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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  January 11, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PST

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nationwide. forward-thinking enterprises deserve forward-thinking solutions. and that's what we deliver. so bounce forward, with comcast business. hello, and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world, you are watching "cnn newsroom" and i'm rosemary church. just ahead, democrats want u.s. president donald trump out of office one way or another. we could see an historic second impeachment in just days if the vice president fails to meet their demands. plus, new details about how the violence unfolded on capitol hill as federal authorities
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investigate if there was a coordinated plan to capture members of congress. and with more than 28,000 u.s. lives lost already, january is on track to become the deadliest month in the pandemic. our president-elect joe biden plans to tackle his most urgent challenge. good to have you with us. democrats say the violence last week at the u.s. capitol means u.s. president donald trump must be removed from office as soon as possible for the good of the nation. in just a few hours they will introduce a resolution demanding the vice president invoke the 25th amendment. if he doesn't, they are ready to impeach mr. trump for a second time. it's unclear how many
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republicans are on board, but outrage is growing over wednesday's insurrection. we are learning new details about the deadly violence and we have new images showing a police officer dragged down by the crowd and beaten. the video we're about to show is graphic but it's important to see the reality of this attack . the officer is beaten mercilessly, stomped, kicked, even hit with a pole that carried the american flag. they throw a broom, a clutch, even a trump 2020 flag at police who are trying to maintain a barricade at the capitol building. when democrats introduce their
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measure, they will try to pass it by unanimous consent, but if that fails, a vote will come tuesday. we get more now from cnn's ryan nobles. > . >> reporter: house speaker nancy pelosi is ready to move forward with articles of impeachment if vice president pence doesn't invoke the 25th amendment. in a letter on sunday night, pelosi said she is going to introduce a resolution on monday morning that will put mike pence on the clock. give him 24 hours to decide whether or not he's going to take the step of moving forward on the 25th amendment. if he doesn't, then the house will begin impeachment proceedings. that could happen as early as wednesday, and there is certainly enough votes for pelosi to get the impeachment passed here in the house. the question is what happens when it gets to the senate. there doesn't appear to be an appetite by mitch mcconnell to begin a trial and convict president trump, especially before he leaves office now in
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less than ten days. so the question is what does pelosi do after those articles of impeachment are passed? she could send them over to mcconnell for him to do nothing or she could hold on to them and wait until president trump is out of office and when the democrats are in control of the senate and begin the trial then. there are still some benefits for the house democrats to move forward with the impeachment even after president trump is in office. there are long-term consequences that president trump could be in store for if he is ultimately convicted of those impeachment proceedings. so still a lot we don't know. the only thing we know for sure is that speaker pelosi is ready to take that first step of doing something to hold president trump accountable for his role in those riots that took place here last wednesday. ryan nobles, cnn, capitol hill. at least two republican senators have called for mr. trump's resignation. pennsylvania's pat toomey and alaska's lisa murkowski.
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toomey says he's not sure impeachment is the right move. meantime, republican senator roy blunt says it's time to look to the future and house republican nancy mace says impeachment risks inflaming trump supporters. take a listen. >> one of the issues i have right now whether it's the 25th amendment, whether it's impeachment right now is further dividing the country and pouring gasoline on the fire. i risked my life to take the vote on wednesday night to certify the electoral college. there are many of us out there that that happened to, where people were threatening us. i was accosted in the street on tuesday night and i worry about that because the impeachment articles if it passes with a simple majority in the house, it needs 2/3 in the senate. i don't know if there's an appetite in the senate. it doesn't get to the senate until the 19th of january, the day before joe biden is sworn into office.
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we need to be thought full about how do we go from here and ensure that there is a peaceful transition of power, that the inauguration goes smoothly. >> my personal view is that the president touched a hot stove on wednesday and is unlikely to touch it again and if that's the case, every day we get closer to the last day of his presidency, we should be thinking more about the first day of the next presidency than the last day of his presidency in my view. >> meantime, president trump is increasingly isolated watching house democrats make their plans. our jeremy diamond has that. >> reporter: well, as house speaker nancy pelosi says the house will move forward to impeach president trump, the president faces the increasing possibility that he will become the first president in american history to be impeached twice by the house of representatives. now a trial in the senate is a whole other matter and it's very unlikely that that will happen
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before president-elect joe biden is inaugurated on january 20th, but the president is facing not only this prospect of impeachment, he's also facing calls for his resignation, including from several key republican senators. and he's also facing these questions of the 25th amendment with some calling for the president to be stripped of his presidential powers through that amendment. now president trump making very clear, according to our sources, that he has no intention of resigning despite his role in inciting that mob on capitol hill last week but there is the question of the 25th amendment. the move by house speaker nancy pelosi will put pressure on vice president mike pence to make clear what his position is on this 25th amendment. so far we've heard from sources close to the vice president that it's highly unlikely he'll invoke the 25th amendment. second of all, he's still not taking it completely off the table. he wants to preserve it as an
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option should president trump's behavior become more unstable, but it is remarkable that despite four years of unfailing loyalty to president trump, we have yet to hear mike pence say himself or through an on the record statement from his office that he does not support invoking the 25th amendment to strip president trump of his presidential powers. that in and of itself is remarkable. this move could increase the pressure on mike pence to make his position much more clear. now on sunday president trump also finally moved to lower the flag on top of the white house and to order flags lowered to half staff in honor of capitol police officer that was killed in the line of duty. remarkable that it took president trump two days longer than it took the house speaker nancy pelosi to order that move and only after a lot of withering criticism. jeremy diamond, cnn, the white house. in the wake of the siege on the capitol, law enforcement
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agencies around the country are bracing for more possible violence. officials say the riot has heightened their planning for the upcoming inauguration of joe biden. cnn's got our report. >> reporter: there is a lot of concern as we move into a new week and closer to the inauguration. the capitol is surrounded by a 7 foot nonscaleable fence and hundreds of national guard members, they will be sent in for the inauguration next wednesday. 1,000 from new york, 6200 from across the country. so far nearly 2 dozen people have been charged federally for their involvement in the violent mob that stormed the capitol. that includes a man who was found with 11 homemade bombs in his truck parked near the capitol plus a handgun, assault rifle and ammunition. prosecutors say that that man actually had two handguns on him when police finally found him. then there was another man charged with allegedly sending
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text messages threatening injury to house speaker nancy pelosi. when he was found, he had fire arms including an assault rifle including hundreds of rounds of ammunition in a truck he had parked outside of a holiday inn hotel in washington. this is likely just the beginning of the charges. the acting u.s. attorney in dc now says hundreds of people may end up under arrest as they continue this investigation that encompasses hundreds of prosecutors, fbi agents working from three command centers 24/7. finally, there is some growing concern for the safety of members of congress, many of whom we've seen in videos yelled at surrounded in airports as they traveled to and from washington. well, this weekend we learned that all members will be able to get increased security when they travel through airports. u.s. capitol police, they're coordinating with other law enforcement agencies to make sure those protections happen to keep those numbers in congress safe. jessica schneider, cnn, washington. big tech is responding to the siege on the u.s. capitol.
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how are these moves impacting social media? we'll take a look at that when we come back. stay with us. ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference.
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u.s. democrats whether in the house or the senate appear united in their concern about what could happen if president trump remains in office and their calls for impeachment are growing louder. >> there's no doubt about it he should be impeached. >> president trump by his actions over the last two months since the election has lost the right to be president. >> i absolutely believe that impeachment should be scheduled. >> this president must be impeached and removed. anything less is an abdication of congress's responsibility. >> donald trump represents a clear and present danger to the health and safety of the american people as well as our democracy. >> daniel strauss is a senior political reporter for "the guardian." thank you for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> house speaker nancy pelosi makes it clear the house will
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attempt to pass a resolution monday morning calling for vice president mike pence and the cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment to remove donald trump from office. if that fails after 24 hours the house will move quickly on impeachment. how to expect all of this to play out? >> it's anyone's guess right now but i would say the fact that the speaker said she listed impeachment as an option right after going through invoking the 25th amendment suggests that she does not think enough cabinet secretaries will come forward to remove trump from office that way and that it will eventually go to impeachment proceedings. the reason for this is partially president trump's own doing. he has a number of officials who are acting secretaries in this cabinet, meaning they're pretty new to the job, they're not officially cabinet officials, and they're very, very loyal to president trump. so even if there are a few
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secretaries who privately feel that the president is unfit for office, it's more likely that they won't join in pelosi's movement. now that means we're going to impeachment. and, again, that's a tough road to hoe for democrats as well. they control the house, not the senate. there don't appear to be enough republicans right now to break the requirements to remove trump from office that way. >> some republicans are still reluctant, of course, to call out president trump. senator roy blunt says the president touched a hot stove and learned his lesson but we, of course, all remember republican susan collins saying exactly the same thing after trump's first impeachment. what does this say about where other gop leaders might stand for a second impeachment? for the senate there's talk of possibly doing the house first
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and the senate later when it comes to these impeachment proceedings? >> it still suggests to me there aren't enough republicans in the senate to impeach -- to successfully impeach the president. there are a number of them, roy blunt is a great example, the missouri senator is up for re-election soon and he's worried about angering the trump base either to a point where they will pose a primary challenge to him or that will take away from his voter base which he needs. now missouri is a very red state. there aren't any democrats in the highest office but that can always change. >> and a new abc news ipsos poll shows 56% of those americans surveyed think trump should be removed from office while just 43% believe he should not be removed. what impact could a poll like this have on any decision made by vice president pence given he
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has not yet taken off the table his option to invoke the 25th amendment, which is interesting, of course, to remove the president. >> i mean, i'm still skeptical about that majority swaying the required number of federal officials needed to remove the president from office. there are only a few days left in his presidency and 54% isn't that surprising given that democrats will control the senate soon. they control the house, and they narrowly won the presidency. that reflects the margin of sentiment across the country. >> daniel strauss, thank you so much for your analysis. appreciate it. >> thanks. well, president trump is continuing to face backlash from corporate america. stripes says it will no longer process campaign donations for him while twitter and facebook stripped him of his social media profiles. cnn's brian stelter has the
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latest. >> reporter: corporate america is taking dramatic action against president trump in his campaign. many technology platforms basically disassociating themselves from trump over the weekend. we have seen an avalanche of these announcements, friday, saturday into sunday. and the end result of all of it is that the president is increasingly isolated. his platforms are shrinking, shrinking, shrinking to the point where he has very few megaphones, very few ways to communicate or at this point even raise money. we have seen no emails from the trump campaign since wednesday. up until wednesday the campaign was emailing supporters many times a day. one of the reasons why the emails may have stopped is because the campaign is having a very hard time accepting donations. on sunday night we learned that stripe, which is a payments company that processes credit cards, has halted its service
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with the trump campaign. long story short, trump can no longer accept donations via stripe. this is another example of how trump and his allies are being isolated by corporate america. it is striking to see how in some ways businesses are taking swifter, stronger actions than government entities, than the house or the senate, for example. it is clear corporate america in all its different ways is making a statement trying to distance itself from hate speech, trying to distance itself from incitements to violence. this will pose serious problems for trump, not just now, not just in the next nine or ten days, but also in the post presidency. any of his plans for launching new business, any of his plans for months or years down the road could be imperilled now that he's been deplatformed by twitter, by facebook, and by lots of smaller companies as
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well. back to you. >> thanks for that. the scenes of violence we witnessed at the u.s. capitol wednesday were extraordinary of course, yet america woke up the next day to relative order. cnn's nick peyton walsh helps us understand how democracy in the u.s. thrived despite a brief moment of collapse. >> reporter: i think in a piece on cnn digital there were many ugly scenes, rioting that forced their way into the u.s. capitol on wednesday but there are also some key differences in how the united states reacted to that situation. now in so much of the attempted coups that i or others have seen around the world, there is the next morning a sense of uncertainty, a sense of fear that something fundamental has changed in the company. you might see the president in hiding or appearing much more
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bullish on television depending on what's just happened. you might find state tv playing propaganda that might be a sense of abyss opening up. what was quite extraordinary the morning after wednesday was to see how the system simply picked up again in the united states. the perhaps comforting vision of seeing cable news, rolling news channels reporting events openly transparently dissecting them. other branches of the government, parts of congress, parts of the democratic opposition standing up expressing their fury about what had, in fact, happened. the capacity, frankly, for people to do that openly is something that is extraordinarily rare around the world, particularly after attempted coups. i think the language that was used around that particular violence expresses how surprised americans were there. had been multiple warnings but no sights like that. the key thing to remember, particularly they'll be urged on
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perhaps in that sense of recognition by people who have survived or lived under tyranny, is that the u.s. system did still manage to prevail. yes, it has flaws and it had flaws to allow it to get to that savage point outside of congress. five people lost their lives, important to remember that, still there were parts of democracy there that kicked into action. there was law. there was order. when the rioters got into the buildings didn't seem to get what it was perhaps they had gop there for. they were stopped by brave police officers. they were stopped from achieving whatever in fact their goals had been and then swiftly afterwards finally the pentagon moved into action. other law enforcement as well. i think it's important to americans who perhaps look at those scenes and think, gosh, what is happening to our democracy as the fabric of our system falling apart to remember that it isn't and to remember that there are many around the world who have been through similar scenes of unrest horks
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have seen the foundations of their daily lives shaken by coups or how america had law and order and how it had the guardrails and feel an extraordinary sense of jealousy to some degree. yes, america has a deeply flawed system where extremists are often allowed too much of a voice some might argue, but it's important to remember how much order there was there, how much fairness the law still seemed to provide to those who sought justice and how that may hold america in a better position as it and a half have i gates the navigates the time ahead. colin powell says he no l g longer considers himself a republican. the former secretary of state tells fareed zakaria he would support impeaching and removing president donald trump from
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office. take a listen. >> this is a moment for accountability. to place blame on people who have done things that are wrong. and at the same time, i think it is something for accountability because there are a lot of people who did not demonstrate that they were using the accountability they had. but i have no fear for our country. we'll come out of this. >> would you support impeachment? and if there were an impeachment, the house is likely to do it. if you were a senator, would you vote to convict? >> of course i would. i would vote to convict. i would have done it last time if i had the opportunity, but i would be surprised if we can get an impeachment through or relief on his part or anything else, 25th amendment. it's only a little over a week left and so all i know is that next -- the end -- towards the middle of next week he's going to be gone. >> colin powell there.
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well, the u.s. is now moving to designate houthi rebels as a foreign terrorist organization. a look at what this could mean for the incoming biden administration and for humanitarian aid. when they're sick, they get comfortable anywhere and spread germs everywhere. nothing kills more viruses, including the covid-19 virus, on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. lysol. what it takes to protect.
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with professionally monitored home security built around you. no, i think we're good. good. so when you're away, you don't have to worry. the tent. we forgot... the tent. except about that. xfinity home. simple. easy. awesome. hey look, i found the tent! get xfinity home with no term contract required. click or call today. welcome back, everyone, here in the united states and across the globe. u.s. house democrats are set to introduce a resolution in just a few hours aimed at getting prump president donald trump out of office. the measure would demand vice president mike pence invoke the 25th amendment to remove
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president trump. if it passes and pence fails to respond, house speaker nancy pelosi says she will bring impeachment legislation to the floor. president-elect joe biden has a busy schedule as he prepares to be inaugurated in just nine days. cnn's athena jones walks us through his plans for the week ahead. >> reporter: hi there. a busy week ahead for president-elect joe biden. with much of the focus on democrats in congress this week on how to hold president trump accountable for inciting wednesday's attack on the capitol, biden is focused on his agenda and making sure he is protected from could he individu -- covid. biden will receive the second shot publicly. he will meet with transition and economic advisers on monday. on thursday biden is set to lay out what he expects to see in the next covid relief package.
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$2,000 in economic relief that mitch mcconnell blocked but that they're hoping to push through in a democratic controlled senate. we know that tens of millions of workers lost their life to paid sick and family leave after congress failed to extend them in that relief package. biden will discuss his plan to release all vaccine doses to ensure everyone will receive both their doses. he has criticized the vaccine rollout. vaccines give us hope but the rollout has been a travesty. athena jones, cnn, wilmington, delaware. the united states plans to demonstrate yemen's houthi rebels as a terrorist group. this will provide additional tools to confront them. the diplomats fear the designation could damage the
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u.n.'s work on peace talks in yemen and hinder humanitarian aid. it could pose challenges for the incoming u.s. president joe biden to create a yemen policy. so joining us now with more on all of this is senior international correspondent sam kiley standing by in jerusalem. good to see you, sam. what could this mean for the incoming biden administration and of course for humanitarian aid? >> well, for the biden administration it doesn't cripple any future policy. it certainly hamstrings the biden administration putting it really in a real bind. it's very hard to unravel a terrorist designation, not the least because you have to prove a negative but equally the biden administration had said during his election campaigns had said he would start turning the screws on saudi arabia, which is an enemy force arranged against the houthi administration in
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support of the internationally recognized government in yemen, which has largely lived in exile in saudi arabia. biden has said he will move to restrict the operations or get the saudis to restrict or end their operations in yemen because of the humanitarian disaster that continues to unfold there. 80 million -- beg your pardon, 8 million yemenis, 80% of the country are facing imminent famine. they are dependent on some kind of international aid and clearly a terrorist designation makes it very, very difficult to distribute aid particularly in the houthi areas. the united states with about $680 billion worth of foreign donations to the international community, mostly through the united nations, is the biggest donor to yemen. yemen has a program or in the yemen the u.n. has a program
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that it is sponsoring on all sides of the fight to try to get salaries paid directly to yemeni government employees rather than have aid distributions that can be manipulated. particularly in the past they have been manipulated by the houthis who have been skimming off the top and manipulating food aid in order to prosecute their war. the houthis are deemed to be proxies of the iranians in that region. i think that's an exaggeration. they are certainly supported by the iranians. i've been there and i've mixed a lot with the houthi rebels. there's no love lost ideologically between iranians and the yemenis in the north of the country even though the iranians continue to support them, support them with missiles that have been used against targets within saudi arabia. it's for that reason that the trump administration argues the houthis are terrorists. the houthis have condemned this
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move by the trump administration. it's been bitterly criticized by the norwegians dealing with the trump administration in the region. it has been resisted in previous months by members of the state department who see this as a future roadblock with any peace negotiations which have been stumbling forward. one of the main problems has been getting the houthis to come to the table. that is going to be a lot harder, rosemary. >> sam kiley with the latest on that. many thanks. covid cases and hospitalizations are soaring in the united states. the latest numbers and how new york is now working to boost its vaccine rollout. we're back in just a moment. pro. lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness-causing bacteria detergents leave behind. proven to kill covid-19
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i feel like we're forglet me xfinity home gives you peace of mind from anywhere with professionally monitored home security built around you. no, i think we're good. good. so when you're away, you don't have to worry. the tent. we forgot... the tent. except about that. xfinity home. simple. easy. awesome. hey look, i found the tent! get xfinity home with no term contract required. click or call today. we're now just 11 days into the new year and the u.s. has already added more than 2.3
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million coronavirus cases as hospitalizations and deaths continue to climb. january is now on track to be the deadliest month of the pandemic. since the first of the year, more than 28,000 people have died. nowhere is the situation worse than in california. the state just added 57,000 new cases and a surge in infections is showing no signs of letting up. all of this as the vaccine distribution across the u.s. continues to move very slowly. the cdc says of the more than 22 million vaccine doses that have been distributed, just over 6.6 million have been administered. let's bring in dr. scott miscovich. he is a family physician and a national consultant for covid-19 testing. thank you, doctor, for being with us and for all that you do. >> hi there, rosemary.
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how are you today? >> i'm good. the u.s. is seeing record number of deaths and hospitalizations. as we watch a very slow rollout of vaccines. 6.6 million administered so far. president-elect joe biden is planning to roll out all vaccines once he takes office. >> part of the solution has to be more state help at the state level and county level. again, this is unprecedented time in the united states and the world. to think that everyone at every corner of the world has to get a vaccine is just unimagine nanl. no leadership. we're seeing all the states and counties being left to their own accord. there is no plan. we have to give a guidance what those 20 million, the next 20 million, the next 100 million how the federal government will not just throw money at it but
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put more resources in body and leadership and logistics in helping it happen. i'm looking forward to the biden administration stepping up. >> right. you say we have to have a plan. the problem is no one seems to have a plan. former food & drug administration commissioner dr. scott gottleib said we need to hit the reset button on vaccine rollout because the current system isn't working. so why have so few doses been administered and how can this be done better? >> well, again, i think the biggest issue now is the number of bodies to do it. i mean, it's a very big effort. my group right now, i will be heading into arizona tomorrow to help lead efforts to do vaccine rollout there and getting the people together, whether it's hiring retirees qualified to do it or bringing together people from the national guard or retired guard or other personnel
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that maybe right now we take six weeks and put a training program together so that when we hit the national effort where everyone becomes eligible, not just first responders, that is where we're really going to lead the effort. so there's got to be that type of guidance and that type of leadership to show how to do it instead of just saying here it is, here's some money in your accounts. >> want to turn to europe now and the coronavirus death toll in germany now stands at more than 40,000. officials show the deadliest period. the german government has extended a national lockdown which was set to expire yesterday. melissa bell has been tracking this story for us from paris. she joins me now live. good to see you, melissa. germany did so well at the start of this pandemic. what went wrong and what is the latest on the situation there? >> reporter: that's right. it's one of the countries having
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the toughest time bringing down the covid-19 figures, not only the ones you mentioned, the numbers of covid-19 related deaths with sad passing of the 40,000 mark but also the number of new cases. what we heard from the german chancellor over the weekend is the who is still to come. she was really hinting there, rosemary, at the idea that it could be people having gathered at christmas and new year could lead to a surge that has yet to be recorded in the numbers. yes, not only an extended lockdown until january 31st but a tight jentd lockdown since those areas where the virus is spreading the fastest has travel restrictions, restrictions on the movements of people as well. looking ahead, she did, however, express some hope. half a million people have now been vaccinated in germany. what she said she hoped was that even if the start of that vaccination rollout had been slow, that things would now impro improve. the moderna vaccine arrives in germany today. she said she hoped more people would be vaccinated in order
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that those figures can be brought down. we're hearing from french government officials saying they don't believe france will have to enter into a third lockdown. they speak about the virus circulating two to three times faster in neighboring countries because of restrictions that have been put in place here appear to be keeping the spread of the virus under control. a great deal of concern throughout europe especially when it comes to the fast spread of this new variant. >> such a worry. melissa bell joining us live from paris. many thanks. to indonesia now and search operations are ongoing after saturday's plane crash. navy divers and search boats are working nonstop looking for wreckage and the victims. 50 passengers and 12 crew members were on board when the air flight went missing. divers have found the plane's black boxes among the wreckage.
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cnn's solina wang is following these developments joining us live from tokyo. the black boxes are found. that will at least give some guidance on what happened here, but what is the latest on that search effort in the wake of this tragedy? >> reporter: well, rosemary, the family members of the people on that plane are still waiting in anguish. so far 16 body bags with human remains have been retrieved. the relatives have been sharing their dna samples to help the authorities identify the victims, but we are continuing to learn more about the 62 people on this airplane. there were 7 children. there was a pregnant woman with her 2-year-old daughter. there was a couple, they were on the airplane to travel to a funeral. we spoke to the brother of the wife and he told us the following. >> translator: there were only three of us. our father has passed away, our mother has passed away. now their children are orphans whom i have to take care of.
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>> reporter: divers are still searching at the crash sight, which is 20 miles they found children's clothing, wrecked plane pieces, personal belongings. as you said, those black boxes have been located. once it's retrieved it could provide critical information about how this accident happened. indonesia is a nation made up of thousands islands. that makes air travel critical for its population. indonesia has a history of airplane accidents. that's because of aging infrastructure because of the rapid growth and the airline ceo, however, has said that the airplane that was flown was in good condition, but it was 26 years old. but just to be clear, the plane that was flown was a boeing 737 500, it was not the boeing 737 max which had led to two fatal crashes because of flawed
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software in the cockpit. that led to the fatal crash in 2018 in indonesia and another one several months later in ethiopia. rosemary? >> celine na wang bringing us those details. many thanks. still ahead, saluting a man being remembered as a hero. u.s. capitol police officer brian ciknick died after the riot and we will look at his career in service. any other questions? what if i sleep hot? and i sleep cold? no problem... it's temperature balancing so couples can sleep better together. can it help me fall asleep faster? wooh!... yep, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep me asleep? it sure can... by sensing and automatically adjusting to keep you comfortable and help you recover. can it really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. sleep number. proven quality sleep is life-changing sleep.
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arnold schwarzenegger is condemning wednesday's siege on the capitol. in a powerful 7-minute video, the former governor of california compared the riot to the violence done by the nazi regime. he also offered words of inspiration for anxious americans. >> over the past few days friends from all over the world have been calling and calling and calling me. calling me distraught and worried about us as a nation. one woman was in tears about america, wonderful tears of e
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idolism of what america should have been. those tears should remind us of what america means to the world. i have told everyone that has called, that as heartbreaking as all of this is, america will come back from these dark days and shine our lights once again. >> and if you can, watch the whole 7 minutes. it is worthy of your watching. well, flags at the u.s. capitol and now the white house are flying at half staff to honor two late police officers. brian sicknick and nother were on duty. we look at officer sicknick's career in service. >> reporter: with flags lowered to half staff, the capitol community is reeling over the death of a capitol police officer, 42-year-old brian sicknick. with their sorrow some are
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expressing anger. >> my heart goes out to officer sicknick's family. there are a lot of people who have have officer sicknick's blood on their hands. >> he was injured on wednesday while, quote, physically engaging with protesters. he returned to his office and collapsed. he died late thursday. the youngest of three sons born and raised in new jersey, he is being called a hero by his family. in a statement sent to cnn the family saying he wanted to be a police officer his entire life. as a means to that end, they say, he joined the new jersey air national guard. that branch said sicknick joined in 1997, was deployed to saudi arabia and served in a security force squadron, the air guard's military police. he was honorably discharged from the new jersey air national guard in 2003 and joined the
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capitol hill police in 2008. capitol hill police say sicknick most recently served in the force's first responder's unit. one capitol hill officer says the job is dangerous even under normal circumstances. >> every day is a -- your life is in danger. there's no promise you're going to come home the next day or the same day that you go out. every officer that swears in takes the job very serious. protect congress. >> reporter: officer sicknick and his colleagues are drawing praise from members of congress who they fought to protect. >> many of our capitol police just acted so bravely and so -- with such concern for the staff, for the members, for the capitol, for the capitol of the united states. many of the men, and they deserve our gratitude. >> we were all very fortunate that the capitol hill police that were there were thinking as quickly as they had. if they had automatic weapons,
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they could have killed hundreds of members of congress. >> reporter: now one of the men who helped prevent that horror is being remembered by his family for his empathy, his commitment to rescuing dogs, his love of the new jersey devils hockey team. brian sicknick had no children but lived with his girlfriend of 11 years. in a statement to cnn brian sicknick's family asks the public and media not to make his passing a, quote, political issue. brian todd, cnn, washington. and thank you so much for your company. i'm rosemary church. "early start" is up next. you're watching cnn. do stay with us. i feel like we're forgetting something.
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hey look, i found the tent! get xfinity home with no term contract required. click or call today. the united states and around the world, this is ear"early start." i'm christine romans. >> and i'm laura jarrett. 5 a.m. here in new york. we start this morning with house democrats moving full steam ahead on a second impeachment of president trump. this time for provoking the deadly insurrection at the u.s. capitol. house speaker nancy pelosi said for the first time overnight the house will move to impeach if vice president mike pence does not invoke the 25th amendment to remove president trump.
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