more so over the weekend after it was revealed that barr did work to follow doj protocol by stopping the biden investigation from becoming public, something the president criticized him over and said he should have done the opposite. that is not what he said in his tweet, bill barr will be
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stepping down and jeffrey rosen will be taking over as attorney general for a few more weeks. kaitlan collins, cnn, the white house. joining me now is lisa, a cnn political analyst, and national political reporter for the "new york times." hi, lovely to have you on the show. let's talk about mr. trump, and what does he get by showing bill barr the now? what's the strategy, do you think? >> i think part of the strategy is to distract. today was the day that the electoral college in the united states officially affirmed joe biden as the winner of the election, which most people have known since november but the president has tested again and again in the weeks that have followed, and i don't think it was coincidence that the president announced bill barr's firing on twitter within half an hour of california officially putting joe biden over the top and making him the electoral college winner and the president-elect. >> it's distraction but at the
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same time we halls heard the president-elect, joe biden's comments, and it seems like a parallel universe, doesn't it. they were optimistic. they spoke about trust in institutions and democracy. what do those comments tell you about the presidency to come, and more importantly, can he put those words into action, especially during a pandemic. >> i think joe biden is someone who has been in washington for some time. he's someone who sees himself as a politician that can work across the aisle. the washington that was sender in is no longer the washington we have now. if joe biden wants to cast himself as someone who can heal america, he's going to have his work cut out for him. the senate majority leader has not acknowledged that he is the president-elect, not even today, so restoring faith in these institutions is going to be a heavy lift for joe biden and a
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lot of it will depend on how president trump conducts himself and his post-presidential feared after leaving office. >> yeah, i want to talk about that. in many ways, it's shocking that the u.s. president has not conceded an election he lost, and many republicans as well. what happens if he never does and creates a sort of theater of a parallel presidency, as false as it is for mar-a-lago. how disruptive does it become? how does mr. biden manage it? >> i think the biggest risk for biden is that the republican party will still see themselves unable to shake president trump. because the president has such a hold on the republican base, if he's able to maintain that connection with promises that he's going to run again in 2024, which is something he has been floating, it will be hard for republicans, if they want to, to cut a deal on things the country
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needs like economic relief from the pandemic, or vaccine distribution. if president trump doesn't see those aligned with his personal ambitions. that political dynamic will be the one to watch as biden navigates the contours of the first months of his time in office. >> great to speak to you. thank you so much for your expertise. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. well, the first doses of the vaccine are going out across the u.s., and the arrival of a vaccine comes at a critical time. the u.s. has lost more than 300,000 lives to the rvirus. the u.s. recorded it highest number of cases in a single day. there are more people hospitalized at any point in the pandemic. a large majority of americans, 71% said they will definitely or probably get a vaccine for the virus. this vaccine of course was
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developed in rapid time in the nationwide rollout is an extraordinary undertaking. mart martin savidge has more on that. >> 3, 2, 1, vaccinate. >> all across the country, doctors and nurses are rolling up their sleeves. >> doing great. >> to get the first dose of pfizer's covid-19 vaccine. >> i feel great. i just got the vaccine. it wasn't painful at all. i don't know how i'm going to feel in the next few hours, but i feel really good. >> as part of the highest risk group, health care workers like these at ohio state university's medical center are giving the first injections to their colleagues. >> i spent a large portion of my day in here yesterday by myself practicing what i needed to do before the vaccine arrives. >> so far the rollout has largely been a success. >> this week, everyone's work starts to pay off. this weekend, shipment of vaccines is 2.9 million doses.
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each friday we will announce weekly allocations of the vaccine. >> the logistics required to get to this point are impressive. shipments were loaded on to trucks and planes from michigan to all 50 states and puerto rico, 145 sites should get their deliveries by the end of the day. more than 400 will receive shipments tomorrow. doctors have just three minutes from once the packages are open. check the expiration dates, and it's a monumental moment for state leaders. >> we were the epicenter with the first wave, dealt with the brunt of this crisis and now we're going to be in the first wave of fighting back. >> reporter: but new york, like other states will need to prioritize their recipients until more companies get their vaccines into production. the moderna vaccine is expected to get emergency use authorization from the fda later
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this kwe this week. >> we know we're going to ship a little short of 6 million doses to the american people, to 3,285 locations across the country. >> reporter: it's good news but health experts warn it's not an overnight fix. >> i don't believe we're going to be able to throw the masks away and forget about physical separation and congregant settings for a while, probably likely until we get into the late fall and early next winter. >> reporter: and the numbers are evidence as more than 300,000 americans have now died from the coronavirus. >> i'm hopeful that the majority of the people are going to feel comfortable to get the vaccine. this has been a very long year. martin savidge, cnn, columbus, ohio. >> dr. salinas is an epidemiologist at the university of iowa health care and was one of the first people in the u.s. to get the vaccine. doctor, wonderful to have you on
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the show. when did you get the shot, and how are you feeling? >> very glad to be here. i got my shot 12 hours ago, early today, and i'm feeling pretty good. other than a mild soreness on my shoulder, which is expected after a shot, i feel pretty good. >> and we've got pictures of you taking it. why did you feel the need to show your support for the vaccine publicly? >> well, i think that this vaccine is one of the greatest medical breakthroughs in recent history. this is a safe and effective strategy to end this terrible pandemic. >> so you're throwing your support behind it? >> oh, absolutely. this vaccine has not only been proven to be efficacious but also quite safe, and it is one of the best strategies we have in hand to stop this pandemic. >> you're going to have a second dose in the next few weeks.
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as a doctor, are you worried that some people might not follow through with the booster shot, especially if they have side effects? >> i think that, yes, a regimen, vaccine regimen that requires more than one dose has that possibility. but i think that everybody is so cognizant that these two doses are needed that i think that the update will be quite high. >> you mention this has been a historical moment, how do you feel about being part of the one of the first people to get the vaccine in the u.s. in such record time and being part of such a scientific feat. as a doctor, what is it about this particular vaccine that has you excited? >> told was one of the happiest and saddest days for us. one of the happiest because, again, because of work in
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vaccine development over the last couple of decades, we are now able to produce a safe and efficacio efficacious vaccine in record time to respond to a pandemic that's becoming more frequent. it's a very sad moment, especially in the united states, where nearly 200,000 new infections every day. more than 100,000 americans being hospitalized and more than a thousand americans dying every day. we're happy, and we're sad, we're sad about the current state of the pandemic, and happy that this is the beginning of the end of the pandemic. we see clearly, light at the end of the tunnel. >> we do indeed. thanks for the part you're playing in it. doctor, appreciate you joining us. >> absolutely. >> so you're watching cnn. still to come, a new variant may have been discovered in the uk as london heads toward a harsh new lock down. we're live with the latest. that's next. . and it's shaping up to be a very subdued holiday season in europe, thanks to some of the
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thanks for joining us, it's 19 minutes past the hour. london is heading for harsher restrictions as cases in the city and surrounding areas, the tier 3 restrictions begin on wednesday and come as the government says a new variant of covid has been identified in the southeast of england. salma abdelaziz has the latest in london. what can you tell us about the latest restrictions. >> reporter: well, after a worrying spike in coronavirus cases and an increase in hospitalizations, officials say this city now has to move into tier 3 restrictions, england's highest level of coronavirus measures and it comes with new rules to curb social life. pubs and restaurants, and households are banned from mixing with each other. central london, the streets are packed, stores are packed that
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is not going to change even under the country's highest level restrictions. all nonessential shops are allowed to remain open and also schools are allowed to remain open. this is important because the fastest rise in infections has been among the age group of between 11 to 18. that's why the government is rolling out coronavirus testing for students in some of the most affected nae affected neighborhoods in london. i think the part of the statement that raised the most eyebrows is when the health secretary said there's a variant in coronavirus. >> over the last few days, thanks to our world class gentlem capability, a new coronavirus which may be the associated with the fastest spread. this variant is growing faster than the existing var variance.
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>> reporter: you heard him describe the variance. scientists and experts agree it is entirely normal for the virus to change, mutate. they are nothing to worry about and nothing new, and there is no evidence that this specific variant is more deadly or immune to the vaccine. so meanwhile, europe's mainland countries are issuing tough new covid restrictions. france has implemented a new curfew that will last until at least january 20th. in the netherlands, schools and universities will close, along with nonessential retail shops and public gathering places. and after a record number of deaths, germany will impose a nationwide lock down. fred pleitgen has more from berlin. >> reporter: germany remains in a dire situation with high numbers of new coronavirus infections, pretty much every day, and so the german government has now decided this country is going to go into
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what's called a hard lock down come wednesday. angela merkel and state governors have decided nonessential shops are going to have to close and schools are going to shut down and go to distance learning. all of this comes only a week before christmas, and for a lot of these shop owners, that will be one of the main times for their business. a lot of them are extremely concerned about their financial situation, and the german government has said it will pay compensation. of course there is a lot of worry for a lot of these especially small business owners in this time of what would normally be very busy times for christmas shopping. the big thing is to at least try to give people some semblance of christmas when that time comes around. they say no more than five people are going to be allowed to come together, and also christmas church services are only going to be allowed if they are registered beforehand and approved by authorities, and the
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people who go to services are not allowed to sing, and they all have to wear masks. fred pleitgen, cnn, ber ly berl and canada has begun distributing the first round of the coronavirus vaccine. officials expect to see more than 2,000 doses by the end of the year with millions more to follow. paula newton reports from canada. >> reporter: it was canada's trn turn to roll out the vaccine, and they were teary eyed, emotional. it was health care workers along with long-term care workers that were among the first to get vaccinated. they were all prioritized because four out of every five deaths in canada have occurred in resident of nursing homes or retirement homes in canada. they have been so severely hit. at issue is how quickly canada will continue to receive those doses. there have only been about
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30,000 doses so far in country for a population of about 38 until and that's a problem, canada says. they say they are in fierce international competition to get those doses in country much more quickly. they say that they are under contract for about 20 million, but at this point in time, they have no idea how quickly they can take in those doses saying that pfizer biontech is making no promise, and for that reason, they are kind of concerned about the impact any kind of vaccine program will have on what is turning out to be a very severe second wave here in canada. paula newton, cnn, ottawa. a somber milestone for japan which has its highest number of covid patients in the icu since the pandemic began. japan's military of health said a record 588 people are in critical condition from the coronavirus and admitted into the intensive care unit and announced 16 new coronavirus
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cases recorded on monday. i'm going straight to paula hancocks, live in seoul with more on all of this. what can you tell us? seems like paula can't hear us. >> there have been some concerns. we're having some technical issues there. certainly in japan, they have been having some concerns about the high number of coronavirus cases being reported and they did, in fact, mention that there was a record number of patients now in intensive care, 588. that is obviously of great concern to officials certainly worried about running out of intensive care beds, a situation they are concerned about in south korea and elsewhere around the world. now, this week we also heard from prime minister suga temporarily cancelling a fairly controversial scheme, a travel scheme to try and convince
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japanese people to travel around the country. he wanted to try and boost internal domestic tourism and of course boost the economy. he has come under pressure to put that on hold and he's temporarily cancelling that because of these higher numbers, robyn. >> glad we got ahold of you. paula hancocks in seoul. many republicans are still refusing to acknowledge joe biden's election win. now one member of the party says their denial could hurt democracy. what he plans to do about it. that's next. instantly clear every day congestion
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. thanks for joining me. i'm robyn curnow, you're watching cnn. the u.s. electoral college has confirmed president-elect biden's victory. giving him enough votes to secure the white house. according to several sources, sitting president donald trump isn't ready to concede just yet. instead he spent part of the day tweeting out conspiracy theories about election fraud. and some of his biggest supporters are still refusing to acknowledge mr. biden's victory, including senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and house minority leader kevin mccarthy. at least one republican said he's had enough of his party's efforts to undermine the election results. paul mitchell says he's leaving the party all together. >> it became clear to me that i could no longer be associated
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with a republican party that leadership does not stand up and say the process, the election is over. it's over today. and then i saw the president tweet out that it's not over until january 20. somehow he's going to continue to combat this. the people have voted. as i said in my letter, i voted for donald trump. i supported the administration policies 95, 96% of the time the last two terms. i have been active in the national state party, but this party has to stand up for democracy first for our constitution first, and not political considerations. not suggest a candidate. not simply for raw political power, and that's what i feel is going on, and i have had enough. >> we have seen these local election officials, including the speaker of the state house in michigan today, putting out a letter saying that if he were to challenge the electors going to joe biden, that would set a horrible precedent, and wreak hav havoc. we saw a guy on your canvassing
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board, aaron van langfeld showing more courage and character than house minority leader kevin mccarthy, and steve scalise combined. why? they don't actually believe this crack pot stuff, do they? it's just they're afraid of donald trump? >> i haven't spoken with them, so i can't tell you what rationale they have for supporting this other than trying to support the president. i can tell you that i appreciated speaker chatfield, the state house speaker speaking up today, and he did so in response to a state legislator that when asked about they had some plans in lansing for continuing protests, they were asked, well, people feel safe, he couldn't guarantee that. we had a state house member talk about the fact that violence may occur today. in fact, we had credible threats of violence as determined by the michigan state police against electors. the head of security shut down
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all the state office buildings. when you can't conduct an election without threats of violence, we become a third world nation. what are we venezuela? i mean, it's ridiculous, and to have an elected official, there should be no violence. we don't hold elections in which there's violence. this country has come so far. i'm troubled. and i ultimately decided to leave the party. our leadership needs to say no, we have a process, and we respect it. when they have voted we move on to govern the nation and not play politics. >> all of this comes as congress continues to negotiate a deal for a coronavirus relief package. democrats, including house speaker nancy pelosi say the bill should include more state and local governments. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and other republicans disagree, saying the best way to
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help cities and states is to distribute a coronavirus vaccine. >> this is the support that state and local governments need most urgently, not unfettered slush funds for non-covid related needs that predate the pandemic, but incredibly urgent targeted money to get citizens vaccinated right now, and finish the fight. >> nearly 3 million doses of the new vaccine from pfizer and biontech are being distributed across the u.s. that's enough to start vaccinating some of the most vulnerable people. officials expect tens of millions of more doses in the coming weeks. it will be several months before most americans can get the life saving shots, and then in the meantime, thousands of people are getting infected and dying every single day. the nation's top health authorities are warning the arrival of a vaccine does not mean it's time to let your guard
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down. >> well, first thing, it's not going to be like turning a light switch on and off. it's not going to be overnight. it's going to be gradual. and i think we will know when we see the level of infection in the country at a dramatically lower level than it is right now that we can start gradually tiptoeing towards normality. >> my message to america is the finish line is in sight. the last couple of miles are the hardest but we've got to keep running. even if you aren't worried about covid, your loved one who's in labor may not have a hospital bed. your loved one who has a heart attack or is getting in a car accident may not have a bed. we need to continue to follow the three w's, wear a mask, wash your hands and watch your distance. >> joining me is cnn national security analyst and former department of homeland security official, and she wrote a piece for the atlantic about the vaccine rollout as the u.s.
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deals with a very bleak winter, and she also wrote how things will likely get worse before things get better. juliette, high, lovely to see you. it's a very powerful article because what you lay out is that projections are that about 450,000 americans will die by february. also getting great news about the vaccine, the push and pull between despondency and optimism is going to be with us for a while. >> it's going to be with us through the summer of 2021. i call it the split screen of 2021, the horrible news and the news of home, imagine hope, as the vaccine gets manufactured and distributed in the united states, and i think that's a split image that, a split screen that americans are going to have to get used to. we have to continue to do the masking, the social distancing, while we wait our turn in line. vaccine distribution doesn't happen like this, as everyone is
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well aware now, it's what we call a rolling recovery. it is going to roll over the united states in different allocations, different distributions, and so it means there's not going to be a single moment where we can say this is over. it's going to be a while. >> in many ways, i think you describe it as relief moving in waves as the new year unfolds. how does that need to be managed, particularly a place like the united states, you know, with all of the stakes, the unequal health care system, the diversity of expectations. >> i think it's going to take a lot of transparency and honesty, with the new administration coming in and sort of committed to both of those things, i think you'll start to see some of the app tensi apprehension that we have seen in the polling, so we will decrease, and people are less vaccine hesitant. i think there's something here about processes and logistics, supporting or helping policy needs. in other words, i think the more
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efficient, the more fair, the more equitable, the logistics of this are, is it going to communities fairly. are allocations distributed fairly. is the system working. more people will be confident, the good news is that in most of the polling when people say, no, they don't want to take the vaccine. if you actually press them, they basically mean no, i don't want to take it first, and that the more people that take it, the more then will be willing to take it. if you ask most public health officials, the biggest concern is vaccine hesitancy, they know that logistics can get fixed. there's going to be problems but they know that part can be fixed. >> you mentioned the biden presidency, how crucial is the biden presidency to getting the vaccine out quick and fast, and in an effective way? particularly because the alternative was more of what we have seen in the past year. >> right. exactly, an administration that can't plan ahead, that can't tell the truth.
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you know, in an alternative universe they would be getting a lot of credit for supporting operation warp speed. the way president trump sort of makes everything so personal and antagonistic, it's hard for people to do that. i said six months ago as i started to get hints that we were going to get a vaccine, if there's any reason to want a biden presidency, not only will there be transparency, but fairness. we won't see the kinds of games played on the front end of the pandemic which was going after governors, going after mayors. i think it's not going to be easy for the biden administration. they've got two big challenges. one is we need more money. there's just no question about it. the other is i don't think we have much transparency about things that support the vaccination program. do we have enough needles. enough syringes, you know, because we're in competition, as you know, with the globe for all of these things. those are issues that the biden administration is going to have to address.
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they are management issues, not public health issues so one of the reasons why my husband says you keep smiling, one of the reasons that i keep smiling, someone who's often on air for hard news, the hard part is done. the vaccine works. the rest is solvable. >> always very good to speak with you. have a wonderful christmas. >> thank you happy holidays. many around the world are battling the coronavirus and beating it. that includes a 104-year-old woman. there she is there. her name is elena, released from a hospital on monday after recovering from the virus and pneumonia. wow, she's tough. the staff cheered as she was windshield out as you can hear after spending 14 days in the hospital. spain plans to start vaccinations as early as the beginning of january if a vaccine is approved by europe's top medical agency. why did the u.s. wait more than a year to sanction turkey
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for purchasing russian weapon system. we'll explore the reasons and examine the fallout. that's next. say na-na. stop your cough from interrupting, with dq cough and congestion. it's max strength formula coats your throat and provides powerful relief. new dayquil cough and congestion. the maxcoat daytime power through your cough medicine. is now a good time enough, crohn's. for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis, stelara® can provide relief, and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. rpls, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®.
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it's 44 minutes past the hour. i'm going to show you dramatic images from australia, coastlines along the whole eastern part of australia are being battered as a powerful storm barrels through the area. it's bringing heavy rain, strong winds and abnormally high tides. this is byrum bay, a tourist destination, and it has been especially hard hit. officials have ordered evacuation orders. and in queensland, this beach has been blanketed by a thick layer of sea foam. a dog who wandered in was almost swallowed up. her owner jumped in and saved her. over ankara's purchase of
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missi missile systems, only after a frustrated congress made the sanctions mandatory. arwa damon is standing by in istanbul. tell us more about this. >> reporter: well, rosemary, these sanctions were a long time coming, they're happening under what's known as the catsa act, the counter american through sanctions act, targeting turkey's defense procurement agency as well as certain individuals within it. this is the agency and the individuals that the u.s. said were responsible for the procurement of the russian s 400. you'll remember the u.s. for quite some time now has been sounding alarm bells over this as have other nato member nations because they say that these s 400s could potentially compromise the integrity of the f 35 fighter jets. now, that being said, from
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turkey's perspective, they feel as if they were forced into a position where they had to purchase the s 400s because they say that the u.s. was unwilling to sell them the patriot missile defense system, but it's a lot more nuanced than that. turkey wanted a certain deal when it came to the sale of the patriots, the u.s. companies that produced them were unwilling to abide by the terms of the agreement that would see them hand over sensitive technology to the turks. turkey buys them from russia and aggravates the united states. the u.s. has been trying to pressure turkey to back peddle from the deal, but turkey is standing strong saying it's not going to be bullied or allowed to compromise its own defenses, its own national security. what this has done is led to one
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nato nation, impacting another. they do not as far as we understand it is affect deals that are already in place, but the concern is what is going to happen moving forward and will a new biden administration actually change anything. >> thanks, it's robyn here, but nice to see you anyway. >> sorry. >> it's okay. lovely to see you. >> negotiators for the european union and the united kingdom remain far apart. no surprises there as they navigate the keys of their future relationships. some of the sticking points include fishing rights, the ability to press secretary through standards. the stalemate could mean the uk won't have a solid trade in place when the brexit transition period ends on december 31st. so this is cnn. coming up, the unique way about
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d abu dhabi is making a sporting event safe during the pandemic. zinc, other minerals, and herbs. take on your day with airborne. your daily dose of confidence. after a night like this, crest has you covered. crest, the official toothpaste of santa. follow us @crest to celebrate the 12 days of crest smiles. looking to save money this look at allstate.n? drivers who switched & saved, averaged $718 dollars. saving is easy when you're in good hands. call a local agent, or 1-800-allstate for a quote today.
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global pandemic, but the uae, they were able to hold the biggest sporting event over the weekend. becky anderson explains how they did it. the battle for the formula one world championship took place both on and off the track this year. the global pandemic almost forced fy to scrap the entire season, and champion lewis hamilton narrowly made it to abu dhabi's season finale after contracting covid-19. in order for the event to go ahead this year, officials have created a biosphere, a secure bubble into which only those who are critical to the event, and that is about 3,000 people are allowed in. we are on a boat in the marina. you can see behind me, the paddocks, and between here and the hotels, for example, there is a secure route.
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simply getting the racing teams from the previous grand prix in bahrain was a complex channel. so a travel corridor was created to move everyone in a bubble across the gulf. >> we safeguarded the entire journey from the airport in bahrain, the personnel boarded on ten airway charger flights. they arrived into terminal three. we conducted another test upon arrival into the airport and then we transferred them safely into the biosphere. >> it was a massive operation, alongside the private planes, 600 trucks were needed to move the equipment to the circuit. and 400 people needed to unload them. >> we conducted somewhere in the range of 12,000 covid-19 tests. within the biosphere, we have 15 stations within the zone to conduct all of these tests.
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it includes a thousand 100 hotel staff to cater to everyone staying over here. >> the grand prix rounds a you have a series of sporting events, hosted by abu dhabi this year, all made possible by the creation of these secure bubbles. between july and october, the ultimate fighting championship or ufc also held tournaments on yas island inside a safe sound. u ufc president donna white took to instagram for thanking officials here for literally moving evemountains to make the event happen. and announcing the ivl would move to the united arab emirates. and for organizers rgs it w, it race against time to shift the event. >> to put everything in place, we then opened an air bridge,
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which was essentially an extension of quarantine from the hotel to crick skpet thet and t allowed the players to move between the hotel and training venue and practice. >> these events have all taken place behind closed doors without paying spectators, and that's a blow to abu dhabi's economy but the uae is looking at the long game. >> we're having a lot of international interest from teams so we can keep our players safe and play cricket. by getting the events over the finish line safely, the uae is banking on these events being here in the future, and the fans they will bring back. becky anderson, cnn, about u dh >> thank you so much for watching. i'm robyn curnow, "early start" with laura jarrett and krechrise romans is next. stay with cnn. robinhood believes now is the time to do money.
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welcome to our viewers until the united states, and around the world. this is "early start," i'm laura jarrett. >> and i'm christine romans. it is tuesday, december 15th. 5:00 a.m. exactly in new york, and we begin with two rays of hope during one of the bleakest times in modern american history. vaccinations are now underway across the country to end the pandemic that has now killed 300,000 americans, and a new leader whose victory has been made official by the electoral college offering a vision for unifying the country. president-elect biden in an emotional speech last
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