tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 11, 2021 10:00am-11:00am PST
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they shouldn't be involved in that since he helped to stoke it. we're seeing a really strong push from the democrats and i think the question remains whether they'll be successful on that. >> one of the many moving parts we need to follow. julie, thank you very much. great to see you today. brianna picks up right now. hello, i'm brianna keilar and i want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. we are watching history in progress today as lawmakers move ahead to hold president trump accountable for inciting a mob to attack the u.s. capitol. right now the clock is ticking for vice president mike pence. democrats want him to gather the remaining members of the cabinet and invoke it is 25th amendment to remove the president. it does seem unlikely, though, that he will act, even after the president hammered pence for not subverting the electoral system
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in trump's name and led two members of the capitol mob calling for pence's head. if the vice president doesn't act today, house democrats will proceed with impeachment. the single article of impeachment they have introduced says, quote, donald john trump engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors by inciting violence against the government of the united states. he also willfully made statements that in context encouraged and foreseeably resulted in lawless action at the capitol. we could be seeing a vote here in the coming days. >> bring it right to the floor and it will be considered by the full house. and i expect that he will be impeached. he will be the first president in history to be impeached twice. >> we need to make it clear that there is a consequence to what happened on wednesday. for those who say we should look the other way, we should move on, to do that basically says that what they did was okay. >> now, as for president trump, there has been silent.
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he doesn't have twitter or facebook or instagram, but he does have a briefing room in his house, the white house, and we could hear from him today. democrats, meanwhile, are also pushing for accountability for members of congress, and that could involve the 14th amendment which calls for the removal of any member of congress who, quote, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. a resolution in the house would undoubtedly target senators ted cruz and josh hawley as well as a handful of other senators, and of course there were more than 100 republican house members who also went ahead with objections to the electoral vote, even after domestic terrorists stormed the capitol. we're seeing now some new video from inside of the capitol during the insurrection and also just outside of the capitol. the fbi is acting on as many as 40,000 digital tips so far as they are looking to make more arrests. among the questions that federal investigators are trying to
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answer is whether members of current law enforcement or the military were also involved. and after seeing rioters with zip tie handcuffs, they're wondering if part of the plan here was actually to take hostag hostages, which could have included the haouse speaker nany pelosi or vice president mike pence. now they prepare for the inauguration and this possible threat of new violence. in washington officials are closing the washington monument now through january 24th. the house speaker made the call, but will the vice president answer? nancy pelosi has given mike pence one last chance to invoke the 25th amendment to remove the president, and if he does not respond in time, pelosi pledged impeachment would be the way forward. i want to bring in cnn congressional correspondent phil mattingly who is covering all of this from the hill, and phil, the resolution authored by democratic congressman david s
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rask raskin, it was actually introduced this morning, so give us the main points on what happens next. >> reporter: you have the 25th amendment resolution by david rask raskin, a maryland democrat, which imposed the amendment. it was blocked by republicans. they will pass it with the full house in an up or down vote tomorrow. then you have the impeachment resolution also introduced today. david raskin and also ted liu and david cicilline. here's the reality. even though vice president mike pence has been given by speaker pelosi 24 hours to respond on the 25th amendment, every democrat i've talked to expect to vote on impeachment on wednesday, they fully expect to impeach the president on wednesday, and at this point in time, the biggest question is whether or not they're going to have the votes, they know they're there, they already have
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the 220 votes they would need just in democrats alone. i'm told house republicans are reaching out, trying to get them to come on board, and something i can't underscore enough. you showed those videos, brianna. as the days have played out in the wake of january 6th, members on both sides of the aisle have gotten angrier and angrier and angrier as they recognize this wasn't a group that turned into a mob and decided to break some windows. this was very real, this was very dangerous, and the consequences which are bad enough with five dead could have been significantly worse. so all eyes are not weather democrats will impeach president trump, that seems all but certain on wednesday, it's how many republicans will join them. >> good question. we know you'll be tracking that. phil mattingly on capitol hill for us. we have yet to hear the president's reaction for this prospect of a second impeachment, and that is largely
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because social media knocked him off his soapbox. we are, however, hearing from white house insiders. let's check in with cnn's jim acosta on that. what is happening behind the scenes here, jim? >> reporter: he is behind closed doors, he is not coming out in front of the cameras and the white house is not eager to get him in front of the cameras. they don't know what he's going to do next. at this point the president has shown no sign of remorse that he's apologetic at all for what happened a january 6, even though he should feel some sense of remorse, but this is the take no responsibility president. he's been that way since day one, brianna, you know that all too well. he's not going to change his stripes in that regard. what phil mattingly was talking about in terms of the 25th amendment a few moimments ago, do know that vice president mike pence is keeping that on the table as an option, as a way to say to the president, listen, if you get out of line and do something insane one more time,
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this 25th amendment is a live option. whether or not the vice president would actually try to invoke that or attempt to invoke that, that remains to be seen, but they are sort of using that as a kind of carrot and stick with the president at this point. that is my sense of it at this point, brianna. now, in terms of the president, he and his top aides want to try to go out with some semblance of, i guess, whatever dignity they have left. they are planning a whole slew of events throughout this week. he's going to go down to the border tomorrow to talk about the border wall and try to highlight that, even though it's a promise broken. he used taxpayer money to build portions of the wall on the border, he did not have mexico pay for the wall, and he wants to point to other things that they consider to be accomplishments over here, but at this point in sign whether or not, as you were mentioning a few moments ago, brianna, whether or not the president will come into the briefing room, whether or not the president will get out in front of the cameras. there is no indication of that at this point, and it's in large
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part because he knows the questions that are coming, brianna. he knows we are going to ask him about his role in the riots in that attempted coup that occurred last wednesday, and he doesn't want any part of answering those questions. at this point we're really just monitoring what he does next. he's been having cabinet secretaries, he's been having aides and advisers come in. we've seen the former attorney general bill barr, we've seen the home laland acting security secretary come through, but no sign of the president. he's still in hiding, brianna. >> jim, keep your eyes peeled. thank you so much. jim acosta at the white house for us. as i mentioned, impeachment is the second choice, democrats say, for them. how house speaker nancy pelosi says impeachment could be avoided if the 25th amendment was invoked. the amendment was adopted after president kennedy was assassinated and is used to remove a president from office
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who is incapacitated. i wanted to bring in senior analyst laura coats who is joining me with some answers, and i know this could be an academic conversation, because at this point it seems the president is completely reticent to proceed in this manner, but what would have to happen in order to invoke the 25th amendment? >> it requires two vehicles. for one, the vice president could talk to the majority of his cabinet, and they could decide together to invoke the 25th amendment. or the vice president could, along with a congressional body, a committee of some sort, could actually work together. the problem is that congressional body was never actually formed. in fact, congressman raskin, a few years ago, and as recently as last october, he tried to form that very committee that would be called for the 25th amendment to say, look, you can bypass the cabinet and go to an independent bipartisan group of
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people which includes a medical professional, perhaps, and others to suggest or confirm whether the president has capacity. now, why would you want that angle with the cabinet? the cabinet serves the president of the united states and the loyalty might sometimes cloud the judgment, as many think is happening right now with vice president pence. >> certainly, and the 25th amendment is not the only amendment that could be used against president trump. the 14th amendment is cited in the article. and, in essence, it says no federal officer, quote, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid and comfort to the enemies thereof. so what is the process in order to use the 14th amendment? >> well, look at the history. this was actually coming about after the civil war, trying to have a way to prevent those who are confederates able to join the actual congress of the united states. the rebellion, the insurrection was the civil war, and of course
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what the enemies are speaking about was the confederate members who tried to divide the united states of america. we have a little different quandary here. you don't have the official declaration of these insurrectionists whose behavior was certainly antithetical and violent to be the premise of our democracy have not been officially declared enemies, that might not be the requirement because, of course, this is a prospective punishment. it's saying this person, whoever has engaged in this behavior, whether it's the president or anyone else, cannot prospectively hold office and should not have it now. there is a time constraint right now because the president is only in office for what, the matter of a little more than a week? so this is a way of having that symbolic censure, the ability to say, look, you cannot have the pleasure, have the right, have the privilege of being able to represent the united states of america if you have tried to undermine it, and in this case, fatally. >> finally, there is a republican senator pat toomey who says that president trump
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has criminal liability for the insurrection. you say that criminally prosecuting trump would be tougher because he has the defense of the first amendment. explain that. >> well, he could. remember, in order to actually prove that somebody has incited a riot, you have to first show that it's not protected speech, meaning not the run of the mill political speech saying, i agree with somebody else or trying to advocate for one's belief. you have to actually incite. you have to do so in a way that you intended for what happened happened, to be talking about a moment in time that was definitive, not some moment in the future someday, and it had to be said in a way that violence was likely to occur in ha environment. now, here you've got those three sort of criteria, those elements, that may have been met by not only the president's own words but others who spoke that day, including the likes of his own son talking about we're coming for you, rudy giuliani,
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by combat and also congressman mo brooks talking about kicking ass, so to speak. you might have met that criteria but it's still intentionally a hard case to prove because as a country we want to have free speech. >> laura, thank you so much for walking us through that. there are so many issues to delve into. we appreciate it. add facebook and twitter who are pulling their platforms. some of the world's biggest companies are also suspending donations to members of congress who objected to the electoral college's votes. this growing list of those corporations includes blue cross/blue shield, citigroup, commerce bank and marriott. blue cross/blue shield put out a very forceful statement explaining the position that they're taking, quote, in light of this week's violent shocking assault on the united states capitol and the votes of some members of congress to subvert
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the results of november's election by challenging electoral college results, we will suspend contributions to those lawmakers who voted to undermine our democracy. fedex and walmart both saying a short time ago they are now reviewing their political contributions. we have cnn's chief political analyst, gloria borger now to talk about this. he has above else sold himself as a successful businessman, and we've already seen a break between him and corporate america, but this is surely a sharp rebuke, that corporate america is turning its back on not just him but his ardent political supporters. >> it's a rebuke and it's really going to sting donald trump, because as you said, he sees himself as a businessman, a great negotiator, businesses president, and there has been an uneasy peace between business and donald trump because they like deregulation, they like corporate tax cuts, so there was a lot of stuff they were willing
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to put up with because of what they got in return. i think the relationship started to shred after charlottesville, after the pandemic, after black lives matter, and now you see it completely falling apart. i think one of the things that's going to sting donald trump the most personally, of course, is the pga announcing that it's not going to have its 2022 championship in bedminster. and the trump organization hinted in its statement, of course, that they're breaking a contract and they're hinting that they're going to sue, but i'm wondering how much they can actually do about that. donald trump is not popular with business. business is stepping up and saying those people who tried to undermine the election and those people who led that are not going to get our money anymore, period. >> i would be curious what the contract says. probably there's some language in there as there are with most contracts about reputations of
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the parties that are involved. one of the things that is really noticeable about a number of republicans who are still supporting the president, who are still supporting his efforts to question the legitimate outcome of the election, they're calling for unity, but they're skipping over the accountability part. >> yeah. they are. they're now calling for unity when just less than a week ago, they were tearing the country apart. i find it remarkable. i also find it remarkable that the attitude hasn't changed. i mean, josh holmes, who was, you know, a top adviser to mitch mcconnell tweeted today that the more stories that we get -- the more time, images and stories removed from wednesday, the worse it gets. and i think we all feel that. we feel that the more we learn, the more we learn how damaging this really could have been. i mean, these people seemed to be coming in prepared to take
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hostages at the very least, and when someone like roy blount says he believ-- blunt says thet touched the hot stove and is unlikely to touch it again, i'm not okay with that. what did he have to do in the past, and aren't you potentially worried about what he'll do in the future? you have to understand this is not a static situation we're in right now, not at all. i think those people who have remained intransigent in saying, okay, that was wrong, but let's unite and say nothing else could happen are kidding themselves. >> gloria, thank you so much for joining us, gloria borger. melania trump is breaking her silence five days after the attack, and she's playing the victim. her former aide will join us live. she says the first lady has blood on her hands.
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plus, new concerns about more violence this week before the inauguration as the feds investigate the level of planning that went into the siege at the capitol. and republicans predicted this violence, and they predicted the president's role in it before it happened. we'll roll the tape. - [narrator] grubhub perks give you deals
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to give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. [grunting noise] i'll take that. woohoo! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. ensure max protein. with nutrients to support immune health. five days after the siege on the capitol, first lady melania trump finally released a statement. she acknowledges those who died in the attack, and the first one mentioned is air force ashley a
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babbit as she tried to sneak around chairs. then melania turned the attention on herself. she said, quote, i find it solacious that there are sa loishs gossip, unwarranted personal attacks and false misleading accusations on me. her former friend and adviser stephanie wilson wilcoff is joining us now. stephanie, thank you for joining us. you read the first lady's statement. it's a pretty long statement she put out after the siege. what's your take on it? >> thank you for having me,borough me, brianna. i would like to continue what you were saying that this is a very sad and tragic time in our country and very unnecessary. the first lady's words have come very late, and sometimes i would
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say better late than never, but her words are vacuous and they have no meaning. that's the saddest part of this. they're just words. there's been no actions. >> what are you talking about when you talk about wanting to see actions? >> there are no actions that administration could possibly take except for the president to resign himself to this position and walk away and let us begin the process of peace and transition. when i was producing the inauguration for the 45th president of the united states of america, it wasn't about president trump or party, it was about our country. and as we've come to, unfortunately, all know and realize that this president and this administration and this family is just about just that, the trump family. >> you have an article that's in the daily beast and it's called
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melania's xbff. there is blood on her hands and you call her explicit in the attack against america. you write, quote, it was an assault on human life and great democracy. unfortunately, the president and first lady have little, if any, regard for either. stephanie, i'm sure you know that allies of the first lady's would say, you know, she didn't speak at this rally, the president did. how can you claim she is responsible? what would you say to that? >> this isn't the only complicit, you know, event that's occurred throughout these four years. melania trump has a voice and she hasn't used it. she has a platform. she hasn't used it. as the first lady of the united states of america, whether you're president or not, you have the ability to speak loudly, clearly and for the rest of americans. she can say all she wants about the vulnerabilities of children and how much she wants to help them, but so far, unfortunately,
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nothing has happened. so she is not just complicit, she is his enabler and she's his biggest cheerleader, and unfortunately, she's done nothing but that. >> she laments in her reaction here, gossip and attacks. do you think she's talking about you? >> if that's on her mind, that's an embarrassing thing to talk about at this moment in time. >> you spent a lot of time with the first lady, and i wonder how that has informed your thinking about how she rationalizes going along with her husband's behavior which, in this case, was inciting a crowd to violence. >> brianna, i'm really glad you asked me about this because i have had several years to really sit back and think about the time i spent with her as her friend, then her adviser, and then as someone who tried to help herbal the time that she was in office versus just allowing her to enable him to do
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whatever he wanted. i take responsibility for my role in thinking that i could have made a difference next to melania trump, but no matter how close to proximity of power within the trump dynasty you are, you will never make a change. so some people are there to make a difference for the good, but it's not possible. >> in your experience with her, does she accept that role, rationalize there isn't something to be done and then accept this behavior? >> well, she's still married to the president of the united states. some people say easier said than done. but, again, as someone who does have a voice that means something, there were so many opportunities where she could have gone on national television and not just on her twitter feed and put a mask on her face and told children all around the country to please just wear a mask. as a mother who adores her son
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and speaks of children all the time, but nothing else for children, there is so much more that could have been done not just during the pandemic, but also think about what are children and their parents talking about today? where is melania trump? it's disheartening. >> it sounds like, stephanie, and you correct me if i'm wrong, but it sounds like you believe there is no way that she could actually change the president's behavior but that there is a place for her to serve as a role model. >> that's exactly what i'm saying. and i do think that by being married to donald and by enabling him to continue doing what he wants to do, she may give her opinion, which, again, as we've all seen, he's discredited generals which are far more experienced than melania, but maybe he listens to
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her more, as we've learned that, too, but she is responsible for everything that's going on right now. to be able to just block it out and not think about it and think that that's okay and that's an excuse, that's not rational. that is not okay and that is not part of being a human being. >> stephanie, thank you so much for being with us. we really appreciate your time. stephanie winston wilkoff who is a former adviser and friend to melania trump. you actually author a book "melania and me: the rise and fall of my friendship with the first lady." the fbi is asking for help in identifying the man carrying the confederate flag through the capitol, plus the acting capitol police chief breaks his silence. he says he called for backup six times. and president-elect joe biden gets his second dose of the covid vaccine live on tv, and we are going to see it,
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a president who built his political brand on intimidation, lies and hate is now spending his final days in office in the aftermath of a deadly siege on the united states capitol. there are people who warned over and over that electing donald trump would be bad for america. there are even people who predicted this moment in american history that we now
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find ourselves in. these people are republicans. >> i will not stop until we fight a man that chooses not to disavow the kkk. that is not a part of our party, that's not who we want as president. we will not allow that in our country! >> i'm thinking how did we get the race for the most important office in the free world to sink to such depths, and how could anyone in my party think that this clown is fit to be president? >> he's a race-baiting, xenophobic, race bigot. tell donald trump to go to hell. >> donald trump has shown himself to be a showman. i don't think he's a serious candidate. >> you, sir, are a distraction. your conduct, sir, is the distraction, mr. trump. but i respectfully ask you, with all due respect, to step aside. step down.
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allow someone else to carry the banner of these principles. >> during anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. >> i'm out. i can no longer endorse donald trump for president. >> he doesn't know the difference between truth and lies. he lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth. >> we're on the verge of having someone take over the conservative movement and the represent can party who is a con artist. >> i just really believe the republican party has been kind here, and this guy is not a reliable conservative republican. >> this is a defining moment for the republican party. >> that is not who our republican party is. that's not who america is. >> donald trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservatism and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded. >> all of those republicans went on to broadly support or to work for president trump's administration, ignoring his nods to extremists, acting like they didn't see his tweets,
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playing what-aboutism with liberals instead of acknowledging the uniquely troubling nature of president trump. and all of that emboldened him to fulfill the predictions of these very republicans who sounded the a lolarm on donald trump and then pretended for years that it wasn't going off. senator rand paul knew what would happen. >> if no one stands up to a bully, a bully will just keep doing what they're doing. >> but he didn't stand up. he stood back and stood by. of all the republican predictions, marco rubio's may have been the most prescient of all of them. the warnings that he gave before he drank the kool-aid, at times sipping petulantly the taste. >> you should be even angrier
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and more frustrated? that is not leadership. you know what that is? that's called demagoguery. >> rubio also warned, quote, you mark my words. these are people whether it's now or five years from now or two years from now or six months from now are going to be explaining for a long time how they fell into this. he said, quote, if we're going to be the party of fear, we're going to spend some time in the wilderness. if we're a party of fear with a candidate who basically is trying to prey upon people's fears to get them to vote for him, i think we're going to pay a big price in november and beyond. he said, i don't know how this is all going to end. this is uncharted territory. senator rubio knew that. his republican colleagues knew that. and yet only one republican senator has consistently stood up to trump before and after this election, and it's mitt romney. this was romney in march of 2016. >> he has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president, and his personal qualities would mean that america would cease to be a
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shining city on a hill. >> mitt romney was the lone republican who voted to convict trump in his impeachment trial, and he has been living on an island all by himself, standing up to the president. no one visits, not even for a long weekend. some say they might, like senator susan collins, lisa murkowski and ben sasse, but they don't really mean it and they don't. romney predicted disruption and worse with trump supporters gathering in washington. and as senators were being evacuated from the capitol, he summoned a reporter from the "new york times" over and he told them, quote, this is what the president has caused today, this insurrection. the day before the siege on the capitol, romney was heckled at the airport as he traveled to washington to vote to certify joe biden's electoral college win. >> traitor! traitor! traitor! traitor! traitor! >> a lot of republicans decided
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they didn't want to live with that. but now they will have to live with themselves, knowing that before they were sycophants, they were psychics. just in, anonymous callers are leaving threatening voice mails for one of the democrats drafting impeachment articles. we're going to play you the sound. plus new concerns about more violent riots planned leading up to the inauguration.
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calls for new protests in our nation's capitol and across the country has law enforcement bracing for more possible violence ahead of joe biden's inauguration. there has been chatter on and off twitter for plans for future armed protests, including a secondary attack on the capitol and state capitol buildings on january 17th. joining me now, correspondent shimon prokupecz. was this a one-time thing or a signal of more to come? what do we know about these possible protests, shimon? >> reporter: certainly the fbi is concerned there could be more to come, and that's why we're seeing this large-scale effort across the country to arrest a lot of these people and also to gain more information, try and get inside some of these groups that are planning these attacks. a lot of what the fbi knows and is learning is certainly coming from social media, some of it is coming from intelligence that they are gathering on their own.
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there are warnings now to almost every state to be on the lookout for something as we approach the inauguration, also concern over possible impeachment hearings. that is something that the government is very concerned about, so they've alerted local police and state police, specific concerns with state capitols, government buildings, courthouses, things we've seen targeted before. so the government, certainly the fbi and local police now on high alert as we approach the days of the inauguration. >> shimon, thank you so much, and we know that you'll be tracking this. this is going to be potentially a big story here in the coming days. and just in, house democrats are moving to censure one of their colleagues for his role in the riot. republican congressman mo brooks, among other things, told supporters that january 6th was the day to start taking names and kicking ass. this comes as republican senators face similar criticism from their colleagues. one of the democrats who is
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confidence in your conserve id plan you'll be able to vaccinate -- >> let me make a couple statements. my number one priority is getting the vaccine to people's arms as we just did today as rapidly as we can and we're working on that program now. i'll be meeting on a zoom call with my team. a little later this afternoon. and i've put together, which i'll be announcing on thursday, laying out a plan and cost how i want to proceed, the cost what we have to do to be able to get the entire covid operation up and running. 3,000 to 4,000 people a day dieing is beyond pale.
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it's just wrong. and we can do a lot to change it, number one. it's going to be hard. it's not going to be easy but we can get it done. secondly, wearing this mask, socially distancing and making sure people are washing their hands on a regular basis is critically important. i was appalled when i saw, as a matter of fact, it was a distinguished congresswoman from the state of delaware that showed the folks -- that were in hiding in effect from the mob, she was going on trying to hand out masks to everybody, and a republican colleague wouldn't take the mask. i think it's irresponsible and so we all have to make sure, it's not a political issue. it's an issue on public safety and it's going to get worse before it gets better. and so that's -- i'm confident we can get done what we have to
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get done. i've been speaking with some of my republican colleagues about being able to move on a second package sooner than later but i'll be making a presentation further thursday exactly how much i'm looking for and the process by which we'll go. >> are you afraid of taking your oath outside? >> no. no, i am not. i haven't seen these guys in a long time. wait, wait. i'm not afraid of taking the oath outside and we've been getting briefed, but i am, i think it's critically important that there be a real, serious focus on holding those folks who engage in sedition and threaten people's lives, debase public property, cause great damage, that they be held accountable, and i think that's a view held
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by the vast majority of democrats and republicans in the congress. >> sir, are you saying impeachment could potentially delay trying to pass the stimulus bill you're about to propose? >> look, my priority is to get, first and foremost, a stimulus bill passed and, secondly, begin to rebuild the economy, in a way that i'll be laying out on thursday. i had a discussion today with some of the folks in the house and the senate, and the question is whether or not, for example, the house moves forward, which obviously they are, with impeachment being sent over to the senate. whether or not we have to check with the -- [ inaudible ] bifurcate this. go half day dealing with the impeachment and half day getting my people nominated and confirmed in the senate as well as moving on the package.
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that's my hope and expectations. >> i haven't gotten an answer. >> great. and -- [ inaudible ]. >> let's go. come on. line back up where you came from. thank you, guys. all right. there you see the president-elect, joe biden, having just gotten his vaccine there, his -- that's certainly very important as he's trying to model behavior for people getting vaccinated. of course, in the middle of what has been a challenging, to say the least, vaccine rollout situation. i do want to bring in cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen and also bring in our senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny to talk with us from whelmington. to you first, jeff. we heard the same things said before, holding people engaged in the capitol siege accountable, but also asked about impeachment and whether that was going to delay his efforts for economic stimulus. what did you think about what he
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was saying? he said he had meetings today. clearly, this is something he's talking with congressional democrats about. >> reporter: brianna, he is. president-elect joe biden is deeply engaged in this conversation about what should happen over the next nine days with the president and what should happen from his agenda going forward. he's been walking a fine line for the last really since last thursday, at not supporting the idea of impeachment, also not standing in its way. reality is, there is nothing he can do to block this. i was told by one adviser earlier that you cannot stop a moving train here. they do believe that something does need to happen. the president does need to be held accountable. you heard joe biden saying that again right there. but, no. they're not thrilled about the idea of impeachment. no, not happy about the idea of this potentially blocking their agenda at the beginning, but he said on thursday he would be releasing a broader plan about his economic plan that he would
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like the congress to vote on right away. that's an economic relief package as soon as next week, but he is having private conversations behind the scenes trying to sort of guide this process, if you will. this is nothing he can stop and he's not trying to stop it. interestingly, brianna, also asked about his safety concerns, about taking the oath of office on the west front of the capitol and he said, he is not concerned about taking his oath of office, and said before the secret service will protect him, and have a whole different layer of security next week than, of course, we saw last week on that siege on the capitol. >> yes, indeed. and elizabeth, the whole point of this event where we saw the president-elect was for him to get his second dose of the vaccine, and to be someone who is visibly doing that. obviously he's in a high-risk category. that's also pretty essential for older americans as well. what exactly does this second dose do for the person who's getting it? >> brianna, any parent knows
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some vaccines, get one dose. that's it. other vaccines have to be give fln a series. because when they study the vaccines they saw after just -- didn't get enough of immune response. you get some, maybe quite a bit but not nearly as much as you would with two doses. that's why they're doing two doses. believe me, as i followed this last summer as they developed the vaccines everybody wanted one dose. much better. easier, it's less expensive, but this is, vis vthis vaccine is o many you need two doses for the complete immune. the prize is pretty big. 95% after two doses is quite amazing. >> it is quite amazing. we will continue to see public figures getting this done. it's so important, obviously, even as there are some challenges getting the vaccine out there to people. thank you both. it's one of the most striking images that has come out of last week's insurrection.
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now the fbi is hoping you can help depend phi this man who carried a confederate flag inside the u.s. capitol. never before had a confederate flag been marched through the hallowed halls of the capitol, not even during the civil war from 1861 through 1865 when the flag was created. 156 years later here in the year 2021 that basketbanner thrust ie building that symbolizes american democracy. parading on the second floor of the capitol, not far from the senate floor. anyone carrying the confederate flag close to the capitol was six miles during the fight of fort stephenens in july of 1864. you see who other figures. abolitionist and the other defender of slavery. let's begin with the abolitionist. charles sumner. you see his portrait there to
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the man's right. a republican senator from massachusetts who spoke out against the evils of slavery and salvagely beaten for it. actually attacked in the old senate chamber with a cane on may 22, 1856 by a democratic member of congress from south carolina. he slowly recovered and went on to serve 18 more years in the senate. turn now to the pob trrtrait on left. john calhoun, president of the united states and staunch defender of slavery. both men represent the divide existing in the nations hundreds of years along racial and ideological lines. the white house loves to tap into into for his own political gains. americans carrying a flag representing those who fought a war against their own country and lost. let's not forget the version of the confederate flag we see today didn't emerge as a political symbol until the late 1940s, early 1950s, when sub bra
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gati s subbra gatienists used it. 156 years after the civil war ended this evil is still in america's bloodstream and that evil allowed to walk into the people's house and desecrate it. if you have any information about this man contact the fbi at 1-800-call-fbi. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. it is the top of the hour. i am brianna keilar and the clock is ticking now on history. democrats in congress moving ahead with their efforts to oust president trump from office. they are asking vice president mike pence to do it right now by invoking the 25th amendment. they floated a resolution in the house this morning but republicans objected. democrats have also formally introduced an article of impeachments that says donald j. trum
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