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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  January 18, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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full doses but they don't have clinical proof that half doses give the protection needed only lab data. you have to get that clinical proof and eventually may get there but for now fauci says stick with full doses if you can get them or as soon as you can. the news continues. let's hand it over to chris. thank you. i am chris cuomo. welcome to "primetime." this week will be remembered for a long time. the question is, how? hope with me. that today dr. king's example inspires the many striving for better and enlightens the toxic few determined to be their worst. we could not have a better reminder that you can't kill an idea with violence. only a better idea can prevail. equality and justice as dr. king taught us. they are the best ideas. darkness can only be removed by the light of truth. and love is the ultimate form of
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truth. but also that racial progress can enrage some in the majority and that violence can be used as a refuge for those coming from a place of animus and ignorance. and that democracy even in america is a fragile, fragile theng. at the committee lighting the flags on a deserted national mall tonight illuminating 56 pillars of light representing every state and territory. some 200,000 u.s. flags standing tall, representing americans unable to attend the biden inauguration due to the pandemic and now due to the disease of division. 25,000 national guard members must protect our democracy from ourselves. we can no longer boast peaceful
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transfer of power. there is no peace. we must be suspicious of even the peacekeepers. all are being vetted by the fbi ahead of wednesday to ensure that none will turn on their country and pose an insider threat. we used to have to do that in iraq. by the way. this is where we are four years of trump. the only place his demagoguery could take us chaos capped off by a capitol coup. candidate biden warned us we were in for a bat tle of the sol of our nation. seemed dramatic at the time. now seems more prophetic. how do you restore a soul? how do you unify those who see benefit and power in division? that alone would be a daunting task. but that is just one of the problems on biden's plate.
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literally a sea of tsunamis thanks to the worst president in my lifetime the man who made it cool to be cruel in too many places in this country. who ignored a pandemic that is getting worse, killing more, and he could care less. as the economy he falsely bragged about is now really in distress. he leveraged fear and lies to blind millions to the facts, to put racism on the rise, replace dialogue with rage, and motivate masses to become monsters. so let's follow the mandate of martin. let's shine the light. let's reveal the truth of his efforts. inside the trump insurrection we will show you tonight in a way you have not seen before. take a look. >> you're out numbered. there's a -- million of us out there. your boss. >> defend your constitution! defend your liberty!
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defend your constitution! defend your liberty! >> 1776! >> guess what? america showed up! >> knock knock, we're here. >> where the -- are they? where are they? >> while we're here we might as well set up a government. >> look here. look. ted cruz's objection to the arizona -- >> his objection. he was going to sell us out all along. >> really? >> look. >> objection to counting electoral votes on the state of arizona. >> can i get a photo of that? >> okay. all right. all right. >> he's with us. he's with us. >> yeah!
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>> i think cruz would want us to do this so i think we're good. >> yeah, absolutely. >> what an ugly, ugly joke they've made of this country of what they say is their country. they couldn't even read the papers correctly. they were so worried for a moment that one of their patron saints had done them wrong. they referenced cruz and hawley and trump as their inspiration. cruz would want us to do this. all on tape put out by the new yorker. and what is most evident of all in that is that they felt entitled. they thought that they were empowered to be there. that they weren't just like all the other criminal scum that decided to transcend law in the name of protests. and that wall of shame, that's
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why they felt empowered. cruz, hawley, 145 re-trumplicans and yes that is what you are until you show yourself to acknowledge what you did wrong and be something that shows you as being right. you people did what the terrorists couldn't. you left a stain on the actual democratic process. you voted to overturn an election based on lies. the darkness, the lure of more power, of being the next demagogue. today we remember what is true about men and women like them. we need leaders not in love with money but justice. not about publicity but humanity. dr. martin luther king jr. mlk dreamed of a day when people would be judged by character over color. all these years later we are still haunted by the nightmare of white supremacy.
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even worse than in king's day in this way. today we have a president who actively coddled and loved them while demonizing those fighting against racism and systemic inequality. think about that. we are in a worse situation in that regard than in the maelstrom of the '60s. when the looting starts the shooting starts trump said about people fighting systemic injustice. but now he says he loves these people. so he owns white hate and so do you in his party. why? because too many of you ignored it and therefore empowered it. and many of you were complicit in his illicit acts. today see them pose as apostles of king.
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witness the frauds. cruz writing, now more than ever we are reminded of the power of king's words, calling on all of us to have the courage to face uncertainties of the future. yeah, ted. the uncertainties that you helped cause. for america's future. you thought it would pay off with power. i think you will be opposed by many in your party for years to come because you will be seen as what not to be. senator lindsey graham tweeting, king's dream addressed words mean as much today as when they were delivered and yet he called trump a healer yesterday. listen. >> president trump never said go into the capitol and try to interrupt a joint session of congress. president trump is trying to heal the nation. >> what is wrong with that guy? just when you think he has
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remembered his personal history and his intelligence he just becomes a ghost again. just this kind of empty echo of a mad man. graham, cruz, a laundry list of others. they are anti-martin in a world that should be about brother hoo, responsibility, and justice they are more martian in that world than martin. i told you in the beginning. we had new evidence to further expose the lie that started all of this. all right? you can thank cnn's k file. they dug up proof that trump's personal lawyer rudy guiliani, who tried to get this election overturned by the courts, personally voted in this election in new york using a method he argued was fraudulent elsewhere. he voted by affidavit ballot.
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a provisional ballot. can you believe the insanity? yes, you can. because lies are obvious and ugly when set against the light of truth. king gave us the keys to the kingdom. he showed us the way and told us that we will overcome challenges like those today. but it wasn't automatic. who will do the work? let nobody give you the impression that only time will solve the problem, said king. so are we about to do the work of coming together in a quest for a more perfect union? because time alone will heal nothing by itself. deeper insight now from abby philip and david gregory. we say this every year, abby, on mlk jr. day. which is i wonder what dr. king would say today. and it is an impossible thing to answer except in moments like
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these that do, that are completely concordant with what he was up against then except he had a president -- he has a president now who may have posed the biggest opposition to him. what should we remember? >> well, you know, i think this martin luther king day is one of the most, i think, it's sad the way that people are trying to use martin luther king to further the perception that they are in favor of the things he stood for even while doing everything in their power to do exactly the opposite, even while constantly lying and provoking violence and trying to undermine this democracy. i mean, i think that has never been so stark as it was today. and i think it should be called out in the way that you did. but, you know, it is clear that martin luther king would not
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obviously would not want to see the really vile display we saw at the capitol two weeks ago in which white supremacists and anti-semites and conspiracy theorists and all kinds of the worst kinds of people converged upon the capitol in the name of doing something fundamentally anti-democratic in nature. and everything around that i think really exposes what king has been trying to say about american society in the first place, which is that we need to look within ourselves to find the ways in which, you know, we don't treat people the same based on, you know, what their skin color looks like. the way these rioters were treated at the capitol is not the way that black lives matter protesters were treated six months ago and he would have called that out and the people who are not willing to even see that, not willing to acknowledge
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the racism in these election fraud lies i think really have no business talking about dr. king today. >> david, the meaning of this week could go two different ways. what do you think? >> well, i think we're in the middle of so much. the obvious concerns, the anxiety about more violence, not just protests but mob actions, actual violence, attacks upon symbols of our democracy, symbols of our government. i'm hopeful and prayerful for quiet. i think the capitol where we live here -- the capital where we live here is a target hardened considerably. i hope it is the same around state houses. but we have to look at this ongoing threat beyond big days like an inauguration. we have to look not at the people who scream the loudest and are taking selfies and recording themselves. we have to worry about the people in the shadows.
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you know, i think about the '90s and the oklahoma city bombing and timothy mcvey and terry nichols had associations with militia groups but kept to themselves and secretly plotted a mass casualty event. we have to be watchful about that. i think it gets back to governing. the legacy of trump among those legacies incompetence and corruption. and i think the incompetence when it comes to the virus is what is really going to get biden started governing again. being normal again. using the power of the federal government for good. and using the power of the presidency for good to mobilize against a common threat which we're still seeing in this pandemic, which we're seeing in the economic destruction from the pandemic. >> also on a day like today we should give thanks for people who lived the legacy and try to do the job for society. and i certainly count you two
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among that number. abby, david, thank you. and be well. so what are we seeing in these final hours? shameful administration, losing to the end. with the help of its proxies, gas lighting in the extreme. race, religion, everything that should be common ground they have made a battleground. and they are pouring salt in the wounds of division. michael eric dyson understands the history, the politics, and the challenges of the present. how do we do the work? we can't overcome without effort. next. we don't just “make a pizza.” we use fresh, clean ingredients... to make a masterpiece. order our new pepperoni and four cheese flatbread pizzas for delivery or pickup today. panera.
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republicans are under fire for various tweets, quoting and praising dr. martin luther king. because you can't talk what you won't walk. and they are not embodying any of the actions on unity, peace, and equal rights that king espoused and they know it. less than two weeks ago we saw our democracy take a major hit. not talk. not spin. violence and blood shed in the streets and in our capitol. it was a moment for truth and reflection and i believe it will be something that may take us away from the brink ultimately.
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but many republicans condemned the attacks but they need to do more. because we got to that attack with their complicity. what do we do? i want to talk to someone who knows all about of course dr. king and his legacy but how that will or will not, should or should not be made manifest today. michael eric dyson. preacher, distinguished professor of african-american studies at vanderbilt university. author of the new book "long time coming." reckoning with race in america. good to see you, brother. >> great to see you, my man. >> are we reckoning? >> we are to a degree. after the death of george floyd for the first time many white brothers and sisters began to grapple seriously with moving from the ideal of liberal resistance or conservative complicity with structures of
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society that would help the race problem to getting involved in the streets. many white brothers and sisters were removed of any excuse, were absolved in one sense of any intention to avoid the racial issue head on. when george floyd lay on that ground begging to breathe begging for the knee to be removed from him it was an irresistible metaphor for african-american people who felt the knee of america had been on their necks collectively. but many white people said, look. there are no more excuses. he wasn't running. he wasn't shouting. he wasn't cursing. he didn't have a gun. he wasn't threatening. he was not a menacing black man. he was there laying prostate on the fwround. they hit the streets. they flooded the cities of america. it swelled the numbers of protests to epic proportions. the greatest protests in the history of this nation against racial injustice u and yet now six months later it has died down. i think it's removed to a
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different state if you will, a different plateau. a different plain. in the midst of reckoning with race, because it is not the sexy stuff, chris. it's not the stuff you do on the streets. it's the normal stuff. when you first fall in love you are attracted to somebody. you feel compelled to take them out to dinner and to show them love and romance. then it gets to, did you put the toothpaste on there? do you squeeze it from the bottom or the top? is the toilet paper out? it is the unsexy stuff, taking kids to school. trying to deal with the trainer. talking about what we do on an every day level in our home. that is where we are in terms of white brothers and sisters saying we have to deal with constructive criticism in conversations we have with black people. we got to talk about corporate america. what do we do at home? how do we deal with this on our jobs? at the same time we have the buffoonish, the lunatic, the idiocy of a white supremacist president with the complicity of
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these spineless and feckless senators manipulative of the rhetoric. here today as you said quoting martin luther king jr. knowing full well they stand tooth and nail against everything he represented. and not only that, white evangelicals are more white than evangelical. have used religious authority to justify the subordination of black people when they saw black lives matter coming they felt they were the antithesis of everything democratic. now they embrace white insurrectionists who go to the capitol to des kecrate the democratic ideals inherited from athens. yet here we are now in the midst of a civil war that shows the blood letting and the shedding of blood by vulnerable people because of the willingness of this democracy to cede its
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legitimacy to the hands of many white senators and politicians who don't have the vision of the founding fathers. that is where we are today. >> what do you make of trump getting attention o knon this d something he didn't write or even read but he has chosen to put out there which is some people believe this country was founded on slavery and therefore founded on a lie. no. not true. slavery has been the reality more than it has been the exception for many thousands of years. and therefore we must accept that as our starting point here as well. it is not a problem. it's just how it is. that's what he put out today. now they'll say he didn't say it. it was somebody else. but the timing matters. and that message is resonating as quickly as any in this country. every time somebody says black lives matter, what is the answer now? so does mine. >> right. >> how do we get past that? >> well, that is a great point. number one, it's a mendacity
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that is colossal. let's examine it. a comparative analysis of 16 societies that had slavery, even if you read that, this society was especially vicious because of chattel slavery and here is why it was especially vicious. because they brought god in. the greeks didn't have to claim that the gods were motivating them in the same way that the christian god was coopted, put into the script of american dominance and racial superiority to say god is a co-conspirator with white supremacists. so now it's divine authority. you know god sent us to africa to save you savages from your rot in your heathanistic outlook. now we bring you here to america to become christians so the justification for enslavement here in america was especially different because chattel slavery meant unlike greek society you couldn't buy your way out. you couldn't be an indentured servant as a black person and
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buy your way to freedom and then the very kids that you taught who were the children of the slave master are now your friends. that is not what happened here. they're being disingenuous. but for donald trump let's be honest. even though he didn't mouth those words there's a ventriloquist effect of white supremacy. his mouth is open and white supremacist ideas are flowing through his tongue. when we look at slavery in this country and what donald trump has said donald trump has been a kind of manipulator of the mindset of average, ordinary white brothers and sisters who are looking desperately for some relief. he has constantly from the very beginning trying to demonize african-american people, mexican people, muslim people, jewish people, the anti-semitic has been on the rise because of the fostering of a neo-nazi, neo fascist outlook this president has fostered and especially the white supremacist outlook. here is a man who has a white
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nationalist as one of his advisers who is constantly trying to bait black people into response. when you say black lives matter and you put up well blue lives matter too, first of all that is a mistake. a big old word the philosophers would say. you're born black. you're not born blue. one is a job that one has as a police person. the other is a racial category one inherits merely from birth. when people say my life matters too of course it does. the fact we say black lives matter there is something missing. black lives matter also. black lives matter, too. black people would not dare say that only our lives matter. in fact, when you look at the history of african-american people in this country we have been the most gracious, loving, embracing people, the most loyal people. but even in the declaration of independence thomas jefferson noting the domestic insurrectionists, that is the name he gave, to those africans listening to british people to say, look. in exchange for your loyalty we'll offer you freedom.
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on the other hand indians, indigenous people were considered merciless savages. and yet the greatest insurrectionists in this country today, the greatest threat to democracy, was a man named donald trump who had thomas jefferson's position but benedict arnold's job. here was a man engaging in the most anti-democratic force we've seen unleashed in the oval office in the history of this nation. and shame on lindsey graham. shame on ted cruz. shame on marco rubio. ivy league trained men who know better. whose juris potential rationality understands there is something manipulative going on here so you side with donald trump and complicit in white supremacy and have the nerve on this day to call upon martin luther king jr. to sanctify your religious believes. it is ignorant.
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it is lunatic. it is fundamentally and fatally mendacious. >> when you get ignorance and arrogance in that sweet spot, that's where you find men like that. michael eric dyson, when you shine a light of truth and put passion behind it is when we reveal men such as you. thank you for helping me and the audience once again. keep teaching. keep preaching. >> thank you, my brother. god bless you. >> be well. thank you, my brother. many in this mob of thugs at the capitol are actually helping the feds catch them. their sense of entitlement is motivating self-incrimination. okay? they have a tool designed ironically to help the far right. what am i talking about? we have been digging into the dragnet and we have someone who is figuring out what the root of this problem is but it's also a remedy. next.
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the attack on the capitol is likely the most well documented terror attack in history. all those cell phones.
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all that live streaming. all that bragging. all of that righteous indignation. the fbi has received almost 200,000 digital tips so far. good for you. look, some of them are wackos and people trying to mess with the fbi. but overwhelmingly people responding to what they saw and wanting those people punished. good for you. i've yet to see a criminal indictment that doesn't include video or pictures of the accused in the capitol. then there's parler, the social media site that trumpers are such big fans of. holds a huge cache of videos that will all be evidence for the political case pointing directly at the role trumpers had in this. donie o'sullivan has been digging into all it have. thank you for doing that, my brother. second of all, the idea of the sameness, of the uniformity not just of thought or intent but of language, significance?
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>> absolutely. what we saw here last week was the physical manifestation of the online mob. of the on-lun trolls. chris, i was at a qanon meeting in scottsdale, arizona a few weeks before the election. everybody in that room was convinced that not only trump would win but that he would win in a total landslide. and if he didn't win it was a sign of voter fraud. why did they think that? because trump kept saying it and tweeting about voter fraud every single day for weeks. some of the people in that room, at least one guy ended up storming the capitol last week. the guy in the horns on his head that qanon shaman. so, you know, there was a precedent here that trump was flirting with them all along. and also that meeting in arizona came just a few days after trump had his interview with savannah guthrie, that town hall where he was asked to disavow qanon and
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he would not. that actually opened that meeting that day. they said did you hear trump this week? he said we're great guys. he says we're good people. as far as they're concerned trump was in on it. >> right. people must remember as the history is written qanon, david duke, whenever it came to any kind of extremism trump always feigns innocence and wants some clarification and rarely goes far enough in the first instance which matters most. donie, the idea of who was motivating, organizing in terms of narrowing down the most influential actors? >> reporter: yeah, look. as we say, trump in the qanon fantasy trump is the hero, right? had trump came out and said i want nothing to do with this, had he actually come out and criticized qanon it could have really stopped it because central to the belief in qanon is that trump is the hero and in some way involved. but then there were very
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important sort of influencers, qanon influencers along the way who were stoking and dragging people along and especially i've been traveling the country most of this year, the past four or five months, and folks really bought into this particularly around the time of covid. people were locked in their homes, had more time to spend on the internet. they were looking for answers to questions about this virus like all of us and many instead of finding good information they were being dragged down these dark rabbit holes. there are single mothers, soccer moms i've spoken to across the country who have totally bought into this. so, you know, there is culpability i think on so many levels here. whether it is coming from trump, whether it's coming from the likes of roger stone and ali alexander the people who played into all these conspiracies and the social media platforms as well. qanon has been going for three years. it was only this summer facebook and twitter started taking action against qanon. >> right.
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remember, trump of course but cruz, hawley, those 140 plus that stood up. they gave the extreme in all of its different flavors and fantasies a legitimacy they never dreamed of and the bad news for you but good news for your sense of purpose it is not going to be over when trump leaves. donie o'sullivan, thank you for staying on this. all right. the fbi. talk about the sad state of the times. they have to vet the thousands of national guard who are now protecting our democracy ahead of the inauguration. why? what are they worried about? does a former defense secretary worry about an attack from the inside? where does this very distinguished secretary cohen feel we are headed next?
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as secretary of defense our next guest oversaw the fight against terrorists abroad. secretary william cohen welcome to "primetime." >> great to be with you, chris >> i only have one question. taking a look at this moment i
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just want your thoughts on where we are and where you think we go next because we're doing something right now with the vetting of the national guard that i haven't seen done since we were in iraq. and we were worried about the loyalties in the combined troops in iraq. people were worried about loyalties. now we're doing it here. what is your take, sir? >> well, my fear is we have had an inside threat for sometime, at least four years. that the biggest inside threat i worry about is president trump. he has in effect caused us to turn against each other so we don't trust one another. we don't trust members of congress. one, maybe more than one want to carry a gun on to the senate floor. we are turning against even suspecting our military as being against us or for the white supremacists. so he has been successful in dividing america. that is the biggest threat and
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it is a long lasting one. yes, i think the inauguration will be safe. i think we have to rely upon our military to do their job and they will but what he has done by sending out the word to try and divide us even further, to overturn the election, engage in a seditious act, and send his people, because there were former military or active military or police or firemen or doctors or teachers we say, well that's who makes up our society. and the military is part of that society. so, yes. we have racism in the military. we have white supremacy in the military. we have anti-semitism in the military. but it is the military that does the most in our society to bring good order and discipline to those who join the force to say you bring your baggage, bring your bias and bigotry yes but we will try to inculcate with you the values and virtues of saying you obey the constitution and the constitution says you
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respect the others. that is the kind of value we try to inculcate in the military. mostly we are successful. but now this president because we feared that he might try to do something before he departed, that he would use the military to try and overturn the election, ironically we now have the military trying to protect the election. so it's been -- he has been very divisive, violated every rule i can think of for the past four years. he has encouraged violence and hate. and he has called people, black people thugs and terrorists, black lives matter. he's called mexicans rapists. he's called muslims terrorists. he lumped them all together. saying but if you're white you're okay. now we have different degrees of whiteness but basically saying if you're brown, black, muslim, yellow, or jewish, you're not white. and this is about white supremacy. he's put that on the table right
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now. we are left with it. so i think what we have to do now, your dad said something. he said we should have less anger which is easy and more reflection. i think we need both. i think we need to stay angry over what he has done and what those who are in the senate seek to replicate by having the office themselves in either four years or eight years by saying they are the heirs of trump and trumpism. that is what he has done for the country. i think we have to sit down at the table. you had michael eric dyson, someone i admire a great deal and a friend talk about, you know, blacks sit down at the table and parents tell their children they have the talk. here's how you have to act in white society. now we have to have white people sit down at the table with their children. here's how you must act to be a citizen of the united states and a loyal patriot citizen. white people don't have that talk. they don't have to. they haven't had to.
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now they do because you have white people turning against them as well. not just killing black. that's okay with them. now they're killing white people. we have to be afraid of that and we have to have the talk at the dinner table saying here is what white people have to do. my wife likes to say it's the hand that rocks the cradle. we get them in the military after they've been either all their values and ideals given to them by their parents or care givers. by the time they get to the military they have some of that already baked in and we have to unbake it as best we can and send them back into society with the values we curate and try to establish in the military. we hear about the oklahoma bombing with timothy mcvey. they are the exception. we have to keep it in mind. is there racism. >> we've just never had a president before that played to
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the extreme but secretary cohen your words hit heavy and are resonant at the same time. thank you sir and please come back to the show. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> be well. all right. we'll be right back. you run it by an expert, you talk about the risk and potential profit and loss. could've used that before i hired my interior decorator. get a strategy gut check from our trade desk. ♪ don't want to wait weeks for your tax refund? visit jackson hewitt today. you could get from $500 to $4000 the day you file with an express no fee refund advance loan. that's money fast. like, today fast. don't wait weeks. visit jackson hewitt today.
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for those who have to then tired of caring about covid, know this -- 60% of the all covid cases in our country have been reported since election day, okay? it's not just a matter of testing and tracing anymore. the infections are accelerating at a rate that we can't track. researchers say covid variants, variants, meaning new forms of the virus could be making it worse because they are more contagious. nearly three weeks since the first case of the u.k. variant being identified here in the u.s., the cdc now says it's identified more than 120 cases across 20 states. it will only continue. dr. ashish jhah joins me now.
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while it's not more lethal in and of itself, fauci says it can cause more deaths because it spreads more quickly and if they are susceptible, they can succumb. do i have it right? >> you have it exactly right. in some ways it is much worse in a is so contagious because it will infect many, many more people than the current mainstream of 2020. >> any reason to think that the vaccine will work differently on any javariant? >> the problem is how much do we want to push our luck? if we have large outbreaks, there will be more variants and it may be less resistant or less effective against the vaccine. i don't want to push our luck.
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i want to bring these outbreaks under control and get people vaccinated. >> once again, the call will be you got to mask up, you got to do those things and i think you guys are going to have to do it in a world that is lockdown free. i do not think you have the will in government or in communities to lock done. -- down. >> i think that's right. when the variant took off in the u.k. and in ireland, the wave they turned it around was by doing a very, very vigorous lockdown. i've been telling folks in public health community, i don't see that happening in the united states. i don't see that happening in states. i don't see that as a national thing. so then we've got to think about alternatives. one of the alternatives is getting all high-risk people vaccinated as quickly as possible. that will blunt the spread of the virus. it will also prevent the virus from filling up our hospitals and killing people. >> why were the numbers so wrong on the vaccine rollout? is it that they just muffed the
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numbers or did they assume access to supply that we wound up not having? >> you know, it's a bit of both as far as i can tell, chris. it's frustrating because i think one part of it is undoubtedly that the current team in hhs and at the white house basically assumed that their job was to get vaccines to states and let the states figure it out, even though the states didn't have any resources, did not have the ability to do all of this by themselves. they figured once again, if it doesn't work out well, they can always blame the states. that was one part of the problem. the second is they clearly weren't paying attention to the doses and the stock piles and kept saying thing we have all these extra reserves. the problem is they have not been straight forward with the people about how many vaccine doses they had built up. >> they left the states on their own and we had that wild west
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that i was a part of because of access to what was going on with my brother and the state. should they let them do that with the vaccine? >> we don't get through a pandemic because you have 50 states and the district of columbia trying to out compete each other. to me this is not a strategy. it's what happens when you have a failed federal government. we're going to have a different federal government in about 36 hours or so. it's been very clear from the biden team, they don't want to do a federal takeover, they want to partner and coordinate with states. i think if the biden team is effective in that and i suspect they will be, i don't think we're going to need to see states competing with each other. >> dr. ashish jhah, thank you very much. we'll be right back with a special message. if you're at home thinking about your financial plan...
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you ever heard this line -- god gave noah the rainbow sign,
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no more water, the fire next time. it's a slave hymn. it became the title of a book that rocked people's minds in the 60s, a collection of essays. and it was written by somebody who was a colleague of kings, who was mesmerized by king and frustrated as well and it is a perfect statement of where we are today. why am i saying it to you? because one of us has taken time to look into it and see where we are and see ourselves in the same mission. "cnn tonight" with the big man d. lemon. either you love or things get worse. >> this is one of my copies from the 1990s. i thought it was my first one and it's got notes on almost every page but


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