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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 15, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world. you are watching "cnn newsroom" and i'm rosemary church. just ahead, the white house gets ready for an ambitious tour touting the benefits of its new covid bill. but there's more behind it than that. many italians are waking up to a strict lockdown amid a rise in coronavirus variants. we are live in rome with details. and more protests are planned in myanmar despite one of the deadliest days of
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demonstrations since the coup last month . u.s. president joe biden is kicking off a nationwide messaging blitz to promote his newly passed covid relief package. it starts today with a speech at the white house. and as our john harwood reports, the president wants people to know there's more to it than the checks already arriving in bank accounts. >> reporter: last week congress passed president biden's $1.9 trillion covid relief bill. this week president biden and his team hit the road to promote the legislation. it's already broadly popular in the polls. it won't hurt that those $1,400 per person covid relief checks have already started hitting americans' bank accounts over
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the weekend. but president biden wants to make sure people understand other benefits in the bill including expanded child tax credits, aid to state and local governments, expanded health care subsidies, and also aid to small businesses that didn't qualify for previous rounds. the sales job will include first lady jill biden, who will go to new hampshire and new jersey. vice president kamala harris and second gentleman doug emhoff, who will go to nevada and colorado. and the president himself will make remarks at the white house on monday, then head to pennsylvania on tuesday and georgia on friday. now, georgia and pennsylvania of course are two very important swing states in the election. we saw last november. they've also got big senate races in 2022. that's one of the reasons they're being targeted. underscoring the political impact and importance of the bill, there's also a superpac that has begun airing ads hailing president biden's accomplishment on covid relief with a simple tag line. "joe biden kept his word."
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john harwood, cnn, the white house. new restrictions are now in effect in most of italy in an effort to curb a recent uptick in covid-19 cases. italians spent one final evening out on sunday before the start of the strict lockdown. additionally, there will be a national lockdown over easter wee weekend. and the netherlands and ireland are joining a growing list of countries pausing the use of the astrazeneca vaccine after reports of blood clots in some adults. astrazeneca says its analysis shows no evidence of an increased risk in vaccine recipients. cnn's melissa bell joins us now from rome with more on italy's new restrictions and cyril vanier is in london with these growing concerns over astrazeneca's vaccine. welcome to you both. somelissa, starting with you, italians are waking up to these new restrictions as cases rise and vaccinations stall.
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what is behind that spike in cases and tough will this new lockdown be? >> reporter: in a word, really, rosemary, those new variants that have been causing such trouble to these european countries that had basically at the time of the second wave managed to get their figures back under kroeshlgs the british variant in particular, now represents more than half of new cases in italy. hence this new lockdown just over a year after italy became the center of the european outbreak. you'll remember back in march. and introduced that lockdown one year on. more than 100,000 deaths later here it is again. let me show you maybe if we can a little map of the country to give you an idea of how this is going to work. essentially, the country's split in two. you have red zones and then you have the orange zones where the restrictions are slightly less stringent. not quite as harsh as they are in those red zones. and the difference essentially is in the red zones you can't leave your house unless it is to go out to work or for health reasons. let me just show you the piazza
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behind me. you have an idea of what those zones look like. you're talking about popular zones of italy. so rome, milan and venice. this is what it looks like. very few people. those heading out to work or for health reasons, that's what you're going to see on the streets. out in the orange zones what it means is that there will be some non-essential shops open and you can get takeaway for instance from restaurants and things like that. but basically the big thing is we've seen over and over again these lockdowns. whether or not school children can actually get to school, basically in the orange zones it was up to the districts themselves, the regions to make that decision. the result is that from this morning and this new introduction of these harsher restrictions the -- of the 8.3 million italian school children, 7 million will be back at home. thavg is a massive blow to parents and a massive blow, rosemary, to the economy. >> absolutely. melissa, many thanks to you. cyril, let's go to you now. and two more countries, ireland and the netherlands suspending the use of the astrazeneca
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vaccine over blood clots. but any proof of a direct link here? >> that is a great way to frame it. the short answer is no, there is no proof of causality between adverse health effects including deaths that were recorded in europe and the vaccination. that is at the heart of this question. it is undeniable that deaths were reported one in austria a week ago today, one in denmark and one in italy. two of those deaths were caused by blood clots, and that is why there's concern that astrazeneca vaccine from some countries believe or are concerned rather it may cause blood clots and blood coagulation. but there is no proof. and a majority of european countries at this stage believe fs safe and they are continuing to vaccinate their people, inoculate their people with this vaccine. astrazeneca, which has data from
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people it's vaccinated all around the world, 17 million people, says that all that data is bringing back information that the vaccine is safe and well tolerated and the european medicines agency also agrees with that saying as of last wednesday 5 million people, 5 million cases of people who had been vaccinated with that show no increased events of blood clotting than in the normal population. that is to say, the people who haven't received a vaccine. the case of the netherlands, which has just suspended astrazeneca vaccinations, is really interesting, rosemary, because four days ago they were in the camp of those saying there is no causality and no reason to pause the vaccine. and they now four days later have changed their minds. in light of new information they received this weekend they say coming from denmark and norway of new cases, of adverse health reactions. are these adverse health reaction happening just after the vaccine or are they happening because of the vaccine? there is now more than a third
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of european countries that don't have the answer to that question but have enough concerns and enough doubts that they want to put things on pause pending an investigation by the european medicines agency, rosemary. >> we'll keep an eye on all of this. it must be driven by the data of course. cyril vanier bringing us the very latest from london. many thanks. joining me now from new haven, connecticut is dr. saad omar. he is the director of the yale institute for global health. thank you, doctor, for talking with us and for all that you do. >> my pleasure. >> dr. anthony fauci says three feet of social distancing at schools may be sufficient to get kids back to in-person learning. and cdc guidance about this apparently may come soon. he also says most guidelines will be relaxed by july 4th if cases drop. do you share his enthusiasm here even with all the variants out there? >> yeah, i do share his overall
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sense of enthusiasm mixed with some caution. so i think what he seems to be saying is we still need a lot of efforts to keep children safe at school and that teachers safe at school. for example, this kind of guidance of three feet can come in the context of other cdc guidance which imply and recommend that schools can be opened safely once the community transmission goes down, which is going down in several dmunts ri communities right now. and on top of that teachers and school staff are getting vaccinated. in that context, with masks and other requirements, i think it's reasonable to say that you can reduce the distance from six feet to three feet and plus in the context of better ventilation and so on and so forth. that applies to easing up on some of the recommended restrictions generally through july. so i do share that overall sense
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of cautious optimism. >> right. that is great news. and even with three viable covid vaccines being administered very quickly across the united states how worried are you about setbacks particularly after seeing images of people partying during spring break, no masks no, social distancing and still those variants out there? >> while i am cautiously optimistic, we are not out of the wood because these variants of concern should give us caution because we know that they transmit more effectively, at least some of them, than the current type of virus or the previous type of virus, and they're spreading fast. especially the uk variant, the so-called b.1.1.7. so while we can do more
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activities than before, especially vaccinated individuals can do more activities than before, and we can focus on opening up schools with a lot of other protection in place including testing masks, ventilation and teacher vaccination, this is not the time to have large indoor or semi-indoor gatherings like spring break parties where there are a lot of people, there is less than optimal ventilation, at least indoors, and it seems people are not taking other precautions like masks, so on and so forth. >> and why do you think italy has experienced this setback and needs to go into another lockdown? is that basically a wake-up call to everyone else? >> yeah. it's a wake-up call to everyone else that we cannot take this for granted, that the rates of infection and deaths are coming down, that it does not mean it
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will be a permanent state if we go back to before. we do think that if there is a future wave it may not be as drastic as our winter wave. but still, you know, even now there are 1,500 people dying every day. so we are not, you know, in the clear now. and so therefore we need to stay vigilant. things will get better. things are getting better. precautions and recommendations are going in the direction of easing up on some of these restrictions. but i think it's a matter of doing it responsibly and gradually. >> it's an important message. dr. saad omer, thank you so much for talking with us. appreciate it. >> my pleasure. and still to come on "cnn newsroom," myanmar's army looks to tighten its brutal grip on power. what we're learning about sunday's deadly crackdown. and syria marks ten years of
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a vicious civil war. we will show you what it's like for a generation of children raised in conflict. try our new scented oils for freshness that lasts. crafted to give you amazingly natural smelling fragrances, day after day... ...for up to 60 days. give us one plug for freshness that lasts.
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well, there are reports myanmar's junta is expanding martial law over parts of yangon. it is the latest sign the generals aim to put an end to civilian rule. security forces killed at least 38 protesters on sunday in one of the country's deadliest days since the military coup last month. the united nations has condemned the bloodshed. more demonstrations against the coup are planned for today. cnn's paula hancocks is following developments in the region for us in seoul. she joins us now live. so paula, after one of the deadliest days since the military coup we are now seeing martial law expanded in more areas. what is the latest on all of this? >> reporter: well, rosemary, this is six neighborhoods now in yangon, the most populous city, that now have martial law declared in them. they are mostly industrial areas.
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they're areas where we have seen a number of deaths on sunday, the largest number of deaths is in one of those areas. and the reason we believe that the martial law has been declared there is there are also some chinese-funded factories in that area. they were some of the -- damaged. some of them burnt down. we don't know exactly who carried that out at this point. but china had said to the military leadership according to cgtn that they wanted to make sure their properties and also their citizens were protected. so that could well be why we're seeing that in those particular areas. but there is no doubt that the security forces are increasing the level of violence and the level of force that they are using against protesters. according to one ngo, aapp, they say more than 126 people have now been killed since the february 1st coup. but when we speak to activists on the ground they say the number of deaths is likely far
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higher than that. that is just the ones that can be confirmed at this point. the ngo also saying that well over 2,100 people have either been arrested or charged or sentenced. so certainly we are seeing a higher level of brutality by the military forces at this point, and certainly it is being condemned across the board by the united nations. we heard from the special envoy for myanmar christina schrainier bergner condemning the "continual bloodshed," also saying she personally had heard from contacts in myanmar accounts of mistreatment of demonstrators, accounts of killings and also tortures of prisoners over the weekend. but no matter how much international condemnation there has been, that is certainly increasing, it doesn't seem to be making any difference whatsoever to what is happening on the ground. the military leadership is unaffected by this condemnation
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at this point. and the brutality is continuing. rosemary? >> all right. our paula hancocks. many thanks for bringing us up to date on the situation in myanmar. well, top u.s. diplomats are about to embark on the first cabinet-level overseas trip of the biden administration. in just a few hours secretary of state tony blinken and secretary of defense lloyd austin will arrive in tokyo. in a few days they will head to seoul. in a joint op-ed published sunday in the wshtd w"washingto post" the two said this trip is a chance for the u.s. to "recommit to our shared goals, values and responsibilities." a prominent yemeni journalist is now free after spending nearly six months in jail. that is according to his lawyer. adele al hasanni was being held by a secessionist group in southern yemen backed by the united arab emirates. a u.s. official tells cnn the
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biden white house urged the uae to use its influence to secure his release. human rights watch says the journalist was arbitrarily detained. well, syria has now been enduring ten years of civil war, and the international committee of the red cross says hundreds of young syrians say the war has caused immense economic hardships and a, quote, profound psychological toll. the u.n. high commissioner for refugees says more than 6 million syrians have been displaced inside the country since the conflict began. and more than 5 million have fled syria. cnn's arwa damon reports from idlib, syria. >> translator: what do i do? use a bucket of water? a blanket? i tried using my hands like this to put out the flames. i couldn't. on my son's body was a ball of fire. sultan was playing on his bike
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when a rocket blew up fuel canisters nearby. an ambulance brought sultan to turkey. he and his mother have been there ever since. this is the last photo of sultan before the airstrike. no, you are not ugly. you are beautiful, amar constantly tells him. sultan has an utterly disarming smile with eyes that fluctuate between sparkling like a 10-year-old's should but at times darken as his past sets in. he has these nightmares where he's on fire, his whole body's on fire, even his eyes are on fire and he wakes up screaming, screaming for his mother to put out the flames. sultan is as old as syria's war itself, a life that carries the emotional and physical scars of a nation. when he was 5, his baby brother
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was killed in a bombing. when sultan was 6, his father died in a strike on the market. this is where sultan was born into unimaginable violence, where he lost so much. a gray dusty town of smothered childhood laughter stolen by war. nenad's family did not know that mines were daisy chained along the wall of their home. her grandfather shows us where the first one went off. she was swinging off the door with her siblings and then all of a sudden there was just an explosion from a mine right there. she lost her left leg under the knee. she has a prosthetic now. she says her father disappeared a decade ago at the start of syria's war.
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she tells us he was blindfolded and she was thrown to the ground in a forest. it's the longest sentence she speaks. mostly she gives one-word answers or falls silent. her grandfather says he feels like she's just gone blank. she doesn't dream of a life without war because she can't even imagine it. it's been over a year since we were last here, covering russia and the syrian regime's most intense assault on what remained of rebel-held territory. there's been a ceasefire in place since then that has been relatively speaking holding. covid-19 peaked here late last year. now icu beds are mostly empty. it's all sandbagged underneath here just in case there's more bombing that resumes. this is a pediatric hospital, one of the few that remains intact.
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sayid is 2 1/2 months old and severely underweight. they've seen a threefold increase in malnutrition cases in this clinic alone. for a number of reasons. years of bombing and displacement leading to greater poverty and then further fueled by covid-19 border closures and humanitarian aid slowing down. we pass ramshackle camps. with each bombardment more of them blotted the countryside. a decade, for so many a lifetime of compounded trauma. the past permeates everything. for most there's not a month, a week that goes by that isn't the anniversary of the death of someone they loved. perhaps all that is left to save are the shreds of innocence of a
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scarred generation. rose mahery, a few years ago when we would come into syria people would crowd around us, wanting to know why, why this was happening to them, why the world was watching and seemingly not caring or trying to do something to change the horrifying dynamics of their lives. syria taught them and syria taught us as journalists reporting on this story that when bigger geopolitical games are at play the lives of the innocent are negated. now when we come into syria people don't even bother asking us those same questions anymore. it's almost as if they have accepted the fact that the world allowed them to be slaughtered, that it didn't matter how many images came out of bodies being pulled from underneath the rubble, how many people
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disappeared into regime and other jails, how many people were killed. the united nations, rosemary, stopped counting deaths years ago. they stopped at around half a million deaths. what you have right now is an ongoing story of a tragedy. this is not an anniversary of a ten-year-long conflict. this is a commemoration of all that has been lost. all those who have died and all those who have disappeared. >> it is a tragic nightmare. arwa damon, we thank you for your incredible report. joining us there live from idlib in syria. thank you again. well, the british government under pressure to act as outrage grows over how london police handle a vigil for murder victim sarah everard. those details just ahead. tter? unlike ordinary memory supplements— neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration.
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british prime minister boris johnson will chair a special crime task force today in response to the murder of sarah everard. her death has reignited a national debate in britain on women's safety and sexual assault as well as widespread anger toward the metropolitan police for its heavy-handed approach to a vigil over the weekend. cnn's scott mcclain has the latest. >> reporter: well, a day after a public vigil for a woman who was kidnapped and killed while walking home in london, protesters have once again gathered in central london not
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just to protest violence against women but also now to protest the police. london metropolitan police are facing pressure in two ways. first because one of their own serving officers has been arrested on suspicion of the murder of sarah everard, whose body was found earlier this woke. they're also facing criticism because of their heavy-handed tactics in breaking up the vigil on saturday evening. the metropolitan police commissioner, though, is defending her officers' actions in breaking up that vigil, saying that they had a duty to enforce public health regulations because of the coronavirus. a day later police have used much more evenhanded tactics, pleading with people to go home. still, many people are calling for london's top cop to resign. >> i think the most sickening thing of the whole thing is in two weeks' time it will all brush over. and no, it's not.
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>> she hasn't got the right response for what the majority is asking for, and the police is of service to society and the people. and disagreeing with everyone asking for then needs to make way for someone else because there are so many people that want tone force that, the accountability and safety amongst like society and the public in general. >> reporter: the mayor of london says he is not satisfied with the response that he's gotten from the london metropolitan police on why those tactics were used on saturday night. the british home secretary who's responsible for law enforcement called those scenes upsetting. both are calling for an investigation. scott mclean, cnn, london. and here to discuss more is katherine mayer. she is the co-founder and president of the women's equality party in the uk and joins us live from london. thank you so much for talking
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with us. >> you're welcome. >> so the murder of sarah everard has sparked this national outrage of course and debate across the uk over violence against women. what needs to be done to properly respond to this heinous crime? >> it's a very good question because what you're actually seeing is a very inchoate response but one that is also horribly familiar. we have this moment that has illuminated the scale of the problem. so aira's murder is appalling and people have rushed also to say how unusual that kind of murder abduction by a stranger is comparatively speaking. but actually i've had an outpouring of stories by women explaining just the constant level of both threat and actual
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harassment and worse, assault, abuse. so it's very much like the me too movement. and like the metoo movement it risks not translating into the kind of change that is not only essential but incredibly long overdue. and one of the reasons is you're also seeing -- for example, there's now focus on the police handling of the vigil and calls for the police chief to resign. there are lots and lots of questions about how that went down and indeed her position probably may turn out to be untenable. but it is essentially a political failure that led to this. just for example, you see sadiq khan, who's the mayor of london, immediately criticizing the chief of police. he is also the police and crime commissioner for london who sets the priorities for the police.
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and nowhere is the combating of violence against women and girls an explicit priority. nowhere are the sportupports th are needed for women that are the victims of sexual violence, they are not statutory. and they should be. and we're calling for at a national level this violence against women and girls to be added to the list of so-called national threats, which would mean that finally it got the kind of resourcing and attention it has always deserved. you know, again, this is one of these things. it's seen as a problem for women and for women to solve. and yet violence is overwhelmingly by men, and people who seek to minimize it tend to point out that more men get murdered. well, yes, it's a problem for men too. male violence is a problem, and
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it is a soluble problem, but only if it gets the attention that it deserves and only if it is understood as a political priority and that this has been a failure of politics until now. >> right. that's a very good point. but i did want to ask you this. you mentioned that vigil. why did police respond so aggressively to those attending this vigil, arresting and silencing some in attendance there, particularly after a crime that was allegedly committed by one of their own? >> well, that's why it was so ill judged. but everything about the police response has shown you that there is a cultural, institutional problem with the police, which is of course then replicated in politics, which is why we are where we are. but i mean just for for example, it wasn't just the response to that vigil. one of the very first things they did after sarah everard had
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already been abducted and killed, and obviously we don't know who did it. there is a suspect who is a serving member of the police. but that was known that the suspect was a serving member of the police, and the police deployed what they called reassurance patrols. colleagues of that same police officer going back to the spot from which she had been abducted in order supposedly to make women feel safer. and then they make this terrible mistake. you know, again, this is also political failure. there is a police and crime bill that's going through parliament today. it's likely to make protest more difficult. there is not one word about violence against women and girls in the whole of this piece of legislation. and the police were to an extent
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that horrible phrase only following orders, they were -- there was definitely room for interpretation of the judgment that was given in the case of that vigil. there is a lot for the review to look at as to why it went quite so badly wrong. but you also have a force that is not given the direction it needs, and it takes its cues not just from its own leadership but from wider society and from wider politics that is not -- that is just saying like these things are a priority. look at the care and attention that is paid to enforcing the pandemic laws, which by the way is spotty because sometimes they do it and sometimes they don't. in this case it seemed important. they need to take this serious ly. they have institutional misogyny and racism to deal with. they know that but they don't do enough. but that's the same as the
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institution that's are supposed to look after them. >> catherine mayer, thank you so much for talking with us. hopefully more can be done than just trying to silence these women. appreciate talking with you. well, the uk government is set to announce new pandemic travel policies next month. and british airways hopes there won't be as many rules so more people can fly. plus, covid cases in brazil and rising at an alarming rate, and soon there may not be room to treat all those infected. a look inside the country's struggling health care system, just ahead.
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british airways is calling on the uk government to allow passengers to travel with fewer restrictions starting in may. the airline says vaccinated people should be allowed to travel with no restrictions and unvaccinated people too as long as they have a negative covid test. the government will reveal its
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new travel policy in april, but trips out of the country won't happen until at least may 19th. so let's bring in cnn's john defterios who joins us live from abu dhabi. good to see you, john. so how bold a move is this by the new ceo of british airways to try and establish a single travel policy? and what is the ultimate goal by the international air transport association? >> yeah, good questions there, rosemary, because i think b.a. is trying to be a trend setter here as home of course to one of the largest airports for international arrivals at heathrow. and they're making this call before the formality as you suggest on april 12th by the uk government to establish new protocols. now, shawn doyle has been the ceo since october, and he's saying that basically vaccinations hold the key to liberalization of air travel. but went on to say that even a negative pcr result should be able to do the same. there's some sensitivity here for those who haven't been vaccinated to still be allowed
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to travel. and the final point he made, which is a good one here, that you have to have collaboration when it comes to the health apps that are on the market because eventually you have to get scale and that collaboration to kind of have a major breakthrough. the international air transport association is out there trying to get a travel pass launched by the end of the second quarter if not earlier. that would be that common platform that would allow you to load up your pcr results and also have a label if you've been vaccinated. it's interesting because we have a smaller population in the uae but two major apps, one in dubai, one in abu dhabi that do just that, rosemary. your pcr results are automatically uploaded and then if you've been vaccinated a label on the board here. but trying to get that scale by the end of the second quarter and then having a common protocol to be able to load up a pcr result and knowing that's been verified by a hospital authority or the government is a challenge here, but the industry
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after having been pounded so badly in 2020, you see b.a. trying to set the narrative here and say let's get moving on this framework as soon as possible. >> we'll see what happens there. cnn's john defterios. many thanks. well, brazil's coronavirus outbreak is surging to new and terrifying heights. this past week the country averaged close to 70,000 new cases a day. and it passed india for the second highest total in the world with almost 11 1/2 million infections overall. now as cases keep rising more icus are approaching capacity. cnn's matt rivers has more. >> reporter: pamela ravibe can only look at the photos of her grandmother. she says watching the videos is too painful. "the world didn't deserve my grandma," she says. "she was too good." admitted march 3rd with covid at this small hospital outside sao paolo, she died just two days later. the facility quickly overrun by
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a new wave of covid-19. this doctor who works there says "we think about the families that are suffering and we can't sleep. it is unbelievable." this hospital just doesn't have the facilities to care for those who are really sick. those patients would usually get transferred somewhere else, but right now there's nowhere else to go. so instead of getting transferred they're dying. in just five days last week 12 patients died waiting for an open bed somewhere else according to hospital officials. pamela's grandmother was one of them. she thinks that she would have survived if treated in an icu. but right now access to those facilities is nearly impossible. albert einstein hospital is one of brazil's best. but here too the rooms are full. they are scrambling to build more icu beds because the patients just keep coming. >> it's the most busy time we
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have ever been in this last year. >> reporter: we first saw hints of this about six weeks ago when we reported from manaus, a city in brazil's amazon rainforest. hospitals there were overwhelmed amidst a new outbreak, and the city was forced to build so-called vertical graves. and from then till now that chaos has spread nationwide. in 22 of 26 brazilian states icu capacity is at or above 80%, government data shows. in sao paolo it's 90% and climbing. and when you run out of beds, doctors tell us, people die. >> the coffin is closed. so the family doesn't have the opportunity to say good-bye. >> reporter: the number of such coffins is surging at the sao paolo public cemetery. from above you can see the thousands of newly dug graves. the number of burials, like the one going on behind me, have been staggering recently. since the pandemic began the
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three single days where sao paolo has recorded the most coronavirus deaths have come in just the last week. experts say the causes of the new surge are myriad. a more transmissible variant, few vaccines, relaxed lockdowns, and government mismanagement all playing varying roles. but no matter the cause, these are the effects. outside this public hospital every day between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. family members of covid patients inside wait to hear their names. they go in to get news on conditions. and often it's not good. and then comes the grief and the tears wrought from a pandemic that just won't end. matt rivers, cnn, sao paolo, brazil.
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rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the same medications as the vet, but for less with fast free shipping. visit today. . welcome back, everyone. well, millions of americans are now under winter weather alerts and blizzard warnings. that includes residents of colorado, a state that's been hit with heavy snow and blizzard conditions. more than 26,000 customers are now without power, and more than
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2,000 flights into and out of the denver international airport have been canceled. well, joining me now is meteorologist tyler mauldin. tyler,'s what is the latest on all of this? >> we've seen historic snowfall totals, rosemary. as you can see here. north of four feet of snow in portions of wyoming. denver international arntirport picked up two feet of snow. is this record-breaking territory? well, it's close. in denver, colorado this was a top five snow producer for you, ever, with 24 inches of snow. the largest ever was 45 inches. which pales in comparison to the 52 inches up in wyoming. cheyenne topped out at 36 inches, which is a record. they saw that within 48 hours. now we're beginning to see that storm system finally slowly but surely push out of the region. we still have winter weather alerts stretching from colorado all the way into iowa.
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we actually have blizzard warnings still in effect for southeastern wyoming and the panhandle of nebraska. we also have an avalanche warning in effect for portions of the colorado rockies. so be aware of that if you're hitting the slopes. and now our eyes focus up here to the north where we have winter storm warnings in effect across the midwest because the heavy snow is now pushing into this dwrar. and then we have heavy rain trailing down to the south of it. this area, portions of minnesota going through iowa on into chicago could see nearly a foot of snow before this storm system exits the region. then down to the south as i mentioned more in the way of rainfall. we could see flooding potential across portions of the mid-south and then across the southeast we could also see the flood potential simply because looking out to the west there's an area of low pressure coming into california. and that area of low pressure is what's playing pinball and pushing that area of low
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pressure, the historic storm system, out. the problem with that is as this second storm system comes over, rosemary, it's going to set up camp across the southeast and that's going to give way to strong to severe thunderstorms at times come mid-week and days of rain across the southeast. >> all right. many thanks to meteorologist tyler mauldin. appreciate it. and spacex made some history of its own sunday with its latest rocket launch. >> three, two, one, zero. ignition. >> look at that. this falcon 9 rocket made a successful launch and landing for a record ninth time. it carried another 60 starlink satellites into orbit, part of a growing constellation that could one day bring high-speed internet to the whole planet. magnificent. thanks so much for joining us. i'm rosemary church. i'll be back with more news in just a moment.
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do stick around.
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hello and welcome to our viewers joining here in the united states and all around the world. you're watching "cnn news room." just ahead, team biden hits the road an mission to sell their covid relief plan directly to americans. that's not the only goal. plus, they've had tough measures in place for months now. millions of people in italy are waking up to new restrictions. we're live to find out why. and the queen of pop sets a new record


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