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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 9, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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thank you all for watching from around the world. some of jerusalem's holiest sites turned into battle zones. the wait is over. a out of control chinese rocket has crashed to earth. we'll tell you when and where. >> the second covid wave spiraling out of control as
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cries for a national lock down get louder. the palestinian red crescent says many have been injured in the latest clashes. tensions have hit a boiling point after possible evictions of palestinian families. they will hold an extraordinary session to discuss this. more violence and growing international backlash. >> that's right and last night it was the holiest night for ramadan. i'm outside of demascus.
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this is one of the main entrances. are this is the neighborhood where the pal sestinian familie facing eviction, they're having on-going clashes there and there was some unrest there early this morning at the temple mount to jews. although last night they were peaceful at the compound that was not the case on friday night. we saw some of the highest levs of tensions and clashes that jerusalem has seen. we have 17 police officers injured on friday. last night we had around 100 palestinians injured including six that were under the anyone of 18 years old. police say that protestors in these areas here were hurling rocks, fireworks, and other objects at them.
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also also used some kind of skunk water. there has been tension rising. there was clashes here in this area. and they are flaming tensions even further. we are seeing growing reaction and condemnation. several members of congress also expressed concern about the possible eviction of those families. they are meeting in an extraordinary session on monday and the cabinet will be meeting later today in the afternoon because tomorrow is a day that a lot of people are very worried about. tomorrow is known as jerusalem day. it's marks when they took control of the western wall. they are expecting hundreds and thousands of people through what could be sensitive areas of the old city. this it is also the day we may see a ruling from the supreme court on the possible evictions of those families. so a lot of concern here that
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this city is on the edge of an even bigger clash. t tettering on the edge here. >> thank you so much. earlier michael holmes spoke with peter beinart about the tensions playing out over these possible evictions. >> it's worth remembering that the rage from 2000 to 2004 broke out in jerusalem over events having to do with the temple, a very sensitive area. it is important to put these into context. for palestinians, they were essentially expelled from israel and there has been other large scale expulsions.
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the issue of expulsion cuts very deep. there is a process going on in east jerusalem where more and more settlers moved in and more palestinians forced out. this is a very come bust able issue and i think there is a lot of reason to worry. >> that wayward chinese rocket is over but we're still not exactly sure what happened to it. parts fell into the indian ocean. the u.s. space command says parts reopened the atmosphere over the arabian peninsula but they have not yet confirmed the impact site. people report seeing a dot in the sky, but it was a massive piece, it was ten stories high and weighed 22 tons. most of the dwevices it carried
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were destroyed on the way back into the atmosphere. so far no reports of damage or casualties or any debris yet. will, so around the world, a huge sigh of relief but still a lot of finger pointing at choin. >> it was like the odds no one wanted to win. this 22 ton hunk of metal, much of the world, was at one point in the possible impact zone. in the end the lucky winner right there. near the maldives. in the indian ocean. people were obsessed be this thing. think is hard for me to see this little dot, here, but people were watching the sky and they were uneasy.
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it's that lack of certainty that the odds were it would go down in the ocean. china had been saying they were confident it would not cause damage or interrupt any aviation, but you can't be sure because it is an uncontrolled reentry. what china has done with the launch of this giant rocket they're using to put modules of their space station into orbit is create a design that allows them to more efficiently get it up. the weight alone is one fifth of the side of the statute of liberty in the u.s. when they launch something like this they control it so if they need to bring this part of the rocket, the body of the rocket
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back down, they do so in a way where they can control where it lands. but this this indication what china did is once this rocket put the module, the space station into orbit, it was hurtling out of control at 18,000 miles per hour. this was just hours before the eventually impact. and you could see in this video it is kind of spinning. the reflection of the sun getting bigger . imagine if it had hit a populated area. and now you have comments coming frout people like senator bill nelson that posted saying space variations must minimize the risk to people and property for earth reentry of space objects. he went on to say in this case
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it is clear that china is failing to meet responsible standards regarding their space debris. he is not the only one saying this was reckless, potentially very dangerous, and the fact that they have more launches like plans, what if it did land in a populated area. >> you heard many called the uncontrolled reentry irresponsible, some these folks from the university of texas looked at what china could have done differently. >> i think the main issue that exists is that the rocket did not do a deorbiting burn that would are force it'd to come
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into the ath mosphere forcing i to burn up as much and possible and it could be better predicted where the reentry point might take place. leaving it up to mother nature to take care of it is probably not going to be used in the future. unless there is enough pressure from the global community for space sustainability and safety this will be business as usual for sure. there is increased activity of space launches. two weeks ago we saw a falcon 9 upper stage land not too far from seattle. even though it had the p propolsion to do a de-orbit burn, but things don't always
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work all of the time. and the covid crisis is breaking global records every day. delhi has now extended their lock down by another week. plus, a problem for california restaurant owners. why they can't extend services despite services being lifted. stay with us.
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for the fourth straight day in reporting, that rate of infection is unheard of. the total number of cases passing 22 million. the daily death told has surpassed 4,000. they have spoke about strict new lock downs. the chief minister is begging for more vaccines. the fly said to run out in less than a week. we have the latest developments
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the criticism here is unusual but not unprecedented. they are not criticizing not only the government's handling of the pandemic, but they said the sdesz corey in success of t pandemic has been squandered. they are trying to stifle the criticism and trying to get a handle on the latest with the devastating figures. also saying the complacency has played a role. another thing they're saying is there is a progex that is very
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concerning. there could be a million deaths by august. there is certainly but it be before they even tart to get bigger. if they see that million mark of deaths but it is a national catastrophe. we're also seeing the supreme court this has opinion a crucial element that dealt dealing with the pandemic. the oxygen is needed. this is something that the government would spearhead but we see here that the supreme court took control of this.
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there will be government officials involved they say. and they're going to look at the bigger picture and figure out where the oxygen is needed and make sure it gets there. it is one of the other cri criticisms that we have heard. even though many countries around the world are e donating. >> thank you so much. >> having a domino effect in other nations. the government is suspended exports of vaccine doses. that leaves the african continent devastated. >> the indian government is having to ban all vexports of
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covax doses so they can use it at home. the kour gtour guide here is ge his astrazeneca shot. >> i think we'll just have to wait and see what happens. >> kenya got around a million doses. kenya's supply dries up in days. >> i want to show you that nobody who has taken their first dose will miss out on their
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second dose. >> it worries me, and very clearly the second doses will not come in time. many are familiar with covax's plan and they say they're not expected to resume until june at best. and millions of astrazeneca doses promised by the biden administration won't be enough or come soon enough. neither will moderna's vaccine. what is the impact on that? >> the eximpact is it may have happened if there was equal access. >> researchers at duke
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university tracking yet another wave of the virus. >> they did put a lot of eggs in the basket and that is an account. it should not cash anyone by surprise. >> it may be too late. difd mckenzie, cnn johannesburg. >> a senior white house advisor with a new reason to get the vaccine. >> i have seen early data the south african vaccine is
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effective against the variant. i think we'll see that in the coming week, but americans should expect that if they're not vaccinated they will be more exposed and if they are they can look at the variants and know there are very good levels of protection so far. >> they come with new signs that demand for the vaccinations are dropping in the u.s. average daily doses have fallen below two million since early march. it could hinder president joe biden's goal for at least 70 pakistan of adults to receive a dose by july 4th. now it stands at about 58%. but with slight dips in vaccination rates, numbers keep decreasi decreasing.
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tl restaurants are able to expand capacity, but in southern california, they're facing a problem they didn't expect. >> they are saying they need to hire or rehire more employees. they cannot open a dining room because they do not have enough workers. in all they need more than 100 workers. >> i think we need to hire about 250 people in this. other restauranters are having this issue. >> they pretty good paying jobs. a magger getting paid $75,000 a year, but the pandemic hit and tell us what happened to that manager. >> yeah, it's so expensive to live here in l.a. that she, her husband, and husband moved to oregon where they could afford to live, they had v family
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there, so many employees that left, they just left the state it's too expensive and they just had to take off. >> some have been very critical of governor newsom, but stein is not. they say california would not be where it is now in terms of their low positivity rate in terms of a serious lock down. they're trying to get people forward, if they could put the restaurant workers back on the job that in turn will spark the rest of the community. >> just as new york begins to open up after a strict pandemic lock down, it is becoming a crisis. they are looking here until saturday. they're looking for people that
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have information. gunfire here in timessquare here on saturday evening. one 4-year-old girl was shot in the beg. surveillance video shows the moment when busy crowds were stopped by the gunfire. at a police conference they say said all of the victims were in stable condition, but expressed frustration on local policies that lead to shootings. >> how many more kids do we need to be shot before we realize that bad policies have consequences. and we need actions and policies with loss. >> times square is in the heart
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of trying to reopen to tourists. officials are hoping to bring tourists back to the city. the tourist heart of the city could make that a tough sell. cnn, new york. and a new vocation from a spooky vampire layer to a covid vaccination site. russia is celebrating 76 years since nazi germany surrendered. all against a back drop with testy relations with the u.s.
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sflrchlgt welcome back to all of you watching here. you're watching cnn news room. moscow's victory day parade just wrapped up. the parade showed off russia's troops, military vehicles, and aircraft. vladimir putin was there watching it all. compared to the same time last year and let's bring in fred who is standing by in moscow.
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the context of this is different with covid and growing tensions in the u.s. >> especially taken the fact that last year on the 19th of parade it didn't take place because russia was in a really tough lock down. so certainly this is a very special day. for russia and if more other countries in the former soviet union. for every year here, of course last year with the russians showing off their military might. you have the intercontinental ballistic missiles. you can see that here right now going past the kremlin. those are some things that you can see here.
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and hunt spoke to the nation here. they did so much to defeat nazi germany. one of those things is the fact that it does take place in an air of tensions, also very much russia and ukraine as well. over the past couple weeks it will come up on the southern border with ukraine. the west taking a very different view of that. and you could also hear that a little bit in the speech. i want to read to you a little chunk of what he said. he said they brought so many unbearable trials. and then he said there is no forest giveness and excuse for those that contemplate
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aggressive plans. so the government trying to say that the russians believe that once again the west is pots against them. of course all of this as we have been saying, seeing in those rising tensions between russia and the u.s. also things that had been going down recently there as well. >> you talk about the international political context, but there is also a depress tick political element here, right? we're seeing it over al alexi navalny, the parliament contexts, as well. >> of course, and this that is always part of the atmosphere here. one of the things we have to keep in mind about the victory day social security that this is something that all russians and pretty much all people in former
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soviet countries, soviet republic, that they can agree on in is a very, very big day that unites this location. they take pride in the soviet union's contributions. defeating nazi germany, a victory day, and obviously doing a lot for really the world pushing back hitler. at the same time, of course, it happens in a political context where there is a number of people who are not satisfied with the direction. the nick situation also won a deterioration of the rights. alexi navalny is not someone they're thinking of today as far as the situation is concerned. it feeds into a little bit and they are feeling this is becoming more repressive as time
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rolls on. >> all right, fred, thank you for that. appreciate it. the u.s. navy seized antitank guided missiles. thousands of chinese main assault rifles. they found it on a state less vessel. the crew was althoughly released. they have come out on top in the parliament election. they are one scene short of a outlight majority there is now a
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pr pr pro-independence jury. lots of pull outs from the election, what's the result? >> yeah, one seat short is the green party that puts pro independence parties over the top. they granted an independent referendum lies with those in westminster not with the parliament in scotland. it is a majority conservative government to do that. and johnson made abundantly clear over the area that's he is not going down this route of a
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scottish independent ref run dumb. so while politicians in scotland have options they can hold a vote in their parliament which is very likely to pass in favor of a referendum that may or may not be legally binding. it would likely not be legally binding as well. but the possibility of that is unlikely considering what the leader of the scottish green party said. that they want any referendum that is recognized to come up for years to come. they say they're not going to do anything for this after the pandemic has been here. results from the major race came
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late last night. london's left leaning labor mayor has been reelected. but they certainly out performed expectations, and that is part of a wider trend. and they managed to pick up one seat, one federal byelection for years. if you survey the press they clearly have soul searching to do. they have more things to do and this party needs to go back and try to weave back it's traditional working class and middle class case. a chief minister -- that
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lead to headaches, confusion, and anxiety for the fishermen that make their livelihood on these waters, nick robertson has the latest. >> back to what they know best, jersey skipper adrian and crew man harry pulling a harvest from the city. angry french fishermen got but the dispute is not done. france refusing their cash of the jersey -- >> jersey's tiny fishing fleet, a sense foreboding. >> we can't sell our fish to france. we can sell a little locally but we catch way more than the local
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markets needs. >> what is that doing to your livelihood? >> destroying it slowly. >> jersey did not budge on b brexit. leaving fishermen feeling caught in a whiplash. >> they are exporting their stuff into frants. >> the islands chief minister disagrees, season end in sight. >> they can demonstrate they meet the flthresholds and they will be going from the old part to the new part. we have to get through this transition. >> the pressure is on him, too. this island with his close historic ties to france, is
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snared leading, he says, to confused license submissions. >> the data we have received through the process, from france, paris, brussels, back out, it is incomplete or incorrect in some instances. >> back in the harbor they hope the chief minister is right. >> i don't know, the jury is out, they are very weak and they rolled over to the french nuke ro numerous times. which i think is good. >> the drama of the french fisherman's dispute seems done for flow. diplomacy is kicking in with so much at takestake it is still g to be a rocky ride ahead. >> coming up on cnn news room, deadly protests continue.
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we'll have a report from co colombia, next. stay with us. you'd never let her on the couch. or the bed. you said you'd never do a lot of things. like get two dogs. but you never knew all the things a dog could do for you. and with resolve you never have to worry about the mess. love the love, resolve the mess. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because a good night's rest is where muscles recover, and our minds are restored. the new sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing.
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leaders and clergy members marches on saturday, protestors calling nightly for authorities to release the full body footage. the family says they have only seen 20 seconds of the incident. now the district attorney is under growing pressure to rescues himself on the case. >> clergy from all over the state of north carolina gathered to walk the streets in what has
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become a daily practice of peaceful protests in the two-and-a-half weeks since andrew brown was killed. now in the 17 days since that happened there has not been any body camera foot advantage footage. it only applies to his son and immediate family members. they spoke at saturday's rally talking about the need to change north carolina's law to make body camera footage more readily available. >> with the body cam. we need to see the body cam. 20 seconds. it is not enough.
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20 sects, not enough. >> they issued a resolution saying they would support a change in the north carolina law making body camera footage more easily viewable by the public. they have issued a letter to the district attorney asking him to rescues himself from the case saying he had infrequent actions with deputies in the past and this creates a conflict of interest. cnn, elizabeth city, north carolina. >> meeting with protest leaders as civil rights leaders are there. the demonstrations started over
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a tax reform bill that has been scrapped. >> a week and a half into these protests they are calling on protest leaders to come to the table hoping to find some dialogue. they are hoping that meeting could possibly happen as early as this monday but we'll have to wait and see. there are sporadic road boxes. they are here throughout the country. they are preventing the free flow of goods, food, and med call equipment. they do agree with this movement, but they do show more harm than good. they feeling fresh traiting and they don't have any other ways
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they are addressing police vio vio violence. explosions outside of a girl's high school kills 50 people and injured more than 100. they were caused by a car bomb and two improvised explosive devices. the taliban is denying involvement, but the gruesome attack comes after withdraws from the country. it is raising concerns after a surge in violence after troops are gone. we'll be right back. but, when grease and limescale build up, it's not as hygienic as you think. use finish dishwasher cleaner its dual-action formula tackles grease and limescale. finish. clean dishwasher. clean dishes. want to eliminate odors without heavy, overwhelming scents? we get it. try febreze light.
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the olympic torch is heading to tokyo. there are growing calls to cancel the games. japan extended a state of emergency in tokyo. almost 3,000 people have signed an online petition.
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>> blood is life via the famous book "dracula" the prince of darkness's home is now a covid-19 vaccination center. >> the castle in romania. the famous ruler that inspired the classic vampire model. in modern times and daylight it's not such a scary place unless you're afraid of needles. part of this tourist attraction is being used as a covid-19 vaccination center. bringing people to this fortress not with hypnotic stares but billboards and offers of the free shots of the pfizer vaccine. >> i was already planning on coming, and i thought it was a two-for-one special. the only fangs in site are the
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stickers on the nurses and helpers. >> it was a way of showing those that have come to get vaccinated how it was 500 or 600 years ago in europe. >> the only real villain here is the virus. >> elon musks jokes about dogecoin nearly stanked the stock. the currency dove 24% in early trading and it wasn't all
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cryptotalk for musk. he also took on the role of a tv producer. >> what's wrong, did i mess up? >> you, never. i just can't control it any longer, i'm in love with you. will you be my girlfriend. >> you're so silly, but no. >> i can't quite tell if that was him or not from here, but "snl" was also note ablable bec it was streamed in more than 100 countries. more on that chinese rocket crashing back into earth. stay with us.
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