tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN June 2, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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the leader of a centrist party will be foreign minister to the two exchange roles. the arrangement has to pass a vote in the parliament. that's tr for us. the news continues with chris cuomo for "prime time." >> i keep telling this to you, it's never mattered more. there's a game afoot. it is my job to expose it. your job to realize that the conspiracy contagion is only growing. there should be concern. there are too many of us in this country who have grown tired of paying attention to what's happening. i get it. you are making that choice at the worst time. we're all weary. we want to enjoy a summer. and get back to normal. post pandemic. i want nothing more than that as well. but i know that the pandemic is not the disease that is placing
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us most at risk. and we are our way of life -- we told you when trump was voted out zeseven months ago he was jt a symptom. the big lie wouldn't just disappear. divide and conquer will not just disappear because it works too well. and sure enough things are getting worse. today, lawmakers have two states held a meeting of conspiracy mind to swap notes on how to make the big stolen election lie true. these are elected officials i'm talking about. pennsylvania, republicans. flew across the country to observe a sham audit. a fraud it. of ballots in arizona largest
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county. to see if they can bring the chaos back home. yep, cyber ninja paper chase is under way. carried out by a group with no experience. funded by an organization that is run by an abject conspiracyist. and may only grow in influence. according to the arizona secretary of state office, observers are finding all kind of red flags in the fraud it. security gates left open. so what. confidential manuals. left unattended. quality control measures disregarded. this is all being done in effort to prove fraud. remember, the republicans led government in that state says there was no fraud. they certified the result. and many republicans in the state don't get why the senate is pushing the fraud it. they too fail to see what's happening in their own ranks.
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now pennsylvania conspiracy theorists they want to do it too. this is what got us to january 6th. the infamy of the terrorist insurrection on that day was a symptom of an ongoing effort to disrupt. and the fringe right that has over taken the gop only wants more. you are seeing more fringe and revenge types entering races on the right. and once they get in they are a wrecking ball. gop controlled states are actually changing laws to make it easier to over turn future elections. and to increase the chance that they like the election out comes and don't have to over turn, they are reducing the likelihood that people who vote against them can vote at all. 14 states. have enacted 22 new laws making
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it harder to vote since trump lost. the game is clear. by the stone face suggestion that race has nothing to do with the changes. >> i don't think any of the efforts at state level are designed to suppress the vote. based upon race. >> he had to think about it for a second. he knows it can be about nothing else. let's think about it. so these are fixes to out comes that state gop officials certified as not needing to be fixed. where is the proof of the problem in any form other than an empty suggestion? nowhere. mcconnell is playing the game.
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when trump was weak, what did he do? accused trump of inciting the mob that attacked the capitol. remember that? he's no longer president. as a citizen he can be held to account. that's what mcconnell said when he thought trump was done. when the base roared back, he asked the caucus to vote against investigating january 6th as a personal favor. he is just playing the game. it is one of power and position. and he is playing with poison. now, comes the fever to our ailing body politic. trump. fuelling fringe conspiracies that he will be reinstated in august as president. that's according to a "new york times" reporters account. essentially echoed by the trump exlawyer. sidney powell. >> it should be that he can simply be reinstated.
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a new inauguration date is set. >> two things. there is absolutely no provision for anything like that. and in fact the constitution process of certification is as layered as it is to make anything like this impossible. and she knows it. that's why the second thing to consider the source. powell argued in court that no reasonable person would believe what she says. that's how she was trying to get out of a defamation suit. she admits she's full of it. just playing the game. but the game works. and i'm trying to arm you with the facts of the reality so you can talk sense to those who are open to reason. we are living in a country where people would rather see others get sick including in their own families than take steps to protect themselves and those
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they care about. to make a political point. this is not media hype. i get your mistrust and the distrust. you are not always wrong. but this is a day by day reckoning of what will be a historic period of unrest in the country. i'm telling you. this is an open opportunity for things to get worse or better. washington will not fix this. this will not get better or worse because of them. this situation is going to find its level. based on people like you. what you decide about what this country is about. as a people. and if you needed another arrow in the quiver to convince people how asinine this big like talk is, guess who is taking credit for this august as the reinstatement conspiracy. my pillow mike lind el.
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also sued over election lies. he says if trump is saying august that's probably because he heard me say it. publicly. there you go. now look, trump will not be reinstatd. he can't get back on social immediate why. let alone in the white house. not that way. this is all about the surrealty of a dangerous game and it's working. it made people angry enough to storm the capitol and kill cops by the dozens. democrats cannot fix this. they are stuck in congress and not making as much as a majority adds hoped and time is ticking doin to what could be a monster of a midterm for them. the right is exuberant about the big lie. 50% of republicans believe the lies that they are being fed that trump won. could it be that a lot of people who are republicans don't
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identify that way? because they don't like the stink. maybe. we don't know that. we know over 50% of one-half of our political party system believes b.s. where are we headed? lets take it to the better minds. van jones and michael smer connish. am i missing something? >> i want you to think about something additionally. there's no love lost between mcconnell and trump. we can say the same thing relative to mccarthy and trump. because of the comments post january 6. in the case of mcconnell he by passed an opportunity a golden opportunity to do harm to former president trump. he could have gotten on board or gotten out of the way with regard to a january 6th commission. there's no way such a commission
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report could be anything other than devastating for trump. he didn't do that. why didn't he do that? the answer that most people say is he didn't want to report to come out on the cusp of the midterm election. i see it differently. to your point i think mcconnell recognized all you are discussing has gone too far. it's gone too far with the base and even if there were a january 6th commission with a devastating report about trump. he was watching a flat screen on the afternoon of january 6th while rome burned and refused to intercept. the base wouldn't buy it. >> van, looking at it from your side of the field, you can't stop this. what's happening right now. is that the reality? >> well, i think that unless there is a change of heart from
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joe manchen to revisit the filibuster. at least when democracy is on the line. when the sacred right to vote is attacked across the country. don't make is have to climb a 60 vote wall to put laws in place to protect the vote. if he dint change his mind, then we are looking down the barrel of a very desperate situation. we keep talking about this as the big lie. it's true, but it's worse than that. it's the big excuse to set up the big heist. in other words they don't -- people are smart enough to know that that election was probably more fair and square than they are acknowledging. what happened inside the republican party, republicans saved joe biden at the grass roots level. officials who called it right. we are not going to give this
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election to trump. republican judges and secretaries of state. republican election officials said we are going to follow the law. guess what? they are changing the law. and going to change as much as the officials. next time they will be in the position to out right steal the election. that is a danger. it's not a big lie. it's a excuse for a big heist. that's why you are krcorrect th summer can't be a sleepy summer. we need to sound the alarm. this is not about last year. this is about 2022 and 2024. >> mike, do you think it's even money that we get to worse or better place? what are the variables. >> what i worry about in line with what van said is the acceptance of future results. hard fought elections is part of the culture and history.
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in the past, we have accepted the results and vow to come back and fight another day. i'm worried not so much about 2022. but about what looms for 2024. this is all laying a predicate, by the way in defiance of the rule of law. which has been a republican talking point since i can remember. it's laying a predicate for people not to accept the result of whatever the next presidential race might be. a large part of the rational if there's any, to what the former president is doing, is that victim hood sells. it's a motivator. it's effective to say we were robbed. write your check. and make sure you come out and vote in the next election. far more effective we were robbed than we lost fair and square. id like another shot anyway. >> here's the problem. you have never seen january 6th as an extension of political
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rhetoric. even demagogue. trump pushed it in a way with haven't seen at the presidential 4r level in modern history. i see the big lie as a metaphor for people's distrust. disaffection and dissatisfaction. it is very real. we talk about it within the minority community. it's just as real in white america and some ways being fuel for a sense of being a victim that has people ready to attack a capitol. i see more of that coming. not less. >> if you put those two things together you have a double legitimacy crisis. in other words, you can have a situation where the left won't accept the results of the next election. because we look at the hanky-panky going on with the voter suppression. and the right might not accept
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it. bauds of the conspiracy theories. you never had that. when one side won't accept the out come. when you have a situation where neither side -- you have real termites. eating into the foundation of civil society. eating into the foundation of functioning democratic republic. in ways i haven't seen before. it's really concerning. i do you believe that joe manchen has the fate of the republic in his hands and says doint want to blow up the system. the system is being blown up. the arsonists are already here. we need a firefighter to do what's needed to put the fire out. at least all the bills being rolled out. especially in texas. that will make it impossible for the left to participate well and accept the out come. >> a functional distinction if federal gets involved and
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suppress the state measures and fuel. for exactly this revenge mentality. all these states were suppressed by the crazy left. i hear you. how it plays out could be different than how it is anticipated. i appreciate it. as always, thank you. to the presidency before trump. you don't get trump without obama. why? it was fundamental in terms of fuelling white anxiety. and white fright. and making a fringe mentality. now able to be magnified which is what trump did. what does obama have to say? a new interview about his time in office. he bit his tongue about the tea party and where he sees biden taking things. the one on one. he's here next. ...
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the big lie. is just a rational for the big lack of contentment among many in white america. they have tapped into something very real. how they decided to expose it and exploit it has been very fake and fraught. with a lot of toxicity. but remember it's 56% of all republicans who believe that this was a fraud. this election. again, maybe that is because people don't identify as republican anymore. they don't want to own trump and all the trump. if you compare the reality to former president obama discussing why he didn't do more to shoot down lies in office. you get something interesting. listen. >> i write about the emergence of the tea party. and we can see that happening
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with sarah palin. a proto-type for the politics that led to the tea party that in turn led to trump. and we're seeing today. there were times where calling it out would have given me great satisfaction personally. but, it wouldn't have necessarily won the political day in terms of me getting a bill passed. a will the of times one of the ways i would measure it would be is it more important for me to tell a basic historical truth about racism in america right now? or more important to get a bill passed. that provide a lot of people with healthcare that didn't have it before. >> the former president was speaking to the next guest. by thinker for the "new york times." host of the ez ra clin show. good to see you. congratulations on your success.
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>> thank you. >> so, what do you think of the former president's perspective in he got healthcare done. it was a bill that did a lot and didn't do a lot. it was imperfect and would never work on it again because of how it would passed. it would always been vulnerable and a list of things. job plan. infrastructure. universal background checks. cl climate change. not even judges. should he have attacked into the political state of play? >> the central problem in governing is a filibuster. under obama democrats had 60 seats in the senate. now biden has 50. and both cases they have been tremendously stopped by the fill b buster and did quite a bit in the first couple years of 2010.
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not nearly as far as i would like it to go. but an achievement. some point the democratic party has to decide whether it's more important for it to govern or preserve the old obstructions that worked when the parties were diverse in terms of composition. and don't work now. and you see with the senator manchin. and cinema. there's a bit of disagreement on that. the other thing is different and important. what obama is saying is ta there are things he wanted to stay when he was president, but he thought they wouldn't work politically. not that he could have attacked racism more directly and passed a bigger healthcare bill. that he wouldn't have passed any healthcare bill. that's a key argument. >> why? it was crammed down anyway. that assumes he would have lost his own members by addressing what is a signature issue for
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the platform. >> i don't think it was a signature issue back then. more broadly something he says in his book, that we talk about. is it every time he talked about race, his poll numbers plummeted. something i found revealing, he says you remember the incident where the police arrests harvard professor. skip gates on his porch. and obama says the police acted stupidly. something he says that nothing in his presidency no event in the entirety of the eight years drops the support among white voters as that single moment. and never gets some of the support back. >> help us. waiting to unfreeze. how are we on that? okay. he's coming back. and he's gone again.
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>> let's do this. can you hear me? >> i can hear you. >> don't do that. i'm too old. look at my face. it's hyper tension. >> the conversation is too hot. we're getting hacked. >> we have known each other a long time. i have a will the of respect. i don't agree that democrats would have left obama over him talking about race. that's not a here nor there. that'sth past. it's about the state of play. what does it mean that nothing hurt obama with white voters as much as his saying something that seemed obvious in that incident about policing? the skip gates thing was not a close call. it was obviously bad policing. what does it mean? >> it means in this country is on the one level has a lot of race im. and the on the other hand it's defensive about the fact.
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when you have not just by the way, a white majority in the elect tort. and political structures and rules and systems particularly in the senate in the distribution of the senate. and the filibuster that give white voters more power. it's a dangerous line to walk. that he had to walk carefully. the politics have changed because of him. democrats can be more front on that. >> white fright. it's the mind field we're talking about. it's exploited so well. on the right. during obama's eight years in office, his party lost more house senate and state legislative governor seat than any other president. house and senate. i don't want to be unfair to former president obama. the right they organized and put money into state races in a way democrats had never thought of.
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and it paid off. they are doing redistricting and gerrymandering. do you believe they lost the seats because of his governance? >> both. the economy. the huge loss was 2010. a recession that keeps building. even after he was in office. that creates a wipe. there's a huge rea linement under obama. white voters move away from the day care party. we know it happened. it moves seats. and there's another thing that happens. it's important. ticket splitting goes way down. when obama ran in 2008. you have a .71. now in 2020 it's .96.
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so you have something happening where you are no longer to be allowed a different kind of democrat or republican. because of how concentrated the party is in urban areas. that hurts the democratic party a bit too. >> this is like the introduction of a ten chapter talk that we need to have on the state of play. we have been doing this for a while. i don't think either of us have ever seen the country culturally or politically where it is now. i really believe that this is going to be a very impressive period. i need to have you keep coming onto talk about perspective of where is progress on this. what are we seeing. you understand it in a way i don't that will benefit the audience. i will ask you to come back. >> i appreciate it. >> congratulations on getting the interview. he couldn't be speaking at a
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more important time. on the pandemic front, look there are two diseases. i have been saying this for a year. a politics is making us sick and a pandemic. that is making us sick. the director of the nih is calling for an investigation into the wuhan lab leak theory. after once appearing to dismiss it. we have the doctor here tonight. has the opinion on the genesis of covid changed? what is the state of play. is he worried about the politics. next.
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so here's our latest count when it comes to the pandemic. three and a half million lives have been stolen. that includes 595,000 americans. eventually it's likely we'll lose more americans from this than any war. more than the civil war. more than anything. now, nowhere is the threat of the current political situation more evident than in the reckoning of the pandemic. how so? because it's all become about who was right. prioritizing political points. and i don't understand why the right would want this argument when trump absolutely lied to you about how serious this was.
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because he made a bad bet. that he could suppress our understanding and our response to covid-19. as a way of keeping the economy afloat and therefore his fortunes politically. the right play is own the covid-19. be the wartime president. own it. use manufacturing and get us to a better place faster. and he would have won again. now, it begins with a fight over where it started. why? because the right believes in it started in a lab, then they can say maybe it was weaponized and that means china did this to us on purpose. and they're the bad guy. and the left should have known that and never went after it. trump said it before so he's not the bad guy. let's go to the top person of the facts. director of the national institute of health. good to have you on "prime
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time." >> glad to be with you. glad to talk about what really happened here. as best we know it. which leaves gaps. >> i want to get into that. let me take a step back. the idea of the chinese having viruss come from bats that make their way into the rest of the world and make people sick in america, is not new. why have we nor any -- ever done anything about that fact before now? >> goodness, we knew all the way back to when sars emerged almost 20 years ago that that came from a bat that got transferred to humans and took the lives of a few thousand people. we knew that was a serious issue. mers came later. same thing. it was a camel. we at the national institute of health had to be concerned about that. global health doesn't really
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care about country boundaries with the way things travel around the world. we had to be interested in knowing what other viruss are lurking in bats in caves in china. >> nobody cracked down on that. i find that curious. is that politics? being afraid of what china would do in response? why not? >> well, there was a lot of criticism of how china squelched the information of sars when that happened. look at those reports. clearly they were not transparent about what was happening in the virus got pred to other places. in ways that could have been prevented. there was quite a bit of criticism. >> criticism wasn't enough. because what we have now is obviously under president trump you had the cdc cut the staff there by two third. and didn't have eyes on the ground. that leads to the current
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problem. where this started. is it a fair criticism to say you were dismissive of the lab theory early on and you are more open now. why did you change? >> it's not entirely fair. when this virus first emerged, all of us were deeply engaged in studying the letters and sequence. to understand what the connection was with previous viruss and we could see it was a bat virus that looked like one that had been found in cave in china seven years earlier. it had a lot of differences. then the theory began maybe it's human engineered. app intentional bio weapon. put together with the intention of killing people. that theory didn't hold up. you could look at the letters of the rna code and say no human would have come up with this. that was rather widely spread. the idea it might have been an accidental leak from the lab on
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the other hand always seemed sort of a dark and unfortunate idea. not one you could rule out and today we cannot rule it out. we know there have been other instances including in china. leaks have happened by accident. >> why are you more open? calling for an investigation now. and just to be fair, even on fox news, one of the guys was interviewing you about this and said you reject that. and you were told it's about it happening in a lab. why are you more open now and will you ever know the answer? >> i would not say i'm significantly more open than i was last summer. when we began to worry about that as a real possibility. the there was so much swirl in other areas that didn't come to attention. i didn't go to a microphone and announce that. we really need an evidence based
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expert driven investigation. that will require china to be willing to let investigators look into the lab records and find out what happened in 2019 and find out what happened to those that got sick in the lab. we don't know anymore than we do a yaear ago. it hasn't really emerged as a likely explanation. it require more data. i think the explanation is natural transmission from a host. bat maybe something elts to humans. i can't prove that either. >> please come again. thank you for coming again tonight. >> glad to talk to you. >> appreciate it. what do you think about the olympics? should we told it? or the pandemic will create a catastrophe there. the games are two months away.
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thousands of the volunteers are not. according to japanese broadcaster around 10,000 volunteers have withdrawn from the games. our next guest says he's not surprised. especially growing calls to cancel or postpone. everybody knows him. a broadcasting legend. he is on record as saying these olympics are a mistake. he joins me now. pleasure. it's been a second. good to see you. do you feel that way and if so why? >> well, that may have been misinterpreted a bit. i think the best course of action would be to postpone it. not cancel. postpone to 2022. that may have led some people to infer i think it's a possibility. it's not. the ioc holds the hammer here and repeatedly said even with the state of emergency in tokyo itself. with vaccinations in japan and single digits. they say in less than two months
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they hope to get to 70%. even with 70% of citizens saying postpone or cancel. and the international health community the experts that this is risky. they are going full speed ahead. it's going to happen. >> let's put up the full so people get some context about what people, like bob, and -- and many people are worried about. which is, what happens after? okay? these are the vaccination rates. let's say, they'll all be marginally higher. not incredibly higher, by the time of this, because i believe, and i -- i think, bob, you share this idea. that, people are losing incentive to get vaccinated, not gaining incentive. what is your big concern, about what happens after the olympics? >> well, i would think that the athletes might be atypical of the citizenry of their countries taken altogether because they have some incentive.
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a large one. to be vaccinated before they arrive in tokyo. and without portending to expertise i don't have but just common sense and what we have learned. if you wanted to come up, forget sports, anywhere in the world, variants and all the rest. how about bringing large numbers of people from 200 different countries, with varying levels of healthcare and all the rest. va varying levels of vaccination. bring them together, even though they're going to socially distance, and have all kinds of protocols that are going to make this a very unusual olympics. without much of what's appealing about it, besides the competition, itself. even with that in place, it seems, to me, like you're really rolling the dice. it could be a petri dish. >> now, barring the controversy, where bob costas is about to kill it in the heptathlon. and then, we pull him because he gets a dirty test. and, you know, not in the ped fashion. i know you're clean but in terms of a covid test.
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now, there could be that controversy. but barring that, what about the argument that we need it? that the world is in a frightened place, that it needs to see something positive. it needs to see people coming together. we need it, and the risk is small enough to manage it in some kind of bubble. >> well, when the nba played in a bubble, the nhl, baseball with no fans, last year. those were containable bubbles, whatever the risk was. the olympics are the most far-flung event in all of sports. indoor venues, outdoor venues. it's actually beyond the core of the host city, in many cases. the marathon and all the rest. i know that they're going to try. but the risk seems, to me, to be larger than when we talk about the american sports, the team sports that we generally follow. >> obviously, the united states is going to go there, and be all in. but it's also in a better position than many of the other countries. let me ask you something, while i have you, brother. you are an observer of politics and culture.
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can you believe the situation that we're in, right now, in this country? have you ever seen anything like it? >> no, i have not. and i think that we ought to make it clear, that this is not a matter of liberal, conservative, democrat, republican. if the republican party, in any discernible way, even exists, anymore. when you have a sizeable percentage of the country, that is absolutely fact averse and believes wild, crazy things. and is a cult of personality. this has nothing to do with principle. it has nothing to do with conservative ideas. this country needs a strong-republican party, so that moderate-republicans have a place to go. a place they recognize. but also, no matter who is in office, even if you voted for him. joe biden needs a thoughtful opposition. just as, if a republican was in office, that person needs a thoughtful opposition. plus, there are excesses, on the left. excesses of pc and wokeness and all the rest. and you'd need some sort of
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thoughtful response to that, instead of the nonsense that we're getting in maga world. >> bob costas, i've been a student of yours, for many years. and it goes well beyond sports. i appreciate your perspective. and be well. we'll be right back. >> thanks very much, chris. it would be cool to ride a horse on the moon.
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this is kind of a bolo but it's certainly something that you should keep an eye on. benjamin netanyahu. he may be on his last leg as israel's prime minister. a coalition is made up of eight different parties from across the political spectrum. it came together just minutes before a midnight deadline. all of them, united, by their desire to oust netanyahu. who is israel's longest-serving prime minister. he's been in power for the last-12 years. the shakeup is poised to have a big impact on us, and our relations with israel. and president biden's middle-east agenda. now, under the agreement, netanyahu's former lieutenant, naftali bennett, a more-right-wing politician, will take over as prime minister for the next two years, before handing off the reigns of power to another coalition leader. so, what does that mean for us? a little bit of it is unknown.
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actually, a lot of it. in the short-term, policy experts believe that biden is unlikely to face much challenge, over the iran nuclear deal. or calls to reset relations with palestinians, as the current cease-fire holds. there's promise here, for rebuilding relations as israel's parliament, the knesset, works out its own gridlock, still. this isn't over and it's not clear. netanyahu remains prime minister, until someone else is sworn in and that might not happen for another week and a half. netanyahu still has time to convince people to defect from the bloc. the stakes even higher for him in his ongoing trial on corruption charges. and also, don't forget the threat from the right fringe here, and the trumpers, to make that situation a weapon here, as well. we'll be right back. ght here. what'd you do? - tell me know you did it. - yeah. get a little closer. that's insane. that's a different car. -that's the same car. - no! yeah, that's before, that's after. oh, that's awesome. make it nu with nu finish.
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