tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 21, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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good evening, day, after the most joyous and upbeat moment for any new president comes the rest. all the tricky parts all at once. when that day ended and this began, we learned another 4,229 americans had died of covid. so today facing a sagging economy, potential impasse with republican lawmakers who are
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already questioning his commitment to bipartisanship and a senate impeachment trial of the last president, president biden made covid the focus, taking executive actions that don't require congressional backing. he signed a series of orders, memoranda and directives aimed at boosting mask wearing, setting up mass vaccination sites and using the defense production act to make the supplies needed to increase vaccine production. the white house also released 198-page document outlining the new national covid strategy and of the seven goals it lays out, the one that comes first is perhaps the most telling, it reads "restore trust with the american people." whether the president can do that, of course, remains to be seen. and our commitment to holding elected officials accountable on that score does not change from one administration to the next. that said, the contrast with the last president was certainly apparent today as this president put the bad news first and did not gloss over it. >> let me be very clear. things are going to continue to get worse before they get better.
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the memorial we held two nights ago will not be our last one unfortunately. the death toll will likely top 500,000 next month. the cases will continue to mount. we didn't get into this mess overnight and it's going to take months for to us turn things around. >> another part of the new approach is to leave much of the talking to the public health experts. >> you've choked a couple times today already about the difference in, that you feel in being kind of the spokesperson for this issue in this administration versus the previous one. can you talk a little bit about how free, how much different do you feel? >> when you said i was joking about it, i was very serious. the idea that you can get up here and talk about what you know, what the evidence, what the science is, and know that's it, let the science speak, it is somewhat of a liberating feeling. >> the president wants to get a
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$1.9 trillion covid and economic relief bill through congress and at this moment, congressional republicans show few signs they're willing to cooperate. in addition, senate republicans are demanding democrats agree to not limit gop power to block most legislation without a 60-vote super majority, which on the one hand could force more bipartisanship compromise. on the other hand, minority leader mcconnell could use it the way he did against president obama, blocking nearly everything and anything he could. so we'll see on that. and on top of that, there's another impediment to any semblance of unity, namely the sad but not so unforeseeable fact that gop lawmakers already started backing away from objectively verifiable reality about the insurrection that just days ago they openly blamed on the former president. >> leader mcconnell has said former president trump and other important people will vote for those folks to come to the
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capitol. do you believe that president -- former president trump provoked? >> i don't believe he provoked if you listen to what he said at the rally. >> keeping them honest, the minority leader, kevin mccarthy ought to get acquainted with a guy last week also named kevin mccarthy. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. these facts require immediate action by president trump. accept his share of responsibility, quell the brewing unrest, and ensure president-elect biden is able to successfully begin his term. >> turns out that was last week. they also speak volumes about next week and all the weeks to come. more now on all of this from our new senior white house correspondent, cnn's phil mattingly. phil, obviously this white house wants to move on with its agenda, even if this still looms
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large in republican circles in washington. what exactly did the biden administration lay out today? >> anderson, the contrast could not be more clear and that's by design, on the policy front, the ideology front or on the symbolism front and having dr. anthony fauci kind of lead the briefing to start today. they are trying to hammer that home every step of the way. look, when it comes to the actual executive actions, you kind of nailed the key components of the surge, some of the key materials that will help on testing, that will help on things like ppe, areas where there have been weaknesses or weak spots identified over the course of the last couple of months. also on masking on trains and planes on interstate travel, trying to set up the infrastructure in large part with the defense production act, or asking agencies to utilize that to be able to better disseminate the vaccine once it is available as well. those are the actions that i think are being pointed out right now. but you mentioned that 200-page national plan. i think what that underscores morning anything is two-fold. the restore the public trust has been a key component from the president on down over the course of the first 48 hours of
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this administration, in their briefings, in their efforts to try to be honest about how bad this could get over the course of the next couple of months. but also, that document underscores the effort to make this a centralized federal program. if you look back to the last administration, while they had elements on the federal side of things, they were largely handing things out to the states to handle and that led to a patchwork of issues that were repeatedly brought up as problematic. this administration, this follows their ideology, trying to centralize things, create clearinghouses, create opportunities for states to move through the federal government and use the full force of the federal government to address many of the shortfalls this administration believes exists. look, they have very clear, that the president himself calling the vaccine distribution infrastructure at this point dismal. now, dr. anthony fauci said he believed they are not starting from scratch at this point in time, they're using elements the last administration put into place. however they are ramping up. >> president biden made clear the actions aren't enough for
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him but are republicans receptive to the $1.9 trillion legislative proposal? >> the short answer is no. the longer answer is the administration has a lot of work to do right now and they're doing that work behind the scenes. legislative affairs team, the economic team reaching out to lawmakers trying to bring them on board. the president has said he is a deal maker. he believes he can make a deal and they want to go in a bipartisan direction here but right now, republicans are not signaling they're there yet. there's a lot of work to do. that's going to take place largely behind the scenes over the course of the next couple of weeks. anderson? >> phil mattingly, thanks and congratulations on the new beat. today was clearly a break from the past when it comes to the pandemic, question, though, will it be enough of a break? is it sufficient to the moment we are facing? what about the new strains and the threat they pose and will republican lawmakers, some of whom push for bigger federal relief checks just a few weeks ago find ways to change their tune now that there's a democratic president and asking for it. joining us cnn medical analyst, er doc and former baltimore
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health commissioner dr. lena nguyen. also dr. sanjay gupta and cnn political analyst gloria borger. in terms of the science behind the new administration's plan, what stands out? >> well, several things stood out. we first saw president biden talking specifically about all the various specific plans that would come about as a result of this sort of whole of government approach. we heard this whole of government terminology used quite a bit by the last administration, but today, as i was listening to him, it really struck me, fema is going to really deal with setting up 100 community vaccination centers in the next month. cdc is going to focus getting pharmacies to start vaccinating. hhs is going to work on getting more people to be the vaccinators, pushing the syringes into people's arms, relying on all the capabilities of the government and then dr. fauci is at the press briefing
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as you mentioned, we hadn't seen him at two months as one of the briefings and talks about the fact that here are the trends. here is what we can expect over the next several weeks. are the variants going to be responsive to the vaccines? if so, why? if not, why not? it was very factual. it was very honest. it was very evidence-based so all of that stood out to me. anderson, it was frankly, very different than what we'd heard for quite some time now. >> dr. nguyen, when a report asked president biden if 100 million vaccine doses in 100 days which is his proposal was enough, he responded "it's a good start." is it a good start? is it enough? >> well, it's a start. i don't think it's a good start, though and that's because we're actually already at that number, 100 million in 100 days sound like a lot but that's a million vaccinations done a day, which is what we are doing right now, and so that's not exactly a very aspirational goal especially as we are now going to be expanding
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to so many different vaccination sites and having vaccinators as sanjay was saying and enlisting community pharmacies and health centers. actually, at the rate of a million vaccinations a day, we're not going to be able to reach herd immunity to vaccinate 80% of the american people on two shots for individuals, we're not going to be able to reach herd immunity until june of 2022. that's not a moon shot. i applaud president biden for having this comprehensive plan. we've been waiting a year from the trump administration to lay out a comprehensive plan so i'm glad there is one, one day into the presidency but i think it needs to be a lot bolder. >>. >> gloria, a cnn analysis found 1.6 million flu vaccines a day were distributed this past october. so the capability is there for more. do you think the president is underpromising so if they get better results, then it seems like they've overachieved? >> i do. i think that's exactly what they're doing. when president biden was asked about it today, the beginning of that quote where you said it's a
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start was, "gimme a break. it's a start." he got a little testy about it, and they don't want to fail. they cannot fail. so they want to -- they don't want to overpromise. we had an administration just recently which was full of overpromises. this is going to go away in 15 days, et cetera, et cetera. i don't have to say the whole list. they need to succeed in this. this is their most important job right now. so this is what they promised early on. they're going to stick to it, and i think they know they're going to surpass it, but they don't want to fail. >> sanjay, dr. fauci said today there are alternative plans to alter the vaccine if needed to deal with these variants. how can the country improve sequencing to learn how many cases in the uk, south africa and brazilian variants are here? >> well, we really haven't been looking much for this. what that means is you are
looking at the virus, you're sequencing it, you're basically saying, seeing if the virus is changing, if there are more mutations, if so, where are those mutations and why the antibodies that are created either because of vaccine or because of someone becoming infected, will they be able to combat these variants. we haven't been looking. we do about 0.3% of the sequencing right now, compared to 5% roughly in the uk. we could probably easily double that by developing these private/public partnerships. a lot of it is being done by the private sector right now. simply bringing on some of the public labs would make a big difference. one thing i want to point out, dr. fauci said we can show the graphic. he said he believes that the current vaccines will be effective against these variants but it's also important to point out that if the transmissibility is 50% higher for example and that carries forth over a month, the 50% more contagious, that's the right side of your screen would lead to nearly 11.5 times more deaths compared to whether
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the cdc has this really shocking projection that the uk variant could become the dominant variant in the u.s. by march, which means that we don't have a lot of time to get a lot of people vaccinated very quickly and by the way, we also have to be suppressing the level of viral spread because the more there's viral spread, the more it replicates, the more it could mutate so we are in a race against time here. >> gloria, dr. fauci obviously stayed on from the other administration. what is your take on his sort of talk about being liberated? >> i think it's obvious from his face and his demeanor he feels liberated. here is my favorite part of what he said today. he said "one of the things new with this administration is if you don't know the answer, you don't guess. just say you don't know the answer." so he is saying it's okay, because we believe in science and sometimes with this kind of a disease, we're just finding
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things out as we go along, and the implication there was, of course, that there was a lot of guessing going on in the previous administration. >> which is, i mean, terrifying. sanjay, lynn, and gloria, thanks. breaking news on the timing of an impeachment trial and a move that could push it into next month. also later tonight, authorities say they have identified one of the attackers that we interviewed during the siege, he boasted at the time "we broke down the barriers and we rushed them. we charged 'em." just ahead the charges he faces. between what is hoped for and what can be, there's a bridge. between endangered and protected, there's a bridge. between chaos and wonder, there's a bridge. there from the beginning to where we stand today.
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more breaking news tonight. senate minority lead mcconnell proposing the senate give the former president's legal team two more weeks to prepare for the impeachment trial once delivered to the senate. that could happen as early as tomorrow. late today the former president apparently has a lawyer, butch bauers from south carolina. more from cnn's ryan nobles who joins us from his new beat at the capitol. congratulations on that, ryan. how is senate majority leader chuck schumer responding to mcconnell's proposal to delay impeachment trial by two weeks? >> at this point, anderson, he's not saying very much. he is just saying he is reviewing the mcconnell proposal. he is going to mull it over and then respond. we are hearing from other democrats including one very
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close to president biden, delaware senator chris coons. he told our wolf blitzer he'd be open to an arrangement if democrats offer to push off the impeachment trial until the middle of february the democrats would go along with that as long as it meant that republicans were going to swiftly confirm the president's cabinet nominees. it's not very clear whether or not that's the assessment that schumer has and also the assessment that the speaker, nancy pelosi, has. they are the two that really control this process. so even though mitch mcconnell has offered up this proposal, we won't know where it goes until we hear from the speaker and the majority leader. >> and at this point, do we know how the trial will proceed? will there be witnesses, evidence presented? >> that seems to be very much an open question right now as well. dick durbin, who is also a member of leadership in the senate democratic caucus said he has no idea whether or not witnesses will be called or whether or not there will be a full-blown impeachment trial like the last time around. some democrats offered up this is an open and shut case and
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shouldn't take that long for the trial to proceed but we should be clear that republicans believe that the ex-president should be afforded a full day in court and all the trappings of his legal arguments, that's part of the reason that mitch mcconnell is giving him a two-week window to prepare for this trial, and also write his pretrial briefs. all of this seems to be an open question right now, anderson and it is clear that both sides are horse trading and we're not going to know the outcome for a couple of days. >> ryan nobles, appreciate it. joining us is democratic congressman jason crow a couple weeks ago was preparing to defend himself and the people around him against an attacking mob. congressman crow, speaker pelosi today seemed unclear when she'll send the articles of impeachment over to the senate. do you have any update as to when that might happen? >> i don't, anderson. i think they're trying to work out an agreement, which is the right thing to do. we aren't going to play politics with this nor should anybody play politics with this issue. if we can come up with an agreement with senator mcconnell and senator schumer, do this in a collaborative way, that's the
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right way to do it. >> you wouldn't be opposed to delaying the start of the trial until february? >> i do think it's important that we do it as quickly as we can. i was a proponent of us trying to get the president removed from office before the 20th. that obviously did not happen, given the rules of the senate. so now that we're past that, and president trump is now out of office, i still want to do this as quick as we can. i think justice needs to be brought to the president and those involved, but you know, he is entitled to his defense. we are the united states of america. we are a country that promotes the rule of law. i'm for the rule of law. he's entitled to a defense and to have his attorneys review the evidence so that we have to balance those two requirements. >> politico is reporting there's discussion happening about a trial being as short as three days. president trump's first impeachment trial was almost three weeks. do you think that would be sufficient to meet the standards of a fair and complete trial,
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three days? >> well, this is really different, anderson. when i tried the trial a year ago, we were dealing with corruption allegations, the use of military funds, long line and chronology of information regarding dealings with the ukraine and we had to tell that story not just to the senate but to the american people as well. a critical difference here is that everybody knows what happened on the 6th, and actually the jury in this case, the senate were actually victims of the same crime. they were there. they were victims of this insurrection and this violent mob as well. so what we do need to do though is tell the context leading up to that. that in my view is one of the most important things. what happened on the 6th did not happen overnight. that took years and months to build up to that moment. the pressure cooker, the incitement that the president and his allies built up to lead to the 6th. that's going to be a really
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important story to tell. >> in your mind, the president's incitement went far beyond just the words he spoke on the morning of january 6th? >> absolutely. i mean, if we are sitting back and being honest with ourselves, which we have to be, you don't get a mob of thousands of people that believe this big lie, that believe that the election had been stolen, that believe these qanon conspiracy theories. that doesn't happen in a couple of hours. that doesn't happen because the president said let those people hear you and stand up and fight for your democracy, and two hours later they're storming the house and senate chambers. this has taken a long time to bring us to this point. a pressure cooker that's been building, that the president has intentionally been building over many years, and that's really an important story to tell here. >> speaker pelosi was asked about the possibility of calling witnesses today, said it was up to the impeachment managers who served as a manager, you served as a manager in the former
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president's first trial. is that something the current impeachment manager should consider? >> i think they will consider it. you have jamie raskin, an outstanding lawyer. he's the lead impeachment prosecutor here, a constitutional scholar. they are going to leave no stone unturned, and they're going to figure out how to present a really good case. that might include witnesses, that might not. in our case, we needed the witnesses because there were people like ambassador bolden who were in the room, who heard what the president and other people were saying regarding ukraine, and that was information that had to come out. the senate decided they didn't want to hear it. they didn't want to have a fair trial and have that information come out to the american public. this is a different situation where we saw what happened on january 6th, and much of the information that we're dealing with here is actually public record. it's the president's speeches. it's the president's tweets. the things that he has done that led to the insurrection on january 6th, so it's a very different scenario i think we're
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dealing with in this case. >> i mentioned earlier in that house minority leader kevin mccarthy said today he doesn't believe that president trump provoked the attack on the capitol. he said if you look at what he said that morning, i mean this is the same person that took to the house floor days after the insurrection saying the president bears responsibility for the attacks on congress by mob rioters. is it concerning to you that someone in republican leadership seems to be i don't know if it's just flip-flopping on the issue or if he was just -- i guess maybe he could claim that he was just referring to the talk that morning, but even then it seems like a flip-flop. >> yeah, it seems like a flip-flop because it is a flip-flop. that's the honest truth here. i often have whiplash in trying to keep up with mr. mccarthy's various statements. i think he thinks that we have much shorter memories than we actually do, because he'll say one thing one day and change it the next.
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fortunately, we have him on tape saying these things, so you know, i cannot, i just can't speak for mr. mccarthy and some of his republican colleagues that change positions on a whim based upon the prevailing winds of the day. the truth has got to come out. truth does still matter. facts still matter. consistency matters, and that's what this is going to be about in the weeks and months ahead. >> congressman jason crow, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> yeah, thank you. up next, more breaking news. police say one of at rests made in the wake of the capitol hill insurrection, this man admitted to cnn what he was up to and i'll talk with democratic senator mazie hirono about the ethics complaint she and six other colleagues filed in connection with the attack. with so many new pet owners, your groomers can't keep up. you need to hire.
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breaking news now in the wake of those capitol hill riot, about 120 criminal cases have been filed against individuals two weeks after attackers invaded congress. one of those arrested who has since been released awaiting charges is barton shively from pennsylvania. prosecutors say he, quote, laid his hands on officers in three separate incidents. this is what he told cnn's ellie reeve on january 6th. >> that's what we're doing, fighting back. >> reporter: and what's the point? what's the end game? >> what's the point? we're losing our freedoms. >> reporter: describe it to me. >> i'll describe it to you. >> you not knowing is the point here. >> reporter: explain it to people. you're on camera. >> what are we supposed to do? okay?
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>> reporter: tell me. >> the supreme court's not helping us. no one's helping us. only us can help us. only we can do it. >> reporter: what are you going to do? >> whatever we have to do. what do you think 1776 was? >> cnn's simone prokupecz has more on that and the broader investigation. what is the latest on at rest and charges of those involved? >> well, like shively, anderson, what we're seeing is several people across the country being arrested for assaulting police officers. we've seen that brutal video of the attacks on police officers, some of it hand-to-hand combat. some of that where they were using weapons. in one case they arrested a michigan man who brought a hockey stick with him here and he used that to beat one of the officers. that's what we're seeing now. you're having a number of arrests continuing, as you said, 120 arrests, but now it seems that law enforcement and the fbi is focusing in on some of the individuals who actually
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attacked the officers who were trying to protect the capitol. these arrests are going on all across the country and also a significant arrest recently just yesterday by the fbi, they arrested a man by the name of joseph biggs. he's an organizer, a founding member of the proud boys. he apparently according to the fbi was wearing a walkie-talkie, ear style, something in his ear which indicated he had a walkie-talkie. that is significant again because the fbi is looking into whether or not people were organizing what happened here in the days leading up to the insurrection. >> where does the larger investigation stand? >> so as you said, anderson, right now, more than 120 arrests. we're talking about hundreds more expected. could be up to 400, could be even more that the fbi says that they could possibly charge. 400 more cases that they could bring. the big significant thing now for law enforcement is these conspiracy charges. we've seen this with the
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oathkeepers, some members of that group being charged. the fbi is continuing to focus on people who were part of more organized groups and organized coming here, whether they were planning to use buses and planning to come here with weaponry, that kind of information is what fbi is looking for. the other thing, anderson, is remember there were these pipe bombs. the fbi upping the reward on the pipe bombs because the leads on that have gone really cold so they've upped the reward on that for law enforcement that indicates that perhaps these people, whoever planted these pipe bombs were a little more sophisticated than the fbi initially thought. they really have no lead at this point on who these individuals are. >> and what is security like now in the capitol? i understand fencing started to come down around the capitol last night. >> yes, it did. around the capitol, we're around the capitol. could you see some fencing here but i could tell you, we couldn't stand here up until today. yesterday this area was shut
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down. we're not seeing as many national guard troops around the capitol. the district itself, some of the streets have been opened up and as you said, some of the fencing has come down but the national guard and law enforcement is remaining here. we could see national guard troops here for at least another month. so that is something that the mayor said today they're looking to see whether or not they could soften some of the security even further, but there definitely is a different feeling here, anderson. you don't have that tension around us. you don't have the law enforcement and military and the military vehicles that we've been showing for days, they're still out here, but certainly, anderson, not as many as we saw leading up to the inauguration. shimon, appreciate it. thank you so much for the reporting. more breaking news, seven senate democrats have filed an ethics complaint against republican senator ted cruz and josh hawley saying their actions lent legitimacy to the mob's cause.
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senator hawley, you'll remember was captured in video raising fists to the mob before the capitol was invaded. both he and cruz objected to the election results despite evidence to the contrary. with me now is mazie hirono, one of the senators filing that complaint. thank you for being with us. >> good evening. >> you can explain why you and your six colleagues think it's important to bring the ethics complaint now? >> neither one of these senators have expressed any contrition for what happened and in spite of the fact that newspapers and people have been calling on them to resign, including myself, they're not going to resign and we would like to have an investigation by the senate ethics committee whether or not they engaged in conduct that would result in disciplinary action including expulsion. >> i want to quote, it says the actions of which we know demand an investigation and determination of whether disciplinary action is warranted. now as you know, each house of congress has the right with the two-thirds vote to expel a member, recommendation of
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expulsion hasn't happened since 1995. is that what you are potentially talking about here, expulsion? >> that's one, that could be one of the disciplinary actions. after all, you know what? these two senators, they're part and parcel of trying to overturn fair and free elections, and they both participated in perpetuating the big lie that this election was stolen and that trump had actually won. that is the big lie, capital "l." even if hundreds of republican house members want to object to the electoral count, unless they had at least one senator to go along with these objections by the house members would have gotten nowhere. so here you have both senators cruz and hawley practically stepping over each other to say look at us, we're the ones that's going to help you folks object, perpetuating the big lie, which we saw led to the
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insurrection and the u.s. capitol and five people dying, hundreds being arrested, as you just noted. >> are you -- >> there needs to be accountability for these two senators through an investigation. >> is doing things which enabled the lie to continue, is that, i mean is that actually something that's actionable in terms of ethics or are you alleging that perhaps there's something more? >> well, we'd like the investigation to go into what kind of relationship or was there any collusion between these two senators, and the leaders of the rally and the rioting? what did they know? did they get any money? the letter of complaint asking for an investigation goes into some of these areas that we would like the ethics committee to investigate. but the bottom line is, these two members participated in
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trying to overturn free and fair elections and they had to have known full well that they were perpetuating a big lie which by the way in the totality of the circumstances, trump for months was perpetuating that lie, dozens of lawsuits that got nowhere through lack of evidence mainly and so these two people are lawyers. in my view they should have known what they were doing was totally irresponsible leading to what happened at the u.s. capitol. >> you know, one of the things that i remember senator cruz saying and i'm paraphrasing essentially that their argument often seemed to be well, gosh, there's a lot of people who believe that there was something fishy about the election. therefore, we should have this bipartisan commission and that would require we, you know, toss out the votes of all these people. >> even lindsey graham said that
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kind of a commission is getting nowhere. it was just an excuse. so here is the president and others perpetuating the big lie, and cruz and hawley used that, the fact that there were a lot of people in our country who believe the big lie, to excuse or as a reason for their behavior, and that's -- you know what? they're going to have their chance before the ethics committee, i hope, which i hope will take up our request to make their case that they should be totally excused from their participation in the big lie. >> senator mazie hirono, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. with the white house under a new administration we'll explore this important moment of history we're living through. documentary film maker ken burns and presidential historian doris kearns goodwin just ahead. let's get checked for those around us.
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noon at the course at his golf club in florida. according to a senior u.s. official he extended secret service protection for six months for his kids. typically this would apply to chirp only up to the age of 16. it was a final norm breaking move in a tenure defined by norm breaking and controversy. the former president's legacy more importantly the challenges that the current president and the nation face are the focus of a one-hour special report that's going to air on cnn on saturday evening. we want to show you a preview and the discussion this afternoon with two of america's most distinguished historians. you may have seen, i talked to them the night before the inauguration, ken burns and doris kearns goodwin. we had such a fascinating discussion, we asked them to come back. best selling author most recently of "leadership in turbulent times." here's some of what we talked about. ken, when we spoke on tuesday night, the night before the inauguration, you said i feel
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like tonight is new year's eve. i think we just got the dates wrong. it's the new year. how are you feeling? >> i'm feeling relaxed. i feel like i exhaled, like there's a little bit of a lighter bounce in my step and a sense that some great tension, i think it was that existential threat of whether we would still be who we have claimed we will be. now, i don't pretend nor should we ever sugar coat our history and think that it will all be okay just we hope it will be. it will not be and there's lots of hard work ahead of us, but i think what we saw yesterday were the signals of adults, the signals of people who understand how to use the instrumentality of government, people who don't automatically see government as an end in and of itself and people who understand that there's something bigger than themselves. the outgoing president felt that the buck stopped with him only in the sense that it was about
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him. joe biden clearly serves a god and a savior, and a government and the ideals behind those governments and the idea of cooperation, and the idea that there is no communication except among equals. so we begin again, yesterday and today and tomorrow, with an idea that we can press a restart button and get going again. >> doris? >> i think i felt in a certain sense that the hunger for leadership that the country was experiencing was met, both at the inaugural address but even more by the talk that biden gave the next day with his national plan for action with the virus. what fdr was able to accomplish in 1933 was not simply that phrase "there is nothing to fear but fear itself" but more important i'm going to take action and be a war-time leader, i'm going to put a plan in place, i'm going to call
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congress. and the day after the inauguration, what biden did was to say he was war-time leader, to talk about the national plan, to give all of us a feeling that we'll be working on this together, and that that goal of 100 million vaccines in arms will be met with hope. at the same time, i think there was a certain sense of normalcy that returned. just even seeing a press briefing that first night, you thought oh my god, this is great. they have press briefings, and all of these things you should take for granted. that when they exchange gifts, there is a warmth between the congressional leaders, between pelosi and mcconnell, but there was. and to see them together at mass and see them at arlington with the three presidents there, you just felt that the government was living again. and that's sort of what happened after fdr, that the headlines said we have a leader. the government still lives, and that's what i felt. so maybe a little political normalcy, now the dream is to get back to everyday normalcy once the virus is under control. that's the real dream.
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>> you know, we really do have that opportunity now, and we talk about these divisions and perhaps they're permanent, but the way you change those is by delivering the services that you need. you think as doris pointed out about the first days and years of fdr's administration, he brought power to the tennessee valley. he electrified parts of rural america. rural america needs the same attention as we were talking about the other day. it need to feel like somebody cares. there are little tiny main streets hollowed out for decades now, and the sense of place and a sense of belonging has left people adrift, and of course they will become susceptible to lies, which of course assassinate nuance and complexity and don't allow to us get things done and they're susceptible to grievance, which then promotes that division and makes it impossible to find allies, your natural allies. in fact, you're told that your natural allies are your enemies, and then we find ourselves at
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war with one another. you know, i was reminded by a moment in richard iii by shakespeare. where someone says "where is comfort?" a character responds "comfort is in heaven." we live, the president brought up st. augustine in his inaugural remarks the other day, and st. augustine said and had to remind people, we live in the city of human beings. we live in the city of men. we don't live in the city of god, and so there's lots of work to do and it's so nice to see someone saying i'm rolling up my sleeves right now, and i'm going to get something done. and it's just like fdr. i want 50,000 plane this is year. we can't do 50,000 planes, mr. yes, you can. no, we can't. yes, you can. we can only do 50 ,000. they did 50,000. >> ken, i heard you say actually when we talked last time, you said to me, so much of this is about having their problems magnified in a negative way.
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that that's something the former president did. he magnified real problems that people have, but he magnified them in a negative way. and there is an alternative to that. that's what leadership is about. >> well, you know, this, the campaign of the former president began when he lied about mexican immigrants and lied on the tarmac at andrews about his accomplishments and other important things, we were told dies told for power and profit. what you have in good government is the opposite of that. the willingness to say it's tough and going to get tougher.
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fdr was never afraid to say how bad it was. he was able to explain the whole theory of the banking system on a sunday night and people had pulled their money out on friday and put it back in on monday. he put it in the terms of neighbors and friends and you know, there was something, i don't think that people will look back at biden's inaugural as any great spectacular flowing pro the way he we've heard from a kendrick or particularly a lincoln. but it was as good as it gets because he spoke to people as if he knew their problems. great perspective. just a portion of a much larger discussion, you can watch ken goodwood and ken burns watch the full special this saturday 11:00
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p.m. eastern. first ahead, kamala harris and how she spent her day and why the second gentleman and her haven't moved into the residents. robinhood believes now is the time to do money. without the commission fees so you can start investing today, wherever you are — even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood.
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important first day in office not only for vice president kamala harris but the many firsts she represents. the first woman to hold that office as well as the first woman of color, the first black person, first person of south asian descent as well. she is expected to occupy a large role. one thing she won't occupy is the first resident, now details more on why. we are joined by our chief white
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house correspondent kaitlan collins. we saw vice president harris every time we saw the president today. did her day mirror his? >> reporter: yes it did. i think from aides we've learned we can expect at least for the first few weeks as they are gaining footing you see there she is overlooking as the president is signing those executive orders he signed today related to the coronavirus pandemic but she was also there this morning as they were there for the prayer event that was virtual much like a lot of their inauguration was yesterday and then they had also had their president's daily brief. they both received it together according to the schedule and then after that meeting where they were signing all of these executive orders focused on the pandemic, anderson, they also went and met with their covid-19 team to discuss that. we do expect we'll see a lot of this. these tandem events between the two of them but we're also told by aides she was seen in the west wing in her office there. she also has an office next door in the eisenhower executive office building just about a hundred feet from the west wing but that is where like a lot of her aides will work out of but they also have the west wing
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office space she can use as well. >> i remember talking about this yesterday that there are some renovations going on in the vice president's official residence. are they still not moved in? >> they haven't moved in yet. they haven't provided a date when kamala harris is actually going to move into the official vice president's residence but what we have learned is something pretty interesting because she of course has a home here because she was here before as a senator but we've just learned she is going to be not far from the white house. she can probably walk to work tomorrow if she wanted to because she is going to be staring in the blair house which is the president's guest house just a few feet away. i just passed it on my way into the white house. she is going to be staying there while there are repairs under way at the naval observatory which is the official vice president's residence. those are related to chimney, hot water, things like that. you didn't really see the pences leave for a very long time and our understanding is the reason she is staying in the blair house is because it is easier to secure. she owns a condo in a building in washington but of course that comes with other people also
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living in that building and makes it more difficult to secure on the level they typically would for a vice president. that's our sense of why she is going to be staying just across the street at the blair house. it's for people who aren't hyperfocused on washington, that's where foreign leaders come to stay when they visit. it is the president's guest house. harry truman lived there when renovations were happening at the white house. anderson, as i was walking out earlier i saw some of her staffers getting hotel carts, putting her stuff on it, taking it inside. so this appears to be her first night staying there. >> all right. kaitlan collins, appreciate it. thanks very much. news continues. over to chris for cuomo primetime. >> here we go. new normal. i am chris cuomo and welcome to "primetime." there is much discussion about what the inaugural yesterday meant. bottom line, you measure the importance of yesterday by what happens today, tomorrow, and over the next few weeks period. in other words, we only please
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