tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN April 18, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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welcome, i'm robyn curnow. just ahead on cnn, tears, prayers, and calls for change. people coming together after another deadly mass shooting in the u.s. and a milestone. almost unimaginable at the beginning of the pandemic, the number of coronavirus deaths now more than 3 million people worldwide. and this heartbreaking image, covid restrictions leaving queen elizabeth to sit alone during a funeral of her husband of 73 years, prince philip.
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>> live from cnn center, this is "cnn newsroom" with robyn curnow. >> thanks for joining me. the u.s. is focused on the aftermath of gun violence again this weekend. there's grief over the mass shootings in indiana after dozens of similar incidents in the last month. there's also outrage over police shootings. this was the scene in brooklyn center, minnesota, a few hours ago. the city has seen a seventh night of protests over the shooting death of 20-year-old dante white during a traffic stop. in indianapolis where eight people died in a mass shooting at a fed ex facility, police are going through the home of the suspect. they've identified him as 19-year-old brandon hole, who worked at the facility as recently as last year. police say he brought the two assault-style weapons he used
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legally. saturday mourners in indianapolis came together to remember the eight lives lost in that attack and held aville jill in a park near the fed ex facility where these killings occurred. our correspondent jason cowell was there. he filed this report. >> reporter: the city held a candlelight vigil for the victims of the fed ex shooting. some of those who came out wore orange t-shirts, orange fed ex t-s t-shirts. there were also members of the sikh community. four of the eight victims were from the sikh community. two of the victims, their family mem members, they found the courage to speak to us. >> i want to say, she was a very, very hard-working woman. she devoted her life to her kids, to her family. she's a family-oriented woman. she had no issues with anyone. she was the nicest person ever. this is something that shouldn't have happened to her or to my
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other aunt. we're deeply saddened by this. just -- she was an amazing person. she always had a smile on her face. the only reason why she joined working was because she was just bored at home. she needed something to do. >> reporter: again, eight victims. two of the victims just 19 years old. the oldest victim, 74-year-old john weisert. he was about to celebrate his 50th wedding anniversary. brooklyn center, minnesota, is under curfew right now following the seventh night of protests over the fatal police shooting of daunte wright. the area is getting ready for a verdict in another high-profile case involving a death at the hands of police. josh campbell is there and now reports. >> reporter: the minneapolis area continuing to deal with the aftermath of two controversies involving police use of force.
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obviously the death of george floyd and the ongoing trial of former officer derek chauvin, who's charged with his murder, as well as the death of 20-year-old daunte wright just ten miles from where we're standing up in brooklyn center. i want to show you what the city is doing at this point to all of its police precincts. they've erected fencing as well as razor wire. we've seen clashes, demonstrations outside some police buildings. that is obviously an issue. authorities leaving nothing to chance ahead of the verdict in the trial of derek chauvin, setting up the security parameters. you can see there were also members of the national guard as well as obviously the police department here. i want to show you not just what the government is doing but local businesses. you can see plywood that's been set up here. we see this in and around town. again, this community certainly on edge. as far as what we're expecting on monday, we will hear closing arguments in the trial of former officer derek chauvin, then we expect the jury will go into deliberation. we don't know how long that will take. the judge in this case telling
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them to pack a suitcase in his words, "plan for long, hope for short." we'll be waiting for those developments as this city watches and waits for what will transpire in this trial that has been watched around the world. when you look at gun violence in america, in just the last month we know at least 45 mass shootings have happened in the u.s., according to cnn reporting and analysis of data from the gun violence archive, local media, and police reports. nearly 150 mass shootings have occurred just this year alone. i want to take another look at the lives lost between 2016 and 2018. an average of over 38,000 americans have died from gun violence each year, according to giffords, led by former congresswoman gabby giffords, shot by the he had by a gunman a decade ago. nearly 400 million guns in america. nearly american will know at
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least one victim of gun violence in their lifetime. a majority of gun deaths are suicide, 60%. reagan ranny is an emergency room physician and researched gun violence as a public health crisis and joins me from east greenwich, rhode island. thanks for joining us on the show. the amount of mass shootings and gun violence just in the last month here in the states, it's horrifying. as a doctor and american, how exhausted are you by these back-to-back shootings? >> it seems like right now, every day there's a new mass shooting. every one of them is horrifying. every one of them is preventible. every one of them leaves a ripple effect of trauma and tragedy in the communities. but robyn, it's not just the mass shootings, it's the 100-plus people killed across the united states literally every day by a firearm. and the 200-plus who are injured every single day. most of whom never make the
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news. those are equally exhausting to me as an e.r. doctor and to communities across the country. >> so when you look at the comments coming from president biden this week, he was calling for gun violence to be a public health emergency. how important a step is that language in itself, that this needs to be treated like an epidemic that needs public health tools? >> it's a critical step. because what happens when we call gun violence what it is, which is a public health epidemic, then we can apply public health tools. the same tools that we've used to start to bring the covid pandemic under control. the same tools that we've used to decrease car crash deaths by more than 70%. there are these standard techniques of gathering data and doing science, then spreading the things that work that we know through history are effective at decreasing injuries and deaths. we just haven't had the chance to do that here in the u.s., because firearm injury has been
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caught in this political debate between gun control and gun rights are when we talk about it as a health problem, it can actually give us hope of making progress. >> how, practically, does that happen? i know president biden has talked about red flag legislation. but how does that actually practically make a dent in the kinds of deads and violence that we're seeing? >> so i'll be honest, there is no single solution that is going to fix all of it. red flag laws are part of it. we know that this shooter at the fed ex plant -- sounds like his mom activated a red flag law last year, and god knows what she prevented by doing that last year. that's part of the solution. there are other policies as well that can make a difference. but it's more than just policies. just like how with covid we can have mask mandates, but we also have to have a culture that supports wearing masks. the same thing with gun vi violence. some of the most effective solutions have nothing to do with policies. it's stuff like greening empty
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blocks in cities that are destroyed by urban blight. things like teaching gun dealers how to recognize signs of suicide or homicide in people that they're selling guns to. those have also been shown to make a really big difference. >> despite all of the deaths, just even in the last few weeks, are you hopeful, are you positive, that some movement can be made during this administration? >> i am hopeful. and i will say, watching president biden stand and make those statements a couple of weeks ago, again this week, that alone gives me hope. having a president who talks about this as a health problem. i'm also hopeful because for the first time in 25 years, we have funding to do firearm injury prevention research. it's a drop in the bucket, but it is more than we've had. the funding was shut off because of politics for more than two decades in the united states. that's finally coming back. that also gives me hope. and finally, i have hope, because again, i am seeing gun owners and non-gun owners come together to talk about what most
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of us in the middle in this country are committed to, which is keeping our families and our communities safe. and we recognize that that's a combination of policy and community activism. >> as an emergency room doctor, no doubt you've seen a lot of victims of gun violence. how has that shaped your thinking? >> so it is the victims of gun violence that motivate what i do every day. it's the young men killed as victims of community violence. it's the folks who shot themselves, to kill themselves, or the young women who have been killed by their boyfriends and fiances. and of course, it's their families. i can't -- i can't tell you what it's like to have to tell a family that their loved one died from a gunshot wound. it is those stories that motivate me and that make me committed to finding a way to prevent this. because as an e.r. doctor, i know that there is nothing that happens that can't somehow be
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prevented with that good public health approach. that's why i do this. >> thank you very much for joining us and for all of your work, thank you. >> thank you. just ahead here on cnn, long on patience, short on hospital beds. we'll take a look at how a third covid wave is pushing michigan's health care system to the brink. myanmar's violent crackdown isn't the only thing causing concern. why neighboring countries are stepping up covid vaccinations in areas near the troubled nation's borders.
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promising vaccine news in the u.s. more than 200 million doses have been administered, with nearly one-quarter of the population now fully vaccinated. beginning monday, all adults in the u.s. will now be able to get their shot. but in michigan, the third covid wave is so severe that hospitals are actually running out of space to treat new patients. that state is leading the u.s. in new infections with nearly 10,000 new cases reported on saturday alone. that's according to johns hopkins university. here's polo sandoval with more. >> reporter: several health care facilities in the state of michigan reporting their hospitalization numbers continue
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to climb, not only reaching levels we saw during the most recent surge this past fall and winter, even exceeding those numbers. that is the case right now at beaumont health, one of the more recognized and largest health care systems here in the detroit area. officials there telling me they continue to see hospitalizations there climb. dr. joel fishbain with that hospital system telling me he is specifically continuing to notice those patients get even younger. many of those admitting to him that they've attended large gatherings, which go against those recommendations in place not just here in michigan but throughout the country. dr. fishbain also saying about half the patients he's seeing right now are infected with that highly contagious b.1.1.7 variant. >> we're seeing many more people sick with family and exposhe sures. until everybody gets vaccinated, could there be other variants that escape the immune system?
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>> reporter: recently michigan governor whitmer did expand the current mask requirement to include children as young as 2. there continues to be a growing call that some of the other recommendations that are in place, including a recommendation to avoid indoor dining, that that should instead be a requirement, at least for now, as the state of michigan tries to drop some of these numbers. michigan's health authority calling the situation here in michigan dire. 3 million deaths from coronavirus across the world according to data from johns hopkins university. the figure was unimaginable at the start of the pandemic. at least 1 million of those are in europe where they're racing to get people vaccinated. for more on all of that, let's go to paris. melissa bell joins me now. so many deaths and still this race to get people protected with this vaccine. >> reporter: that's right. for the time being, those
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vaccination rates in europe nowhere near where they need to be in order to have an impact on what has been a really catastrophic variant-driven third wave for so much of the european continent. and it is because such strict restrictions are in place in so many european countries that there is the beginning of a stabilization of the covid-19 figures. here this last week in france, for instance, we've seen icu occupancy ride at the beginning of the week to over 5,900 covid patients in icu across france. that has very slowly begun to come down over the course of the last six days. the stabilization of figures as well in italy with mario draghi announcing they were bringing forward the date for some of the lifting of restrictions. that does not reflect the progress that has been made with vaccines, because of course they've been remarkably slow. here in france and germany, we're about just over 6% of the population fully vaccinated. that's going to take some time
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to have an impact. what has had an impact are these restrictions that cannot be left in place for too much longer. in france, we're starting to see that stabilization, authorities looking at may 15th for possible reopening of terraces and museums, closed since october because the restrictions have been strict, that the third wave, the faster-spreading variants, seem finally begin to be brought under control in many european countries. >> melissa bell in paris, thank you. india is fighting a devastating spike in covid cases as well. it's reporting more than 260,000 new cases just in the past 24 hours alone. the prime minister is asking people to practice symbolic rituals during an ongoing hindu festival instead of gathering in person. >> reporter: grim news from india. while yoous just been told
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european countries are experiencing a third wave, india is experiencing its second, and doctors have to say this wave is more intense than the first. they say this infection is spreading faster than the first wave. a fourth consecutive day of cases being more than 200,000 per day. today, unfortunately, 1,500 or more deaths as well, which is the highest that india has recorded in the last ten months. the situation is grim. prime minister narendra modi has held a meeting on the code individual 19 situation in india and said the supply of oxygen and remdesivir has to be ramped up in the country. he's reached out to talk to leaders of the huge religious festivals, one of the big nest the world, the camilla festival in the north. a couple of these seers have said, we'll hold this symbolically, the final festival
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on the 27th of this month. but the damage seems to be done already, because since the commencement of this festival that started on april 1, over 5,500 have tested positive. imagine once they go home, carrying that infection with them, so as of now some states have also put in some limitations and restrictions for pilgrims who return. they have to be in quarantine, but one can only wonder if some of them slip out of quarantine or don't make it to quarantine, what will happen here. that's not the only problem. some elections are taking place in some states in india. as you can see, not even following the guidelines of social distance, another worry. in delhi, the situation is really grim. the two people to a bed in some of the hospitals, running out of beds in the capital city, and also out of oxygen as well as recommend december veer. this is something that the state leader has said, also
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crematoriums across the country. it's sad to see these visuals. there's so many bodies lying just waiting to be cremated. some family members not making it to pick up the ashes because they're scared of infection. extremely grim situation here in india. >> thanks for that report. >> thank you. in myanmar, the violent crackdown by the military isn't the only danger facing its citizens. february's coup has stalled efforts to fight the coronavirus, putting the entire population at risk. ivan watson explains, that problem may not stop at myanmar's border. warning, part of his report contains graphic video. >> reporter: the crackdown after myanmar's military coup claimed hundreds of lives in two months. also many unseen casualties of this rapidly escalating crisis. >> what is happening with the battle against covid-19 in myanmar since the february 1st coup?
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>> failing. totally failing at controlling the disease. >> reporter: experts like then deal yot from myanmar are sounding the alarm. >> i would say that the covid-19 control mechanism is totally collapsed in myanmar. >> reporter: already one of the poorest countries in asia, myanmar was ill equipped to handle the pandemic. but myanmar ramped up testing and treatment and began giving doctors and nurses their first vaccination shots in january of this year. that progress came to a screeching halt on february 1st when the military overthrew the leaked civilian government. confirmed covid cases already on the decline suddenly plunged to less than 20 a day. but that, experts say, is due to a collapse in testing. >> no more than 1,000 tests per day are being conducted, and that's sort of in the context of before 1st of february, the average around 15,000, 16,000
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tests per day. >> reporter: doctors were among the first to protest against the coup. many health care workers joined an anti-coup civil disobedience movement and went on strike, including this doctor who we can't identify for his safety. until the coup, the doctor ran a hospital covid treatment center. he says no one's working there anymore. are you worried about another wave of covid-19 infections in myanmar? >> absolutely. if there is another wave, the situation is worse than ever. >> reporter: for more than two months, this strike has all but paralyzed the public health care system. prompting the military junta to issue public statements asking health care workers to return to work immediately. but the crackdown that's silled over 700 people hasn't spared
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medical workers. this week, the military published this wanted list, including doctors accused of supporting the civil disobedience movement, now at risk of arrest. >> i think we are sure to be arrested. so many don't go back to the hospital. >> reporter: experts warn if covid-19 explodes in myanmar again, neighboring countries won't be spared. the chinese government launched a vaccination and testing blitz in a border city after an outbreak of covid-19 began late march. beijing says nearly half of confirmed positive cases in the province are myanmar nationals. refugees from myanmar are starting to flow towards thailand and india. >> if refugee crisis is expected, you have to expect the covid-19 crisis along with refugee crisis. >> reporter: as one doctor in
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a somber and poignant day in the uk as britain's prince philip was laid to rest at windsor castle. queen elizabeth and the royal famll bade their farewells in a scaled-down funeral due to covid restrictions and the duke's own wishes. a small group of 30 guests in their own respective bubbles including her majesty, seen here sitting alone. it's a striking image. for 73 years prince philip was a constant figure at her side. anna stewart joins me live from windsor with more on what was a very poignant day. >> reporter: it was a moment for national reflection, a day that really reflected prince philip's life and all the things that he loved. he had such a big hand in planning the day himself. here is how it unfolded.
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an old-school prince going out in his own style. the duke of edinburgh was heavily involved in the planning of his funeral, which began with a short procession from windsor castle to st. george's chapel. it was steeped in military tradition. his sword and naval cap laid on top of his casket, which was carried by a modified land rover he helped design. a decorated veteran of world war ii, more than 700 military personnel took part in the ceremony. the duke's much-loved carriage and pony stood by. his cap and gloves left poignantly on the seat. the prince was a family man. his children, grandchildren, and members of his personal staff walked behind, dressed in mourning suits instead of military uniforms. brothers prince harry and prince william walked with their cousin, peter phillips, between them.
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♪ the lines of mourners and military guards a somber contrast to the queen's arrival. stepping out alone, taking a seat by herself in the chapel, waiting for the partner who stood by her for more than seven decades. >> we are here today in st. george's chapel to commit into the hands of god the soul of his servant, prince philip, duke of edinburgh. >> reporter: the ceremony was pared down to 30 people, due to coronavirus restrictions. they included members of the royal family and the duke's german relatives. the choir sang a selection of music handpicked by prince philip. ♪ his casket was then lowered into the royal vault, where it will stay until her majesty dies, when they'll be reunited.
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a bugle sounded the last post, and then a naval battle cry. "action stations." this was the funeral prince philip wanted. although one part he didn't orchestrate was perhaps one of the most moving. prince william and prince harry walking together and chatting after the service. a sign of unity that would have made their grandfather proud. really heart warming to see those pictures of the royal family leaving the chapel, chatting to each other, you got a sense that with a death in the family, it puts the rest of life into perspective. there was certainly a scene of unity there between prince william and prince harry as well. the queen turns 95 this week on wednesday. she's still in mourning for another week, in fact. the nation has left mourning today. we expect the queen on to spend much more time here in windsor castle. we expect lots of the royal family to gather around her,
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rally around and take on lots of her official duties is, as they have done for some years. still the queen, very much head of state, very much a big part of everyone's lives here in the uk and around the commonwealth. so many people's love and thoughts are with her yesterday, and i'm sure they will continue to be through this week. >> anna stewart, thanks so much for that update live in windsor. the editor-in-chief of "hollywood international filmmaker" magazine, good to have you along. the defining image, sandro, of this funeral was the queen. this one. sitting alone. for someone who's lived a life of privilege, in that moment she buried her husband. she looked like an "every woman," alone, saying good-bye that so many people have done this last year during covid as well. >> great point. it was the heartbreaking image which will be remembered for
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years. the queen alone for the first time in our lifetime. so many of us watching on tv wanted to almost jump into the television and hold her hand or give her a hug. she wasn't really alone, i'm sure she could feel the love coming from all around the world. >> she did seem vulnerable, even though she's been a pillar of strength for britons since world war ii. how do you think the image or the symbolism of what played out at this funeral impacts britons? >> it makes her even more human, if that's at all possible. she's always represented stoicism. but she's just as vulnerable as the rest of us. and i think it's going to hit her even harder on wednesday because that's her 95th birthday. and there will be no prince philip alongside her to say happy birthday, to help her blow out the can sells. so there's going to be all these reminders as we go on. so she's going to need to really
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lean on her family and the love and support of the public. >> and what's so interesting is that philip has certainly been revealed, in all these obituaries and memories that have come from the family and also people who knew him, to be so much more than this caricature of an aristocrat. the realization that he seemed to be somewhat underappreciate ed, also represented by this funeral, also by the way people are perhaps reassessing their opinion of him. >> it's almost like we've learned more about him in the last week or so than we had in the previous 50 years or so. he seems to have been some kind of action hero. a very stylish guy. almost like a "gq man of the year" figure. so much to admire about him. yes, for a long time he had been a figure of fun and a punch bag in some ways. but by always being two steps
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behind the queen, he never put himself forward. and it's only through these tributes that so many of us are learning more about quite what an extraordinary figure he was. and the legacy he leaves. >> absolutely. and this funeral, he certainly helped to create it and had a huge impact in what it was, including that greenland land r that his coffin was on. it was a reminder of values, stature, continuity, history. that is so powerful, particularly after a year where there have been so few rituals, so few times to go to church, never mind be part of saying good-bye. >> no one does formality like the british. this was a final salute under glorious sunshine with everybody
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looking immaculate, all incredibly moving. for anyone who has lost anyone to covid, which is so many of us, and not been able to attend the funeral, it almost wasn't like we were grieving just prince philip, we were grieving so many of the 3 million that have been lost. it was more than just one man. it was a bigger moment in history. it was an attempt for the whole world to grieve together. at least, that's the way i saw it. it was beautiful, it was touching, it was heartfelt. >> and for a family that has a reputation, at least publicly, of being austere, perhaps even emotionless, there were these extremely rare moments and gestures of raw emotion. prince charles, tears running down his face. everyone looked broken by the loss of this man, this grandfather, this husband, this uncle, this father-in-law. that in itself was powerful. and how do you think,
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particularly after the chaos and vitriol of the harry and meghan interview, the pictures of family there speaks volumes, doesn't it? >> the royal family has been seen by some at times to be almost robotic in their lack of emotion. the keep calm, carry on, stiff upper lip stoicism which is such a part of british history, such a part of that family. but by allowing their emotions out, especially prince charles, who seemed to be in floods of tears at one point, it really makes you see that even though they're up on a pedestal, they are human. they suffer the same emotions and grief and loss as the rest of us. >> sandro minetty, thank you very much, appreciate you joining us. coming up, aides to russian opposition leader alexei navalny say he is close to death in
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prison but still continuing his hunger strike. lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness-causing bacteria detergents leave behind. proven to kill covid-19 try our new scented oils for freshness that lasts. crafted to give you amazingly natural smelling fragrances, day after day... ...for up to 60 days. give us one plug for freshness that lasts.
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the secretary for the russian opposition leader alexei navalny says his health is deteriorating so bad in prison he's dying. navalny has been on hunger strike over two weeks. his spokes woman says he may have only a few days left to live. despite the danger, navalny is sticking with the strike. one of his colleagues tells us why. >> the hunger strike is the last measure that an inmate can apply in this circumstance. it's not something that people do lightly and put their-in danger. all that he requests is that he is given proper medical care. with a doctor of his choice. especially, it's important since his recovery after his poisoning with most of chock nerve agent
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last august is not really complete. >> sam kiley joins us with more on alexei navalny's health, also this rally that his team is calling for. what more do we know? >> the target figure for people writing in on the internet, signatures, if you like, to a petition for the opposition, is 500,000. when they reach that point, and they're at about 450,000 plus at the moment, they say that they will organize a mass rally, the biggest russia's ever seen, they're hoping to achieve. this period, it's taken quite a period to get that off the ground. and it's very important indeed that from the russian authorities' perspective, vladimir putin's perspective, that this isn't a galvanizing issue, the health of alexei navalny. but clearly it is something that the opposition is, "a," very
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concerned about, "b," very comfortable exploiting in order to galvanize support for the broader platform of reforms that he represents. although, of course his hunger strike at the moment is only over access to medical care following his poisoning back in august with the most of chock nerve agent, the same nerve agent used in an attempt on a former soviet agent's life in salisbury in the united kingdom, although russia has denied responsibility for the poisonings in either case. but it is also coming at a time when the -- navalny's opposition group is being threatened with the possibility of being designated an extremist organization. but being put into the same category, effectively, as violent radical islamist groups which would make any prospect of campaigning successfully for elections, believed to be scheduled for september this year, almost impossible.
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>> and so while we watch that and wait for updates on mr. navalny's health, we're watching a story from the czech republic. the chick authorities expelling 18 russian diplomats who they say aren't diplomats. tell us more about this and what this means politically. >> it's been an extraordinary period the last week or so. there have been a wide range of expulsions of diplomats or people alleged to be agents of russian intelligence. in the case of this latest round of expulsions, 18 people are identified as being from the giu, which is russian military external intelligence, or the svr, which is the organization that's been very heavily involved in allegedly in cyber espy cyber attacks around the world. the czech republic, a large number of people from a former
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soviet bloc country. on top of that, czech authorities, speaking of novichok, have said they're seeking two people alleged to be gru agents, the same people who have been named by british authorities as being connected with the attempt on mrs. skripal's life in salisbury. again, one that the russian authorities say they had nothing to do with, also moving novichok. they're saying they want to talk to these people in connection with suspicious blasts in ammunition storage facilities that may have been storing arms destined for ukraine at a time when russia was invading that country and beginning the process of the illegal annexation of the crimean peninsula. so things are all getting wrapped up with european, and more widely, confrontations with america. we've seen three diplomats expelled from poland as well. but in the united states, ten diplomats, russian diplomats,
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being expelled earlier in the week, or about a week ago. and a tit for tat response from russia. so heightened tensions between russia, both close to home in europe, also with united states. >> thank you for that, sam kylie there. the u.s. and china have agreed to cooperate on tackling climate change. the joint announcement comes after two days of talks in shanghai. both countries say the climate crisis must be addressed with seriousness and urgency. both countries agreed to work together to strengthen the paris agreement. that includes developing long-term strategies aimed at carbon neutrality. they also intend to maximize international investment in green and renewable energy in developing countries. body agreed to reduce the use of some industrial chemicals. some of the world's biggest stars are joining forces for a huge concert, pandemic style. what they're hoping to achieve next.
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so lynda kinkade talks to one of the cofounders of global citizen about what they hope to achieve. >> reporter: jennifer lopez, the foo fighters, and selena gomez are just a few of the big names coming together in a concert to reunite the world. their aim, to get covid-19 vaccines to everyone in every corner of the globe. ♪ lean on me when you're not strong ♪ >> reporter: last year's "one world together at home" concert hosted by lady gaga -- ♪ smile even though it's aching ♪ ♪ we can dance ♪ >> reporter: set out to raise funds to support frontline workers. ♪ ♪ you wind up like the wrecking high behind that mess you use ♪ >> reporter: talk about big names, elton john performing. certainly tapped into incredible support from celebrities. that concert raised almost $130 million to assist with the pandemic efforts. what are you hoping to achieve
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this time? >> firstly, i should say, yes, lady gaga and everyone who curated "one world together at home" did an extraordinary job and it raised $127.9 million. i'm pleased to be able to tell your viewers that 100% of that money has been deployed to provide frontline community health workers with personal protective equipment. so today we're thrilled to be able to announce "vax live," the concert to reunite the world. a first of its kind global broadcast focused on calling on world leaders and on the business community to urgently support vaccine equity, but also to encourage vaccine uptake. >> this year's "vax live" is set to be held in a stadium in los angeles. ♪ we can dance if we want to we can leave your friends behind ♪ >> global citizen cofounder hugh evans said the concert will encourage donations to help vaccines for health care workers in the poorest countries. >> so many nationed on the planet haven't received a single dose.
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>> reporter: according to the global health innovation center, most wealthy countries have procured far more vaccines than what they'll need. in the united states there's enough for almost four doses per person. in canada, enough for almost nine doses per person. >> i would encourage those nations that are on track to vaccinate the majority of their populations to immediately start donating those excess doses. here in the united states, by june, the u.s. alone will have 45 million excess doses just sitting in warehouses. there are 27 million frontline health care workers around the world, doctors and nurses, the true heroes of this pandemic. let's give it to them. >> reporter: "vax live," the concert to reunite the world, is set to happen on may 8th in california. lynda kinkade, cnn, atlanta. an astronaut and two russian
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cosmonauts are back home. nasa's kate rubins lived on the international space station for six months, completing two space walks bringing her career total to four. she has the fourth-most days in space by a female u.s. astronaut. she used her time to work on heart research and microbiology. her next mission is set to last more than half a year. i'm robyn curnow. thanks so much for joining me. follow me on twitter and instagram @robyncurnowcnn.
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