tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN May 12, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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sinatra, sammy davis jr., a fascinating period in american history in the 1960s. your last book was in the '50s with the same setup, the same characters. the martyrs. extreme how you decided to move it into the 1960s and the plot is really intricate and interesting. >> well, it's based on and inspired by a real story, which as soon as i heard the story, as soon as i read it, i thought, oh, this has to be the second book. which is obviously sinatra and the rat pack did everything they could to help get jfk elected in 1960. and in preparation for a presidential trip to california, sinatra, in real life, had his rancho mirage estate, the compound, built up and -- in preparation for a presidential visit. rooms added, telephone lines, a helipad built. at the same time, attorney general robert kennedy had real misgivings, because he was going after organized crime.
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including a very horrific mobster named sam giancana, who he'd fought with publicly, and he was buddies with sinatra. it became a real-life situation where bobby kennedy is saying, i don't know if i can have my brother stay there. that premise is real, and i said, why don't we have bobby kennedy take my fictitious characters and have them go out and investigate. >> the research must have been incredibly fun. because you have conversations between -- public conversations in nightclubs with sammy davis jr. which are kind of stunning. >> yeah, i mean -- a lot of the real-that's in this book is just as shocking along the stuff that i made up, in terms of the actual conversations that took place by the mobsters, in terms of the way that the -- how really racist and awful the rat pack could be about each other
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in public, jokingly. so -- one of the things janet maslin noted in her review is i have a vegas show, you think wow, this is awful. i just took it from an actual vegas show. those were actually the joke that is they made at the time. >> and it underscores not only the racism but the sexism that was prevalent at the time. >> yeah, and that -- one of the things while writing this book that i decided to do was with "me too" and hollywood and how women are treated in entertainment, to tell the truth about what happened with women in the business in 1961, 1962. it's really not all that different from what you read about today in terms of how women are regarded, in terms of the way that stars and directors treat them. there's a lot of the resonance to what life is actually like now, still, unfortunately. >> you also explore the
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relationship between frank sinatra and john f. kennedy. did you learn anything new about their relationship while writing the book? >> yeah, i did. which, i think, just based on reading a lot of biographies of sinatra, including one by his valet, george jacobs -- i think that john f. kennedy really broke sinatra's heart. it was platonic, but i think he really was infatuated with john f. kennedy. i think that's one of the reasons why, years later, you have frank sinatra, who was legitimately ahead of his time when it cams to the crusade for civil rights. he did a lot of really good things, sinatra, in the '40s and '50s and '60s for african-americans. but by 1980, he's a republican, campaigning with reagan. i think he really shifted. i think part of that is this essentially breakup with john f. kennedy. >> jake, congratulations. "the devil may dance" is the book. that's it for us. the news continues with "cuomo prime time."
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i am chris cuomo, welcome to "prime time." this may be our moment of truth in terms of our political future, near-term future. but be very clear. put all the high-minded thoughts away. this may be the moment of truth, but it is not about the truth. and it never has been. the republicans who ran the election in the states that trump lied about, they all said he was lying. they certified, they audited, they looked. why would they want to fix the election? so that their own party would lose? you knew it was always absurd. they certified, they ran it, congress certified. and all the cruzs and all the rudys and all the king's men couldn't put humpty back together again. they were all b.s. artists and they brought no proof of anything but their own perfidy and you know it. and so do the men and women in the party that just collapsed
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under the weight of its own lies. so this has never been about the truth, because everybody knows the truth. and here is the one thing that i know that i hope you agree with. our political situation is not about trump, the party of trump, or even the democrats. the key to this situation is you, and this is no cliche, this is no namby-pamby kumbaya. i hope you have had it. you should have had it. the only answer, if you want anything better in this situation, in terms what was you control, right? you must ignore the state of play. stop paying attention to which side is saying what about what the other one is doing. stop. stop allowing them to do that.
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by not paying attention. by not valuing it. by not commenting on it. stop looking to the politicians and their proxies for better, because they can't give you better. they literally can't. not won't. can't. because they are playing a game. and what has to change is the game. you know this from your own life. what have you said to yourself what have you said to others what have think said to you? don't hate the player, hate the game. change the game, don't let the game change you. these are not just hip-hop lyrics. we know these truths to be self-evident in our own lives. make it happen. focus on who matters. if people don't tell you the truth, don't listen to them. start treating government like you do everything else. the players will play the game. period.
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that's all they can do. because they are in the game. kevin mccarthy is just like joe mccarthy. he's playing a lie to advantage. then when it is exposed, you'll pretend you're not doing what you just did in this mccarthy's instance by getting rid of cheney. >> i don't think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election, i think that is all over with. we're sitting here with the president today. >> now how does he say that b.s. with a straight face? because he's playing a game. don't expect better from him. he is not capable of it. big tent, not like the left, asked cheney for refusing to lie. there are real questions that need answers about this election! we're not questioning the election. i told trump, i threw the f-word around, call off your dogs. the president said get on it, i did it right away. it's a fool's game. the lies are painfully obvious because that's all the game requires.
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so stop allowing the game. how? by what you focus on and demand. what you value in your media what you respond to. that's why cheney matters. because she's just proof of the reality. cheney is not some towering paragon of intelligent. -- integrity. she's not some new patrick henry shouting "give me liberty or give me death," changing the balance at some major moment in our history. she's not margaret chase smith. she didn't identify the four horses of calumny. amazing speech, you should read it. "declaration of conscience," june 1950, every bit as relevant today. fear, ignorance, bigotry, smear. talk about a recipe. put that in a bowl, out pops trump. she is as right today as when she took on that era's mccarthy. now we've got kevin. then they had joe. but cheney does deserve the
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legacy of margaret chase smith in one way. she does warrant using the speech title of a declaration of conscience. because she came out and said, look, i'm just not going to tell an absurd lie. >> i will do everything i can to ensure that the former president never again gets anywhere near the oval office. >> now you find me any other example in american history of someone saying, i refuse to agree with you because you are lying, and the people accused of the lie do nothing to prove that they are right. find me one. you won't. and you know why? the game doesn't require it. it's like being a jets fan. they suck, but if that's your team, you just stay with them. but this is not sport, this is not entertainment.
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it's about ourselves, our health, our kids, our future. 70% of the party of trump believe this election was legitimate. this can't be about them. this has to be about the rest of you. the open, in many cases the independent -- let's be honest, near half this country. at least you guys say you don't want to be a member of either of these parties. so you have all of you and the 30% of the remaining reasonable people within republican ranks. now for those republicans, i told you everybody else, ignore the game. for those within the game, because you are the game within the game within that party, are you going to keep paying attention to people like paul gosar who helped incite the insurrection? will you allow him to speak for you by defending the terrorists, like this? >> zero firearms from suspects charged with breaching the capitol, to my knowledge, not a single person has been charged with a crime of insurrection.
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was ashli babbitt armed? no, she was wrapped in a u.s. flag. the truth is being censored and covered up. as a result the doj is harassing peaceful patriots across the country. >> he's got to read it because somebody had to make up all that tripe. harass the peaceful patriots? charging them with crimes is harassing them? these are peaceful patriots? attacked more than 100 police officers on january 6th, a day of infamy what's been declared an act of terror? he is full of it, and he knows it. he knows the truth. but he's playing the game. change the game. move past left and right. the system doesn't work. there are too many people on the spectrum of ideals and wants that need to be stakeholders and aren't. you need four, five, six parties. we're not anywhere near that conversation. but you can do this right now.
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forget left and right. only think, reasonable. no more blame game. i don't care who said what. don't pay attention to what they say. if it's about policy, how they're going to fix, why they believe the problem is what it is, great. my job is, test what they say. but i can't because of them, and they, and -- forget it. you hired them to do a job. think about it in your own life. the tub is leaking, you hire them, fix the tub. do you want to hear why the guy who works with them on the team sucks and that's why the tub is still leaking? fix it or forget it. you've got to know you deserve better. it doesn't have to be like this. in your lives, when someone says absurd things or lies to you, you call them out or cut them off. that's how i want you to see this show tonight. i'm not going to do the political back and forth and what it means and this and that and cheney and -- i gave it to you. i showed you the game. i exposed the game, and now i
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oppose the game, and i discuss the practical. i have the head of the cdc on the show tonight. we've wanted her for a long time. director rochelle walensky, the doctor is here. and i'm going to put it to her straight about the timing of what they've disclosed to us and why and what. it has now contributed to political attacks on the vaccine process and how we get to a better place sooner. we're going to do the same thing with this pipeline cyber hack. what are they doing? biden's to blame! no, wait a minute, it's you guys, you want to talk about russia! who cares? change the game. colonial pipeline said today it's finally initiated the restart of operations. is this really something we want completely in the control of the private sector? biden put out a 30 something page executive order. that's not law. look, i'm glad he put something out, i don't mean to take a step toward trying to do the right thing and smack it. but that's not the answer. maybe it's a step.
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but it's not the full pace of progress. we need to accept the reality that cybersecurity matters. the right has been sleeping on it. the left has to show -- they don't have any money for it in the infrastructure plan right now. there's left, right, reasonable. look at it that way. what is the reality that the players on the right can resurrect themselves from this deal with the devil? that anything can get done in this state of play? let's ask one of the few who is still trying. republican congressman adam kinzinger, thank you very much for taking this opportunity. >> you bet. good to be with you. >> and i mean that, because you are so very much in demand. if you had a horn coming out of the middle of your head and wings on your back, you would not be more of a rare specimen right now.
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which is, a conservative who is not getting thrown under the bus, who does not believe in the big lie and holds office in the u.s. congress. how does that make you feel? >> well, it's -- you feel a little alone sometimes, but you also feel at peace. i mean, one of the good things about this moment is just -- i never thought i'd be in this position. i always thought, you know, when it came down to defending the constitution and telling the truth, there would be a lot of us. but the thing is, i can sleep at night, that's what matters. it puts you in the tough place, but being able to know you're doing the best with the moment you have is worth really more than gold. >> how much of you in the middle of living in aesop's fable of the death of ideals tells you, i'm a young guy, i got my whole future in front of me, i've got to get the hell out of here, this game is broken, and they're going to break me next, i've got to get out of here? how much of you is thinking that
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way? >> you have a lot of emotions that tug at you in this business, especially in this kind of moment. but look, i've always known i'm going to have a life after politics. it's one of the advantages of getting in young. you don't really see that as your end state. i think that also really gives you the courage to say, look, there's life after politics. i'm going to do the right thing. but yeah, i mean, there's always temptation, but that's where you've got to look day to day, day by day. you manage, where can you make a difference? where can you have an impact? coming on your show and talking to people is making an impact, even if it takes awhile to do it, even if it's something that i'm the only one out there saying the election was legitimate, joe biden's legitimately president. somebody needs to. and it's been a lack of people doing that, unfortunately, on our side. >> how do you explain it to yourself? you know they all know the truth. maybe a few of them are so incurious that they're open to suggestion.
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but how do you explain this kind of capitulation, kevin mccarthy at the head now resembling joe mccarthy as much as anybody else in terms of chasing people out because of their ideas of not wanting to tell a lie? >> i think some of it is cowardice. some of it is people can rationalize in their own mind, look, if i speak out i'm not going to make a personal difference, but i need to survive so i can make an impact on health care, or whatever legislation. i can understand that line of thinking, but you know, when it comes down to this constitution, when it comes down to the insurrection that was a whole four months ago, my goodness, how are we still talking about it? this is the kind of thing that isn't about staying in office to affect health care, this is the basic function of our job. if we do nothing else in a year, as long as we're defending the constitution, the republic will survive. in fact, i represent over 700,000 people, i'm the only
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person in my district that has to swear an oath in this capacity to defend the constitution. i don't have to swear an oath to my party, to conservatism, to liberalism. i swear to the constitution. so that's what i think our top priority has to be. and sadly, i think some people, it's really become about the culture war, owning the libs, whatever the division is of the day. >> you say we. your problem is, it's just me. there is no we. and you make a good point. i don't know how the men and women in your party who are going along with this justify that as anything other than a breach of oath. can they? >> i'm sure in their mind they can. and look, i think there are people that legitimately maybe believe they're doing the right thing by kind of staying quiet at this moment. i won't begrudge them. but there's a lot of people -- >> why won't you begrudge them? >> well, just because everybody has their own train of thinking. i mean, i think everybody gets
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into this business to do the right thing, whether you're on the right or left. i think a lot of people think they're doing the right thing -- >> how can it be the right thing? >> i mean, again, look. i just can't speak for their line of thinking. i think the line of thinking may go, i'm going to be quiet so i can make an impact in this area. but any broader point is, this is that moment where defending the constitution -- you know, things like saying -- i heard some of my colleagues today implying that january 6th really wasn't what it was, or that ashli babbitt, for instance, was murdered. well, she actually by the way was about to breach onto the floor where from were almost 100 members of congress still vulnerable. the reality was it was a really violent day. we can't wash past it. we can't just move on. the only time we can move on as a party is if we come to full grips with what we did, what we caused, what we allowed to happen. then we can move on. short of that, if you've got to pretend like january 6th didn't happen, and maybe the election
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was illegitimate, you're lying. and lies and truth cannot coexist. that's a basic biblical foundation. >> what is the chance of any future, of any type of cooperation, between whatever your party now is -- because it ain't the grand old party anymore. i don't know what it is in its new iteration, you'll have to come up with a name. what's the chance that they do anything with the biden administration after mcconnell just said, i'm not here to help them, i want them out? >> you know, i don't know. it's disappointing. look, i think there are areas we can work together. i do think there's a little light in infrastructure. it's something for me personally i've been calling for since i've been in congress. we have a chance to do something on a bipartisan way. there's a lot of bipartisan stuff that gets done kind of daily, for instance, on my committee. but everybody -- it does bring up a broader point, and this is where area where i'm going to say, it does exist on both sides. people look at every issue and
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say, how can we turn that into an election victory in the problem is we have an election every two years. we're always in an election cycle. so the democracy will survive, but it's not even so much people like me that are going to save it or that are going to be responsible for tanking it. it's the american people that have to demand better of their legislators. by the way, you've got to vote in a primary. you may not want to vote in a primary, but in many districts, most districts, primaries are going to determine who your representative is. >> in your party, they vote in the primaries. they're just going to vote the way trump tells them. and that's the problem. may i ask you, do you still believe there is a chance in this political system to go beyond left and right and to do what is reasonable? >> yeah, i certainly do. and i believe that because the old saying -- i think it was attributed to churchill, which is, americans can always be counted on to do the right thing after they've exhausted all other options. we have a great history of coming from dark times and doing better things.
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and i cannot believe that we'll be the first generation that will leave the next generation a country -- i talk to young people, people younger than me, millennials and z'ers, that i think when they take power, have learned to disagree with each other and change that system. i think they're generally more optimistic. they're not ingrained in the old battles we are. is it going to happen soon? i don't know, today made me a little more pessimistic. but i think ultimately we'll survive. the republican party will come back. if there's only two parties, they have to represent half the country. but there may be damage done to the party and the brand prior to that because there already has been. >> congressman adam kinzinger, i respect your optimism. and it's not empty because you're doing the work to make it real. and i wish you good luck. >> thank you. thank you, sir. we have exhausted all options in tolerating the game. so you must change the game. change frame.
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that takes us to exposing problems. we now know the cdc has likely played it too safe. why? and will they now change to help us get to a better place? who better to answer these questions than the director of the cdc? let's get after it next. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself... 'are my bones strong?' life is full of make or break moments. that's why it's so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®.
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us, not just in terms of content, but timing? do they tell us what they know when they know it? if not, why, and will it change? so let's get after it with cdc director dr. rochelle walensky. dr. walensky, i appreciate you being on "prime time." it's good to have you on the show. >> my pleasure, thanks for having me. >> all right, so let's get to the main thrust of the situation right now. find out where we are, gained out where we should be going. do you believe that the cdc has caused delays that have affected the vaccine effort? >> wow. absolutely not. i think our responsibility is to ensure that the public is safe and that they have confidence in our vaccine, that the safety of the vaccine is ensured by all of our processes, which we have been doing and we have demonstrated how we've been able to do that to find needles in
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haystacks and pursue them and make sure that the vaccines are safe. we have followed the science in our guidance. the science is complex. it's evolving. it is updating, thousands of studies every single day. our job is to make sure that our guidance follows the science in protecting the american people. >> doing the job too well, playing it too safe, that is the criticism. that you need to be more generous in what people can do once they get vaccinated. there's a ucla study that is about republicans, and if you tell them they can ditch the mask, it increases the likelihood they'll get a shot from 35% to 53%. given the science on the vaccines and its relative prophylaxis, why not make this move? >> so we have to evaluate the science in several different dimensions. we have to make sure that the effectiveness, how it works in the public, is similar to how it's working in the clinical trials. we have the clinical trials, we need to make sure that it's
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working outside the context of clinical trials in the same way. we have to make sure that it does not lead to asymptomatic transmission that people are not -- not able to get the disease and give to it somebody else even if they don't have symptoms. that was not measured in the clinical trial. importantly, we need to make sure they work against our variants. so we now are sequencing over 30,000 virus samples per week. and in that we are finding an emergence of variants. we have over 72% of the uk variant here right now of those sequences the are the uk variant and other variants as well. we need to make sure the vaccine is working against those variants. it is all that evolving science that is going into our decisions about when to lift the mask mandates for vaccinated people. we have changed our guidance at least three times now, or three times now in the context of vaccine guidance, and in the
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vaccine rollout, and we're looking forward to updating it again very soon. >> you changed guidance. the argument against you is -- i mean, the cdc. some of this happened before you. for example, the w.h.o. said, this is a pandemic, the cdc delayed. not on your watch. then it was about aerosols versus surfaces. and that was known, but it didn't come out with guidance until much later, really until recently. now it's outdoor exposure. could be 10%, the science really says 1%, you're very slow to go there. you're playing it too safe, and there is a cost that comes with that. is it a cost that we should have to pay? >> you know, i want to be very clear about that last piece, which i think was on my watch. the outdoor guidance. cdc as a matter of practice not only conducts its own science but reviews the medical literature and uses that medical literature to inform our
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guidance. that 10% was not a data point from the cdc, that 10% was a data point from the peer-reviewed literature, very well respected, high-impact infectious disease, "the journal of infectious diseases." it was that data point we used to inform our outdoor guidance. regardless, i think we should all be very clear, there's a lot more transmission that is occurring indoors than outdoors. as that is what we used to inform our outdoor guidance that says, if you're vaccinated and outdoors, you can take your mask off. if you're not vaccinated and outdoors, first of all, get vaccinated. and second of all, if you're spread out, that's really fine. if you have a whole bunch of people piled on top of each other breathing heavily, probably not a good idea. >> even if vaccinated? why, when we see so few breakthrough cases? i'm not arguing the science, one, out of complete respect. i have no business talking science with you. but only the science as stated. the argument is simple. too safe. two arguments here. one is too safe.
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that causes time and delays. and also creates exposure on the political flank because now you have the right saying, see, see? they go too slow, it wasn't as bad as they said it was, about surfaces, about masks, about aerosols, about outdoor. they've been overplaying it the whole time, see, we were right. that's the political side. the practical side is that there's so few breakthrough cases, we need people to get vaccinated, you need to give them more carrots, look at the science and say, the risk is almost de minimis, take the masks off, live your life, and let's see who gets vaccinated. >> right, your point is exactly where we are. we need to follow the science, which is emerging every single day, with regard to variants, with regard to transmissibility, with regard to protection. then we need to follow our case rates to see -- watch people get vaccinated, see how many people are getting vaccinated. our job is to protect not just
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individuals, our job is to protect populations as we have high levels of cases which are now coming down. and our job really is to find the sweet spot at the intersection of all of those. and i'm really looking forward to updating our guidance very soon. >> let's do it right now on this show. here's why i say it almost in jest. you have the burden of the nonexistence effect. what data do you have that suggests you need to go slow before you let people completely unmask and live their lives if they've gotten the vaccine? i know you're waiting for the data to say it's safe, but what data do you have that says it's unsafe? >> well, you know, we know the data are emerging, have been emerging, with regard to the variants, specifically the uk variant, the brazil variant, which is increasing here in the united states, the south africa variant, now we have variants coming from india as well. so we know those data are forthcoming, they've been emerging through the literature. with those variants here, we do want to make sure that those data are going to be out and
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demonstrate that our vaccines will work. and i'm looking forward to updating our guidance very soon. >> because look, that's where we are right now. what's the newest manifestation? kids. the vaccine is eligible, 12 to 15. you're going to have a problem with parents like me. it's one thing for me to take it as emergency use authorization, it's another that i want my kids to take it. so there's going to be a little obstacle there. we look at the camp guidance. the camp guidance looks like it was designed for last year. not this year. and it makes people worry that you guys are going to put the brakes on about school. and i don't know, i know that it's science, but you're also part of an administration. i don't know that the biden administration can withstand having to tell the american people, you're not going back to school in the fall. >> so let me be very clear. i think we should be five days a week, everybody present, in school in the fall. i think our guidance has reflected that. i think we will be in a place in this pandemic that we will be
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able to do that. i think we should all be leaning in. we have over 80% of our teachers and educators vaccinated at this point. we now have this incredible news today, the 12 to 15-year-olds can also be vaccinated along with their 16 and 17-year-old -- with 16 and 17-year-olds. i think we should all plan to be full school reopened in the fall. we should all lean into that. we clearly have to update our camp guidance. we just this afternoon, after 4:00, signed off on the vaccination between the ages of 12 to 15. so our camp guidance hasn't yet been updated to handle that, but it will be. and we're looking forward to making sure that our kids get to camp this summer, because last year they didn't. and when they did, they often got sent home. >> last question. i appreciate you being on the show. let me give you the opportunity to deal with what the heart of the criticism is. it's that, you know things and you don't tell us. because you want to err on the
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side of caution. and people want to know the information, they want to make their own choices. how do you respond to that? >> my job is to keep individuals safe. my job is to keep populations safe. my job is to keep counties safe where we have really high levels of vaccinations and counties safe where we have really low levels of vaccination. communities safe where we have low levels of vaccination. i have been completely forthcoming with respect to the science, with respect to our guidance, with respect to our numbers, with respect to our cases. and i really look forward to updating the guidance and providing the science that allows us to do so very soon. >> cdc director walensky, thank you for being on "prime time." >> thanks so much for having me. >> now you judge, okay? if the cdc doesn't make it more appealing to be vaccinated soon, are we going to get to herd immunity? that's the question.
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10:42 pm
relief is on the horizon for americans dealing with mass gas shortages. maybe. okay? colonial is restarting use of its pipeline after a cyber attack knocked it offline. but i can't confirm that they're going to do it when they say they're going to do it, and i can't confirm that the supply will make up for the shortfall any time soon. 70% of stations in north carolina are out of gas. 53% in virginia. nearly half in south carolina and georgia. we haven't seen a situation this bad since the '70s. i remember this. and a big part of it was how we treated each other in the situation, and we sucked. pete muntean is in alexandria, virginia. what is it like out there? thanks for being there for us. >> reporter: chris, you mentioned how 53% of stations here in virginia are now without gas. but this is not one of them. in fact, you can see the pretty long line here.
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that's because people tell me here in alexandria, this is one of the few stations that actually does have gas. people waiting here tell me they are annoyed, they are the ones who actually need gas, they tell me. they're just trying to take this all in stride. here's what they told me. >> my daughter called. she said, dad, they have gas down the street. this pump right here is not working. the pump on the other side is working fine. i just need some gas, man. this is terrible. >> but i think it's probably a partial mixture of people who actually just need gas, and people panicking. i don't know to what degree it's panic. probably 50/50. >> how hard is it to find gas around here? >> very fficult. this is the first gas stion i've sn in the last couple of hos with gas. >> reporter: the question is, does it get harder? >> what are you seeing in terms of people seem like they're there to top off, fill up, hoard, fill cans.
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or are they just getting it as regular? >> reporter: things are relatively calm here, chris, thankfully. we have seen reports of price gouging in north carolina. the attorney general says there are 300 cases there just down the border. we haven't seen container after container getting filled up here, although we have seen images of that in alabama. it's so interesting, the consumer product safety commission had to warn people today to not fill up plastic bags with gas, a pretty desperate move, a pretty dangerous one, earned a bit of a warning from the white house. >> pete muntean, thank you very much, appreciate you being with us tonight. to this point, the people have been playing the game -- i know i'm banging the point. i'm going to bang the point for a while until you guys see it as clearly as it is, then we can really deal with it. they're just pointing fingers at each other. this is on biden, biden's out of gas already! the democrats are saying, what are you talking about? you guys wouldn't even deal with cyber, you didn't want to deal with meta data, you didn't want to put money in it.
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where has it gotten us? nowhere. what is the right fix? remember, this is the private industry. we're going to take it to the chair of the house intel committee. a big executive order from biden. did that help? next. [sfx: psst psst] allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good this is our block. our place. our people. watch the curb. not having a ride to get the vaccine. can't be the reason you don't get it. you wanna help? donate a ride today.
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jen psaki, you know her from the white house, asked about this, and whether or not they're going to put cybersecurity money for pipeline, the colonial pipeline and other things forward. i think at this point it will include, as discussions continue, tying specific grants to recipient implementation of cybersecurity goals, using tax credits to finance needed cybersecurity improvements. in other words, no, it is not in the current proposal, they're going to negotiate it and put it in, because they have been asleep at this, because it is not an urgency. the right doesn't want to do it, the left just got in power, this is private, they don't have the same regulation over it. that's the game. see past it. how do we get to a better place? my next guest chairs the house intel committee, which has been briefed on the colonial pipeline cyber tack. congressman adam schiff, always a pleasure to have you. however, i must ask the question
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met can you get to a solution, when you cannot do it one sided? and you now see that the gop is dead and buried. and it has now become the party of trump and mcconnell made it very clear. we ain't working with you guys. can you do anything, to fix anything? >> well, look, it's very hard. you know, we are working with a party that doesn't have any commitment to the truth. and people, who are willing to tell the truth, like liz cheney, are essentially kicked out of their leadership. so it's a truthless party. it's an anti-democratic party, now. all that being said, there are some things that, i think, we can get to yes on. but this is a very difficult one. you know, years ago, chris, we tried to pass a major-cybersafety bill. and one of the key components of it was requiring that critical infrastructure, whether it's in public or private hands, maintains certain-minimum
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cybersecurity standards and the gop wouldn't go for it. and as a result, this critical infrastructure was unprepared. >> but now, you have people spooked. so, the's an opportunity. the private sector is going to do what any institutional setting does. they are going to keep things quiet as long as they can. you don't have the regulatory reach. even that executive order, today, i just read through the high points of it. it was like, 30-something pages. its recommendations. it's calls for this. they're very narrow requirements, on the private sector, to report on this. and there is no requirement that they put money into it. how do you fix that? >> well, it's very difficult. you know, one thing that might actually get these industries motivated is the insurance industry, some in the insurance industry, are now saying they are not going to indemnify for these ransomware attacks. and so, the private sector might start to think, you know, this could bankrupt us if we don't improve our cyberdefenses. and, you know, we don't want to be in a position, where the federal government needs to bail out this critical
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infrastructure. so, they need to -- they need to put in place proper protections. the federal government should help them. but -- but it needs to be required, because it's not just the private company that suffers. it's the american people. >> 100%. required means you. have you heard any indication, from the other party -- again, we got to come up with a name for them. i don't know what they are, anymore. they are not the gop. that they care about this enough to do something about it? or are they satisfied to just say it's biden's fault? >> well, at the moment, they are satisfied to just blame everything on biden. you know, what we'll -- take -- take their position, frankly, is what usually dictates that position, and that is money. if private industry doesn't want to take on the obligation of protecting its own infrastructure, they are going to tell the gop, don't do it. don't support it. we're not for it. we will dry up the dark money. whatever it takes. and so, you know, unfortunately, they are a party, very much, beholden to big industry.
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and up till now, big industry has not wanted to have any kind of a mandate to maintain even-minimal cybersecurity best practices. >> well, this is an opportunity, because colonial is not unique. we farmed out a lot and outsourced a lot of infrastructure because we thought it made sense, fiscally. but we remembered that, when it gets expensive is when it matters, most. so there is an opportunity here. we'll be watching it. congressman schiff, you are always welcome to argue the state of play of getting things done, here. >> thank you. >> all right. got a bolo and this is a real bolo tonight. you got to be on the lookout. you know why? because there is a big cat, down south, that's looking to eat people. is that true? i've got the latest on this situation. that is a real tiger. is it a real threat? next. introducing fidelity income planning. we look at how much you've saved, how much you'll need, and build a straightforward plan to generate income, even when you're not working. a plan that gives you the chance to grow your savings
10:54 pm
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with the cat in a white suv. that man is 26-year-old victor cuevas. he was arrested, monday night, posted bond inhis case, today. so, where is the cat? all we know of him is that he is a murder suspect, not the cat, the care keeper. he is out -- suspected, you know, but he is out on bond in a 2017 killing. but we still don't know where he drove off with the tiger. the big-cat expert and tiger king star, carole baskin, weighed in. >> i am extremely worried about what happens with this tiger, and the people around it. that cat was laying around in the front yard looking for what it could get into. and i had heard that there was a children's birthday party in the neighborhood. children running and screaming, and having fun. that would have triggered every instinct in that cat to kill. >> so, the guy gets out of jail.
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and then, people see him with the cat, again. so, doesn't he have to have the cat? officials say they don't know where the tiger is. there's no evidence he's been roaming around or left the houston area. that's good. but, where is it? you found the guy one time. find him, again, see if he has the tiger. and then, we don't have to be on bolo because that is never good to see in your neighborhood. we'll be right back. from fidelity keep you tuned in all day long. so when something happens that could affect your portfolio, you can act quickly. that's decision tech, only from fidelity.
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