tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 4, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PST
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. hello to viewers in the united states and around the world. i am john king. we begin a consequential work week. there are signs of global progress in the fight against the virus. the uk rolling out a third vaccine, even as the prime minister says additional restrictions are needed to tame rising case load there. here in the states, the first nurse to receive the vaccine in california gets a second dose and hopefully immunity. vaccine rollout is well behind
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what the trump white house promised and the new year includes a question asked too many times in 2020, why and how did we screw this thing up. the president lashing out at the surrender caucus, by that, he means republicans that won't back up his baseless election fraud challenge. the fresh attack is the day after response to a simply stunning tape that exposes the depth of the president's election obsession and frankly, the depth of his corruption. after weeks of trying, the president got the georgia top election official on the phone saturday. the call about an hour. the president did most of the talking. the leader of the free world, threatening the georgia secretary of state, asking him to disregard democracy, asking him to cheat. listen. the president here in his own words asking the secretary of state to find enough fake votes to make him the winner. >> the people of georgia are
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angry, the people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that you've recalculated. look, all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. so what are we going to do here, folks. i only need 11,000 votes. fellas, i need 11,000 votes. give me a break. >> finding votes, flipping outcomes is the stuff of third world autocrats. there will still republicans that plan to stand with the president wednesday, that's when they certify joe biden's win. at least 12 republican senators now say they plan to object to the results. there's no doubt about the math here. court after court after court determined the president's claims of massive fraud have zero merit. he thinks if he keeps repeating
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lies, they become truths, and too many republicans go along with the dangerous fantasy. this morning, georgia's republican secretary of state pushed back again just as he did on the phone call with the president. >> we took the call and we had a conversation. he did most of the talking, we did most of the listening. i wanted to make my points that the data he has is just plain wrong. he had hundreds and hundreds of people he said that were dead that voted. we found two. that's an example, he has bad data. >> with me to share the reporting and insights, julie pace from associated press, sung young kim from "the washington post." happy new year to you both. i have been gone a while. great to see you. julie, let me start with you. you hear the president of the united states say i need you to find votes, find votes, that's like watching a mob movie when they say i need you to lose somebody. there's no secret what the president is asking for there, and the republican secretary of
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state saying we counted the votes three times, you lost. >> and i think when you speak plain spoken about what's going on, this is an undemocratic act, this is an attempt to overturn the outcome of a free and fair election and the will of the majority of voters, and these are not democratic officials in georgia who are pushing back, these are republican officials pushing back on the president saying we did check. your data is inaccurate. our data is correct, it has been verified multiple times. the fact that the president continues to push for this, again, it is simply an undemocratic act by a sitting american president and i think it is quite jarring to hear it in the president's own words. >> it is quite jarring. equally as jarring, look, this is trump. he has been this way his entire life and as a president. he is selfish, narcissistic, believes he can rewrite facts and evidence. more alarming is the fact that many republicans, at least 12,
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plan to stand with him in the united states senate challenging the results, even though again the president had weeks and he has lost in every court in georgia, in michigan, in pennsylvania, in arizona, at the supreme court. they plan to stand with him, even though there's no evidence of this. listen to senator david perdue. he is one of the republicans in georgia on the ballot tomorrow in the consequential runoff elections. the president calls his state secretary of state, tries to get him to illegally benld td the w of the people. listen to what david perdue finds disgusting. >> i don't think it will effect the election. i am shocked a member of the republican party would tape the sitting president and leak it, disgusting in my view. but what the president is saying is what he said the last few months, last two months anyway. we had irregularities in the election in november and he wants some answers. >> there are no proven massive irregularities, number one. number two, senator perdue is saying if the president keeps
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repeating the same lies, it's okay. and it is disgusting to release a recording, not disgusting for the leader of american democracy say let's cheat. >> there are a couple things going on, one, referring to the 12 republican senators who said they would object to the counting and tallying of electoral results, it shows how such a simple proforma task, something done every four years has become like so many other things in the trump era a trump loyalty test when it should not be, it is just certifying the results of a free and fair election. as it comes to david perdue, it is just another thing that the president has done in the last several weeks to make life for republicans in georgia and broader republican party that is scrambling to save the majority in the senate really difficult as they try to win the fair of runoffs. you had the president undermine perdue and senator kelly loeffler on stimulus checks. you've had the president veto a military bill that's very
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important to the military community in georgia and now this. perdue and loeffler have been put in a very difficult position trying not to distance themselves from the president while this civil war within the gop in georgia and broader republican party has just been raging, and that's what republicans are really nervous about as they head into runoffs tomorrow morning. how much civil war will effect results. and there are a lot of nervous republicans now about results tomorrow. >> and the president is headed to georgia tonight, we're talking about that later in the program. he says he will talk about the real numbers tonight which means he wants to talk about him, not about the senate candidates, which is dangerous for the senate candidates. here's how the phone call played in atlanta. great reporting by the atlanta-journal constitution to break the story about the recording. it is critical. i want to show you, ladies, the drudge report. not normally a trump ally, but there's a big debate in the republican party, what to do,
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who to stand with, whether to stand with the president at this moment, commander in thief how matt drudge puts it. julia, that makes this a moment of choosing. i showed the 12 senators that said they'll stand with the president, it will gum things up, slow things down, joe biden will be president at the end of the day, but there are others like tom cotton from arkansas, believed to have presidential ambitions of his own saying the constitution tells me i can't do this. >> it is actually fascinating to watch this civil war in the republican party play out. we knew this was going to happen if trump lost the election, which he did. it is just that we're seeing it happen earlier because of the president's actions here. you're seeing really for the first time in a robust way republicans have laid down a marker, said this is a bridge too far. a lot of conversation in washington the last four years when that moment would happen, when trump would try to push it too far. i think we have hit that place for a lot of republicans.
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i think the next couple days as we get closer to the action on the floor on the 6th is going to be about what that looks like, how aggressive are the 12 republican senators. we know there are a lot of house members willing to jump in and object to results as well. but do some of the more establishment leadership republicans try to wield their influence, try to convince some of the republicans on trump's side that really being aggressive and objecting to state after state wednesday is bad for the party long term. >> right. that's the long term, the key part. do they do it consistently, even after they get through the procedure wednesday and through the inauguration, do they do it consistently as the president from retirement, semi retirement, temporary retirement at least tries to say he was cheated out of this. to that point, we all laughed about it at the time or rolled our eyes at the outrage of it. remember after the impeachment, susan collins said the president is going to learn a lesson here, he is not going to say these outrageous things on phone calls
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any more. she felt compelled to put out a statement saying the election in georgia and in all states is over. the people have voted, the electors voted and congress will formally count the votes january 6th. new congress was sworn in yesterday, new president naugtd january 20th. too late to find votes. yes, too late to find votes. the fact they feel compelled to say it is remarkable. >> it is. it serves as reminder trump didn't learn his lesson, it has always been about trump. tru trumpologists have told you it is always about donald trump first and foremost. he is kind of burning down the republican party on the way out. i'm not sure whether he cares deeply about keeping the senate in republican hands, he is not going to be around to reap the benefits of a republican senate. it will be interesting how much
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he focuses on the importance of holding the line and majority for republicans in the senate versus talking about the baseless claims of voting fraud. >> grateful for the reporting and insights as we start an important week in washington. thank you so much. a dramatic reversal from the trump white house that will complicate how the biden administration will handle foreign policy. keep an aircraft carrier parked in the middle east, that is to ease tensions with iran. caught commanders by surprise. sources tell cnn, there were conflicting messages across the pentagon that reflect division over how high a threat iran poses to u.s. national security. up next, the president back on the trail as we noted. the president-elect, too. it is the final day before georgia voters settle two runoffs, determine which party controls the united states senate. liberty mutual customizes your home insurance,
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president trump and president-elect biden have duelling rallies. if democrats win the vote, they claim the senate majority, biden's path to governing gets a lot easier. if republicans hold one or both, the gop keeps the majority. so the stakes are enormous, even before you add in the trump factor, meaning his stewing, open anger over losing in november and the demand the georgia secretary of state help him find votes. ryan nobles is on the ground, joins us where the vice president is about to speak this hour. ryan, the stakes can't be overstated here.
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a busy last day. >> reporter: no doubt about that, john. i kept in contact with a pretty bide collection of gop operatives since the runoff kicked off after election day. for the most part, they found a way to put a positive spin on president trump's contribution to the race, insisting his passionate supporters will ultimately come out and support david perdue and kelly loeffler. wenls, after the call with secretary of state, they were throwing their hands in the air saying they don't know how to handle this, they're particularly concerned about how the president will act at the big rally planned for later tonight. they're very worried he will spend all his energy talking about baseless claims about election fraud instead of the task at hand, and that's winning the senate runoff. listen to what one georgian republican said. no one has any rational reason to believe it will go well. the possibility of it being a s
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show is off the charts. if disaster is avoided, it will be sheer dumb luck. putting it in stark terms, that's republicans talking to me behind the scenes. republicans that are able to, talking in front of the cameras echo the same sentiment. listen to what lieutenant governor duncan said on cnn this morning. >> that phone call did absolutely nothing to help drive turnout for republicans in georgia for kelly loeffler and david perdue. i was disappointed. i can't imagine anybody on his staff encouraging that call, not giving him advice to hang up and move on to the next subject. >> reporter: basically what republicans here are hoping, john, is that the president, the way he acts is basically baked in the cake in the georgia runoff. they hope it becomes white noise. in a close election which this is expected to be, that's a risky proposition. john? >> ryan nobles, grateful to have you on the ground this final
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day. appreciate the reporting. we will keep an eye on it. math underscores the georgia stakes. republicans have 50 senators, democrats have 48, including two independents that caucus with democrats. if jon ossoff and rafaphael warnock win, then the vice president will break the tie. alice, i start with you. as ryan noted, one of the big questions is how will the president's open anger at the secretary of state, at the governor, at the georgia republican establishment impact republican turnout here. and i understand not long ago, you had a conversation with the same secretary of state. >> i did, john. he is hoping that republicans look at what's the most important thing and that is putting a fire wall between joe biden and his policies. the secretary of state told me the conversation they had over the weekend, the president's
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frustration with numbers and urge for pulling 12,000 votes out of thin air was nothing more than the fact he has not been able to come to terms, acknowledge that he lost the election. he is not getting the numbers he wants because he lost the race. i hate to say it. i voted for him. i wish he had won. frankly, the secretary of state voted for him and wishes he had won, but the numbers do not add up. and the fact remains that the numbers that the president is using and touting are based on baseless conspiracy theories, the secretary of state office is very confident, the numbers have been counted, recounted, and counted again, and they are ready to go with the fact that joe biden has won. the important thing is for republicans to have a come to jesus moment between now and tomorrow and realize they need to step up to the plate in order to be a fire wall with full democrat leadership in the white
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house, house, and senate. >> democrats see it as a come to jesus moment as well in the sense that this is essentially 2020's last verdict, carrying over into 2021. democrats do not have a good history in georgia runoff elections but never had anything like this. two races nationalized because if democrats win them both, it will be 50/50, but kamala harris, would break the tie in the senate. help me in terms of understanding the states. in early voting in the runoff as of today in georgia, 3.04 million votes cast early, compared to 4 million in the general election. i can look at it two ways. for a runoff election, for three million early votes in a runoff is extraordinary. we know joe biden won by 11,000 plus votes and he needed every one of those early votes, especially mail-in votes. that's how he came back to win in georgia. you look at the metrics of early voting, confident for the democrats or see perhaps
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weakness? >> i'm very confident. most recently, i had opportunity to serve as one of the senior advisers for the georgia, biden, harris campaign. what we were able to do, we knew we had to build a biden coalition. when i look at the numbers, 3 million plus people voted, i look at the numbers you have roughly about 45,000 african americans that for whatever reason didn't vote in november, they've come back -- >> having some trouble with our logistics there. alice, let's continue the conversation by sticking with, coming back to the president if we can re-establish, we'll get back to him. listen to more of the call. you mention it is a republican secretary of state, he himself said he wishes trump had won, but he is not cooking the books. the numbers are what they are
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from november. listen to how the president sees this. you'll see the president tonight, if you haven't voted and are republican, you have to decide do i want to play in this election, listen to the president's anger. >> you know, the people of georgia know that this was a scam. and because of what you've done to the president, a lot of people aren't going out to vote. a lot of republicans are going to vote negative because they hate what you did to the president, okay? they hate it. and they're going to vote. >> you can hear it there. i have a question, number one, how does it impact georgia, but what about people in washington? if republicans lose both these seats, will it make republicans in washington less likely to stand with the president on the continued fantasy that he somehow won the election, which i'm sorry, he had every opportunity in court to prove otherwise and he has failed. >> john, it appears those that are in the trump boat are going to continue to row down the river. that's certainly their
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prerogative to do so. i happen to have faith and competence in the integrity of the elections and election process, same with the secretary of state of georgia. i have been deputy secretary of state in arkansas. i think those that carried out the elections in all 50 states did a tremendous job and as the secretary of state said, he is there to run an election and he will call balls and strikes, let the chips fall where they may. i think it is really important for people across the country to put the focus on the integrity of our elections, making sure people know their vote is counted, every legal, legitimate vote will be counted. look, this should be tomorrow in georgia should be about the next four years in a biden administration, not the election grievances of president trump. i hope tonight when he goes to georgia and speaks, he gets out the vote, encourages people to vote their values, vote for conservative principles, not make it about him. that will be interesting to watch how he rallies the vote in
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georgia. this certainly should be about our election process and moving forward so people can have confidence in the vote. >> use the last four years of experience, say the safer bet that it will be all about him or mostly. thank you. great to see you. we'll get a better connection next time. special programming starts at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow. we'll count every vote in the races down there. up next, vaccine rollout is behind schedule. ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive.
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the latest in the coronavirus crisis. vaccine rollout is behind schedule. that as the case count, hospitalization rate are going up. red and orange are bad, more infections compared to a week ago. four states with 50% more infections than a week ago. 31 states, more infections, still more infections, between 10 and 50% more. 15 states are steady. no states in green, no states reporting fewer new infections than a week ago. just a bad map. this is a different way to look at it. daily case trend. remember when we thought this was horrific. now the united states is averaging more than 213,000 new
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covid infections every day. sunday it was 210,000, average 213,000. that number creeping up. people expect after the holidays it could go higher. death trend sadly also up 2600. 37 is the daily average. some days are a little higher and lower. 2600 plus deaths in the united states from covid every day. and the deaths will continue to stay high as long as this number stays high. hospitalizations, 33 straight days of over 100,000 hospitalized across the united states with coronavirus. case count is up, death count is up. hospitalizations are up. the question is when will vaccines help push this down. that is a defining question. you see the number of vaccines distributed. some states have smaller population. overall, 13 million plus distributed in the united states. from the warehouse to hospitals and clinics.
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2.4 administered now. what's taking so long? what is the lag time? listen to then and now from operation warp speed who acknowledges things aren't going as anticipated. >> in the month of december, between two vaccines at pfizer and moderna, we expect to have immunized 20 million american people and keeping 20 million dose for the second immunization a few weeks later. i did say that. we made 40 million doses, we delivered 20 million doses. we worked with states to immunize. we agree there's a lag. we'll work with the states. we need specific requests for help. >> joining us, dr. celine gounder, a member of the biden/harris advisory board. good to see you. when you see the lag, can you
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understand why the white house is blaming the states, why are vaccines not getting from the warehouse into people's arms quickly? >> john, this is really a complete abdication by the federal government of its responsibility. the federal government is not just ups and fedex delivering the vaccines to the state, their job is to provide guidance to states, funding to the states, support so the states can figure out how to do this correctly. i mean, just to give one example, and this doesn't even cost any money, this is something they could have been doing the past year, figuring out how are we going to staff all of the vaccination sites. one of the major obstacles is a bureaucratic one, has to do with what's called scope of work. for example, all the dentists and emts, veterinarians that may
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have skills necessary to be vaccinators, they need to have regulations around scope of work loosened so they can participate in vaccination campaigns. that's not a partisan question. because the federal government has not been thinking through each step of the way of the process, they haven't been planning in helping the states through the planning. >> now one of the conversations, we went through it with the pfizer vaccine, difficult from a storage perspective, now with moderna there's a conversation, especially now that we're behind, especially now that you see cases soaring, especially some states dramatically so like california. do you take the moderna vaccine and turn 100 doses into 200 by splitting it. what's the conversation in your team about the viability of that? >> yeah, there have been a number of conversations. can you delay the second dose, can you split the dose of the moderna vaccine, and the fact is we simply do not have the scientific data to guide us.
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not to say we couldn't generate that, do those studies, but until we do those studies, it's difficult to make recommendations like that. if there's anything you're going to see as the brand under the new biden administration, it is to follow the science. >> well, to follow the science, and i hope, you used the term abdication, we talked about this even before you joined the biden team for months when you helped us at cnn to get through this, how quickly can you flip the switch when team biden takes office in 16 days, will we see quicker delivery, quicker administration within days, does it take weeks? >> it is going to take some time. congress has a very important role to play here. we do need a significant infusion of funding to state and local health departments. these are state and local health departments that suffered tremendous budget cuts since the 2008, 2009 recession. we lost 50,000 public health
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workers across the country since that time. there's a lot of building that needs to be done. frankly, it is even beyond that, it is beyond just rebuilding the staffing capacity. it is other things like bio freshm medics to track the location of vaccines and things like billing. we're in a country where we're not a single payer system. we have thousands of different insurance plans. how do you set up public health departments that never had to do this to bill all those individual insurance plans? this is a massive, massive undertaking. we're going to get to it, but it will take time. >> we will continue the conversation in the remaining days of transition, and as you get up and running. grateful for time and insights and grateful for your work every day. thank you. up next, the father daughter team urging republicans to stop enabling the president's
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election lies. dick and liz cheney trying to shape big votes in congress and trying to shape the debate about a post trump republican makeover. the new myww+ gives you more of what you need to help you lose weight! more simplicity with the what's in your fridge? recipe feature. and more motivation with on-demand workout classes. the new myww+. lose weight on us this winter! get three months free! lose weight on us this winter! alit's just more information; have a dexcom because why wouldn't you want that? being able to see your numbers in real time gives you the knowledge to see the future. it's awesome. dexcom showed me that i was doing a dip and then a spike in the middle of the night, which allowed me to adjust my basal rates i'm not waking up in the middle of the night and my numbers aren't going crazy.
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college count is unconstitutional, sets in her words a dangerous precedent. dick cheney joining the nine other living defense secretaries in a public letter declaring the presidential election is over, writing the time for questioning results has passed. that letter was former secretary and vice president cheney's idea. phil mattingly is live on capitol hill. this is fascinating. i know the father much better than the daughter. he has tried, in ways seen and unseen, to shake the republican party going back to the ford administration. there's an arch of history and also present day politics of the congresswoman. >> i think if you watch the congresswoman in the last four years, she's largely done the same at a time very few republicans are willing to say or do anything at all. that has gotten rebuke from inside the house republican conference. john, it was july in a closed door conference meeting several, several conservative republicans, house freedom caucus members attacked cheney
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openly in the open mike session, going after her not being sufficiently loyal to donald trump, trying to fund raise to oust one of their colleagues. at one point attacked for defending anthony fauci. the point being here is not unlike her father, liz cheney is not new to this when it comes to the trump administration, she's one of the few, given her perch willing to push back. usually on national security issues, also on issues like this, of precedent. if you actually read through the 21 page document she circulated to colleagues, keep in mind, 140 plus colleagues are on board with the objection. she knew that before she sent that document out. and kind of the depth and argument of the dangerous precedent it might set underscores where she has been the last several years, how she's positioning herself for what's next. if you've seen anything the course of the last 72 hours, maybe four or five days, it is the very real rupture inside the
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republican party. again, liz cheney is not new to this. dick cheney isn't new to it either. that's starting to form, people are getting their legs under them to oppose the president or decide this maybe is one too far. cheney has been here. i think where that leads her the next couple years has been a subject of fascination the last several years. now that more people are joining and on board, she is not just on an island herself inside the house republican conference, goes a long way to showing liz cheney will be a crucial, central voice for post trump republican party even as you see so many republicans claim her to stay under the trump republican party as it comes to an end. >> right. one of the questions is who will consistently lead the anti-trump or opposition to trump effort and will liz cheney emerge as that person. this is a statement given to manu raju on the phone call the president had with the georgia secretary of state. i think it was deeply troubling and everybody ought to listen to the full hour of it. i think it is deeply troubling
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and i'm just going to leave it at that. she's right. it is deeply troubling. if you listen to, read the transcript of the call, the president is asking the secretary of state and state official charged with protecting the sang at this tisanctity to votes. she says enough she's willing to step forward this is the challenge of the next three, six months, four years. who is consistently willing to stand up to the president when he lies like this. >> i don't think there's any question about it. look, we're in a bizarre moment, have been here a number of years now, stating facts or stating reality as congresswoman cheney did related to the call recorded and leaked to "the washington post" is seen as everybody -- you'll see republicans map out how it goes, you see trump level republicans and where they're headed. liz cheney is out front maybe not on trump the last several years, she will absolutely play a leading role what comes next
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for those not willing to get in line with whatever president trump tweets once he leaves office. >> i urge everybody to read the memo, makes the case about the constitution, it eviscerates fraud allegations state by state of allegations made. well written 21 pages. grateful for the reporting. up next, the uk first in the world to administer a brand new covid vaccine. ur car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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that and more of big global developments from cnn correspondents around the world. >> reporter: max foster in england where the astra-zeneca vaccine was developed, also where the first person received it in the world outside trials, an 82-year-old dialysis patient. british health secretary described this as a pivotal moment in the pandemic. that's because this vaccine is cheaper than the pfizer vaccine, easier to store, easier to transport, crucially easier to get to care homes which are the top of the uk priority list. this also comes at a pivotal moment in the british pandemic. have a look at the graph. it shows the number of people testing positive for coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic and that chart has virtually gone vertical with new variant, the fast moving variant of coronavirus. >> reporter: i am in jerusalem. the government is celebrating the fact it is a world leader in
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terms of percentage of the population inoculated against covid-19, with 12% of israelis having had the injection, first round of the injections. at the same time, trying to balance that with not being overwhelmed by rate of infection which is running rampant in israel. benjamin netanyahu and his health minister are advocating for nationwide lockdown in the coming few days, possibly for a week, possibly ten days, possibly two weeks. in particular, sending children home from school. all of the disruption and economic problems that that implies, but ultimately they're trying to make sure the rate of infection doesn't overwhelm good work done on vaccination. coming up next, georgia secretary of state calls it rumor whack a mole. nonstop misinformation, most of it coming directly from the
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president trump likes to think he gets to decide what's true no matter what the facts and evidence prove. the call with the georgia secretary of state is a case in point. he keeps repeating things courts tossed out as not true. the president is told maybe it is time to stop believing everything you see on the internet. listen. >> mr. president, the problem with social media, people can say. >> no, this isn't social media, this is trump media, it's not social media. >> donie o'sullivan, expert tracker of conspiracy theories,
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he is in dalton, georgia where the president has a rally later today. you have been at this for months with trump supporters. you have a better understanding than most of where the president's fantasies come from. >> john, i speak to a lot of conspiracy theorists, trump supporters who believe the conspiracy theories. it was shocking, surreal last night to listen to the tape. anytime i speak to people that believe conspiracy theories, they list out grand claims, false anecdotes as evidence for their belief in the conspiracy. as soon as somebody presents the facts, they'll move on to the next anecdote, to another one and to another one. that's precisely what was happening in the call we heard from the secretary of state and georgia tried to fact check trump. it is not just trump, it is his supporters. they do many of them still believe trump won the election, which of course he didn't. and we spoke to some supporters in dalton, georgia where trump is going to rally tonight. have a listen.
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>> do you think trump will eventually accept biden is the next -- >> no, trump is the next president. >> i am going to the inauguration for trump. i booked it before the election. i have faith he is going to be there. he is going to be elected. >> reporter: look, it is not just a case of everybody being soar losers here, trump being a sore loser. it is between facebook, twitter, dark corners of the internet, and trump's news outlets, fox news and further right, oen and news max, there's an alternate reality created that trump and his supporters are buying into. >> you remember, donie, early on, kellyanne conway koincoined term alternative facts. jealous about the rally. fascinating to see how much is
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about the runoff and how much about the president and his grievances. grateful for the reporting. we'll stay in touch. grateful for your time today. brianna keilar picks up our coverage right now. stay safe. i am brianna keilar. happy new year to viewers in the united states and around the world. president trump spending his final days in office much like he spent the entire presidency, spewing utter nonsense on twitter, watching cable news, bullying republicans, trying to win at all costs, and he's doing it as hospitals overflow and americans die by the thousands from coronavirus. one year since he faced an impeachment trial for pressuring someone on a call for political purposes. the president called election officials in georgia, fem llow republicans, berating them, he
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