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tv   CNN Special Report  CNN  March 20, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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a hundred thousand people. >> 200,000 americans. >> 300,000 americans. >> it has been a year of covid. in the united states. >> it is wrenching to cob front the fact that we're now at 500,000. >> what has it cost us? >> there's a name in the family with every single one of those numbers. i asked the doctor what are the chances that i can see my dad one time. >> he said you know what? god will siee him through. >> how has it changed us? >> i'm still struggling with
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doing some of the things that i did before. >> it's reached in and it's torn a hunk out of us. >> and how long will it take to heal? >> i don't know if we're ever going to go back to the old normal. >> tonight, a cnn special report. the human cost of covid. what kind of town is dalton to grow up in? >> it was fun. >> do you know everyone, everyone knows you. it's just a level of familiarity that just makes it your most quintessential kind of southern town. the carpet capital of the world. >> yeah. fun fact. >> if you're walking on carpet, likely it was made in dalton, georgia. >> it's also a very religious area. >> yes. the there are definitely a great number of churches. >> all right.
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so my full name is hubert andrew marsh junior. >> what do you want to be called. >> andrew. >> andrew. >> i'm a musician and my wife and i live in new jersey. i would travel from new jersey to dalton once every month. >> to visit mom and dad, hubert andrew marsh senior. >> he was the patriarch of our family, of the community, of our church. >> sounds like you really looked up to your father. >> oh, i did. i did. he absorbed everything for everyone in his orbit. he said he was taking care of it and you could rest assured he was taking care of it. >> a rock. >> yeah. >> your rock. >> yeah. my dad worked his entire career for the public health system of georgia.
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>> so when covid-19 came along, he took it seriously. >> he did. and he told me if he or my mom got covid, it was not going to be good. >> why was he extra worried about himself and his wife. >> my dad had some preexisting conditions. he knew it would not be good because of his respiratory condition. >> in a single day my mom had two brain aneurysms. >> oh, dear. >> and she had a stroke in the surgery to fix the aneurysms. >> it left her with left side paralysis. my dad was her primary caregiver since that happened. my dad had put a sign on the door, said "no visitors." >> but there was at least one which may be how the couple got covid. >> my dad did a great job nursing my mom back to health while all the while his health
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was going down quick with covid symptoms. he few that he had it but he wasn't going to leave my mom. and it finally got to the point, when i said dad, i need you to go to the hospital. >> well, who's going to be with your mom? i said i'm in the car right now and i'm headed for new jersey to dalton and my dad drove himself to atlanta, two hours, to the hospital. >> you're a police officer? >> i am. coming up on 25 years. >> you have a local sports show? >> yeah. good evening, everybody. welcome to "football friday." i was asked to be part of the friday night football live television show. >> so stay with us. and have loved it ever since. >> that love for that sport comes from your father as well? >> yeah. it's something we always did as a family. he was a big football player
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here when he grew up. he was director of the lowell rec department, coached as well. he went into the schools and taught and had a chance to mentor kids. >> how important are people like your father to towns like dalton, georgia. >> those sort of people keep towns like this thriving. >> do you know where he picked up coronavirus? >> no idea. he and my mom both were being pretty selective about where they went. [ speaking foreign language ] >> they were together since they were little kids. they're very much in love. [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> she was with her children in mexico waiting for him to get there. [ speaking foreign language ] i am a registered nurse. i noticed that i couldn't hear a lot of air moving in his lungs. i checked his oxygen and it was 88%. >> above 95 is normal. [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> my mother suffered from congestive heart failure. when she started experiencing symptoms, we don't know if they were covid symptoms or if they were from her congestive heart failure. i went in and took her to get tested and she was negative. we tend to believe she really was positive. she came on monday. by thursday she had lost all her strength. i said hey hey, i hate to be an alarmist but mom is bad. >> everyone got in touch with her. she would have her grandchildren and her great grandchildren as she sat on the side of her bed and blessed each one of them. >> you lost your mother. >> i lost my mother in july. >> how many family members became illinois? >> 19 family members became infected and five friends that came got infected with covid. i felt that i had let the guard
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down because i was not insisting that everybody come in with a mask. it wasn't like i wasn't aware of covid. i'd start cleaning and disinfecting and mopping. >> when did your brother get truly sick? >> that last week she was alive, he started having symptoms. >> the middle to latter part of march, my grandfather passed away from covid. jack bandy. he was one of the co-founders of the giant in his time. >> how old was he when he died? >> 93. he was thriving, physically, mentally. i think he had things left to do. >> dalton's the biggest city here, yes? >> 35 people live here. a little over hawpe thousand in the county. it's a diverse population. >> nearly half of dalton's population is latino.
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>> and i take it most of the latino population has v moved here to work in the carpet industry. >> probably in the early 80s people were moving here as the plants were booming. >> the latino community represents almost half of the population, but we were disproportion aitly hit by the pandemic. >> they work in sectors that are sometimes at risk. they work in crowded conditions. they don't have the luxury of social distancing. and plus they have to work. it's felt that's where the infection initially got the inroads into the community was in the latino community. >> by summer, tiny whitfield county was hard hit. >> beginning in late may we started seeing a steady rise in cases per capita. if we take the month of july, for example, cases per capita was about twice as high as the georgia average and they were quadruple for what we saw for
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the rest of the nation. about one in 12 people in the united states have covid-19 or have ever had covid-19. it's about one in seven individuals in whitfield county. >> the presence of risk factors in the latino community. like. >> diabetes, hypertension. >> and -- >> this is trump land you also have people when the pandemic is almost at its worse attending political rallies. >> there was a political environment that almost discouraged things as simple as mask usage and social distancing. >> the cdc is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering. this is voluntary. i don't think i'm going to be doing it. >> we also have a congress woman who believes in qanon. >> that's why dalton's interesting, because it is that
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sort of reflection of what everything the country was going through. >> coming up -- >> that nonsense gets people killed. >> it's not a theoretical thing. it gets people killed. ♪ ♪ locating your parked car with the touch of a button might seem... excessive. unless... getting lost is the whole point.
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♪but many are small businesses that simply lack the tool♪ ♪to find excited people who will stop and say 'that's cool'♪ ♪there's an idea for everyone♪ ♪and you'll love yours, she'll love hers too♪ ♪these two get served up coffee, 'cause they adore the brew♪ ♪if you're the type who needs to cruise,♪ ♪or likes your bags in vivid hues,♪ ♪behold, it's there.♪ ♪these bikers got some new headwear.♪ ♪small businesses and people - make connections so profound♪ ♪and all 'cause personalized ads help good ideas get found.♪ what are you doing? art class. it's abstract expressionism. when you start with a better hot dog from oscar mayer, you can do no wrong. it's all for the love of hot dogs. advil dual action fights pain 2 ways.
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it's the first and only fda approved combination of advil plus acetaminophen. advil targets pain. acetaminophen blocks it. advil dual action. fast pain relief that lasts 8 hours. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. get 2 unlimited lines for only $70. and now get netflix on us with your plan. and this rate is fixed, you'll pay exactly $70 total. this month and every month. plus, switch today and get a free smartphone for each line. the best value and award-winning customer service. only at t-mobile. on a monday, regular covid unit, icu on thursday.
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intubated on saturday. he was in the hospital for a couple weeks before i ever got to see him. things weren't looking good. so i asked the doctor, hey, look, what are the chances that i can see my dad one time. i will sign a waiver. i'll do whatever i have to do, and she actually surprisingly got me permission. >> your 69-year-old father, guy you looked up to, what do you see when you walked in his room? >> i see a shell of my father. just the amount of things that were keeping him alive were -- i've just never seen anything like that. >> do you think he recognized you, your voice? >> i hope so? >> anything. >> i hope to and i think so. i talked to him like i did. >> what did you say? >> if he was in there i know he was thinking about his to-do list. >> ha. >> and so i told him all the things that i did standing in
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the gap for him, the bills that were paid, the payroll at the church that had been done. the mortgage at the church. i took care of that. my mom was well taken care of. i told him you keep fighting. don't worry about all the things that you normally would do. i got it. [ speaking foreign language ] >> they started him on one of the treatments at that time that was called remdesivir. he was also able to receive plasma. he called us and told us that he was feeling better. >> then things took a turn. [ speaking foreign language ] >> we were strong in oar faith
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and we gave it to the lord. you know, we said, you know what? god will see him through. at one point he had air in his chest. [ speaking foreign language ] >> that oxygen it's your blood for you so it gives the lungs a break, and they moved it. so i remember that day and we were very excited. oh, he moved his foot. he's waking up. this is great. >> but then -- >> the nurse said his heart looked like it's starting to be affected by covid. >> he's 38 years old. you just don't understand why, why somebody so young and so healthy got this sick. >> the high rate of infection in dalton's latino community prompted community leaders and
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city officials to take action. >> you started testing here at the clinic? >> it was about august. >> you were actually approached by the city bays had some federal grant money that they could use to do outreach to latino. >> was the city discovering that latinos were less apt to seek out testing because they or someone in their household might not be here legally? >> i think that's the thinking. i know sometimes there's distrust. >> the nurse doing the swabbing. >> she would go out to the local restaurants and grocery stores and she would give them flyers and pamphlets and explain the importance of doing tall precautions that we're by cdc guidelines in english and spanish so that they understood.
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[ speaking foreign language ] how many people were there? who not sick. how long were you in the hospital ? julio did not have a wife to prod him to go to the doctor, go to the doctor. his wife had to be in mexico. she called me when we were
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viewing my mother and she said can you bring mother's oxygen. he doesn't sound well. no, i don't need it. the next day again i offered it and he said he didn't want it. the day after we buried my mother, he called and said, hey, can you bring me that oxygen now? i said brother, why don't you come here let me take care of you. he said i'm going to go over there and i going to the doctor first. so he went to the doctor and he never came home. from the clinic, they ambulanced him to the hospital. he had 282% oxygen. >> he and my mother both started feeling bad toward the end of the week before halloween. he was worse that she was. he was having a little more labored breathing, a fever. had a couple of sleepless nights. they went and got some care at the local hospital. he was seen, treated, and sent
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home with medication. >> he didn't improve over the weekend. tuesday morning my mother took him to the emergency room and whereas he had had pneumonia in one lung saturday, it was now both lungs on tuesday. >> were you able to see him? >> no. i got to the hospital after he'd already gone inside. >> as the country headed toward holiday season, there were dire warnings from health professionals. so just before thanksgiving in whitfield county its board of commissioners considered what to do about masks. mandate them, recommend them, or do nothing. >> i think it's the least we can do to recommend to our residents that they wear a mask. all in favor of that motion please raise your hand. all opposed, signify. and unfortunately, that motion
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failed 2-1. >> that nonsense gets people killed, ok. it's not a theoretical thing. >> the meeting that night ended like this. >> we are officially adjourned. don't forget to pray for roger. he's really sick. >> that's roger croissant. chris's dad. he had been a whitfield county commissioner since 2016 but couldn't street day because he was at the hospital, intubated. fighting for his life.
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don't forget to pray for roger. he's really sick. >> then you lost him. >> did. >> too early. >> way too early. >> what day was that? >> november 17th. >> what did the town lose? what did you lose? >> i lost the map that taught me how to be a father, taught me how to be community minded, kiss me on the hode and tell me he loved me every time we parted ways. all the things you would think about that you would want your father to be to you, that's what i lost that day. >> it's been hard, really hard. and they losing my soul mate, my
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high school sweetheart. we've been married 50 years this year. when you've been with somebody for so long, it's not easy to do without them. >> ok. so i'm just going to talk about this very briefly. i'm assuming all of you are still not p wanting to do a mask mandate. the is that correct? >> that's correct. >> they did pass a mask recommendation and they reupped a mask p mandate for inside county buildings but a month later -- >> remove the mask mandate on county buildings and keep the situation as it is today. all in favor say aye. any opposed say ney. it passings on a 3-0 vote. >> he didn't want to put a mandate in.
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he wanted to encourage people to wear a mask. i think he saw it as being practical to put something like that in the place and to turn around and have that enforced. >> right. >> how much of your law enforcement staff to send out to deal with that. >> the thing is i think it's useful to find some unified statement or vision. it doesn't pay to haul somebody off to jail but just a little bit of os tra simple, a little bit of risk walking into a restaurant without a mask would be enough to have people just wear the mask, even if they didn't believe in it. [ speaking foreign language ] >> the doctor called me and he said i don't have good news. his heart is doing really bad
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and i don't think he's going to make it. [ speaking foreign language ] >> a short time later, gabby, susie and two of her children were inside martin's hospital room. [ speaking foreign language ] >> after a few minutes, he looked at his nurse and he had a tear in his eye. >> he said is he gone? said yeah.
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[ speaking foreign language ] [ speaking foreign language ]
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we are in front of the place known in dalton, georgia, as the happy chicken. it's a place that my brother julio and father have opened for 125 years. this restaurant meant everything to my brother because it was something he was building for his family. for weeks he was in an induced coma. >> on a ventilator. >> he came to -- his mind came to. he was all there. you could talk to him. he could understand you.
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but he couldn't move anything except his -- a little bit of his shoulders. >> julio was a transferred to a rehab facility but suffered a series of setbacks. the family eventually made the decision to remove him from mechanical ventilation. >> i kept saying thank you for taking my mother when you did. because she would not have been able to see the pain of seeing her baby go through what he did. >> i'd see my dad on a friday afternoon. jumped on a plane, went to new jersey to see my wife for the weekend. but on sunday afternoon, the doctors called me and told me that like, you know, his rate of pumping that your heart does was like single digits. >> hubert marsh's heart was slowing down. >> i ran to the airport. i got on the first thing i could get out of newark. i needed to get my mom down
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there. so i came here, i slept. she and i went down the first thing monday morning. she got to see him. that was her one and only time getting to see my dad. the nurses and if doctor pulled my mom and i into a room to talk to us to let us know that like, you know, if we were ready, this is it. the minute they take him off of the machines, that's going to be it. so i -- i gave my con extsent t that and i went back into the room with the nurse and i put on "sitting on the dock of the bay" sn ♪ ♪ sitting in the morning sun ♪ and i realized the fine line of being here and us not being here. as my dad went on.
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♪ ♪ watch them roll away again ♪ >> why that song? >> that was one of his favorite sox. in the moment i knew i wanted his last moment to be not sad. ♪ sitting on the dock of the bay ♪ ♪ wasting time ♪ i patted him and i told him good job, and i remember i even gave him a round of applause when he left, because i don't know anybody that could live their lives as vibrantly as my dad did.
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you're going to need your breath, ok? >> i really haven't had much of a moment to internalize really what my feelings are, because life -- life never stopped. my dad's life ceased, but our leaves haven't. i sort of feel like the entire nation is ptsd. what is your sense of what you guys went through in the last year? >> i think one of the biggest things we've learned is how do you stay on top of what the pandemic is doing to you emotionally, spiritually, mentally. >> the country's been through a
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war. you're on the front lines and you're dealing with it. at times when it was at its worst it felt like a war zone. then the country as a whole dealing with losses, dealing with that isolation, dealing with not being able to go out. i would describe it as a war zone of covid. [ speaking foreign language ]
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[ speaking foreign language ] >> covid long haulers generally what it refers to is a situation where someone has had covid. they've been in the hospital. they've been in the ucu or they haven't, but what is notable about them is that the symptoms they're having are persisting. >> i see recovery center here at vanderbilt, i've been working with covid-19 patients since march of 2020. we have seen patients with persistent symptoms like exercise intolerance, fatigue, cognitive deficits, depression,
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anxiety, ptsd. >> sharon huff got covid in june of last year. >> my chest gets so tight. >> she's a nurse who hasn't been able to work in nine months. >> i could not get enough air. >> those things are related. if you can't breathe, that's very anxiety provoking. >> yeah. >> push, push, push, and big breath in. >> the main issues that i'm focussing on are cognitive and mental health related in nature. >> it's just tore my life apart. >> yeah. >> not being able to -- >> yeah. would you be interested in a support group? >> yeah. >> yes. >> good. >> for so many people, being critically illinois is a game
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changer. it changes the tro generalry of their lives. my patient and his wife and so many with covid, there's this incredible disruption and so much of it has to do with the abruptness of things. >> our family was turned up side down. lives stopped. i mean, we dropped everything for two months. he fought for his life. >> i was in the hospital for 59 total days. i was placed pretty much on a slept dater immediately. >> he had a pulmonary embolism. the doctor came and kind of said we don't know that we can save him. i knew at that point we needed prayer. he was released from rehab on september the 22nd. >> and emma, she's definitely a
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daddy's girl. we held hands almost all the way home and it was just such a great day. >> after we got back home, it did become obvious to me that we were all dealing with our own trauma from this experience. >> i was first not aware that ptsd meant dealing with trauma of being in an intensive care unit. every time i heard that word covid, i found myself counting to breathe just like i was trying to catch my breath and in the hospital. >> we had both experienced nightmares at different times. >> you're going to come out of this stronger than you ever thought. >> we have a support group for family members of covid-19 survivors. the support group has been a god send for me. >> you got to celebrate those positives, find that serenity. >> they just helped me not feel alone.
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>> i'm still struggling with doing some of the things that i did before. i have been on oxygen for the entire time. and the hope is is the wean all the way off of that. >> we've learned a long time ago to take it one day at a time. >> it just shows us how fortunate and blessed we are to have each other and to realize that that's enough. >> what is the future for you both? [ speaking foreign language ]
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it seems that this pandemic has been a major stress test on our public health systems. [ speaking foreign language ] >> nationally, we've failed and holy we've failocally we've fai. >> 200,000 americans and 300,000 americans. >> half a million people now lost to the coronavirus in this country.
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>> as we acknowledge the scale of this mass death in america, remember each person and the life they lived. >> while my dad was fighting for his life was a certain someone saying that virtually no one gets covid. >> but it affects virtually nobody. it's an amazing thing. >> but my dad was someone. he was someone to me, although this isn't a town with a million people, this town together is still a mighty fist. he was a lot to many, many, many, many, many people in this community. my mom and i now have both been vaccinated fully. when i saw them give her her first one, i just -- i just cried. i was so thankful that it's
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available to us now. and a few more months, my dad also could have been protected, you know. >> this is where the pandemic begins to end. >> yes. >> this is it. like -- >> folks like this that are health department workers who are the unsung heroes of this pandemic. as long as the vaccine continues to be allocated to our area, we're going to efficiently distribute it. >> there's still in this community a lot of vaccine hesitancy. >> we don't have buy-in locally yet from the latino community and certainly not from the caucasian community either.
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it's not only safe, it's do i actually need it. >> i'm not telling anybody not to go get vaccinated, because that would be irresponsible. i'm just saying i don't plan to. >> so there's a lot of different myths. one of them is well is this some kind of tracking device. you've heard that? >> yeah, yeah. >> does it make you infertile. >> do you think the vaccine is a vaccine? >> no. well, it's a vaccine but it hasn't been tested enough. >> you think there's a tracking device -- >> at one point it will do that. >> if we have pockets where the mentality is i don't have to do this. it's my choice. we'll continue to have vamriant in that area and we're going to continue to have outbreaks. >> it must be nice to see people getting vaccinated, but are they
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doing it fast enough? >> i wish we could do it faster. >> and dalton is the worse? >> each time it gets worse each time we get hit. i don't know. >> the thinking is we're going to hear pandemics at a higher frequency than in the past. >> it was a warning. >> yeah. i'd say it's a warning for the inevitable next one. >> in your mind, covid-19 represents what? >> i think this was induced. i think this was political. >> you think covid was manufactured? >> yes. >> by the united states government or some other government? >> i believe so, yes. >> how frustrating was it to see covid-19 become politicized? >> it's heart breaking that suddenly politics is intermingled with something that really should not be in the political arena at all. there's a lot of up necessary pain and suffering and death that happened because of these
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things. >> and how long will it take to heal? >> life's different, in ways you can't necessarily explain. i don't know if we're ever going to go back to the old normal. i think we'll have to create a new normal going forward . [ speaking foreign language ]
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. what's the plan? where do you see yourself in a year or two? >> that's a question that i need to answer and that i've been trying to answer. if for no one else, i need to answer it for myself. i told my dad that i would take care of my mom and that he didn't have to worry about that, so that's what i do day in and day out. >> to have your father and your husband become a statistic, what do people need to know about those who have died from this? >> there's a name and a family with every single one of those numbers, someone who's been a part of every single memory pretty much i've had in my life, it's our duty going forward to make sure that they're not
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forgotten, to make sure that their deaths are not in vain. >> what did covid do to the country? what did it do to your family? >> it's reached in and it's torn a hunk out of us. it has separated us in terrible ways. terrible ways. >> do you think we'll ever heal from that? >> i sure hope so. i like to believe in the spirit of america that we can bounce back. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. get 2 unlimited lines for only $70. and now get netflix on us with your plan. and this rate is fixed, you'll pay exactly $70 total. this month and every month. plus, switch today and get a free smartphone for each line. the best value and award-winning customer service.
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7:00 pm
i've driven in italy quite a bit. people don't really stop lights that much. he goes, no, no, no. the stop light is just a suggestion. there's nowhere on earth quite like tuscany. the land is idyllic. the art is define, and the food is out of this world. oh, my god! that just melt i


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