tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 4, 2021 10:00am-11:00am PST
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about the runoff and how much about the president and his grievances. grateful for the reporting. we'll stay in touch. grateful for your time today. brianna keilar picks up our coverage right now. stay safe. i am brianna keilar. happy new year to viewers in the united states and around the world. president trump spending his final days in office much like he spent the entire presidency, spewing utter nonsense on twitter, watching cable news, bullying republicans, trying to win at all costs, and he's doing it as hospitals overflow and americans die by the thousands from coronavirus. one year since he faced an impeachment trial for pressuring someone on a call for political purposes. the president called election officials in georgia, fem llow republicans, berating them, he demanded they find votes to
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overturn the election results as he asked them to commit fraud. the people of georgia are angry. people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that you've recalculated. >> but mr. president, the challenge that you have, the data you have is wrong. >> carl bernstein calls it far worse than watergate, democrats call it criminal, impeachable. marsha blackburn called it not a helpful call, so you know it is super bad. it is 60 minutes' of tape that historians say would make richard nixon blush or try to erase something, objectively an abuse of power. anti-democratic with a little d, and a mountain of delusional, desperate nonsensical bs. in that 60 minutes, in one hour, nearly 120 americans died of coronavirus, and the president wasn't doing one damn thing about it. we're going to tick through the
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low lights methodical, fact check each one, starting with this. >> if we could just go over some of the numbers, i think it is pretty clear that we won. we won very substantially in georgia. >> georgia counted ballots three times, once by hand, trump lost. his former attorney general bill barr affirming the loss, saying there was no widespread fraud. courts confirmed he lost, rejected every challenge that would change the vote count. trump's election security team confirmed his loss. state election officials in multiple swing states rgs including republicans, confirmed trump lost. we won very substantially in georgia. you even see it by rally size, frankly, beginning 25, 30 people a rally, and the competition would get less than 100 people. >> large rallies are a soothing balm for fragile egos, but they
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don't decide elections, especially during a pandemic. joe biden did not have large crowded rallies because they kill people. >> the other thing are dead people. so dead people voted and i think the number is close to 5,000 people and they went to obituaries, to all sorts of methods to come up with an accurate number, and a minnis close to about 5,000 voters. >> that's a lie. they found two votes cast in the name of dead people in georgia, nowhere close to 5,000. cnn looked into some of the campaign's claims, including one claim a ballot was fraudulently cast in the name of a dead woman. we visited the home of the woman. turned out she was very much alive, though she shared the name of another woman that passed away. right wing media tried to run with a number of other false claims by the campaign, like the kid from the sixth sense, saw
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dead people everywhere. it ended up like this for them. >> got some good news tonight and an apology. one of the people that voted in last week's election isn't dead. james blalock is still dead, told you about him, but his wife voted, she voted as mrs. james blalock, it is old fashioned and we missed it. >> he later had to admit there were more not dead voters than just that one. >> we have at least two or three, anywhere from 250 to 300,000 ballots were dropped mysteriously into the rolls. >> nope. there's no mystery here. counties, populous ones, counting votes normally. that's how they did it, how counting works is the number increases as you do it. so it is not mysterious, it is counting. even my two and a half-year-old understands this. now, trump claimed voters moved out of georgia but cast ballots anyway. >> came back in and voted.
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that was a large number though. >> no, georgia says it's investigated this conspiracy theory, those voters left the state and moved back to georgia years ago, this was not just before the election. >> do you think it is possible that they shredded ballots in fulton county? that's what the rumor is. and also that dominion took out machines, that dominion is moving fast to get rid of their machinery. >> no. the software company is not doing anything shady. this is the conspiracy theory pushed by rudy giuliani and right wing media that dominion is threatening to sue over. another point, the trump administration's election security squad dismissed this. quote, there's no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised. >> we think if you check the
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signatures, real check of the signatures going back in fulton county, you'll find at least a couple hundred thousand of forged signatures, people that have been forged. >> zero evidence for this. georgia bureau of investigation audited more than 15,000 signatures in one county and found zero fraud. trump even goes on to complain one county that they audited wasn't a county his campaign complained about, except it was. trump's lawyer interrupted him on the call to reveal that. >> people should be happy to have an accurate count. >> we have other states that i believe are flipping to us shortly. >> that's a lie. there's no indication that any states are flipping to him shortly. joe biden beat donald trump by 7 million in the popular vote, beat him in the battleground states of michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, arizona. >> for some reason, they put it
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in three times, each ballot. i don't know why. i don't know why three times, why not five times, right? >> that's a lie. there's no evidence of this. and georgia says it did an audit proving the ballots were not scanned three times. the u.s. attorney in atlanta is a trump appointee. he is a long time republican that served in the georgia house the better part of the last decade. when announcing his nomination in 2017, the white house said that he, quote, shares the president's vision for making america safe again. >> mr. president, the problem you have with social media, people can say -- >> no, this isn't social media, this is trump media. >> trump media. so he believes the media outlets that tell him what he wants to hear and who repeat what he says as fact. it is of course circular reasoning.
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remember, trump's programs of choice have contracted as even some fox hosts reported that trump lost the election. now he is super into one america news and news max, don't be confused by use of news in their names, they're just propaganda outlets that play a game of telephone with the president. >> i mean, you know, i didn't lose the state. people have been saying that it was the highest vote ever. there was no way. a lot of the political people said that there's no way they beat me and they beat me. >> which political people? no reputable ones, no political people that aren't eyeing a white house run in 2024, working hard to appease trump's base. >> and there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated. >> unless by recalculated you actually mean committed voter fraud by pulling almost 12,000 votes out of thin air. then actually there is something
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very wrong, and also very illegal about it. >> why don't you want to find this, right? i heard your lawyer is very difficult actually, but i'm sure you're a good lawyer. you have a nice last name. >> his last name is germany, a fine last name, but seems like he is stretching for a bit of a compliment after insulting the general counsel for georgia's secretary of state. swerving from insults and mafia-like intimidation to compliments and flattery. could be worse. ryan's last name could be putin. this was a weird call, clearly, and it started with the president ranting for ten straight minutes, only stopping when his chief of staff interrupted him. >> so mr. president, if i might be able to jump in, i'll give brad a chance. >> given that chance, here's what the secretary of state said. >> well, i've listened to what
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the president has just said. president trump, we've had several lawsuits and we've had to respond in court to the lawsuits and the contentions. we don't agree that you have won. >> it's like the epic scene from the cult classic billy madison where the principal swats down billy's answer in the academic decathlon, saying at no point in your rambling incoherent response were you close to anything close to a rational thought. everyone is dumber having listened it. i award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. that was funny. trump's call is just dangerous. joining us, harry lipman, hosts the talking feds podcast. harry, is there anything in this call about what the president suggested here to push for that is illegal? >> the short answer, brianna, is
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yes. it is a lot like the impeachment call. if you pair it down to its essence, he says play ball with me and change, make a false vote, or as the still chief law enforcement officer of the united states, there could be criminal trouble for you, but it is a long meandering call. he leaves himself a lot of off ramps. it is not an easy case. and moreover, those charges which are i think viable don't take account of what you've just documented is the most pernicious aspect, the fact it is howling lie after howling lie, the book end of the administration, lying about inauguration size and obama's birth and leaving with these. that really is where the attack on the sort of body politic comes in. it would still be the same crime, even if he were telling the truth, and there should be and can be an investigation.
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you start questioning the other people in the room, mark meadows and the lawyers. i would say there is a viable obstruction case here. i don't see biden or department of justice bringing it. the da of fulton county may be another matter all together, but the bigger injury has to do with the complete fantasy that he is trying to use to steal the election and that's a political injury that should be addressed politically. >> when you say the d.a. of fulton county, talking about what, state crimes? when you say that's another matter all together, what are the chances of that being an avenue to hold the president accountable for doing something wrong? >> a newly elected d.a., it is a little like the dynamic with vance in new york. there's a law in georgia that makes it a crime, both
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conspiracy and the actual crime, to try to promote election fraud. that's something that i have to imagine she will open right away and the whole welter of cross currents that face department of justice she won't have to deal with and trump will be out of office as you say in a couple of weeks. that's unpredictable at this point. but the federal law there is basis for a charge that i don't see happening, but certainly for an investigation. and that i think can and should happen and it could be very useful for what's super important here, even beyond criminal liability, and that's establishing that everything here is based on total whopping unadulterated complete, not a scintilla of proof, lies. >> harry, thank you so much. harry lipman. >> happy new year. >> happy new year to you. i want to talk with a senator
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from hawaii to talk about the call the president made to election officials. senator, you heard harry with the legal analysis that something should happen, that it could happen, that there's basis for it and something should happen. do you think this was illegal and will something happen to hold the president accountable? >> well, we heard the president for one hour, trump acting like a tyrant, soliciting voter fraud. as the previous speaker said, there's probably a basis for some kind of investigation obviously. at the same time, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact we have a president who is still in his own mind. the president doesn't live in a democracy, he lives in his own mind, believing he won the election, trying to get others to go along with him. that's the spectacle of one hour of the president ranting and being unhinged. >> i mean, is this impeachable?
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do you think congress needs to do something here or is this just something to be done with because the president isn't going to be president much longer. >> the first thing we have to do is overcome this stunt that some of the republicans are pulling on wednesday to challenge the election results in a number of states, that's the first thing. note that you have 11 or 12 senators going along with the plan, the stunt to steal the election for trump. that's the first thing. we have to make it plain that joe biden is going to be the president of the united states in 16 days. thank goodness. as far as some other investigations, you still have the d.a. of new york, there's still some state investigations being pursued. that's something that trump can't pardon himself on, so we shall see. the first thing is to overcome the stunt that's going to happen wednesday and all of the people
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that come and protest as trump called for. >> there doesn't seem like there's an appetite in congress to do anything about the call. is that a good read? >> we will see because any impeachment process has to start in the house. let's see what happens there. frankly, there's so much we have to get on with, first and foremost, to get control of the pandemic that's impacting the entire country and joe biden has a lot on his plate and so do we, the rest of us that actually want to do something to help people. >> i want to ask you because we're looking towards wednesday. you were talking about it, the number of your republican colleagues, i think it is at 13 now, that want to block the electoral college count. should your republican colleagues doing this still have a place on the judiciary committee? >> that is a good question. as long as they control the
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senate, they're going to put whoever they want on the various committees, regardless of what i say about it. that's why the georgia elections are so important. it is going to matter who is in control of the senate. is it going to be mitch mcconnell and the republicans who turn a blind eye to just about everything that this president does or is it going to be democrats who get on with doing the right thing for the american people. >> i also wonder what you think about there's now a number of republican senators who have come out and said they are in opposition to the blocking of the electoral vote count, romney, murkowski, lee, portman, and others as well. i mean, what's your reaction to that? they've broken with the republicans. >> i'm always gratified when there are republicans that will break from this president, stand up for the right thing. it doesn't happen often enough. i am particularly grateful for the state election officials,
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the state election officials, including the secretary of state of georgia who stood up and are standing up to this president. they're the ones getting a lot of pressure from the president and his minions. we have seen a senate let the president get away trying to shake down the president of the ukraine, didn't hold him accountable. they rarely stand up to him. i am always gratified when some of them do. this is the kind of environment where we're grateful when people are doing the right thing for democracy. >> senator hirona, thank you for being here. happy new year to you. >> everyone stay safe and healthy. happy new year. we're rolling the tape on republicans aiding the president's attempted coup. and we take you to georgia where voters determine the balance of power in the senate. hear why it may take awhile to find out the answer. and as hospitals overflow across the u.s., there's new
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debate whether to delay the second dose of the vaccine. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at
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vaccinated 20 million. we worked day and night to have the vaccines available, will continue to work days and night to have them immunized. >> the centers for disease control reports more than 4.2 million people have been given the first dose of coronavirus vaccine as of this morning, that falls well short of what you heard, that federal government promise to get 20 million vaccinated by this point. cnn medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is with us now. why is there this delay? what's behind it? >> let's look at the numbers. so far according to the cdc about 13 million doses of vaccine have been distributed but only 4 million have been put in arms. first of all, we're not close to the 20 million that they said would be distributed, not close to 20 million they said would be in arms. part of the problem is there is huge geographic variation. in south dakota, there's 2,000,
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about 3,000 shots per 100,000 people. in kansas, almost 700 per 1,000 people. that's a big difference. why such a big difference between the states? that's entirely unclear. the reasons this hasn't gone well, there are several. one of them is when i talk to people that were talking to operation warp speed in the fall and early winter when it was set up, they said it felt like operation warp speed was saying we'll get the vaccine to the states and then you guys figure it out. we've done our job, got fedex and ups to get stuff out to be, now it is your turn. that wasn't great planning. fedex and ups do this every day, it is not hard to get things places, that's done in this country every day. vaccinating eventually what's going to be hopefully the entire country, vaccinating millions of people is tough. we do not do that every day. it takes incredible amounts of planning to make that happen. the other thing going on when you compare to countries like
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the uk or israel doing better than we are, those countries have centralized national health services. it helps when you have one centralized source making all of this happen. it is better, much easier than when you have 50 states. and within each of the 50 states, you have many doctor offices, hospitals, medical systems. we have an incredibly decentralized health care system in the country that's not helping in the immunization effort. >> it is a wonder, they had time to think about this, elizabeth, didn't get creative, think of a way to streamline it. thank you for that update. >> thanks. last year, republican senator susan collins said president trump learned his lesson after his acquittal in the senate. her quote is not the only one living in infamy. we're going to roll the tape. plus, the president lashes out as one of his top allies in the senate for refusing to challenge joe biden's win. this is cnn special live coverage.
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move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. now that's simple, easy, awesome. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. as the president blatantly abuses his power, threatens democracy, keep this quote in mind from an anonymously sourced senior republican official to "the washington post." a week after the election as they sought to explain why it was okay that republicans weren't admitting joe biden won the election. quote, what is the down side for humoring for this little bit of time? no one seriously thinks the
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results will change, the official said. he went golfing this weekend, not like he is plotting how to prevent joe biden from taking power january 20th. he is tweeting about filing lawsuits, those will fail. then he will tweet more about how the election was stolen and then he will leave. republicans have been so off in their estimates about how far trump will take things. when he crosses one red line after another, the president has to dig up dirt on political rival, joe biden. i believe the president has learned from this case. the president has been impeached. that's a pretty big lesson. he was impeached and there has been criticism by both republican and democratic senators of his call. i believe that he will be much
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more cautious in the future. >> he learned a lesson all right, she said he learned a lesson, but it wasn't the lesson collins thought he would. the president learned there are no boundaries. he can do what he wants without consequence or scorn from his party, with maybe the exception of mitt romney or former republican officials, usually ones that see their political career only in the rearview mirror. it is a year later. again, he is caught on tape during a phone call, pressuring officials to do his bidding, this time asking them to break the law and throw the election for him. mick mulvaney is among those whose quotes live in infamy. i have been asked the same question a 00 times in the past week. if the president loses will he participate in peaceful transition of power. he goes on, i am happy to answer yes, i have every expectation mr. trump will be, act and speak like a great president should, win or lose. mulvaney declined our invitation
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to come on today, clearly wishful thinking about the president behaving in the interest of the country falls on trump's deaf ears as much as it did when he was his chief of staff. republicans keep catering, they seem to be the farthest thing from the president's mind. judging by the phone call with election officials where he talked about runoff elections there that will determine the balance of power in the senate. >> because of what you've done to the president, a lot of people aren't going out to vote. a lot of republicans will vote negative. they hate what you did to the president. they hate him. >> wednesday, 13 republican senators say they'll challenge biden's win, many of them have ambitions for a white house run in 2024, like josh hawley. the ring leader of the caucus, treading all over states rights that republicans usually hold so dear. here he is a year ago. >> consequences to the republic of overturning a democratic
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election because you don't like the result and because you believe the election was somehow corrupted, when in fact the evidence shows it was not, talking about elections can't be trusted, that's an interesting approach. i think it is crazy, frankly. >> hawley's posse also includes senator ted cruz. you recall president trump called cruz's wife ugly, falsely said cruz's father was involved in jfk's assassination. >> you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids, that will do it every time. donald, you're a sniffling coward, leave heidi the hell alone. >> cruz is set to undermine democracy for one man's ego and support of his base in what will be the most infamous stunt on the floor since reciting dr. seuss. >> do you like green eggs and ham? i do not like them, sam i am, i do not like green eggs and ham. >> there are some republicans that are opposing the move to block the electoral college
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count on principle or as political calculation. tom cotton, mitt romney, rob portman, lisa murkowski, and susan collins of maine. if you listen to vice president pence read the oath that new senators take, it is worth noting, the president is leaving in 16 days. republicans like cruz are not. do you take this obligation freely, that you well and faithfully discharge duties of the office upon which you enter so help you god. >> said seemingly without irony as his running mate, president trump, takes aim at the constitution from the oval office, aided by some of the very senators pence swore in. i want to talk with dana bash,
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cnn chief political correspondent. up until now, dana, we have seen the republican party largely humoring the president in his quest to overturn the election. fair to say he's taken it farther than a lot of them thought he would, also didn't put lines down. i wonder if this call with georgia election officials changes what's going to happen wednesday. >> i was just talking to a senate republican source who said flatly the call doesn't change anything, that people on the side of the president and frankly people who are uncomfortable with the president, they're not swayed by it because a lot of people heard this in private, if you are an elected republican, especially somebody with a line to the president, this is the kinds of thing he says. it is totally different when he's actually talking to the election official and pressuring him, begging him, threatening him in a way that's totally
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inappropriate, possibly, probably illegal. when it comes to the politics of this, more importantly what will happen wednesday, unlikely it will change anything. what we do know and what we have seen fully over the weekend even more so because of the moves from ted cruz as you just pointed out and josh hawley is a real rift within the republican party, more than we've seen in quite some time. it is not something that will be healed anytime soon. it is a rift that goes to the fundamentals of what they stand for or don't stand for and how craven people are willing to be to put politics ahead of the basics when it comes to the constitutional obligations. >> you can hear that in what senator hawley said a year ago and what he is saying now. he is clearly, listening to what he said, he is violating his own principles. we know that when we look at
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what some of the republicans are doing. there are people, you mention the rift, there's tom cotton, one of the folks who is not going to support the contesting of the electoral college count, one of the president's staunchest defenders, likely a 2024 candidates, andesq he is bg attacked for not joining his colleagues. you can see the political calculation for some folks. has he just come to a different conclusion on what's good politics? is this a matter of principle? what is it? >> listen, for tom cotton, a republican, young republican from arkansas, somebody whose base is donald trump's base, full stop, coming out, saying what the president is doing, what his colleagues are going to do by objecting and saying they're going to start a commission, that's bad politics for tom cotton. tom cotton i will say even in talking to some of his colleagues is being intellectually honest.
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he is a very, very smart guy. not to say ted cruz is not smart or josh hawley is not a smart guy, these are all ivy league educated lawyers before they came to the united states senate. but what tom cotton is doing, he is putting the constitution before his party. there's no way saying what he is saying is going to benefit him in the short term politically, but someone like him and frankly lindsey graham, he tweeted out that what ted cruz and josh hawley, but particularly ted cruz is saying that he wants with this commission that would last ten days, basing it on what happened in 1876, he said that is ridiculous, that things have already gone through the courts. judges all up and down from state to federal to the supreme court have said we don't see any evidence and it is hard to imagine somebody closer than lindsey graham to president trump and the fact that he is
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standing up, saying this is a bad idea. object, fine, that's your right, but it is not your right to bring the whole process to a screeching halt. it is noteworthy, and does again speak to the real rift within the republican party about this. >> it is a big thing we'll see wednesday. a lot of republicans wagering a lot of political capital, maybe political futures. we'll see if the bets pay off. dana, thanks so much for being here. >> happy new year to you. one day until crucial senate runoff races and president trump is in georgia today, campaigning there. this has the gop nervous over what he will do next. we take you there live. how a staff member's inflatable christmas tree costume is linked to a covid-19 outbreak and one death at a california hospital.
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it is the eve of the georgia senate runoff elections and the political power players are headed to the state. both president trump and president-elect biden will be there today in the final push of campaigning. the stakes couldn't be higher. tomorrow's votes will determine control of the u.s. senate. both sides combined spent more than a half billion on campaign advertising. and three million ballots have been cast in early voting. kyung lah is tracking this. are there voters to be persuaded today? >> reporter: i don't even know if this was ever a persuasion
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event. it was really always about getting out the base here in georgia and what they're trying to do by bringing top of the ticket into the state is to make a final push to get everybody out of houses and get to the polls on tuesday. in just a couple hours, we are expecting president-elect joe biden to take the stage making that push. it is control of the u.s. senate. it is also his legislative agenda at stake. the president-elect here to encourage democrats to get out. we're seeing the democratic challengers crisscrossing the state, jon ossoff, reverend raphael warnock talking to voters, bringing up directly the phone call the president had with the georgia secretary of state and blasting that call. all eyes, though, the big event today will be what happens 9:00 tonight when president trump takes the stage in his own rally in dalton, georgia. this will be the very first time
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we see the president making any sort of public response since the call was recorded and released. it is making republicans here very nervous. one said to cnn if the disaster is avoided tonight, it will be quote sheer dumb luck. already in the state, vice president mike pence. he just didn't even mention it. brianna? >> all right. thank you so much for that report from atlanta. happy new year to you. coming up, i'll be talking to a former aide to three former republican presidents, why he describes the gop party as weak and rotten now. plus, live in california where hospitals are at record levels treating the coronavirus and new fears this could collapse the health system. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard.
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the strain on california's hospitals and their exhausted staffs just got worse. covid hospitalizations are at their highest rate since the pandemic began, prompting one hospital official in southern california to warn that the state's hospital system could collapse if there's another spike. the virus now claiming one life every ten minutes. california's national guard is going to start helping coroners with the bodies. stephanie elam is in los angeles. it sounds dire, stephanie.
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set the scene for us. >> reporter: that's right. one note there, that 45,000 number is for the entire state of california, not just for l.a. county, just to clarify, but this is still a dire situation. when you look, for example, at what has happened in san jose, silicon valley, there's one hospital there. 44 employees have tested positive for the coronavirus between december 27thth and january 1st, we now know that one of the these medical workers, who worked on christmas day, has now passed away. the reason why this is important. they're thinking this outbreak here could be traced back to an inflatable costume that was air powered that one of the staff members wore to lift spirits in christmas. they're thinking that could have been the force behind that. this is obviously noteworthy, because anyone who has tested positive can't work. what we're seeing here in california is the fact you may have other hospitals that could be opened, other places to put patients is great and all, but it doesn't matter if you don't
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have the nurses, the doctors, the medical personnel to man them. i spoke to one nurse who told me they're working 8 to 1. eight patients to one nurse. they're looking for help, they need help with the bod aye they are inundated with here in l.a. county shows you the problem. also last county put out these numb percent to make this clear january 26, 2020, is the first positive test here in los angeles county. it tonight ten months to get to 400,000 cases, and them it took one more month to add another 400,000 cases. now we're above 800,000 cases here in los angeles. january is expected to be worse. >> stephanie, thank you so much. it's so important to keep an eye on what's going on. we do have more on our breaks
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some things are good to know. like where to find the cheapest gas in town and which supermarket gives you the most bang for your buck. something else that's good to know? if you have medicare and medicaid you may be able to get more healthcare benefits through a humana medicare advantage plan. call the number on your screen now and speak to a licensed humana sales agent to see if you qualify. learn about plans that could give you more healthcare benefits than you have today. depending on the plan you choose, you could have your doctor, hospital and prescription drug coverage in one convenient plan. from humana, a company with nearly 60 years of experience in the healthcare industry. you'll have lots of doctors and specialists to choose from. and, if you have medicare and medicaid, a humana plan may give you other
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important benefits. depending on where you live, they could include dental, vision and hearing coverage. you may also get rides to plan-approved locations; home delivered meals after an in-patient hospital stay; a monthly allowance for purchasing healthy food and beverages; plus an allowance for health and wellness items. everything from over the counter medications and vitamins, to first aid items and personal care products. best of all, if you have medicare and medicaid, you may qualify for multiple opportunities throughout the year to enroll. so if you want more from medicare, call the number on your screen now to speak with a licensed humana sales agent. learn about humana plans that could give you more healthcare benefits. including coverage for prescription drugs, dental care, eye exams and glasses, hearing aids and more. a licensed humana sales agent will walk you through your options, answer any questions you have and, if you're eligible, help you enroll over
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