tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN May 28, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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reporting. brian todd. thank you. i am wolf blitzer in "the situation room," you can follow me on twitter or inst instagram @wolfblitzer. please tweet the show, have a safe memorial day weekend. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, a cnn's ex coll collusive, the mother of brian sicknick speaks to cnn. what they told republican lawmakers behind closed doors. 22,000 rounds of ammunition. officials just now revealing what they found inside the home of the san jose gunman who killed nine of his co-workers. let's go "out front." >> good evening everyone,
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"outfront" tonight, self pe preservations and the truth. >> this vote has made it official. donald trump's big lie has now fully enveloped on the republican party. shame on the republican party because they are afraid of donald trump. >> only six republicans sided with democrats. many of the same people voting no today are the same republicans who were calling for a bipartisan investigation in the days after the deadly riot. now, they turned their back on it. one republican, lisa murkowski is calling them out.
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>> to be making a decision for the short term political gain at the expense of understanding and acknowledging what was in front of us on january 6th. i think we need to look at that critically. is that really what this us about that everything is one election cycle after another? >> apparently, yes. lisa murkowski and five other republicans voted on the commission, pushed there by a bring. people like matt gaetz and marjorie taylor greene swore their allegiance to one man, donald trump and the only one. >> our election must have begty and we need your help to fix the problem right here in the state of georgia. >> who won the presidential race
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on november 3rd for georgia? >> you should not have to say this, nearly seven months after the election, donald trump did not win georgia. these lies are consuming more and more republican voters. according to a study by the public religion research institute. 23% of republicans believe the conspiracy theory pushed by qanon. that's nearly a quarter of republicans who believed the movement that's bassed on an ida of a network. supporters of this are a growing part of the republican party as our donio sullivan finds out.
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>> reporter: what's your name, man? >> people in d.c. who were of sex trafficking. >> reporter: what were your thoughts of the insurrection incited by trump at the capitol? >> i believe it was a peaceful rally. >> reporter: you believe the election was stolen. >> the election was not stolen. there was a violent and deadly attack on the u.s. capitol. republicans shut down the chance for form a bipartisan commission that would address the growing danger from within their party. manu raju is out front for us. what's the next move for democrats and few republicans who still want to see an investigation going forward. >> i am told that house democrats are considering taking action on their own, moving to create a select committee in the house so it would be led by democrats.
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it was democrats that could make decisions and issuing subpoenas. they would be in the minority in the house. to do that, nancy pelosi needs to get as vote of the majority of the house with the democrats in charge of that chamber, that'll be almost assured that nancy pelosi have not said it explicitly. that's an option that she will consider and talking today with a number of democrats. they believe she will do that and the push is there. also, some republicans warn their colleagues not to block the outside commission. the commission would have been split between five appointees. a bipartisan basis, they say don't do that because democrats will do it on their own. this was a warning from bill cassidy.
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one of the six republicans voted. republicans ignored that in the senate's side. they said any outside commitment of their will could be detrimental. they believe a select committee in the house can paint as a partisan trying to go after the chances taking back congress. never mind it was them, the republicans. one election after another. that's what it is. thanks, manu. >> john avlon and bill crystal, the editor at large. if that's where i am starting to get tongue tied then i am in trouble tonight. >> you did here lisa murkowski about this short term political gain. do you think this is what it is all about? >> no, i think they were scared
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of the commission and high profile hearing and just more specific of what they were kpesk of what they are ai scared about. we'll have a bunch of trials on that too. that'll come out any way. here is a place we'll learn about from the commission is a subpoena power. what happened in the white house when trump got the phone call by others. did he just watch tv and relish this situation for two or three hours. did he talk to dhs? >> people testifying under oath of what trump knew. that's what they are scared to come out and detailed. the staff, they could not be so close to sef.
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rp that wold maybe damaging trump who's campaigning and right now the heeding presidential to be the presidential nominee 2024. that i are scared of what we would learn about what trump did that day. >> take it another step, john. the way former republican senator chuck hagle put it last night, i don't understand why they are afraid. >> are they afraid of what they find out the truth of what donald trump's role was or the fall-out if they get if they voted for this from donald trump? >> both. they're afraid of trump's bullies who backed the big lies and formed the base of the party. it is causing them trying to figure out or reject a bipartisan independent commission to in vers gate an attack on our capitol. >> they are so occupied of
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hating democrats that that's overwhelmed for our love of democracy. that's what at stake here. credit to those six republicans who did the right thing and crossed the i. folks who knew what happens and saw what happens will still vote to shut this down. it is a cynical koer up. it can't be forgotten but we need to find a way to get the truth out and to confront the big lie. nothing less than our democracy is at stake here. >> they think if they vote against us that it will go away. >> it is not going to go away. it is going to follow them to the 2022 election. that's just the feedback, that's reality. we can all see that's happening. marjorie taylor greene, one of the loudest members of congress that's pushing trump's message
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constantly. she's also pushed the conspiracy theory of qanon. this new report showing 23 hearse of republicans aglee with the believes of qanon. i want to read what the people who were pulled said they agreed with. this was part of the polling question. here it is. >> the government media and financial world in the u.s. are controlled by a group of satan worshipping pedophiles who run a global trial sex trafficking operation. there is a storm coming soon that'll sweep away the elite in powers and restore the rightful leaders. things have gotten so far off track. true american patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country. >> these are the believes that these 23% agree with. how in the world kanani one person agree with that, let alone 23% of republicans.
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>> there are many reasons. one is eck echo chamber of soci media. >> if you are republican and voted for your republican governor and you fall into this trap, i am not sure if some of them will just fall in. wait a second, this is terrible. this is really dangerous. you can't believe these crazy conspiracy theories. how many republicans got up this morning and red about that that this stuff is crazy and dangerous. i didn't hear a lot of people say that. >> you written a book, not qanon but basically the whole concept of how we got to where we are. john, what do you think? >> this is been pruing for a
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long time. this poll -- because of polarization and so that's how they can tell u.s. senators to know bet eter. they'll punish people who tell the truth about the big lie and they refuse to condemn people of conspiracy theories. how do we get to this point? we have this kecosystem of medi that keeps people agitating. that's how politics take place in some class. it is rooting ultimately in demonizing their felon citizens to feel a sense of identity itself. that led to the poll and unless it is confronted, it will lead to more violence in our
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politics. >> negotiation is one of the things is a casualty. not only on january 6th but in today's vote. these extremes are corrupting our politics. >> john avlon and bill crystal, thank you. up next, the mother of brian sicknick. what they told one senator wo continues to down play the riot. new images of the massive amount of ammunition found inside the home of the man who killed nine of his wcow-wco-wor. n n new. was the president linked and being used to meddle into the
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to vote against the commission, did they give a reason for it? >> a lot of them would default to the, well, it is partisan. well, you know that's balogney. senator collins put an amendment in there to make it bipartisan. i don't know what they were thinking. >> do you think they were looking for an excuse? >> i do. >> i think they just don't want to do the right thing. again, i think they're very -- i think what you are seeing is leaderism is finest. they are very protective. oh, nothing is going to happen to me. i have got law enforcement here and they live in this magical thought process that nothing is going to happen to me. like i said yesterday, fbi
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director wray said at the hearing on january 6th, domestic terrorism is a real threat. >> yeah. >> i think january 6th was enough for them to open their eyes and say wow, we better get serious here. it is not for them but for the other innocence that were there that day. law enforcement and their constituents. if they are dead, they could not do their job. i know yesterday i made some of them uncomfortable. i hate to be real about it. >> ron johnson down played it and he said he was not feared for his life. what did you have to say to him? >> i said to him that he got lucky. >> he got lucky. it could have been different that day.
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i said to a lot of them, have those two pipe bombs -- had those two pipe bombs detonated. that would have been a different story. who knows what would have happened. those who want to run with the narrative that, well, it was a tourist day or i didn't feel threatened, yeah, i mean they got lucky. that's the truth of it. >> this is your first intense submerge in this world. what do uh-uh think of the good and the bad? >> i said this morning, i cannot believe that i have a child that's going to be in the history book for the wrong reasons, he was such a good person and so good at his job.
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he was texting his buddies to see if they were okay on that day while he was fighting before -- four plus hours without any help. >> you were introduced to some of brian's colleagues and police officers yesterday. friends of his. tell us about that. >> they're just wonderful people. it is a family. they consider themselves family and they have each other's backs. they were devastated. all the other people saying it was no big deal. they went home that night to have dinner with their families, did they watch television and to see what happens and they didn't feel anything? it is amazing to me. the cops that were hurt. there were a whole bunch of them
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that were hurt. >> forever. >> i don't think some of them realize that -- >> brian didn't get to go home. >> no. he didn't. to know his last moment on earth is dealing with that day. the sliver of video footage that was released theo the public on show a small part of the story. officer edwards, she was standing next to him. prior to that incident that was caught on camera. she was assaulted brutally and was slammed into the ground into the concrete and suffered add severe concussion but went back out again as did brian. he had been in another area of the capitol grounds and had been
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fightinging vigorously. these are things that the officers had been through. some of them have been really seriously hurt. >> i know brian was sprayed with chemical spray and he collapsed after returning to his office. what was your understanding of how he died and what the cause of death was? >> i would say this. i accept the medical examiner's report, conclusion of his death and i understand it just as everyone else does. i don't want to get into the details. >> no. we don't have to. >> i accept the science and what they have said until something else comes out, i can only go by what i know right now. that could change.
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i don't know. but, i will say that stress does a terrible thing to the body. who knows what would have happened had he not encountered what he did that day. >> yeah, i am sure you feel the same way. >> if that had not happen, you still think he would have been alive. >> absolutely. >> he's very, very healthy. he was on the bicycle division. >> you can see more of jake's interview on disturbing details, 12 guns and 22,000 rounds of ammunition found in the home of the san jose shooter. new developments of rudy giuliani, prosecutors get the okay for a special master to review what was seized during
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dozens of guns at the home of the man who killed nine of his co-workers in a san jose rail yard. the gunman was a disgruntle employee for many years who appears to be targeting his victims. josh campbell is live for us in san jose tonight, what else are you learning? >> reporter: this disturbing news that we have learned of this arsenal the suspect had at home. as authorities went through his property, they found a dozen firearms and 22,000 rounds of ammunition as well as cocktails and arsenal there. we are learning from authorities why a fire broke out at his house around the same time of the shooting. authorities saying that what he did was on the stove, he had ammunition surrounded by some
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kind of accelerant. there are a number of theory of what the purpose that was, trying to draw law enforcement to that location if you had a bellowing smoke and flames and am ammunition, perhaps bringing them away from the area. disturbing news there. of course, this community demands answer. in 2016, the suspect had that encounter with custom officials. the district attorney telling "u. "usa today" they would have liked information. i will show you images we saw a short time ago. federal agents lined up walking through the scene methodically looking for evidence, we are told that the fib had over 150 people here and the atf is on
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the scene and officers trying to s scour the scene and why it happened. >> josh, thank you. "outfront" with me is the congressman who represent the area where the shooting took place. the pictures that had been coming, more than 20,000 rounds of ammunition. a dozen guns and more found at this guy's house. what do you say to that? kate, the people i have talked to in the community, there is anger. this was senseless and what people want to know how did this person have so many guns and why he was not arrested when there is issues of customs where he talked about his hatred and his plans to do violence. why was there not action taken
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when accusations of domestic violence. there are a lot of unanswered questions. people are angry and they outrage and when i was at the family center and you see grieving families and the lost of life, it is out ranrageousou. >> you mentioned what happens when customs stopped him in 2016, his traveling back in the philippines. they found a book on terrorism and fear and manifesto and a notebook filled with notes of hatred towards his workplace. as josh campbell was reporting and you noted that it did not go any further than that. the da josh says would have liked to have known that. i would never want to say after something as horrible as this to talk about if it could have been prevented. it does not concern you when you have warning signs like that.
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that are not conveyed to police. >> this is not pointing a finger of blame. it is just saying that we have to have better system of communications. look, i know and i respect that we have a strong first amendment of this. under the first amendment does not protect speech, it is inciting violence. i think we have to think in this country if you have a case like that where someone is engaging in that kind of hate and threat of terrorism that there ought to be consequences and you can't let them go free and hope for the best. >> nine families harmed, shattered. nine people dead. the brother of one of the victims, he was 36-years-old. there is his picture right there. his brother told cnn that his brother died trying to protect others there that day.
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listen to what he said. >> as i am told by his co-workers, he was telling them to go hide and died fighting. he was a fighter. that's comforting to know. that's what he was doing, his last moemment of his life. he helped saving some lives so those families can be in peace. >> congressman, your reaction to hear that? >> he's a hero. he's really a hero. >> as an indian american, i am so proud of his whole family of the devotion he's shown and it is just so tragic. we talk about these things and we go on with our lives but those families are never going to be the same. the bta family, those people who come everyday to have public
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transport work, they're never going to be the same. >> you don't know what to say and it is so infuriating that we can't get our act together in congress to pass some laws to prevent these kinds of mass shootings. >> congressman, thank you for coming on. outfront for us, federal prosecutors investigating whether ukraine officials whether they used rudy giuliani to meddle in the election. and nearly half the million in the u.s. is vaccinated. >> please, we are not just celebrating life, we are getting our lives back. and nutrients to support immune health. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional
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the new york times says that rudy giuliani is not the subject of this investigation. what does this new probe mean for rudy giuliani? >> the good news for rudy is he's not the subject in the eastern district of new york. meaning those prosecutors don't believe he was involved in crimi criminality. ukraine internationals interfere with the election and they did it with rudy giuliani. if rudy knew it was happening then he's part of this crime and he would be a target. if he did not know and sort of unwitting puppet. that status could change based on one piece of evidence. there is a separate investigation. any evidence that could be used against rudy in the eastern
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dr district. that could hurt him in the other case case. >> it was one month ago his office was raided. rudy giuliani has been protesting this and not surprisingly saying that violates attorney/client privilege. the judge is saying that's no go and is now going to be put in place an independent official known as a special master. that person is going to be assigned to review of these materials to determine what could be used and what is privilege. is this good or bad news for rudy giuliani? >>. >> this is good news for rudy giuliani. he's not super grateful about it but realistically this is the most fairway that could be done. rudy giuliani suggested to the court, why don't you let me do the review, i will go through my document and i will decide what's privilege.
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instead what the judges done is agreeing with prosecutors, they'll appoint independent person who'll review each piece of evidence. if it is privileged, property accusers would not get it. rudy giuliani will have a chance to weigh in on. he can't complain about his rights being violated. >> this the special master's job is to silo out, what does this step mean for trump? >> yeah, so there is two different types of communications here. if there are normal, attorney/client communications between rudy giuliani and donald trump giving him legitimate advise. that'll be privileged and prosecutors will not get it. if they are furthering a crime or disgiscussing an ongoing sch related to the 2020 election and
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ukraine, that'll go to prosecutors. that's the concern as donald trump would see it. >> thank you, elie. >> thank you, kate. millions traveling this memorial day as more states are lifting covid restrictions. some are worried of the impact of big crowds this weekend. more governors ending the boost in federal employment aid in order to get more americans back to work. is that is the answer? >> first of all, i am not lazy. i am a full-time single mother. ♪if a man see me (oh my gosh)♪ ♪i guess you never know what you got 'til it's♪ ♪flow (oh my gosh)♪ ♪where man go (oh my gosh)♪ ♪if a man see me (oh my gosh)♪ ♪i guess you never know what you got 'til it's♪ ♪eh uh, eh♪
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flying yesterday. "outfront" now is dr. rhiner, we looked back a year ago you were on the show urging people to stay vigilant and wear a mask and saying we are not close to containment. one year later, how much different does memorial day feel? >> oh, it is 180 degrees. last year at this time we were talking about hydroxychloroquine. a blast from the past. and now our cases are exp exponentially declining.
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last year at this time, my young's daughter graduation was cancelled. we are in a much better place. >> that's fantastic. i had no idea. oh, congratulations. that's the best sign of all. that's wonderful dr. rhiner. i did speak to the mayor of miami beach earlier. things are looking good, he's still worried and mostly because of the crowds that are expected in miami beach that are coming. he said quite honestly too many people are coming and the virus is still here. what's your message to folks, many traveling this week who are not vaccinated? >> so, to people who are traveling and people who have been fully vaccinated, have a great time. say something nice to a flight attendant because they work in really dangerous circumstances throughout the pandemic. be kind to the flight attendants. for folks who have not been
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vaccinated, you can still get this virus and die. we still have about 500 deaths per day, every single of those deaths is somebody not vaccinated. get vaccinated in addition to the lottery in this state. get it because you have something to live for. if you go down to florida or some where to party over the still get sick and you can still die from this. nobody wants to be the last person to die from the coronavirus. >> absolutely not. you know, there is new data published today from the kaiser family foundation and it finds that most adults who want to be vaccinated have already started that process, which is wonderful. they do write, though, notably vaccine hesitancy seemed to stall among republicans, people that identify as republicans with 27% saying they will definitely not be getting vaccinated. which then i have to say makes the false information and lies
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coming from folks who speak really loudly like marjorie taylor greene all the more hurtful. she tweeted today something that doesn't matter that she's talking about cnn. it really does not. she said can someone inform cnn covid vaccines are not approved by the fda. in other words, she writes still experimental. what do you say to that, doctor? >> i say that she's basically a font of misinformation. she does not know what she's talking about, and, you know, ordinarily i would ignore somebody like her, but what she's basically doing is she's telling people who are already vaccine hesitant that the vaccines are experimental. they are not experimental. they have been well studied in record time very well studied, and now we have the additional experience of having administered shots to almost 300 million people.
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we know in realtime, in real world experience these vaccines are safe. she does great damage. she's just not, you know, misinformed, she's dangerous. >> dr. ryaner, thank you for being here and have a wonderful time this weekend. >> thanks so much, kate. "outfront" next some republican governors cutting jobless benefits to increase hiring, but is it really that easy?
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with local workers as diverse as san francisco. we built the city's recycling system from the ground up, helping to make san francisco the greenest big city in america but we couldn't do it without you. thank you, san francisco. gracias, san francisco. -thank you. -[ speaks native language ] let's keep making a differene together. tonight, president biden unveiling his $6 trillion budget plan with much of the spending focused on boosting the e ccono. the proposal comes as two dozen republican states are ending the extra $300 in unemployment benefits, a key feature of biden's recovery plan. it is keeping americans from going back to work, but is it
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that simple? kyung law is "outfront". >> reporter: with just days to go until montana summer tourist season kicks off, the skeleton crew at this hotel is already exhausted. >> we'll probably leave the rooms for tomorrow. >> reporter: working extra hours because of staff shortages. >> trying to do 26 rooms in a day. >> reporter: joshua dempsey believes people don't want to return to work because wages for jobs like this don't equal what pandemic unemployment pays. >> i make $800 every two weeks. and like my friend gets like $800 a week, so like she doesn't want to work when she's making what i make in two weeks in a week. >> reporter: not working at all? >> not working at all. >> reporter: signs of a low wage worker shortage are up across montana. more jobs than employees, especially low wage positions. they are offering signing bonuses and $15 an hour starting pay, nearly twice the state's minimum wage. >> unemployment benefits should be a safety net, not a career
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choice. >> reporter: this month republican governor announced montana will opt out of all federal pandemic unemployment benefit programs including an extra $300 per week supplement. >> we'll incent work, not staying home. >> reporter: instead, montanaens will receive a $1200 bonus if they get a job and keep it for two weeks. >> a huge relief for me. >> reporter: at least switch jobs are vacant at this motel. >> i anticipate and really hope that will mean more people will be applying. >> reporter: montana is not the only state. most republican governors in the country have patrolromised to eliminate at least one pandemic program but not all are able to return to the work force. >> first of all, i'm not lazy. i'm a fultd l-time single mothe >> reporter: lacey never planned to be home full-time. >> i was working in the mornings
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when she was at school and when covid hit, it changed everything. >> reporter: her daughter giuliana has sensory issues and can't wear a mask so the former hospitality worker has been collecting unemployment to be here, home schooling since the pandemic began. pandemic unemployment benefits have allowed mother and daughter to stay in their home. >> i'm going to be really scared, i already am. i don't sleep at night. i have to figure it out like everybody else has to figure it out. >> this is being portrayed as a worker shortage. what it really is a wage shortage. >> reporter: blaming the workers says a montana cfo says it's forcing millions into unemployment. nationwide the minimum wage lagged behind as the cost of living increased especially in states like montana. dempsey says he doesn't even earn enough to rent a studio apartment. where are you living? >> a hotel now.
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>> reporter: he fears that will be her future. kyung law, cnn, montana. >> thanks, kyung. if you're looking for a new book, check out jake tapper's new novel "the devil bay dance." i'm kate bolduan. "ac 360" starts now. good evening. we begin tonight with what happened when courage is called for but cowardous answers. in the chamber over run by a violent mob, senate republicans blocked the creation of a bipartisan commission to investigate that attack. the bill actually got far more yes than no votes. 54 versus 35. but under the rules of the senate, 35 trumps 54 and 60 votes are needed for most bills to pass, which means minority party can block nearly anything even a bill like this one to investigate the attack that sent many of the same senators who voted no today int
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