tv CNN Newsroom CNN December 21, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PST
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this vaccine myself in the coming days as part of our efforts to demonstrate to americans that these vaccines are safe and incredibly effective at preventing covid-19. this first wave of moderna shipments will be sent to more than 3500 sites, a greater number than the pfizer vaccine was sent to. in part, because the moderna vaccine can be accommodated in more sites, including harder to reach and more rural places. >> this also comes as millions of americans who have been suffering for months may finally be seeing some relief they needed so desperately. congressional leaders after months of stalemate and frankly failure which they have admitted themselves, they finally got it together, finally struck a deal, a $900 billion deal for covid relief aid to be sent out. the first votes on that package are supposed to happen today but they haven't even seen the language yet. an update from capitol hill, we take you there in a moment.
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today marks another significant step in the fight against covid-19. as we have been discussing, a second vaccine has been given the green light. distribution of millions of doses of the moderna vaccine have gbegun, people can start seeing shots in arms sometime today. let's go to new york where long-term care facility residents are actually receiving the first doses of their vaccines today. we were talking about it, jean casarez joins us. we were talking about this very issue, jean, with the chief medical officer of cvs health and today marks a big day for residents of long-term care facilities. you're outside one of them now. what's happening there? >> reporter: it really is. they're getting the pfizer vaccine now. we learned it was last wednesday this facility found out they were actually going to get the vaccine today. they worked night and day to talk to residents and to family members because consent forms
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had to be signed. they did it. virtually every single one of the 600 residents in the long-term care facility, 32 acres they have here, is getting the vaccine, and the way they're doing it, they hope to get 200 done today, 200 tomorrow, 200 wednesday. they partnered with walgreens. six pharmacists are going room to room. they start with those with alzheimer's and dementia because it is difficult for them to follow the protocol, masks, social distancing, washing of hands, and they'll go on to everyone. the mood i am told inside this facility is excitement. >> on this, the shortest and darkest day of the year, the sun is shining. everybody downstairs broke out into the most incredible applause and hooting and hollering. >> it was a blessing. i can't describe it because i didn't feel anything.
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i really didn't. i didn't even know the guy had injected me. i haven't seen my grandkids in ten months. i haven't seen my girlfriend in ten months. >> reporter: now, hebrew home went through some very difficult times this year. 54 residents passed away in this facility because of covid related illnesses. they also had many at the hospital that did not make it. here's what's interesting. this facility is so large, 32 acres, those that were coming back from the hospital had a separate building on the campus that they formed into their own covid facility so the covid residential members coming from the hospital went to that building, not this building, and therefore that saved many, many people from dying. >> thank you for the update. appreciate it. coming up soon, president-elect joe biden and
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future first lady jill biden, they will be receiving their first dose of the pfizer vaccine as well. let's go there, find out how this is going to play out, how important this is. jessica dean standing by in wilmington, delaware. jessica, what are you hearing? >> reporter: kate, as you said we know that the president-elect and his wife jill biden will be getting the first dose of the pfizer vaccine here in delaware later today. that's about all of the specifics we know in terms of timing. we're waiting for an exact time. we know it will be later today. we know as biden said time and time again this will be done publicly, it will be done for everyone to see. biden wanting to inspire confidence to all americans that this is a safe and effective vaccine and he is encouraging as many people as possible to get it. it is also, of course, important to know he is 78 years old, in that age group at higher risk for complications from covid. yet another reason it is important for him to get this
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vaccine as well. we know that vice president-elect kamala harris and her husband will be getting the vaccine next week. the transition says they're intentionally staggering when they get the vaccine. they simply said that's on the advice of their health experts and really didn't elaborate beyond that. it could be, kate, in case anybody gets side effects, they're not dealing with that at the same time. but today here in delaware we are expecting to see the president-elect getting that vaccine. kate? >> stand by to see that. thank you. we see every day more and more examples of how needed the vaccine is. states across the country are facing breaking points within their hospital systems. hospitals in los angeles there at a critical point. some reportedly forced to begin outlining plans to have to ration care for patients because of what they face. the california governor is now in ten day quarantine as a member of his staff tested positive for covid-19.
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the governor of tennessee is also in quarantine now as his wife tested positive for covid-19. and tennessee is facing the highest infection rate per capita. more than 16,000 cases added yesterday. highest single day count in the state yet. the number includes cases from saturday and sunday, which is why the governor has just issued a startling warning that the state cannot survive another holiday surge. >> it only took a matter of days to see gatherings around thanksgiving translate into a record level of sickness. tennessee cannot sustain similar surge after christmas and new years, so tonight i'm asking you to make some hard decisions. >> joining me, william shapner from vanderbilt university medical center. can we start in your state?
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the infection rate there is now three times where the state was around halloween. that's what the governor just said. the governor announced that you can't sustain another holiday surge. what's happening now in the state? >> the governor is certainly right about that. our data indicate that the virus is out there, the covid virus, spreading in all communities, even out to our rural counties and there are many people in our state who are not taking the advice, they're not wearing masks, they're still gathering in groups, they're not social distancing. these are hard times and i'm afraid they're going to get harder because our hospital facilities are right at capacity now. >> you know, i was reporting in los angeles they're having to outline plans to ration care. can you help folks understand how serious that is and what it means? >> oh, that's very, very serious. in circumstances like that, you
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have to stop doing elective surgery. what surgery is elective? it is important to the patient that's going to receive it. in other words, it is not emergent. we'll be putting more patients than one in a single room. we will be opening up new beds. actually, we have been doing those things already. the physical facilities are one thing but where do you get the personnel to care for the patients who are trained. that's the even larger challenge. it could get very tough out there. >> and it is noteworthy, still while what is being advised and suggested, there's no statewide order for face coverings in tennessee, getting back to your state. you have been an advocate, have shown me the mask so many times from the beginning, still not in tennessee. statewide order. i want to ask what we are learning about this variant of coronavirus showing up in united kingdom. you have countries cutting off the uk, the prime minister is
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putting in emergency measures. would you suggest, we haven't seen anything from the trump administration, if the trump administration will be pausing travel from the united kingdom into the united states, was that what you would suggest? >> well, what i would suggest is that it is all the more reason for all of us to wear our masks, do our social distancing, and rethink what we are going to do over the holidays, new years, christmas, all the other holidays that occur at this time. we really need to be very, very careful. this new strain is highly contagious as reported. it doesn't make you more sick but it spreads very, very readily. fortunately, the vaccine we think will continue to work. so until we can get the vaccine out there, we have to do our social distancing, mask wearing. that's what we can do right now.
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cost us very little. inconvenient? yes. but important? vital. >> doctor, do you just assume as operation warp speed said that this variant was identified in september, do you assume, would you say it is more likely than not that the variant is already here in the united states? >> i wouldn't be surprised at all, although there's been diminished travel, it is not as though there hasn't been any travel. this virus is so contagious and can travel with you without symptoms. it doesn't need that passport. as we discovered early on coming in from europe and china, it is likely here already. >> doctor, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. coming up for us, the house of representatives is set to vote very soon on desperately needed coronavirus relief
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package. what's in the bill, what is not, and when will americans start seeing the relief they are now promised. coming up, an attorney pushing conspiracy theories about the election spotted at the white house last night. new report on what's going on behind the scenes, why it is concerning even the closest to the president. from your walmart store. really fast. really perfect. let's end the year nailing it. ♪ and my water broke. at only 23 weeks. andrew: we had to stay in the hospital for 10 weeks, 1000s of miles from family. our driver kristin came along in our most desperate hour. suzanne: bringing us home-cooked meals and gifts. andrew: day after day. we wanted to show you something. kristin: oh my god! andrew: kristin is the most uncommonly kind person that we've met. suzanne: thank you so much.
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let's end the year you can do better, steve! get a freshly made footlong, from subway®! you can even order on the subway® app! did i just get picked off by deion sanders? you sure did! now in the app, get a free footlong when you buy two. because it's footlong season™! all right. we have breaking news. houston area getting the vaccines today, due to arrive as we speak. miguel marquez is there. what am i looking at? >> reporter: you are looking at, as boring as this is, this is a box of moderna vaccine.
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we're at united memorial medical center. they did not get any of the pfizer vaccine. they have been treating covid patients at this location for months now. you have been nice enough to let us see you open this box of moderna vaccine. this is your 277th day of work and this is, what does this represent? >> this is light at the end of the tunnel. it is hopefully the beginning of number one, making sure the people that work here don't get sick any more, and number two, the start of the end of the pandemic. >> all right. let's see what that looks like. they're going to start injecting into health care professionals here at ummc this afternoon. it will be people that work in the covid unit first and then it will be individuals that work at the er, emergency department.
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and they have, he believes they have 300 doses of this. let us watch this. covered in dry ice to keep it cold. >> whole thing is this. all this excitement for this tiny little box. >> in time for christmas. >> stop a moment, i show you what the temperature is so we have no issues. we have two boxes of multi dose vaccine. >> that's 300 doses there. >> that is correct. >> that's enough for 150 of your employees. >> correct. >> how many employees are ready to have that put in their arms? >> today, probably all of them. we have a lot of employees that
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do want it, i have a fair amount of employees that do not want it yet. they want to wait. they're concerned, let's see what happens. what's going on with side effects. remember, nobody has used the moderna vaccine we're going to be the first. >> you did not get any pfizer vaccine a week ago. how much relief is it to have that in your hands. more than having any amount of money in your hands. >> ten vials in there? >> yes. >> we will let you store it until you put it in arms. he is handing it to the pharmacist. this afternoon they'll start to inject that. we're sure it is all in the box? >> trust me, there's nothing else. >> dry ice, that's it.
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so as pedestrian as this scene is, it is almost emotional to be here to see them open this up. we were here in june, saw what they were doing in june, we were here yesterday as well. we'll have a story later tomorrow on what they're dealing with here now. it is not getting better. the doctor as we were speaking yesterday, they expect the worst days are still to come. back to you. >> for perspective, i think it is important, migel, you can ask the doctor, he's become well known throughout this pandemic for his compassion accounts of what front line workers are up against. it is like having gold in his hands. if you could be so kind to ask him what he is feeling in this moment. he has been working so hard for so long for some kind of light at the end of the tunnel.
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>> so given that this is hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel, given that you worked for 277 days, given your employees, you have very few that have gotten covid, but they get dressed in several layers of ppe every day for the last nine months. you've seen more than your fair share of sickness and death. what's your emotion, what's the overriding emotion? >> i don't cry, but i am very close to it. this is like having a baby. i was carrying this like i was carrying a baby. so careful. if you drop it, oh, my gosh. you know how many lives we can save with this? not only the lives, but not spread to someone else, exponential. >> cases across texas, not harris county, but across texas are much higher than june. there's a long line of people waiting to get tests outside
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this facility where we are standing right now. this has arrived in about a year. how tough are the next weeks going to be until enough people get this in their body. >> first of all, you need to understand this is not going to work immediately. we are going to give the vaccine, be vaccinated and then another in three or four weeks. then you start to have immunity. talking about six to eight weeks before the vaccine has any effect on you. so the next six to eight weeks we discuss before, i continue to think that are going to be the darkest weeks in northern american medical history because people are not listening. over the weekend, one million people traveled. what's wrong? >> this arrived at christmas, which is a lovely gift. also arrived at christmas when people are getting together, getting on planes.
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how concerned. you're seeing a bit of a thanksgiving spike. how concerned are you for days and weeks ahead? >> very concerned. very, very concerned. our team has foreseen this. we have already opened up additional beds because we know we're going to get in trouble. my primary concern is people will think getting the vaccine is like immediate immunity. therefore, i can go see grandma, i can go and do things. that's not the case. >> it also gives the public a sense that it is over, it is done, and they let their guard down even more i take it than they already have. >> that is correct. we talked yesterday about the covid fatigue syndrome. people hate covid, don't want to hear any more. now you tell them i have a vaccine for you, everybody is happy, nothing will happen. well, things are going to happen. for the next several weeks, more than 60% of the american population is vaccinated, we're
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still at risk of losing a lot of american lives. >> another step, another small step but a darn big one at the same time of bringing the pandemic to an end. doctor, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> back to you. >> thank you. appreciate it. today, turn back to washington. another aspect of the coronavirus pandemic that we're seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. congress is acting today. the house is expected to vote on a covid relief bill. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell anounnounced they agr to a $900 billion package. is anyone viewing this as a success? manu raju is on capitol hill, back with us. what are you hearing about this? when are votes actually going to happen? >> reporter: we don't know yet. bill text has not been released yet, even though they announced yesterday evening they had a deal, but so furiously drafting the legislative language. this is one of the biggest rescue packages in american history, along with this $900
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billion along with $1.4 trillion in federal spending to keep the government open through september. we have not seen the bill text or details of either proposal, even though congress will vote on it sometime today. members won't have a chance essentially to read this or much of this, and this will likely become law. we generally have a sense of what the outlines are of the relief package, and it includes a number of things that help different sectors of the economy and struggling workers. this includes $300 in unemployment benefits that would kick in starting late december, december 27th. people are seeing those dry up in days. those would be extended. also, more than $280 billion in loans for small businesses, more than 80 billion for schools and colleges. 25 billion for rental assistance, so much money for vaccine. $20 billion for purchase of vaccines. 8 billion for vaccine distribution, money to increase food stamps, child nutrition
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efforts. a lot of different sectors will be aided by this proposal. but it is uncertain exactly when people will see that relief because it is going to take some time to get kicked into the system here. we do expect that eventually when this bill is released, the house will vote this afternoon, the senate will vote sometime presumably tonight, expect votes in both chambers sometime tonight i should say. then we have to see if it gets to the president's desk within days, it will take time for the paperwork to come together. kate, people have to wait a little longer to get that relief. >> i know first thing they need to approve it, and then the president has to sign it. for millions of americans, are they giving you guidance when people could see some of the relief? >> reporter: direct payments will take a couple of weeks once this goes into law, once the president signs this. then more and more people will get it, not everybody getting
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direct payments in two weeks. it may take several weeks longer, depending on the person's situation. the jobless benefits as i mention likely toward end of the month, people will get those enhanced $300 a week in jobless benefits. we have to see how quickly for small business loans. takes time to spend $900 billion. it is a lot of money. second largest rescue package in american history. it will take time to implement. >> thank you. this relief bill comes as millions of americans are suffering and struggling to make ends meet and frankly to keep putting food on the table. recent indicators show it is just getting worse and worse as this played out. there is great new reporting from tammy lubi to offer important perspective as we watch months tick by with coronavirus. the poverty rate jumps to 11.7%
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from 9.3%. more than 27 million american adults live in households where there was sometimes or often not enough to eat. think about that. about 13% of this country lives in a household and is going hungry now. the financial strain from the pandemic on everyday necessary items is astronomical. more than 85 million adults live in a household where it has been somewhat or very difficult to pay for the usual household expenses. that's more than 35% of american adults. think about then the impact on the entire family and the children in all of this. people deserve better. that's an important perspective right now. still ahead for us this
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constantly spread conspiracy theories of election fraud was seen at the white house twice this weekend. also seen at the white house, michael flynn, the president's former national security adviser, retired general who promoted during an interview last week that the president should invoke marshal law to rerun the election. all of this came up in the oval office according to reporting. the situation around the president is taking such a turn that sources familiar with what happened are now alerting reporters. one of the sources described to cnn an escalating sense of concern among trump's aides, even those that weathered previous conspiracies about what steps he may take next as his term comes to an end. joining me, elizabeth newman from department of homeland security under president trump. thank you for coming in. i wanted to get your reaction, great reporting by colleagues and maggie hagerman in "new york
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times." >> it is more of the same. it is hard to continue to be so outraged at his behavior but we need to be outraged because it is horrible. it is horrible that at the beacon of democracy, the white house is supposed to be, that we have seditious conspiracies being discussed. at least it sounds like there are a handful of advisers that are loosening guardrails, i think they're still there, tells you they have a high tolerance for a lot of shenanigans, even this is too far for them and at least they're speaking out, pushing back. hopefully that holds. i don't think the president could actually be successful in carrying out some sort of conspiracy to overthrow the election but it is so disheartening that this is happening in our country. it's not what the united states stands for. >> look, president trump is one
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thing but it is possibly even more disturbing that the person who was the national security adviser to the president, the former director of the defense intelligence agency, retired general, michael flynn was pushing this, saying it publicly. wasn't even behind closed doors, saying it publicly, that he should be deploying military to rerun the election. >> and thank goodness that you have good people at the pentagon coming out and saying that's not going to happen. i worked with many in the military. i feel absolutely confident it is drilled in that they swear to the constitution, not to a man, not even a branch of government, it is to something so much bigger than whoever sits in the white house from time to time, so i feel very comfortable that the military men and women of this country will do the right thing if they're asked to do something horrible as michael
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flynn suggests, but you're right. how in the world, i guess we dodged a bullet that he was not allowed to be national security adviser for the preponderance of the administration, what a disaster that would have been. and it is unclear to me whether he, like many around the president, like to spout off conspiracies for the purpose of getting the president's affection and attention or if he actually believes this. i would hope given his background he knows what he is suggesting is not only unconstitutional but just totally against everything that the united states stands for. >> look, your specialty is in threat prevention, elizabeth. i am curious what you think, if there is long term impact of this kind of, the way i put it, this kind of crazy coming from the white house and from the people around the president, because yes, he is no longer going to be president in a month but what is the impact of these
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wild meetings, conspiracy theories, people with big titles saying these crazy things when it comes to people who support the president and believe in what he says. >> i have two primary concerns. the first is more timely. i think the president entertaining michael flynn's suggestion could be to violent extremist groups, if we create enough chaos he could declare marshal law. i am a little concerned in the next few weeks if the president continues down this path of talking and hinting at maybe we can do something with marshal law that they will create an environment in which they think he would be justified declaring marshal law. i am worried about the potential for violence there. the longer term threat, we have
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seen a radicalization of the president's base and that does not mean that everybody that has been radicalized would commit acts of violence, it usually is a much smaller percentage willing to go and do violent things but anytime you expanded that pool of potentially radicalized individuals, it makes it easier for violent extremist groups to recruit them into the darker, more nefarious path muof committing an act of violence. quieter times even over the summer, we were seeing what we're seeing now over drinks, you would talk with other counterterrorism professionals, they think what we are experiencing as a country is likely relating to the next 10 to 15 years of counterterrorism problems for our country. it is massive what has happened and it will take a long time to
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resolve, to pull people out of darkness. >> unwind it. thank you. elizabeth, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. still ahead for us, firefighters are part of the next group in line to get the coronavirus vaccine but polling of new york city's firefighters has shown the majority of them might not want to take it, might not want to get it. i am going to talk to the president of the new york firefighters association next. subway is open and serving footlongs contact-free. order in the app for quick and easy pickup. or, get contact-free curbside pickup! staying home? get delivery! so many ways to get footlongs contact-free! subway. eat fresh. it was 1961 when nellie young lost her devoted husband. without him, things were tough. her last option was to sell her home,
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yesterday that front line essential workers should be among those next in line to receive the covid vaccine. that means many people like postal workers, public transit workers, grocery store employees and first responders like police and fire. but the question remains still, will they get the vaccine? with me now, andrew ansbrow. you shared results from the survey of firefighters at the beginning of the month and then your survey found that 55% of fdny firefighters that responded said they would not be getting the vaccine if the department offered it. do you think their views on this are changing, andrew, now that this is a real thing and vaccines are out there? >> i would like to think so. in the beginning when the vaccine came out, there wasn't a lot of information available. as information comes out that proves that it is safe and expresses that there isn't much to be worried about, more and
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more members i think will opt to get it. >> i have to say, so many people told me it scared them and concerned them when they saw the survey result, that 55% of new york's bravest were saying they weren't comfortable getting the covid vaccine and you look back and you know the threat and risk to them. a study published last month found in the first wave in the spring, firefighters and emts in new york were 15 times more likely to be infected than the general population. what is it you hear amongst members, what don't they trust? what is their concern? >> i wouldn't call it a trust issue so much as members have gotten familiar with covid, about a third of them already have it. 5% of the department is out now with covid. the fire department has been fortunate in that we haven't had many serious cases. we have had members hospitalized, but the average member of the department that has gotten this has had mild symptoms. they become more comfortable with covid and a lot of members
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feel they're not really necessary to get to the front of the line, if and when they need it, they'll decide personally to take it, they'll eventually get it. there will always be some people that don't get it. i feel numbers are basically the same as everyone else in the country. >> good point. you, yourself, said you're going to be getting it, yes? >> absolutely. i have no issues taking it. >> do you see yourself as needing to put forth an effort, i'm sure you would like to see more of them get it to protect themselves. >> my effort is more of an educational issue. my members have to make this decision for themselves, i'll back the decision either way. i just hope they look objectively at material given to them and decide to get it. if they don't decide to get it, that's up to them. we sign up for a lot of things when we join the fire department. getting experimental medicine is not one of them. >> but you will be getting in line for that vaccine.
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a russian agent sent to tail opposition leader alexey navalny has accidentally revealed how he was poisoned in august. a member of the elite toxin team said the lethal nerve agent was planted? kn navalny's underwear. he had trailed navalny for more than three years. this is all part of clarissa ward and her team. she's joining me with this new reporting. clarissa, this is unbelievable. can you tell us how this happened? how did this information come out? >> reporter: yeah, it's one of those stories like if you saw it in a movie, you'd be like, this is unrealistic. here we are reporting on it and it is very true. essentially what happened is navalny who was poisoned with novichok decided to try to call
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one of the fsb operatives who we revealed in our reporting was part of an elite team with expertise in chemical weapons trailing him for many years. what navalny did was to pretend that he was a high ranking member of the national security council and that he was carrying out an investigation into how the poisoning operation went. and this operative acquiesced and started talking about the details starting out with the most stunning detail, which is how he was poisoned. he talks about it being planted in the underwear. >> translator: what item of clothing was the emphasis on. the most risky piece of clothing. which one is that? >> underpants.
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>> translator: risky in what sense? >> translator: in terms of what that would be. >> was it the inside seam, outside seam? what was it adjacent to? i will discuss all of this but i also need your information. >> translator: well, we applied it to the internal one, at least there was application. >> translator: well, imagine underpants and in what place? >> translator: the insides, the groin. >> translator: the crotch of the underpants? >> translator: well, the so-called flap. there are seems theams there, te seams there. >> you can see about where in navalny's underpants the poison was placed. he talked about he flew to the city of ungst and took navalny's clothes and ensured that they
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were scrubbed clean, that there would be no traces of novichok left. he made a secondary trip as well to make sure those clothes were clean and i think lastly, he talks about why navalny didn't die. he said it was probably because the plane was diverted so he wasn't on the flight for so long. also the fact that the a.mbula e ambulance, the fact that they atropined, and he said we added a bit extra. kate. >> unbelievable. this also seem to rip apart what vladimir putin has said about a quasi denial about this thing. >> reporter: last week president putin at his annual presser was pressed about this, the fsb was
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probably trailing navalny but that doesn't mean they poisoned him. now here we are, kate, with definitive evidence that they were involved in this poisoning. the question is how can they possibly obfuscate? how will they possibly respond to this? we've reached out to the kremlin and the other operative that's mentioned in that audio recording. you heard so far no responses, but i think people are going to keep holding their feet to the fire until we learn more. >> days and days it took for an initial response. i don't understand how they could have a response to this, clarissa. it is from the mouth of the agent that you've been able to get. it's remarkable. great reporting. thank you for bringing it. coming up still for us, the u.s. is set to begin giving shots of the newly authorized moderna vaccine as the united states becomes the first in the world to offer two vaccine options.
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hello, i'm buy on na golodryga in for brianna keilar. in just hours president-elect joe biden and jill biden will be vaccinated against coronavirus and it's happening on the dye that the u.s. begins getting shots of the newly authorized moderna vaccine. as we become the first in the world to offer two vaccines, we could be the last western nation to respond to a new variant of coronavirus. so far the u.s. ha
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