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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  May 24, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> did you have a good weekend? >> you need a haircut, it is long, man. you got a little fro going on. >> i am sorry, did you want me to answer your question? that's our relationship. all of our friends this week agreed that you talk more than me. every single person that we had lunch with yesterday. 100% except for you. >> what happens when the time was counted? >> you knew the time was being
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counted so you prepared yourself and restrain yourself not to speak up as much as you do. >> the whole thing was rigged. >> yeah, the whole thing. >> part of the big lie is what you are trying to say. >> you are the big lie. >> you think chris christie is running for president? >> his water wet? >> yeah, of course he's going to run for president. is he going to win? that's a whole different story. that's a whole different story as well. >> i used to think it was too cute when people don't answer but in this day and age would you be nuts to put your hat in
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the ring so you can get chewed on for that much longer? >> look, god bless them. i don't know why anyone would be a politician or led alone the poli president of the united states. do you want that much scrutiny and people digging into. it is enough with social media and information, everyone knows everything about you. do you really want that? who would want to be the president 06of the united state? >> who would want the task? we know chris christie sh should -- >> why do you want to be involved with that? >> there are other things cris christie. sometimes he's a straight shooter and other times as we have witnessed he can escape and let's you know -- >> politicians are in the business of being tough to pin down. we have allowed that culture to get away from us in a way that so many are disaffected that they don't hold these people to
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the same rules. that's what i am hoping we can get back to and closer to. >> i was not trying to be cool tonight. time got away from me. >> the best thing that can happen to that tie is not to be worn. >> i didn't have time to put it on. >> it is a really old tie. >> yellow ribbon. i got it. >> the last time i saw something like this was on the former guy because it is one of those -- >> you put that on, hurts your whole head space. >> you were going into the bolo thing and it bolted me out. >> oh, that bolo was a good one. i had a man on my show who wanted us to believe 100% that he believes he was involved with a russian spy at the direction of the fbi. he's now the money behind an organization that'll have a hand, maybe a heavy hand in picking a volunteer for the next
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level of fraud in arizona. >> there is a lot of coo-coo going around. >> i love seeing you yesterday. >> thanks again for not picking up the check. >> it is "don lemon tonight." t the lies spread by too many officials who's supposed to be leading us. it is happening everywhere you
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look. a ant semitism. it is sad. after two anti-semitic incident happened on saturday night, after a 29-year-old jewish man was punched and kicked and pepper sprayed last week in times square. we had him on this program. two men arrested him and charged. >> the two men argumettacked at restaurant. two jewish people. >> at a time when hate is spreading, the three top republicans in the house are hiding their head in the sand ignoring multiple requests from cnn to respond to hateful,
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ignorant lies from the qanon, space laser congresswoman who compares wearing a mask to jews being sent to the gas chamber in the holocaust. i said it slowly. yes, i wanted you to hear it. wearing mask to the holocaust is a comparison. this is the time we need to call out the hate. call out the cowardly leaders who's afraid to speak the truth, elise stefanik, steve scalise, kevin mccarthy. they must know this is wrong. >> we can look back at a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star and they were treated second class self-d citizens so much so that they were put in chains in gas
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chambers and this is the type of abuse that nancy pelosi talked about. >> and she double downed on her own hateful ignorance. >> i standby all of my statements and i said nothing wrong. any rational jewish person did not like what happened in nazi-germany or over bearing mask mandates and vaccine policies. >> just any rational pers person -- the silence of mccarthy in the face of that is stunning. it seems like she could say whatever she wants and the leader of the republican party are too afraid to call out one freshman congresswoman never met a lie or theory she did not like. let's not forget her insane
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cl claim. it is no accident but apparently that marjorie taylor greene would say something anti-semitic now. >> what does it take to gate reprimand from kevin mccarthy? how low do you have to go when he decides enough is enough. we know one republican who got reprimanded and we know one republican who paid the price for telling the truth and that's liz cheney. it is one of just a handful who are not afraid to tell the truth now treating marjorie taylor greene's life evil lunacy again. yes, she's on the out. nothing the qanon congresswoman can say that they won't to tolerate. what are they afraid of? why are so many few republicans afraid to stand up gepagainst t
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lies? why? >> first off, any comparisons of the holocaust is beyond r reprehencible. vicious attack on the streets of new york and los angeles. >> if you don't stand up against the lies or the liars, what do you stand for? >> adam kinzinger said this. >> it is not that i enjoy standing up and saying this. the 70 million voters believe
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the election was stolen because their leaders have not told them otherwise, the people they trust. the people they trust have been silent or not told them the truth. that's where kevin failed. he told the truth on january 13 and he goes to mar-a-lago and said that donald trump is the leader of the party. we need to tell people the truth. >> he's right on. that's where the republican party is right now. own it. the white gop is turning into a party of reactionaries. far outside the mainstream of america. nowhere is more clear than when it comes to race. i want you to take a look at this. this is one year after george floyd, white republicans and white democrats are living in two different america.
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79% of white americans said the country made the change needed to give black americans equal rights with white americans. only 12% of white democrats agreed with that. just 8% of white republicans the say the protests last year over racial injustice had a positive impact in society compares that to 60% of white democrats. 47% of white republicans who say america is not a racist country. 4% of white democrats agree. a party of reactionaries. the lack of a common truth and common sense. they're doing everything they can to hide the truth of what
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happened on one of the darkest days in our history even though we all saw it as we see with our own eyes. we saw trump's rioters beating police and hunting for lawmakers who bury the truth of what's happening. rioters chanting "hang mike pence." >> a senate vote on january 6, more republicans signaling they're going to vote no. mit romney said this. >> schumer said this. >> the american people will see where every member stands on the side of truth or on the side of donald trump's big lie.
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>> mixing up the name. chuck schumer is saying this. >> in service of the big lie, the big lie and the big lie, disgraced, twice impeached and one-term who lost the house, the senate and the white house. that's why they are counting ballots in a sham artudit in arizona. i don't know why you would call it an audit. it is a fraud-it. i wish it was me. thank you, maria. that's why they are ready to fraud-it ballot again in georgia, following three audits including a hand recount last year. the lies and the ignorance and the hate is driving us apart. if you don't stand up against
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the lies, what do you stand for? it is obvious what the republican party stands for right now. lies and the lying liar who lie. she's one o f the few republicans willing to stand up for republicans. why is liz cheney letting them off the hook for the big lie? >> that's not at all how i think about it. you won't be surprise to hear.
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shocking the world, spurring a global reckoning on race, protests lasting weeks, almost every major city, george floyd's family is going to meet with president biden tomorrow but what has changed in a year really? they're getting close to a bipartisan deal to overhaul
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policing. no deal yet. thank you for joining us, good to see you. >> you too, don. you could just say 43. >> yeah, i like it. >> i know tomorrow is the anniversary and when i sat in front of this camera, i said this to you. just think of last year in the middle of a pandemic and we saw this video, it is amazing to see what's happening in a year. let's put up this poll to help make the point. the interesting thing is, what does it tell you how the gop base views race? >> well, as you and i have
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talked about before, there is this huge discrepancy where the gop is and where democrats and independence of the country are, where the third of the country is and where two-thirds of the country is. there was another poll asking if we needed police reform of the country and overwhelmingly independence and democrats say absolutely we need police reform overwhelmingly. republicans say no, we don't need it in our country today. watching the last four or five years if we needed any reminder and i guess a lot of us needed it. we are a country that's still struggling for 240 years. every time we have one step forward, we take half a step back or sometimes more than a step back in that. we have seen that throughout the history of our country that every time we think we are going to modernize our republic, we'll get to the point where all men and women are created equal, we
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take a step back. i think that's the situation we are in. most of the countries want to move forward and dealing with this country fundamentally. no, actually we want to go backward. >> this shows 40% of white americans believe america is not a racist country compares to 4% of white democrats. obviously this is playing out in our politics, what's going on here? how is it playing out right now? >> do i think and i don't think it is fair to describe a country because a country is not a human being as racist. do i think there are many racist in america? yes. do i think systematic racism ex exists today? yes. but, i still believe that what
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we are supposed to do is go towards a perfect union and we believe what was written as i said that all men and women are created equal. but i think we are at a time and you and i have had this conversation before where diversity scares the heck out of the segment of our population. >> scares the living daylights out of a big segment. i just learned something from you, i am going to let you finish. when you said a country is not racist. i actually agree with you. a country is made up of people. do we have racist or racial issues in the country? absolutely. were we founded on racism or racist practices? absolutely. i never thought about it that way until you said that. >> i think that's important to keep in mind, every single person is born with biases and
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prejudices. i think what we are sort of commanded to do or should do is to struggle through those and identify those and ourselves. what we have now is a major political party in our country who the majority says no, we are f not going to worry about that. we liked it in the 1950s or the 1870s because whites were in charge. whites are still in charge. they occupy 80% of the power of the country and not 90%. i think we'll get through this in the long-term, don. it is concerning in the short term that we are still having the struggle. emit till was killed and the people who killed him were not found guilty. so the struggle is always long and it continues but i think we should honor the legacy of those
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who have gone for us by keeping the fight going. >> so i want you to take a look at these three republican candidates in 2022. we are learning eamon bundy who was barred from capitol ground and mark mcclosky running for senate in missouri and wyoming, anthony buchar, he impregnanted a 14-year-old girl when he was 18. do you disagree -- when you think of the caliber of candidates, i just laid the facts out. what's going on here? do you think it is self-destruction, what? >> these candidates appearing
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now and in the past we would call it fringed, the republicans have thrown off any guard rails to any crazy or corrupt or incompetent and they're basically saying come on board, this is who we are. those existed before even as recently as in two or three elections ago. they would try to put something in place where this did not happen. it is a mistake and i heard a number of democrats say this that the gop is self-destructing. the gop is going to get at least 45% of the vote in 2022 election, at least 45% in the 2024 election. the idea of banking on the gop self-destructing is not going to happen. when you combine that 45% with gerrymandering and jurisdiction is determined by geography. anybody who does not want that, okay, no self-destruct and
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everything is going to be fine. it is completely flawed way to look at this. the only way is going to be dealt with is people deal with it and us in the media talking about it and voters coming to conclusion and it is not who represents them. i think democrats need to get off the self-destructive mantra and what we are going to do about it. >> matthew dowd, you are the man. i said last week and people got upset that democrats needed to be stronger and the republican party is obsolete and needs to be restructured. somehow that's controversial when it is the truth. it is the truth. a party that created a monster that seems to be bullet-proof. i don't know. nothing's fixed. >> i have been involved in 100 campaigns and every time you count on the opponent blowing up
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themselves is a strategy that leads to a loss on your point. >> i said that during the 2016 election and guess what -- i hate to say i told you so. >> thank you, matthew. >> thank you, don. always great. >> i will see you soon. they can't quit the big lie even when their party wants to q quit them. liz cheney backing the voting restrictions, why? don't flex your pecs. terminix.
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what's left when you got allegiance to a lie. jonathan swan is joining me now from "axios." let's talk about the republicans. the leadership can't keep
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members in line. you are covering this every single day. is there anything that you can see that could change this dynamic? >> well, one of the problems, don, is that polling shows that anywhere between 60% and 70% for republican voters, considered joe biden an illegitimate president. that's not a number -- you don't get 7 out of 10 from some isolated incident. you get it from years and years of vfertilizing the soils for this and telling voters that the vote is rapid. you don't get it without all the years proceeding 2020. that's why really it is baked into the rhetoric and that's how
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we get to this point. >> every time i look up, jonathan, you have an exclusive or some big interview. one of the big interviews of liz cheney, let's play part of your interview and we'll talk about it. >> how much culpability republicans have to fertilize the big lie? >> when you look at voter fraud, it certainly exists, i will never understand the resistance to voter id, you have to show id to go vote. there is a big difference between that than a president of the united states who loses the election after he tried to steal the election and refuses to con concede. >> there's no nuance anymore. i kind of get what she's saying, she could believe in voter id or what have you. she thinks republicanis bare no
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responsibility for cultivating trump's big lie. >> i agree with you. you can separate the two. she has said unequivocally that donald trump is lying. she wants to put it in a silo and she believes that there is no connection to so many republicans believing this lie and all the rhetoric that came for many, many years talking about voter fraud and etc. the other thing she says which again i find it to be a stretch is she says that she has not seen connection between donald trump's big lie and all these effects by the states by republicans to pass restrictive voting laws. she wants to contain the big lie in a silo and ignore all the other context s on each side of
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it. >> they're saying they're doing it because the election was stolen. so i don't understand the logic. >> exactly. >> right. you only need to listen to a number of -- the more sophisticate of the state lawmakers will deny that. you are exactly right, don. many times you have to listen to them. they'll say that doing this because the election was stolen or tmany of the measures they pt in place are a direct response to some of these complaints that donald trump made. as you said -- >> especially when you look at our correspondent, antonio sullivan, they'll say what about all those ballots under the desk in georgia or the truck that did this or the ones that came from asia because they had bamboo on
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them. all of that came from the big lie. liz cheney got some backbone. she can't say that the rhetoric did not contribute to this. while she gets kicked out of leadership, there is marjorie taylor greene, she's comparing mask mandates to the holocaust. why are so few of her colleagues are willing to call her out on this bs? >> with compare the popularity of marjorie taylor greene, the fact among republican voters is not even close. marjorie taylor greene has a higher approval than mitch mcconnell and liz cheney. again, you just need to poll the
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vote. liz cheney is three times popular among democrats than republicans. she's a woman without a party even though she's very conservative. the party is not where she's at. >> it is just nutty. i do feel like sometimes i'm siting here and living a "twilight" zone episode. >> you can check out the interview with liz cheney, thank you, i appreciate it. i will see you soon. be well. >> he does not just talk but take actions. why is lebron james keeping quiet on this? >> do you mind me asking if you are confirming that you do get the vaccine? >> it is not a big deal. ion. no canceling. flexible cancellation.
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. basketball superstar lebron james won't say will whether he received the coronavirus vaccine or will receive coronavirus vaccine. he says his own vaccination status is not a big deal. >> anything i am doing on the floor is predicated to my family for the majority, for 99% of that. it is about the health and safety of my family. me being available for my teammates on the floor that i am taking care of my body. >> do you mind me asking if you are confirming you get the vaccine? >> it is not a big deal. >> to many it is a big deal including my next guest, steven a. smith, host of "world espn
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plus." >> steven, thank you, i love your outspokenness. you said that lebron james can't have it both way. tell me why it is so important to you. >> well, i think obviously you had me on your show a few months ago when i decided to take the vaccine. i had my reservation and a p plethora of people that had reservations about taking the vaccine. when you go to the icus and you think things that are detrimental to the african-american community and you ta i ke a stand and a posit. but considering the multitude of issues he's been willing to tackle, considering what provoked him to do so because of concerns for his community, his
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people, those were his words. these are the things he said time and time again then why would you not speak on the issue of being vaccinated or not? that's what i am talking about. of course, he's a citizen and entitled to his privacy, we all know that. lebron james is the ultimate role model, he's an incredible athlete and humanitarian and the best people we have ever seen in the world of sports but on this particular issue, his unwillingness to divulge where he stands or whatever he's feeling, it is flagrantly inconsistent of all the position he's taken. >> if lebron james sneezes, the fans want to know if he has a cold or twist an ankle or does whatever, so his health is of
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importance of interest to the legience of fans. i have been at a barbershop the other day and people were telling me about, i have a cousin that works for the doctor and they give me all these false information and i'm siting in the chair going, you guys must be kidding me. you do what you want but the information is false. there are black doctors and scientists who worked on vaccine strategies and developing the vaccine. this is not an experiment. we have moved beyond that. lebron has huge influence with that. >> absolutely. he does. >> no question about it. you know my story in terms of the ceo of virtual health system
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and south jersey called me and brought me down to south jersey and showing me the americans that were being hospitalized in icu units because of covid-19 and how devastating it is on the african-american community. let's get back to lebron james. a couple of days before his playoff games against the phoenix suns, at his agent's house in beverly hills, the event was outdoors and the individual that were all tested and all of those safety protocols and measures were taken to ensure that there was no danger whatsoever. the reality was an abundance of people did not know that. when you saw a picture of lebron james at this event, you had fans talking about wait a minute, they were nba players that were sat down because they put themselves in that
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compromising position. it could contaminate a person. again, that turned out not to be true. that was not something that lebron james enlighten us about. the people in the nba did that but not lebron james. >> lebron james briefly attended an outdoor event last week, participants required to be vaccinated or return a negative test result. vaccinated players are permitted to engage outside activities including their individual commercial arrangements -- such as sponsor appearances or at shoots. >> do you think the staple is implying his vaccination status here? >> i am not going to say that. i am not going to allow that to influence my thinking because here is the deal, don. we have seen lebron james speak
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on a plethora of issue, speaking edu educatedly. he's not just a smart dude. he's brilliant and make no mistake about it, he's something special. when you listen to him speak on the issues he's spoken about, it is thought-provoking and he's done his research and he knows what the hell he's talking about. he's enlighten us about a lot of things and how in tune he is, what's going on in our society and throughout the world, she's spoken on a multitude of issues on multiple occasions. he has not spoken about this that he had to do so. obviously that raises an en an
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antenna. that's why i said what i said because optics matter when it comes to lebron james. to give those weak answers when he gave the other day when asked about it, i thought beneath of what we come to know, appreciate and fully expects from lebron james. he was a flagrant disappointment. >> steven a. thank you, i can't add much to that except i think he should talk to people and be more forthcoming about how he feels about the vaccine or at least promote it. i think he should go out there and promote people getting the vaccine because we really, really need it. people have died, black people have been overly affected more so than any other ethnicity by this on the front lines and what have you by covid-19.
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>> thank you, steven a. >> i don't mind arguing about that. >> i will see you soon. people come from all over the world, one group is not allowed. the pride parade is banning, take this. come on pride parade. you got to get your act together. they're banning police, don't do it. with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. don't do it. ♪ ooh, look daveed, my delivery is here. got your birdseed bread, your birdseed butter and an 87-pound bag of birdseed. enjoy. and that's just lunch.
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in a different direction. ask your gastroenterologist about xeljanz. you don't want to become what you fight against. you don't want to become what you fight against. so take this. organizers of the new york city pride parade banning the new york police department from participating in the annual parade this year and every year until at least 2025.
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not good. the group says the police presence at the at a raid threatened members of the lgbtq plus and people of color. they said the sense of safety can be threatening and at times dangerous to those in our community who are most often targeted with excessive force and or without reason. a spokesman for the nypd tells cnn this and i quote again. the idea of officers being excluded is disheartening and runs counter to our shared values of inclusion and tolerance. the ban also disappointing to nypd office here's are part of the lgbtq community. the group that represents them says the parade organizers are taking the low road and i'm not going to gloss over the very complicated community between the lgbtq community and police, especially in new york city, going all the way back to stonewall. i understand that. trust me. i'm a mental of the lgbtq community. remember, the first pride began
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as a protest a year after the 9369 stonewall riots. at a time when police routinely harassed gay people and establishments. but now, okay, this is 2021, people. lgbtq officers who want to make a difference for their communities are being banned from attending an event by their own community. if the end goal is inclusivity and equality, banning them from a pride event is not anything to be proud of. reconsider that. okay? we can do better than that. next, anti-semitic hate crimes are surging. one republican decides to compare masks to the holocaust. stay with us.
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