tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 12, 2021 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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they didn't have a choice. you couldn't go anywhere in this room. now three democrats tested positive. there's outrage. there's call for penalties, and my guess would be, republicans who don't wear masks probably will continue to not wear masks. >> yes, off the house floor, as you point out this. phil, thank you so much for that. phil mattingly live for us from capitol hill. it is the top of the hour. i'm brianna keilar and history is unfolding. >> this is cnn breaking news. >> history is unfolding on capitol hill. the house is moving ahead today, preparing to vote on a resolution calling for vice president mike pence to invoke the 25th entertainmeamendment te president. and they will set the rules for a vote tomorrow. democrats say they expect it to pass and also expect several republicans to join them. today president trump is escaping the turmoil in has you swamped. washington and his white house you need to hire. i need indeed to get a glimpse of the border indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates wall in p texatexas. before leaving the white house, from a resume data base
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claim your seventy-five-dollar credit the president took aim at when you post your first job democrats to remove him the sec at ti second time, saying it will invite more violence. and breaking news that the fbi developed a report of a quote, war, at the capitol. this contradicts reports that officials knew of no intelligence indicating there would be violence. with me now is cnn justice correspondent evan perez and cnn senior law enforcement analyst andrew mccabe, who was deputy director of the fbi. he's also the author of "the threat: how the fbi protects america in the age of terror and it's moving day. and are doing the heavy lifting, trump." evan, first things first here, jess is busy moving her let's cover what is in this fbi xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. report that came the day before the insurrection, what was in wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? it? >> yes, this is a report that came from the field office in norfolk, virginia. delegating? it's one of the regional oh, good one. internal intelligence reports that were being shared, which we move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. have previously reported. now that's simple, easy, awesome. there were plenty of internal
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xfinity makes moving easy. reports that warned about some go online to transfer your services in about a minute. of the stuff that the fbi was get started today. seeing online that appeared to show there was some violent people who were planning to be here, people who were capable of violence, and there was a lot of concern about it. the question is why didn't this prompt a harder exterior protection for the capitol? i will read you just a part of what the report said. it's based on an online internet discussion, it appears, and it says, the online threat discussed specific calls for violence to include stating be ready to fight, congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their blm and other soldiers. stop calling this a march, rally or protest. go there ready for war. and this was a call to arms people by who said they were going to stage, and there was even sharing information about tunnels and the capitol complex.
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the question we have after this is why did -- how much of this keep in mind, this will be the information made it to the leadership at the capitol police? first federal press conference did they know the specifics of addressing that violent attack, and it comes as the fbi is these types of threat and why they didn't ask for more help. warning that armed protests are planned in all 50 state capitals they asked for help bsh -- by t in in addition to the u.s. time they did ask for help, it capitol in the days leading up was frankly too late. to and including inauguration day which is next wednesday. they were inside the perimeters, "the washington post" today is broken through some of the barriers and it was too late and they needed help from the metropolitan police to finally hold the crowd. >> andrew, this was briefed, we just learned, from the reporter on this story on "the post" this was briefed in the washington office. is it your assessment, can you assess at this point if there was a failure that this did not appear to be elevated and taken seriously? >> it's probably a little bit early to characterize it as a failure. but i have to tell you, briana, there are a number of really concerning, questionable aspects to this reporting. so just to kind of level set for
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your viewersfbi goes on its absolutely highest footing for intelligence collection. so they send requirements out to all of the field offices to look for information exactly like this. and the process is when it's collected, it's put into an internal report so it's raw intelligence. it's not verified or proven through but yet it's relevant and concerning to the threats we're thinking about for the inauguration. that process sends the intelligence on to the field office that's in charge of the event, in this case the washington field office. domestic terrorism is very sensitive to investigate in this country because of our first amendment protections. many so agents are always very careful to determine, am i looking at just politically protected first amendment protected speech here, or is this evidence of criminal activity that i can share with my partners?
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in just my review of the reporting in "the washington post," it's really hard to see this as something you would not share with everyone involved in the preparation for this event. >> because there's operational details that they found. >> that's right. >> which would not be -- that's not first amendment protected. >> no, it isn't. first amendment protection would be people talking about how much they hope trump would win in his efforts to undermine the election, something like that. this is actually operational planning. you're talking about kicking do blood, getting violent. they specifically say don't call this a march, rally and protest. go there ready for war. that is operational planning, it is clearly inducing people into violent criminal activity. that is the exact kind of information that you want your colleagues on this event, the capitol police, secret service to know about. >> and evan, real quick to you, there was information about like
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rendezvous points and tunnels in the capitol. anyone who -- i covered congress for a while, took me a year to figure out where the heck i was going. it's a confusing place. but there was information about tunnels there. >> yes, and no, i think that's one of the tremendous concerns, one of the top priorities for the fbi, prosecutors who were doing this investigation, briana, is try to figure out this kind of information is now being looked at to see does this indicate there was somebody who was inside and who may have provided some of that information? was there help from someone in law enforcement? again, you saw two capitol police officers suspended. there are a number under investigation. there are also a number of officers around the country who came in and who were part of this invasion of the capitol. all of that is concerning because if you're dealing with a radicalization that is infected people in positions of trust, it presents an even bigger problem that the fbi is going to struggle to deal with. because of the first amendment reasons you just talked about.
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>> i think that's such a good description of what we're talking about, radicalization here for sure. evan, andrew, thank you so much to both of you. many democrats are wasting no time trying to hold the president accountable for last week's mob violence at the capitol and a vote is expected later today on a resolution calling for vice president pence to use his powers under the 25th amendment to remove the president from office. we have cnn congressional reporting lauren fox, who is tracking this on the hill for us. what's happening with the resolution right now, lauren? >> this well, essentially, briana, you're seeing a bunch of procedural steps happening up here on capitol hill. first over this 25th amendment resolution brought forth by representative jamie raskin. why the debate in the rules committee was so important this morning, it was really our first glimpse at exactly which side republicans and democrats are falling on in this larger debate about whether or not the president should be held accountable or not for what happened at the u.s. capitol
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wednesday. you had democrats repeatedly pushing their colleagues, representative jim jordan, close ally of the president, to basically say look, we need you to tell the american public the election was not rigged and repeatedly, jim jordan moved on, tried not to talk about that point, and i think that was concerning for some democrats in the room. look, we don't have awe finalized rule yet but what we expect is they will come back and vote on that rule and then we expect that later tonight they will have a final vote on that 25th amendment resolution. this afternoon we expect there could be a debate in the same committee over the rulings governing the debate on the impeachment resolution. that is going to come up tomorrow in the house of representatives. that debate is going to begin in the morning. of course, it could go on for several hours. but this is just moving very quickly, briana, because there's so much up here on capitol hill. members here very concerned about both their security and also holding the president accountable. briana? >> lauren, thank you so much. it will be a busy week or so for
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you. thank you for being with us. right now the president is on his way to the u.s./mexico border. as he left for this trip, he expressed no regret for his comments before the violent attack on the capitol. >> if you read my speech and many people have done it and i have seen it both in the paper, in the media, on television, it's been analyzed and people thought what i said was totally appropriate. >> it's unclear who analyzed his speech because it was not appropriate. the president's words inspired his followers to terrorize lawmakers to brutally assault, brutally assault law enforcement and vandalize congressional offices. so, no, it wasn't appropriate and it is delusional and it is a lie to say otherwise. now house democrats are moving forward with an impeachment article accusing him of inciting the insurrection at the capitol. cnn white house correspondent
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kate katelyn collins is joining us now. are advisers worried the president is just giving democrats more ammunition? what are they say to you? >> i think the concern is he's not only giving democrats ammunition because the democrats seek clear set on where they're going but he's not encouraging any republicans to back off their criticism of the president. some of those who said they're going to vote for impeachment and as reports are now there could be as high as many as 10 republicans who vote for that. the president isn't giving them leeway here to say at least he expressed regret for what happened or apologized for the role he played and violence that ensued on capitol hill. he's not doing any of that. he's evading any responsibility for any of his words during that speech causing what happened on capitol hill. he pointed to the end of his speech, briana, from the ellipse last week, last wednesday, of course, where he was telling his supporters to go to capitol hill and saying he was going to injo
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them, though he had no intention of doing so. when you look back at the remarks, that's when he said you should go up and give republicans courage because otherwise they're not going to give our country back, that they need to fight and fight like hell. if you actually compare what happened with what the president is saying now, those two do not match. but this is a road we've been down with the president before and aftermath of the events like "access hollywood" or charlottesville, where the president often comes out with his initial reaction and tries to walk it back with a scripted statement that was written by his staffers. of course, it comes full circle when you see something like what the president said today. i think it seems inevitable at this point the president is going to be impeached for a second time. the first president in history to do so. today he tried to rely on a tactic he often used, last time he was being impeached, which was framing it at this witch-hunt he's a victim of. of course, this is a situation where members of his own party are saying they shouldn't rule it out.
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>> katelyn collins, thank you so much. live for us covering the white house. coming up -- was the deadly insurrection just the beginning? a series of new threats issued before including one to surround the capitol and kill democrats. plus, a democrat surrounded and heckled at the airport by a group of pro-trump supporters. >> let antifa in -- >> you're lying! you're lying has been exposed! you're a liar! then later the trump administration changes course and adopts part of the president-elect's vaccine distribution plan. e martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa
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before including one to surround and adopts part of the more than 200 house democrats have signed on as sponsors of the articles of impeachment against president trump and joining me now to discuss this is california democratic congressman jared huffman. congressman, thank you for coming on. >> good to be with you, brianna. >> you are at this point more than -- you're one of the more than 200 democrats who have signed on to this. congressman david cicilline, who co-wrote the article, said he expects around a dozen republicans to vote with you. how many republicans do you think will join you? >> well, a dozen sound great, and it's good to have a much more bipartisan showing than the last impeachment. this is fundamentally different than the last impeachment. what happened last week crossed lines that we thought were not even imaginable. and i'm grateful that more of my republican colleagues are willing to acknowledge that. >> your fellow congressman, conger lamb, talked briefly
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about a briefing where members were told about a plot to target members of congress. were you on this call? did you learn anything about this athlete? >> ythreat? >> yes, i was and i heard multiple plots that some were reporting. >> and you said you would like to learn about these things before the capitol insurrection, like the detailed fbi report that warned of a war, that that were details on the fbi's radar. the question is, why aren't they really passed on? this is a report they got the day before the insurrection including operational details like rendezvous points as well as maps of the tunnels in the capitol connecting office buildings. what is your reaction to learning of that report? >> well, the more we learn, the more it becomes clear just how dangerous this was, just how compromised the capitol was. we had lost the capitol for all intents and purposes for a
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couple of hours and no one was coming to help. so we really had to find out where the failures were, who was responsible and got to make sure there's accountability so this never happens again. >> impeachment is just one of the ways the democrats are trying to hold people accountable for the insurrection, specifically the republican lawmakers backed the president's challenge to the electoral vote count. is there an effort to hold those lawmakers accountable? >> yes, there is. and it will depend on the individual member and just how far they went down this road of insurrection. but one member that i think earn feels crossed the line is mo brooks. when you put that much effort, literally minutes before this crowd started making its way to the capitol and going there to incite them, carrying their water ideologically and otherwise, it's very hard to
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argue you don't bear responsibility for what transpired. >> but do you have the votes to really do anything about that? >> i don't know, but i feel like we have the obligation. the 14th amendment section 3 is therefore a reason, it wasn't a sort of one-time provision to deal with insurrectionists in the civil war. it was etched permanently into the constitution for future insurrectionists. so you have to give meaning to those words when you see an obvious i surrecollection like we have. >> we heard about three of your democratic colleagues who tested positive for covid-19 after being stuck in a room with a number of your colleagues, including a number of republicans that refused to wear masks for hours and hours while all of this was going down at the capitol. were you in that room? >> i was not in that room but obviously, i've got a lot of friends who were.
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and i was talking to them in realtime about their concerns of being crowded in with republicans who were mocking attempts to enforce our house protocol of wearing masks whenever we're together. >> and so i wonder at this point in time, you were not there, there were a number of democrats who were. are there a number of democrats who are currently quarantining? you obviously have a lot on the agenda, so how is this being handled? >> yes, the capitol physician put out an immediate alert for members -- members may have been exposed. that's why you've seen so many tests. you need a couple of days, obviously, to find out if you had the virus. so everyone who was exposed to one of those maskless republicans has been doing the right thing and isolating themselves and getting themselves tested. unfortunately, many of them went back to their districts and exposed others on airplanes and their families before they got
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word about this possible exposure. so i'm sure we're going to see unfortunately more positive tests before this is over. >> i'm sure we are as well. congressman huffman, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you for having me. in the last hour senator minority leader chuck schumer called on the tsa to put capitol rioters on the no-fly list. this is coming as we see more examples of anger and threats directed at lawmakers. democratic congressman luke correa of california is the latest lawmaker confronted and harassed at an airport by apparent pro-trump supporters. the. >> leapolice let antifa in and opened the doors -- >> hey, your lying's been exposed! your lying has been exposed! you're a liar! that is not a democracy. this is a republic! this is a republic! this is a republic! no, this is a republic! we the people, not you the
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elitist! we the people! >> you take our money and fill your pockets -- >> literally got their spy. looking at me bend over [ bleep ]. >> let's get home, let's get home! >> nobody here voted for you. we don't want you! >> that's okay. that's okay. i don't work for you. >> you should go to who voted for you! >> a lot of people mon did it! >> did they use a minion? >> the minio>> and [ bleep ], [! >> hey, children, [ bleep ]! >> my children's using [ bleep ] words like you! >> no, it's because of you! >> you don't care about one of
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us! >> it's lies! >> you're supposed to be taking care of us! >> where do you live? where do you live? >> are you a democrat? >> yes, i am! >> you [ bleep ]! >> a metropolitan washington airport authority spokesman said at this point there are no arrests or charges related to the incident. that confrontation comes as a member of congress tells cnn there's a new terror threat to surround the capitol in the coming days. the lawmaker said thousands of armed pro donald trump extremists are planning to surround the u.s. capitol ahead of president-elect joe biden's inauguration. for more on this troubling development, let's bring in phil mattingly on capitol hill. phil, what more do we know about this threat? >> this is coming from a call house democrats had last night with self-law enforcement and security officials kind of walking through what i'm being told by those on the call, several different scenarios they're picking up now intelligence wise.
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it doesn't seem the scenarios are absolutely going to come to fruition but they're very, very serious and very, very terrifying. take a listen to what congressman conor lamb said earlier today. >> they're talking about 4,000 armed patriots to surround the capitol and prevent any democrat from going in and they published rules of engagement, meaning when you shoot and when you don't. so this is an organized group that has a plan. >> brianna, the other issues raised is the possibility of a large armed rally, which, of course, is not legal in washington, d.c. another rally potentially for the woman shot and killed as she was trying to jump onto the house floor as well. the bought up line members on the call took away was, one, there are several very serious threats still out there. two, law enforcement is paying very close attention to social media right now and trying to track where any and all of these threats may be coming from. and something i think also to underscore here, i can see it
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personally when you walk in the capitol and you can too when you're around is what i'm hearing from lawmakers, the posture is so much difference now between january 6th. night and day. the fencing and national guard manpower, the expectation because of the inauguration this will be named a national security event as well. will bring even more individuals in here, 15,000, 20,000 national guard members as well, members given personal briefings in terms of how to operate. you're showing congressman correa at the airport traveling back and forth. everyone is extremely rattled and feel like the postures and scenarios out there now protection wise are better, getting better, but nobody working in this building now feels comfortable based on what happened january 6th and also what they're hearing from law enforcement. >> nobody feels comfortable. phil mattingly, thank you so much, live from capitol hill. up next -- house minority leader kevin mccarthy spreading lies while also trying to appear tough on president trump, and we
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so join the 2 million people who have switched to xfinity mobile. you can choose from the latest phones or bring your own device and choose the amount of data that's right for you to save even more. and you'll get nationwide 5g at no extra cost. all on the most reliable network. so choose a data option that's right for you. get nationwide 5g included and save up to $300 a year on the network rated #1 in customer satisfaction. it's your wireless. your rules. only with xfinity mobile. nearly a week after the insurrection on the nation's capitol, many republicans are playing revisionist history or simply taking a stand too late, and that includes the house minority leader, kevin mccarthy, who was for overturning the democratic election before he was against it. by all accounts, mccarthy tried unsuccessfully to get the
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president's attention during the attack to urge him to act quickly to defend the people's house. and since they reportedly had tense phone conversations, including yesterday, during which mccarthy said the president accepted some responsibility for the insurrection. well, you should take that claim with a grain of rock salt, because in that same conversation, the president floated the bs conspiracy theory that antifa proposed as trump supporters and breached the capitol. yes, despite all of the trump supporters on camera and had been identified. another reason to doubt mccarthy's account that the president accepts responsibility is the president has famously never accepted responsibility. >> i don't take responsibility at all. >> not to mention the president showed zero contrition today on his speech that preceded the riot. and according to the same reports about these conversations with mccarthy,
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mccarthy is portrayed being tough on trump, taking a stand against the president's bs reportedly telling him, quote, stop it, it's over, the election is over. and it's not antifa, it's maga. i know, i was there. "it's maga, he said, it's trump supporters." mccarthy told the house mon there was undisputedly no evident of the antifa participating in the storming of the u.s. capitol. so for sure he was in this phone call standing up to trump but where would trump get this idea it was not his supporters? oh, i don't know, how about from kevin mccarthy and fox on the night of the attack? >> people came here to do some damage. i don't know who they're with, but they came here to do some damage. >> we knew this big crowd was coming, right? we knew they were coming. whether antifa was in there or not, we'll find out more. >> it's not the only lie the house minority leader fueled the
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past two months. he refused to call joe biden the president-elect. >> now that joe biden won the election -- >> more than 100 republican house members voted to turn a democratically held election that was painstakingly skra scrutinized and verified in a senate interrupted by the siege. mckarn mccarthy blessed the move and gave them a green light to challenge results in arizona and pennsylvania. here's how congressman jim jordan described it -- >> kevin supports him? >> he has not told me that specifically but he has told that to the president of the united states and he has told that to jim jordan. >> kevin's been great. kevin's been fun. kevin's been great on this whole process. >> mccarthy cynically dished out the president's coup fantasies
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to millions of americans. in december he said, quote, let's wait until we see who's sworn in. rewind to november until after the election when he was one of the first pushers of the stop the steal conspiracy theory. >> president trump won this election, so everyone who's listening, do not be quiet. do not be silent about this. we cannot allow this to happen before our very eyes. join together and less stop it. republicans will now back down. we will not wait until four years from now to change this. we're going to fight this now and we're going to change it. for them to claim arizona won at the end of the day, the president will carry arizona. he will win pennsylvania, and that will be more than 270 electoral votes. on my way herep to the, we're ahead in a seat in iowa, too, by a little less than 300 votes. i don't have all of the facts. >> he doesn't have all of the facts, at least he admitted that
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much. according to cnn's manu raju, mccarthy told his conference that there should not be a vote to impeach trump but he does not support censure. instead he's arguing for a bipartisan commission to get all of the facts first, even though the key facts are clear, they're on tape. he wants facts. the congressman who signed onto a baseless, texas lawsuit to overturn the election based on nothing but conspiracies and lies, a lawsuit rejected by the supreme court, he wants facts. no, he doesn't want facts, he wants alternative facts. despite all of the evidence there was no widespread voter fraud in the election, despite all of the republican-appointed judges, the republican majority u.s. supreme court, the republican election officials and the trump administration's republican attorney general and trump administration's head of election security confirming the voracity of joe biden's win, this is what kevin "just the
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facts" mccarthy said just days before the insurrection. >> if you want to unite this nation, you have to start with having integrities in your elections. there's questions out here. what would be wrong with ann audit? what would be wrong with being the information back to make the right decisions. >> that's right, bring the, air quotes, information to the people. give them the, air quotes, "information to make the decisions" as mccarthy puts it. "what's wrong with that?" he says. "it will unite the nation." still to come -- corporate backlash over the deadly insurrection, deutsche bank cutting ties with president trump. plus, more on our breaking news. cnn reporting lawyers are advising the president to denounce violence and reduce his legal liability.
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siege to the capitol last week, pleas for help to president trump from some senior republicans were not getting through. he reached out to jared kushner, trump's son-in-law, while kellyanne mcconway called an assistant to the president that she knew was with the president. the article says, quote, senators and house members trapped inside the u.s. capitol on wednesday begged for immediate help during the siege, and they struggled to get through to the president who was safely ensconced in the west wing, was too busy watching fiery tv images of the crisis unfolding around them to act or even bother to hear their pleas. with them is chief political analyst gloria borger and josh dawsey with us as well, who co-wrote that "washington post" article. gloria, is it a surprise to anyone that the president was more concerned with the tv coverage than with helping people under attack? >> no, it isn't. first, let me say to josh
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congratulations. that was a remarkable piece. it was remarkably reported. and it is not a surprise to anybody that the president would be sitting in front of the tv kind of enjoying this because, of course, his supporters were doing exactly what he had told them to do only minutes before. what he should have been doing, and what others should have been doing with him, was convening in the situation room to figure out how to deal with this insurrection at the u.s. capitol. but i don't think he understood the depth of it and he didn't care about it, and it took all of that convincing to finally get things moving, albeit hours late. >> and, josh, this was a phenomenal report. you really bring us -- you and your colleagues really bring us kind of into the room and just i think one of the things that is most striking about it is the president really did not seem to have a handle on what was going on or the seriousness of it or to see that there was a problem
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with it. tell us more about what you learned about that day. >> there was a cascade of phone calls to the president from those around him trying to take this more seriously. lindsey graham told me yesterday he called ivanka trump and was told everyone around the president was trying to get him to speak out but graham and the others say the president saw these people at allies and he didn't at first appreciate the severity of the situation, in graham's words. these calls came in for several hours, until the president eventually agreed to do a video to denounce the violence and tell people to go home. but in the video, he told the rioters that he loved them and seem to sympathize with them. and then the white house staffers around him did not think the video was good either. it's an episode, what happened in those few hours, it alienated support from the president's own aides and lawmakers that he
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incited the riot and that he did not move quickly enough to help the u.s. capitol. vice president pence was in the capitol in a secure location, never heard from the president. the vice president's aides never heard from the president's top folks. there was silence. there was just silence. >> and it seems, you know, like a reflex of any president would be to calm the violence, but in this case, it seemed that there was -- the president didn't really seem to want to. it seemed like it was almost people around him kind of forcing him into urging for there to be peace. >> well, folks in the white house describe the president's inaction seeing so many of his supporters out fighting for him and frankly appreciating what they were doing. all of them were not the violent anarchists but many of them clearly well and many of them broke into the capitol. and there was a scene that plays out right after 2:00 where the vice president is being hustled
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away after protesters breach the capitol, security is ticking, mitch mcconnell and other leaders off-campus and the president attacked the vice president via tweet about ten minutes later with the anarchists in the building who are not happy with the vice president because he did not go along with the president objecting to the results. so there's a scene that really infuriated so many of the people that i talked to. the vice president, who has been deferentially loyal to the president for four years, is being hustled in a way to make sure his life is secure, his life is safe to be frankly, getting him to a secure place, folks are climbing the walls, some armed. all of a sudden the president tweets the vice president attacking him with people in the building who later we learned wanted to do the vice president harm. >> i mean, gloria, that behavior is -- the lack of empathy for
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people who are under threat of being killed and injured and the glee in watching it go down even as phone calls are being fielded around the president to make it very clear the situation this is, that is un-american. that seems very unwell. >> it does seem unwell. and the reporting we have now is that the only thing that the president regrets about this whole episode is that he actually did the video at the end in which he sounded the most conciliatory, in which he said, you know, we need peace, et cetera. that was written by others for him. that is what he regrets. what he saw was adulation, which is what he's in short supply of these days, and that is what he enjoys. if anybody ever thought there was anything about trump returning anyone's loyalty, just look at mike pence. you have to understand that
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without any doubt that the president doesn't understand that loyalty should work both ways, but it doesn't in his case. and it's a good thing for the country that in fact the president and vice president spoke for the first time yesterday, because for a while there, we had a situation where they were not speaking to each other and that is not good for the country. and yet mike pence has shown no indication that he's interested in invoking the 25th. >> gloria borger and josh dawsey, great reporting. thank you so much to both of you. coming up -- the trump administration is trying to speed up coronavirus vaccinations. the sweeping changes to get shots into more arms. plus, we're moments away from a press conference from the fbi and doj on the riot investigation. stand by for that. area homeownes
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urge. now we want to bring you up to speed on the pandemic as the u.s. sets more records raising more alarms for health officials. the u.s. has averaged more than 3,000 deaths per day over the last week. the u.s. has also reported more than 200,000 new infections for seven straight days, and this comes as the country's vaccination efforts continue to lag well behind what health experts had expected. so far nearly 9 million americans have been vaccinated out of more than 25 million doses distributed and that's just 35% of all available vaccines. the slow pace of the vaccinations is forcing the trump administration to change course. today the department of health and human services announcing sweeping changes to its vaccine rollout to get more people vaccinated.
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cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen joins us now. elizabeth, they clearly need to make changes. what are they doing? >> right. they are instituting several changes that they hope will get this rollout going. the snares they are now saying that the vaccines should be made available to anyone over age 65, so not just health care workers, not just folks who are in nursing homes but anyone over age 65, and so that is a real difference. also, they are releasing these second doses immediately. before, they were holding back -- the federal government was holding back the second doses and was telling folks, you know, we'll send them to you when it's time. now they are just putting it all out there, the expectation is that when people do go back for their second doses that there will be enough that will have been manufactured that there will be enough there waiting. it remains to be seen whether it will work out that way. brianna? >> all right. we'll be watching for that, and i wonder, you know, at this point is there an assessment of when a majority of americans or
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a very important percentage of americans will have been vaccinated such that life can start, begin getting back to normal? >> right, brianna. wouldn't it be so great to have that date. you know, back last month before the rollout really started happening and we saw how poorly it was going there were some estimates, hey, maybe by late spring or early summer anyone who want a vaccine can get it, and we can start heading towards herd immunity, but i think now, i think a lot of those observations, a lot of those estimateses are on hold. >> that is unfortunate. elizabeth cohen, thanks so much for that report from atlanta. we have some breaking news. we're minutes away from the first federal news conference on the capitol hill insurrection. officials with the fbi and the justice department are expected to speak at any moment, and we're going to bring you their comments live. keeping your oysters business growing
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