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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 28, 2021 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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it's easy and affordable to get started. get self protection for $10 a month. with 70 million people vaccinated, one white house doctor said the majority of deaths we've seen so far are preventable. the world is condemning myanmar's violent crack down. one representative said it's time for action. and tennessee facing a flood. parts of the u.s. already battered by storms. welcome to all of you watching here in the united states, canada, and around the world,
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i'm kim brunhuber, this is "cnn newsroom." we begin here in the u.s. where the coronavirus is still a threat, of course, but vaccinations are spiking. the centers for the disease control said about 15% of the vaccinated. america's top doctor for infectious diseases, anthony fauci, recently sat down with dr. sanjay gupta. he recalled a key moment in the u.s. fight against the pandemic. >> wasn't there a moment, dr. fauci, when you said, okay, this is the big one? >> yeah. 40. >> 40% increase in new york
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hosp hospitals. that's a big one. almost overrunning of our health care system, it was like, my goodness. and that's when it became very clear that the decision we made on january 10th to go all out and develop a vaccine -- >> we have a number of vaccine candidates -- >> it may have been the best decision i've made with regard to an intervention as the director of the institute. >> another trump doctor made the sober admission to cnn. we have more on the revelation by dr. deborah birx. >> a former trump administration official revealed that she believes many of the deaths in the united states could have been prevented from different policy decisions. >> look at it this way, the
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first time we have an excuse. there were about 100,000 deaths that came from that original surge. all of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially. >> look back at the past year on the heels of relatively good news. the total number of vaccine doses on friday reached a new daily record. and more doses are coming. next week johnson & johnson expected to deliver at least 11 million doses of the single-shot dose. an analysis finds two states will make it available to everyone. the other 48 plan to make it available to everyone older than the age of 16 in two weeks. it's not the time for americans to let guards down. especially as warmer weather and
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spring holidays like passover and easter may lead to larger gathererings. more than a hundred cases of covid-19 in nebraska were faced to a child care facility. >> we're having 2.5 million vaccinations per day. restrictions are being lifted so quickly, including mask mandates and people are getting tired. at the same time, we have the more contagious variants circulating. we could help people to manage their risk and try to reduce the risk as much as possible. it means encouraging vaccinations. continuing to wear masks. ideally, messaging that masks and vaccinations are out of this pandemic. >> it's a different story outside the u.s. brazil is struggling to get doses of the vaccine. reported the highest single-day death toll from covid-19 on friday. the president of france, admitting the european union reacted less quickly than the
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u.s. when it came to the initial vaccine rollout. the eu is struggling to reopen. in france, increasing cases in schools lead to new classroom closures. germany imposing new quarantine and testing rules on visitors from france. a country now labels a high-risk covid-19 area. cnn, new york. and you can see dr. sanjay gupta's interviews on cnn on the special "covid war" airs sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. as evan reported, germany is imposing new rules on visitors from france. spain is also rolling out as new measures as france struggles to keep the outbreak under control. starting wednesday in spain, all travelers over the acge of 6, have to show the gold standard
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of pcr tests negative. it was in place by those traveling by plane, boat, and now driving over the border with some exceptions. senior international correspondent joining us now from outside paris. france the target of more and more restrictions. take us through what lead to this and how the french are reacting. >> i think, basically, the numbers continue to go up here. there's talk now that the government may be forced to act. the president said sunday nothing has been decided in terms of further restrictions but clearly it's on the minds of a lot lot of people. the numbers are goings a mom --s a momically. they've had to move covid-19 patients outside the paris region and the icu numbers in other parts of france are
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closing in on the kind of numbers we saw back in november during the second wave. this is now the third wave. it's a question people are pondering this morning why france is in this condition exactly. because back in january, when the holidays were over, france looked pretty good. in fact, they were in better shape than most of the european neighbors. right now it's not the case. so the french, are talking about, perhaps, more restrictions as indicated there in terms of school systems and trying to keep the schools open but now they know what the costs are. students are becoming infected. one week alone 2100 french school-aged children were infected by coronavirus. it now changed the rule on closing down classrooms. if there are so much one coronavirus cases in a class, they close down the class.
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there's 3,000 classes that have been closed down so far. so they're taking steps but in some ways they're small steps. they don't seem to be having much of an effect. they'll rely a lot on vaccines. but it's coming weeks they'll be rolling out more vaccines, they hope, in terms of supply and opening up new vaccine centers, as well. so the program is expanding here but not so far having much of an effect. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. for more on vaccine rollout, covid-19, let's bring in peter, an infectious disease expert. thank you so much for being with us. the third wave we're seeing in france and germany ties in with what we heard earlier there from
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dr. birx. many fewer people might be alive if cities and states learned from the first wave and the fact that here in the u.s. so many cities and states are reopening so quickly and infection is rising in many of them. we still haven't learned those lessons and many more people might die because of it? >> yeah. thank you for having me. sometimes it feels like groundhog day. a few weeks ago, we heard a lot of states in the u.s. were starting to roll back restrictions and mask mandates, you know, we warned that if we pulled back before the rates of vaccination increased significantly, we risked another surge. over the last week, we saw a p plateauing and high level of transmission and now a 7% increase over the last week. and the u.s. curve is a couple of weeks behind europe which is reimposing lockdowns and facing a terrifying surge.
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so it feels like we are making the same mistakes over and over again. there's reasons for optimism with vaccines but it's not a reason to let our guard down. >> yeah. let's turn to that optimism. the vaccine roll out here is going quickly. about quarter of americans have gotten at least one dose. it seems that we've been really good at getting older people vaccinated. what is the risk if too many young people essentially say, you know, i'm good. why bother? >> most countries seemed to prioritize those who were older. we know the vaccines are amazing at saving lives. they probably slow transmission somewhat. we're moving across populations. what we saw in places like israel that were way ahead of the curve in vaccinating, as they started to vaccinate the majority of the older
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population, you started to really see a rise in cases and even hospitalizations in younger people, as well. we're beginning to see that in the uk and some other places. the uk older children are among the most highly infected group in terms of new infections. that's something to be aware of. particularly with some of the variants, which appear to be not only a little bit more infectious but a little bit more problematic. we could see a rise in younger people in hospital. >> thanks to peter, an infectious disease and global health expert at the university of oxford. the u.n. envoy for myanmar is calling for the international criminal court to take action against the country. on saturday myanmar's population suffered the deadliest day yet
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at the hands of their own military at least 114 people were reported killed. new video shows security forces firing weapons in the town in the farther north. three people were killed by a military air strike on an ethnic village. we also have disturbing video of the military's indiscriminate use oflet lethal force. i have to warn you, it's graphic. there you see security forces suddenly opening fire on a m mass -- passing motorcycle. two people were able to run away but the third person's condition is unknown. we spoke to tom andrews about what specifically should be done. >> accountability mechanisms could be put into place. the international criminal court could begin investigations and begin pursuing charges against
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those responsible. there's a number of things that can be done that should be done that are not being done. >> the u.s. embassy in myanmar joined the united kingdom in condemning the killings as murders, as well. it's clear that such decla declarations aren't having an impact. you mentioned the u.n. security council, as toothless as ever, right? >> well, that's right. but the fact is, we don't know where china and russia come down if an actual vote was put before the security council. everyone is assuming they would veto it. i think it's important the security council have the opportunity to put it in front of itself. to have a full, open, honest debate and let countries decide where they stand when it comes to this brutality and vote up or
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down. >> let's bring in cnn who is covering this for us in hong kong. what we're seeing now in myanmar, does it suggest the military is increase bli willing to kill? they're ramping up violence? >> we're seeing a dramatic escalation in violence this weekend. today more protests and violence with local media inside myanmar reporting a woman was shot dead in the central part of the country. international condemnation is growing, especially after what we witnessed on saturday. the bloodiest day since the protest began. the bloodiest day since the coupe on february 1st. according to myanmar now, an independent media organization inside the country, at least 114 people have been killed across the country including children. a 5-year-old boy in mandalay was killed on saturday. a 13-year-old girl was killed inside her home in mandalay. we have seen footage of a 1-year-old, a baby, who was hit in the eye with a rubber bullet. now the international
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condemnation has been swift. we've heard from the u.s. secretary of state who said the united states was horrified by the violence. we heard from the u.n. secretary general who said that the violence was deeply shocking. we heard from the british foreign secretary who said that the crack down on saturday represented, quote, a new low. but a rare move, this is a significant move, the defense chiefs of the united states and 11 other countries issued a joint statement condemning military-sponsored violence in myanmar. we have the statement. it reads as follows, quote, "as chiefs of defense, we condemn the use of lethal force against unarmed people by the associated security services. a professional military follows international standards for conduct and responsible for protecting, not harming, the people it serves. we urged myanmar armed forces to cease violence and work to restore improving credibility with the people." there is no sanctions against
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military leadership but the myanmar military has friends, including russia. on saturday, armed services day, the russian deputy defense secretary attended a military parade. they call russia, quote, "a true friend." >> thank you so much. and last hour i spoke to phil robertson, the deputy director of the asian division of human rights watch. he's also looking for global solutions. he suggested the world impose an arms embargo and cut off the main source of funding to myanmar's military. >> the issue of cutting off the gas proceeds, which, you know, provides billions of dollars to myanmar's military and government is quite clearly something that needs to happen. and we're working on that. we're pressing various different banks and we're pressing the governments to make that happen. but it has to be a global condemnation of myanmar's military by the other militaries
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around the world and by the governments. and part of that is really making sure they will not be able to put on the kind of display they put on saturday. not only killing so many people but also having this huge display of force and weapons during their armed forces day. >> phil robertson of human rights watch. opposition to georgia's controversial election law is growing. why voting rights are at stake. plus, what is the biden administration may want you to see versus the reality on ground at the u.s./mexico border. stay with us.
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tell your doctor if you have an infection... flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. if you've been financially impacted by covid-19, janssen may be able to help.
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i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. if you've been financially impacted by covid-19, but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. ( crowd sounds on tv ) tonight...i'll be eating loaded tots for march madness. ( doorbell ) thanks boo. ( piano glissando )
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i think you better double them tots. no, this me was last year. i didn't get my madness last year, so we're doing double the madness this year. you are a mess. everybody was a mess. whatever, you ready? i stay ready, so i don't have to get ready. ( clapping ) double the madness! there's growing anger in georgia over a sweeping election law that places the state at the center of a national debate over voting rights. many see it as an effort to suppress the black vote after crucial wins for democrats. the law imposes new voter id requirements for absentee ballots and limits the use of ballot drop boxes, among other things. cnn's natasa chen has more. >> reporter: about 150 people gathered outside atlanta city hall on saturday to protest this
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georgia voter bill. also, to stand with georgia representative park cannon. she was arrested when she was knocking on the door of the governor's officer to try to witness him signing this bill. of course, he did that behind closed doors. he was depicted signing the bill standing next to white men. also in the room was a painting that seemingly shows a plantation. i talked to one voter who didn't think much of it, first. but upon closer look, she found it was the very plantation her family had worked. such an emotional moment for some of these people, minority groups. taking a look at the moment and feeling it directly impacts them. i spoke with someone who was at the capitol when park cannon was arrested. here is how she described that moment. >> she was not disruptive. so to have that incident happen right in front of me and for it to end with her being taken away, it was horrific to watch
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as a black woman. to watch her taken into the elevator and watch the doors close. it was triggering and frightening. i felt her pain and terror. >> reporter: i spoke to another voter who described her experience voting in the georgia primary in june of 2020. she said she waited for hours in line, past dinner time, to a point where local pizza companies delivered food and soda to eat and wait. the way the law was written and passed, now it would be illegal. natasa chen, cnn, atlanta. president biden is facing increased pressure to deal with housing conditions in government facilities because of the surge in crossings by migrant children along the southern border. cnn rosa flores takes a look at the lounge -- long journey desperate migrants are taking. >> reporter: this is what the biden administration has not allowed america to see. to tell the story, we were
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escorted by texas state troopers. lines of migrants on texas trails along the rio grande. nancy is pregnant and cried describing her painful journey from honduras. ronnie says his family fled honduras due to zaifs from two recent hurricanes. under this bridge, even more lines of migrants. their silhouettes beyond the trees, a sign that america's immigration system is overwhelmed. during his first formal press conference, president biden said -- >> we'll commit to transparency. >> one news camera was allowed inside an hhs facility, it was a sanitized version of reality. far removed from the bottle neck of this border processing facility. u.s. customs and border protection releasing their own
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video this week. cnn's repeated requests for access to immigration processing facilities have been denied. the day we captured this video, texas state troopers were our guide. >> as soon as they make landfall, that's considered the u.s. side for us. >> reporter: sent here by governor greg abbott earlier this month to thwart smugglers. >> it's a way to suffocate and put a lot of pressure on the cartel. >> reporter: this is the top cop in charge of what abbott calls "operation lone star." >> as border patrol gets tied up with processing migrants that come across, they'll leave miles, at times, open on the river. >> reporter: that's where texas steps in. by water, air, and by ground to fill the gaps of security on the rio grande. according to state troopers, if you look closely in between the trees, you'll see a camp. some sort of staging area on the me mexican side.
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i'm on the u.s. side, and this is one of the hot spots they described. a trail used by migrants. you can clearly see the path. the landscape is peppered with evidence it's used by migrants. we see clothes, documents, masks. all leading to these dirt trails with arrows pointing migrants to the immigration processing center under the bridge. nancy says feeling hungry for two was the worst part of the journey. most of the migrants i met said they made the trek because they were poor, this little girl was rich in faith. ending our conversation by saying "thanks" and "god bless." a chaotic night of violence at a popular resort town. police are investigating three separate shootings in virginia beach and what may have lead the
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officer to take the life of a black man. cnn is in los angeles. ♪ ♪ [sneezes] hey allergy muddlers. [sneezes] are your sneezes putting your friends in awkward positions? [sneezes] stick with zyrtec. zyrtec starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. zyrtec. muddle no more. and try children's zyrtec for consistently powerful relief plant-based surfactants like the ones in seventh generation anddetergent trap stainsc for conat the molecular levelief and flush them away. it's just science! just... science. seventh generation tackles stains. plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. with tremfya®,
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welcome back to all of you watching in the united states, canada, and around the world. police in virginia beach, virginia are investigating an officer-involved shooting of a black man late friday night. authorities haven't identified the officer who shot and killed 25-year-old donovan lynch. the police chief disputes reports that lynch may have been unarmed at the time. >> i've seen some of the community concerns about mr.
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donovan or mr. lynch being unarmed, i can tell you there was a firearm recovered in the vicinity of where this incident occurred. we would like to be more forthcoming, but unfortunately we don't have body cam footage for this incident. the officer was wearing a body cam but for unknown reasons, at this point in time, it was not activated. >> the officer involved is on administrative assignment during the investigation. police say the incident was one of three unrelated shootings in virginia beach on friday. 29-year-old bystander was killed in one of those incidents. in all, eight others were injured. prosecutors in colorado are expected to file more charges against the alleged gunman accused of killing ten people in a grocery store. tragically talley became the tenth victim when stopping the
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shooting. a grieving community is struggling to feel safe again. >> reporter: it's now becoming a makeshift memorial where hundreds of community members here in boulder have been gathering to pray, to offer support, to come together and lay flowers and be together and expression emotion they're feeling after ten people died here. we spoke to a couple of those people. they were talking about the emotion they were feeling, the sadness, and even the fear that some of them feel after monday's shooting. >> it is the shared emotion, you know, we're all in pain. our nation, our world is in pain. every time this kind of thing happens, it feels especially painful because this is our town. you know, and it was hard when we lost people at the aurora shooting. my son was at a different theater at exact same time and nothing has changed since then.
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i don't know what it'll take for people to safe in this nation. i no longer feel safe. >> it's been a rough week. a really rough week. this is gut wrenching. this is our community. >> in the coming days, the funerals will begin. hero officer eric talley who lead a team of officers into the grocery store to stop the gunman, he will be laid to rest on tuesday. as this community continues to mourn and heal. people are holding a growing number of rallies across the u.s. to show support for asian-american communities and to denounce violence and racism against them. they're motivated by this month's atlanta area spa
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shootings. cnn's paul bruk hammon met with los angeles protesters. >> reporter: in korea town, several hundred people rallied. stop asian hate, they chanted. we heard a lot of raw, pure emotion. >> they received this nasty letter. it's not okay. my mom and dad came here to give my sister and i a better life. right now it doesn't feel that way. it's a tough time to be asian. i want to read this. it says "to all asians you nasty, smelly, pancake faces, monkey eaters, dog eaters, cat eaters, go home." enough is enough. this will not be tolerated.
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>> reporter: my cnn colleague spoke to them. one of the points she and others drove home is asian-americans are not told to jump up-and-down and make a lot of noise but she says now is the time for asian-americans and others to speak out against this hate. >> we're part of this incredible tapestry with stories and histories from every corner of the globe. we can all follow. we have to protect each other. >> reporter: a tremendous cross cut of asian-americans attended. there was one man wearing his traditional indonesia garb. he said parts of his attire were taken from different sections from his country. he wanted to honor his roots. so many others pounding home the point the hate has to stop and now.
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back to you. as we heard, attacks against the asian-americans are on the rise across the u.s. and around the world. we have a vetted list of ways you can educate and inform and help. head to for more details. pro democracy activists in belarus risking their lives to escape a brutal crack down from police. their harrowing experiences next. ♪ for skin as alive as you are... don't settle for silver 7 moisturizers 3 vitamins 24 hours hydration gold bond champion your skin
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is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis... stelara® can provide relief and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection... flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition,
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may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. if you've been financially impacted by covid-19, janssen may be able to help. see every delivery... if you've been financially impacted by covid-19, every yikes... and even every awwwwwwww... wait, where was i? introducing self protection from xfinity. designed to put you in control. with real-time notifications and a week of uninterrupted recording. all powered by reliable, secure wifi from xfinity. gotta respect his determination. it's easy and affordable to get started. get self protection for $10 a month.
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a cnn exclusive investigation found disturbing evidence of brutal and torture by police in belarus. witnesses and victims describe a violent struggle to keep the leader in power.
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. >> reporter: somewhere through the icy sludge a path to freedom. across the border, what is called europe's last dictatorship in belarus. some walk, if they can. one man had no choice but to swim it. nearly three miles. here he stands on sheet ice. free but in anguish at having to flee. after just crossing out of belarus into the safety of ukraine. he has flippers and a wet suit. to leave evidence of what he tried in case he didn't make it. i'll try to crawl through and hope i don't freeze. i've been going 90 minutes and have a mile left. being detained before for
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protesting, he had to flee imminent arrest. he can't turn back now. it's a testament to how bad things have gotten in belarus. people feel compelled to make the dark journey. a road to freedom, the likes of which europe hasn't really seen since the soviet union. belarus has been ruled for decades by autocratic president. declaring victory in august elections the u.s. said were fraudulent. huge protests followed and he moved swiftly to crush them. he and russian president vladimir putin are two peas in a pod when it comes to shutting down dissent. so putin helped his skiing partner with $1.5 billion, another unspecified aid. months of systemic repression and torture followed, documented by human rights groups. cnn obtained from defected police officers videos exposing abuse leaked from the police's
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own archives. here a white suv is full of activists fleeing a protest crack down. riot police pounce and one fires a gun. some kicked where they lie. another had his face rubbed into the ground. most lie incredibly still. they are then detained. in custody, cnn was told mistreatment ranges from extreme cold and cramped cells to being beaten severely and sexual assault. andré endured on another day, perhaps the worst abuse in the back of a police van. he refused to unlock his phone so they can't open his pants and raped him with a baton. it was hard to move at all because i was heavily beaten. he cut my underwear using the
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knife. he asked for the password again and i refused and he did what he did. police are trained to do this. we're just seeing now at a huge scale for the first time. it's touched near every family in belarus. custody is often brutal. detainees were filmed by police, forced to face a wall inside a central police station. some bleeding. one with seven teeth smashed in. many told us they were later beaten in custody. some fled belarus. you can also see a teenage boy motionless on the floor. witnesses told cnn he had likely had an epileptic fit but the police ignored him. occasionally kicking him and saying "are you a boy or girl." he was released later. in the rooms, police are still tracking down protesters. one you can see her running from riot police. the stun grenade hit her leg
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badly. in hospital, doctors gave her little help, she said, but tested her blood for alcohol and rang the police to say she was a likely protester. she fled home. >> translator: i got a phone call from the police asking where i had began. i began making. up stories. they said they would get me. if they take me, i thought, then i can say goodbye because no one look after me. >> reporter: police brutality arrived while deskentding on a car here. the u.s. has imposed common place sanctions and kremlin the usual writ of fear. an early test for president biden which method will win out. >> we'll have more news after the short break. did you know that dove bar washes away germs? here pepper represents germs.
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with dove the germs wash away. with 1/4 moisturizing cream. dove cleans effectively, cares beautifully. plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tremfya®. emerge tremfyant™. janssen can help you explore cost support options. ♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes your stomach for fast relief and get the same fast relief in a delightful chew with pepto bismol chews. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks.
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nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. ( crowd sounds on tv ) tonight...i'll be eating loaded tots for march madness. ( doorbell ) thanks boo. ( piano glissando ) i think you better double them tots. no, this me was last year. i didn't get my madness last year, so we're doing double the madness this year. you are a mess. everybody was a mess. whatever, you ready? i stay ready, so i don't have to get ready. ( clapping ) double the madness!
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we're on day six of a costly traffic jam on egypt's suez canal. every hour that goes by
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represents the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars to the global economy. ben wiedeman is following developments from cairo. bring us up to speed on the efforts to free the ship and where they go from here. >> reporter: right. at this point, last night they were hoping that the seasonal high tide would allow the work effort there to get -- get it move slightly. it didn't work. tonight they're expecting two tugboats to join the effort but at this point it's still stuck. >> efforts docontinue to dislod the massive container ship blocking the world's most important water ways. the ship has only budged slightly. almost as long as the empire state building is tall, the ship
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got stuck on tuesday navigating through a sand storm and 40 knot winds. it's thought that high winds in the sand storm were the cause for the grounding of the ship, now we've heard from the chairman of the suez canal authority that perhaps human and technical error are also to blame. >> translator: it may have been a technical human error. there are many mistakes but we cannot say what the definite region is. >> reporter: with around 12% of global trade volume typically passing through the suez canal, countries around the world are pitching in. a dutch company brought in to help is sending a crane and two tugboats heavier than these hoping to free the ship before its precarious position gets
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worse. >> you have to start worrying about the vessel rolling. about the vessel cracking. the might their scenario of all time it breaks apart. it would not be weeks or days of savage but months. >> reporter: traffic remains in a stand still in a waterway that normally handles the equivalent of $10 billion a day in cargo. more than 320 ships are backed up in either direction. their only alternative is to divert around the southern tip of africa and in about a week to the journey -- >> it's going to be costing extra fuel and 3500 miles, seven days steaming. we'll see it in the pocketbook here soon. >> reporter: the backlog will be costly for vessels waiting in place. about a dozen are carrying livestock at risk of dying if the situation is not resolved within a few days. japanese shipping company will
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only ever given told cnn they're bracing for lawsuits. but insists their priority right now is refloating the ship as soon as possible. executives even found an apology on friday. with costs skyrocketing for the global shipping industry, saying sorry might not be enough. already we're seeing there are real world effects of this stoppage in the suez canal. syria today announced it would start rationing fuel fuel because it's no longer getting it through the suez canal. their focus, of course, to maintain power in places like hospitals, bakeries, and water pumping stations. kim? >> thank you so much, ben wiedeman. i appreciate it. dozens of people are unaccounted for in mozambique following an attack by islamic
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insurgents. according to multiple sources contacted by cnn. thousands flooded northern town since wednesday when it was stormed by attackers believed to be affiliated with the terrorist group isis. heavy fighting continued into saturday. security forces have been trying to evacuate civilians and foreign workers in the area. more than 600,000 people in mozambique have been displaced. more than 1500 civilians have been killed. some residents in parts of the southern u.s. may be in trouble after tornados ripped through their neighborhoods. at least 14 tornados ripped through killing at least six people. look at these pictures. twin tornados left a industrial of destruction on saturday in
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tennessee. parts of the state remain under a flood warning with rescues underway as a 5 powerful storm system rolls through. let's bring in our meteorologist tyler malden. let's start with those flash flood emergency in nashville. >> water rescues are ongoing in metro nashville. we have reports of people stuck in attics being rescued from trees all because the houses and the buildings on the south side of metro nashville are being inundated with water. the roadways are being flooded. cars are being submerged. as i said, we're seeing water rescues at the moment. within the last 48 hours, we've seen nearly 7 inches of rain in nashville. that's the second highest rainfall in 48 hours. second only to the 2010 heavy rainfall and flooding event that we saw 11 years ago. when you get this much rain in short order, combined with the rain we had a couple of days ago, it causes the rivers to
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swell exponentially. that's what we had here. you can see the river level here, the blue and, bang, all the way up to major flood stage. last time that the rivers in the area were hitting this high was back in 2010. so this event, at the moment, that we're dealing with is comparable to what we dealt with in 2010. we have flash flood watches in effect for everyone in green. that goes through this evening. good news is that the flash flood emergency in metro nashville and areas south has been allowed to expire. however, it doesn't change the threat level in this area. we're looking at water rescues continuing and a flash flood warning will continue for several more hours. the threat is not over. however, we're seeing the rain beginning to lighten up across the area. that's good news. eventually it will come to an end but you know what it means for everyone to the east? we're watching severe weather starting to roll in. it's strong band, this band is
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moving into that area that is ripe for the potential for tornados and, also, severe thunderstorms. so we have watches in effect for the area shaded in red and yellow here. in total, we have seen 15 tornado reports. you combine it with what we saw on thursday, more than two dozen. two weeks ago when we saw nearly 50 tornado reports and we're sitting well above average in tornado season is just now beginning. as i said, that line is moving into a ripe environment. the temperatures in the 70s. well above average for this time of the year. and as it pushes into this atmosphere, kim, what we're going to see is the severe weather threat with it. the areas from atlanta all the way to baltimore, they can see it. >> all right. thank you so much, tyler. i appreciate it. and that wraps this hour of "cnn newsroom." "new day" is just ahead. for international viewers,
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this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. >> sunday morning, it's dark, and we are with you. as we learn more about the night of violence that left two people dead, eight people injured. one of the people who was killed was a 25-year-old black man. donovan lynch was his name. he was shot by a virginia beach police officer. >> police say a gun was found in


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