tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 4, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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their alleged crimes. government attorneys revealed the developments today. the case involves one of the most violent incidents where viral video shows a police officer screaming in pain while being crushed in a doorway. the men pleaded not guilty. so far more than 400 people have been charged in connection to the riot. thanks for joining us. anderson starts now. last night we began the broadcast and said republican house leader kevin mccarthy had a decision to make whether to back or bury the third highest ranking republican in the house liz cheney who has repeatedly bucked party orthodox by spreading lies about the 2020 election and never wavering the vote for the january 6th capitol riot. today it sounds like mccarthy made that decision. what you're about to hear is from a hot mic conversation the republican leader had prior to an interview from fox news. we should note that audio is edited, does not include the fox news anchor's questions, he's
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talking about liz cheney. listen. >> i think she's got real problems. i've had it with her. you know, i've lost confidence. well, someone just has to bring a motion but i assume that will probably take place. >> should point out was not edited by us. we'll have more about the comments and cheney's future with the party in a moment but first the interview and the chief gripe about cheney. >> i have heard from members concerned about her ability to carry out the job as conference chair, to carry out the message. we all need to be working as one if we're able to win the majority. remember, majorities are not given, they are earned and that's about the message about going forward. >> it's about the message he said and how cheney is not on board with it and what is that message? increasingly, it's this. prostrate yourself to the former president. pay no mind of course to
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anything like mccarthy said in the immediate aftermath of the insurrection that the former president bears responsibility. that's definitely not part of the message now. get on board or get out of the way. the congressman cheney is not having it and it's not just her, it goes for the other republican whose voted for the president's impeachment. one, utah senator mitt romney tweeted this today days after narrowly ly surviving a svote. every person of conscious draws a line beyond which they will not go. liz cheney refuses to lie. that's one of my republican senate colleagues said to me following my impeachment vote, i wouldn't want to be a member of a group that punished someone for following their conscience. congresswoman cheney appears to be following her conscience and kevin mccarthy suggested it may cost her. what is the latest you're hearing about where things stand between mccarthy and cheney? >> it appears that the republican party surprise, surprise caved to donald trump
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and kevin mccarthy thinks he has the votes to push liz cheney out and he is, i heard, pushing for elyce to replace her, who, anderson, is again not a surprise a trump loyalists. a little while ago i spoke to someone familiar with liz cheney's thinking about all of this and i was told quote it is not a surprise. she knew this was coming. she is not afraid of the consequences. the stakes are too high. translation, she is ready to move on, this is about principle over politics and i'm told she will not resign, she will wait for the vote. anderson? >> so do we have a sense of the details of mccarthy's motivation for this? it was back in february that he helped cheney survive a similar effort to oust her from gop
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leadership. >> correct. what we do know is that donald trump wanted liz cheney out, and a big part of this was about kevin mccarthy getting back goo the good graces of donald trump for fundraising support, and political support because he wants to be speaker and he felt he needed donald trump for that. but there is a second point that notion that they clashed over. the january 6th insurrection. cheney said it should focus just on january 6th. kevin mccarthy for some reason wants it to be broad and focus on antifa and black lives matter because he wants to muddy the water. why does he want he muddy the water? donald trump wants to muddy the water and specifically for kevin mcelccarthy there is a problem. it is likely if there is a come commission, he will be
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subpoenaed and called as a witness over that infamous phone call he had with donald trump on january 6th and as we've seen time and again, he does not want to talk about that phone call. >> in the meantime before that conference call takes place, mccarthy knew what he was doing. is this going to get ugly before it's resolved one way or another? >> that's fair to say. one of the things, though, that i think is going to happen that kevin mccarthy may not have thought through is liz cheney is going to have a platform with or without being number three in leadership and my sense is going forward, she will feel completely unleashed about speaking out. it's only just begun, anderson. >> jamie, appreciate it. >> moments ago the "wall street journal" published an editorial. conservative editorial page
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writes she may be ousted because she's daring to tell the truth at personal political risk and say republicans will look foolish or worse to swing voters if they refight 2020 or 2022. perspective from an attorney and conservative poseed to george conway. thanks for being with us. that is what is going to happen in 2022. there isn't really a big platform for the republican party right now other than whatever donald trump wants. >> that's absolutely right. getting rid of liz cheney isn't going to change that. you still got donald trump and donald trump doesn't want to talk about policy. donald trump doesn't want to talk about what is best for the republican party which is presenting issues and dealing with issues and dealing with policy issues but he wants to talk about himself and his alleged, you know, the big lie about him supposedly losing the election. that's what he wants to talk about. that's the reason -- that's what forced liz cheney into
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responding. >> you know, i talked to tom freedman about this last night and there are probably democrats just sitting on the sidelines saying this is republicans fighting among themselves, who cares. for democracy to work, we need two parties at the very least with, you know, who battle over ideas and believe firmly what they believe and argue about it and figure out a way to govern. but if one of those parties is just backing and thrown in the towel on reality and backing the lies of the former president and linking themselves, it becoming a culltive personality, that has implications for the democracy itself. >> absolutely right. i mean, has implications for two reasons. one is as you say, there has to be some belief in democracy and some shared truth and the truth of the matter is that joe biden won the presidential election by a substantial margin by 7 million votes in the popular vote, and the other problem is
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that you need two strong political parties. this doesn't strengthen the republican party. yes, it may be true that the members of the house are responding to the fact that 60 or 70%, whatever the latest poll number is of republicans believe trump's lies, believe in the big lie but that means a lot of people don't and republicans don't have votes to spare. they lost the last election by 7 million votes in the popular column and they haven't won the popular vote in a presidential election other than 2004, they only won it once since 1988, that's two decades. the problem is also that demographics don't favor republicans and the voters are getting older. and they are losing people in the suburbs and losing educated suburban voters and they kcan't
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afford that as the last election showed and republicans are doing this to keep themselves from being primaried. they're destroying their party because look what donald trump did in four years. he lost the house in 2018. he lost the presidency in 2020 and in 2021, he lost those two senate races in georgia that caused him to lose the senate. he lost both legislative branchs and the presidency. >> so what happens to the republican party? happens to people like yourself, to liz cheney, to others who are principled and have conservative principles they believe in? >> well, i mean, it's basically we're headed towards essentially destruction of the republican party as a serious party, at least as a potential majority party, i think. p precisely because they can't make the numbers add up and you lose somebody like liz cheney again as cheney points out, she
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is going to have more time on her hands to become a spokesperson for truth and it's just is an amazingly self-destructive thing republicans are being very, very short sided. they want to avoid primary challenges but ultimately, they're ultimately by sticking to the big lie, they're ultimately sewing the seeds of their own destruction. >> what is the -- i do not understand the feelty to somebody who has no feelty to them. the feelty to somebody that, you know, doesn't have any sense of loyalty who has no platform and the republican party didn't have a platform this time around because they just decided whatever donald trump says, that should be the platform. >> ironically, that's what gives him power. he doesn't care what he does to the party. he doesn't care what he does to the country. and so he can't be deterred, and
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they know that, and they know there is only one way to try to turn the heat down, which is to bow to him. the problem is it's not going to work. it impossible to sat sat-- s 'tis -- satisfy this man. the longer they allow these lies to beisfy this man. the longer they allow these lies to be unrebutted, the less they can work it. >> are they related? >> not unless he's feelty to donald trump and he contradicts it. sad and depressing. >> george conway, thank you.
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more on this in a moment we'll take you to kevin mccarthy's home district and gary tuchman is there, do they care he's supporting the former president's lies and do they consider them lies. >> john cleain joins us to talk about the prospects for herd immunity dissipate. e was microwaved? get outta here. everybody's a skeptic. wright brothers? more like, yeah right, brothers! get outta here! it's not crazy. it's a scramble. just crack an egg.
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>> to repeat breaking news, in a hot mike moment kevin mccarthy said he had it with and lost confidence in congresswoman liz cheney after he repeated comments about the former president and the "wall street journal" editorial page said it will make republicans look quote foolish or worse and she's daring to tell the truth to republican voters as jamie gangel reported, they could remove cheney from leadership, major controversy for republicans on capitol hill.
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what do voters think about mccarthy back in his district? is gary tuchman. >> reporter: in bakersfield, california, the largest city in kevin mccarthy's congressional district, they have been practicing law. he interned when he was in the state legislature and still very much likes him but dislikes donald trump and dismisses trump's stolen election talk. >> i think if you look on a whole of what kevin has done, he tried to walk both sides of the line. it an impossible line to walk. it's impossible to dance on both sides of the line without someone pointing and saying ut oh, you know, you're not -- >> reporter: should you dance on both sides of the line when one line is a complete lie? no matter what you do, you're an attorney, i'm a journalist, you can't lie. >> right. >> reporter: i can't lie. >> right. >> reporter: i'll lose my job. >> i think if he doesn't cater to the voters, he loses his job. >> reporter: kevin mccarthy would like to be speaker of the house, can't blame him but amid the continued lie about the
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election results, the question needs to be asked, at what price? is mccarthy in danger of losing his integrity among the core supporters. they see no problem. donald trump said the election was stolen. >> right. >> reporter: and your congressman mccarthy has not said no, mr. trump, it hasn't been stolen. he's kind of gone along with it. how do you feel about that? >> i feel it was stolen. >> reporter: you do? >> yes, i do. >> reporter: there is no proof of that. zero. all the judges said it's not try including republicans. >> yeah. >> reporter: is there proof of it? >> i have real suspicions based on evidence that we've come across. >> reporter: what's the evidence, if you don't mind me asking respectfully. >> i mind you asking. >> reporter: you do mind me asking? >> yes. >> reporter: i'm being respectful. >> yes. >> reporter: some don't want to answer questions about their congressman. what are your feelings about kevin mccarthy? >> i'm not going to answer that
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for you guys. reading your guys' post and how you twist everything, come on. >> reporter: most did talk to us and pretty easy to find people that give mccarthy every benefit of the doubt. you're saying you like congress mccarthy. >> yes. >> reporter: should you tell former president trump, mr. trump, the election wasn't stolen, you were making that up. that's a lie. does that bother you that he hasn't satd id that? >> it bothers me. >> reporter: but you still like h him. some people feel differently. what do you think of your congressman kevin mccarthy? >> no, we don't. >> reporter: the woman who won the current republican party is an intern congressional office thinks very highly of him and the way he's handled everything.
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it was a legitimate election, we know that. i'm wondering if you think leader mccarthy needs to say something about that to reassure other whose are concerned about what donald trump is saying or said? >> i think other than the media, i don't think the people are concerned about that. they want to hear from kevin mccarthy is what he's saying, why isn't the president stopping what is going on at that border? >> reporter: you don't think they're more concerned about what trump says? >> not about the election. i don't think people are caught up in that at all. >> reporter: that would not be accurate but would be the sentiment of many in this district. >> gary joins us now. mccarthy supporters you spoke to, did they believe the 2020 election was stolen? seems like it. >> reporter: yeah, it seemed pretty split, anderson, among the people we talked to, 50% of them roughly who feel it wasn't stolen and many of them who didn't like donald trump that much, there was the feeling that mccarthy could not afor identification -- afford to alienate people. a lawyer i interviewed who is a republican said in the 2020 election, he doesn't like donald
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trump very much. he made the decision to vote for joe biden and in 2016 he didn't like donald trump or hillary clinton and he made the decision to write in the candidates and that candidate for president he wrote in was kevin mcelderry con mcelderryccarthy. mcelderryccaccarthy. >> let's bring in dana bash. who do you think is the most likely replacement? >> well, the person who is working the hardest according to courses i'm talking to and our capitol hill team, as well is elyce the republican congresswoman from new york who actually worked in the bush white house who, you know, if you go back then would be more of a liz cheney republican but during the trump era has become very much a trump republican and she's working it hard. i've spoken to republican members of congress who have
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spoken to her and say that she is whipping it and she's trying very hard to get as much support as she can to support liz cheney as house conference chair and vote and put that to the republican conference. >> i want to play a clip about the hearings for the first impeach ment hearings. let take a look. >> thank you for being here today. >> gentlewoman will suspend. >> what is the eninterruption? >> the gentlewoman is suspended. you're not allowed to yield time except to minority counsel. >> the yanking member yielded time to another member of congress. >> that's not accurate. you're gagging -- >> that is new york. >> ambassador yovanovitch, i want to thank you for being here today. >> you're not recognized. >> this is the fifth time you have interrupted members of congress, duly elected members
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of congress. >> suspend. >> so interesting she worked in the bush white house and now is fully on board. we obviously heard from the former president george w. bush. >> a lot of people i know when i talked to know of her are quite surprised but i was just texting with a long time republican aid who pointed out something really important and really telling and that is telling of her district, the 21st district in new york, which is upstate new york which also is representative of what we're seeing across the party. this district is a real moderate district on the presidential went for years for the democrat. it is new york. the past two elections, 2016 and 2020 donald trump zest following her district and republicans and looks like even democrats and
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indep pendents very much suppor the former president that's why you saw the shift she had and that is why you're seeing a lot of these repub caps shift. it is the base and constituents and they're not fighting the big lie and not fighting for truth and not fighting back against constituents many of whom you heard from gary who are parroting the lies that they are hearing from the former president and from many in conservative media. >> yeah, dana bash, appreciate it. thank you. there is a great deal to talk about with our next guest. president biden's new vaccine goal and the 360 interview with the white house chief of staff ron klain and defense attorneys for derek chauvin move for two weeks after the guilty verdict was rendered in the death of george floyd. wealth is your first big investment.
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president biden set new vaccine goal. they want everyone to have one dose by july and 160 million americans by the end of the year. they need 100 million additional shots over the next 60 days. the fda seems poised 12 to 15 as soon as early next week. plenty to discuss and the republican party's fighting and i want to bring in ron klain. thanks for being with us.
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vaccine demand in america slowed down, the past dose in the seven-days and the week prior, what is the plan if the country doesn't reach the president's new goal of at least one shot to 70% of the u.s. by july 4th? is there a plan b? >> no, it's an achievable goal. stretched but not achievable. we're vaccinating millions of people a day and slowed down. we had a pace for the first 100 days trying to get 220 million shots into arms. we vaccinated 57% of the adults in this country. we're on the back half of this project. so it's going to go a little more slowly. it more about finding people who haven't found the vaccine yet convenient enough, easy enough to find. that's what the president laid out today a plan to make it easier for americans to get vaccinated a website and way to text and get your vacvaccine, n appointment vaccinations and more rural sites. we're trying to bring the vaccine to people as we go from
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57% to 70%. >> you have states offering, west virginia has given out savings bonds and new jersey is giving out free beer to get shots. if you have to get free beer to get vaccinated, what does that say? >> well, look, i think it says that we had first of all like 55% of the country that was really eager, wanted to get the shot, they have been done. they're in the process now a lot of them are still getting their second shots but there is another segment of the population that just wasn't clear if this was right for them and people that leave lives where they really couldn't make conveniently an appointment in advance to get a vaccine and wanted no appointment to show up and get a shot and circumstances. people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, find the vaccine compelling so part of the point the president made today, you need this vaccine. you're less likely to get gravely ill but people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s do get gravely ill and can pass it to others
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and we want the vaccination rate of young americans up to a higher number. >> in some countries they made things more, i don't know punitive is the right word but companies said look, if you're going to come back to work, you have to get vaccinated. is that a road you would be looking to go down and go overseas only if they have been vaccinated. >> you know, anderson, this is a country that really relies on free choice and i think our goal here is to persuade people to make it easy to make it convenient. we know the vast majority of those who have not yet been vaccinated have just found this process so far too complicated too difficult. now, you can text your zip code to 438829 and get a text back that tells you where you can get vaccinated near your home. i think a lot of this is trying to make it easier for people to get vaccinated. >> why has it been so hard? i went on the websites trying to find out a place to get
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vaccinated. it's ridiculous. i can't believe in our country we don't have a system in place that is just easy. >> we do now. i think up to now really we tried to ramp this up. we set a global record in the first 100 days and had success with the people that went and found the vaccine. now it shifted the other direction as you said. we have enough vaccine. we have people who found it too hard and now it's super simple. we can go to and enter your zip code and make an appointment. or text and you can find a place and walk in and most places you can get a shot. >> is herd immunity the goal? many have backed away from that term as a benchmark. >> i think i'll let dr. fauci comment on the science of that what he's advised us is that it's probably a phrase that doesn't really apply here to this particular virus and circumstance.
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our goal as you noted is to get to 70% of the country with one shot, 160 million americans fully vaccinated by july 4th. if we get there, what the experts tell us is that a number of cases should be down dramatically. the number of deaths should be down further. there will be a lot less covid and a lot fewer people getting sick from covid in the country. >> the cdc changes, you know, obviously mass guidance last week saying it's safe to go maskless outside if you can distance yourself since then we're seeing president biden on several occasions wearing his mask outside. some people have criticized him for not adopting to the new guidance. there is certainly other people i know that will continue to wear masks because they feel more comfortable that way and feel it sends the right message. what do you say to those who say the president isn't practicing what the cdc is preaching? >> i say he is. most of the time you see him outside he's not wearing a mask. people catch him sometimes, pictures getting in or out of a car. he hasn't had a chance to take his mask off or going into a
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building. so he puts it on for convenience. the president doesn't wear his mask when he's outside generally. i'm here tonight unmasked outside. so i think we're all adjusting to the new cdc guidance. it great guidance. right? everyone should feel better that we have made so much progress in 100 days that deaths are down 80%. cases are down dramatically in 40 to 50 states. we're making a lot of progress being able to be unmasked outside as a result and something we should all enjoy. >> i want to turn to the fist bumps seen around the country when the president shared a fist bump with liz cheney. it added fuel to the political fire. she responded to critics saying in part we're different political parties, we're not sworn enemies, we're americans. is that now a radical strance fr a republican to take? in the white house, how do you deal with a party where they're
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pushing out somebody who seems to be pushing -- being pushed out because she's not willing to go along with the big lie about the election? >> you know, i think that i'm the last person in the world that house republicans want leadership advice from but what i'll say is the president, here is the white house, we're working with republicans and that seem speech the president credited mitch mcconnell for his work on helping him fight cancer. we've invited joint leadership to the white house next week and looking forward to having mi minority leader mccarthy and leader mcconnell at the white house next week. we've had over 100 members of congress, roughly half of them republicans here to the white house in the 100 and so days we've been here so we're going to work with people in both tar -- parties who want to work with president biden and getting the economy back on track and passing infrastructure. >> we had tom freedman on the program last night. he's talking about this being an actual threat to democracy that we need as 70% of republicans
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say they don't think president biden legitimately won in a recent cnn poll from april. our democracy needs two parties at the very least who argue things out and figure out how to move forward but if one party is fully just embracing a lie and kind of an alter nate reality, isn't that dangerous for democracy. >> rejections of election results are a danger for democracy. i would say, anderson, we had a lot of republicans around the country acre accept the electi result. we had election officials who certified election results. we had republican and democratic appointed judges who rejected trump's baseless attacks on the elections through the courts and ultimately, we had both republicans and democrats who voted to certify the election in the house and the senate. so we're trying to bring people together. we're trying to, you know, get progress and problems with the american people but i agree
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people need to accept the fact there was an election in america and joe biden and kamala harris won and that's what state and local officials said and judges said and the congress said. >> ron klain, appreciate your time, thank you. >> thanks for having me. breaking news, why the attorney for the ex police officer convicted of murdering george floyd is asking for a trial for his client. we'll talk it over with the legal team when we continue.
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the attorney for the ex minneapolis police officer accused of murdering george floyd asked for a new trial including claims of publicity and the court abused discretion by refusing to move the trial out of minneapolis and seq sequestering the journey and they committed misconduct and felt race based pressure during the proceedings and failed to adhere to injections during delibe deliberations. no specific juror incident was mentioned. i want to get more from laura coats and criminal defense attorney mark o'meara. how common is filing a motion like this? >> extremely common. every time somebody has lost a case and has a conviction, you expect there to be a period of time when appeal is going to be in the future.
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this defense attorney went to great lights during the duration of the trial before hand to preserve these issues, issues about the sequestration and influence of the media. remember late in the trial there was a discussion about the words of a congresswoman. we expected all of this. what we have not seen fully is a full brief to explain each and every aspect of the allegations in terms of the race based pressure and what not but it's very common to have this appeal and what you'd expect. there is a schedule for when you can actually appeal anticipate thing very thing. >> mark, this motion comes after a newly surfaced photo of a juror wearing a black lives matter t-shirt back in washington last august. do you see that possibly coming into play? could a judge consider that? >> well, yes, a judge is and will consider it and should consider it but the real question is a couple of different sort of variables. one a judge normally would look at a case like that and say okay, that may not have been that problematic if you didn't look into it and ask that your
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question were they actually and affirmatively lied or defrauded a court. here is going to be the analysis there is a question that said, i think it was question number seven, did you ever attend a protest or rally about this case in minneapolis? and the juror said no. as it turns out, the answer to that particular question was absolutely accurate because he hadn't. then we find out he was in d.c. fine. but it's really on the defense attorney's shoulders to look into that and to do everything that he or she needs to do to get a fair trial and quite honestly if they lied on question and answer or n non-specific question and non-specific answer and didn't look into it further, quite honestly, that will be on the defense attorney's shoulders and the judge will say we had the opportunity to question you, i didn't limit your questioning. you should have gone into this. don't come to me now and say it my problem as the judge when you didn't take the time to look
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into it. >> that's interesting. laura, first of all, who comes up with those questions and just to be clear as mark was saying, the defense has an opportunity to talk to that juror and ask that juror any questions they want before deciding whether or not they can be on the jury? >> as does the prosecution and the judge can answer questions, as well. normally it's a collaborative process. this is more than i think 14 pages or so of voir dire, that's a lengthy voir dire and the gog goal was not to hear jurors that didn't know nothing about this case. they didn't want a van wrinkle that had fallen asleep under a tree to find out there was unrest in the country. they were trying to find people that could be impartial and not ignore rant of the facts and could follow instructions. mark is right when he talks about the idea of the opportunity of the defense counsel and the prosecution and the judge to be able to figure out whether this person could be
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impartial and answers to those questions. if they wrote have very specific question to someone provided a very specific answer and not more inclusive or other cities, et cetera, it's hard to really find an error. i would mention of course, one of the things you're talking about is his attendance, i believe, at the anniversary march of the i have a dream speech in washington d.c. so the notion that that particular speech and the anniversary of it in the march on washington can be reduced to one specific aspect of it would already be farcical to a judge looking at this. ultimately, it's about the cumulative answer and the whole lit -- whole list tick approach and they may want the juror to answer questions whether it was misleading but it will be a fact specific inquiry if they do. >> mark, how likely is chauvin to get a new trial and if you can't explain how that differs from a conventional appeal from the verdict?
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>> a new trial will be granted if there was a fundamental unfairness during the trial that has to be menremedied by a knew trial. if the juror said i'm going to convict chauvin no matter the facts that would be enough. we won't be near that. what the judge looks at is those little pieces of the motion. yo u sh you should have changed venue because nowhere in minnesota would you have a jury much different than there. you should have sequestered them, maybe but probably not because you won't have a jury that is 30, 45 days kept in hotels because of the inconvenience. the judge did what he needed to do to protect the jury from what is happening on the outside. the other things about the prosecutor that may have gone a little overboard in attacking the defense case. it was objected to strictly on the defense attorney's shoulders and the judge reminded the prosecutor not to do that. most of what is being complained
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about was addressed by the judge and properly addressed and again, the judge is going to look at this and say wait a minute, i'll look at this with a harmless era of prospective. there is so much evidence in the case supporting guilt i'm not going to let this small decision get in the way of a jury's well thought out in recent verdict and that will be a standarded theo'meara, laura coats, appreciate it. the former president was kicked off social media for months but could he get access to facebook and instagram again? that when we continue.
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and they're number one in customer satisfaction. his number... delete it. i'm deleting it. so, break free from the big three. xfinity internet customers, switch to xfinity mobile and get unlimited with 5g included for $30 on the nations fastest, most reliable network. the former parking lot has rolled out a new tool to communicate with supporters. his new platform features videos from the former president, statements from his leadership pac, as he awaits a decision tomorrow on whether he'll be allowed back on facebook and instagram. facebook's oversight board which claims to be independent is expected to make an announcement tomorrow morning about whether he will be reinstated to his account. the breaking point with the social media platform came after the capitol riot when the former
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president posted this message. >> this was a fraudulent election but we can't play into the hands of these people. we have to have peace. so go home. we love you. you're very special. you've seen what happens. you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. i know how you feel. but go home and go home in peace. >> he says go home, but as you heard, he said "we love you, you're very special." the next day facebook ceo mark zuckerberg announced the suspension saying the risks are simply too great. joining us more is cnn chief media correspondent brian stelter. so who is on the oversight board and is there any sense of where they might be leaning? >> it's a group of journalists, activists, people who care a lot about digital rights, free speech and the first amendment. in many cases these are free
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speechab so ab sosolutists, why the view of tech experts is that trump may get back on facebook. the ruling will come down tomorrow morning. it's the biggest test of this board yet. ultimately it's because of this concern that the former president is a threat to the public. he was a threat in january. the question in front of this board is if he's a threat today. >> and he continues to lie about the election at parties at mar-a-lago and to anybody who will listen like a guy at a bar, what happens? >> he will be eligible for fact checking, which means facebook's fact checking partners could stamp labels on top of his content. but right now there's no indication that facebook would take extraordinary measures on his account. if his account is restored it will be just like any other politician's account. however, anderson, this
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oversight board which is given support by facebook but is independent, it could also make recommendations about policy. facebook can then take those recommendations and make changes or not. so we will see tomorrow if this board has ideas for facebook for how to change the platform and if the company does anything. but at the end of the day, this is still mark zuckerberg's call. he is the one that wants to have an oversight board and it's still ultimately his website and his call. >> i mentioned the former president apparently has a new page to his present website that allows people to share messages and videos with supporters. his spokesperson jason miller says the president is building his own social media platform. is this? >> this does not appear to be it. he posts statements sometimes full of misspellings and lies, now they're putting them up on the trump website. frankly, anderson, you or i
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could have built such a web page in a matter of hours, i'm not sure why there was such hype about it today. honestly, it's been six months since the election, they've had quite a lot of time to build something new and so far they have very little to show for it. maybe they're hoping to get back on facebook tomorrow. >> i don't think i could build any kind of a website. >> oh, i'll help you. >> brian stelter, thanks so much. up next, india reaches a milestone that certainly everyone had hoped to avoid.
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the coronavirus crisis crossed a grim threshold in india. the country is reporting its highest number of new cases every day and an unthinkable number of deaths. hospitals are overwhelmed, running out of some of the most basic lifesaving supplies including much-needed oxygen. on our web show "full circle" today we spoke to an a chef who is part of the widespread indian diaspora in the u.s. who has been helping raise funds to ship oxygen concentrators to india. >> everything has shifted. we used to read about these flus and fevers. but now, for such an advanced society, this has made us more cautious in some ways, at the same time extremely transformed, if you do not hold hands together, mankind is going to
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suffer a lot. >> that's vikas khanna, speaking on "full circle." that's it for us. let's hand it over to chris for "cuomo prime time." thank you, anderson. i'm chris cuomo, welcome to "prime time." do you care about school reform, education reform? neither will probably happen and it doesn't matter to what the democrats say. why? take a look at what's happening in the retrumplican party with liz cheney. i know the media and some on the left are starting to talk about liz cheney like she's some martyr. she isn't. cheney is not a cause. she's just proof of trump's effect on the perversion of her party. she is apparently out on her way as the number three. no more. she's on the way out.
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