tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 1, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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the mets and nationals game was postponed due to covid issues. s true test hi be monday. the texas rangers, they are going to open and plan to play with 100 perseverance stadium capacity. thanks for joining us. watch out front know time on cnn go. ac 360 starts now. derek chauvin had plenty to tell his supervisor from the scene of the arrest that killed george floyd. he had nothing to say, though, about his knee on the man's neck. jim sciutto in for anderson tonight. that's what the police supervisor told jurors today, a day which also saw testimony from george floyd's girlfriend and the paramedics who tried but couldn't revive him. day four of the prosecution's case and continued attempts by the defense to suggest that floyd was a potential threat, ready to spring back up somehow and do harm. the latest tonight from cnn's omar jimenez in minneapolis. >> reporter: the moments when
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paramedics arrived and george floyd appeared unresponsive in may dwuz are coming into clear focus. an audio played in court, derek chauvin is heard on the phone describing what just happened. >> he was going crazy. go into the back of the squad. >> reporter: he was talking to the supervising police sergeant on duty at the time, david pleoger. >> do you have an opinion as to when the restraint of mr. floyd should have ended in this encounter? >> yes. >> reporter:. >> what is it? >> when mr. floyd was no longer offering up any resistance to the officers, they could have ended the restraint. >> that was after he was handcuffed and on the ground and no longer resisting. >>? correct. >> the paramedics responded to the scene and arrived to an unresponsive floyd.
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smith seen here checking floyd for vitals. >> and what did his condition appear to be to you? >> in lay terms i thought he was dead. >> reporter: the checking began while now former officer derek chauvin still had his knee on floyd's neck. before brav ender stepped in. >> what are you attempting to do? >> have the officer move. >> why did you need him to move? >> to move the patient because was limp. >> reporter: he testified a cardiac monitor showed floyd's heart had flatlined. >> your heart isn't really doing anything at that moment. >> reporter: during cross-examination. the defense asked whether overdose patients can regain consciousness and be aggressive. >> have you personally seen that happen? >> yes. >> reporter: but the testimony thursday touched on who george floyd was before may 2020.
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>> he loved playing sports with the neighborhood kids. >> reporter: courtney ross, george floyd's kboif of three years, took the stand. the first testimony heard from someone who knew floyd. >> we went out to eat a lot. >> why? >> because floyd loved to eat a lot. he was a big man and it took -- you know, it took a lot of energy to keep him going. and he loved food. so did i. it was fun. it was an adventure always. >> reporter: but while emotional throughout, she testified their relationship also included addiction to opioids. >> the classic story of how many people get addicted to opioids. >> did he have sports injuries that he complained of? >> yes. his neck and down like from his neck to shoulder blade and his lo lower back. >> reporter: the defense is trying to make the case it was drugs in george floyd's system that killed him, not chauvin's
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knee to the neck. when it was their turn to question ross, they asked about an emergency trip floyd had two months before his death. >> did you later learn that that was due to an overdose? >> yes. >> and did you learn what that -- what caused that overcoast? >> no. >> at that timeframe did you learn that mr. floyd was taking anything other than opioids? >> no. >> you did not know that he had taken heroin at that time? >> no. >> reporter: she testified days before he died, floyd was using again, but never complained of shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. >> had mr. floyd been an active person physically? >> yes. he was very active. >> omar, quite a day in that courtroom. what can we expect when the trial gets underway again tomorrow? >> reporter: well, for starters
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a brand-new witness starting tomorrow of the court has been withholding the identities of the witnesses for security purposes. at some point in the future it is expected that current minneapolis police chief ar dawned owe, the medical examiner and members of the floyd family will testify. what we've seen with this testimony are puzzle pieces that have come together to paint a clear picture of what happened on may 25th, 2020. take yesterday, for example. we got a clear picture of what happened when the ambulance left and what happened before police were initially called. today it centered on context around any prior george floyd drug use. also that when medical personnel got there, they believed for all intents and purposes that george floyd was dead and then the supervisory sergeant at the time for derek chauvin saying definitively when pressed by prosecutors that he believes derek chauvin used excessive force. >> that moment notable, no question. omar jimenez, thanks very much.
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let's bring in our legal and law enforcement team. mark o'meara, laura coats. also cnn law enforcement charles ramsey, former top cop in d.c. and philadelphia. welcome to all of you. laura, i want to begin with the testimony from derek chauvin's supervisor, his sergeant. him saying -- he said in no uncertain terms that the force applied by chauvin, the knee in the neck, should have stopped when floyd was no longer resisting. this contradicts the defense to this point saying that he was just following training. how critical was that testimony? >> this was extraordinarily critical to have somebody who is in law enforcement, his supervisor, to really debunk this myth that he was perpetuating so far, which is that you are able to use force even after any force is being used against you. remember, this is about the idea of whether an officer can use a reasonable amount of force to
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stop whatever perceived threat is against them. once that perceived threat is essentially neutralized, then you have to reassess and act differently. so the idea of not only the use of force, which may have been justified initially, you have to go all the way down the timeline and figure out is it -- has it become assault? has it become excessive once the threat has been neutralized? does it then become unreasonable to continue and sustain this force. this was extraordinary testimony here today, and really it shouldn't come as a surprise because, remember, chauvin was fired quickly after they realized this because it was conduct unbecoming of a police officer in minneapolis, or anywhere. >> mark, you have defended folks in court. what's the defense's possible response to that? this is chauvin's police sergeant saying it should have is stopped. there is nothing in the training that justified keeping his knee on floyd's neck. what is the defense's potential response to that? >> they have to try to focus on
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the stress of the moment, even though chauvin, looking at him and in the light of day afterwards may not have done the right thing, they have to ifocu on the fact of what he was perceiving at the time he whas doing what he did. we can look at it and say there is no way that's justified. what i think is very compelling, as laura just said, is when you have an on-the-ground officer, the supervising officer say i look at that and i say no good. that's very compelling to a jury because now they have another officer saying it. it's going to be a fight become and forth of the use of force experts that i presume will be called. but when you have the very supervisor saying it shouldn't happen. here is something else i thought was very important. the way chauvin said in explaining his behavior by saying he was acting crazy, it seems as though that's now his perception he is trying to give to the supervising officer when everyone who saw the tape knows at least six minutes if not more
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he wasn't acting crazy. that's exactly what the problem with the continued use of force, is it's got to drop back down as the threat does. >> that was notable. chief ramsey, the other notable thing about chauvin's communications to his supervisor immediately after the incident, chauvin notably did not mention he placed his knee on floyd's neck to restrain him for minutes as the tape shows and as the eyewitnesses. is that a piece of information that you, for instance, would expect a police officer serving under you to share with you in the aftermath? >> i would. but he is trying to cover himself at this point in time clearly when he is talking to his sergeant. the reality of what happened may not have hit him yet. this stuff is on video, on audiotape. and so, you know, it doesn't make any sense to try to alter the story whenet it's right th. so at that moment it seems to me
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when he is speaking with the sergeant, he is trying to justify a use of force as simply unjustifiable. >> laura coates, the other big piece of the testimony today was log multiple accounts of george floyd's drug use. the prosecution discussing with his girlfriend that they were both opioid addicts. they said it openly. something he and she struggled with and also establishing that he had other problems with drugs, including two months before an emergency trip to the hospital for an overdose from heroin. i wonder, from the defense's perspective here, is that primarily about an attempt at character assassination, calling into question, questions about the victim here, or is there something else going on here about raising questions about what could have caused his death? or at least a reasonable doubt about what could have caused his death?
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>> it likely is more of the latter because, of course, the way people think of opioid abuse and addiction is a different time we are now in 2021. the idea of being an addict is not thevillefying factor that perhaps it may have been in character assassination years ago for a defendant or a victim in a crime. so they have talked about the characterization of that. remember, it was the prosecution who fronted this because they want to be able to take the wind out of the sails of any defense arguing to say, uh-huh, this is what they don't want you to know. if they didn't tell you that, what other things aren't they tell you? ultimately this is two questions. number one, whether the use of force sustained over a period of time was reasonable and, number two, where the kneeling on the neck was a substantial causal factor in his neck. in minnesota it need not be the sole factor in the death, but a substantial causal factor. they are trying to put the groundwork that says, hey, we know the knee was on the neck but he had drugs in his system.
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that was the one that was the substantial causal factor. not the knee in the neck. they are trying to lay the groundwork now. so far, unscufflefully. >> these are human stories, right? juries are made up of -- they are a jury of our peers, fellow human beings with emotions. they react to sympathetic witnesses, right? and you saw the accounts there, sometimes tearful from george floyd's girlfriend describing him as a man with a lot of interests and as a loving partner and so on. i just wonder, you have been in the courtroom, right. you know, as a defense attorney, as you watched that today, did you see that as powerful for the prosecution? >> i thought it was very, very powerful. i think everything that the prosecution has done so far has been by plan and has been effective. again, this is their best day, right. these last four days. and the future -- it's their presentation. i thought the idea of the way they presented it, first with people who sort of knew george floyd a little bit, then gave
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the scene and now from the girlfriend, i think it was very, very powerful because it's exactly what they want to do, is to permize that victim. and i do think that the defense has to be more careful. i think the idea of going after witnesses with almost a shotgun approach, they need to be focused on what the defense is if they are going to attack cause of death, do it, but leave the witnesses like even the girlfriend out of the crosshairs. >> yeah. i get that point because you don't want to antagonize. chief ramsey, from your perspective, do you believe that derek chauvin owes it not just to floyd's family, citizens of minnesota, but also the law enforcement community to take the stand at some point in this trial and testify? do you believe that? >> i don't know. i think it will go based on whatever his attorney tells him to do. so whether he testifies or not, i really don't know. personally, i would be surprised
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if he did under the circumstances. but if i could mention one thing that i thought was curious, and that's when the defense brought up the issue of the critical decision-making model that is used in police training regarding use of force. it really is replacing the old use of force continuum that we used to use. and the use of force, rather the critical decision-making model is one that really forces officers to constantly reassess their actions based on the changed behavior of the suspect, which could escalate or de-escalate, obviously. you have to reassess, reassess, reassess. just because force was justified at one point doesn't mean it's justified later because you have to reassess. what is he doing? what is the it threat? if the threat is not there, stop. >> yeah. it's a great point. that goes back to where we started, right, the sergeant, chauvin's sergeant saying it should have stopped because floyd was no longer resisting.
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charles ramsey, mark eo'meara, laura coates, good having you on. the congresswoman hoping to reform policing and redeem justice in the wake of this tragedy. sheila jackson lee, she is going to join us. later, as if the sex trafficking allegations and blackmailing claim were not enough, shocking developments in the congressman matt gaetz story. [ race light countdown ] ♪ ♪ when you save money with allstate you feel like you're winning. safe drivers save 40% saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate. click or call for a quote today.
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today in moving testimony from his girlfriend. we're joined by a congresswoman who shares his houston, texas, roots, sheila jackson lee, who is spearheading police reform legislation now, bearing his name. it's now waiting action in the senate. she spoke at floyd's funeral. >> and so i say to george floyd, it will be up to us that his
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purpose and his assignment for the justice of this nation, for the fact that there will never be the brutality faced by a man that says "i can't breathe" and calls to a mama who loved him so. that is the call for all of us. and so as the lord and the scripture said, when asked who should i sin, the first who said send me was george floyd. >> congresswoman sheila jackson lee joins us now. thanks so much for taking the time tonight. >> thank you, jim, for having me this evening. >> you authored the george floyd justice in policing act. i want to talk about that in a moment. but, first, your reaction as you have watched the first few days of the derek chauvin trial. are even, for instance, to see a moment you referenced there at his funeral, him calling for his mother in his final moments. >> jim, i think we want what
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every american should want as we watch this trial, and when i say that african americans, people of goodwill, and that is justice and a recognition that we are a country of law and order, but as i have heard police officers say, they want to go home to their families. and i have added and we want to go home to ours. this officer chauvin did not allow george floyd, who was loved by so many, as we have seen in the midst of his death, to go home to his family, whether it was in minneapolis or whether it was in houston, texas, or places beyond. and for that we believe that officer chauvin should be held accountable. i think what we have seen is a block by block building of a story and a physical structure, and i think it's been strong. i believe the prosecutors have carefully laid out with eyewitness testimony, with video, and then i would highlight today, yesterday a
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very emotional day, a showing that the persons that were standing around, who came around, they were not intimidating to the police. they were hurt and they were concerned. i think the prosecutor has laid this out and i think it's up to the jury to see the facts as clearly as they can and to match that with the law. >> we will be watching. so the bill you named in memory of george floyd, it passed the house. the history of cases like this, and there is no case exactly like george floyd, but, as you know, we have seen what appeared to be excessive force by police and not punished in a court because the law is written in such a way that it's hard to do. i wonder if you could explain what the bill that you have brought forward does to attempt to change that. >> jim, the power of this bill is the massive support it's gotten and the leadership of the congressional black caucus that worked extensively with all of us on this legislation. and in this legislation we are fair. how are we fair?
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one, we look at the chokehold, which the emt/ems operators told us today when they arrived they thought he was dead? why? because officer chauvin used excessive force and used a chokehold form of action against george floyd and he went beyond even the training and actions of the minneapolis police. so we outlaw that period. we outlaw the no-knock warrant, if you will, that killed breonna taylor. we end racial profiling that, in essence, put sandra bland in jeopardy. we provide a massive formula for training police officers and ending excessive force and we also indicate that if, by chance, you are a victim or your family has lost a loved one, you have an equal chance in the court of law just as a police
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officer. you can be fairly heard as a victim just as the officer will be heard. and i think that this is very important. >> there was a moment following the death to the floyd protests last summer when there was some bipartisan support for some police reform. the two parties did not come to agreement. do you have republican support? have you spoken to republicans as you lobby for this? of course, i know the senate is the next step. do you think that's possible in this moment? >> you know, if anyone is looking at this trial, i hope that their hearts and minds have been as much touched during the trial as it was touched, i believe, in the aftermath of the killing of george floyd. the murder of george floyd. and so we may not have vocal republican support. there are discussions going on. i tell you what we do have. an executive order that donald trump wrote, or his administration wrote, that really had a large part of some of the aspects of the george
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floyd justice in policing act. i would ask my republican colleagues who were so enam heered with the past president whether they reject those elements that they were willing to support in an executive order. the legislation that has been promoted by our friend senator scott is not where it needs to be. it's not strong. it doesn't have the strength that we need. but the table, the chairs are still there, jim. and i believe at this time in history it will be good for america if we can resolve these issues and have a coming together to recognize that this nation is a nation of law and order, but it is also a nation of humanity and compassion and justice, and that's what the george floyd justice in policing act represents. >> we'll be watching. representative sheila jackson lee, thanks so much for joining us tonight. >> thank you for having me. coming up next this hour, a story that still has more
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so jeff, you need all those screens streaming over your xfinity xfi... for your meeting? uhh yes. and your lucky jersey? oh, yeah. lauren, a cooler? it's hot. it's march. and jay, what's with all your screens? just checking in with my team... of colleagues. so you're all streaming on every device in the house, what?!! that was a foul. it's march... ...and you're definitely not watching basketball. no, no. i'm definitely not watching basketball. right... ( horn blaring ) tonight a series of developments. one simply more shocking than the next in what sources say is an ongoing federal investigation
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in tinto florida congressman mat gaetz, a favor of the heart right. paula reid is with us for the latest. it was hard to keep track of all the development s in this. what did we learn today? >> multiple sources tell cnn congressman gaetz showed other lawmakers photos and videos of nude women he claimed to have slept with. one source said he shared the images on his phone while on the floor of the house. another said it was a point of pride for gaetz. there is no evidence the justice department is looking into this issue or that these were photos of minors. his office so far though hasn't responded at all to our reporting, but all of this comes as cnn is learning new details about the scope of an entirely separate criminal investigation into alleged sexual misconduct by gaetz. >> reporter: tonight new details on the sex trafficking investigation into representative matt gaetz.
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cnn has learned prosecutors are looking into a relationship with a woman that began when she was just 17. and whether his involvement with other young women broke sex trafficking and prostitution laws according to two sources briefed on the matter. those sources say investigators are also pursuing allegations that gaetz may have used cash and drugs in his dealings with young women and they have also looked at whether any federal campaign money was involved in paying for travel and expenses. an attorney for gaetz declined to dment. gaetz previously denied any wrongdoing. >> it is a horrible allegation and it is a lie and it's verifiably false. people can look at my travel records and see that is not the case. >> reporter: sources now telling cnn the investigation began as part of a broader probe into trafficking allegations of this man, joel greenberg. two sources familiar with the matter tell cnn that in a meeting last year federal
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investigators were told by a witness that gaetz was seen with greenberg on an internal office surveillance system looking through driver's licenses on a weekend evening in 2019. greenberg had access to the surrendered licenses as head of the tax collector's office. there is no indication that the licenses seen handled on the video were used for illegal purposes, but according to the court documents greenberg allegedly used the surrendered licenses to create fake i.d.s. greenberg has entered a plea of not guilty. attorneys for greenberg and gaetz had no comment. cnn has learned former attorney general bill barr received multiple briefings whale he was in office on the sex trafficking investigation into gaetz. barr is not take issue with the investigation which began in the final months of the trump administration. also, cnn has learned that fox news host tucker karl on was angered at the congressman's
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attempt to rope him into the scandal. according to a source familiar with the matter, carlson was livid. >> we went to dinner two years ago. your wife was there. i brought friend of mine. she was threatened by the fbi. >> i don't remember the woman you are speaking of or the context. >> reporter: carlson distanced himself afterwards. >> that was one of the weirdest interviews i have ever con tugted. >> reporter: gaetz tried to distract from the allegations by connecting the criminal investigation to a separate alleged extortion plot against him. >> so there are a series of allegations hear, hard to keep track. this extortion claim -- we should be clear about this. this does not relate to the original investigation. this relates to the information about that investigation existing. but gaetz still claiming that somehow exonerates him. that doesn't hold water, does it? >> exactly. cnn has learned they are two
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entirely separate cases. we have documents that corroborate that someone with no direct connection to the sex trafficking case offered to make lawmakers legal troubles go away in exchange for money. we have obtained emails that confirmed gaetz's father is cooperating with the government. gaetz was a staunch supporter of former president trump. but this sex trafficking investigation began in the final months of the trump administration. and with his political future on the line, gaetz is trying to conflate the two cases reframing himself as the victim and dec distancing himself from the seriousness of the allegations. >> and bill barr. paula reid, thanks so much for your reporting. a great many late-breaking developments, perspective from the former u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york and cnn senior legal analyst. it's great to have you on. i was trying to keep a running tab of all of the alleged
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wrongdoing here because there is the idea of a sexual relationship with an underage girl, trafficking, misuse of campaign funds in some sort of involvement with these young women, fake i.d.s, the fake i.d. scheme, allegations of prostitution, allegations of use of drugs. i mean, that's a long list. can you help us prioritize those? is any one more serious than the other? >> they are all pretty serious. i think you have a good tab on it, jim. i think what will really matter is which things can be proved. at this point you have a lot of reporting. some i think one of the biggest problems that matt gaetz faces is that there is a person already under indictment for sex trafficking charges, joel greenberg and i haven't seen any reporting to this effect, but you have to wonder whether or not this person who is facing lengthy prison time potentially if convicted, has flipped, has
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become a cooperating witness against congressman matt gaetz. that means then that if he takes that position and becomes a cooperating witness, that he is in a position to give very powerful evidence to the government to bring charges against matt gaetz relating to the stuff that he is involved in. so i think when you try to think of where there is the most jeopardy, i don't necessarily look at which potential crime carries the longest prison sentence, but which particular crime carries the most potential evidence in the form much cooperating witness testimony or other things. >> understood. listen, as you know, prosecutors, they look for cooperators. it helps them build their case. help me understand the seriousness of an investigation like this. we should note, it's an investigation. nothing has been charged yet. perhaps you don't find sufficient evidence. but it's been going on a number of months. by the way, it started under bill barr in the trump administration despite the fact that gaetz, a trump ally, and barr was briefed on it.
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given that and given that the investigation to cnn's reporting continues, how serious does it make that investigation? >> i think it's quite serious. it's interesting to note that all of this information is coming to light now. not sure why there are leaks going on. there was a days my own office oversaw a few years ago in another regard. the case against congressman anthony winer was serious. these are cases that the department of justice takes seriously because it involves minors and the targets of the investigation are people have sworn an oath to uphold the constitution and are supposed to be beyond reproach. so i think they take it seriously. i think they want to make sure that they get everything right. you don't accuse a sitting member of congress unless you have your t's crossed and i's dotted. i think that's what they will be doing here. a few months is not a long time.
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it may be the case as you point out with the long litany of potential investigation they want to square away lots of different things before they decide what to do with respect to charging. >> this claim by congressman gaetz that his family was the victim of an extortion attempt, i want to bring this up, not in relation to the target of this investigation itself, but it seems the information that it exists, what do you make of that? i mean, clearly that is being investigated, that's cnn's reporting. surprising to you? bizarre to you? >> yes. i tweeted when matt gaetz made his statements, this used to be me bread and butter, the heartland of what i understand, criminal investigations and accusations made by people under investigation. i said i don't even understand what's going on here. it's very bizarre. you say, i think correctly based on what we know, those two things are unrelated but it's obviously in the interest of somebody being investigated to
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connect them to each other to, as paula reid said, cast himself as the victim. he keeps using the phraseology he and his family are being extorted making it sound like this perp was at the department of justice a few weeks ago and had something to do with the underlying investigation. that's not true. this person was a former member of the justice department and has been gone for two decades, is my understanding. it could be simultaneously true that matt gaetz is being investigated for serious sex trafficking conduct and separate from that someone is trying to extort him based on the fact that that's happening. it's unusual, but it happens. but they are separate. >> and we should note that former justice department official does deny that allegation. we'll continue to dig. thanks very much. >> thanks, jim. as the pace of vaccinations keeps rising around the country, it's great news. one question remains. how long will the vaccine's protection last. we have new information on
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to last longer, all the while there are worries about the rise in overall new infections around the nation. joining me is a cnn medical analyst, former health commissioner for the city of baltimore. also the author of a forthcoming book, lifelines, a doctor's journey in the fight for public health, available for preorder. you'll want to read it. we should also note a participant in the johnson & johnson trial for the vaccine. she received a placebo. i want to ask you about that. first, let's talk about the pfizer data here. at least six months. should we look at that as a baseline number though? because the fact is that's as much data as we have at this point because the vaccine's only been around and tested for six months. is that the right way to look at this? >> that's exactly right, jim. this is the floor. definitely it not the ceiling. most likely, the protection that the vaccine will provide will be years even. but we just don't know that. i think that there is a possibility we may need to get a
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booster shot, that targets new emerging variants. i think that's a small price to pay given that we have the safe and very effective vaccines out there. >> which is not unlike other vaccines where you get boosters after the fact to continue the protection. okay. as this is happening, and i always -- we talk all the time about the pandemic and i like to accentuate the positive. i got vaccinated, everybody's happy. but infections are rising people have given up, right? tell us how concerned you are about that, and what your advice to people would be. >> i am very worried. now, we are on the precipice of a fourth surge here. we are seeing virus hot spots emerging in different parts of the country and the population of people getting sick are actually younger. in a way, that's good. it means the older people who have been vaccinated first, they are well protected. but i am very concerned about the trend we are seeing. and my add rice for people is to hang in there. wait at least until weurffelly
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vaccinated before you are traveling, before you are engaging in high-risk activities. the activities that were once higher risk are now going to be lower risk. and so just wait until then. >> yeah, don't be the last person to get infected, right? simple as that. you were a participant in the johnson & johnson vaccine trial. you actually found out you received a placebo. that's the way it works. half the people don't actually get the vaccine. but you got the actual vaccine yesterday morning. for folks at home who haven't been vaccinated yet, how are you feeling? what are the effects? >> i actually feel just fine, jim. i was pretty convinced that i had gotten the vaccine before. so i was in the -- i am still in the trial, but the part of the trial i was this was the two-dose johnson & johnson trial to see if two doses provides better protection than one dose. it turned out to be a placebo and then i had the opportunity to get the johnson & johnson one-dose.
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so i'm now in the one-dose part of the trial two compare to two doses i have a mildly sore arm, maybe a little more tired last night. i feel fine and i actually feel grateful that i am protected myself and this brings us a little bit closer to getting more people protected in the country. >> exactly. same for me. the pfizer one, and a little soreness in the arm. otherwise, i feel like my old self. doctor, thanks very much to you. >> thank you. coming up next, how florida republicans are responding to protests surrounding the killing of george floyd. why critics say it could criminalize what were peaceful demonstrations. >> en again, while home values just keep climbing. refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of $50,000 for retirement tomorrow and for peace of mind today. refiplus. it's huge news. it's only for veterans. and it's only from newday usa.
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protests. randi kaye has the details. >> i definitely think it's unnecessary. i think it's anti-protest. anti-black lives matter, and it's not for the people. >> reporter: she is talking about florida's anti-rioting bill, known as hd-1. as a peaceful protester here, she's been watching the progress. it passed the house on march 26th after to days of debate. >> the bill passes. >> reporter: and soon the senate will take it up. if it passes, florida governor ron desantis is eager to sign it in law. >> if you are an assembly, and you throw a brick and hit a police officer, you're going to jail. >> reporter: that tough talk has her concerned. >> it gives police more power to potentially abuse it. for them to define or decide
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what is a riot. >> reporter: critics say it broadly defines a riot that even peaceful protestors would get caught up in arrest. they argue it criminalizes peaceful protests. >> the problem is if you have 100 people in a protest and three of them decide to commit a crime, the other 97 or guilty of rioting just for being there. >> reporter: the bill's co-sponsor says that's not the way it's designed. >> you're not going to see people who are not breaking the law dealt with as if they are violent protestors. >> reporter: the bill includes a mandatory six months sentence for battery or police, it bans blocking roadways in protests and prohibits memorials or statues. the bill requires they will held in jail without bail until the
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first court hearing. >> they are skcraggily looking antifa looking guys. >> it jus george floyd's death that spouned that behavior. but it's different cause. >> reporter: he says florida needs more tools to crack down on violent protestor, but state attorney andrew warren misagrees. >> it's a constitutional waste of time. it tears a couple corners of the constitution. it doesn't even help prosecutors. we already have the tools we need to prosecute people who commit rioting. >> reporter: some see racial under tones in the bill too. >> it targets kbblack people, w
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want a chance. >> reporter: sabitini says it's not. >> we're going to keep it that way. >> randi kaye here. wher were the protests in florida that violent and warrant a law like that? >> reporter: it depends on who you ask. the co-sponsors say absolutely. but others say not. he points to tampa, he said one night there was rioting and looting and somebody burned down a sporting goods store. he said that american is charged and pleading guilty. he says he is prosecuting that person and 120 people in crimes from that one night. he says they don't need laws. they have enough tools in place here in florida to do their job. we don't have a date when the senate is going to take this up.
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but it is a republican majority in the senate. >> the state ledge slayers have a lot of power. thanks. still to come, a very different look and tone to president biden's cabinet. what it says about the administration and the last one when we continue. [ring ring] [ring] oh no... i thought i just ordered tacos. nope! sushi... ramen... burgers... tandoori chicken... some milk from the store, and... ...and, let me guess. cookies? wha, me hungry! yeah. here, i'll call some friends to help us eat. yeah, that good idea. yeah. get more from your neighborhood. doordash. hey yo, grover! you like ramen?
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no constant fawning over the president. everything about it was different. to start, diversity, as many women as men. and as many nonwhite as white. black, latino, asian american, all represented. this took place in the east room rather than the cabinet room because it's bigger. the news continues. let's head over to chris for cuomo prime time. >> jimmy, back to you and the family for easter. i wish you the best. be well. i am chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." tonight, we're going to unpack the most uniquely bizarre scandal i have ever seen in politics, and the criminal consequences continue to grow by the hour. first, matt gaetz is under
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