tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 15, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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good evening. joe biden is the president elect. the president may not want to hear it today, but maybe he'll accept that two men he admires finally came out and said so. vladimir putin and and herrero says it is over. so did senate majority leader mitch mcconnell who went public after putin did. >> the electoral college has spoken. so today i want to congratulate president-elect joe biden. the president-elect is no stranger to the senate.
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he's devoted himself to public service for many years. >> so, six weeks, dozens of court cases, two supreme court rejections, one fascist rally, four stabbings, countless threat against election officials who are just doing their jobs and more than $200 million in deceptive trump fundraising since the election. a slow clap, everyone for senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. he was not saying anything that's not obvious, after news organizations called the race for president-elect biden. it is not like he said anything to condemn what the leaders of his party to overturn the election he lost even though it means to tear the country apart. manu raju asked him about it this afternoon. >> your speech this morning about joe biden, you congratulated him for winning. what you did not mention was president trump's claims that this election was rigged, it was stolen and the like. do you have any concerns at all about what the president's saying?
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should he accept these results? >> look, i don't have any advice to give the president on the subject. i said it this morning for me and on the basis of the way the system works, the decision by the electoral college yesterday was determined. >> the way the system works, he said. except of course this isn't the way the system is supposed to work. it's what happens when the president and his allies exploit that system by toying with dangerous and baseless conspiracy theories. it's how things work when a cowed party doesn't have the backbone to accept the fact their guy lost. in reality, what members of the electoral college did yesterday, some under armed grd and others in secret locations has always been a formality, that usually comes long after the losing side
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conceited. >> eight days later he was pretending that his voice as the highest ranking republican lawmaker in the land did not matter. >> what we all say about it is frankly irrelevant. all of this will happen as i laid out a minute ago, right on time and we'll swear in the next administration on january 20th. >> that was almost a month ago. a month he has been playing the game. in the meantime, the system has stretched to the breaking point at the president's direction,
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but president majority leaders' acquiescence. he would have eased that strain, but didn't. hence the slow clap today. as a rare dissenting republican points out, what mitch mcconnell did today was only the bear minimum. >> i think that a different question, an important question, is how many republicans will say that what the president is saying is simply wrong. and dangerous. there's been no evidence of substantial fraud of the nature that would be necessary to overturn the election. even the attorney general said that. and so we need to have people that are strong trump supporters come out and say that as well, or you're going to continue to have this country divided, which is pretty dangerous. >> to senate romney's question, precious few republicans will call out president trump's post election behavior, and that's on top of the man who won't say he lost. according to cnn's count, only 18 senate republicans recognized joe biden's victory. a few others have come close, including john cornyn of texas
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who said, quote, i think everyone realized it yesterday that counting the voting of the electorate was a pivotal moment, and i agree. on the other hand when we asked ri -- wyoming senator john barrasso called it a gotcha question. when did you stop beating your wife, that's a gotcha question. who won the election? that's not. i believe that would be a gimme. just ask the republican trump supporting fish who overawe is election in georgia. a state which counted the ballot three times and certified joe biden. >> if you look at all the of the republican congressman, the -- senator david perdue got 19,000 more votes than president trump did. he really had some challenges in those areas. the job of a political party, in this case the republican party,
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is to raise money and get out the vote. they got outworked. >> they got outworked, he said. the other side one. not easy, but it's what people from both parties have been doing when their side loses. that is unless you speak for a loser that's grifting his donors out of hundreds of millions of dollars out of the promise the money is going for paying for his legal challenges. >> now that the electoral college voted, does the president acknowledge joe biden as the president-elect? >> the president is still involve in the ongoing let gags related to the election. yesterday's step was one vote in the constitutional process, so i'll leave that to him and refer you to the campaign for more. >> jim acosta, is there any sense of -- what's the status of that? >> he has not weigh in the publicly yet.
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i think the clearest indication of how the president feels could be captured in that white house briefing room earlier today. kayleigh mcenany, the press secretary, was performing for an audience of one. she was asked about mcconnell's statements earlier today. she did not want to weigh in on that, but she did at one point incredibly state that the president, the current president, the outgoing president is preparing for whichever scenario emerges, whether it ask a transition of power or a, quote, continuation of power. she used those words, suggesting the president might remain in office. anderson, that's just a laughable thing to say considering what we saw take place in the electoral college yesterday and considering what senator mcconnell said earlier today. there are people inside the president's team, adviser who was just given up on this and they can't understand why the president can't get to conceding he lost the election. i talked to an adviser early they are evening who described it this way, talking about a
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rolling stones song we used to hear at the end of trump rallies -- you can't always get what you want. in the words of this adviser, cue mick jagger. >> when kayleigh mcenany says the president is involve in the ongoing litigation about the election, what is she talking about? reminds me of the president saying he's being audited. he's been shut down even at the supreme court. >> apparently they think there might be some higher legal authority an the united states supreme court. again, it was another example of how the white house press secretary came into that briefing room and just did not have any answers. she tried to use the touchoppory of having a meeting to lay into the media. i asked her, aren't you being a hypocrite considering how much mitts information and the president have spread? they have been the ones spreading the disinformation since the election, anderson. one other thing we should point
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out, while the president is refusing to accept defeat, the campaign is putting out a fundraising email saying, do you think the president should run in 2024. if they're talking about the president running in 2024, he's lost this election. >> what do you think about the possibility that this president makes a sustained push for his allies to challenge the results during the joint session in congress on january 6th? >> talked to a source close to the white house who's also in touch with republican members of congress. this person described thissed why, this prospect as an exercise in futility. these are the wars a source close to the white house used. but anderson, the president is looking to the date of january ofth. i have been told by a couple of different advisers that is the case. he thinks the republican house members are going to be able to go in and overturn the election results. again, they're not dealing with the real world. they're not living in the same world you and i are living in.
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they're living in the world of oan and conservative outlets who are telling the president's supporters what they want to hear, that he has the ability to stay in power, some continuation of power. it's just not the case. it's never going to happen. >> jim acosta, appreciate it. more on the election fight as well as the real work this battle is distracting from. james clyburn of south carolina, appreciate it. the fact that mcconnell took so long the congratulate biden, maybe it would be laughable if it hadn't enabled president trump's ongoing assault on democracy. which, by the way, mcconnell is hardly rebuking. how do you feel tonight on where things stand? >> thank you very much for having me, anderson. you know, when i saw 126 of my colleagues sign on to a brief
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that asked the supreme court of the united states to install an autocracy -- that was what they were asking -- to in some way invalidate the voters in four states and allow us to put into place an autocrat, that to me should have been what woke mcconnell up. maybe it did. i'm pleased to see him come to this conclusion, but it should not have been this hard. i have no idea why it is that he and so many of the others on the other side of the aisle have lost faith in the process that made this country what it is today. so i welcome him to the real world and hopefully -- >> a found it terrifying that attorney generals general, republican attornies general
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general in states across the country also signed on to this. i didn't go to law school, and that was a ridiculous lawsuit. anybody with yeyes that can see would know that. i want to play something we just got in. it's cnn's manu raju askinged republican leader kevin mccarthy if he's willing to acknowledge joe biden won the election and is president-elect. just want to play this for our viewers. >> i mean, why won't kevin mccarthy acknowledge reality? >> look, you know, i have really been grappling with this trying to figure out what exactly would allow independent elected officials to be co-opted this way. i can't figure this out.
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donald trump is one person participating in a process that has been designed to keep this country together for decades. and all of a sudden, elected officials seem to be unable to exert their constitutional responsibilities and recognize what the constitution has laid out for us. i'm having a real problem trying to figure this out. all i know is this -- two years ago on this network i said to don lemon, i do not believe this man plans to give up this office. i said that back in -- i believe it was february of 2018. and it has come true. there is something about the
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things he was saying that a lot of people laughed at. i just took it seriously. i don't believe he's stopping. i think he's going to make some attempt to have some of his minions pull some shenanigans on the 6th of january. >> the fact that so many of your colleagues are cowed in this way, that kevin mccarthy is skittering away from manu raju -- i'm glad he's wearing a mask, but he could still talk through that mask. is it just -- is it fear? is it fear of the president's supporters? is it fear of the president saying mean things about them and trying to mobilize the lunatic qanon conspiracy fringe to, you know, go to their homes? other than fear of, you know, the mob and the president controlling, you know -- controlling people and telling them what to do, i don't
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understand what -- why, as you said, dually elected people who are in another arm of government with legislative power would be suddenly so scared. >> well, fear is probably a part of it. maybe all of it. i don't understand it. i don't know that kind of fear. to me, you tend to respect people in office. you don't fear them. you give them proper respect. i've always done that even with this president. but for me to give up my constitutional authority and give up my person hood, in order to help somebody live out their fantasies, not when the country is at stake.
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this democracy is very, very fragile. more fragile than i would have thought when i used to teach it years ago. we have just experienced some things that have brought us to the realization that democracy can -- this democracy can be brought to an end if we are not careful. and i do believe thags that's what most voters had on their minds when they went to the polls this year. what can i do to maintain this great pursuit -- that's what i call it, the pursuit of a more perfect union. we've always been on that journey. we almost got off of it this year. and thankfully, at least 80 million voters decided we wanted to continue the pursuit. >> i just want to ask you about
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the ongoing coronavirus stimulus meetings. do you believe there actually will be an agreement? >> yes, i do. it will not be all that they want, not all that we want, but i do believe we are going to leave here later this week with an agreement. now, the numbers are getting reduced and people intend to look at the top line numbers and not look at exactly what we're doing. the numbers are going to be reduced because we'll cut back on the length of time. so it takes one number to go for a year. it's a totally different number if you do it for only four or five months. and i think that what we're going to do is come up with something that would allow us to give direct aid to people who need it and -- for a shorter period of time. and hopefully the new congress
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and new administration will be able to work together in a way that nobody will fail anybody. everybody must respect each other, and we'll come up with some programs and priorities that will benefit the american people and get us beyond this pandemic. >> in this new agreement, do you see americans getting checks? >> well, no, getting checks, what kind of checks? some people get direct payments, as we did in one instance, from unemployment checks. yes, americans will get checks. may want be the same checks they got before, but there will be cash going into people's households. >> congressman james clyburn, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you very much for having me. next, more on the president's fundraising and perhaps unsurprising direction of the millions of dollars, where they're all flowing. later the kind of news we all needed.
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where most of the money is going. >> reporter: the subject lines tell the story -- fight against chaos. this is alarming. and i concede nothing. all emails from the trump campaign asking to donate to an election defense fund. it all started election day after the polls closed. in all, 500 emails and 170 text messages have been sent, hitting up supporters for cash while hyping unfounded conspiracy theory about a so-called stolen election. despite the falsehoods, more than $207 million was raised between election day and early december. >> it's going to be a very hard thing to concede, because we know there was massive fraud. >> reporter: no widespread fraud has been found, yet the trump campaign continues to bombard supporters, advertising his election defense task force, asking supporters to demand a fair election, and contribute $5
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immediately to defend the election from the radical left. meanwhile campaign finance experts warn much of this money could end up in trump's pocket. that's because most of the donations are going straight to trump's leadership pact, state of america. >> it offers donald trump a number of different ways to personally benefit. potentially donald trump could use save america to pay himself a salary, to rent out the trump hotel, so put tiffany or ivanka on the payroll. >> reporter: the first 75% goes to the save america fact. a donor has to contribute $5 to save america before a single penny goes into trump's recount account. >> trump is raising millions and millions of dollars for his leadership pact, save america, and that leadership pact could
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be used effectively as a slush fund to benefit himself personally and benefit his family financially. >> reporter: the campaign did not respond to our request for comment, but last month a campaign spokesman told cnn trump always planned to create a leadership pact to combat issues like voter fraud. what's still unclear is if they found any. randy kay, cnn, palm beach, florida. >> at least with trump vodka, you got a bottle, a liquid distilled, as he once told larry king, from various parts of europe. tim, you heard randy's piece. when you look at what the president's doing, asking supporters if he should run in 2024, are you surprised given the tactics he employed as a businessman? seem like it's right from his playbook. >> it's right from his playbook. donald trump has essentially been a human billboard his
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entire career. he sold the idea that his name stands for a series of myth about his business success, about his business prowess, about his wealth, that he had unadulterated success -- which he didn't, that he was a shrewd dealmaker, which he wasn't, and he was a businessman that didn't rely on his father's wealth. also not true. i think what we're seeing now is in the wake of the election, emotionally and psychologically he could not accept the notion he lost. he grew up in a binary existence with his father telling him there were winners and losers and couldn't come to terms with that. when he leaves the protections of the oval office he's facing legal hurdles that are unnerving him and they're very front of mind. so i think he began engaging in the absurdity about the election being rigged.
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and fraudulent. shored up those things, what they learned along the way was it turned out to be a moneymaking exercise. he turned election fraud into a grift and in less than two months he raised $200 million. if any of his supporters think this money is going to be used to wage a war for cleaner elections and overturn joe biden's victory should just close their purses and wallets and pockets. because trump is going to use it for his own purposes and goal as he always has. >> reminds me of what happened with trump university, which was based on the false premise that was never delivered upon. the idea he needs money to fight the election in court is ridiculous. you know, the idea that he's able to convince a lot of decent people who just want to believe in the president and do believe in him, you know, he's allegedly a billionaire, yet he's able to get people to give them their
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hard-earned money. >> not just trump university. don't forget about the trump foundation, his charitable organization. other people donated more money to that than he did. he and his children never used the foundation in the way it was meant to be used. they were sued by the state of, in for this. they were effectively -- not effectively -- they were barred from serving on other philanthropies in perpetuity in new york. the ethos of donald trump and his children is to figure out how easy it was to hook suckers and depart them from their money as quick as possible. i bet he's as amazes as anybody that he's raised $200 million in this amount of time by essentially propaganda. >> i think it was david axelrod who mentioned this to me.
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it might have been something else, but the notion that he says he's considering running in 2024. there's all sorts of reasons to keep that dangling that out there, and keep his power over the rnc, the republican party. it keeps his potential -- his voters but also his potential donors engaged. but it also, perhaps, allows him to raise even more money from overseas. he's not going to be able to borrow money. he needs a lot of money. he's not going to be able to borrow money from traditional banks, probably, here, but perhaps from countries overseas who might want to do business with somebody who might be a future president. >> it also keeps competitors out of the way, as well. makes it hard for the republican party to put other people in play. trump won't be able to simply use this money to pay off his business loans. he has about $1 billion in debt. $400 million of that is coming
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due -- more than $400 million is coming due relatively soon, and he's possibly going to be squeezed in order to pay that out. but he can't just dip into these pac funds and use it to pay off business loans. the guidelines require him to use it for political purposes. it can be political travel. he can pay salaries to himself and children and friends to work for pac. he can give the money to other candidates. but it has to have a political purpose. and money is going to be watched in that regard. he'll have a lot of leeway, but he can't give it to a bank to pay off a loan. >> you mentioned legal troubles. given what we know so far about the investigation of a new york attorney general, where do you see it going? >> the new york attorney general and the manhattan district attorney have similar investigations of trump going on.
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they involve possible tax fraud, possible accounting fraud. other business irregularities. and manhunt case, campaign finance violations. the new york state attorney general's case is a civil case. it is likely that will end up any way worse-case scenario for trump with a major fine, but embarrassing public documents and depositions. she is pushing this case hard. she indicated today the trump organization had to turn over more documents to her. she didn't specify what they were. i think what worries him is the manhattan d.a.'s case. that could have criminal charges associated with it. if he's found guilty he's not going to be able to run again in 2024 and be in very hot water legally. >> thanks a lot. appreciate it. the man who will be president, joe biden, and the
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details of what the inauguration will look like when the president-elect takes the virus. first, hurdles involved with the coronavirus vaccine to hundreds of millions of americans. that's an ahead. ♪ we'd be closer to the twins. change in plans. at fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. keeping your oysters growing while keeping your business growing has you swamped. (♪ ) you need to hire i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base so you can start hiring right away. claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at we're portuguese? i thought we were hungarian. can you tell me that story again?
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and your loved ones safe. wear a mask. wash your hands. stay six feet apart. we can do this. if we do it together. vaccines are being delivered into the arms of health-care woe woe workers, the nation's most vulnerable. with cases at a new weekly high, 1.5 million. more on the vaccine now. the first vaccine from pfizer is going into arms across america.
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now a second vaccine is nearly here. moderna's vaccine, proven 94% effective is likely to receive its emergency use authorization later this week. that would trigger the shipment of 6 million initial doses from the company. that's double the amount phaser sent out in its first batch. in new york city, front line workers are lining up to get theirs. chicago's first doses administered at a hospital in one of the city's hardest hit communities. california received more than 30,000 doses of the vaccine on monday, nearly the same number as the new cases in the state in one day. >> i think the biggest concern is loss of temperature control in a cold chain based, particularly with the pfizer vaccine. that's really the biggest concern. i think the last mile delivery
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inoculation of the vaccines into subjects. >> reporter: out of the gate, fedex and u.p.s. are reporting no problems with the massive understood taking of moving vaccines across the country. a fast moving nor'easter could be affect it next week. >> 50 million people are under some type of watch of warning. >> reporter: along with the challenge of getting vaccines to americans, it's getting americans to take it. a kaiser study shows 71% of people are likely to take it. the same study shows black americans, republicans and people from rural areas are more reluctant. fauci says they should all get it as soon as possible. >> for security reasons i believe we should get them vaccinated as soon as we can. >> the vaccine is providing people a lot of hope this week. what does mayor de blasio say about tighter restrictions in
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new york? >> reporter: anderson, the mayor is saying given the trajectory the city is on it's clear we are headed toward a pause or shutdown and the natural timing would be right after christmas. it's a decision that ultimately rests with the governor but state and city officials expressed concerns about the rising number of cases and the possible strain on hospitals. health officials say it takes two to four weeks of restrictions to see an impact, so that could be a guide. as for what else the shutdown would look like, it would be like last spring with essential activities continuing. but this one difference the mayor is saying he hopes to keep schools open. >> thanks. perspective now from sanjay gupta. the second day of the vaccine rollout, while early, seems like the process seems to be going okay. has there been any reports of allergic reactions? >> no, we haven't heard reports of allergic reactions.
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certainly on the look out for those given what happened in the united kingdom. and the rollout seems to be going well. there's a much higher demand than there is supply right now, but in terms of the various sites operation warp speed wanted to target, sounds like they were targeted between yesterday and today, and there's also going to be announcements every friday now about the upcoming allotments. so these hospitals and pharmacies can have some idea of what's actually going to arrive. so that's sort of going to be the plan. obviously they're going to try to scale up manufacturing now to try to meet this incredible demand. >> looking toward the end of the week, a possible emergency use authorization, moderna's vaccine, what are you learning about how the second vaccine is different than the pfizer one? >> we pulled some of the most pertinent facts about these vaccines. they're both very similar. both messenger rna vaccines. the moderna one is separated by
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four weeks as opposed to phaser is three weeks. the moderna one doesn't need to be kept as cold, so that may open wider distribution channels for that. one thing that was a big deal last week, you may remember, was the age. phaser trial, 16 and older. moderna, 18 and older. very similar vaccines. one thing that is emerging, we talked about last night, the vaccine -- we know it prevents illness. the question, is does it also prevent infection? the moderna paper work, they released on a den dun addendum the first report that said they swapped people before the first dose and between the first and second doses. they found people who never had any symptoms, were totally asymptomatic. but people who swabbed positive, a significant number of them were in the placebo arm. far fewer were in the actual
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vaccinator arm. i hope that makes sense. so basically, these people did not have symptoms. they were swabbed as part of surveillance testing and found the vaccinated group were far less likely to have presence of virus. we'll see what that means. it doesn't show it's completely protective against people becoming infected but it does seem to have some impact on this. we're looking for that same sort of data out of pfizer, which they say may come in january. >> just in terms of the time line, do you expect it to be the same as what happened last week with pfizer? >> i think so. i think it's going to be a similar process. thursday, we'll watch the advisory committee meeting, it's about nine hours. pretty scintillating. i watched it. ethics people, scientists who helped develop the vaccine. you get a lot of the background on the vaccine. and then probably -- it was
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authorized on friday, the pfizer one was. might expect a similar time line here. we're also expecting the cdc will tell you that, okay, now we know health-care workers and people in long-term care facilities are in the first group. we're also expecting them to tell us this weekend about the second group. essential workers means what exactly? what about people the age over 70 or 65, when are they going to fall into this? >> there's also approved at-home tests. are they reliable? >> anderson, they're pretty reliable. if someone is having symptoms, they seem to be more reliable in terms of actually finding true positives and negatives if you're just doing surveillance testing, totally asymptomatic, it's less reliable. about 81% of time. i think this is a big deal. we have been talking about
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testing all along. this is an at-home test. doesn't require a health-care person to be involved. there's no -- there's a sort of analy analyzer that contact connects to your smartphone, but there's no lab. it's easy. bottom line, if you have symptoms you should stay at home. you get this test and you're negative, go out. you still need to wear a mask. >> how soon are these available? >> i think they're available now. $30 a test. if not immediately available, then soon. >> sanjay, thanks. appreciate it. a report on qanon, the bizarre conspiracy group the president keeps complimenting. and news about the vice president-elect's inauguration and how they plan to hold it in a pandemic.
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saying foreign actors are covertly trying to undermine confidence in our elections a and -- the incoming attorney general did not say anything intercepted as supporting election truthers as he appears to claim. if anything rosen says the opposite. the point is that once again we see the president of an unhinged hodgepodge of truly bizarre conspiracy theories using each other to further a mutual agenda. tonight more on this relationship and a new respect on the dangers qananon may pose. >> it show what is researchers may claim is a frighteningly quick pipeline of lies becoming part of the mainstream with help from one big supporter. >> i heard these are people that love our country. >> reporter: donald trump
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retweeted qanon followers dozens of times, an amplification bringing the bizarre conspiracy theories into the highest level of government. researchers at the institute investigating hate find they attack specific pillars of democracy at strategic moments and hijack the national conversation. >> it is my opinion qanon is one of the most dangerous groups we study if not the most dangerous. >> reporter: he says the capacity for violence in some of its followers is a public threat. extreme i extremism, much of the alarming spread of qanon is tied to president trump. >> many of them do believe that trump is the mesonic figure. a lot of people believe in some components promoted in the
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disinformation effort without believing the entire conspiracy theory. >> reporter: trump is fighting a cabalof elites that practice pedophilia and child sacrifice that, george floyd's death was staged and that the pandemic is fake. perhaps most damaging of all, that the election was stolen. >> qanon is a disinformation network has grown like a virus. >> reporter: they have learned how to influence the president's thinking, conspiracy theories pushed by qanon ands it hashtags have been retweeted by president including dominion voting that millions of votes got switched. obama gate, that the obama administration spied on the trump campaign and then subpoena obama. on may 13th, a tweet as in q,
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the 17th letter of the alphabet shows how quickly a conspiracy can go from the dark corner of the internet to the white house. >> if we all put out subpoena obama as a hashtag he said good things will happen if we do this. >> reporter: use the hashtag everywhere and they did. subpoena obama went viral, at times tweeting 4,000 times per hour. right wing media picks it up. a day later, donald trump tweets in. saying the first person i would call to testify is former president obama. in other words, subpoena obama. success for the qanon crowd. he would retweet trump's post with a wink. trump then tweeted thank you to all of my great keyboard warriors. you are better and far more brilliant than anyone on madison avenue. >> i think the technical term
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is -- that is what it is. people are starting to believe this. >> reporter: the outstanding congressman is planning read the finings into the congressional record and is in the minority of republicans willing to stand up to trump and qanon and says most of the fellow republicans say nothing because of money. >> if they want to be reelected some of them have to say the election was fraudulent and have to go along with president trump based on the fundraising. >> reporter: republicans are raising mondahundreds of millio but at a cost, based on dangerous lies. >> i can't get people to understand that this is the language of radicalization. >> on the face the theories are insane. you and others found not only do a lot of average americans believe them but so do influential people. how concerned is the congressman
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about that? >> there are two incoming members of congress that supported qanon. a couple of retired general and a soon to be ex president that seemingly supports this. it is the legitimatization of the craziness that makes it so dangerous because radicalization experts say that it does lead to home grown terrorists who act out on a part or some of the theories, and they act out violently thinking that they are somehow part of the qanon army. anderson. >> what can be done to stop it? >> well, the authors of the report say that reports like this can help. but they also think much more is needed. some type of a disinformation vaccine, agency, group, organization that will fight back against the lies where they live on the internet.
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anderson. >> drew griffin, appreciate it. up next the breaking news on how the pandemic will affect the biden inauguration next month. what the planners want you to know when we continue. 'tis the season to save a bundle. bundle auto and home, and save up to 25% with allstate. bundling just feels good this time of year. saving is easy when you're in good hands. call a local agent, or 1-800-allstate for a quote today.
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