tv First Ladies CNN December 26, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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i can only tell you that, based on what he has done and what he cares about, and the kind of man he is, he should be the next president of the united states. bill clinton. [ cheers and applause ] >> i am, also, the only person running for president, who can have my real campaign slogan. when you think of hillary, think of our real slogan. buy one, get one free. >> this was just unprecedented. i mean, no president had ever campaigned saying, if you elect me, you're going to get my wife, also. you know, that was not anything american people were ready for. >> reporter: hillary rodham clinton is running for
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president. team clinton. elect him. you get me. >> what does this mean? who is she? what will she represent? >> we need a president, who wants to bring us together. who wants to heal the divisions between races. >> you couldn't watch the campaign, and not know that she was extremely important to him. the most-trusted adviser he had. >> reporter: hillary rodham clinton polarized public opinion and became a lightning rod for criticism. >> when people understand this story of this slice of history, she will be given the credit she is due.
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the american people have voted to make a new beginning. [ cheers and applause ] i want to begin this night by thanking my wife, without whom i would not be here tonight. and who i believe will be one of the greatest, first ladies in the history of this republic. >> the clintons. they are the vanguard of the baby boomers coming into politics. it felt hikelike a whole, new generation coming into power. the music was different. everything seemed different. >> this is the first president, whose wife, the first lady of the united states, has her own, independent, professional
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career. >> reporter: over the next eight years, hillary would rewrite the rules for an entire generation of women. >> what i represent is generational change. it's not just about me. what i like about all of the women who have been in the white house is that they all tried to do what was best for themselves, for their families, for the country, as they defined it. and that's what i h'd try to do >> hillary was not going to be a traditional, first lady. the women's movement had changed it, forever. hillary was the first generation that was going to start that change. >> i just hope that you, not only have a lot of fun tonight but, you have fun for the next four years as you help us change this country, for the better. thank you, all. >> some people loved it. i loved it. my mother loved it. my mother was so excited. oh, my god. a woman who is actually trying to do something different. this is great. but, you know, there are people for whom that was very uncomfortable or discomforting.
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created a lot of confusion. >> hillary clinton has an office in the west wing and that's a first. >> mrs. clinton is moving the office of the first lady out of the east wing, and into the west. >> on the first day, when we all gathered around this table, i remember her saying we are a small team. and i really want people devoted to this administration and the work that we have at hand. >> i can't help but notice that this is an all-chick staff. >> neil's over there. neil, i'm sorry. >> hillary has a staff larger than any other first lady. the team renames their new, west-wing office, hillary land. >> she wanted to use this amazing opportunity, as first lady, to make advances. she has this phrase of john wesley that she has returned to over the years, which is do all the good you can. >> she was ambitious about a set of policies that were really going to start to benefit people, who were on the margins of society. >> it was the sense that,
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together, we can really have positive impact. and she imbued, in all of us, that sense of purpose. >> hillary's political journey started in a surprisingly different place. hillary was raised in a middle-class, methodist family, just outside chicago. >> her father, hugh rodham, was an enormous influence on hillary because he was a drillmaster. he was very tough. he saw life as combat. he taught her that emotion is weakness. you can't ever show emotion. >> at one point, she says she came home with a report card that was just covered in as. and her father's reaction was, you must go to an easy school. >> hugh rodham was a die-hard republican, and encouraged his
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daughter to campaign for republican candidates, like barry goldwater. >> her father was furious when she went off to the east coast to one of the finest women's schools in the country. >> wellesley was a liberal, all-girls college, in massachusetts. hillary majored in political science, and became president of the wellesley young republicans in her freshman year. but as a child of the '60s, events in the country started to influence her politics. >> it's a fascinating turn that she took, at wellesley. she sort of found her own voice. started to look at the vietnam war differently. talk about women's rights. she then became a really outspoken democrat. >> she would do rallies, on the steps of the college. and bring other women along to get into politics. >> in hillary's final year, her peers picked her to be the first
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student ever to speak on their behalf at commencement. what happened that day became the seminal moment of hillary's early career. >> a distinguished senator, edward brooks, had been invited to give the graduation address. it was a liberal republican. he talked in fairly conventional terms about the need for change. and she really disagreed with what he said. >> as he was speaking, she took notes. right? and when she got up, she basically threw away her speech. >> and it is a great pleasure to present to this audience ms. hillary rodham. >> what i'm speaking for today is all of us. the 400 of us. and i find myself in a familiar position. that of reacting. >> and, instead of going into, i think, what was anticipated that she would say, she basically responded to the senator. >> part of the problem with just
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empathy with professed goals is that empathy doesn't do us anything. we feel that, for too long, our leaders have viewed politics as the art of the possible. and the challenge, now, is to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible. >> it was recognized as groundbreaking, at the time. >> she was, very much, surpassing the expectations of what women would conventionally do, in those times. >> the june issue of "life magazine," which was the photographic magazine at the time, featured hillary rodham at the age of 21. very unusual to feature a young woman, in politics. >> hillary was already making a big impression on the political landscape. >> everybody knew, wow, this person is destined for greatness.
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>> 24 years later, now in the white house, hillary is poised to bring her passion for change to her role as first lady. >> there have been conflicting signals about which hillary clinton will be shown to the country. the sharp politician? or the conventional, first lady? ♪ right now, i'm working on purification technologies that help advance vaccine and therapy research for covid-19. one day, they'll realize i wasn't just trying to help them go out and play again. i was trying to make it safer for the whole world to get back outside too. i was trying to make it safer your lips have a unique print. ...and unique needs. your lips are like no others and need a lip routine that's just right for you. chapstick® has you covered. chapstick®. put your lips first®.
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inauguration, president clinton makes a controversial appointment. >> as a first step in responding to the demands of, literally, millions of americans, today, i am announcing the formation of the president's task force on national-health reform. this task force will be chaired by the first lady, hillary rodham clinton. i am grateful hillary has agreed to chair this task force, and not only because it means she will be sharing some of the heat i expect to generate. >> the president gave hillary one of the toughest issues there is. universal healthcare. and that was a shock to, not only people in washington but, to the people who were working in the white house. >> what factors did you consider giving this high-profile position? >> to tell you the truth, it wasn't a discussion. there wasn't an option. the president and the first lady made the decision that she was going to lead the health care. did i think it was a good idea?
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no. and no one else really did, either. >> any doubts that hillary clinton will have a big role in new administration, the president put them to rest today. >> reporter: more than half of americans say it's not appropriate for first ladies to make policy. >> who elected hillary rodham clinton to make policy? >> it was very controversial. so many attacks, from so many different places. >> why is she taking on this big role? there were charges of nepotism. >> what if she doesn't get along with the rest of the staff? what if she needs to be fired. >> >> we really sort of ruffled a lot of feathers. and people just did not know how to take it. >> on one hand, you complain that she is too powerful. on the other hand, you complain that she's underqualified. >> only as a benefit. why would i not engage this incredibly smart person, who i happen to be married to, to help do these things that i want to get done as president?
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>> over the years, we've influenced each other. we have a wonderful relationship, going back to our days in law school. >> the couple met at yale, where hillary was one of only 27 female students in a class of 235. >> there was this tall, handsome, southern man, with elvis sideburns and hickey boots who would follow her after classes, kind of panting at the back of her neck. couldn't wait to get to know her. >> he would tell friends she's the most captivating, compelling person, i've ever met. >> he had never been with a woman who was his intellectual equal and i think that excited bill, enormously. >> after graduating from yale, in 1973, hillary moved to washington. headhunted to work on the watergate investigation.
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>> i shall resign the presidency, effective at noon tomorrow. >> bill had proposed marriage, several times. after less than a year in washington, hillary follows her heart to arkansas. >> one of her friends traveled to arkansas with her. and the entire road trip, tried to convince her not to do it. you're crazy, hillary. you'll be throwing away your life. you are a big deal. you can really go places, in politics. >> hillary said she thought she might be crazy, too. but she was just in love with him. >> the couple married in 1975. >> the governor of arkansas and his wife hillary. >> bill quickly climbed the political ladder and, by 1979, was governor of arkansas. hillary joined a prestigious law firm. >> she was one of the first women in the state to be hired by a mainline law firm. and later, she was named partner. so, her trajectory became very swift.
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>> you are less than 40. you don't have children. you don't use your husband's name. you practice law. does it concern you that, maybe, other people feel that you don't fit the image that we have created for the governor's wife in arkansas? >> i'm not 40 but that, hopefully, will be cured by age. eventually, i will be. we don't have any children, yet. we're hoping to have children, so that, i hope, will be cured a number of years, also. >> she didn't look the part. you know, there are all kinds of things about hillary that, in the old days, signified rebelliousness, feminism, and unwillingness to conform. >> she had this feminist idea that you didn't have to take your husband's name when you were married. this was just unthinkable to the establishment of arkansas. >> i had not wanted to upset
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everybody. i thought i was doing it for the ra right reason. so i'm thinking of perhaps changing my name to, i don't know, martha washington or something. >> hillary decides she needs to, radically, change her image. >> it was so excruciating. she had to forfeit her own identity. she got rid of the big, fat glasses. she took his name in order to pass for other people's idea of what a wife should be. >> warm welcome to hillary rodham clinton. >> from the start of his tenure as governor, bill enlisted hillary to head up a number of his policy initiatives. >> she took on big issues and, of course, the biggest issue was education. >> the charge that we were given as the education-standards committee was to come up with standards, which we believed defined quality education. >> she was an activist. she really tried to make a difference in people's lives. >> have yet to find anyone, who
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believes that we cannot do better if we try. >> that should have been a clue of how she might proceed when she was first lady of the united states. >> hello, this is hillary clinton. i want to thank you for letting me speak with you about an issue that is central to our children's future. solving our nation's healthcare crisis. >> i remember being on the healthcare-reform task force. working with people who had worked on healthcare for years before i arrived in washington. showing me a folder about all of the times that healthcare had been tried, and all of the times it had failed. >> i ask you to join me and the president. >> hillary would say to me, roll up your sleeves. think about what we can do. she really saw this as an opportunity to really fix the healthcare system, in this country. >> thank you, so very much. >> drawing on her experience in arkansas, hillary heads up a
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500-person task force, with the dream of healthcare coverage for all americans. >> the stakes in this healthcare reform are high, for all americans. >> how wonderful, to have somebody with her credentials and her ability? >> she worked her tail off. i remember her saying it's friday. two more work days till monday. >> friends in the senate, who had a lot of experience, were telling her do it piecemeal. step by step. you are going to go for this whole thing, you're going to fail. >> she had a different idea about how she wanted to work it. it was a choice. high risk, high gain. >> i am here as a mother, a wife. >> after eight months of hard work, over five days of grueling testimony, hillary presents the findings of the task force to congress. >> the kind of preventive services that you and i want for all children will be available. >> for hillary, it was the natural culmination of what she
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had been working for, all her life, up until then. >> if we take what we learn from employers and move it to the national level. >> hillary is the only first lady, ever, to testify before the house of representatives as a lead witness. >> that there are considerable, substantial savings. >> many people were really surprised that she was that prepared, that she was that smart, quite frankly, and had done her research. >> greatly, admire the knowledge and expertise and energy that you bring to this issue. >> it was her nuanced view of the issues. >> she actually understood the policy, at a level of depth and sophistication that, usually, no one in the room knew, except, maybe, there were two or three experts on a narrow part of what we were talking about. >> i think there's going to be awful lot of young people who are going to aspire to be like you. and that will be good for this country. thank you, very much, for your
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help to us. >> thank you, mr. chairman. >> in spite of hillary's success, right-wing forces are already conspiring against her. >> the notion was she had undue sway over her husband and over the administration. so, she was the power behind the throne. and the goal was to do a takedown job. it makes our lipton leaves better. which makes this smooth tea taste better. and time spent together. even better. and drinking lipton every day. can help support a healthy heart. do you struggle and dwith dull, dry skin, day. and find yourself reapplying moisturizer throughout the day? try olay ultra rich. olay's luxurious moisturizer melts into the skin. it's formulated with vitamin b3 plus peptides and shea butter, providing lasting hydration, for up to 24 hours. there's no need to reapply, and no greasy residue. and, for enhanced hydration, try olay serum.
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david brock, investigative writer for the american spectator. you have a cover story it shows a picture of president clinton. his shoes are off, tiptoeing down the street. what is this story about? >> abuse of power and corruption here. >> i was investigative writer for the maamerican spectator an the clinton beat was the sexy beat, at the time. it was a journalistic effort to destroy the clintons and to destroy his presidency. you had republican rule, for 12 years. and that was the way things were supposed to be, as far as the republicans and the conservatives were concerned. >> mr. clinton said good-bye to former president. >> literally, from the moment clinton was elected, the right wing decided they would exploit scandals.
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there was a premium on going back to arkansas, and trying to unturn every rock in their past. >> you had the american spectator, that david brock worked for. mounting a concerted campaign, what they call the arkansas project, where they dug up every bit of dirt they could against bill and hillary. >> i would chase down every, right-wing talking point, every right-wing con spspiracy theory >> two troopers who protected mr. clinton during his years as governor, helped him arrange extramarital affairs. >> not only were right-wing opponents like david brock getting picked up in the press. but also, the first lady, herself, is becoming prime target. >> it's called travel gate. seven longtime white house travel office officials were fired. >> scandal after scandal, fueled by the right, start to hit the mainstream media.
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>> hit the headlines in splashing mud. >> it was a drumbeat. a constant effort to bring her down. >> most roads lead from the first lady and back to her. >> and as we look back, none of these charges were -- were proven. >> is there a fundamental distrust of the clintons in america? >> i hope not. i mean, that would be something that i would regret. yes? >> do you ever look in the mirror, and wish that you just never got into this? >> no, never. never. >> not normally, do you focus on the first lady. but in the magazine where i worked, what worked for conservatives was attacking women. and there was misogyny underneath a lot of the attacks. i think that's one. i think, two, she was a political force, in othher own rite. even back then, people recognized her talents. that made her a unique target for the right wing. >> critics say her once-dazzling image is now tarnished.
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>> it was an attempt to mischaracterize her. to skew her motivations in the most unflattering, negative light. >> someone who was a real woman with frelesh and blood came outs a caricature that many people, nowadays, continue to believe is the real hillary. so, you had lying hillary. >> saint? or sinner? >> criminal hillary. >> she was demonized over and over, again. >> republicans, today, continued a multifront attack on hillary clinton. >> it is a bad and dangerous thing to do, to say that the first lady of this land is a liar. >> i'm not. >> i, sometimes, don't know what i have been accused of, from day to day. so, i mean, it's not surprising, to me, that people would take a look at the flurry of accusations and say, oh, my gosh, there must be something wrong. >> one day, we were riding
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together and she was reading the newspapers. she said, you know, if i were reading this and i saw this -- read this discussion of this person, i wouldn't like her, either. but that's not me. >> i looked, very closely, at the various scandals. i concluded these scandals were phony. she was someone of high integrity. but in the right wng, ying, you couldn't say that hillary was a good person. and that accelerated my departure from the right. >> with all the scandals eroding the public trust in the clintons, escalates. >> protests were being planned. she was being heckled when she wept o went out and did healthcare events. it got so scary, secret service didn't want her to go up on stage. >> in september of 1994, republicans in the insurance
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industry succeed in killing hillary's health-care initiative. >> friends say she is looking back on her role, and trying to figure out what happened. >> well, it was painful. there was a large piece of this that was just sexist. there is no question, in my mind. >> i mean, she's faced an onslaught that no woman in the white house has had to face. but hillary clinton doesn't quit. >> behind the scenes, hillary works hard to save some part of her health care plan. >> i think what was impressive was her resilience, when it failed. she could get up, shake herself off, and said we have to keep trying to do the best we can. >> and it was she, who kept pleading that, at a minimal, let's cover the children. that they deserve better. >> there isn't anything as important as taking care of our children.
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the need is an issue that goes way beyond politics. >> she took to heart what she had heard as she crisscrossed the united states. >> she actually worked on legislation that made a difference. and eventually, we got the children's health insurance act, which covers millions of children today. and that's what's spectacular about hillary. she doesn't give up. wedding day, huh boys? been there, done that. twice your cousin. from boston. karen, i'm just gonna say what everyone here is thinking.
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for those of you who thought after the defeat of healthcare reform, hillary clinton would bake cookies. think again. >> she had to find a new voice, which was really being an international first lady. you know, itse was really her moment, to come out and redefine herself. >> in 1995, the first lady is invited to speak at the united nations conference on women. no one, least of all hillary, is surprised when some in the administration try to block her. >> u.s.-china relations are rapidly deteriorating. >> there were those, within the government, who felt she might set our china-foreign policy back. do we really want this to happen? >> she said, well, if i can't go as first lady, i will just get on a plane and go as a private citizen. we're all rolling our eyes
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going, you know, that is clearly not going to happen. >> she said, excuse my french, [ bleep ] them. i'm going, not as first lady, i am going as hillary clinton. here's my passport. here is my credit card. book me a flight. >> and i said, um, okay, i'll do it. >> hillary has been preparing, her whole life, for this speech. >> i remember, vividly, her looking at me. and saying, you know, i just want to push the envelope as far as i can on women's rights and human rights. >> this is china. hillary's going into the den, if you will, where many girl babies were killed. where women are incredibly devalued. where human rights, in general, writ large, are devalued. >> in the audience are women from 189 countries. >> so, we were hidden from the crowd but we were on the side of the stage. >> both of us, absolutely
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nervous. the stakes were so high. >> the great challenge of this conference is to give voice to women, everywhere, whose experiences go unnoticed, whose words go unheard. >> you could feel, in that room, almost a stillness. >> even now, in the late-20th century. >> there was no reaction in the audience. we suddenly looked at each other and we are just in a panic. like, maybe, we completely miscalculated this. >> it is time to say here, in beijing, and for the world to hear that it is no longer acceptable to discuss women's rights, as separate from human rights. >> and then, this massive eruption of response to what she had said. >> it is a violation of human
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rights, when babies are denied food or drowned, simply because they are born girls. >> violence against women in our homes, rape being used as a tool of war, human trafficking of women. >> if there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women's rights. and women's rights are human rights. once and for all. >> no one had ever talked about those things that overtly and that directly, and called them a violation of human rights. and just put it down there, planted a flag, and said this is not acceptable. >> thank you very much. >> this was her proudest moment. they knew her, as the first lady of the united states. when she finished, we saw her as a global leader. >> hillary would meet women, over the years, who would say they had heard about that speech. women in africa, women in asia, women in south america.
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a year into bill clinton's second term, a scandal explodes in the press. >> tonight, the clinton white house faces a huge crisis over another allegation of sexual impropriety by the president charges the president clinton had an affair with a white house intern. >> i got a call from one of my editors. saying, can you check it out? >> at issue, whether mr. clinton had a sexual relationship with a former white house intern, monica lewinsky. >> and i thought that's ridiculous. that's -- president of the united states having an affair with the intern, that's not happening.
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>> luhillary clinton doesn't wa to believe it happened. she says, in private comments to her friends, you know, this young woman at the white house was -- was sort of pursuing him. you can assume that's because that's the story bill clinton was telling her. >> i want you to listen to me. i'm going to say this, again. i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> she was the one who said these accusations aren't true. i love my husband. i believe him. >> thank you. >> we're going to fight this. you know? >> seven days later, hillary breaks her silence with an interview on national television. >> i can't say i knew what she was going to say. she kept her counsel to herself. >> ms. clinton, good morning. >> good morning, matt. >> all eyes are on hillary.
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what is she going do? is she going to crumple? is she going to lash out at him? >> from my perspective, this is part of the continuing, political campaign against my husband. >> the old impulse that this is really all about their enemies coming after them, yet again, kicks in. and she utters the phrase that will stick to her, forever. >> the great story here is this vast, right-wing conspiracy, that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president. >> all the product of a vast, right-wing conspiracy. it did not play well. it didn't play well, at all. >> i find it astonishing. this is the first, first lady who has come up with this theory. >> she claims a conspiracy, rather than claiming the obvious that her husband's done something wrong here. >> it was taken as if she was denying that bill clinton actually had a relationship with monica lewinsky. and both things were true.
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he had the relationship with monica lewinsky. and there was a vast, right-wing conspiracy. and without the conspiracy, monica lewinsky would have never been unearthed. so, i thought there was a lot of credibility to what she was saying. but at the time, it was received as delusional. >> clinton is returning to a familiar theme as she defends her husband. >> they are out attacking and imagining some conspiracy. >> seven months after hillary's defense of her husband, the president addresses the nation. >> good evening. in a deposition, in january, i was asked questions about my relationship with monica lewinsky. indeed, i did have a relationship with miss lewinsky that was not appropriate. in fact, it was wrong. >> when he finally admitted it to hillary, it was the same day that he came clean to the whole country, which is kind of incredible she was kept in the dark for that long. >> thank you for watching and good night. >> for hillary, that really did
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hit her in the gut. in the solar plexus. hillary felt the full force of betrayal. >> she is really angry at her husband. angrier than i've ever seen her ever be. >> the scene that we all see, as they walk across the white house lawn, is their daughter chelsea walking between them. and holding their two hands. literally, holding this family together. >> i do think that, if she were not first lady of the united states, married to the president of the united states, she would have left him. >> as her husband faces the humiliation of impeachment, in his last year as president, hillary considers her own, political future. >> come the day that the united states senate is voting on
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whether to convict bill clinton, who has been impeached, and throw him out of office. hillary clinton is going through, what would it take to run for the senate in new york? a state, she had never lived in. >> a lot of the excitement, behind the scenes, people are bubbling. >> she went through the sort of, you know, back and forth. should i? shouldn't i? should i? shouldn't i? and sometimes, it would depend on the last person she talked to. >> the more i listened, the more excited i became about the possibilities of what could be done, on behalf of the people of new york. >> i told her, don't. what are you doing? why do you -- please, don't do this. please. >> she had not had a very good relationship with the media, up until that point. and i thought she was just going to get massacred. want to sell the best burger in every zip code?
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lies and fighting for bill. now she was going to get her due. >> it is her first campaign tour ever on behalf of herself. >> the energy in here is overwhelming. >> hillary invokes the memory of her commencement day speech from 1969. >> for 30 years, i have believed that politics is the art of making possible what appears to be impossible. >> but hillary is pursued by shadows of the recent past. >> how will hillary be able to successfully separate herself from the scandals that have plagued her husband's presidency and be elected? >> you've got a moment revered as the poor little lady who suffered from her husband's betrayal but stood by him anyway. >> pollsters realize a lot of the people most angry at hillary clinton for staying with bill are other women.
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>> go home hillary! go home hillary! >> so many people said to me, well, you know, she must just be doing this because of her own ambition, why else would she stay with him? women were blaming her, and i was just stunned by it. >> i do think it is its own form of sexism, to blame the wife for something that her spouse did. so she went from small living room to small living room, talking to women, explaining her decision, explaining her marriage. >> and her answer was, everybody has to make these decisions in their own lives. that she loved him, continues to, and that this was the best decision for her and for her daughter. >> the first lady of the united states of america will be crowned a senator from new york state. >> safe to say, folks, we've written a new page in american
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political history. >> 62 counties, 16 months, 3 debates, 2 opponents, and 6 black pantsuits later -- because of you, here we are. >> it was a spectacular moment for all of us. we were absolutely cheering. >> i told her not to do it. thank god she didn't listen to me. >> i, hillary rodham clinton -- >> hillary clinton's election to the senate is historic. the days of two for one are over. >> it was like his career was shutting down, and hers was just beginning. >> i think that was really liberating for her, to leave the white house, actually. >> she went on to do so much good in that role. >> republican congressmen
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expected heexpect expected herb to just lord it over them. no, what she did was use her celebrity to shine on their legislation. >> after eight years as senator of new york -- >> thank you, rob bet. i successfully avoided this room for eight years. >> hillary becomes barack obama's secretary of state. by 2016, there's only one place left to go. >> we've reached a milestone. the first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party's nominee. >> but when hillary makes a bid for the highest office in the land -- >> she's a very unlikeable candidate -- >> she once again finds herself under attack. >> is not charismatic, she is not likeable -- >> to me there was a direct line of everything you had heard for 10, 20, 30 years. years and years of right-wing attack. >> let's get to the controversy now surrounding hillary clinton and her emails. >> there was a total double
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standard. the negative coverage of hillary was off the charts. and that's the image that trump picked up. >> crooked hillary, crooked hillary. >> they got away with perpetrating this false image of hillary. >> breaking news, the fbi's assessment that there should be no charges -- >> the most experienced, the most qualified person to ever run for the presidency, who happened to be a woman, ran against the least qualified, the least experienced person ever to run for the presidency, who happened to be a man. >> donald trump wins the presidency. >> and the man won. if that isn't blatant sexism in this country, i don't know what else is. >> it's a shocking defeat. more americans vote for hillary clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in history.
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>> she is one of the most important women in our nation's history. she helped move the ball forward in unbelievable ways against incredible odds. >> i know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling. but someday, someone will. and hopefully sooner than we might think right now. >> she planted the seeds for that. she was, as always, 10 or 15 years ahead of her time. >> hillary was a trailblazer. she blew up the idea of what a first lady is supposed to be. the impact that she's made goes beyond what a president could have done. >> and to all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the
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world to pursue and achieve your own dreams. >> announcer: the following is a cnn special report. bats throughout human history seem to have this image as evil, dark and dangerous. they seem to have got this bad impression in our cultures. there's definitely something odd about them. but just because they're odd doesn't mean they're bad. bats are actually quite fascinating animals. the more you get to know them, the more fascinating they are. the more social creatures you see them become. and some of them are really beautiful. but bats do carry the viruses
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