tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN December 16, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PST
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hi. welcome to all of our viewers here in the united states and around the world, thank you for joining me. you're watching cnn. i'm robin keyn curnow. the vaccine may be the answer but covid is raging in the u.s. and california has activated a mass fatality program. it may have taken almost six weeks, but mitch mcconnell has finally admitted reality that joe biden will be the next president. cnn investigates how lies spread online by qanon have made their way right to the very top and
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president trump. live from cnn center, this is "cnn newsroom" with robyn curnow. here in the u.s., increasing signs of hope as the country wages war against the covid pandemic. the u.s. food & drug administration is expected to green light moderna's covid vaccine later on this week. that means americans could have two effective drugs. the first doses of the pfizer biontech were administered in hospitals across the u.s. on monday. the fda committee will meet on tuesday for emergency use authorization. while more help is finally here, the country is clearly in crisis. the rate of high infections and hospitalizations is pointing to a difficult few months ahead. here's alexandra field. the first vaccine from pfizer is going into arms across
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america. now a second vaccine is nearly here. moderna's vaccine proven 94% effective is likely to receive its emergency use authorization later this week. that would trigger the shipment of 6 million doses in the country. that's double the doses sent out in the first batch which has already arrived in 50 states. 405 places are receiving shipments today. in new york city front line workers lining up to get theirs. in chicago lining up in one of the hardest hit communities. california received 33,000 doses of the vaccine on monday, nearly the same number of hospitalizations on the same day. >> i think the biggest concern is accidental loss of temperature control in a cold chain base, particularly abowit
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the pfizer vaccine. the last mile of inoculation into subjects. >> reporter: out of the gate reporting no problems with the massive undertaking of moving vaccines. a fast-moving nor'easter could affect shipments later this week. >> 60 million people are under some type of watch or warning. >> reporter: along with the challenge of getting it to americans, there's the concern of getting people to take it. the same study shows black americans, and dr. fauci says president trump and vice president-elect biden and kamala harris should get the vaccine. >> we should get them vaccinated as soon as we possibly can. >> reporter: in another promising development, the fda is announcing they're authorizing the first at-home tests where you can read your
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results at home. another step forward for so many people who are waiting days often for their results. in new york, alexandra field, cnn. california has just activated its so-called mass fatality program as covid cases skyrocket there. they ordered thousands of new body bags and dozens of refrigerated storage units as it prepares for more deaths. here's governor gavin newsom with the grim details. >> orders of 50, 63 foot refrigerated trailers are standing by at hospitals. we just had to order 5,000 additional body bags we just purchased from the state and we distribute them. down to san diego, los angeles counties. that should be sobering. >> california just marked its fifth straight day of more than 30,000 new cases in a single day and triple digit fatalities.
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we have an emergency frphysicia from phoenix, arizona working in florida. thanks for joining us. almost a year on the front lines. have you had a vaccine yet? when will you get one? >> the announcements are just coming out at multiple hospitals where i work at. some of my colleagues have already got an email about an appointment for a vaccine. they're just being rolled out. i haven't had the opportunity. since my colleagues have gotten emails, i should be getting one. >> is it a relief? >> yeah. we don't have long-term data on it obviously, but there is something i do know, covid is bad and so the vaccine has really good data so far. while we don't necessarily know the long-term risks, i think there will be few. i know covid has batteries
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beings. i am looking forward to it. >> when you speak to your patients, are they looking forward to it? >> the ones that are elderly, immunocompromised are the ones looking forward to it. it's sort of ironic that the ones that feel they are healthy seem to be the most antivax. those concerned about getting sick are looking forward to the vacci vaccine. florida is having huge rates of infections. how are you managing? because it seems overwhelming at least on paper. >> that has a downstream effect. patients will come in and they'll wait and wait and wait in the e.r.
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my last shift had an extremely critical patient who sat in the e.r. all day, all night waiting for a bed. that happens to patients who have covid and patients who don't have covid. that's really unfortunate. the optimal care is in the icu and it's really hard to get a bed. that's happening across the country, by the way, including for my colleagues at other hospitals i work at. >> doctor, thanks so much. it took almost six weeks, but the top republican in the u.s. senate has finally accepted joe biden's presidential victory. >> the electoral college has spoken so today i want to congratulate president-elect joe biden. the president-elect is no stranger to the senate. he's devoted himself to public service for many years.
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i also want to thank kamala harris. all-americans can take pride that our nation has a female vice president-elect for the very first time. >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell accepted biden and urged others to do the same. so far he hasn't called on president trump to concede defeat. manu raju asks why. >> one thing you didn't mention is president trump's claims the election was rigged and stolen and the like. do you have any concerns at all about what the president is saying? >> look, i don't have any advice to give the president on the subject. this morning for me and on the basis of the way the system works, the decision by the
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electoral college yesterday was determinative. >> even though the presidential election has been determined, as mitch mcconnell said there, there are two senate seats up for grabs here in georgia. joe biden said they could be filled by democrats and traveling to the state to make his pitch to voters is jeff zeleny now reports. jeff? >> president-elect joe biden is back on the campaign trail a day after the electoral college affirmed his victory. >> thank you for standing strong to make sure your votes were counted, and counted and counted again. i'm starting to feel like i won three times. >> he's reminding voters many republicans voted to undermine the election. >> the lives still depend on
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your votes. >> reporter: it comes down to two runoff votes on january 5th. with early voting already underway across the state, biden took part in a drive-in rally in atlanta with jon ossoff and raphael warnock. >> it's georgia voters who have the power to write the next chapter in american history. >> i'm ready. i'm ready to be one of your next two united states senators from the great state of florida. >> they fell short of the 50% law. this will answer the big question in washington, whether mitch mcconnell will remain the majority leaders. he finally acknowledged
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president-elect biden. >> i called him and thanked him. we agreed we'd get together sooner than later. >> reporter: beyond georgia, biden is vowing to unite the country as it faces monumental challenges from the pandemic and recession. >> clearly it's time amid the anger and come together as a country. tonight as the his torks covid-19 vaccine rollout across the country, biden said he will get his first shot soon. >> dr. fauci recommends i get the vaccine sooner than later. i want to do it by the numbers. when i do it, you'll have notice and we'll do it publicly. >> jeff zeleny, cnn, wilmington, delaware. let's talk now with cnn
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senior political analyst john avlon. he needs georgia, doesn't he? >> he absolutely does. this is not your typical runoff. this is for all the marbles, control of the senate. that has everything to do with regards to a biden governing agenda. if they can pick up these two things, historic cliche republicans have won it as well. >> there's nearrow control of te senate with kamala harris being the tie vote breaker. this will determine whether democrats can have committee chairs, push through an agenda but they'll have to work with
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republicans to get anything done because the margins are too tight. >> you mentioned mitch mcconnell. he has eventually acknowledged president-elect biden. there are not a lot of them. it is a significant step. mitch mcconnell, senate majority leader, finally after the electoral college voting six weeks after the election acknowledging this is a step forward. he's sending a message to his caucus that he doesn't want any kind of shenanigans or showmanship around january 6th when the electoral college vote is rubber stamped, certified by congress. look, let's just come pair and contrast. you know how long it took mitch mcconnell to call president-elect trump? six days. it shows how many, it had the
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republicans and house of representatives still refusing to consider joe biden president-elect. it speekts to the deep divisions. you've got deep divisions. it's not the folks believe this, they're afraid of donald trump and they're trying to raise money off of it. it speaks to a deeper problem in our politics that we have to deal with. >> which joe biden is going to have to deal with. >> yes. >> the ugly reality of it when he takes power on january 20th. let's talk about his cabinet. i want to go broad with you. mayor pete, he certainly seems to be a rising star. what do you make he had been tapped as he knows.
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>> he is an effective surrogates, great communicator. the problem is his experience is the mayor of indiana. this is not a pro form ma position. number one, he's seen as a rising star in the party. two, transportation secretary matters this time around. this is not a sort of a favor to somebody or in the case of donald trump putting mitch mcconnell's wife in the position. this is a key position because the next president has a huge opportunity to get an inf infrastructure to people. we had to deal with transportation issues. but the issue of infrastructure is about resilience. >> we're going to leave it at
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that. john avlon, great to see you again. >> you, too. >> best wishes for the season. happy holidays to you. >> merry christmas. happy holidays. several countries across europe are now under lockdown orders and lee strict shuns if we have the live report. that's next. instantly clear every day congestion with vicks sinex saline nasal mist. for drug free relief tt works fast. vicks sine instantlclear everyday congestion. so this eeno® moisturizer goes beyond just soothing sensitive skin? exactly jen! calm + restore oat gel is formulated with prebiotic oat. and strengthens skin's moisture barrier. uh! i love it! aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™
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19 minutes past the hour. thank for joining me. some european nations are grappling with strict new lockdowns and covid deaths are skyrocketing. germany started the lockdown one day after reporting a record 952 deaths, that's double from a previous record. and the netherlands entered a new lockdown and the london area has moved into england's toughest tier of restrictions. it's so bad several european countries are pressuring regulators to quickly approve the fooez biontech vaccine. all of this happening during a critical time. we're joined from london and fred pleitgen is in berlin. i want to start with you. talk us through the really
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worrying new numbers there. >> reporter: yeah, extremely concerning numbers. woke up and saw the 952 deaths in a span of 22 hours shatt shattering. they actually put in place there is a lot of concern among politicians and people. it's not just the fact the death toll is rising so fast right now, it's also the fact more and more people are being hospitalized and having to go into icu. one of the things we've said about germany during this entire pandemic is that the hospital was robust. they were taking in icu patients from other countries having problems. now there are regions in germany that are coming under strain in their hospital capacities. i want to listen in to what one front line medical worker said in saxony, in east germany.
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let's listen in. >> translator: you have to ask yourself, what resources do we have left for managing the situation. if you ask me if we are at a breaking point, then i would say yes. in some hospitals in saxony, we're already beyond it. >> there you have a front line worker in saxony, one of the hardest hit areas, 952 deaths reported in the last 24 hours. 3,800 people dying in the u.s. in a single day. it is a huge number for the country. of course, one of the reasons why the country is now in a state of a hard lodge. actually, that's one of the busiest shopping streets. normally i wouldn't be able to stand here without bumping into people. it's eerily quiet and calm and all the non-essential shops are
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closed. schools are closed going into distance learning as well. that will stay in place until at least january 10th. robin, as with all of these measures, all of that is dependent on how the pandemic situation evolves, robyn. keep us posted there. selma, i want to go to you in london. what's happening there? >> reporter: well, londoners are waking up to new coronavirus restrictions. the alert level has been raised to the toughest levels. shutting down pubs, restaurants, closing all night life and banning all households from mixing together. non-essential shops will remain open here. there's been a spike between the age group of 11 years old to 18 years old. that's particularly concerning for school staff and quite crucially, robin, there's going to be a relaxation of these rules in just one week's time.
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on december 23rd there will be an easing of coronavirus restrictions for the christmas period for five days. up to three households can mix together. this has many people worried. the top two british medical journals wrote an op ed essentially pleading with the administration to re-examine this strategy saying it is rash and saying that it needs to be reversed. a lot of yo-yoing. now ber' back in tougher conditions. the concern is, are you getting a grip on the virus? medical experts will say, no, we're not. that's what has them so concerned we could be paying the
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consequences of yo-yoing in january before we can get it under control. >> selma and fred in berlin, thank you. african-americans have been hard hit by covid-19. why are so many people in minority communities reluctant to get a vaccine? what a new study reveals after the break. thanks! that was my business gi, this one's casualal. get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit q quickbooks.
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are 3 1/2 times more likely than white americans to be hospitalized during covid and nearly 3 times more likely to die. a new study finds many african-american the are still hesitant to get the covid vaccine. those who say they are unlikely to vaccinate have several concerns. 71% worried about side effects. 71% feel the vaccine is too new. 47% say they don't trust vaccines in general. joining me now is alexandria weis. lovely to see you. i do want to talk about this. i want to ask why is there hesitancy in minority communities in the u.s.? i know 1/3 of african-americanss say they don't want to take a vaccine. why is that? >> it's important because hesitancy both around the
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vaccine and it's rooted in real lega legacy. >> how important has it been that we're seeing a number of african-american medical officials come forward and take the vaccine and publically? does that make a difference? >> yeah, i think it's tremendously important. a large component comes from the fact that many black minority, many don't feel that the vaccine has been produced with the correct regulations and broader medical experimentation. it's important people step forward but i think it's really important that there's collaboration with public health actors more broadly to not only educate the public but provide
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transparent, clear information about these vaccines and collaborate with communities to deliver them more effectively. the u.s. system isn't inherently unbiased. how likely is it for black americans to be found left out of the distribution in some way? is that also part of the concern? >> yeah, that's a huge part of my concern and a concern broadly is that minority communities be left out of the conversation and ultimately potentially left out of access to the vaccine, which is why many of us are working on the questions of the vaccine access equity. large aspects come from not only history and from exclusion of minority communities and decision making. too often public health actors are perceived to be over
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authoritarian and imposing policy rather than engaging in equal dialogue. as we further develop plans and as it continues to commence amongst some of the most vulnerable health care workers, we have involve them. >> messaging will change under the biden administration. so with that in mind, how can this incoming biden administration, who is certainly taking this seriously, how can health care authorities ease african-american's concerns. this is about equalitequality? >> yeah, the first thing to do, it's already happening but i think we need to push harder, is we have to begin right now to seek the counsel's input and
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engage community leaders from across the board in constructive and equitable dialogue and disseminate active information. i think we're seeing the effects of the biden administration already as the pre-election anxieties around the efficacy and safety of vaccine are starting to wane, but i think what is really important is we reckon very seriously with broader areas rooted in moments of racist violence and broader inequalities. confront them and use this very, very live saving critical vaccine but mistrust that's not new. >> that is a lot.
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appreciate you joining us. thank you. >> thank you so much. after months of sparring and stagnation, a stimulus deal could at last be on the horizon on capitol hill. congressional leaders have expressed confidence that a deal could be reached while nothing has been finalized just yet. expected to include an extension of jobless residents, loans and money for distribution. we're joined with the latest. >> reporter: look, the pressure is actual of who had negotiations and a complete collapse in talks. here we are, a couple of days left of legislative federal spending which comes to an end on friday. lawmakers are set to close for recess over the holiday season. so this is what we have right now. after months of negotiations bipartisan lawmakers have come together and put the $908
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billion package together. they split the bill into two portio portions. $748 billion has been earmarked with the priority areas of the enhanced employment area of $300 billion a week with assistance to billions of dollars of vaccine rollout. the second portion is $160 billion, the most contentious issues. the things that have really been sticking points for both sides of the aisle. democrats and republicans really going head to head on this. we're looking at detection liabilities for businesses and also looking at aid for states and local governments. lawmakers vote on these separately. if the one doesn't make it through because no compromise has been reached yet, at least a large portion of the money will be filtered down to the most vulnerable of americans. still a few steps to make. there needs to be a decision. we know cnn's majority leader
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mitch mcconnell and nancy pelosi said no one is going home until a decision has been made, until a stimulus bill has been finalized. we've heard the self-imposed deadlines but time is absolutely running out. then it still needs to be voted on in the house floor and senate. then only will we have something tangible to work with. 12 million americans are going to be falling out of unemployment benefits come christmas day and up to 5 million americans can be facing eviction by january. it is so good to get a stimulus plan in place. >> thanks. the pandemic has put extra pressure on the u.s. postal service. the usps says they're dealing with an historic record of holiday volume and limited staff. there could be temporary delay in getting parcels online.
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so you're watching cnn. still to come, from the darkest corners of the internet to the highest office of the land, qanon conspiracy theories are spreading like wildfire. what one republican lawmaker is trying to do about it. last night's sleep, interrupted by pain? tonight, silence it with new zzzquil night pain. because pain should never get in the way of a restful night's sleep. new zzzquil night pain. silence pain, sleep soundly. do you struggle with dull, dry skin, and find yourself reapplying moisturizer throughout the day? try olay ultra rich. olay's luxurious moisturizer melts into the skin. it's formulated with vitamin b3 plus peptides and shea butter,
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great to have you back at 20 minutes past the hour. qanon shows just how quickly conspiracies can spread. drew griffin reports on the rapid spread of the lies and how they can have a serious and potentially dangerous effect. >> reporter: a new report first to cnn shows what researchers say is a frighteningly quick
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pipeline of lies that have become part of the mainstream with help from one big supporter. >> i've heard these are people that love our country. >> reporter: donald trump has retweeted qanon followers dozens of times in his presidency, an amplification that brings the diluted and dangerous collection of bizarre conspiracy theories into the highest levels of government. researchers of the network contagion research inches city tutd which has deception and hate found qanon attacks specific pillars of democracy at strategic moments and hijacks the national conversation. >> it's my opinion that qanon is amongst the most dangerous. >> reporter: joe says the capacity for violence in some of the followers is a dangerous threat. cynthia miller idris collaborated and said much of
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the alarming spread is tied to president trump. >> for many of them they do believe that trump is the messianic figure. a lot of them believe in the components of qanon disinformation without believing the entire theory. >> reporter: among them is trump is fighting cabal, that george floyd's death was staged, the pandemic is fake, created solely to inject us with vaccines containing radio frequency identification chips and perhaps most damaging of all, that the election was stolen. >> qanon is a misinformation network has grown like a virus. >> reporter: qanon have learned how to influence the president's thinking, conspiracy theories started by or pushed by qanon and its hashtags have been retweeted by the president including dominion voting that millions of votes got switched.
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obama gate, that the obama administration spied on the trump campaign, then there is subpoena obama. on may 13th a tweet fro from @followthe17 as in q, the 17th letter of the alphabet shows just how quickly a conspiracy can go from the dark corner of the internet to the white house. >> if we all put out subpoena obama as hashtags, he said good things will happen. >> use the hashtag everywhere, and they did. subpoena obama went viral at times tweeting. in a senator to lindsey graham, the first person i would call is former president obama. in other words, subpoena obama. success for the qanon crowd.
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@followthe17 would retweet with a wink and trump said thank you to all of my great keyboard warriors. you are better and far more brilliant than any on madison avenue. >> i think the technical term is batshit crazy. that's what it is. people are starting to believe this. >> denver rigly is going to read this into the congressional rord. he said most say nothing because of money. >> they're willing to do it. if they want to get re-elected some of them think we have to say this election was fraudulent. we have to go along with president trump because of the fundraising. >> reporter: republicans are raising hundreds of millions of dollars but riggleman said at a cost. >> i just can't seem to get them
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to understand. >> drew griffin. cnn in atlanta. >> strong piece. officials are scrambling to understand the fallout. russian linked hackers are suspected of breaching multiple federal agencies including the department of homeland security, agriculture and commerce. president trump has been skeptical in the past about russia's cyber activities. john avlon is here to give us a teaching, john. >> reporter: it is a massive hack. suspected russian hackers compromising some of the most critical databases, including the department of homeland security, treasury, defense, state, and commerce. maybe even nuclear weapons. make no mistake, this is not just espy owe naming, this is 21 ths century warfare. the trump administration is not the first to have an attack on its watch and it won't be the last. it is the first and hopefully
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the last to have a president so easily played, so disastrously naive on the subject because, remember, it was donald trump who kept advocating the truly dumb idea of forming a joint cyber security unit with, wait for it, the russians because vladimir putin suggested it. senator lindsey graham saying not the dumbest idea i've ever heard but pretty close. >> i am sure vladimir putin could be of enormous assistance in that effort, but of course it's part of a line of denial. >> he just said it's not russia. i don't see any reason why it would be. >> reporter: everyone in the room knew this was bs except the
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president. if you are still not convinced, check out the five volume intelligence report. nonetheless, trump and his hard core supporters have engaged in a persistent disinformation campaign to call that reality a hoax. so russian opposition leader lexie navalny was clear. he was reacting to a report. christiane amanpour has the story. >> reporter: what about what benny katz has discovered as well, and that is in the investigation found out that actually the kremlin still runs a very sophisticated chemical weapons operation having told the world that it was no longer doing that? what more could you tell us about that?
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why would they need chemical reduction facility. this is the most dangerous part. me personally, i'm vr worried about this part of the investigation connected with me. the fact that russia is developing the very, very advanced type of chemical weapon, that's absolutely horrible because they can deny this. russia is one of the countries pushing the total banning of chemical weapon and eliminating every single gram of chemical weapon over the war. it was absolutely right position and now we have several institution and we know from the investigation, we know three of them who are developing it, chemical weapon and ways of delivering this include this
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incapsule lags and other sophisticated ways to poison people, to kill people. chemical weapon i know from my own experience, it's a horrible thing. you don't have any useful way of using it. definitely they are developing it for killing people, for killing people and additional boldness of using it is just terrifying people. people are afraid of this. some people can be brave enough not to be in prison, of being shot or something because it's something you are facing in the real life. the idea of, you know, just touchings something is
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terrifying. we know it's because these people asked successful case is there was. >> you can receipt a complete account of this investigation on you're watching cnn. still to come, tens of millions of people on the u.s. east coast are being warned to get ready. full details are ahead. finding dental insurance plans can be confusing,
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all the way up to new england. this is a powerful, powerful nor'easter expected to strike later on today and into thursday. take a look at this. you're looking at pictures from pennsylvania which has signed a disaster emergency proclamation. boston and new york could see a foot of snow. and santa claus is practicing social distancing this year as he prepared for there are far, far fewer people of course. they met with santa claus behind a plexiglass screen. he had a message of reassurance for children and families this holiday season. >> some children have been a little worried about father christmas given this very special situation in the world. i can tell you that all the preparations here at the arctic
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circle are going extremely well and we have to follow all public health recommendations and social distancing rules. we've all got to find new ways to be with our friends, relatives, loved ones so be nice to each other. christmas is coming soon. >> thanks, santa, for that. thanks for joining me. i'm robyn curnow. "early start" is coming up. we're related to them?
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welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "early start." i'm christine romans. >> and i'm laura jarrett. it's wednesday, december 16th. 5 a.m. here in new york. and with very little time left before a government shutdown on friday, lawmakers on capitol hill are signaling they're close to a deal on a huge covid-19 reaction, cnn's manu spts
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