tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 18, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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360" tonight with john berman. breaking news, there are two vaccines approved for emergency use in this country. the fda gave the green lights to moderna version. we are waiting for the cdc to sign off of it. john berman here in for anderson. we'll talk about how important this is with the pandemic projected to claim 562,000 lives by april. the president's silence or even worse silence in this avoidable human tragedy. 23,000 deaths reported so far. covid is the country's leading cause of death. they're the folks behind the 62,000 fatality projection which is up by more than 60,000 since the last month.
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between now and april, 49 states will experience high or extreme stress on icu capacity and deaths per day will exceed 3750. it is so important to take every precautions for yourselves and others until max vaccinations can do its job. >> your neighbors and community, wash your hands and wear a mask or when ever you are unable to practice distance. >> that's the vice president after getting vaccinated today sending the right message of preventions and so did pelosi and mitch mcconnell. not so the president because although he did send out a treat praising fedex and ups
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delivering the vaccine, he did not roll up his sleeves for it. he retweeted messages skeptical of mask wearing but nothing of the skyrocketing death toll or the millions out of work, losing benefits or facing evictions. he does not care about anything other than over turning the election that he lost. the president had not seen in public for weeks. he spent nine days at the golf course last sunday. he's checked out. not that it should come to a shock though, he's been this way for months. >> right now is under control. >> how? thousands of americans are dying everyday. >> it is what it is. nearly 150,000 deaths ago.
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completely unnecessary. joining us now is dr. chris murray, director of university of washington. dr. murray, as i mentioned, covid is the leading cause of death in the u.s. this week. your model suggests 60,000 more deaths by april 1st. a total of 562,000 american lives lost. what's the biggest factor? >> the number is going up so fast, it is bringing up case numbers and death numbers. icus are full. things are worse than we expected in california and we are seeing sort of steady increase in many parts of the country that we were expecting to see. it is a little worse than the
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trends a week ago. >> a strain at the icus there around the country. it is the breaking news tonight. the second vaccine that's perceiving emergency use approval. it is promising news but when will we see these vaccines actually start to affect the rate of transmission? >> well, the vaccine is fantastic news. in the long-term that's going to really help us get covid under control. but, it takes time. it takes time to deliver the vaccine. it takes eight or nine days before it starts to have an effect for those vaccinated. you take all those into account, you don't expect to see a major dent on the daily death rates on vaccination until sometimes in february. and so we have many weeks ahead of these high death numbers per
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day. >> that's six weeks of a lot of pain that america needs to brace themselves tonight. >> 17% of the people in the u.s. have been infected. 17%. is it possible that number is on the lower side because of all the testing problems in the spring and people who are asymptomatic and people that may not know they are affected. >> could be. we are looking at the surveys and the cdc and other groups have done testing antibodies. we can relate those measures which are sound measure of how many people have been infected to the case numbers and so what it means that there is a lot of asympt asymptomatic cases out there. it is not just the people who tested positive. >> one of the things you guys do that's so important is you look at mobility. how much people are moviing around and how much are they heeding warnings to stay home.
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what are you seeing terms of increasing and decreasing mobility? >> we start to get concerns in november and things did get worse. we did see reduction in mobility. some of these are telling us a lot of details. are people going to restaurants or department stores and we are seeing post thianksgiving increase in a number of things like vilting siting in stores. all those are opportunities for transmission. it is going to be so important the next six to eight weeks that people are caution and also wear a mask to avoid transmission risk. >> i hope people will listen to what you said that we'll not see an impact in deaths until february. people need to be careful. chris murray, thank you very much for being was. thank you for the work you are doing. >> thanks.
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joining us now is dr. celine gounder and dr. shaffner. dr. schachter, i know you expect to be on call all weekend about both vaccines. when it comes to the moderna vaccine, explain why this emergency use authorization just came through moments ago, why do you think it will make a difference in place where you are in tennessee. >> oh, john, i think it is wonderful that we have a second vaccine, the moderna does not require all the intense, cold storage. this is the vaccine that we can distribute closer to the people. we can get et out to rural areas in health departments and in local small hospitals and they can be the focus, immunization activities throughout the state.
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with pfizer, we have to concentrate our vaccination efforts largely in metropolitan areas and this allows us to spread it out and get the vaccines out widely. that's very, very attractive. >> that'll be a big difference. to be clear, dr. gounder, it is not available tonight or tomorrow. but it has cleared a major hurdle as we wait for the cdc to sign off. today a lot of people did receive their first doses of the pfizer vaccines. second lady karen pence and jim clyburn and our sanjay gupta on "new day" this morning. what impact of these public intentional vaccinations will have on the issu e of vaccine he
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h having elected officials and other prominent person go on camera and be vaccinated in front of the cameras for people to see. i do think when you see somebody especially if it is somebody of your own political party accepting the vaccination, look, this is safe and effective, i am doing this to protect me and my family and community. that's a really powerful message. >> it was intentional from jerome adams directed to the minority community as well. that's a message that's important to get out there. as more doses of both vaccines become available, how tough will it be prioritize who gets it after healthcare workers and residents of long-term care
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facility. how do you square this huge under taking with a budgetary constraints faced by the smaller public health department? >> they are working intensively as the people who are working in emergency departments and intensive care units. they are working day and night to make sure this works. now the cdc committee practices on sunday will give us the prioritization who comes after the healthcare workers and the residents of long-term care facilities. you know there are many ways to do this and right answer and we are going to follow their program. the health department already have all kinds of contingency plan to follow up. what we have to do is convince a lot of hesitant people to come in. if the vaccine remains in viles,
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in refrigerators, it can't prevent disease, we got to get it into arms. i know there are still a lot of hesitanc hesitancy. those inchoat coats to get the vaccines, perhaps i hope people are saying if it is good enough for them, it will be good enough for me. i hope that'll be throughout neighborhoods across the state. >> i was smiling, it is not the vaccines that safe lives, it is vaccinations. it is getting it in people's arms that makes a difference. dr. gounder, i am so glad you are here. perspective once again. we learned a third case of
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allergy reaction, again, put this in perspective for us. if people see that headlines and get worried, what do we need to know? we already had 50,000 americans vaccinated. that's a tremendous achievement that we vaccinated that many people since the pfizer vaccine. to have reactions, fairly severe allergic i creactions that coule managed with epipens and other things, benadryl that we give for allergic reactions, all of these were managed and none were fatal and none had long-term consequences. so i think yes, you may see some more of these kinds of reactions occur, big picture, three out of 50,000, that's really not a high rate. these were not that dangerous in the end. >> dr. gounder and dr. shaffner,
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thank you so much for being with us, giving us this positive and helping us understand what's happening and appreciate it. don lemon and sanjay gupta is hosting a special town hall tonight dealing with the hopes and fears surrounding the vaccines and community of ample reasons. now with so much on the vaccines, cnn presents "the color of covid:the vaccines," dr. fauci and dr. jerome adams and dr. sanjay gupta. one of the first people to receive the vaccine, it all gets underway at 10:00 eastern time. it is very important right here on cnn. next for us, the calls are coming from inside the white house. the white house that is. president trump calling on
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lawmakers to quote, "do something to keep him in office" the in coming center who's eager to do just that. later forget "do something." can lawmakers really do anything? can they finally come up with a covid relief package? we started by making the cloud easier to manage. but we didn't stop there. we made a cloud flexible enough to adapt to any size business. no matter what it does, or how it changes. and we kept going. so you only pay for what you use. because at dell technologies, we nothing. ♪
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more now on what the president is doing each day. in a recent video campaigning for candidates in georgia, tuber tuberville had this to say. >> you see what's coming. you have been reading it in the house. >> perhaps it is to make up for his record for coaching. objection requires the support of one senator and one house senator. mitch mcconnell opposed the move. the president is on board retweeting pro tuberville's messages. "more republican senators should follow his lead. we had a landslide victory and
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then it was swindled. do something." a topic called for later discussion. jim acosta has more from the white house. jim, what is the white house think it is going to get from all of this. they're not going to overturn the election. is this an effort to placate the president and keeping the base fired up and donating money? >> the president is treating his base like an atm machine. he's going to continue to do this. he's egging senators on. he's finding tuberville is willing to do his bidding everyone otheeven others are saying no. that's not going to go anywhere. that's why a source close to the white house told me earlier
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about this that this is an exercise to trump. that's dead on. this is more about the president and his team seeing the rest of the republican party bow down to him even though he's a loser in the last election. >> jim, when you think of the crisis this country is facing now. the public health and the cyber attack, the president is speaking out in any meaningful substantial way, why is he fighting for a job that he does not want to do? >> yeah, i talk to a trump adviser earlier this week zri describing the president as not working. it sums it up. not only we have this raging pandemic with thousands of lives lost everyday. we have this cyber attack on the u.s. government, the president is still silent about this evening.
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we had multiple days in a row where the president is not getting out in front of the camera in addressing reporters. encouraging people toll g get o there and get vaccinations but to warn vladimir putin to stay out of this federal government and he's just chosen not to do so. it is alarm ing and you and i were talking about this. this is a president who has checked out. he does not seem to want to do the job anymore. he likes the fancy house behind me with the exteriwreaths and t to terrier and so on but he does not want to do the work. you would think he would want to go out there and lead the charge and challenge vladimir putin on
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this cyber security hack. he's not doing it. i suspect, john, because he's wrapped up in grief with this election and chasing after this fever dream that he can still ov overturn the election results. >> at least 23,000 deaths over night, maybe he can express some grieve over that. jim acosta at the white house, thank you very much for being was. rick wilson, cofounder of the lincoln project. also, our kirsten powers, what does it say about the president's influence of this in coming freshman senator is willing to stand up in congress in his first week, first three days on the job but mcconnell
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and push the lies that the opinion won in the 2020 election. >> his voters are aligned with donald trump which is probably true than anybody else. i think it also says something that there are not any other senators at this point willing to do that. i think we should focus on that as well. mitch mcconnell is not going along with this and mcconnell has finally acknowledged the presiden president-elect. this is one person who's willing to just continue with this disruption and continue to try to convince a large portion of america who voted for trump that str joe biden is not a legitimate president. >> how convinced are you that
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what kirsten says stick? >> i am not convinced at all. the dichotomy of the republican party is profound. it is the trump's party and remaining the trump's party. everyone wants to run for president or reelection in 2022 or 2024, they're going to do whatever donald trump tells them to do. if donald trump told ted cruz to bark like a dog, he would do it for an hour. if he told josh holland to stand on his head, he'll do it until his ears bled. there is nothing these guys won't do. especially the primaries that's going to be loyal to donald trump until the very end. and so you are going see this performance stuff they're willing to do. no matter the cause of the
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country or their corrosiveness of their behaviors. >> if tuberville does force this vote, it puts republicans of what they have to cast what is a hurtful vote. mcconnell does not want to have republican senators have to choose between what the president and the voters had to say. does it put them in a bind? >> yes. everything about donald trump puts republicans in a bind. i would say senator holly or senator cruz, it is true they would do trump's bidding because they want his approval. are they far off from trump in terms of how destructive they are? they seemed to be trump's lights at this point and moving in to be just as bad as him or if not,
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not worse. these are the type of people who have been willing to say and do almost anything even with senator cruz, even before donald trump was involved in our government. i think that i expect little from them regardless of trump but it is true. it remains true that people who are looking to run for office in the near horizon feel that they have to suck up to donald trump. i personally think there is something more important than the world than winning reelection. i never ran for office but if i did, i don't think it is an excuse to go along with things like this. >> i want to play something what senator tuberville said. >> our government would not shut up for one group out of all three of the branches of government. it was not set up that way or three branches of the house and the senate and the executive.
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my dad fought 76 years ago in europe to free europe of socialist. >> wow. wow. that's wrong on two fronts. that's like animal housing. >> is it possible that tub tuberville is over his head? >> it is possible that he's dumber than a sack of hair. he's losing the last two years and the record will haunt him f forever. look, there is a degree to which tommy tuberville is a perfect representative of trumpism. these are people who do not believe in reality. they believe in a fantasy version of the world and american history and tuberville
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is an example of that and it is the rejection and the republican party of expertise of brains and acknowledgment and reality and experience and he's that now. he's more of everything other than the pension of young kids. >> i have to ask you something of a follow-up before. does ted cruiz, marco rubio, to cotton, is trump a potential obstacle for them? if he sticks around and runs for 2024, do they have to deal with him one way or another? >> yes, absolutely. we don't know what will happen with him. if you are them you are going to look at it and say it is possible that he won't won again but he could be a king maker and
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so we still want to be in good steps with him. they are already aligned with this way of thinking and operating. you know ted cruz has always been an obnoxious senator, he's always somebody looking out for ted cruz and really not interested in anything bigger than that. that's twhat trumpism stands fo. it stands for looking out for yourself and no concerns for the country because what they're doing right now is inexcusable because it undermines democracy. >> kirsten powers and rick wilson. thank you. more breaking news ahead, sources tell cnn of a new timeline of when the government
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first became aware of that breathtaking hack of key government agencies and private companies. a former top white house cyber security official joins us next. may your holidays glow bright and all your dreams take flight. visit your local mercedes-benz dealer today for exceptional lease and financing offers at the mercedes-benz winter event. to high quality computer science and stem education. ♪ i joined amazon because i wanted to change education and i am impatient. amazon gives me the resources to change the world at a pace that i want to change it. ♪ we provide students stem scholarships and teachers with support.
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of yet made no public comment. c cnn's alex has the latest. >> it was several months ago u.s. officials monitored for threats, too when they noticed this suspicious activity. that's according to those three sources. this suspicious activity that we now know linked to the attack of operation. they were not able to tie what they were seeing to the software that the hackers eventually used. the activity they saw was classified. it did not provide conclusive evidence that those networks had been compromised. it did worry top security officials. then fast forward to ten days ago, the cyber security firm revealed it had been hacked.
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it was followed by the u.s. government admitting that it too had been targeted and what we now know is the biggest breach ever seen. >> john. it has been nearly a week since the news of these breaches broke. what do we know of the scope of ak says that hackers may have. we are learning more everyday. given how sophisticated this atta attack, there are so much more we need to learn. the past two days, we learned the state department and energy department were compromised. when it comes to any of these agencies, what data access and what data is being seen or is being used. now the u.s. cyber security had said there are other methods that these hackers used, there were other tactics and procedures that these attackers use have not yet been exposed. there are so much more that
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needs to be learned. all of these companies and agencies and there are thousands of them need to do fren i coren analysis on all of their system. that could take months. we may never know the full extent of these breaches and attacks. that speaks to sophistication and the ongoing nature. we need to emphasize that. this started in march, it is very much ongoing. the russian hackers and they're expected to be tied to the intelligence services are still very much inside these networks. >> why has the president said anything out loud about this. what explanation do we have for this? >> it is really stunning. the white house say that is the president has been briefed and he's been working hard on it. we do know he's been briefed by his top intelligence officials. he has not said a single word. senator romney, a fellow republican say it is inexcusa e
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inexcusable. the call is for him to say and do something. that's the big question for joe biden who's going antonio hertol this. what to do about that? there is a lot to be learned and come up with some sort of response. but, president-elect biden says he's not going to stand idly by when cyber actors carrying out these malicious attacks on the u.s. >> alex, thank you so much. the depths and the seriousness of this attack. it is just so huge. perspective from richard clark. the coauthor of "the fifth domain" n the age of cyber threats. i heard you say right here on cnn. this is the largest espionage attack in history. as we continue to learn more of the scope and depth of this. what concerns you most of what
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happened? >>. >> what terconcerns me is the russians have broken all the rules. this is getting not only to a few government offices but in thousands of companies. it is what the military calls preparations of the battleship. putting back doors in thousands of important companies and agencies so that if they ever want to come back in the period of crisis and destroy those networks, they have the access. that that's the problem. >> is what you are describing a cyber sleeper cell or sleeper cell that's planted now and they can come back to activate when ever they want? >> that's a good analogy. it is as prewar period.
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if we want to confront them in ukraine or syria, they have a knife to our throat. they can cut-off critical infrastructure or destroy network not just get into them but wipe them out. >> president trump has been silent on this publicly. we heard alex marquadt that he has not been saying anything. >> he cut short his vacation in europe and came back to manage this crisis. the government is addressing it. homeland security is addressing it and nsa is addressing this. i don't think they need the president at this point. but some day an american president has to look at putin in the eye and say knock it off. get the hell out of our network and if you don't, i will make you pay a price.
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we have not been willing to make them pay a traumatize exceprizec sanctions. we have to stop this behavior. >> you are talking about offensive cyber action, yes? >> offensive cyber action on part of the united states is one of the response options. our further economic sanctions and limiting our global access to the internet. everything should be on the table, john, including offense of cyber. >> as i said the president has been silent on this and simply has not say anything out loud. what message does russia here in that silence and beyond russia, what message did potential bad actors hear around the world? >> well, i think all bad actors around the world are learning that they can hurt us, that they
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can get into these software updates and use them as a vector to attack. any software update has to be treated with suspicion. now that everybody knows haltom city the way that's the way to get in. >> 9/11 you tried to raise red flags of al-qaeda, what do you think president-elect biden's team should be focused on as they take office? >> i think the largest threat is our relationship with china which this administration really botched. we seem to be going down a path of hostility with china.
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tough back off. that does not make any sense for either side. that's job number one. russia is as side show compares to that. cyber security depends on all of that. we need someone at the white house to who understands all this. and, we are going get that. congress is creating a new national cyber director that confirms boo i the senate and we'll sit in the white house with this staff and coordinate all government activities. if they get the right person for that job, john, we can change the game. >> richard clark, every conversation with you is an education, great to see you tonight, thanks so much for being here. >> thank you, john. more breaking news as we come to the end of a busy week. the latest to fund the government on negotiations continue on a new relief bill. that's next. some hot cocoa?
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a drink with friends can turn into two, and a prescription can be stronger than you thought. stop! there are a lot of ways to get a dui. and a lot of ways to go-- text a friend, call a cab, share a ride. whatever you choose to do, go safely, california. congress agreed to fund the government for another two days. while they are continuing on a new relief bill.
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really it is anyone's guess right now. joining me are two veterans, the washington is supposed to work or more often does not work, david gergen and the top aid of hillary clinton. pai paul, i want to start with you, i guess congress works better under a deadline, we all know how it works. come on, man. americans are suffering. people are losing their livelihood here. how is it that they can't get this done? >> outrageous. months ago on may 15th. nancy pelosi passed the hero's act, $3.4 trillion worth of funding for these people. that was 216 days ago.
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tragically, 218,100 deaths ago, the house did their job. mitch mcconnell and the republicans have been sitting on this. 4.9 million americans are facing evictio evictions. in october and november, one out of six families with children is facing what they call food insecurity, they're hungry and trying to make dinner not knowing they have enough food to feed their kids and republican senate is sitting there cashing their fat government paychecks. it is one of the most outrageous things i have seen, i have never seen this kind of callousness. we are losing at 9/11 everyday, john. it is not both sides. the democrats passed the bill 216 days ago. the republicans did not pass anything. >> democrats did pass the bill but mcconnell did not lift a
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finger more months. they're now arguing a $900 billion deal that can't seem to finish that. hopefully they will. i don't want to do this but hopefully they'll come up with something. does someone historically that's often a president of the united states. >> that's exactly right. first of all i think paul nailed the argument in terms of the numbers he's right on track. i also believe it wasn't just mitch mcconnell and other republicans that sat on their hands. it was the president of the united states in the leadup to the elections, he has an obsession about the way the votes have been counted. he's been awol for so long, we very know what it's like to be governed anymore. but i think that contributed a lot. the democrats not only didn't get enough, they only got about less than a third of what they were seeking. but the amount of money is pretty marginal.
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it's not -- the right thing to do -- get it passed, it should've been done a long time ago. open to the idea that joe biden is this is a down payment, it's not the full payment that it is needed. more needs to be done after january 20th. >> paul, we are hearing some frustration from the rank and file members, particularly in the house, both democrats and republicans. the negotiating is happening with nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, kevin mccarthy and mitch mcconnell. do you understand that frustration? >> i do. it used to be what senator mccain used to call the regular order. you have committee meetings, you have votes. now it seems it's only come down to these elites in a room. i will understand that frustration. i will say one of the most conservative members in the republican party josh hawley. he called for a $2,500 stimulus
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check for every single american and good up for him. a senator from wisconsin ron johnson stood up and killed it. there is great anger in the rank and file. but this should have been done months ago. david makes a good point about the president. i talked to two different hill offices today on the democratic side involved in these negotiations. and i have to tell you the president's name never even came up. they didn't even think about him he's so awol right now. and that's a really sad commentary. for those of us that have had the honor to work in the white house and have seen presidents who have been the vital center of action, this guy is totally out to lunch. >> i agree. and, john, it's important to understand here that he's awol not only on this issue but on the cyber issue. that's very sobering. the president of the united states has not had a regular security briefing since october 2nd. i've never heard of any president under any circumstances. and i worked close to them.
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the other thing that should be obvious -- at the federal reserve say that the amount of money in the stimulus package that's coming, it is not enough, we have to keep the door open for more or this economy could stall out. >> we got 20 seconds left. give us the odds on the georgia democratic race in 20 seconds or less. >> oh, goodness. i really have no idea. i really don't. mr. trump apparently was supposed to go down there saturday. and now it's canceled? that's good news for the democrats. he still can't rally that base. >> it really is interesting right now is that no one has any idea where this is headed right now. but it really does seem to be a tossup as we sit here tonight. david, paul, thanks so much for being with us. really appreciate it. >> thank you so much, john. just ahead, a cnn special report about another deadly pandemic in this nation's history where some leaders went with party politics over science. introducing...stocks by the slice from fidelity
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at the top of the broadcast, we reported on bad decisions made by leaders during the pandemic. and that is the focus of cnn's forthcoming special report about another deadly pandemic. the year was 1918, the virus was influenza. and the clip about to show you city leaders in philadelphia okayed this huge parade to support the war effort, world war i just as one of the deadliest epidemics ever was taking hold. >> philadelphia leaders had organized a liberty loan parade scheduled for september 28th, 1918. it was in effort to boost morale but also a way to raise money for the war effort by encouraging americans to buy war bonds. parades like these were drawing large crowds throughout the war. americans were eager to show their patriotism. >> the medical community was
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very, very concerned by that. urged the public health director to call the parade off. he allowed the parade to go on. >> that's correct. and he had specifically been told in a meeting two days before by other doctors not to allow it to go on. he was a political appointee, philadelphia had at that time a notoriously rather corrupt government. and he was not willing to go up against the bosses. so he went ahead with this. >> there were hundreds of thousands of people in the street packed close together, shouting and singing songs. and like clockwork 48, 72 hours later, the disease exploded in philadelphia. >> just one piece of a much broader film. cnn special report "pandemic: how a virus changed the world in 1918," it airs saturday night at
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9:00 p.m. eastern time. and just a reminder about an hour from now cnn's don lemon and dr. sanjay gupta talking about the new vaccines in communities of color. dr. anthony fauci and surgeon jerome adams will be there to answer your question 10:00 p.m. eastern time. the news continues, let's hand it over to chris for "cuomo prime time." >> thank you very much, john. and welcome to prime time. the moderna vaccine is now authorized for emergency use. but will we be able to get it to the people who need it in time? and a government shutdown has been averted for at least two days. but will congress get money to the hungry before christmas? these questions demand answers and action from the people who have the honor of doing our business. we must demand those answers and action. again, why aren't we being given the facts and figures about where the vaccine is
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