tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 26, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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ashamed. >> she was a korean born citizen and mother and grandmother and amazing and kind hearted woman according to her son. we grieve with the families and loved ones of those two women and all the victims of these horrible shootings. coming up tonight at 9:00, tonight miss cnn's special town hall "afraid, fear for americans communities of color." anderson is next. tonight, laws built on a lie part of an attack on democracy fueled by that lie and assault on the capitol in the name of that lie and the liars lying about that. john berman in with anderson. when the program ended, georgia's republican governor signed sweeping voting restrictions into law that could heavily burden black voters in democratic strongholds and one provision adds insult to injury on limited polling access and long lines by making it a crime to give food or water to people on the lines waiting hours often in the hot sun to vote.
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president biden weighed in calling the law an atrocity. >> you have any indication that has nothing to do with fairness, nothing to do with decency, they passed a law saying you can't provide water for people standing in line while they are waiting to vote? you don't need anything else to know this is fis nothing but punitive design to keep peopling from voting. >> outside the signing ceremony, police arrested georgia state representative park cannon knocking on the door trying to get in. she's facing two felony charges that says something as does this photo that came out today. take a hard look. a black lawmaker outside the door is a governor in front of a painting of an old georgia slave pan plan plantation. the callaway plantation is a backdrop literally and symbolically to a law that georgia's governor a member of
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what used to be admired as the party of lincoln had nothing to do with restricting voter access. >> it wasn't a voting rights bill, it was an election security bill that actually increases early voting opportunities here in georgia and requires a photo id for absentee by mail like when you vote in person and it continues to, i think, will allow georgia to have secure accessible fair elections in georgia. >> keeping them honest, the governor was selective in which provisions he mentioned and says it providing challenges and ballot drop boxes to inside polling locations during daytime regular hours. one state lawmaker that represents majority minority district outside of atlanta saying the number of drop boxes in her district will shrink from 33 to just nine. the governor also said nothing about the let them go hungry and thirsty clause. it's what he did say however that gets to the heart of things, his claim that this is
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all about election security. and making it, he is suggesting there have been problems with past elections in georgia, such as say, the 2020 vote. you knowings the one he certified. the one his own officials two trump supporting republicans signed off on while also in great detail refuting the false stories behind being told about voting irregularities and fraud. >> i know there are people convinced the election had problems but the evidence. the actual evidence and facts tell us a different story. we'll move on to disinformation mo monday. there are no seized machines. not true. didn't happen. another one, 245i did not get on a plane to count votes in pennsylvania. so there is no algorithm. the 5 million ballot hand count
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proves it. >> the outside of your envelope we verified that signature. your signature was matched twice. we had safe, secure honest elections and the results are disappointing if you are republican, but those are the results. >> we should note that georgia secretary of state whom you just heard there did speak out today in support of the new law saying quote, there is no rational argument against requiring state i.d. for absentee ballots. then again, given what you've just heard him say about this, one might ask why are tougher measures necessary at all? republican lawmakers in all but a hand full of states nationwide are pushing similar steps and justification is the same, that there is something wrong with how we conduct elections, which is unfounded at best at worst part of a lie that goes back decades in a practice dating back to the jim crow reconstruction but the current incarnation took off days after the former president's inauguration when he claimed falsely, of course, that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for his
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opponent and based on such lies, he set up a voter fraud commission that found nothing and disbanded and then as 2020 rolled around, he was off to the ra races. >> make no mistake this election was stolen from you, from me, from the country. it's going to be a very hard thing to concede because we know there was massive fraud. this was not a close election. you know, i say sometimes jokingly but there is no joke about it. it was a rigged election. you look at the different states. the election was totally rigged. there is no way we lost georgia. i've been in two elections, i've won them both and the second one i won much bigger than the first. because the only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged. remember that. frankly, we did win this election. >> everything he said there and virtually everything his post election legal team tried to claim about the election was a lie. what's more, one of his
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attorneys who is being sued for defamation by daminion voting systems is arguing in a court filing she should not be liable because no reasonable person would believe her election fraud claims. her legal precedent is versus sanity. in the meantime, here in the real world daminion sued fox news. the company alleging fox aired purposely baseless claims about them rigging votes. you can file away the crack in the sex shop press conference rudy's running hairdo, all of it as theater of the absurd except it led to lawmakers, most of whom knew better trying to overturn the election and then to this. >> stop the steal! stop the steal! >> the steal, which was not
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happening and lynch pence and get pelosi. people feeding them lie after lie and those very same liars are lying about what their election lies unleashed first there was senator ron johnson who said he never felt scared that day because the attackers were quote people who loved this country and truly respect law enforcement and would never do anything to break the law and they weren't antifa and members of black lives matter and now hundreds of criminal charges later, the former president is saying this? >> it was a zero threat from the start. look. they went in. they shouldn't have done it. some of them went in and the hugging and kissing police and guards. they had great relationships and
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walked in and out. >> sounds like he's talking about friendly wedding crashers, hugging kissing with security but no biggie. would the same be said about brian sicknick or the two that died by suicide or the mob chasing eugene goodman wanted to plant a big kiss on his cheek? does he care. i want you to hear the former president's words again only this time accompanied by more real images of the actual event he created for himself. decide what to make of it. >> it was a zero threat right from the start. they went in. they shouldn't have done it. some of them went in and hugging and kissing the police and the guards. they had great relationships.
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a lot of people were waved in and walked in and out. >> a lie about an attack inspired by lies. cops paid the price and democracy took a hit and might have crumbled and now nationwide but laws inspired by the same toxic lie. earlier tonight i spoke about it with the atlanta mayor keasha lance bottoms. >> mayor bottoms, what does it tell you the former president that tried to steal the election in georgia is applauding this law saying it's too bad it didn't happen sooner. what does it tell you about what that law is about? >> that's all we need to know. anything the former president is celebrating is usually not a good thing for voters the majority of the voters and the state of georgia and it is exha exhausting given the record turnout in the state and the current governor was the secretary of state before he
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became the governor, the now secretary of state toted the integrity of the election and here we are. >> you mentioned the georgia secretary of state brad who did say the election was fair and fraud but said of this law he thinks cries of voter suppression of those on the left ring hallow. those were his words. he said these narratives are lazy bias and political as they are wrong. he notes he thinks voter id isn't voter suppression and he thinks for the first time drop boxes are now written into law. so what do you say to him? >> there are several things. i would love for him to explain what is lazy offering an 80-year-old woman a bottle of water as she waits in the summer heat to vote in georgia because that's what happened in our june primary. our primary was held june 9th in the dead of summer in georgia.
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there were lines outside of doors people waited for hours. so we can't offer them a bottle of water sand he calls that laz. it wasn't lazy when governor kent used the drop box while being quarantined to cast his ballot. was that lazy or is it now lazy because democrats won in georgia? it is ridiculous. it is unnecessary and it is an affront to the legacy of john lewis, joseph lowry, c.t. vivian and so many others who we lost in 2020 who laid down their lives to give people the right to vote in this state and across this country. >> what message do you think it sends when governor kemp signed the bill in his office surrounded by white men with that painting, we think is the callaway plantation hanging above them?
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>> well, clearly the imagery has not been lost on the nation and it is -- this bill has so many layers of issues in it and many disproportionately impact minority voters. when you talk about this bill and now the need suddenly to have a copy of your id to vote absentee ballot, think of all of the poor people and perhaps elderly people who don't have printers in their homes. where are they supposed to go and make a copy of their id? and this is not an issue in a number of years until democrats won this state last year and so we are where we are. i do hope there will be relief given to us by congress.
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that there will also be an opportunity for us to overturn this in the courts but then there is the opportunity for us show up and stand in long lines we see across this state. there is an opportunity for us to still show up and vote in record numbers so that we can make meaningful change across the state. >> you talk about the resource you have, yes, there is a bill in congress now the house passed and the senate is considering but as you well know, it doesn't have the votes to pass in the senate as things stand now. the president is on your side calling the georgia law jim crow in the 21st century and the justice department is looking into it but absent that, what else can you do? >> we can still show up and vote of a 74% turnout in the mi midsf
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a bad storm in georgia, we have to stand up and vote and bring people to the polls to stand up for those votes suppressed. i think this will be a rallying cry for people across the state and i caution the rest of america understand that these same type of laws and effort to suppress the vote won't stop in georgia. we'll see it happening in states across this country so we need to be vigilant and be aware of what is happening. >> mayor keasha lance bottoms. thanks for being with us tonight. >> thank you for having me. rebuttal to the former president's depiction of the insurrection coming from democratic congressman and former army ranger jason crow pinned down with lawmakers and staffers inside the house gallery and we spoke just before
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air. congressman crow, what do you think of the former president's comments the rioters, his supporters were quote zero threat on january 6th? >> well, that's perfectly predictable for president trump. i mean, he obviously wants to seep this under the rug. he's always denied this was a problem or had any role in it. and i expect we'll continue to see this. unfortunately, the issue is less donald trump doing this because we would expect that out of donald trump. it more his enablers and those in congress who continue to do it and try to down play the deaths and murders that occurred. >> the secret service agents guarding mike pence and his family didn't think the rioters were zero threat. how insulting are the former president's comments to law enforcement and the images here, assaulted, over run beaten on that day 1k3 obviously the family of officer brian si
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sicknick. >> when i heard those comments i thought about a couple of the officers i've grown close to over the last couple years, one of whom i called the day after the attack and asked how he was doing. he was on one of the riot teams, riot control teams and told me about how he fought for hours, literally fighting back for hours until eventually he was over run and just laid on the ground and thought he would be killed and instead he was beaten for 20 to 30 minutes and cover e ed in bruises head to toe and the next day back at work limping around capitol hill doing his job. he certainly doesn't think that those folks were no threat and and the family of officer sick in this case and all the others, i was there and saw the danger we were in. they had a noose outside of the
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capitol. this is a big problem and obviously, the president will do what he does but the enablers and people in congress need to stop. >> talk to me about the enablers. i mean, i was trying to think of a historical precedent of a former president of the united states who would spend his post white house years defending an insurrection. they want to come up with like john tyler that signed with a confederacy in the civil war. that's the level we're talking about here. >> yeah, you look at what other presidents spend their time doing, philanthropy and building homes for homeless folks and george w. bush painting, you know, paintings of the disabled wounded veterans and then you have donald trump trying to legitimize an insurrection and a i ra riot and murder that occurred as a result. the contrast couldn't be any more stark and this isn't just an issue of historical integrity, right? i mean, i think it is important
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that we have a historical record of this and i actually introduced the capitol remembrance act alongside my friend susan to make sure we're memoirize ling the deaths. the problem is we have anti-government groups, extremists who remain a severe national security threat to us and it makes it harder for us to address that threat in the way we need to. >> will you still work with these republicans that continue to back the former president and his big lie? >> well, i look at it this way. there is a broad spectrum of my gop colleagues. you have the folks, the extreme folks, you know, the marjorie taylor greenes, the andy bigs of the world. you know, those folks, i'm not going to work with them because i'm not going to normalize that extremism or normalize violent
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rhetoric and stuff that's a threat to democracy as i see it and adam kinzinger of the world and it's older image and then there is a lot of people that fall somewhere in between. i'm really dealing with this on a case by case basis but it's hard. there is no member of congress that isn't struggling with how to deal with that right now. >> congressman jason crow, thank you for your time tonight, thank you. >> thanks, john. next, president biden's decision to start naming and blaming the former president and the question of how long voters will let him do it and later, new developments in the boulder mass shooting, what we're learning how the alleged killer got his gun. d just soothing sensitive skin? exactly jen! calm + restore oat gel is formulated with prebiotic oat. and strengthens skin's moisture barrier. uh! i love it! aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ introducing fidelity income planning.
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that. part of the discipline is not focussing attention on his predecessor, not even saying his name mostly then there was his first press conference yesterday. >> trump administration, trump, trump, trump, president trump, trump, trump. >> joining us now kathryn lucy white house reporter with the "wall street journal" and cnn political commentator and political strategist paul. you were at the press conference yesterday. were you surprised the joe biden mentioned the former president as many times as he did? this was a white house transition that was bragging about the fact he won't even say trump's name. >> i was covering the press conference yesterday. i was not at it. a colleague of mine was in attendance and did a great job. we saw a shift here from the president. he referred to former president trump as the other guy. and his campaign -- his white
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house has been very messaged discipline sod far and we've seen them focus on the covid response on what they're trying to do to revive the economy, deal with the health issues right after the pandemic and really try to keep the focus on that in the early days. but what you saw yesterday was the president take aim for the first time a range of questions on a lot of issues and a number of issues have been encroaching on the message of covid. among them most notably immigration and the issues of the surge of migrants at the border and that's where you saw him put the most blame on his predecessor. he said he inherited the problems from trump, that he was trying to fix what he had, you know, he had when he came into office, and that this was something that was going to take time for him. he also did, you know, get asked a number of questions about trump, obviously. you asked whether he would be running against him in 2024 and he seemed to joke a little bit
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about that. one point he said come on. but yes, certainly this was more than we've heard him mention his pr predecessor than the past. >> every president knocked his predecessor at some point but he worked hard not to mention the predecessor but why do it now? >> well, i think the greatest political strikeategists is hardville. when you said how is his wife? compared to what? the desire, the need even to blame your predecessor is much more pronounced when you defeated your predecessor. ronald reagan blamed jimmy carter and democrats blamed herbert hoover for 50 years after fdr bead him. biden won because the country rejected trump. i also think this is a way for him to hold his very broad democratic collision together that is not just democrats.
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he got a lot of anti trump republican votes and he wants to remind those folks that he inherited a big mess caused by the former guy as kathryn correctly points out. so i think it's a smart thing. i couldn't do it every day. i think he's been remarkable. he's supposed to be a gaffe machine. he's been a discipline machine and i think that this performance yesterday was very disciplined and intentional. >> on the subject of the border and kathryn as you note, that is where it was really most pronounced. how long do you think that president biden can blame the trump administration for this, and at what point will they have to take ownership for it? >> you're right. that really was where it was the most pronounced and paul is correct. the blame game is certainly not a new game for a new president. and it's not surprising that they would be noting this. particularly because immigration and border was a signature issue and focus for former president trump. but that said, you know, the
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president and his team, they know that looking ahead to the midterm elections, they have to get points on the board, they have to write some of these situations on both immigration and also on covid on the pandemic and economy that they are going to have to be seen as handling these situations and voters are not going to still be looking at him running against trump in 20 -- in the next round of elections. so they do really have to, you know, move forward and i think they are aware that they have to be shown as handling these. >> paul, only one president at a time as you probably well know and once said. >> yes. and that is our president joe biden. i think he's got a perfect right to contrast himself. i talked to a very senior democrat in a state where trump had won and then joe biden flipped it and i said what do you think the democrats ought to be doing? he said bragging and blaming and lots of both. good strategy. >> it is interesting, paul, what you said.
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i wonder if you can span out a bit because i haven't thought of it like that. trump is the democratic collision in a way. right now, trump is what galvanizes or brings them all together. is that a comfortable place to be? is that something that can last? >> a challenging place. my gosh. i don't know anybody but president biden that could pull it off. you have a party in the senate, his party swings from joe mansion to bernie sanders. that will give you the benz, man. one thing that unites them is that he got, you know, biden won by getting the broad coalition is people that liked trump and hated trump. keeping him in the mix can be useful. kathryn is right, the most important thing is he does a good job. he's got to put points on the board as she said. there is nothing wrong with taking a shot at the former guy once in awhile. >> infa rastructure and blame trump fits on a bumper sticker. next, an update in boulder on the gun used in the mass
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shooting monday as authorities continue to track the gunman's movements in search for a motive. to veteran spouses everywhere we salute you. we salute how you balanced work, family and home life. we salute your courage. and your service. by offering you our service. newday usa specializes in helping you make the most of your va benefits. from home purchase to refinance.
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so jeff, you need all those screens streaming over your xfinity xfi... for your meeting? uhh yes. and your lucky jersey? oh, yeah. lauren, a cooler? it's hot. it's march. and jay, what's with all your screens? just checking in with my team... of colleagues. so you're all streaming on every device in the house, what?!! that was a foul. it's march... ...and you're definitely not watching basketball. no, no. i'm definitely not watching basketball. right...
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arriving on the scene. kyung law is in boulder tonight. kyung, what more are we learning about the investigation tonight. >> reporter: the 30 seconds, that's how quickly they entered the store and the police department detailed exactly how that first contact happened. that officer talley led in the first contact team and immediately they took on gunfire. that officer talley was fatally shot then by the suspect and that the suspect kept firing until officers took him into custody, but because those police officers were taking on all that gunfire, nobody else in the store was shot or killed. we are also learning from the gun store that this gunman purchased the gun six days ago, six days before this shooting but that this gun was legally purchased and that he passed a background test, that the background check was conducted by the gun shop and there simply was nothing that prevented him from purchasing this weapon, john. >> important to note.
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what are investigatiors saying about the alleged shooter's mot motive? >> reporter: that is something the police chief here calls haunting, it was haunting investigators because they just don't know yet and they don't know if they will ever know. some of the questions they have, why did he pick this store? it is 30 minutes from his home. why did he pick monday? why did he choose to do it this way? they just don't know yet. >> so the district attorney we're also told plans on filing for charges against the shooter. what kind of charges? >> reporter: well, i mentioned how police officers were taking on all that gunfire. well, because of that, the prosecutors feel that they will be able to put on additional attempted murder charges. so far the suspect is facing ten counts of murder and an 11th charge of attempted murder by firing on one of the police officers. they anticipate additional charges in the next two weeks, john. >> kyung law, thank you for your reporting. meanwhile in atlanta, one of
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the eight people killed last week in the spa related killings was remembered at her funeral today. she was the 49-year-old owner of one of those spas. her ex-husband said she moved to the united states from china ten years ago and he said her family abroad would like her now adult daughter to live in china because he said they don't think it's safe here anymore. just ahead, a controversial theory about the orgaigins of coronavirus. dr. sanjay gupta joins us to talk about what dr. robert r redfield told him in a one-hour special airing sunday night. yes! hey ava, how's my bracket looking? this is gary, i invested in invesco qqq. a fund that invests in the innovations of the nasdaq-100. like this artificially intelligent home system. become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq. ♪
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especially in the underserved communities hardest hit by covid. trust me, no one wants to get back to classroom learning more than teachers like me. using common sense safety measures like masks, physical distancing, and proper ventilation. safety is why we're prioritizing vaccinations for educators. because together, we all have a responsibility to do our part. and together, we will get through this, safely. former cdc director robert redfield created a huge stir for a theory about the origins about the coronavirus. one president biden didn't want to touch when asked about it today. the comments come in a new cnn special report sunday night and joining us now dr. sanjay gupta. i want to get to it.
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it extraordinary. this is a clip from your interview with dr. redfield. >> if i was to guess this virus started transmitting somewhere in september, october in wuhan. >> september, october. >> that's my opinion. i'm allowed to have opinions. i am of the point of view i still think the most like ly pathogen in wuhan was from a laboratory, you know, escaped. other people don't believe that. that's fine. science will eventually figure it out. it not unusual for respiratory infections in a laboratory to infect a laboratory worker. >> it is also not unusual for that type of research to be occurring in wuhan. the city is a widely known center for viral studies in china including the wuhan institute of virology which experimented with bat coronaviruses. >> it is a remarkable
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conversation we're having here because you're the former cdc director and you were the director at the time this was all happening. >> for the first time, the former cdc director is stating publicly that he believes this pandemic started months earlier than we knew. and that it originated not at a wet market but inside a lab in china. >> these are two significant things to say dr. redfield. >> that's not implying any inte intention. i am a virologist. i spent my life in viology. i don't believe this came from a bat to a human and at that moment in time the virus that came to the human became one of the most infectious viruses we know in humanity for human to human transmission. normally when a pathogen goes to a human, it takes more time. i don't think this makes
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biological sense. >> so in the lab do you think that process of becoming more efficient was happening? is that what you're suggesting? >> yeah, let say i have coronavirus and i'm working on it. most of us in the lab try to make it grow better and better and better and better to do experiments and figure out more about it. that's the way i put it together. >> sanjay, this say big deal. it a big deal to hear this from the former cdc director. now dr. redfield said he doesn't necessarily think the virus quote escaped from the lab intentionally and he says science will eventual 2ly figur it out but how could or would a virus escape from a lab? >> it likely would escape with one of the lab workers, either inside that person's body or even, you know, there was concern whether it could be carried on surfaces. we're not sure. but that sort of thing does happen, john. it's happened in labs in china and labs in the united states. there was the tulane primate lab in 2014 they were working with a
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particular bacteria that had sort of a lab escape. this sort of thing happens. i think this theory has been out there for sometime and i got to tell you, john, i wasn't so surprised at what dr. redfield said because the theory has been out there, i was surprised that he said it. cdc director has access to raw intelligence, raw data that i've never had access to, and he came -- i pushed many times asked this question many times and he really stuck to this narrative about the lab leak. >> you and i talked earlier about this. he said it his opinion. i don't know the cdc director that sees stuff we're not seeing has just an opinion. it wouldn't surprise me that he seen something more to form late this opinion. did any of the other doctors you talked to, dr. fauci, anyone else share this opinion? >> well, you know, it's interesting. no one will come out. he was the most vocal and adamant doctor, dr. redfield,
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nobody will come out and dismiss this, either. they say the likely theory is that it's, you know, this came from bats to humans via some host. that's what everyone sort of has said. that's the official line. the world health organization calls the lab leak theory very unlikely but i got to tell you, john, there is a 400-page report that alwill be coming out from e world health organization and they are investigating and looking at this. i don't know whether that will be conclusive or not. it may not be in the end. they may not arrive at any conclusion despite the fact it's 400 pages long. >> we got to do in 20 seconds but how could we ever know for sure? >> it's tough. one thing you'd go back and look at some of the earliest people in the lab. did they get sick? do they have antibodies? contact trace. do all the sort of public health investigation that you'd normally do. maybe you still don't get an
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answer but that's sort of how this investigation unfolds. >> how much of this depends on transparency from china? >> a lot of it, john. i think that there -- that may be the biggest limiting step here because they've got to get access to people. they've got to be able to look at those blood samples. they got to understand and put a picture together. how early this was spreading and how many people were being affected in that lab. >> dr. sanjay gupta, i have to say, this is really interesting stuff. this special will make a big, big difference. they need to watch. "covid war the pandemic doctors speak out" area this sunday night at 9:00 p.m. on cnn. still to come, what will the biden administration do to protect asian americans who become targets? anderson's discussion with the top come mdomestic advisor susa continues. bring your family history to life, like never before. get started for free at
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special report, afraid, it comes in the wake of the atlanta area shootings where 6 of the 8 victims were asians. one of the top domestic policy advisers, susan rice has been leading the steps necessary to end the attacks on our fellow citizens. anderson spoke with susan rice earlier about the administration's plan for action. >> i know you have expressed outrage at what happened in atlanta, the rise in violence against asian americans, speci specifically though, is there much the biden administration can do about it? >> yes, anderson, and we have from the outset. in the first week of the administration, president biden issued a presidential memorandum instructing his government to acknowledge and to root out anti asian bias and xenomag xenophob
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has been on a spike over the course of the last year. fueled in art, we have to acknowledge the hostile rhetoric in the federal government. this has been a growing problem. we have to collect data more rigorously on hate crimes and be clear about who is facing what kinds of of threats and attacks. the government has resources that can invest in community on organizations that are working to prevent violence at the local level. and of course, the justice department, which attorney general merrick garland will bring their tools to bear to fight crimes against asian americans and pacific islanders.
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>> are there tlaws that you are looking at? >> they reauthorized in the congress, the sgroints women act. that would protect women of color, and all women faciing domestic violence, it was a horrible on mix in atlanta of hate crime, racism, and misogyny and that disproportionately targeted asian-american women. it was an example of gun violence and president biden has long been a leader to combat gun violence. again, there's legislation pending before the senate, having passed the house to strengthen the background check system that closes loopholes and allows violent offenders to obtain firearms. >> what do you attribute the violence to?
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obviously you said there's a long history of violence against minority communities for a long time, communities of color as well as asian communities. how much of it is, you know, stems from the history, or just our history, our system, and frankly as you said the rhetoric of the former administration? >> well, i think it's a combination of all of the above. but, what we have had in the last year, with this extraordinary spike in violence and crime, hate crimes against asian-americans and pacific islanders has been tied to the covid-19 pandemic. and has been tied to anti-asian rhetoric, when the, you know, when former leaders talk about the china virus or the wuhan flu or horrible, horrible things like that. it has a terrible, terrible impact and that is not to be tolerated. and in the biden administration, we are calling that out, and we are saying we will not, we will
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not contemplate that in any way shape of form. and another thing, anderson, just to go back, you asked about laws. you know, there's a law pending before congress called the covid-19 hate crimes act. which, the president has strongly endorsed and called to be swiftly enacted in to law and it responds to what we have seen spike in terms of hate crimes against asian americans over the last year. >> i read your memoire several years ago and you write a lot about your mom, in a "new york times" piece in 2019, you wrote an article called what my father taught me about race. and you said, until his death, dad remained bitter about segragation in the military, pro foundly protest thing the fighting for all but him. he served in the tuskegee airmen unit. what do you think he would make of where we are right now in
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this country? >> well, i think he would have mixed feelings, anderson. in some respects he would be, you know, proud as he was of this country and grateful to serve it. but i think he would also be deeply concerned about our tremendous political polarization, and the fact that we have in so many ways seen many demonstrations of systemic racism and one thing that i love about my dad, he always called on me, and my brother and all those he loved to do our best. and to not rest on our laurels, and to have high standards and high expectations. and that's what he had for this country that he loved so. he would be calling on all of us to do better. >> susan rice, i appreciate your time, thanks very much. >> thank you, anderson. >> an important discussion that continues in a moment with anderson. a special report, beginning a special report, beginning after a short break. almost everything. especially a cold.
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