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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  May 17, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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once you see what's going on as a distraction, more obvious it is the uglier it gets the easier to reject. that's it for us, now i turn to you the big show "cnn tonight" with the big star, don lemon. >> you messed it up. >> what? how? >> you got the name wrong. >> what does it say in the telepromter. your eyes are bad and you can't read it? >> you are watching and i am proud to say it, nobody deserves their name on the show more. don lemon tonight with its big star, don lemon. >> am i supposed to say this is don lemon, i am don lemon -- >> as many times.
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>> how many calls did you get this weekend? >> man. >> i am sorry. >> i have never seen anybody makes something hard that's simple. i told you before we went on. make sure it is not bad. oh, of course, i will. >> it was supposed to be a tease. i said tune in on monday. what does that mean? i will be here on monday to tell you and i will tell you what it is. >> i knew it is going to be a messed up night. you know how i knew? >> when i walked in, i won't say who it was. a member of your team is waving at me as i walked down the hall. hey, how are you doing? as i get closer, i thought it was don. what? >> what? i knew it was going to be a weird night. i am happy for you with the change and i like the look and whatever you like.
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as long as you keep doing what you do. i got nothing. >> i am going to keep doing that with the renewed commitment to do what we do and that's hold people accountable, speak truth to power on this program. you do it on yours and i do it on mine. we do it a little bit differently as it should be. that's how it should be, right? you are chris, sometimes and i am don. >> different food in the buffet but all tasty. >> i got to get to it. >> i love you lemon. i got don lemon 24/7. >> i know, and you are family is sick of it. you talk to him more than us. you are kidding. i love you, buddy. >> congratulations, i love you and good luck. thank you very much, without further adieu, this is don lemon tonight. it has a ring to it. i think so. this was what i was trying to
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convey to chris, rewe may have new name, we have a stronger mission and a renewed commission to that mission. to have the kind of conversations america needs if we are going to move ahead as a country. since i have been doing this show, we have been not doing provacative topics just to be provacative but doing it because i wanted to, we, as a team to move the country forward and the dialogue forward. talking about things that many people didn't talk about in ways that a lot of people didn't talk about and people would rather not. we do it any way. we did it any way and we'll continue to call out the lies and do it in a way that it is int interesting as it has been from the beginning. we'll keep on standing up for the truth whether you like it or not.
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most people love it but the people who don't have the truth on their side they hate it. we'll hold people accountable for their words and actions and we'll do it with grace. we need to hold people accountable but with grace. that's really important to me. you want to know why? as someone who really came from, i should not say nothing. if you believe america is for everyone, you should believe america is with redemption and it is not just about cancelling people. we got to stop going back to the people's past and years and decades and cancelling things. yes, we want to hold them accountable. we got to stop holding people
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for accusations until it is proven guilty in the country. it is about redemption with accountability. what does accountability look like? you can't sweep the lies under the rug. there is no better example than what's going on in the gop right now. i want to take you to arizona, maricopa county pu, pushing ford of this clown show fuelled pie the president who'll tell any lies no matter how outrageous it is. there are a few truth teller out there. the republican calling the former president's lies about a database he falsely claims was deleted, calling those lies unhinged and saying it is all his false as two plus two equals fi five. his name is stephen richard. he's telling the people it is
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lie. here it is. >> stop indulging it and stop giving it space for lies. who are these people defaming us. i don't think they are professional. >> i want you to listen to a man bill gates. not the bill gates you are thinking. the republican vice chair of maricopa of supervisor. >> four out of five members of the board s are republicans. i want to be clear that i believe joe biden won the election. the reasons i feel confident if saying that is we overturned every stone and we certified the election back in november. now it is time to say enough is enough. it is time to push back on the big lie. >> there are republicans who are s standing up for the truth.
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the one time party of lincoln seems determined to drive out its own, okay? jeff duncan announced he won't run again in 2022 and going onto say and i quote, it always feels colds as right before the sun rises. i believe that's the exact moment in the republican party, the republican party is caught in right now. i i am committed in creating those days ahead of our conservative party across the country. that's the house set to vote this week to investigate the attack on the capitol. the attack we all saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears. trump supporters at the capitol
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chanting "hang mike pence." we saw and we heard them. many are trying to defend the lie that started it. liz cheney who was kicked out when her own party attempted to silence her and telling fox news that gop leaders are complicit. >> are they being complicit in trump's lies. >> they are. something has to be bigger than partisanship. i have seen countries or worked in countries where you don't have a peaceful transition of power. what's happening right now with donald trump and his continue to tax on the constitution and the rule of law is dimaangerous.
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we all have an obligation to stand up against that. >> they are complicit. we can't act everything is fine right now. rioters trying to over overturn our government months ago. >> out-right propaganda lies are being used to unleash the national security state against law-abiding citizens, especially trump voters. >> it was trump supporters who lost their lives that day, not trump supporters who were taking the lives of others. >> when i see this sheet on the timeline and on -- at 2:07, a mob of trump supporters breached
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the steps. >> there had been things worse than people without any firearms coming into a building. >> those arere-write of history. congr congr congr congr congressman clydeman. >> there he is, he barricades the door at the capitol and yet he lies and says there is no insurrection. >> we got to get beyond that
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rhetoric and acknowledge that what happened were acts of aggression and destruction towards institution and some people intend to harm the people that were apart of that institution. you heard what officer fatone told me about the lie. >> i am not a politician or elected official. i don't expect anybody to give [ bleep ] about my opinion. i will say this, you know those are lies. peddling that - is an assault on every officer that fought to defend fen the capitol. >> that and other republicans
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saying that 2020 is over. >> i am ready and accepted the results and 2020 is over for me. >> the truth is it will never be over as long as the big lie lives on. >> it is disgraceful and d despicable. >> i won't be white-washing on january 6th and people should be held accountable. >> i said it at the top of the show, we'll hold people accountable and keep on calling out the lies. that's our mission on this show and you can depend on it. a party that seems to stand for nothing more than the big lie when in 202. will the base buy into those lies? more up next on "don lemon tonight." >> people's ballots and money
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. she's saying it is dangerous that trump continues to push a big lie on january 6th and that capitol riot can happen again. he givers us the numbers and breaks down the facts for us. the numbers don't lie, thank you juror joining, frank, we appreciate seeing you. we see what's going on in maricopa county with this sham of recount of the 2020 presidential election and even republican officials are pushing back against former president's claim that a database was d deleted and calling them unhinged. is the republican party base at outside with the truth? >> well, the base is still overwhelmingly protr-trump.
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i said it before trump wants to run in 2024. he would win the republican nomination. democrats are hostile. i think the american people is looking forward and is now looking backward and looking at what you are going to do in the coming weeks and months. the former president is focused on november because it is embarrassing to him, he lost and he does not want to acknowledge it. if republicans want to be successful, they have to focus on the future. they have to hold joe biden accountable as you said in your monologue. they have to talk about the program and what's wrong with them and perhaps importantly they have to give an alternative vision for the future and i can promise you this. no republicans are going to get elected by focusing on what happened in 2020. they need to focus on november of 2022. >> you do these amazing focus groups that i get to watch either live on tv or online.
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liz cheney says she believes the gop leader elise stefanik are complicit in trump's lies. how deep with the gop commitment to this lie and what is it doing to the party, you said they can't look back to notivember, they have to look forward. how deep is it and what are they doing to the party? >> what's interesting that democrats believe in voter suppression and republicans believe in voter fraud. it is very broken. in the end it is the economy that people vote on. it is their sense of security and peace of mind that people use to decide between the two parties. i know there are people who want to focus on donald trump and the media, want to focus on what
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happened in november, want to focus on the treatment of november. i will say it to make it easy on you. donald trump lost, joe biden won. i don't understand why that's so difficult for republicans to say. i will tell you this, if you focus on the election results, you will not be doing the public's work and not focused on the american people. it is paramount for republicans to move on. you have to demonstrate why all the spending is going to hurt the country and why it is not infrastructure that it is really more so social programs and why solutions of the biden administration is not the best solution for the american people either the short term or long-term. the gop makes a big mistake if it gets wrapped up into this recount that's going on in november. it will not win them a single vote next program. >> you are talking about policies. you mentioned last time you were
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on the gop needed to focus on policies instead of what happened of the big lie and november 6th. it appears the gop is desperate to find the attack on joe biden and trying to label him as a social radical. this is a republican pushing back and it is all cancel culture and the border. do you agree with that and is anything sticking, frank? >> nothing is sticking. i agree with the point and they have not put together that message. if you get inside and i am the numbers guy. that's going to add a few seats to the republicans. that's in itself is not enough. if you look at it historically of 90% of the cases and the first off year election and after presidential victory from one party and the other party picks up seats and the
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republicans are close to majority leads in the house and they are 50/50 in the senate. if the gop want s to win. they need to show the biden administration and the program they have fills with fraud, abuse and corruption. you need to talk about taxpayers and hard work and the challenges they'll be facing. they need to talk about the commitments that will be made of the next generation. the idea that there is so much spending that our kids and grandchildren are going to have to pay for it. we are billing them for our accesses and that's not fair. if they focus on that then they got a reasonable shot. >> do they have a leg to stand on. the former president did spend a lot of money as well. does that even matter or is it just about messaging? >> that's a very fair point. that's a point that kept some
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republicans quiet that donald trump can't call himself a debt increase. that does not change the fact that what's happening right now is so much beyond what happened over the last four years. the question is does this economy need it? are we spending so much that we could end up with a debt crisis. we need to focus on the future and not what's happening right now. we need to focus on hardworking taxpayers and not just these seg mentes that joe biden is paying attention to. >> frank, we appreciate you joining and even though you almost lost your voice from a cold because as you said it rains all the time in london. thank you a lot, frank. we'll see you soon. >> don, thank you. the house is set to vote on a commission to investigate the january 6th insurrection, the vote is expected on wednesday. what does former impeachment
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manager, stacey plaskett expects. she will tell me next. s of ink. print whatever makes you happy. the epson ecotank. just fill and chill. you'd never want leftover onion residue or any food residue on any of your surfaces. but that's what you could be doing if you're cleaning with a used dishcloth, even after you've rinsed it. so, switch to a fresh sheet of bounty for a more hygienic clean. unlike used dishcloths that can carry and redistribute residue, bounty keeps your surfaces cleaner. because better hygiene begins with bounty. bounty, the quicker picker upper.
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a top senate republican says he exec expects the bill to pass the senate in some form. the house is expected to pass their own bill on wednesday. let's discuss its from the democrat from the virgins island. it is always good to see you congresswoman, thank you for joining. every day some republicans are whitewashing this event. it shows so important to have this commission. what kind of testimony do we want to hear to get the truth?
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> >> first, congratulations on the new show, i am happy to be here on this first installation of bigger and better things for you. >> thank you. >> i think we want to hear so much from so many different sectors here. it is important for us to get as much information as feasible from federal law enforcement and those individuals investigated and arrested over 500 individuals involved in the s insurrection. they could not arrest that many individuals. i think that alone speaks volume of what actually occurred on january 6th. i think we also want to hear from individuals who were close to the president, the former president during that time, what he knew and did not know. what individuals knew before january 6th, the factors that
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led to individuals coming and how the prior administration helped or fill acilitated that. most importantly how do we prevent it from happening again. >> speaking of that, kevin mccarthy spoke to trump on january 6th, cnn reported that mccarthy begged him to call off the rioters. trump told him i guess these people are more upset of the election than you are. >> i think it is important to hear from mccarthy what he did or did not say to the president. i would hope that he would want to facilitate a clear understanding of what the president knew or did not know. you know i am questioning under subpoena what he will or will not give up and truthful information. we see leader mccarthy vacillating and his story has
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changed drastically since the days immediately after january 6th. i am not sure how credible his testimony would be now and what he would or would not be willing to say even under oath at this time. that's how little confidence i have in the republican party. >> he would have a role though, are you worried he's going to muddy the water and turn it into a circus? >> you know that's possible. i think that the individuals that will be there. i think the evidence will speak for itself. i have to give credit to individuals like congressman papco who's with chairman benny thompson who worked out a bipartisan committee, bipartisan agreement as to what this commission should look like. i am hopeful that there are
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other individuals within the party, republican party who want to get to the truth and steadier heads will rule the day over those spending most of their time in mar-a-lago on getting their marching orders from former president trump. >> i am sure you have heard about this or maybe you have witnessed some of this stuff. republicans are spreading this big lie, marjorie taylor greene is confronting lawmakers in the capitol. matt gaetz is being investigated for alleged sex crime. how is congress supposed to get anything done with these kinds of antics and distractions? >> thankfully there are a greater majority of individuals who are working for the people that elected them than some of these clowns that are representing i don't know who in washington in the form of matt
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gaetz and marjorie taylor greene. even those individuals on the republican side who really want to get things done. listen, everyday i am focusing on what the people who elected me, people of the virgin islands wants and needs. there are a number of members on both sides of the isle particularly the democrats who want to work towards that. i am excited about president biden's jobs plan. the opportunity that's there to equalize a plain field , not just in education but in jobs training. $100 billion going towards jobs training and creating new industry, leveling the digital divide in terms of broad band. so many things that so many of us are looking for. just recently epa has executed a
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stopgap on the oil refinery that's a job for so many people in the virgin islands. so many of us worried about climate change on how we can provide for our families and how do we reverse or how do we equalize equity and how do we create homeow ownserships for bk families. what is going to happen is we'll negotiate and work on something that's bipartisan group of americans that are interested in. republicans will not vote for it and tahey're going to take credt for it and let their constituents know what this jobs plan that we'll put forward is going to do for them. that's the name of the game. and most of us are willing to play it because we want to ensure the people sent us to washington are being taken care
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of. >> let's talk about voting rights, okay? still under assault. joe manchin and lisa murcowski is calling for sweeping voting rights. is anything going to get done here? i have to think that my former coll colleagues, joe manchin and others are going to come to the table and negotiate in good faith to ensure this happen. what we need for a voting right act is 60 individuals and i am hoping that they will understand the history of the filibuster and how it is being utilized to decimate progress and some of the fundamental american ways in terms of civil rights and in terms of voting rights and equal
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housing and education and that they'll reject the use of the jim crow filibuster to stop these things from happening. if you want to debate an issue, stand up and debate it. to be able to block fundamental legislation is fundamentally wrong. and so i am hopeful that those discussions with those individuals will keep those from happening and will be able to pass that. along with so much of the voting rights that the republicans are going forward in some of these states, we know that they're trying to block progress in america. they're trying to stop america from continuing to grow and from sectors of our population and being engaged and in franchise and so the voting rights act particularly for the people, not only supporting voting rights but stop gerrymandering and dark money in elections have got to
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past. >> congresswoman plaskett, always appreciate having you. >> thank you, so good to see you, congratulations, don. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. republicans say it is racist or m markist. you will know what they mean after the next segment, stay with us "don lemon tonight." cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan.
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i want you to pay attention to this next segment. it is really important now. what exactly is the attack on race theory and why people are
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so poopposed to it. >> can you tell me what critical race theory is? >> critical race theory? >> no, i don't know. >> reporter: guessing or not, across the country a number of politicians are getting it wrong. >> critical race theory is a marxist dock ritrine that rejec martin luther king. >> it teaches our kids to hate each other based on race. >> meet professor and scholar crenshaw. he's one of the founders of critical race theory which she helps develop. it is an approach that white supremacy has a lasting impact on our society and institution today. >> critical race theory is let's
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pay attention to what's happening in this country and how it is creating different outcomes so we cab become that country we say we are. critical theory is not antipatriotic. it is more patriotic than those who are opposed to it because we believe in the 13th and 14th and 15th amendments. we believe in the promises of equality. we know we can't get there if we can't confront and talk honestly about inequality. >> reporter: critical race theory is not a doctrine or a manuscript. one way of describing it is looking at critical eyes and race institution. the decora all men are created equal. a critical race theorist would note that -- it was more than a century before women got the right to vote. why is the term causing such a
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term? >> this left-wing nonsense suggests that any race is inferior or racist. >> reporter: critical race theory is or will be forced on students. critical race theory is not based on the view of this race is good or this race is bad. supporters also say in the wake of protests and calls for racial equality in the past year, those unnerved by it are using critical race theory as a catch-all term for everything related to race, politics and education in this country. >> this is sort of a post-trump era way of inciting anxiety and fear and trying to elicit hostility towards the progress that we have begun to make the last couple of months. >> reporter: today at least eight states taken steps to ban
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atomics around critical race theory without naming it including oklahoma. >> we can't think that any person is less valuable by the color of their skin. >> reporter: critical race theory does not say someone is racist because of the color of their skin or anyone should be ashamed of themselves because of the color of their skin. >> reporter: still some parents hear the term are speaking out at school board meeting. >> just because i do not want critical race theory taught to my children in school does not mean i am a racist, damn it. >> reporter: crenshaw says the theory is not about calling individuals racist but looking at racism still in grained in america's institution. and she says we have to talk about it. >> if the centering of conversations of racism is
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called racism. it is not about a theory, it is not what's in people's hearts. it is about an effort to shutdown all the conversations about the sources and reproduction of racial inequality. >> reporter: cnn, new york. jason carol. >> i want to discuss with ashley allison, thank you for joining. you heard what jason reported, a lot of people don't know what critical race theory even is. why does everyone have an opinion about it? >> i think you are absolutely right. the majority of people who are probab probabl probably commetating on this, they don't have an understand of i it. they are afraid of it and for so
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long in this country our history has been told through the lens of white men. if you are used to have that privilege, that authority invoking you that your story is the dominant culture that your perspective is morre relevant than mine because i am not white. changing it may feel uncomfortable to. critical race theory just says that we have to expand the story to tell everyone's perspective and failure to do that is really failing america and failing children and failing our elected leaders because we have to know the whole story so that we don't repeat some of the mistakes of our past. >> it is really, i agree with you, it is really tough for people to change especially if you are used to being the preemptive voice. >> if history is used to elevate you and denigrate others then
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you know that's what you are used to. it may seem like something is taken away from you. it is being used as a giant talking point, ashley. the right keeps calling it racist. the fox propaganda network mentioned critical race story 221 times. here it is. >> republicans are furious over a commander who spoke out in critical race theory. >> critical race theory, do you believe this? >> critical race theory should absolutely bother you. >> critical race theory is being taught in our schools. >> critical race theory, it is rooted in marxism. >> rooted in marxism. why is it so triggering to them? >> you know -- oh my goodness.
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i don't even have words and i am not even giving them much attention. they use these troves to incite chaos and serve as a distraction a lot of times on the issues of race so they can't get to the wholeness of the story. and what do i mean by that? if you teach critical race theory then you don't love america but really the courage to teach critical race theory is saying to america that despite enslaving black people and having them build this country for free. despite saying give me your poor and except for those coming from the southern border, despite a former president who uses racism names and increase race crimes
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against asian-americans. despite that. the original sin of this country and some of the most recent sins. we love america enough to move beyond it because we can find the solution to end the hate. what republicans are way, they're going to guest you or leave you or don't want anything to do with you but real love is having those tough, honest conversations and say if we work together, we can work together and reach the greatest ideals. but fox and the folks trying to demonize critical race theory are just fear mongering and really feeding in to the big
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lies, all a part of the big lie. >> ashley allison, thank you so much. i always appreciate having you on. next time say how you really feel. >> up next, how a murder investigation in colorado may have revealed voter fraud. we're going to tell you what we know. will there be an ev for me? what about me? one for me? you mean us? what about me? and me? how about us? yeah, how about us? great question. wait, can i get one in green? got one for me?!
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tony here from taking to the streets to talk about credit. can you repair your credit yourself? yes. -great. how? uhhh... how long does credit repair take? i don't know, like 10 years. what? are you insane? what's a good credit score? go. 600. maybe if you're trying to pay thousands extra in interest rates. cut the confusion, get started with a free credit evaluation at take this, a colorado man facing a murder charge now also charged with voter fraud, i accused of using her mail-in ballot. barry lee told fbi agents he wanted trump to which and he knew his wife would have voted for the former president anyway,
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so he mailed in her ballot. but a clerk said she was immediately suspicious when it arrived back in october. that's because there are missing person posters all over the county for suzanne, who disappeared in may of 2020. her signature was not on the ballot but barry lee's name was hand written on the witness line. the fbi interviewed him last month where he allegedly told him he didn't know that it was against the law to vote for his spouse, but he really wanted trump to win reelection and beside, everybody cheats. that's what he said. she was charged only last week with murder, a full year after suzanne vanished after going out for a bike ride. suzanne murphy's bike was eventually found but authorities say they have yet to find her body. an example of voter fraud.
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someone voting for trump, not for biden. next congressman matt gaetz friend pleading guilty in a sex trafficking case and saying he'll provide substantial assistance to prosecutors. s at the speed of now. next day and two-day shipping nationwide, and returns right from the doorstep. it's a whole new world out there. let's not keep it waiting. it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal.
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