tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 2, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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the country was deep in the presidential election. in fact, one year ago at this very hour, i remember we took this live pete buttigieg dropped out of the race and all of this, there were sixth u.s. deaths o that day. soon the mundane things will be celebrated again. there is a lot to be hopeful on the news in the vaccine. here is to hope and right now, here is to anderson. good ervening. the former president's hand picked fbi director blew a hole in the effort to make the capitol insurrection something it's not and while he was at it, he destroyed the lives about the election that set the stage. we'll have that story in a minute but first, there is breaking news. the race between vaccinating the country against covid and the virus itself got more complicated. in texas where nearly 30 million people second to california, the governor just lifted the state's mask mandate completely and told restaurants and other businesses
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it's okay to operate at full capacity. >> too many texans have been sidelined from employment opportunities. too many small business owners have struggled to pay their bills. this must end. it is now time to open texas 100%. >> with cases down but still at a dangerously high level, even with a third vaccine coming online, this is a surprising development. it's a major new obstacle in the fight to fight infection until more people are protected which is killing on average more than 2,000 americans a day. we invited governor abbott to come on the program tonight and explain his decision so did miss mi -- mississippi's governor who also lifted restrictions. what was your reaction to the gov governor's decision?
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>> yes. >> hey -- >> i can, sorry. sorry. >> what's your reaction to the governor's decision? >> it is mind boggling given where we are. you know, wearing a face mask in public close spaced, the most effective thing you can do to stop the spread of the virus absent the vaccine. it's hard to find a medical professional that will tell you anything else. we should be guided by the science and the data and this decision today just puts everything we have worked so hard to get at risk, i think everybody here in texas and austin is just dumbfounded. >> did you know that this was -- this announcement was going to be made? >> well, the governor had kind of hinted at it on friday. the county judge and i sent him a letter this morning asking him not to do it. i know the mayor of san antonio
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and the judge did the same thing. he was hearing from other cities. we were hoping that it wouldn't happen today, but this is texas, and the partisan pressures we could see were building up on him and it's real unfortunate it's happened now. >> i got to ask, is this related to or a result of the criticism he received in response to the recent storms and the wide spread power outages in texas? >> you know, it's not based on the science and data so it's based on something else and it could be the criticism here associated with the power going out. it could be the criticism he's getting from the really far right people in the state who have been complaining about masking from the very beginning but it's not the science and the data we know that when we did this in texas, cities stepped out first. the state came along later. the numbers started going down. every time we have opened up the
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economy too soon, we started to see a surge again and that's the concern and especially here. you know, if you were under 65 and an essential worker, you're about to be put into the position where you don't qualify for the vaccine. you can't protect yourself and now you're going to be a front line worker around people potentially that don't wear masks. i can only hope that our community recognizes we still have a choice. regardless of what the governor did, we can still choose in our city to act like we do have a mask mandate, for people to continue to wear it. for businesses to continue to require it, and that's what we're going to have to do. >> is there anything you can do as mayor on the municipal level to offset some of the increased risk? >> well, we can make sure that within city facilities and city activities there is a masking requirement, and we're going to do that. and then our chamber of commerce has stepped up today issuing a
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statement urging businesses to continue to keep that restriction in their businesses. this is self-help at this point. we're going to have to rally as a community to keep each other safe just like we did here last week with the water shortage and the power outage. >> mayor steve adler, appreciate your time. >> thank you. we'll be joined later in the program two front line doctors and the terrible price the people in houston paid the last time the virus got out of control in texas. and welcome news on vaccines, the estimate fuller productection for all american adults could happen and insurrection the lies unleashed from the capitol. christopher wray selected by the trump administration testifying today before the senate judiciary committee e talked abt who is responsible for january 6th. >> is there any evidence at all
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that it was organized or planned or carried out by groups like antifa or black lives matter? >> we haven't seen any evidence. >> based on your investigation so far, do you have any evidence the capitol attack was organized by quote fake trump protesters? >> we have not seen evidence of that at this stage. >> you did not see antifa playing a significant role in the january 6th insurrection? >> certainly while we're equal opportunity and looking for violent extremism of any ideology, we have not to date seen any evidence of anarchy violent extremists or people subscribing to antifa. >> has there so far been any evidence that the january 6th riot here, the insurrection was organize nd by people posing as
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supporters of president trump? >> we have not seen any evidence of that. >> going by arrest records and court documents for the approximately 300 people charged in connection with the attack, this was already known. this was apparent but director wray's answers, claims like this are simply not true. >> some of the people that breached the capitol today were not trump supporters but m masquerading like trump sup supporters and were members of antifa. >> director wray was asked about the foundational lie they continue to pedal. >> i guess i ask to begin with is that attorney general barr said that he had quote not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election. do you agree with attorney general barr's statement that there is absolutely no evidence of voter fraud that could have changed the outcome of the 2020
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presidential election? >> i agree with attorney general barr. >> and to be crystal clear on this, as fbi director, those would be federal crimes, you're aware of no evidence of wide spread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, correct? >> we are not aware of any wide spread evidence of voter fraud, much less that would have affected the outcome in the presidential election. >> and for some of the paededal of election doubts and lies, here is what some of senator josh hawley was keen on focussing on instead today. >> can i just go back to a series of questions senator lee asked you? he asked about the gio location and metadata gathering related to the investigation of the january 6th riot. you said you weren't familiar with the specifics. can i just clarify your responses to him? so when you say you're not
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familiar, are you saying you don't know whether or not the burro has scooped up gio location data, meta data from cell phone records or cell phone towers or do you not know or are you saying the burro maybe or maybe hasn't done it? >> he asked about that, about whether the fbi collected information on who used atms or made purchases in washington on the 6th. he wanted to know if the burro was working with special media platforms. his curiosity ranged far and wide but didn't extent to what he's been putting out for weeks because repeat after me, it's a lie and senator wray said so. ted cruz tried to bring up questions that might bring up his election pulse hoods and shifted the conversation towards left leaning protesters last week. for louisiana senator john kennedy, he does ask director wray who decided not to call in the national guard on the 6th
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and had this to say when he did not get the answer he sought. >> i'm sorry to interrupt, but we just keep nibbling at the edges and dancing around the issue, and i understand. i'm not asking you to throw anybody under the bus, chris. i get it. but we need to find out what happened. >> sounds like a plan except that after going back and forth, senator kennedy's next question, he asked about chinese spies and the investigation of the russia investigation. what happened during the worst attack on the seed of democracy since the war of 1812, how it happened, why it happened, who was truly responsible, it seems he and his republican colleagues have little time for that. joining us is a democrat that questioned wray is amy klobuchar. did you think his testimony will put to rest any of the lies, conspiracy theories being pushed by the former president and supporters in congress? >> it certainly should.
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we'll see what they do at our hearing tomorrow but he made it very clear that this was a coordinated effort that was led by the proud boys, extremists groups and it's exactly what we heard last week from the former police chief of the capitol and acting former metropolitan police chief. everybody said the same thing, who did this? nobody is dancing around it. we know what happened here. are we trying to figure out what went wrong so it never happens again? yes. very strongly. the intelligence screw ups and the police board required the chief or he felt he had to call the sergeant at arms while they were in the middle of an insurrection to get permission. why the dod defense department waited so long that one afternoon every minute counted to get the national guard. those are all really good questions so we can fix this in the future but this idea that we don't know who did this, we know
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they were all over social media. there are hundreds of thousands of tips as director wray testified today. hundreds of thousands with hundreds of arrests and more to come. so we know exactly who did this. we just won't need to make sure they never do it again. >> it is fascinating, though, and disturbing the extent to which the senators ron johnson, josh hawley and others are just trying to rewrite history and it seems like that is -- i mean, the republican party doesn't have a platform anymore because they decided not to have that last year but seems like the platform on this is certainly clear. >> it is and the issue here is that misinformation matters. as we know from the last election, people believe this stuff. i mean, i just had someone in minnesota ask me if the vaccine involved a micro chip put in their arm. these things are happening. it is misinformation and just as we're doing with the vaccine, pretty effectively, we need to shut it down every time it
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happens, which is why it so important to ask christopher ray about the truth. this was not a festive atmosphere which senator johnson said last week at our hearing. this was not just people out for a picnic that got carried away, no. these are people as we've now learned with two-way radios, decked out in military gear with hand cuffs, with weapons that were ready to charge and in their words shed blood. they had one of their social media posts is how they would evacuate their own wounded, what the perimeters were for the capitol. this stuff should have been known and action should have been taken ahead of time, but to pretend we don't know who did it is not just hypocritical, it's dangerous. >> what do you make of senator hawley's line focussing on fbi data collection instead of what caused the insurrection, what committed it? if he's so proud of what he did and there was nothing wrong with it, why wouldn't he try to get
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chris wray to somehow validate that in a public forum? >> exactly. i think we all know where josh hawley is coming from and where his other pals that are running for president are coming from. this is about cpac and donald trump. this is all about getting their base going and it's on the rest of us to make sure that the truth prevails. we know democracy prevailed in the last election. we know that joe biden, kamala harris won. we can't let this slip away from us again. for those of us that were there late in the night, senator blunt and i with vice president pence, we know well how close this all was as we finally finished our job, and we can't go back. we have to keep the truth strong. >> you know, there are certainly legitimate questions about what the fbi knew before the attack, what they did about it. something you pressed director wray about. were you satisfied what he said? >> yes, they wished they had more information on the proud
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boys no that they have arrested 20 of them that would have been, i think, quite clear what they were up to that day and the questions i was getting at is there was things that were known immediately before the attack that were sent to the capitol police, capitol police somehow didn't read them at the highest levels. they didn't know about it and why did that happen? three leaders have now resigned because of this on the capitol side. we need to get replacements in place but we also have to change the structure of this as i noted. the capitol police board so the police chief has a discretion to do what's necessary. i think the most interesting thing in the hearing we're having tomorrow, senator peters and myself as well as senator blunt is going to be the head of the d.c. national guard. he was in communication with the capitol police chief then capitol police chief but most significantly, he was on the call with the department of defense so he can give his version under oath of exactly
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what happened there and why the delay occurred. >> yeah. it will be fascinating. appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. >> perspective from andrew mccabe, andrew, i'll start with senator klobuchar given what we've heard from director wray, do you expect any of these lies and conspiracies we're hearing from senate republican senators and congress people to abate? >> no. i don't expect that to abate at all. anderson, we've seen how desperately they are continuing to cling to that lie. i think that director wray did a good job today in letting some of the air out of that balloon by saying very clearly there is no evidence to indicate the participation of any left leaning or antifa, an anarchists protesters in the riot. he was clear the fbi did not collect evidence of election fraud that would have undermined the ultresults of the election.
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what we've seen over the last couple months this is not a group that embraces fact when it gets in the way of their preferred narrative. >> it seems like under the former administration there wasn't a lot of emphasis put on far right groups monitoring far right groups from an intelligenceperspective. correct me if i'm wrong about that or what you know about that. it is -- it surprised me that the fbi didn't have more information ahead of time about what some of these groups were up to. >> well, that's the best question right now anderson. based upon what director wray told us today, there are legitimate questions right along those lines. so director wray said he wished he had better information about the proud boys and about what the intent was going into this event so that leads us to say well, how is your intelligence collection? are you positioned? do your intelligence collection platforms?
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are they pointed in the right direction? are you getting, developing the right sort of infor informants? we're going to need a considered investigation to peel back the bottom of that. >> how do you reconcile republican members of congress that sworn on oath to the constitution continuing to traffic in conspiracy theories and lies about the insurrection and the very serious and persistent threat from extremists groups, right wing extremists groups director wray himself laid out today? is there precedent for this? >> not that i'm aware of. it's disgraceful. you accurately pointed out with the senator they abandoned those lies long enough to ask questions about things like data collection and the threat from china because they couldn't reasonably put forth that non-sense in front of the fbi director what just laid waste to the lie by saying that no, in
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fact, the election was righteously conducted and that there was no antifa in the protest. when it's not convenient for them they distract by looking at something else but send them back to cpac and i'm sure you'll hear it again. >> josh hawley, his thing is i was just saying there is a lot of people who believe there is election fraud so i'm saying we should have a discussion about an election security. he could have asked the fbi director all about that, all about election security and his concerns. he didn't. >> of course he could have. you're absolutely right. he didn't. there is no shelter for senators and congressmen who when confronted with the ridiculousness of what they're saying, i'm just repeating what i'm hearing from my constituents. if that's what you're hearing, you have an obligation to tell them the truth. they got the truth from the director today and that's the message they should be putting
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out there. >> andrew mccabe, appreciate it. the biden administration admitting defeat in the fight for a top pick to advice the president. new reporting what is behind the decision to withdraw oher nomination. and the stunning decision that leaves texas wide open to covid. the question is will growing vaccine availability be enough to handle what could be a texas-sized surge?
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we have more breaking news, the president's top budget advisor. the first staffing set back. phil mattingly joins us with the latest. what's the latest? >> the white house had a fight and said it was a fight they were willing to have but the fight has come to an end. the president putting out a statement reading i have ac accepted tande's resignation.
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i have respect for her counsel and i look forward to having her serve. a couple things to pick out. first and foremost, the white house knew they had a narrow pathway to 50 votes. joe mansion said he was opposed. the white house was focused on repu republican senator lisa murkowski. it wasn't they couldn't lock her in but they still had issues with senator bernie sanders and k kirsten cinema. this has come to an end and in a letter at the president tonight making clear she saw no pathway forward and thus the white house is withdrawing the nomination, anderson. >> do you know if the president has a replacement in mind? >> there is a number of names batted around in the course of the last couple days. everybody saw this coming at
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some point. one person to keep a very close eye on is young, a well-known congressional staffer. r very behind the scenes and wide partisan and lindsey graham said he would support her nomination to be deputy director. a couple republican sources about an hour ago made clear. one told me she will cruise if she gets nominated. that's not a sure thing. the president makes the selection. the white house has publicly been saying they are not considering anything else. young is up for deputy director and definitely one of the top tier names that will be concerned now that tanden is out. >> phil mattingly, thanks very much. stay with us. i want to bring in gloria borger. we knew the nomination was imperil. should anyone be surprised the white house pulled the plug? >> no. they stayed with it as long as they could. i spoke with a senior administration official who said look, there wasn't any clear way
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forward at this point as phil was outlining, they had no republicans. yes, marcwas a maybe. they will give tanden a good job that's not a confirmable position. this is a big week for them. they want to get covid done. they just had to kind of move on with this. >> i don't know why anyone tweets. i mean, like it just seems like this is just -- >> i'm not sure she will. >> haven't we learned this lesson time and time again that no real value comes from this? i mean, people just destroy their careers with stupid stuff they tweet out. there was a lot of talk about a double standard given tweets republicans tolerated from the former president. >> you think? >> obviously. do you think that's the whole story or was it bigger than that? >> that's a big part of what happened with tanden. she tweeted about an awful lot
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of people including bernie sanders. also, you know, what's ironic to me here is that she is not the most liberal of the biden nominees. she's actually quite center left if you will. she fought with bernie sanders over policy. she was a hillary clinton person. so she had trouble on the left and that's why sanders was, you know, was so unenthusiastic about her. i think honestly a lot of this was about her tweets and of course, there is a crazy double standard here because all of these people ran to the other side of the room when you asked them about donald trump's tweets. >> they ran to the other side of the room. >> they did. >> phil, having to pull a nomination, not just a small matter. it not like pulling a household name or nominating for secretary of defense. how much does this impact president biden's agenda or ability to work with congress? >> it's limited to be honest. administration wanted this fight for a couple reasons.
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one, the president was supportive of tanden who spear headed this nomination but a feeling according to administration officials i've spoken to over the course of the last week they needed to show that they were willing to fight. they put this nominee up. they wanted to show they had the fight in them and they weren't willing to just pull the plug immediately. they feel like they've had that fight at this point in time. obviously, gloria made the point, they're expecting the senate to pass their corner stone legislative proposal this weekend. at some point, key budget issues will be coming up and they need somebody in the role. if there was no clear pathway forward and didn't think one would come into play at some point soon, it was just something they needed to put an end to. in the grand scheme of things, is this a catastrophic defeat? not even close. if you are going to lose one, this wasn't necessarily the most consequential. >> dpgloria, aside from this president biden is getting the confirmation he wanted. there is going to be a senate contfirmed heads of major federl
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departments, which is much more than the last administration was able to get. >> well, there is a big difference here. one is that this is an administration that's actually vetted its nominees. and most of it nominees actually know something about the departments they are going to head, which is also a difference from donald trump. i give you ben carson, a surgeon nominated to head the housing department. betsey devoss nominated for the secretary of education and rick perry, my personal favorite nominated to head the energy department, which of course, he had suggested during the political campaign ought to be eliminated. so there is a big difference here. biden's nominees are qualified. so when republicans say they're not, they have to look back to the people they voted for to confirm in 2016. >> gloria borger, phil
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in mississippi and texas. the mayor of austin and other cities in texas are upset about the decision. the changes are a mistake. texas governor greg abbott made his announcement on of all days, texas independence day and insisted state mandates are no longer needed siting citing a increase in vaccinations. texas the second largest state by population only vaccinated 6.8% of residents. one of the lowest rates in the country. both are below 8%. the backdrop to this is the rollout of the johnson & johnson vaccine administered for the first time and after news merck, a competitor in normal times will help manufacture the one-dose vaccine. it's an absolutely unprecedented action. president biden noted achievements and urged caution without referring to the news in texas and mississippi, the president said the nation needs to keep wearing masks. now is not the time to let down
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our guard. let's get perspective from dr. peter hotez. author of the new book "preventing the next pandemic vaccine diplomacy at a time of anti science." also with us is a paid pediatri surgeon. governor abbott saying state mandates are no longer needed. do you agree? >> we still need those mandates, anderson. we've got some rough sledding ahead of us. we heard from the cdc director yesterday that the new variants, especially the one from the united kingdom b 117 is accelerating. we know what that means.117 is accelerating. we know what that means. we'll see increased tran mission again and higher mortality rates. the data coming out of the u.k. they put up on the government website is pretty compelling. we're expecting a fourth surge, unfortunately, in the state, and
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our level of vaccination is among the lowest in the country. we had a big set back a couple of weeks ago because of that terrible storm and the collapse of the power grid system. so we're behind. so i think it would be really important before we do any kind of lifting of restrictions at this point to try to get the vaccination rates up and remember, we've got the mother load of vaccines coming by the end of may and june so they've accelerated that time frame. so we have a lot to look forward to. i don't quite understand where the urgency is now to lift the reinstructions. >> how concerned are you by what texas and mississippi have done? >> i am very concerned and glad we are not doing that in philadelphia, in pennsylvania. the writing is on the wall, and you're starting to see very slow increases in cases following from that is usually increased
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hospitalizations, more critically ill patients and more deaths. we've already seen this trend and pattern. it's happened to us multiple times before and we were just starting to see a plateau in a dip. it would be nice to put efforts to get more people vaccinated to decrease the chtransmissibility and say stop wearing a mask. >> the low number of people vaccinated in texas compared to the rest of the country, is that because of the lost week because of the natural disaster? >> i think that's a big part of it. we're a very large state. when you have a smaller state, it's easier to get your arms around it. we're a massive state. we're 30 million people. a huge geographic area so that's a challenge. also, we have a lot of low income neighborhoods that are not always easy to access.
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we have large rural populations that are not easy to access. those things combined are the perfect storm and that's why i think if we were to hang on another month or two and get the vaccination rates up, which they will provided we have the supply to do it. we're expanding the number of hubs we vaccinate, that could make a big difference and be a game changer -- >> dr. hotez, you're in texas. why do you think the governor did this? >> you know, i don't know. i haven't had the ability to speak with the governor or his staff and i don't know why the decision was made and why today for instance, where the urgency lies? i mean, we could have made this decision in a week or two weeks or a month but why today is -- i'm a bit baffled by it. >> dr. stanford, president biden said the u.s. will have enough doses for every adult by may. that's two months earlier than projected. it doesn't mean shots in every arm for every american by that
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time. do you worry about the concern over -- that some people have about taking the johnson & johnson vaccine, that, you know, that there is a feeling that it's not asfectifective as the pfizer or moderna? >> i'd like to quail some fears by saying 66% or 75% or even 100% prevention against death, 100% prevention against hospitalization is huge. 66% against vaccine eff effecttiveness is wonderful. 0% is what you have if you don't take a vaccine. that single shot would be very helpful for the homeless population, for folks that are sick and shut in and can't get
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out of their house. it's a huge effort to get to a vaccine testing site and for people in congregate settings. there is great use and dr. hotez would agree, the johnson & johnson stopped enrolling january 2021 where pfizer and moderna were october, november. so those variants where they had the brazilian variant, south african and from wuhan were part of their study. i wouldn't be discouraged that the vaccine effectiveness is less with johnson & johnson. i think that they had some more strands they were testing their vaccine against. >> that's a really important point, dr. hotez, the johnson & johnson vaccine has been tested in places in south africa and brazil where those veariants whereas the pfizer moderna have not. >> remember, this is going to
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change, too, because most likely we're going to be looking at additional boosters. it wouldn't surprise me that later on in the fall or next year we might give a third immunization with the moderna pfizer vaccine as a booster possibly tailored to one of the variants of concerns, maybe the b. 1351. when you look at the numbers on the two dose vaccine, really impressive virus neutralizing antibodies and more durability of protection. this will change. it wouldn't surprise me if you can take whatever the number of doses of the vaccines being released by operation warp speed and add one to it starting in the fall or next year. >> dr. stanford, how big a deal that merck will help johnson & johnson with their production? >> that's hmagnificent --
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>> sorry, that was for dr. stanford. >> that's magnificent. that collaborative approach is what we've needed from day one. i'm great to have that here in the city of philadelphia where we had recently a 24-hour vaccination clinic where we vaccinated nearly 4,000 people of which 80% were black and brown communities where the vaccination rates have been low and that collaborative from, you know, the firefighters and the police officers and office of emergency management and salvation army and even the philadelphia eagles coming out and temple university is what allowed us to vaccinate that many people and that's what we've got to do. you know, there is a race between these veariants and getting vaccinated and we've just got to push and push with that and not remove these public health measures that have been helping us reduce the chance missbility. >> dr. stanford, dr. hotez,
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thank you for your expertise. >> thank you. emergency powers given to andrew cuomo to fight the coronavirus could be repealed by state lawmakers when a third accuser comes forward alleging sexual harassment. details of those stories when we continue. non-drowsy, allergy relief plus an immediate cooling sensation for your throat. feel the clarity, and live claritin clear.
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revolutions of the cuomo l legislation under reported nursing home deaths. the governor faces a new independent investigation under allegations of sexual harassment. more on that story now. >> reporter: pressure mounding on new york governor andrew cuomo. >> good afternoon. >> reporter: once in front of the cameras daily providing pandemic updates, cuomo hasn't held a press briefing in days since allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced by three women. 33-year-old anna rock telling "the new york times" she met the governor at a wedding reception in 2019. she thanked him for a toast he gave the newlyweds and then he put his hand on her lower back. she tells the times she removed his hand and he put his hands on her face and asked if he could kiss her. their encounter seemingly captured in this photo taken by her friend and provided today
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"new york times." i was so confused and shocked and embarrassed rock said. i turned my head away and didn't have words in that moment. cnn hasn't been able to independently corroborate her account and she has not returned our calls. cuomo's office did not respond to cnn's request on her allegations a. spokesperson for the governor pointed the new york times to a statement made over the weekend in which cuomo said to be clear, i never inappropriately touched anybody and i never propositioned anybody and i never intended to make anyone feel uncoal mfortab >> let that be a fair warning. >> reporter: an investigation in the hands of new york attorney general that will appoint a special prosecutor to look into claims of sexual harassment. it could include accounts from two former cuomo staffers that made allegations. after going public to "the times" one of the women
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charlotte bennett issued a lengthy statement encouraging women to speak. we will be standing with you. cuomo said he'll cooperate fully with the probe. >> it's a troubling situation and i've been through this before with other colleagues and i have to say the investigation should be completed and should be as quickly as possible and credibility given to the charges. >> reporter: many democrats hesitating to comment on cuomo's fate until the investigation is finished. the representative kathleen rice becoming the first democratic house member to call on the governor to resign. >> do we know how the governor is spending his time? >> usually behind closed doors. we get briefings about the state's response to the pandemic several times a week and we haven't gotten one yet. those updates are actually coming into our email inboxes instead. it will be interesting to see moving forward this week if he actually goes in front of the cameras. keep in mind, as i mentioned in the piece he hasn't directly responded to the newest
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allegations from anna ruck telling the new york times to refer to the comments over the weekend about the previous allegations. it will be interesting to see how responds to not only that but if any other women or people come forward. anderson. >> appreciate it. thank you. coming up, reminder across america the pandemic very much with us and even though vaccines are available, people are still dying. one family wants you to know about leonard davis. the life he's living and what happened to him days before getting the vaccine.
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devastating to not be able to be there and to not comfort him, i would rub his head, i would talk to him, i would sing to him, when he was sick before and i could not do any of that. >> just ten days after he was admitted to the hospital, leonard davis passed away. were you table to say goodbye? >> we were able to have the phone held up to his ear, and each of, and i got my children on the phone. and all from different places and we were able to, to say our goodbye and to tell him we loved him. there was not much more to say because he could not answer back it was a very emotional moment
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for all of us. >> i'm sure it was heartbreaking. >> i know some people say 88 is a good long life, but my father had so many plans, he got up every morning, he loved life he wanted to live life every minute. we are just devastated. >> and randy joins us now, i'm so glad that you were able to toll this family's story. so close to getting the vaccine. i mean, and to not be able to be there in the end is devastating. >> it is, it's heartbreaking for so many families, including this one, anderson. she was hospitalized and recovered, but his daughter said, he always wore the mask and took the precautions and still got it so close to getting the vaccine. but the saddest thing, one of the saddest things about this, is he never got to meet his seventh great grandchild. we have a couple of pictures of baby meyer to show you. >> so adorable.
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>> he was born just five days -- >> oh, my god about look at him. >> just five days after leonard davis passed away. >> wow. >> so they never did get to meet. he wanted to meet him so badly he said that he would wear a hazmat suit to keep from getting sick to see the new baby. but they lost the baby so quickly. >> my best to the family. the news continues, handing it to chris for cuomo prime time. >> coop, we hear stories like this and they hit you so hard and you wonder are we not telling them right? how do we have news like we have with tonight out of texas when the stories have reached everybody's err autos and we hope their heads and then hopefully their hearts, how? how can you watch a story like that and not understand the threat and not understand what we have to do and why? >> yeah. >> that was beautifully told and thank you for telling it. appreciate you, pal. i'm chris cuomo, welcome to "primetime," first the good
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