tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN February 11, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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we'll be back at midnight eastern with a special live late-night edition of primetime, but now, it is time for the big show. cnn tonight with d lemon. >> you came early. >> like christmas. >> i was getting myself together here. so chris, we've been preaching and yelling and talking together. >> that's more you, i'm more reasoning and arguing. >> oh, please. >> don't beg, continue. >> why do we keep asking how can they not do this and there's got
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to be better and it's gonna be, you know, they're never gonna change. this republican party right now is never gonna change. they are what they've been doing. they are what the president has been doing. they are the party that is condoning what happened at the the capitol. they're the party condoning bigotry and racism and the party that is complicit in all of this. because you are what you eat and guess what, they have been eating everything donald trump has been recurring regurgitating for the past five years. >> because that's what's on the menu and they will be forced to own it. -- >> not saying they -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> i'm with you. >> that's what they're gonna do. >> i'm with you. that's why i look at it in reverse. america already decided about donald trump. he was voted out with the
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biggest number we've ever seen. had trial smuch more about the future of his party than anything else. with this acquittal they will be sealing their own fate. and you know when they'll change, i disagree that they won't change, they'll change if and when they lose big time for this. >> yeah. >> if in the mid-term these get whooped, which is a big if. >> uh-huh. >> then they'll change because that's politics. >> yeah, but -- what do you mean? they lost the senate. not in -- >> they did so much better than expected. >> that counts in horse shoes. >> it counts right now, of look at the state of the senate, if the democrats won we wouldn't have these problems. >> but still the democrats are still in control. they did horribly. listen, the democrats thought they'd do better, they didn't but they're still in charge. so you're saying they're going to lose the house, lose the senate and then lose the white
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house and then your president is going to incite an insurrection and you still don't change. >> they don't see it the way you see it. they picked up seats in congress and are killing in on the state legislative level can had is very important. >> is that is important. >> in the senate they thought they'd lose six or seven seats and they're in a dead tie. that's why they're sticking with trump. in the senate, not only were they given six-years terms to ignore this with the next election constantly on your head with 34 of them either retiring or don't have a primary coming up so their feelty comes with no penalty that way. they can photo their conscious. >> it's not fealty to trump. that's who they are. he's allowing them to be who they are. that's what it is. you don't go against your principles and morals and conscious, that's who you are on
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the inside. >> look at the issue of immigration, reagan and george w. h. bush -- >> reagan was the first presidential election that i voted in and listen -- >> you went for the hair, didn't you? >> i'm just saying, people hold him up to be -- reagan wasn't perfect. >> he gave us one of the biggest deficits we've ever seen. >> that's what i mean. they hold him up as the gold standard but when you look at what he accomplished he was horrible when it came to racial issues and the aids crisis and horrible when it came to uniting the country, he was a divider, so they hold him up as the gold standard but what -- so -- listen, i just think it's degrees but i think the -- >> degrees matter. >> -- republican party have been moving in this direction forever. again, they are the party of everything that they're trying to pretend they're not. now people in the capitol, that's not us, yes it is you.
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people in charlatansville that's not us. yes it is you. what about the riots and demonstrations over the summer. that's apples and oranges. first of all. demonstrations were for inequality, police brutality, all those things, people were rising up for their rights. what happened at the capitol was built on a lie. those riots that happened in the summer were people capitalizing on people out there fighting for things that were real. it's awful that you had those things but guess what, those people weren't marching because joe biden or any other presidential candidate told them to go there and march and told them, hey, we're going to go take portland. nobody did that so for them to compare the two is bs. one has nothing to do with the other.
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demonstrations, people protesting, it's not perfect, but to have all of those people there fighting against police officers. >> right. >> in the name of the president, is something completely different, and they're embarrassing themselves by comparing it. >> most protests are not peace. . it's peaceful assembly under the first amendment but they're angry throwing things and out there out of outrage. that's my point, people want people to sing gospel hymns and go home but that's not going to change anything. once you cross the line and do criminal things than you're a criminal. >> yeah. >> look the relativism is what is killing us an what did made everything okay. degrees matter, don, you don't have to tell me about ronaldo reagan, ronald reagan, my father, was in contrast to reagan, i get it,
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believe me, but degrees matter. and compared to this guy that they just voted out, those guys would have been a step in the right direction. >> let's just say, listen, the republican party, again, my point has been moving in this direction for a long time. >> and now they're about to take the biggest one we've ever seen. this is the biggest. >> yeah. >> they will be sending a bull horn to, you and i are going to have to move in together and have a moat with some of the alligators from his administration. >> well it is valentines. >> i love you d-lemon i'll get you something for valentine's. >> this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. democrats rest their case. >> it's pretty simple. he said it and they did it.
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and we know this because they told us. they told us in real time during the attack. you saw the affidavits. the interviews. on social media. on live tv. they were doing this for him because he asked them to. >> officials telling cnn, quote, if this isn't impeachable, what is. the managers can't convince you, you're not listening or you don't want to listen. all you have to do is listen. the peach managers impeachment managers are laying out the evidence of the president whipping the crowd into a frenzy. >> we will stop the steal! [ yelling ] >> stop the steal! >> stop the steal! >> stop the steal!
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>> soon after the president basks when they shouted fight for trump and when he incited them people responded. invade the capitol. here's those moments but from the crowd's perspective. >> fight for trump! fight for trump! fight for trump! fight for trump! fight for trump! fight for trump! >> thank you. >> invade the capitol building. >> we also have another perspective from this moment online extremist chatter. at the same time as the people
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in the crowd shouted "take the capitol building," as president trump said, "show strength," a person posted to parler saying, quote, time to fight, civil war is upon us. another user said, quote, we are going to have a civil war. get ready. an analysis found that members quadrupled on parler in the hour after the president said "show strength." >> while impeachment managers were presenting that evidence in the senate the d.o.j. was presenting evidence in court that an oath-keeper's leader waited for direction from the then-president before the capitol attack. the maga mob was waiting for their orders. that's exactly what they got. and we all know it didn't start on january 6th. the ex-president was inciting violence right out in the open. it happen aed at another capitol just last year, talking about
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michigan, when hundreds of protesters, some of them armed attacked the state capitol after the then-president tweeted liberate michigan. this trump-inspired mob may indeed look familiar to you. confederate battle flags, maga hats, weapons, camo army gear, just like the insurrectionists who showed up and invaded this chamber on january 6. the siege of the michigan state house was effectively a state level dress rehearsal for the siege of the u.s. capitol that trump incited on january 6th. it was a preview of the coming insurrection. >> so there's the evidence right there. if those rioters who stormed the u.s. capitol weren't his mob, why did he call them great patriots and tell them to remember this day forever, why?
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why did he say we love you, you're very special? >> we love you. you're very special. you've seen what happens. you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. i know how you feel. but go home and go home in peace. >> members of the ex-president's own party say it right away, they saw it right away, they saw that he incited the crowd and only he could stop them. >> i could not be sadder or more disappointed with the way our country looks at this very moment. people are getting hurt. anyone involved in this, if you're hearing me, if you hear me loud and clear, this is not the american way. >> mr. president, you got to stop this. you are the only person who can
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call this off. call it off. >> pretty simple. the president caused this protest to occur. he's the only one who can make it stop. what the president said is not good enough. the president has to come out and tell his supporters to leave the capitol grounds. and to allow the congress to do their business peacefully. anything short of that is abrogation of their -- his responsibility. >> a guy who knows how to tweet very aggressively on twitter, you know, puts out one of the weakest statements in one of the saddest days in american history. >> the president's role in the insurrection is undeniable both on social media a heads of january 6th and in his speech that day, he deliberately promoted baseless theories creating a combustible environment of misinformation and division. to allow the president of the united states to incite this attack without consequences is a direct threat to the future of this democracy. >> but they also must have known that he wouldn't stop the
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violence, not after years of inciting it. >> usa! usa! usa! >> see the first group, i was nice. oh, take your time. the second group, i was pretty nice. the third group, i'll be a little more violent, and the fourth group, i'll say, get the hell out of here! . >> all right, get them the hell out of here, would you, please? get them out of here. throw them out! >> i got a little notice from the security guys. we have wonderful security guys, they said, mr. trump, there may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience. so if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?
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seriously. okay just knock the hell -- i promise you, i will pay for the legal fees, i promise. >> you know, it's amazing, right. when you hear from him again after just a few weeks of radio silence, just the negativity, so vile. it's amazing to realize what we were subjected to for years, just raaa, raaa the most vile things. casual demogogory, hate, packed up for the masses. you know what it was. it was indoctrination. it was cultivation of a maga month be. -- mob. a mob that visually stormed the capitol bringing death
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and destruction. now imagine this, okay. imagine this, you're a president, you held a big thing, you did this thing for, you know, big job, whatever, and then it ends like this. can you imagine the worse thing that could happen, an insurrection on the capitol of the united states of america. how embarrassing. what a terrible legacy to leave behind. all of it, law enforcement, fleeing for their lives. that's your legacy. that goes down on your permanent record. when people look up donald trump this will be the first thing that comes up. and the wreckage as it so often is left for black and brown people to clean up after. >> for many of the black and brown staff the trauma was made worse by the many painful symbols of
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hate that were on full display that day. insurrectionists waved confederate flags and hurled the most disgusting racial slurs at the dedicated worker and then the same workers, many of them people of color, were forced to clean up the mess left by mobs of white nationalists. one member of the janitorial staff reflected how terrible he felt when he had to clean up feces that had been smeared on the wall, blood of a rioter who had died. broken glass, other objects strewn all over the floor. he said, i felt bad. i felt degraded. >> said it last night, cicillini channelling me. can you mathimamimagine if you
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at the capitol member of the cleaning staff and you have all of this vile, racist, disgusting language, confederate battle flag and people calling you the n-word and you got to clean it up. the black officers, you got to save lives. and then you have people, lawmakers sitting there pretending that it's no big deal. that it's normal. how do you feel as an american? think about that republicans. but you don't have to worry about it because it doesn't apply to you. you just go on to treat people badly, i don't want to go through the metal detectors, it's those people over there. you don't even have to look at them. all right, christians. so what in the end is all this for?
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we are learning that senators lindsey graham, ted cruz, mike lee, who are jurors in the trial met with trump's attorneys tonight. imagine that. jurors who are supposed to be impartial meeting with the defense attorneys the day before they present their case. in the real world i think they might go to jail. there would definitely be sanctions, case would probably be thrown out, something, retrial. but people wouldn't just let it go and not say anything. there would be reper conductions. -- repercussions, you know. ted cruz has changed his tone since 2016 when he said this leading up to the nominating convention in cleeland.
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>> you know, glen, i'm very troubled by this.veland. >> you know, glen, i'm very troubled by this. donald trump now has a consistent pattern of inciting violence. of donald and his henchmen pushing for violence. going to the rally when donald tells his support punch the protester in the face. i have protesters when they show up i engage them. now if they're disruptive they're removed but no politician has the right to threaten violence against american citizens, even lefty numb skulls are american citizens and you don't threaten violence against them. >> did he engage those racist insurrectioners that day, did he go out and try to talk to them? all right, ted cruz. there were empty desks today, 15 of them on the republican side at one point. they couldn't even be bothered to stay in their seats.
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josh halwley hate saying that name, with his feet up and ted cruz leaving to another room. they can't wait for scarlett a for acquittal. these are the people i was talking about at the beginning with chris these are the republicans who love to brag about cancel culture. who loves to call anyone who calls out their lies, their disrespect, or disingenuous snake-oil salesman act, orwellian. well do you know what orwell said in the book from 1984 exactly what he saw on the senate floor the bulk of the
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republican party during the second impeachment trial of their disgraced leader. the party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. it was their final most essential command. shame on you. awful, awful, awful. i want to bring in now cnn chief political correspondent, dana bash, what a shame, ignore all of the evidence, trump called the people to the rally, they came, he said stop the steal, he pointed them to the capitol and they went, is this the final step that completes the hostile take over the republican party? >> i don't know if it is a final step but it is a giant step or it is a major chapter in the book of donald trump taking over the republican party and it's really an open question after this trial is over how the
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republicans deal with him and also how he deals with them. i mean, we still have kevin mccarthy minority leader in the house going down trying to get donald trump engaged in the 2022 elections because he believes that trump can help. you have other republicans in the senate, again, trying to get him, maybe not to jump in for republicans in the senate because that's a very different dynamic but at least to stay on the sidelines and not run off the field some senators -- some republican candidates rather, who they think can win. so he's so in the mix, separate and apart from what happens in this trial. but obviously you can argue even more so if and when the republicans who have the chance to sideline him with a conviction don't do it. >> you know, dana, it looks like
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trump's legal team could present their case in just three hours. they're planning to show video of democrats using language similar to trump. false equivalency. is it all about giving g.o.p. senators a fig leaf to sway their own guilt or hypocrisy. >> yes, we're going to see a lot of both sidisms happening on the senate floor tomorrow during the trial. absolutely. you know what we won't hear? we will not hear very much of any defense of donald trump's actions. defense of his words. defense of his rhetoric, defense of his incitement. because it is indefensible. it is going to be a side step of all that. it will be, look at what democrats did, though there is no equivalency, you're right, for many, many reason that's we don't have time to get into
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tonight. but also, because they are looking for ways for republicans to get on an exit ramp and say this is why i'm not going to vote to convict donald trump. >> yeah. dana, listen, i have to run but when you say there's no equivalency, no one is saying that what democrats did or said that they used strong language or whatever that it's right. there's just no equivalency to the two things. there's no nuance any more. no one is condoning democrats talk if they did something wrong. >> glad you said that. >> again, to equate the two is just ridiculous. it's not the same thing. thank you dana, i know you had a long day get some rest, see you tomorrow. thanks a lot. >> okay. >> do they not see it or do they just not care. are his enablers willing to risk everything for the sake of a former president who is been impeached twice.
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praise tonight from some republican senators for the case presented by house impeachment managers, even former trump official saying if these managers didn't convince you you're not listening or you don't want to. well, 15 weren't listening. we saw their empty chairs, and more than that, they don't -- they don't want to listen. i want to bring in the former chief strategist for former george w. bush. and former trump white house communications director. look at the group we've assembled. who says we don't deliver. thank you gentlemen. good to see both of you. matthew, how shortsighted could house republicans be after all of what's presented is it a fire alarm for the leadership and republican party? >> well it's definitely a fire alarm fire for leadership across the country and we've got a sager nal point -- signal
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point on the republican senators that don't seem to care at this moment. i would say the most important part is not the punishment part whether or not donald trump will get convicted, that's not the post important part, the most important part is defining truth and accountability who is accountable not only donald trump and others in this. it's something we didn't do -- i loved your first segment -- it's something we didn't do after the reconstruction of the civil war, we're still dealing with the aftermath of that whether we didn't come to truth and accountability. so i would say everyone should look at this sometimes you lose battles but raise awareness and expectation about ha you want. -- it happened in the civil rights movie. emmett till was acquitted in 1955 though the evidence was convincing but that then led to
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the -- the freedom march in selma, montgomery and ten years after his death the civil rights and voting act. so it's something i wish they would convict but big picture the most important part is finding what the truth is and who is accountable. >> matthew, i can't agree with you more on that. so do you really think -- how do i say this? i don't even know if there's going to be a change for the republican party, maybe it's a change for the country. because i think what's happening is showing the country what really happened. because people are in their silos, right -- people -- -- do you think this was going to be a turning point for the country not necessarily for the republican party which will force the republican party to then do some correction? >> i absolutely believe this is
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an important moment as it was in the 1950's and 1960's. i think maybe we're finally able to confront the truth we don't want to assess in our country, which is, there is a segment of our population and some were carrying confederate flags on january 6th that does not believe all men and women in this country are created equal. maybe finally we can use donald trump in the midst of this to raise the awareness and truth of this, even if he's gotting to get convicted which is likely he won't get convicted, we ask finally have the conversation in the country before we get to unity and healing and reconciliation we have to finally have the conversation in this country where we have to address the fact that a segment of our country who stormed the capitol, who wanted to nullify an election, just like 1860 -- just like 1860, they wanted to nullify an election, because they don't like the way america's headed. and the reason 1y they don't
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like the way america is headed, their real america, is they don't like the fact a diverse part of the population wants to assume leadership of our country and that's fundamentally what they're fighting against. >> anthony, that sounds like the conversations we have when we talk all the time offline. i got to ask you though, in your answer you can mention what you were going to say but let me get out this question because i think it's porntd. i think -- important. we can break republicans in four groups, romneys, cheneys and ---ed current republican governors in more moderate states like governor of maryland and baker of massachusetts. former trump people. that's one. another group who know just how bad it is from the inside. but they're out of power and they're out of favor. they're john bolton and chris christie. you have the old-school bush and
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reagan-era official who's have always been never-trumpers, if that's the case, okay anthony, than who is left in the republican party? what is the party? >> well, it's a very large group of people that are in the penalty cult of donald trump and you've got those who will acquit and you get to ask those people at some point, what does the president have on you? and when does he get it on you? because you can see prima facia that he broke the allow, he disa vowed the constitution. it's not just political expedient yenscy, i agree with what matt said holding on to something that doesn't exist but it's more than that they have an opportunity to have lights out
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by him, he has been weaken, disa vowed on twitter, and he's not coming back. the gollum is effectively dead, don, so what does he have on those guys, why they won't turn on him, all of those independent of donald trump either making salaries away from him, not tied to him politically but there's a large group of people that seem to be tied to them or maybe he has something on them that we don't fully understand. >> anthony, matthew, thank you. anthony we owe you a little bit more time and we'll have you back. >> it's all right. >> it's good to have you on matthew, we'll see you soon. thanks very much. three republican senators meeting with trump's attorney and three jurors in the impeachment trial meeting with his lawyers to discuss strategy. a key democratic senators responded after this. after thi. . .
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house impeachment managers wrapping their case against the former president today, laying out why they believe he's guilty of inciting the riot at the capitol and why he still presents a danger to our country. now with us a democrat from oregon good to see you, sir, thanks for joining. >> good to see you, don. >> video was component to the house manager's case, when you see the evacuations and see your kolt colleagues and how your own lives were in dwang of danger what it is sliek. >> like? >> it was so strange seeing how it all played out, how close the insurrectionists were, how violent they were, how they were calling for blood and death, and to realize how much worse this could have been. it was surreal, just an extraordinary experience to have a president who encouraged
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violence all along. i found it very interesting where you had the clip from ted cruz, he's right, donald trump in every instance gave full approval to use violence, not just in those demonstrations but also in michigan and with this group. he failed to defend america from enemies foreign and domestic. capitol was being attacked and he was having a party rather than getting on the line and telling people to shut down, stop, evacuate, we don't do that. instead he watched it go on and was happy about it. >> no question the impeachment managers presented a very impressive case, even republican senators are saying so but still there's a number of unanswered questions who trump met with before the riot and calls he and his attorney rudy guiliani were making. had he built such a strong case, why are they punting on witnesss? >> well, essentially, i think the defense side, are you
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saying -- the prosecution side house managers? >> yeah why are they not calling for witnesses? why didn't they subpoena the president and make him come? >> well, i think that they knew he would fight in court forever, that this would draw it out for eternity and they have the president basically testifying through every form of tape, comment, news conference and tweet so they really didn't need him in person. >> his lawyers really have their work cut out for them, sources are telling cnn trump's team might only go for three hours tomorrow. what do you expect to hear from them tomorrow? >> well, this is the thing, the defense has concluded that their client is guilty. so they have to basically say ignore all of that. i was a bad process in the house. that's one cover story. he's no longer in office, it's
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unconstitutional. that's another cover story that holds on water they never made the case it was unconstitutional they just asserted it. all kind of experts came forward and gave the information to show it was and it is constitutional, it's the very foundation how it was down at the time our founders were writing the constitution. they're looking for that cover story that allows them to say, hey, we just stuck with our base. our base here's trump media. hearing how great he is, they worship him and quite frankly we're afraid of the mob if we try it stand up to it so we will hide. >> thank you senator, i appreciate it, be safe. >> thank you, don, take care. trump wants to see more lawyers on tv defending him so his lawyers doing just that,
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court documents filed just around the corner from the site of the impeachment trial now bolstering the house manager's case, federal house leaders allege a leader in the oath keepers was waiting for direction from trump before the attack. her concern about taking action without trump's backing was evident in a november text saying i'm concerned this is an elaborate trap unless the potus activates us, -- if trump asks me to come i will. now joining me the professor from harvard law school and host of deep background podcast. good to see you, thank you for appearing on the show. so, we're told trump's legal team will agree there's no direct link between what the insurrectionists did and what the former president said. in filing 15-- seems
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like a very direct link to me. what about to you? >> from what we snow . >> from what we know so far to her she thought there was a direct link. . what prosecutors will have to show in the criminal case and what house managers are trying to show is trump was talking to her. especially what abouts the house managers? >> i think they have two lines. one is to pretty clearly point out that for months and months and they have done this very well. trump has been denying the
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legisl that's one line. the second line has been to try to use the words on the ellipse and connect those in a rather immediate sense with total proximity going from the ellipse to the capitol and entering the capitol. they tried to show the j juxtaposition again and again. if you have incite violence, you can be prosecuted despite the first amendment. it certainly does not apply to
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impeachment. impea impea the president does not have a get out of free card. the house managers have done a good job showing the former president effectively did undermine the democratic process for months and months and ultimately with the events of january 6th and that's a high crime. that's breaking the democratic process. that's the most important part of this trial, to show the world and the future that impeachment is the appropriate step when someone in that kind of position of power, the president of the united states is trying to break the democratic process. >> noah, i appreciate your time. hours away from team trump's defense, what our sources are telling us about their plan?
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they begin at noon and our sources tell us they may wrap up in just a few hours. make sure you tune into cnn for live special coverage beginning at 8:00 p.m. south carolina jim clyburn tells me why he wants to lift every voice and sing. >> why did you propose this bill, hr 301, what's the goal, congressman? >> my goal is to make a contribution to bring this country back together. i just think that if we were to make this hymn and for all of us to sing the national anthem, it will help us to really create a
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