tv CNN Newsroom CNN January 14, 2021 10:00am-11:00am PST
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flag has been identified as keith freed of chicago. brianna keilar picks up our coverage right now. have a good day. hi there, i'm brianna keilar, and i want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world as we watch the capitol. it looks like a fortress. they are getting threats of attacks possibly with more fire power behind it. extremists are now more emboldened to carry out attacks since they broke in last week. authorities have arrested this man seen carrying a confederate flag through the halls of the
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capitol. kevin freed of delaware has been identified as this person, in the meantime, police have arrest aid man accused of striking a capitol police officer with a fire extinguisher during the january 6 riots. "politico" identifies the man in this video as robert sanford. he is a retired chester firef firefighter, and in the video he is seen wearing a dark plaid shirt and a backpack. he picks up what appears to be a fire extinguisher on the ground. moments later he throws it at a group of police officers nearby. it hit one officer square on the back of the helmet with such force that it bounced off the helmet and over the other officers. now, the scenes around capitol hill are pretty eye-popping right now. there is huge fencing that is ringing the area, there are thousands of these national guard troops that are on alert, and our pete muntean is there right now. pete, tell us what you're seeing. >> reporter: brianna, it's a little bit jarring, in fact.
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this is a spot along constitution avenue in pennsylvania that would typically be teaming with people leading up to an inauguration. now the crowds will be replaced by this giant fence here. i am 6 feet tall. this is almost 8 feet tall, pretty hard to scale, and on the other side of it, if you did make it to the other side, are some 20,000 members of the national guard here descending on washington right now. more arriving by the minute. the threat here is very real, according to the secret service which is leading this massive security operation. it is worried about more capitol attacks. it is following new chatter online, and the pentagon says it is worried about more improvised explosive devices like those pipe bombs found at the rnc and the dnc. the head of the washington metropolitan police department said the threat here is very real and americans should not come to washington for this inauguration. here's what he said. >> as the mayor has encouraged residents and she has encouraged visitors from around the country, we're not asking people to come to d.c. for this.
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this is a major security threat, and we are working to mitigate those threats, so, again, we are just very intently focused on the job that's at hand. >> reporter: take a look at this, brianna. this is pennsylvania avenue. this would be the parade route from the capitol to the white house, right now completely deserted and it will stay this way. access to the national mall very limited leading up to this inauguration day like no other. >> it is quite the scene to behold. pete, thank you so much for taking us there. federal investigators are looking at signs that the deadly capitol insurrection may have been planned and that it was not just a protest that spawned an insurrection. cnn senior justice correspondent evan perez is with me now. evan, what more are you learning? >> reporter: yeah, brianna, the investigators are being driven in this direction by some of the evidence that we haven't seen. they are taking a look at indications, for instance, and evidence that shows that certain
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people who left the rally outside of the white house and made their way to perhaps their cars or some other place where they had left some of these weapons that they then used to storm the capitol. there were things that you couldn't get close to the white house with because you had to leave backpacks and everything else because of the security there, and they were able to bring things like crowbars and sledgehammers and climbing ropes. there were indications that people clearly had tactical gear that they had trained to be able to use. and you can see some of the videos that have now been made public that the fbi is taking a closer look at that indicates you can tell from the people who were talking about what they were trying to do that they had some foreknowledge and some plan of action. take a listen to this one. >> hey, guys, in the other room on the other side of this door,
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right here where we're standing, there is a glass that somebody broke it. you can drop down to the room underneath it. there are also two doors in the other room, one in the rear and one to the right when you go in. so we so you should probably coordinate together if you're going to take this building. >> reporter: there are tons of other videos they're trying to replicate, looking at travel records, looking at money to see what level of coordination there was. perhaps there were multiple groups with the same aim, and that's where this case is now being investigated. >> and federal officials, evan, are also warning that domestic extremists are likely emboldened now to carry out more attacks. tell us about this. >> reporter: that's right. the fact that this attack was successful, what it does is it gives the idea to other extremists out there that this is something they can do and perhaps do even better if they
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plan ahead. it also gives them the idea that there are other people they can connect to, so that's one of the things the fbi, the secret service, everybody is very, very cognizant and they're very worried about in the coming days. >> evan, thank you so much. great reporting. thank you for sharing it with us. my next guest has been sounding the alarm on the threat of domestic terrorism for more than a decade. and he warns that the capitol attack is ushering in a new period of violence and hostility, that the attack was not a finale for right wing extremists who support trump. bill johnson is an analyst at the department of homeland security. he's also author of the book "hateland: a long, hard look at america's extremist heart." explain this to us, if you could. you say this is not a finale. why? >> this momentum has been building for weeks and months. i wrote a book in 2009 warning
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of this threat. it's basically gone unheeded for ten years or more. what's happened is these people have latched onto conspiracy theories and the false notion that the 2020 election was rigged and that it was rampant with voter fraud and that it was stolen from them. and so this narrative has incited and radicalized more people on the far right, and so they're agitated to the point where they're going to be committed to this campaign for the next four years. >> the fbi is investigating, darrell, whether the siege of the capitol was planned. we just heard that report from evan perez. what does it look like to you from the evidence you're seeing? >> definitely there was a lot of chatter leading up to the events last week, talking about violence, talking about storming the capitol. the fbi had even warned the capitol police supposedly, according to media reports. so this event wasn't a
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spontaneous thing that happened, although i think that the president's remarks that day did incite people to go forward with their plans. >> we know that a number of police officers from across the country took part in the attack. we know that former members of the military were involved. there were reports of at least one active duty member of the military, a special forces officer taking part, and investigators say they're looking into whether more current members of the military were involved. what does that tell you? >> well, that was one of the things i warned about in 2009 and i got quite a bit of criticism over. this is the notion of returning veterans coming back in recruitment by these groups. in 2009 we saw a group called the oathkeepers whose sole mission is to recruit military veterans and police officers into the ranks of these groups. it boosts their capability, it boosts their sophistication in
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how they plan and carry out these kinds of attacks. >> daryl, thank you so much for being with us. >> you're welcome. the president's fate is now in the hands of the senate as the republicans are holding their cards close to the vest on whether they will convict him and potentially keep him from running again in 2024. plus, new reporting on the president's reluctance to tape these videos where he denounces violence. and why he's refusing to pay rudy giuliani's legal fees. this is cnn special live coverage.
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it was bipartisan rebuke this time, a handful of republican lawmakers joining with democrats after he incited the insurrection at the capitol, and now we're learning just how much effort it took trump to make a new video that condemned the violence. with us now, we have chief correspondent dana bash. tell us what your resources are saying. >> that it was a full court press to try to get the president to make the video. it took quite some time. this was done by aides skpal l -- and allies alike, to lindsey graham, who is an ally of his who condemned him on the senate floor and then raised eyebrows by going with him to texas on tuesday. this was part of his mission, try to get him to condemn the violence, and i was told, according to one source familiar with one of the many conversations, is that the president was told that if he
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didn't and something else happened, quote, you will own it, that the president was told, quote, silence is not not an option and he needs to break the cycle. the president was resistant, and that was pretty obvious, right, brianna, by the two videos rhe released where he didn't go at all to condemn the violence. it took the president a while to absorb this. i'm told there were two points that got through to him at the end. one cwas that he would own it, and he needed to make a hard break. the second is he owed his supporters who were not part of the violence for him to separate them from the people who performed this act, this act of domestic terrorism, and that the people who voted for him feel lumped in with them. and the other question that i have been asking, and i'm sure you have, too, bre, is, okay,
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what about the next step, saying finally the election was free and fair, it wasn't stolen. i am told that was a non-starter with this president, because we know a key part of his character and what he was taught by his father and other people close to him, like ray cohn, is never admit that you lost, you don't want to appear as a loser, and that is why he has been grasping on anything, lie after lie after lie, to hang his hat on to suggest that he didn't lose, and so that was not something he was going to admit and not something people around him think he will ever admit. >> yeah. that's the hill i think he will definitely go out on. dana bash, thank you very much. great reporting. i want to talk now with republican congressman rodney davis of illinois who is joining us to discuss more about the unprecedented events playing out on capitol hill. sir, i want to thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me on, brianna. >> i want to ask you, yesterday
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on the house floor you said, quote, what we saw last week scared all of us who were here. it also showed adversaries what it takes to take out a branch of government. and you then voted no on impeaching the president. your republican colleague liz cheney said, much more will become clear in the coming days and weeks, but what we know now is enough. and i know that you disagree with that. so can you explain why? >> what we may know in a couple weeks, we weren't given a chance to see. and that's part of the problem. just as i stood up for the constitution when i voted to fulfill my 12th amendment responsibilities to certify the electors that came in from each and every state on the day of the riots, i stood up for the constitution yesterday. they ever shown us that we can have a peaceful protest, and i'm
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afraid it's going to be a narrative every time we have a new president. let's discuss why the impeachment process is moving forward. let's not rush it, because number one, it's not going to happen. the president is going to be removed from office because he lost the election, not because he's convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors when an impeachment occurred. >> but what parts of the president's actions are unclear to you? >> one of the first times you and i met was after a crazed gunman came and fired at me and my friends on a baseball field just under four years ago. as a matter of fact, brianna, a lot of that had to do with rhetoric coming from people like nancy pelosi and bernie sanders where they were saying republicans are killing people with our policies. that man was screaming health care as he was firing indiscriminately at all of us that morning. >> look, congressman, i do not -- i remember that very
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scary morning, and we spoke not long after that happened, and i certainly do not want to diminish what you and your republican colleagues went through on that horrific day. that was one gunman, and we are talking about a situation where president trump was speaking to a massive crowd, many of whom went to the capitol, many of whom then went inside the capitol. i mean, he was speaking to them just before they stormed the capitol, and you were there. so when you say that you want a couple of weeks, you want there to be hearings, clearly you're indicating that this is too premature, too quick of an action that the house has taken. that is my question. what is unclear to you? you want to know more, and there are more details coming out for sure about some of the folks involved in this. when it comes to the president's behavior, which is what impeachment is about, what part of his involvement here is unclear to you? >> words matter. i said that in my statement.
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i said that in many statements since the baseball shooting and throughout this presidency, and i'll say it throughout the rest of my career. the bottom line is i'm a republican because i believe in personal responsibility. i don't care what anybody says, if somebody takes what they say and turns that into a criminal action, like firing indiscriminately at me and my friends on a baseball field or attacking our capitol, which is just tragic, we need to make sure that they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. >> but you're saying -- are you saying, then, that the folks who -- the insurrectionists who came inside the capitol, that they are responsible solely and that president trump bears no responsibility? and maybe the way to ask this is to say that liz cheney said in her comments before voting for impeachment, the president of the united states summoned this mob, assembled the mob and lit the flame of this attack. do you agree with that? >> liz is my friend, and i'm
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going to let her speak for herself, but i can tell you who i speak for and that's me and my constituents. i speak for the constitution, which is why i don't want to see an impeachment process hijacked by politics regardless of how you feel about the president. misinformation matters. what the president said about an election being stolen, i believe, is wrong. and i believe it did form a discontent. it gave many people who were on the far right of the political spectrum hope that somehow if the electoral college process that i was a part of didn't happen that he would be elected for another four years. that was not going to happen. but it's the same misinformation, ilt's the same false hope that many in the media and many democrats in washington right now are saying is going to happen through impeachment, that somehow he'll be removed from office when he's days away from moving out of the white house, anyway. >> i don't think that's what they're saying, i think they're saying it's about accountability. that seems to be the argument, i would say, that i'm hearing.
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so why not proceed -- you talk about personal responsibility. what about accountability? >> i think anyone who uses rhetoric that incites violence should be held accountable, and not just the president. members of congress, everybody who -- >> look, we're talking about the president right now, because he was impeached yesterday. so that's who we're talking about right now. what about accountability for what president trump said before the riot? what about what president trump said during the riot where he told these people that he loved them and that they were special? >> i will tell you, i voted against the impeachment because the process was rushed. we can all hold elected officials accountable, and president trump was held accountable because he lost the election. he's not going to be president anymore. but i'll tell you what my priorities have been since january 6, brianna --
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>> was it rushed because you feel like more will come out that you don't understand about the president's involvement here? i mean, we're talking -- when it comes to impeachment, this is not the impeachment of the rioters, right? this is not the impeachment of the people inside the capitol, this is the impeachment of the president for his role. and i don't hear you saying that you're unclear on what he did. >> again, the rioters need to be held responsible for their actions. the president was held responsible for the rhetoric and the misinformation that he put forth throughout his term as president by losing the election. the bottom line is, every politician needs to be held accountable for what they say. and everyone can stop right now in spreading this information and creating this process we have in the united states right now, brianna, that has led now to me having my life saved twice by the brave heroes of the
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united states capitol police. my job right now is to make sure they secure the capitol so we have a peaceful transition of power, because we are the united states of america and that's what we do, and i want to make sure our police officers have all the resources they need to make that happen, and that's what i'm focused on. >> look, there was heroism that day, no doubt. but you said the president has suffered the consequences by being voted out of office. he was voted out of office in november. and then he proceeded to spew lies and conspiracy theories about widespread voter fraud that did not exist, and that has been affirmed by many republican-appointed officials, including in his own administration. the accountability for what happened on january 6th, i mean, you can't make that argument that it's in early november that that was how he was held accountable. what happened on january 6th was because he was voted out and because he then fomented conspiracy theories for two
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months. i just don't understand your logic. >> i can't make that argument, brianna, because i've been talking about how it's wrong and it's misinformation and it's not true. to set expectations that somehow we, in the house of representatives with vice president mike pence, can overturn those electoral college results was wrong, and it was not going to happen. i've been adamantly stating that, much to the chagrin of some of the people who supported me and the president. look, the election didn't work out the way i wanted it to. i think the legal representation the president had was nothing more than a legal cloud card. these folks are over 60 in court cases. but what they did was set expectations that weren't true. i've been saying this since the election, and i don't want the president to continue to foment this discontent regardless of how the videos were processed and the sources that are letting
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you know that they could make this happen. i'm glad they are because we will have a peaceful transition of power, and that's exactly what we need since the attack last week. >> do you think the inaugmpeach should be avoided because it could turn into more violence? >> it very well could, and it could lead to more violence from those who believe the election was stolen. >> how is that a reason? having covered republicans for some time, i don't recall them in the way that i've seen them k kowtowing to terrorists to say that would be a reason to say that was accountability. >> kowtowing to terrorism is pretty serious and i would not
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want to be accused of that, brianna. >> i said republicans who are making this argument as one of the reasons for not going through with impeachment proceedings is because it would cause violence. >> it's a reason i laid out that i think president-elect biden should step in and say, if we're going to have a peaceful process, let's make sure we have a peaceful process. speaker pelosi didn't allow us to actually have a vote on any of those other measures. she chose impeachment, and i am elected to protect the constitution of the united states of america, just as i stood up for the 12th amendment and my responsibilities much to the chagrin of many in my party the day of that riot and was on that floor as a teller right in front of vice president pence and speaker pelosi until 4:00 a.m., making sure we did our job. i'm also going to stand up for
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the hijack of the impeachment process laid out by our forefathers. it's very frustrating to be accused of inconsistency when this is our job as a dually elected member of congress. >> what's the accountability after the election? surely some of the members of your conference believe this was the way to go because there wouldn't be. what is the accountability by foregoing this opportunity for it? >> the accountability is the truth. the truth is the election was not stolen and the president lost. you just said -- >> the accountability that signals to other elected officials, you can't do this, you can't incite violence, you can't send a mob up to the capitol. you can't say the words and feed them lies that they ingest and believe in their hearts is the reason for why they are inside the capitol in their belief being patriots. >> well, nobody who entered the
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capitol that day on january 6 is a patriot. they're a criminal. and i certainly hope they get the felony on their record that a gentleman who thought it was a good idea to call me a year ago and threatened to blow my head off, the same reason he's got a felony on his record. accountability matters. and i'm afraid, unfortunately, our lack of accountability for rhetoric and misinformation is not relegated to the president when it comes to congress and the senate in washington, d.c. >> sir, we are going to have to leave it there for time's sake. congressman rodney davis, it is good to see you. as always, it is good to see you safe and well. >> you, too, brianna. have a great day. just in, news of another arrest of a high profile rioter in the siege. also the man who wore the camp auschwitz shirt. and the president's business
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supremacist symbol that was paraded through the halls of congress for the first time, in fact. we just learned that police arrested that man whof was carrying that flag. they identified him as keith siegfried, and the man who was wearing the t-shirt with "camp auschwitz." more than 6 million jews were killed during the holocaust. and more than 75 years after they liberated the death camp, they are a part of now. we have the son of holocaust survivors, his grandparents were murdered in auschwitz, and he went to auschwitz in 2019 for an emotional visit. >> work will sell you free. that was a place for working.
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>> it was for slave laborers. >> yes, it was that type of camp. work was in this prison camp. >> it's one thing to learn about the holocaust in school or in books. to see the place firsthand, someone touched by war could be overwhelming. >> most of the jews came here were killed. who lives and who dies. >> that's right. >> people's grandparents died here. they thought maybe they were going to get a shower, but instead -- >> that was the gas chamber. >> before we leave poland, we visit the only jewish cemetary still left in the town of
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auschwitz. i see a tombstone that said "blitzer." i don't know if this woman was related to me, but i do what my father would have wanted. i say a special prayer for the dead: the kaddish. [ speaking foreign language ] >> and wolf blitzer is with us now. wolf, you said in the commercial break, did i remember this piece that you did, and i will tell you, you and i have seen many stories over the course of our careers. that is one of the ones that sticks with me the most, is watching you in your personal experience there, and just how much this means to you and to your family.
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it's not an abstraction. so when you saw this image of someone wearing a camp auschwitz shirt at the capitol, knowing that there is this affiliation within people who were storming the capitol, i wonder what you thought. >> you know, it's so, so sad. it's so, so sad. and i'm happy that my parents are no longer living, but to a certain degree, i'm happy that they're not seeing what's going on here in the united states right now with this resurgence of neo-nazi slogans and t-shirts. we saw in charlottesville when those individuals were walking around, jews will not replace us, jews will not replace us. it's all so hard for me to see in this country who gave my parents freedom, they were allowed to come to buffalo, new york, their family was murdered, they lost brothers and sisters,
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uncles and aunts, but the united states let them in and gave them an opportunity in buffalo to drive. they clearly did thrive, but they were the most patriotic people i knew, this opportunity they got -- they were teenagers, basically, during the war. they survived the war in slave labor camps and concentration camps. but they did survive and then they had the opportunity to come to america. it would have been so painful for them to see, even these words camp auschwitz or slogans like "work will make you free," which if you go into auschwitz and visit auschwitz, which i did in 2014, it says work will make you free. there's so many things, the slogans out there, the racism, the anti-muslim. it's hard to believe this is going on in the united states right now, and it was so painful for me to see this personally given the fact my grandparents were murdered at auschwitz.
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>> i wonder what more you think needs to be done. i think back to when i was a kid and even how there was non-fiction and fiction that you understood the story of the holocaust. i think it was at a time when it was very out there and people understood it. more time has passed now. there are many americans who don't even have basic facts about it. what needs to be done in order for that understanding to be out there about how awful this rise of neo-naziism is? >> we need to explain especially to young people what happened in the holocaust. there was a poll that came out that showed a huge percentage didn't even know what the holocaust was, didn't know 6 million jews were murdered in world war ii by the nazis. then there's these people who said it was all made up, it's jewish propaganda, it never
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really happened. well, it did happen, and the sad situation is so many of the holocaust survivors, almost all of them nowadays have passed away. but many did leave a testimony. if you go to the holocaust war memorial museum in washington, if you go to the israeli holocaust memorial museum in jerusalem, you can listen to the eyewitness testimony of these people who survived, what they went through during their years in these slave labor concentration camps. and for some guy to walk around capitol hill with a sweatshirt saying camp auschwitz, something
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needs to be done about this hate. especially for us who had relatives who died in those years as a result of the anti-semitism, it's so painful to see it exist these days. >> and, wolf, we are so thankful to have you on to talk about it. part of educating people is putting a face on it and you are telling the story, so thank you very much. >> thank you. the president is so irritated over being impeached a second time that he's refusing to pay his attorney rudy giuliani. next we'll roll the tape on all the times that he has refused to pay up. plus everyone from deutsche bank to pga cutting ties. the reckoning that is facing the trump brand. ♪ you must go and i must bide ♪ ♪ but come ye back when su-- ♪ mom, dad.
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why's jamie here? it's sunday. sunday sing along. and he helped us get a home and auto bundle. he's been our insurance guy for five years now. he makes us feel like we're worth protecting. [ gasps ] why didn't you tell us about these savings, flo? i've literally told you a thousand times. ♪ oh, danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling ♪ i'm just gonna... ♪ from glen to glen ♪
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hello i'm an idaho potato farmer. i'm just gonna... you know a lot of folks think of a potato, even an idaho potato as a side dish. but does this look like a side dish to you? ...or this? ...or these? does a side dish have a dog like this? ...or a truck like this? or a good-looking, charismatic, spokesfarmer like me? i think we both know the answer to that. always look for the grown in idaho seal. side dish?
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the president is so pissed off that even the man who has faithfully carried out his fool's errand of challenging the presidential election results when there was no basis to do so is not safe from donald trump's wrath. we're learning that president trump is telling aides not to pay rudy giuliani's legal fees. aides were not completely clear if trump was serious, but aides did not answer the phone when rudy giuliani called them about it. trump's administration is a multi-millionaire who doesn't pay his bills, and that's well established. a 2020 investigation found that trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades. many were with small businesses who say they stiffed them for work that they did.
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among them was a carpet company, a glass company, a plumber, waiters, bartenders, lots of hourly workers, real estate brokers, dishwashers, painters, even some of the lawyers who repped him in those very lawsuits. he came out on top in settlements but only because the president's lawyers would wear out small companies and individuals, dragging out the cases and piling on the legal bills that they knew the plaintiffs could not afford. trump has even left scotland holding the bag. when the scottish government wanted to build a wind turbine farm near his golf course, trump sued because he said it would destruct and devalue his view. it's unclear, though, if he ever paid those legal bills that the scottish supreme civil court ordered him to. they found at least ten cities at one point or another accused the president's two campaigns of not reimbursing them for security at trump events, at one
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point owing the city $800,000. these are security payments. these are payments for police officers. when asked about his pattern of walking out on the bill in the past, trump denied that he does it while also admitting that he does it. hillary clinton called him on it during one of their debates. >> i have met a lot of the people who were stiffed by you and your businesses, donald. we have an architect in the audience who designed one of your clubhouses at one of your golf courses. it's a beautiful facility. it immediately was put to use. and you wouldn't pay what the man needed to be paid, what he was charging you to do -- >> maybe he didn't do a good job and i was unsatisfied with his work, which our country should do, too. >> now, another time when asked about not paying people that he ow owes, trump said this. quote, let's say they did a job that wasn't very good or it wasn't finished or was very
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late, i will deduct from their contract, absolutely. that's what the country should be doing. that's not what trump has done in many situations. he doesn't pay when it was a job well done and exactly what he ordered. it's like well-done steak with ketchup, eating the entire thing while doing a happy dance and walking out on the bill. giuliani's work was exactly what the boss ordered. an inquiry launched and could be disbarred. he created doubt, made ridiculous accusations. told the media the election was stolen and like trump used violent language to rile up supporters before invading the capitol. rudy put his blood, sweat and tears into this. he suffered humiliations. in court, on-screen in the most recent "borat" film and a landscaping company, held an odd news conference next to a sex shop and still trump employed him and kept him on the payroll.
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mr. president, if you're not going to pay rudy guiliani his due, there is a long line of contractors who have built your atlantic city casino who could really use the money. ahead, backlash from the capitol hill riots and it's hitting trump's business brand in the pocket. i'm going to talk to someone who knows him well. plus the republicans senators to watch who might vote to impeach the president during his impeachment trial.
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there's new reporting from the "washington post" suggests the president is growing more concerned about his business brand and good reason for this. since the attack on the capitol, bank have been cutting ties with him. the pga pulled its 2022 championship from his golf club in new jersey, and more and more companies are condemning the president and pulling funding from his allies who peddled lies. his campaign website just lost their financing company. his organizations ecommerce provider closed to online stores. new york city terminating all business relationships with his company including a golf course, central park carousel and two ice skating rinks. also this. lehigh university and wagner college are taking back the honorary degrees they awarded president trump. joining me now to talk about this is barbara rush, who once served as executive vice president in the trump organization and author of the book "tower of lies: what my 18
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years working with donald trump reveals about him." great to see you. thanks for coming on. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> i'm curious and start with this, about the pga. because golf is at the center of the trump brand. it means so much to him. so what did it mean having the pga pull its 2022 championship from trump national golf club? his trump national golf club in bedminster. what does that signify for him? >> first of all, probably he's devastated. you know, my gut reaction to everything of how had se reacting is that he is feeling that people have, you know -- are turning on him. he's always denied that, and -- so now he's thinking there's a reason. not thinking i am wrong. i did a bad thing. i didn't acknowledge it, blah, blah, blah.
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he's thinking, they're out to get me. why does everyone want to get trump. you know what i'm saying? >> you're saying he's paranoid and that everyone is out to get him but he's seen these ramifications hitting him in the wallet. do you think the trump organization is going to survive? do you think it could if it rebranded? what's your prognosis? >> you know, it's interesting. i was thinking about that. first of all, my experience with him, he always bounces back. no matter how bad things get. somehow, he bounces back. we used to say -- you know what could he do after this? and before the violent attack, i thought for one thing, trump towers in front of the country -- all of those democrats and -- tyrants that he admires so much admire him and all, rich people in those communities, demagogues all want apartments in trump tower.
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i think the brand is fine once you get out of -- as far as after the -- i don't know. i'm not sure about that. whether or not people are going to still want his name. coming up with excuses and his people are coming up with excuses, and crazy as they are, somehow they stick with people that want to stick with. back up in the air. the other thought we would have a media company. trump tv, trump radio, trump newspaper. and i thought initially that he was trying to keep up his bay with all of this nonsense about not losing the election. priming them so when he sought instituted that work he would have 40 million viewers, but now, i'm not so sure if that's going to be as lucrative as it would have been. i think that he's going to lose
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some of his supporters. i think that there are people that just aren't going to be able to take what's going on, and go along with his lies about -- that this is a setup and people from antifa and all the other nonsays that was said. >> and time will certainly tell us if your assessment is correct. we know you'll be watching as we will. thank you so much for being with us. >> my pleasure. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. it is the top of the hour. i'm brianna keilar and right now capitol hill looks like a fortress. 20,000 national guard troops expected to be in place for joe biden's inauguration. the national mall closed down. the huge national mall. law enforcement and those national guard troops on alert for possibility of another insurrection for more violence. this time potentially with more firepower behind it. cnn learned authorities arrested
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