tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN May 24, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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in recent years. >> horrible situation indeed. >> matthew chance's reporting for us. thanks very much for watching, i am wolf blitzer in "the situation room." you can tweet the sh show @cnnsitroom. e erin burnett with "outfront" starts now. another top doctor says there are more evidence for the theory. could what we have been told about how the dead lipan democratic started. ir iran. marjorie taylor greene's appalling remarks. why and what are they afraid of? cities diverted funds from police, now crime is on the rise. the los angeles police chief is
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my guest. let's go out front. "outfront" tonight not ruling it out. the pandemic began as a leak from a chinese lab, they did not rule it out. here is the former fda commissioner, scott gottlieb. >> we have found no evidence of this virus in an animal anymore. the question for a lot of people when are too many coincidences too much. and right now you know there are more and more circumstantial evidence certainly. >> the idea that this virus could have come out of a lab flies in the face of what the world was led to believe for so long that it was not an accident from a lab rather it was a natural occurrence and spreading through a wet market selling fresh produce and live animals.
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if there is truth to this lab theory, it would be a massive cover up. this comes as cnn confirming a new report that found several researchers that china's wuhan lab became ill enough in 2019 that they saw hospital care. the details go beyond what the trump administration was saying. researchers became sick with symptoms consistent with both covid-19 and common seasonal illnesses. if it was covid, that would mean their infection happens weeks before china reported their first daicase on december 8th. the director of the wuhan lab calling it a q, quote, "complet li li lie." even dr. fauci is not convinced. >> no, i am not convinced. we should investigate what went
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on in china until we find out exactly what happened. >> the former cdc director, robert redfield told sanjay gupta that he clearly thinks the pandemic could have started as a lab leak in china. >> i am at the point of view where i think the most likely ideology of this pathogen in wuhan was from a laboratory. here is some of what we do know. >> u.s. officials visited a lab in 2018. josh rogan sent back two official warnings. the first cable josh writes which i obtain warns that the lab works on bat coronaviruses and potential human transmission represented a risk of a new sars-like pandemic.
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the scientists at the wiv lab noted the new lab has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this highly container. i am going to speak to dr. sanjay gupta. today the white house was asked about this new reporting and whether the white house is pressing china for more information. >> we are, we have repeatedly called the w.h.o. >> why is the u.s. relying on the w.h.o. this is the same organization that praised china's, quote, "handling the pandemic." the white house produced a
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report on this topic that quote, "represents a partial and incomplete picture." it does not entirely make sense if the world does not find out the truth how this deadly pandemic began. is there is hope of preventing the next one. natasha bertran is live with us. you have been talking to your sources and learned that the biden administration is not ruling this theory out. >> they have been investigating this lab theory for well over a year now. this is something they have been trying to get to the bottom of. what we do know is they hone in on one major theory is it did occur naturally. it is important to know that does not rule out the lab leak theory. what we were told there is a
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conflation happening between the lab-leak theory. these labs in china were st studying coronavirus on bats. the leading theory right now is because of this research, it just kind of there was an accident and it spreads that way. another leading theory is the wet market theory that it spreads from an animal to humans. the animal that supposedly spread that to humans still have not been identified. there is no definitive evidence for that and there is also no definitive evidence that the researchers who got sick actually had covid-19, only that they had symptoms consistent with it. the community continues to have low confidence in how this pandemic actually started and they're helicocontinuing to investigate. the biden administration delegated a lot of this to the
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w.h.o. and thrown a lot of diplomatic weight behind that probe. the community is studying this. >> great information, good to see you natasha. outfront now the reporter who broke this story of three members were treated in wuhan lab, josh rogan, the author of "chaos under heaven." michael, in your reporting i found it interesting as you were speaking with people with this, they were a little bit split. how significance it is and talk to me about what your sources are telling you?
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>> well, when we started out about this, the state department issue that says the u.s. government has reasons to believe that several researchers in the lab prior to the known outbreak. what i did along my colleagues was trying to find out what was the under lying intel which the biden administration never repu repudiated. three researchers went to the hospital, they may not have been kept there but they went to the hospital in november 2019. slightly before the early december known outbreak of covid-19 which is very interesting circumstantial evidence. as for the weight that's given it, there are some people, well, jen psaki in the white house
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says this intelligence information provided to the u.s. gove government, needs to be more fully corroborated. there are people who work with the trump administration who say that actually there is additional information that lends more substance to this. what's significant is the number of researchers or the month they went and the fact that they went to the hospital. it is circumstantial evidence. it is not conclusive but it points in the direction of the lab theory. >> it is more information. you think china is definitely hiding things here. talk us through this. >> right. some great reporting by the wall street journal. the pile of circumstantial evidence that points to this theory that the lab may have been vinvolved.
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the intelligence community has been looking for a year but they don't know either way because there is an intelligence gap. in other words, they don't know. they missed it. they don't really know what they are dealing with. they're trying to figure out after the fact, they're not doing particularly a great job at it. what were these researchers doing, right? i would like to know that. that's something we know that we could figure out. how that fits into the bigger picture is simply we are not going to be able to rely on it to figure this out. we'll need a real investigation requiring a lot of diplomatic pressure on the chinese government. it is not going to be done by the w.h.o., they spent a year trying to do that and they utterly failed and they hired scientists. when the white house says yeah,
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this is far in reporting and we are not sure. they're being honest. if they don't try to figure it out, nobody else will be able to and we won't figure out how we got into this mess and how to prevent the next pandemic which is really important. the next pandemic is coming. >> you mentioned how jen psaki responded to your reporting. i was curious when you heard her response, what you did that actually meant because quite frankly what you think the white house is really doing about this right now. >> i made an effort to clarify the intent of that statement. it was consistent of what we wrote in our wall street journal article. the person familiar with the intelligence said it was pr
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provided by the international partner. it could be very important and fully validated and needed additional corroboration. we actually wrote that and she said that. i don't think jen psaki in any way repudiating the january 15th statement which said the u.s. government has reasons to believe several researchers fail ill. that statement i have been informed bedded by the biden administration by the way. the biden administration never said those assertions are incorrect. the issue, unfortunately, became very politicized. i talked to bibiden's officials who say they are intrigued and found the lab theory plausible because of all the chinese efforts to cover up and withholding information. they asked themselves why would they do this if it was a freak of nature, would they be doing
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it because somehow they had an institution that was vofred? involved? i think the white house was being more cautious but they never ruled out the lab theory. i am not confident we are going to get to the bottom of it. the strategy is to rely on the w.h.o. is the only mechanism that can gain access to china. >> michael and josh, thank you so much. "outfront" with me now is dr. sanjay gupta. you spoke to dr. read fidfield e told you of the origins of the virus. >> i am at the point of view that the most likely ideology of this pathogen and wuhan was from a laboratory. escaped. other people don't believe that and it is fine. it is not unursual f
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for respiratory pathogens to be worked at in a lab. >> does it seem like a real possibility now? >> yes. i think so. and katie, when i was interviewing dr. redfield, i had a surprise look on my face, it was not what he was saying because that theory had been out there for some time, it was more that he was the one saying it. he was the cdc director during that time and he obviously had access to information, raw intelligence and data that i didn't have access to and now he's coming out to say something and had been treated as a fringe theory for so long. it is a challenge and it is complicated as josh and michael laid out. there are certain things that had been increasingly, you know, raising concerns about this possibility. the lab workers becoming the sick. we didn't know that. in fact, i talked to peter
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daschik on the committee, they said there were people who got sick. we don't know how sick they were. at some point they were tested for antibodies. antibodies may be a way to say, did they have the infection in the past. he was told the antibodies were n negative. there are all these sorts of questions that still remains. >> do you think we'll have a conclusive answer here or too late? >> it is a good question. if you go back and look at sars back in 2002/2003. it took two years, many years after that to link it this to horseshoe bat. sometimes it can take a long time if they find out for certain ever. there are certain things if you can actually look at the raw data and find out about those
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antibody tests. were there people in the lab testing poinsitive for antibodi. that would be definitive. you can look at the genetic marker and see if it matches the genetic markers of the virus that's being studied in that lab. i don't know if it will make things conclusive. as d >> good to see you, sanjay. when is enough is enough of marjorie taylor greene. >> i am going to talk to the official who was in the room in arizona of the audit.
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requests by cnn weighing in on taylor greene co's comment. here is what she said. >> we can look back at a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star and they were treated to second class self-d citizens that they were put in chains. this is the type of abuse that nancy pelosi is talking about. >> greene did not back down when pressed about the growing outrage of what she said. >> i think any rational jewish personal did not like what happens in nazi germany. >> "outfront" with me is dana
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bash and phil, at this point, republican leaders are silent about this. what would you have liked to have heard from them. >> hi, kate, and dana. >> sorry, t to be with you on a disgusting thing having a member saying what she said and refused to apologize. and then kevin mccarthy says nothing or called her to explain she should not make staptements like that. they have not said anything and done nothing. marjorie taylor greene is greene.
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stefanik out spoken about a ton of issues and a bunch of things but this she can't say one sentence of what greene said was. >> dana, most house republicans are silent as well. there are few exceptions. liz cheney called greene's comment evil lunacy and peter myers said a come in abination two. said the same to you on sunday's "state of the union." the same republican who blamed trump for inciting the insurrection and voting to impeach. >> these are the republicans who have decided and their calculations to go for their conscious and not their political future. all three of those republicans you have talked about may very
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well get primary and kicked out of congress by voters in the republican base. that's not something that kevin mccarthy and others left if the leadership are interested in doing. that's why so far they have been silent. it is not because they agree with her or anti-semitic at all. she has the political power right now. she's loud. she's outrageous. she's raising small dollar dona donations, unbelievable amounts and hard to wrap your mind around. if i can say briefly, kate, i can't believe i have to say this. i am the granddaughter of a holocaust survivor, my great grandparent were gassed in the
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concentration camp. they would have been happy to wear a mask to protect the health and the health of other people. the fact that it is a sentence that i have to utter is repulsive. >> exactly. 100%, dana. compare this bill to another outrageous congress member of congress. steve king. kevin mccarthy after all the years of what steve king has said. i do remember in 2019, kevin mccarthy very much came out and spoke strongly and pulled steve king and many republicans spoke out about steve king and we saw what eventually happened. why is it so different from that? >> well, what just changes. marjorie taylor greene's comment were more offensive but two years later, the party has
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changed i don't engage in their political future. it would hurt your future if you are a leader in congress to say that a comparison of mask wearing with the holocaust is inappr inappropriate, unwise and fence s fence -- offensive. that's an astonishing thing to say from one of major parties. >> they think this is not going to hurt them politically. that says everything about where we are right now. >> thank you, guys. "out front." the same people who are pushing for trump's lies are now running for office. offices that oversees the election. >> not for one second that i am convinced joe biden won. los angeles, the city
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now trump allies in the key swing states in georgia and michigan inspired by what's happening in arizona are demanding their own audits, searching for proof for trump's lies. jennifer moral is "outfront" with me now. thank you for being with me. you nknow this better than most and you said that this audit does not resemble anything like an election audit in any way shape or form of what we are looking at in arizona, why is that? >> that's right. >> to start with we have the spinning conveyer wheel of ballots spinning hundreds of ballots who have literally seconds to try to record the two races they are auditing.
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we have untested and uncertified equipment being used to capture images of ballots and microscopic cameras looking for stains and things of no signs to back it up. there is little quality control that's happening and unlike an official election or audit where there is a solid deadline when that has to be completed, there seems to be no deadline. it is bizarre. we have no idea when it is going to end and practices that changed and unlike anything i have seen. >> who knows they'll meet the deadline because they're going so slow. this is going to end at some point. they are releasing the report at some point. what should people do with it when they release a report?
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>> it is really troubling. it is not going to increase anybody's trust in the outcome of this election. it is 100% going to find some sort of anomaly and issue. as i said the counting process we'll call it a recount, certainly does not follow any of the laws that have been followed in prior recounts and audit that is happens in maricopa and allows for discrepancies so they built in sort of a threshold or a tolerance. the ballots of paper audit that i mentioned, these suspicious ballots that they're going to hold aside, we have no idea how many there are. that's going to raise concerns and then there is the forensic audit voting equipment which is been done secret activesecretiv. i am certain that whatever reports come out of this is
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going to further demise. >> president trump is trying to raise expectations of this of what's going to be happening. he said it would not be a surprise to find thousands and thousands of votes talking about this. it is going to undermine confidence, how dangerous is this? >> it is incredibly dangerous. it is one of the most reckless thing i have seen. we have given this private and no experience in telections and no experience in audits and we handed over ballots and data over to them to allow them to conduct this. this is an election that was done by individuals in maricopa county with years of knowledge and experience. election officials who raised their hands and took an oath to uphold the laws of arizona and hold the constitution, elected officials that spent years training and preparing in best practices to meet the cyber
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security concerns that we faced and certainly this group has none of that. it is a dangerous precedent to do it in the first place and result in more confusions for voters and more conspiracy theories and just leading us down a dark path with a peaceful transition of power. >> it is really sad. >> it is really unfolding right before us. thank you very much, jennifer. to go to our john avlon. it is becoming more contagious, you got demands in other states that are under going more audits and rechecks. what do you this ink the damage being done here? >> it undermines our democracy. the big lie to set the pretext
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to overturn the next election. the extent that some of these folks thinking of themselves as patriots. they are taking direct aim at a democracy and the constitution. what's happening is incredibly dangerous. we need to recognize it for what it is and can treat it as such. >> another trend we are seeing is people who pushed these voter fraud claims and pushing these lies are running for states positions that have power over this. let's play some of what they have said. >> i am not convinced at all, not for one second that joe biden won the state of georgia. >> our election is a fraud. we are going to learn what happened in this past election because it was atrocious and we got to get to the bottom of it. >> these are errors.
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this is fraud and needs to be investigated. >> what does it mean for our future elections? >> these folks are lying and that they are promoting conspiracy theories and they are trying to run the next election. they're talking about fraud and engaging in fraud. there is every reason to believe they'll try to propagate that. that's what these folks are trying to do, running some cases against republicans. who had the honor and the rule of law focusing on facts. but that's the real sin of bucking the big lie right here. the game is very clear. it is not a game because it is our democracy. these folks are trying to put themselves in position of power to run the next election and they'll presumably try to bend
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those elections to their own partisan ends. they're setting a state for a constitutional crisis coming up. this is a threat to our democracy. we need to absolutely recognize it for what it is. >> it is like getting worse and not better after the disaster that we saw play out in the 2020 election. thanks john. good to see you. cities across the country are facing a dramatic spike in crimes. is it a result of diverting funds from police. and an alarming spike in anti-semitic attack. >> see someone chase me like they want to punch me.
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emergency planning for kids. we can't predict when an emergency will happen. so that's why it's important to make a plan with your parents. here are a few tips to stay safe. know how to get in touch with your family. write down phone numbers for your parents, siblings and neighbors. pick a place to meet your family if you are not together and can't go home. remind your parents to pack an emergency supply kit. making a plan might feel like homework, but it will help you and your family stay safe during an emergency.
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>> the highest homicides in more than a decade and you are on track to pass it this year. what do you think is driving this? >> first of all, thank you for having us here today. it is an important conversation. when we look at violent crimes here in los angeles. it is matching what we see cities across america. the driver is a couple of functions. the instances of gun violence which is driving the increase of homi homicides. the two major factors that's driving the increase. we people are involved in gangs and street violences and disputes that escalate into multiple victim shootings and homelessness that are taking
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advantage of these encampments. the pandemic, deconstruction to achieve a safer populous - the retaliations and interruptions are not there. we see a back and forth between laws and fashion that we saw decades ago. we think there are opportunity here to get our parks and rec centers opened and get our lives back in a new normal but a normal that proceeded this increase in violence. the staffing organization are challenged. we are working to make sure our staffing in each of the 21 areas --
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>> i get all of what you said. esse essentially, restoring $150 million that were diverted last year. do you draw a direct line in the shifting and funding and the crime rate? >> no, i think that and let me be clear. i saw in the new york times that our funding was restored to the level of what it was a year ago. that's not accurate. we actually are -- i am looking for mayor garcetti of his budget proposal. our staffing number would meet of what the cuts were last year. we were reduced from -- we have fallen below that because of the pandemic and economic that's
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pulled back across america. this budget is going to allow us to start hiring and putting cops back on the streets to get back to the 9,750 officers. we'll still have the cut backs that were placed on us a year ago. the salary numbers, the money certainly i understand whether there is a financial increase because of the rate of salary but the head count was not restored to the prepandemic levels. what we are doing with that is redirecting a number of less essential workload to alternative services which we support. >> my colleague josh campbell here spoke to the cofounder of the black lives matter in los angeles today who is calling to redirect police fund in your city. i want to play what she said. >> my message to chief moore would be to stop demanding d
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dollars for things you are already saying your officers are not equipped to do. your officers are not equipped to handle mental health emergencies. let's have those dollars released so mental health p professionals can do that work. >> chief, can you respond to that? >> absolutely. to the crisis that occurs everyday. america have got to stop being cheap cheap. until twe build that capacity, e are called upon to fill the gap. doctors are called upon for all types of medical emergencies
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because the absence of a specialist is not being there. you will get somebody who can basically do the best that they can. policing is the same way. what i look forward whether it is black lives matter or any other organization is working with them to identify and bill, actually bill and put the hundreds of mental health workers, the outreach and engagement for those experiencing homelessness across the 24 hours. >> you are dealing and talk about an emergency right now with the crimes you are seeing in the city. >> thank you, chief. >> you got it. appreciate it. >> really appreciate the time. next, president biden responding to the growing number of hate crimes against jews. >> somebody in one of the cars driving by started throwing glass, bottles or cups at the table. >> also, a major sign that america is open once again. ing k to the way things were.
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finally banning dark money, and protecting our freedom to vote. billionaires and special interests, your day is nearly done. because it's time for the people to win. to prove our aa battery is the world's longest-lasting, we tested it against our competitor's best battery. (meowing) (clicking) and energizer ultimate lithium wins again! energizer, backed by science. matched by no one. tonight president biden condemning the rise and anti
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tea ssay m say met tick attacks. i want to warn you, some of what you're about to see may be disturbing. nick watt is "outfront". >> reporter: boca rotan florida, in one week while this was happening in the middle east, the anti defamation league fanned more than 17,000 tweets with veariations of that phrase hitler was right. >> in the past maybe you'd see vandalism at a synagogue. we've seen a blitz creek of anti jewish acts across the country. >> reporter: fueled in part by online bile and conspiracy mongering. >> guess what? unhinged conspiracy claims lead to real world consequences to
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j jews. >> i see someone chasing me like they want to punch me. >> reporter: wearing a cap. >> people are being attacked for looking visibly jewish. >> reporter: daylight, times square, cross roads of the world. sure surrounded by a crowd that shouted filthy jew. >> hit me with flag poles, crutches and towards the end of the assault, i thought they were urinating on my face but it was pepper spray. they spayed me for upwards of a minute. >> reporter: the man that hit him with a crutch has been charged. the man said he has no problem doiing again. >> the nypd is out in force. >> reporter: after thissemitic his bail was increased.
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>> somebody in one of the cars driving by started throwing glass bottles or glass cups at the tables. >> reporter: the words dirty jew were heard, cars stopped, men got out and. >> started running towards the tables and asking who is jewish. >> passions run high, that is okay and human. what is not okay to take it out on innocent people, groups of folks dining because of who they are. >> reporter: in london, four men were arrested for shouting in a anti political convey. >> one thing that was amazing to jews in western europe, in the united states jews could be visibly jewish. >> i'm having american jews tell me they are afraid to wear the jewish hat or star necklace or be visibly identifiable as
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jewish. that's chilling. >> reporter: now, the adl said in the past couple weeks they have seen a 63% uptick in anti semitic incidents. so many they said it tough to keep track. they are calling on social media to step up as the adl says the hashtag hitler was right doesn't exactly add to any conversation. kate? >> long before this. thank you so much. "outfront" next, this picture says it all. america is moving on from the pandemic.
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they're back. i mean, not in a good way, fans, real people at sporting events. this comes as new coronavirus cases are averaging 25,000 a day, one of the lowest since the pandemic began and much of the country is reopening. take this weekend, pga championship for example. 10,000 spectators were alolowed to watch. looked crazy and awesome and in the nba a crowd of 15,000 fans watched atlanta beat the knicks. it was the largest indoor
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gathering in new york city since the pandemic began. in baseball, the mets tonight will no longer require fans to show proof of a negative covid test to enter the field. farewell to sports cub ls and the weird cutouts because those definitely will not be missed. thank you for joining us. "ac 360" starts now. good evening:withsilence, a sem s sem semitism, he decided it was the c qanon of its era. what they did not have is a taste of alienating members, many of whom voted republican. might sound familiar. throughout the 1960s even though leading republicans distance
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