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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 31, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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hiatus for much of the summer. baseball won't have to go through a contracted season this year, either. and vaccinations have meant even as some players and staff test positive, the league doesn't need to shut down. america is opening, again. and on this memorial day, it is a beautiful thing to see. the news continues with cnn "newsroom." a restrictive voting bill defeated in texas. but the state's governor is vowing not to give up and is threatening lawmakers pain. manhunt in miami, after another, mass shooting. the city's police chief predicting a bloody summer, unless something is done about gun violence. and the world number two out at the french open not from her performance on the clay but out of her own concerns about her mental health. hello, everyone. welcome to cnn "newsroom." i'm michael holmes.
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the battle over voting rights in texas escalating, with both republicans and democrats vowing not to back down. at issue, is a bill with some of the most restrictive limits on voting access, in the u.s. democrats blocked the measure, with a dramatic walkout from the texas house, late on sunday. >> am i seeing that we don't have a quorum? and essentially, it looks, to me, like the democrats left the house floor. >> republicans did not have enough lawmakers left to vote. n now, texas is part of a national trend of republican-led states trying to pass these restrictive-voting laws. and it's, all, based on former-president donald trump's lies about 2020-election fraud. of course, there is no evidence
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of widespread-voter fraud. republican governor greg abbott, suggesting he would withhold pay from lawmakers, who, quote, abandon their responsibilities. texas democrats say they are not giving up. >> senate bill 7 was -- was the worst of the worst. and so, we were determined to kill this bill, in any way we could. some republican leader in this country is going to have to say, you know what? enough is enough. this is nonsense. this is based on a lie. maybe, governor abbott will -- will reach that realization here in texas but if he doesn't and he calls a special session to pass voter suppression legislation, we are going to fight him every step of the way. we are going to fight republicans, every step of the way. cnn senior political analyst, ron brownstein, is in los angeles, for us. good to see you, ron. joe biden spoke, on memorial day, about how, quote, democracy, itself, is in peril. here at home and around the world. but how worried are activists
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and voting-rights groups not just about the laws but about what some feel is a lack of urgency among the democrat leadership to, i don't know, get their hands dirty and fight? >> yeah, look. i think the civil rights groups, people who study democracy at home and around the world are very worried about what is happening. and at the gap between the magnitude of the threat, and the intensity of the response from the white house and congressional democrats. i mean, this texas bill, michael, as -- as the -- the -- the package suggested, is really a gauntlet thrown down, directly, in front of congressional democrats. because it is as precisely targeted, as any of the voter-suppression bills that we've seen at democratic constituencies. particularly, harris county, the fourth-largest county in the country, where houston is. 300,000 more people voted in harris county in 2020, than in 2016. you would think that would be a cause for celebration. but instead, the republican legislature has directly and
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specifically banned many of the innovations, 24-hour voting, drive-thru voting, that the county used to expand turnout in this last election. and so, i mean, what texas democrats are saying is we have done all we can to try to prevent this. literally, they were saying today, now, it is in your hands, congress, and the white house, and i think that is an accurate assessment with the situation. >> speaking of congress, the voting rights act, h.r.1, is before congress. where is it headed, though, with the filibuster in place? i mean, it could be doomed. and -- and democrats, like joe manchin, are not inclined to tackle the filibuster. or -- or it seems, voting rights, themselves, in some ways. >> right. important to understand all of this was set in motion, in 2013, when on a party line, 5-4 decision in the supreme court, the five republican-appointed justices in a decision written by john roberts, eviscerated the voting rights act. which basically gave the green light to the states, to pursue this kind of voter suppression.
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and the situation democrats are in, now, is as these laws proliferate across the red states. they don't have the votes to win these fights, ultimately, in the state legislatures. and with roberts being the one who sounded the starting bell for this. it is highly unlikely that, in the end, the courts are seriously going to constrain what republican states are doing to make it tougher to vote. so, the one lever they have is control of the congress and white house, which would allow them to set a national floor of voting rights. the house has passed such legislation, to do that. to guarantee all americans access to early voting and absentee voting and same-day and automatic registration. but the bill is stuck in the senate. 49 senate democrats have endorsed it. joe manchin has not. joe manchin is saying that changes in voting law, at the federal level, should only happen on a bipartisan basis. which means, in practice, he is giving a veto to senate republicans over whether washington should try to respond to this -- these votes, that are occurring in red states, on a
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party-line basis, in state after state. to tilt the playing field toward republicans. there is a lot of anxiety about whether there's a pathway to convince him to change his mind. and i think there is a lot of concern among the groups that biden is so focused on making progress on his big-economic agenda, that the voting-rights concerns are slipping on his priority list. >> such an important issue. i mean, in many ways, the -- the moves by these republican legislatures are so transparent. and the aims, you know, so obvious. it begs the question, that -- that these laws, with their incredible impacts, are passing. and while there is criticism, is there a climate of public outrage? i mean, what are people on the street saying, though, to this? >> no, i mean, look. there are a lot of fingers being pointed at the white house and the democratic-congressional leaders. but it's also true that the other side of the equation hasn't been there, in terms of the activist groups biuilding kind of a mass movement. the voting rights act was passed
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in 1965. it is true that lyndon johnson made an enormous effort, and he said, at the time, my stack is all in. as if he was at the poker table. but the opposite, you know, is happening from the outside in, also. it was the march, you know, in selma that really created the climate that made the voting-rights legislation unstoppable in 1965. and i think there is anxiety that, whether any institution in the u.s., is really, fully grappling with -- with the magnitude of what's happening. we don't have a language in american politics for what we are seeing occur. we have not seen a party, that is systematically showing a willingness to depart from the underlying tenets of democracy, if that's what it takes to keep power. and in many ways, a big chunk of the republican coalition and its elected officials are behaving more like a party in poland or turkey or hungary. where you use the -- you -- you acquire state power, and then you change the rules to try to prevent the other side from ever winning, again.
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and i think there is concern that we just -- we don't, fully, have an understanding in american politics of how to deal with the threat that is so different than what we have faced, really, almost any time in our history. >> yeah. important issue, that's for sure. ron brownstein, in l.a., thanks so much, ron. good to see you. >> thanks, michael. now, police in south florida might be closer to cracking a murder case, after this weekend's brazen shooting outside a miami-area banquet hall. two people were killed. at least 20, hurt. have a look at this video here. these gunmen opening fire on a crowd, gathered for a concert. that video shows the three attackers jumping out of a white nissan pathfinder. and now, officials say, they do have that vehicle. it was found dumped in a canal after being reported stolen may 15th. but the case isn't isolated. violent crime is surging around the country. and in miami-dade county, there have been at least 41 homicides, this year.
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matching the total for all of 2020. and miami police are, already, reporting at least one more possible shooting on the memorial day. the city's new police chief wants tougher-gun laws. he says, it's not just criminals who need to be held accountable. >> unless the american people speak out, it's going to be a long, hot, bloody summer, and we can thank a lot of elected officials for that. >> matthew lippman is the executive director of 97% gun reform. he joins me, now, from los angeles. good to see you, matthew. i mean, there -- there has been this surge of gun purchases in the u.s., which was already awash in guns. and almost routine, but horrific, shootings and deaths. 239 mass shootings, so far, in 2021. the miami police chief predicted a long, hot summer, of bloodiness, given the rate of gun violence. do you think he's right? >> well, michael, this year has been terrible, so far.
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and last year, was the worst year on record. so every year, it seems to get worse. now, as people are gathering, again, in public places, we're going to see more of these mass shootings. it's inevitable. you know, you were saying there -- there are all this big rise in gun sales. there are about 400 million guns awash in the united states. right? people have about 40% of the united states owns a gun. so, it's mostly it's not everyone has a gun but some people have several guns. and people seem to be using these guns, as a way to communicate in a way that's killing people. >> yeah. interesting way of putting it. yeah. no. i -- i was reading, too, that, you know, research data shows about a fifth of all americans who bought guns last year were first-time gun owners. and also, there was one week in spring, where at least 1.2 million background checks were carried out. 1.2 million, in a week. that was a record. why -- why do you think this surge? >> so, the surge has been going on for a while. this has been about a year and a
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half. it even actually started before covid. we were seeing a big rise in gun sales. and now, what we're seeing is a lot of first-time gun buyers are black people or latinos. they're leading this surge in gun purchasing. and, michael, it's -- it's -- it's crazy to say it but it's like an arms race, amongst people. it's like, you know, how we used to have the united states and russia building new-nuclear weapons. now, it's bob and michael getting new guns. and people are doing it, because they feel the united states is a very individualistic society. and people feel a need that -- to protect themselves. so, you know, 99.9% of the people, michael, very good gun owners. very few people make a big difference when they're not. >> it certainly does. only need a few bad people if they are incredibly well armed. i mean, you touched on this and it's worth revisiting. there are 393 million civilian-owned guns in the u.s. that's according to the small-arms survey, a reputable
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one. that's one for every man, woman, and child, with 67 million left over. people watching around the world, often, ask what is it with americans and guns? not just the guns, per se, but the types and the power of the weapons. and as you pointed out, the numbers that some people own. why is it? >> well, we do have this very individualistic society. and america has the second amendment, which is the right to own a gun. so people have been owning guns in the united states for a long time. now, many of those guns are extremely deadly. but really, michael, a significant issue here is there are 42,500 deaths with a gun in 2020. 23,000 of those are suicides. so, that -- very often, people using a handgun to kill themselves. and if you are going to use -- try to kill yourself with a handgun, you're going to succeed. if you tried any other way to kill yourself, you're probably not. so, we talk a lot, michael, about all these big-mass shootings. with different types of guns. but really, suicides make up the
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vast majority of gun deaths in the united states. >> that -- that -- that's a really good point. i -- one thing, too, i wanted to ask you. the vast majority of americans. i mean, the vast majority, including gun owners and republicans, want at least some change in -- in the laws. like, universal-background checks. with support like that, you would think politicians would carry out the wishes of their constituents. but that is not the case. why, the lack of political will to act on things everybody seems to want? >> thank you for the chance to promote our organization, which is called 97% because that's the number, in the u.s., that favored background checks, michael. if you had a survey of people who like pizza, it would be less than 97%. there is nothing that gets 97% of the public behind it. yet, as you're saying, we don't have a universal-background checks. it's crazy. and the reason why is because you have small states, that have just as equal a say as big states. in the senate. so, for example, if a senator
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from alabama decides that he doesn't want sllegislation on guns, she has just as much of a say as a senator from new york or massachusetts, which are much more populated. it's not based on population, in terms of the vote when it comes to legislation. so while, almost everybody wants something. unless you get the people from those, specific states, you're not getting it. and that's where we are today. there is something called red-flag laws. that, also, is over 80% popularity. universal-background checks are favored by gun owners, by huge majorities. it's ridiculous. it's a very basic thing. it's ridiculous that we don't have it. >> yeah. meanwhile, the country almost becomes numb to mass shooting, after mass shooting. it's extraordinary. got to leave it there. matthew lippman, always good to see you. thanks so much. >> thank you. and still to come on cnn "newsroom." a stunning withdrawal by the world-number two tennis player. why she is taking time away from the court. that's when we come back.
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fined $15,000 for skipping a news conference after her first match. osaka said last week, she wouldn't participate in media events, citing mental-health concerns. in a statement, on twitter, she says in part, that the move is the best thing for the tournament, the other players, and her own wellbeing. joining me, now, from cnn world sport is patrick snell. patrick, good to see you. let's start with, you know, how naomi's life has transformed, since winning her first major. and how it's changed what's expected of her. >> yeah, michael. you are spot on. there is no question. you know, that victory over serena williams in 2018 at the u.s. open, utterly, life changing. beating a childhood idol. first of to date, four slam titles. life hasn't been the same since then. let's not beat around the bush. everyone wants a piece of her, rightly or wrongly. almost like she no longer has right to privacy.
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remember, overshadowed by the williams row with the umpire there. naomi does admit she is naturally a quiet, reserved person. we have seen that huge change in her, haven't we, in recent months. and the really impressive and courageous stance she's taken in the fight against social injustice over here, in the united states. remember, when she went all the way and won the u.s. open in new york city, again, last year. she wore a face mask in memory and in tribute to the seven victims there. so, that really has seen the transformation. and she's had to adapt to that. but this a situation, she's made a big, bold statement of intent here by withdrawing from the french open in paris. >> i am curious, how are other athletes in tennis and other sports for that matter reacting to what's gone on? >> i think this does speak volumes, as well. there is no question about that. we have had reaction from the world of tennis and beyond.
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ho look we have nba superstar steph curry. but so impressive, when the powers that be don't protect their own. major respect. i truly hope she will be okay. as athletes, we are taught to take care of our body. and perhaps, the mental and emotional aspect. and then, we got this. this is interesting. from the 23-time grand-slam champion, serena williams. take a listen. >> only thing i feel is that i feel for naomi. i feel like i wish i could give her a hug because i know what it's like. like i said, i have been in those positions. we have different personalities, and people are different. not everyone is the same. i'm thick. you know? other people are thin. so, everyone is different, and everyone handles things differently. so, you know, you just have to let her handle it, the way she wants to.
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and the best way that she thinks she can. and that's the only thing i can say. i think she's doing the best that she can. >> serena williams there, michael. and of course, it remains to be seen, what happens next? what will the impact be of naomi osaka taking a stance? using her platform to great effect. will change follow? we shall see. we are following it very closely, mic. >> yep, i know, you are. patrick snell, thanks so much. christine brennen is the cnn sports analyst and sports columnist for "usa today." she joins me now, from washington. good to see you, christine. but, you know, it is -- it is very sad to read about naomi osaka's, you know, her revealing this pressure, the depression. see her pull out of a tournament like this. speak to the level of pressure athletes are under to perform and -- and -- and, you know, in the osaka situation, how does press scrutiny compound that? >> certainly, attention of any kind, on -- on one's play, especially if it might not be your best day, can be difficult.
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we are talking about young act athletes. naomi osaka is only 23. she's won four grand slam championships, as you know. two australian opens, two u.s. opens. but -- but she's still young and as she has told us with the statement that came out a few hours ago. you know, dealing with bouts of depression since she won that first major, the u.s. open in 2018, which was the one with the serena williams meltdown with the umpire. so much emotion. so volatile. such a controversial-first victory for her. she talks about how she wears headphones to just block everything out. the anxiety that she feels. and, you know, let's face it. there -- these young athletes are -- are scrutinized. they are scrutinized often from teenage years onward. there is a lot of pressure. there is a lot of money to be made. it looks like a beautiful, wonderful life. it looks like the life of your dreams. and for some, it is. and for many, it is. but it also comes with pressure
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and attention and can be bout of depression, and difficult ups and downs. >> it was very poignant, when she wrote, she said i have often felt that people have no regard for athletes' mental health. and this rings very true, whenever i see a press conference or partake in one. you know, it really -- it makes me sad to -- to read that. i mean, do you think that the international tennis federation, as an organization, needs to do more for players when it comes to things like mental health, depression, and so on? >> i do. i do. i think this is going to open people's eyes to a conversation that we should be having. and if it, also, helps others, because naomi osaka is such a role model to thousands. probably, millions, at this point. if it helps a young person or two or ten or a hundred or a thousand, as they start to deal with and grapple with some of these issues. then, oh, what a -- what a wonderful gift naomi osaka will have given even as she's
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struggling and dealing with these issues, herself. we have no idea the extent, the depth of the issues that she is dealing with. and the troubles that she has. but if it helps others, my goodness, as i said, what a gift. as a role model. and, you know, journalism. obviously, i have been in those press conferences. i've asked tough questions of athletes. i think most of us have asked. tried to be very heartfelt. and i think this will have us, all, thinking about that. and aware of that. we are still journalists. we need to do our job and the athletes, by and large, of course, want us to be there. and naomi osaka said that. she said there are so many cool journalists, women's tennis is known for having a great relationship with journalists and let's hope that continues. >> yeah. i did want to get this in, in a broader sense. i mean, we've seen, also, nba players spit on, water bottles thrown. i mean, one player made the point that he felt athletes are just seen as performers, commodities, rather than, you know, individuals with the same issues and feelings as everyone else. i mean, kyrie irving in the nba,
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he said some fans treat players like they're a human zoo. i mean, does he have a point? >> yeah. we have seen some of the unrest and the trouble in the stands. even over the last few days, in the nba. it is -- it is -- it is troubling. it's -- it's very concerning. and i think, what has happened is we, these athletes are on such a pedestal. they almost feel untouchable and unreachable and we forget they are human beings. and also, the idea that we know them, right? there's someone screaming in the stands. and -- and it's as if they know this person down on the -- on the field. on the pitch. on the court. wherever it might be. well, they don't know them. i -- i cover them and i know them, probably, better. some of them, better than most people would. and i don't know them. couple percentage points of their entire life. you know, maybe 5% of their life. and so, we don't know what they're going through. we don't know how hard it is. and athletes now are starting to speak out. and -- and make this clear.
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and so, yes, i think it's incumbent on fans. it's certainly incumbent on the media and it's incumbent on the players, themselves, to have a conversation. and naomi osaka is, of course, leading us to that conversation. >> exactly. i -- in a way, as you said, hopefully, she's -- she's brought this out into the open and the conversation can be had. wish we had more time. christine brennen, thanks so much. great to see you. >> michael, you as well. thank you. covid cases may be relatively low, in the uk, right now. but one expert warns that could change. we will have the latest on the virus, when we come back. also, how americans are honoring those who served, and those who gave all for their country. that's, when we come back. ed with a key. then a button. now... ♪ ♪ see? it's on. before, the rain would bring me down. how ya like me now, rain?
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and welcome back to our viewers, all around the world. i'm michael holmes. you're watching cnn "newsroom." large numbers of americans have been hitting the beaches, and ballparks, and having backyard barbecues. while enjoying the long-holiday weekend. but this memorial day was a poignant day, for many. people from coast to coast remembering those who died in service of their country. the u.s. president, honoring them, during remarks at arlington national cemetery. >> on this memorial day, we honor their legacy and their sacrifice, duty, honor, country. they lived for it.
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they died for it. and we, as a nation, are eternally grateful. >> and what a difference, a year and vaccinations make. airlines are poised for record-breaking holiday travel. monday was expected to be the busiest day in america's airports since the start of the pandemic. americans, also, returning to movie theaters. films, like a quiet place part 2 # helped kick off the summer-movie season. overall, box-office sales could hit $100 million for the first time in more than a year. alexandra field picks up the story. >> reporter: the comeback is big. >> we are ready to rock and roll starting today. >> reporter: americans, from coast to coast, are taking full advantage of the first-nearly-normal holiday we have had in more than a year. >> you never thought that the shutdown was going to last that long. >> reporter: after so much time spent at home, aaa says 37
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million people are expected to travel, this weekend. airports are clocking pandemic era record numbers. 1.96 million passengers were screened at airports friday according to the tsa. >> travel is back. half the people in america want to take a summer vacation, domestically. another quarter will want to take an international trip. >> reporter: miami beach deployed extra police in anticipation of unprecedented crowds. california's beaches are, also, open this-holiday weekend. >> it feels very, very close to normal. and it's nice to see people really, all, in a good mood. >> reporter: tonight's the night new yorkers have waited for. curfew lifts on indoor restaurants and bars. the party is already on outside of new orleans where 50,000 people turned out for this weekend's delayed mardi gras style parade. >> it feels amazing. like, to be out here with family and friends. it's just amazing. >> reporter: and it's because of
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vaccines. more than 40% of americans are now fully vaccinated. as of this holiday weekend, more than 60% of adults, nationwide, have already received one dose of the shot. bringing us closer to president joe biden's goal, to get that number up to 70% in time for the next-holiday weekend. july 4th. and when it comes to children, who have already been vaccinated, this summer promises to be better than the last. new-cdc guidance says vaccinated campers don't need to physically distance, or wear a mask. and in this country over the next few weeks, you will see a major push to try to meet the president's july-4th goal. the strategy, now, centers on trying to conquer vaccine hesitancy, where it exists. and trying to make shots more convenient for people. to that end, new york city deploying mobile-vaccine units to crowded-summer hot spots, this holiday weekend. like, right here, in central park and to the city's beaches. in new york, alexandra field, cnn.
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next, on cnn "newsroom." international athletes have begun to arrive in japan for the tokyo games. but with a country battling a fo fourth covid wave, there are a lot of questions about whether japan is ready to play host. we will have that and more, when we come back.
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to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go.
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52 days, and counting, until the start of the tokyo olympic games. and with nine japanese prefectures, including tokyo, still under a state of emergency for the next-three weeks. the pressure's mounting on japan to get its covid outbreak under control. olympians, meanwhile, have already begun to make their way to japan for the upcoming games. the australian women's softball team, the aussie spirit, they are called, flew into narita just a few hours ago. they are among the first international athletes for travel to the games, since the pandemic forced its delay. cnn's blake essig is in tokyo, covering the countdown to the
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olympics for us. i guess, for -- for weeks, now, we have heard endless criticism and calls for the games to be cancelled. i guess, the rival of those aussies, the softball team, sends a message of it's on. >> yeah, michael. it's great news for all those hoping that these games do actually take place, this summer. other than the south sudanese track and field team who have been here since before the pandemic began. the softballers from australia are the first team to arrive, further sending the message that these games will go ahead, just as the ioc and japanese government have been saying for months. now, while the -- the team from australia has been fully vaccinated. starting today, the vaccine rollout for japanese athletes taking part in the olympics is now under way. currently, more than 2.5% of japan's population is fully vaccinated and only medical workers and people over the age of 65 are eligible. now, the decision to vaccinate athletes ahead of people who might be considered higher risk isn't sitting well with some
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medical professionals and infectious-disease specialists that i recently spoke to. told wme holding the olympics i like holding a festival in the middle of a disaster. they should be given to save lives. now, regarding vaccines, the ioc says 80% of the people inside the olympic village will be vaccinated but that doesn't include the roughly 78,000 foreign delegates expected to travel to japan for the games. and no word on where they will stay, or whether or not they'll be vaccinated. in march, pfizer did announce that they would be donating covid-19 doses to olympic participants. but so far, only about 20 out of more than 200 countries or territories are expected to participate in that program. these are places where the vaccine is, already, approved for use. for others, pfizer says they are currently working to establish a central location where delegations can go to get vaccinated. and that really all kind of plays into that 80% number. we keep hearing from the ioc, as far as the vaccination rate inside the olympic village. so the reality is, michael, time
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is running out. there are only-52 days to go, before these games are set to begin. and that takes five weeks, after the first dose of the pfizer vaccine, before you're considered fully vaccinated. so it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. >> yeah. absolutely. yeah. time is marching on. blake, got to leave it there unfortunately. blake essig, live in tokyo for us. and thank you for watching. our international viewers, world sport is coming your way next. for those of you here in the u.s., i will be back with more news, after the break. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go.
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hang mike pence! hang mike pence! u.s. house democrats will meet in the coming day, and they could signal their next step in investigating the january-6th capitol insurrection. senate republicans have blocked a bipartisan probe. at least one democrat, calling on joe biden to appoint a presidential commission. a former-top adviser to donald trump, meanwhile, facing backlash for his comments at an event in texas, where he appeared to endorse a coup in the u.s. cnn's brian todd with the
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details. >> honestly, it's unbelievable, right? >> reporter: a man, once at the right hand of the president of the united states, with open access to the oval office. who advised the president on the most serious matters of national security. now, appears to say he thinks a coup, like the coup in myanmar, that killed hundreds, should happen in the united states. >> i want to know why what happened in myanmar can't happen here. no reason. i mean, it should happen. no reason. >> reporter: retired lieutenant general, michael flynn, who before he resigned was briefly president trump's national-security adviser. said that in response to a question during a conference in dallas, this past weekend. a conference, attended by several followers of the qanon-conspiracy theories. >> flynn's comments are stunning, remarkable. they are scary but in the world of qanon, a possible coup in the united states, inspired by what is happening in myanmar. that is something that qanon followers have been talking
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about, basically, since trump left office. >> reporter: an attorney, who has represented flynn, denies he was endorsing a military coup in the u.s. at the dallas conference, flynn repeated the false claim that has fueled qanon and other extremists, since the november election and through january 6th. >> trump won. he won. so, what happened? what happened? well, i will use a military term. we are outmaneuvered. >> in addition to believing the 2020 election was stolen from donald trump, many of the qanon movement's followers believe trump would be reinstated as president on march 4th of this year. misinterpreting a law passed in the 1870s, that gave washington, d.c. its first municipal government. believing that turned america into a giant corporation, not a country. that every-american president, since then, until trump, was fake. >> they essentially believe that ulysses s. grant was the last-american -- valid american president.
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>> monitors of extremist movements say michael flynn has become a hero to qanon followers, whose core beliefs are that the government, media, and financial sectors in the u.s., are controlled by a group of satan-worshipping pedophiles, who run a child sex-trafficking operation. they have preposterously claimed that hillary clinton was part of sex trafficking rings. that michelle obama is a man. and that a storm is coming to sweep the elites from power. >> what's going to happen? at some point, there's going to be a -- and that will include a lot of the lying media. >> reporter: analysts are now concerned about the possibility of someone taking the suggestion of a coup literally. >> ultimately, we are one unstable person away from another possible act of domestic terrorism. >> reporter: and again, a firm denial from michael flynn's camp. attorney sydney powell, who has represented flynn in the past, said that flynn had, in no way, encouraged any act of violence or any-military insurrection.
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but she did not explain why flynn answered that particular question, the way he did. brian todd, cnn, washington. france and germany say they are seeking full clarity on a report that the united states spied on several top-european politicians, from 2012 to 2014. with the help of danish intelligence. one of those politicians was allegedly the german chancellor, angela merkel. she discussed the report, monday, during a virtual conference with the french president emmanuel macron. he said, if true, the espionage is unacceptable between allies. new york city will elect a new mayor, this year. and the field of democratic candidates is incredibly diverse. whomever wins this month's primary has their work cut out for them, on issues including unemployment, and rising crime. cnn's athena jones looks into the combative race that is tightening in its final days. >> i will be the people's mayor.
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>> it's crunch time in new york city's mayoral race. >> my entire life has prepared me for the moment. >> i want to be able to make things better for all of us. >> reporter: the top eight candidates hitting the streets. vying for the democratic nomination, one handshake at a time. moment. winner of the primary is heavily favored to win in the fall. the next mayor will face overlapping challenges in a pandemic ravaged city, like high unemployment rate. over 11% in april, and rising crime. and it's the moderate contenders to the perceived front-runners in what "the new york times" calls the most consequential election. andrew yang benefits from name recognition after months on the stage as a 2020 presidential
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candidate. >> if we take the same bureaucracy, things will not change the way that new yorkers want and deserve. >> reporter: eric adams has hold office for years. >> the next mayor has to help people going through a lot. >> reporter: a former police officer who was beaten by the police as a team, he has focused his company on public safety and the economy. >> we have to get our businesses up and operating. new york used to be the empire state. >> thank you, everyone. >> reporter: katherine running massive sanitation department. >> we feel a lot of momentum. >> reporter: a garcia win would make history.
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>> if you were the first woman elected to bring to new york, what do you bring to the table? >> 50% of the population has never had an opportunity to sit in that chair. to bring our experience. >> reporter: on the left, a battle for the progressive vote shows no signs of consolidating. with former public schoolteacher diane morales, and scott stringer, a veteran of new york politics, ready to come out on top. >> someone with a progressive vision who has the skills to bring the city back from the challenge. >> reporter: shean donovan, from president obama's cabinet, and ray mcguire, round out a crowded field for the nation's largest city. for the first time, new york
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city will be using ranked choice voting where they are rank the top five candidate. it allows for an substantiate run off but it makes predicting the winner a challenge, and with three minutes to go, this is anyone's race to win. yet another incidence of vicious violence against asians in the u.s. a 55-year-old asian woman was attacked in china town monday evening. she was walking by outdoor dinersen with a suspect came up and punched her in the face. the woman taken to hospital. with attacks like that on the rise, some communities are coming up with creative ways to protect themselves and make visitors feel comfortable as
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well. >> reporter: it's one of the ld oes china towns in america. in the heart of oakland. but recent attacks have caused foot traffic to wane with more stores shutting down, and racist, verbal and physical assaults grew. >> this is on our country, where we grew up. >> reporter: so david wand, decided to do something. to protect members of his own communeky. becoming a part of a group used to restore a sense of safety. >> we want to make shoppers feel safe and we want to make business owners feel safe also. >> reporter: the all-volunteer foot patrol is across the neighborhood seven days a week. >> two-thirds of the walkers are
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ladies in their 60s and 70s. the average age is 65 to 68 years old. we try to show our presence to make sure that individuals that might be out there don't try 20 commit any crimes. >> reporter: data from 16 counties shows reports of anti-asian crimes up 164% from the same time last year. the surge can be greater because hate crimes are often under reported. and other cities see similar numbers. in oakland, there are patrols. >> there are people who say thank you for coming down. we couldn't be here without you. >> yeah, it's very good. and most of the clients say they
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kneel safer. >> business owners tell us in the month ft.s since february, they had a measurable impangt. >> we just call and they come out to help. so the customers feel more safe. so the business is coming back. >> reporter: they want to make it clear they are not replacement for police. if they see something ugly happen, they speed up the response team. we spoke to folks here who welcome the additional presence. >> thanks for watching, spending part of your day with me. you can follow me on instagram, and the news continues here after a quick break. belle back.
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to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go.
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man hunt in miami after another mass shooting in the u.s., and the city's police chief has an ominous warning. it will be a long, hot, bloody summer. >> there threatening lawmakers to pay, and the world number two is out at the french open. not from her performance on the clay but her mental health. >> i


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