tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN June 8, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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the incident took only a second or two before french police rushed in. the palace said a man tried to hit the president and the president continued with his tour. the suspect and another man were placed into custody. let's head it over to chris for "cuomo prime time." >> he went right back and continued talking with the people, and seemed very calm. what did he do wrong in that altercation? >> not turn the other cheek? >> that's what the bible says to do. when he saw the guy go like this, he went like that, right? he should have gone like this and stepped right in. >> he'll sign up for cuomo training. >> it would have been a better day. the spear system. look online at the spear system. they'll teach you what to do, jb, don't get slapped around. have a good night. i'm chris cuomo and welcome to "prime time." no surprise, the opposition party is not going to make a deal on infrastructure with
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president biden. so the president has ended negotiations tonight. listen to the senate minority leader about it. >> it's pretty clear, the era of bipartisanship is over. >> heh heh heh. senator mcconnell once again playing the game. this is exactly what he wanted. waste weeks, offers that would never do anything but stall, block the administration, l lowball biden, exactly as he promised. biden was willing to come down $1 trillion on his plan. the gop would only come up $150 billion. more importantly, it was what they wouldn't even deal with in the bill. it was just never in good faith. and in biden's view, the offer simply doesn't meet the essential needs of the country. in a statement, the lead gop
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negotiator, senator capito, said it doesn't mean bipartisanship is over. of course it does. that's why mcconnell said it plainly and promised to fight the biden administration at every turn. that's the game. biden's team, what's their game? spinning their wheels, once again trying to get the opposition to do something for this country. now it says it will meet with a bipartisan group of centrist senators including democrat joe manchin. will he help biden pull this through if he sees no good faith from his friends on the right? or will the senator from west virginia still insist on refusing to change the filibuster in any way to protect minority voting? not minority voting of those trumpers in the senate. they are abusing a system. i'm talking about the voting rights of poor people of color all over this country who may be
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kept from influencing the system with their votes. they should be able to use the system, not be sacrificed so that republicans can abuse it. murkowski, the lone gop senator working with manchin to pass the john lewis voting rights act, says it's going to be a challenge to get nine others in her party to break a filibuster. of course mcconnell says the bill won't have his vote. but listen to why. >> what they're trying to do directly through hr 1, they would try to achieve indirectly through this rewrite of the voting rights act. it's against the law to discriminate in voting on the basis of race already. and so i think it's unnecessary. >> he thinks it's unnecessary because he wants those elections to come and go to generate the lawsuits to take the time to
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fight the laws in every state while allowing the party to benefit from it. that's what he wants. and the nonchalance, the pretending that it doesn't matter, is so similar to what we heard from supporters of jim crow like segregationist senator james eastland from mississippi in 1957. listen to him. >> we have no voting qualifications based on race. >> under those circumstances -- >> not at all. and anybody who is qualified can vote. i would like to see if just what we have, that everyone who is qualified should vote. >> qualified by reason of? >> our qualifications that are written in the law that apply to all races alike. >> and you think that no tougher literacy test should be given to a negro than a white? >> inarguably. >> you know what was asking the questions? boy, could we use him today, may he rest in peace.
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mike wallace. the game then and now, ugly and obvious. mcconnell is dead set on not doing anything that might hurt trump's chances of winning again. back then the guy was just a bigot. now it's about holding on to power no matter if it engages racism. hold black people down. worth it. hold down any legislation that biden could campaign on. worth it. no matter what it means for the country. worth it. absolutely hold down any efforts to investigate the real reasons for the infamy of the insurrection on january 6th. you see that first report from the senate on what went wrong at the capitol on january 6th? it came out today. you know what trumpers were posting online before the attack according to this new bipartisan joint committee report, remember that word bipartisan. bring guns, it's now or never. this is do or die. bring your guns. they better dig a tunnel all the way to china if they want to
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escape. there was planning. there was a call to arms. and the trump mob did bring guns and other weapons and harmed law enforcement and others that deadly day. despite what the revisionist historians in the party are telling you now. they were wearing trump's hats, you can see them. you can see the flags. and they say themselves again and again themselves and through counsel on this show, that they were there because they thought trump told them to fight. but what about his culpability? what about mentioning him? oh, he's in the report plenty. but he is never identified as a source of any of the fomenting that led to that day. why? because that's the way the democrats had to yield to get republicans to join this bipartisan probe. of what value is this report if it is going to sugarcoat the reality to protect somebody who
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is responsible for it? and mcconnell said he was. remember that. the man said he was part of it. but now he's okay with the report that white washes trump out of it, when he himself said on the senate floor that he had done it. it's a game, my brothers and sisters. and the longer you allow it to be played without seeing it call out, being outraged by it, it will continue. so now here we are, the democrats succeeding at appeasing the party of trump, they're doing a great job of that. but will that make you, the voters, in the midterms, happy with democrats? we need to get in deep to this state of play with somebody who understands the game and understands the democrats, a better find, a former attorney general. let's get the take of eric holder, former attorney general, on what's happening right now. it's good to see you, sir, welcome to "prime time." >> good to see you too. >> so the january 6th report. they get the buy-in by keeping trump out of it. what does that mean to you?
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[ inaudible ]. >> trying to whitewash things as best they can, doing only what the minimum is involved. i mean, the reality is that the report, even with that, is useful because it identifies some systemic failures, failures to share intelligence. but there is a clear need for a january 6th commission that would have the ability to look not only at what happened but also to determine why it happened and cast a wide net, as we did after 9/11, not only to figure out what happened on 9/11 happen. same on january 6th, why did it happen, who was involved, who should be held accountable. and so that's what we need. i understand what senator peters had to do to get this report out today. that's unfortunate. it says a lot about the republican party. and the leaders in the republican party who have made
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the determination that they're going to ride and die with donald trump, protect his interests at the expense of the interests of the american people. >> so given that, mr. attorney general, why not leave it to the doj to handle all matters of january 6th, and keep it away from the political arm? >> yeah, because this is bigger than just bringing criminal cases. the justice department can investigate cases and a justice department, properly run, only speaks with indictments it can bring. we need something larger than that. people need to be held criminally accountable and the justice department should do that. but the american people need to know more about what happened on january 6th, who might be involved even if they're not criminally liable. the justice department, through the use of grand juries, because there's grand jury secrecy, that's information they will acquire that cannot then be shared. this is something that needs to be explored and then shared with
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the american people. >> right. >> for now and also for history, to make sure that what happened on january the 6th doesn't happen again. >> but, you know, strange question, but are you selling your agency short, the doj? they obviously look at terror all the time and they understand from an intelligence perspective, obviously, and the investigative arm with the fbi. aren't they the best equipped not just to bring cases but to bring understanding and say here who was involved, here's how they were involved? isn't that what they do every day? >> yeah, they can do that through the indictments that they would bring but that doesn't necessarily give you the full picture. i'm not selling them short. they're great lawyers, they're great prosecute eors. we've got a great attorney general. they'll do as good a job as they can. but the 9/11 commission, that's what told us what actually happened on september 11th, not necessarily the indictments brought by the justice department.
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you need both. you certainly need to have people held criminally liable where that is appropriate. but you need an overarching picture in the same way that we had the warren commission report. it wasn't just a question, if he had lived, if indicting and convicting lee harvey oswald. we needed to have the kennedy assassination committee, the warren commission report, to tell us what actually happened, how did he get the weapons, who else [ inaudible ] . >> for years, you were right, you were early on it, in in terms of the democratic perspective on it, which is redistrictre districti i ing or gerrymanderi.
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joe manchin is not against the for the people act because of the gerrymandering. it's because of the other things that are in it, the campaign finance, the presidential tax returns, the d.c. statehood stuff. why not take that stuff out and treat gerrymandering, as serious as it is, have it be a standalone bill, hold his feet to the fire, he'll have to support it and make it a clean sale? >> we try to work on senator manchin between now and the time the vote occurs. we need to focus on him and try to get him to the appropriate place. we also have to focus on republicans who are doing absolutely nothing in support of a bill that clearly would make our electoral system better. i think we want to keep this bill together. the part that deals with campaign finance, the part that deals with redistricting, gerrymandering, the part that deals with voter protection. the three parts of that bill are
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the strength of that bill because it identifies the weaknesses, the issues we have with voting rights in the united states of america. you're not going to make the bill any more saleable to republicans if you pull it apart. this is an opportunity that we have, a unique historical opportunity to really look at our electoral system and cure a lot of the ills that we see, curb a lot of the abuses that we see. dark money when it comes to the electoral system, gerrymandering when it comes to redistricting, voter suppression when it comes to how our elections are run. let's do this all at once and let's make the system as fair as it needs to be. republicans, it seems to me, are scared of people who they say they want to represent. democrats by contrast want to say, let's make it as easy as possible for people to vote and let's keep the special interests, you know, out of the system. so let's keep the bill together and let's pass that bill. >> one of the things that would make it easier to pass the bar of my criticism would have been
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a fair hearing on this. i have been consistent in talking about your party in terms of them not playing this game the right way, they're making it too easy for the republicans to say they're having things forced on them and not putting things on the floor, putting out the hearings, let people see where the republicans are on these things and what their resistance is really about. like this bill, you don't have to sell me on it, i've been hearing about gerrymandering since eldridge gerry. but there's been one hearing on this thing. why not have hearings and let republicans make the case? >> i testified at a hearing that was done very well by senator klobuchar and lots of people testified including the senate majority leader as well as the senate minority leader. they both spoke at that hearing. there have been a number of other opportunities for republicans to voice their concerns about the bill. there will be more opportunities they have between now and i guess the end of june when the
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bill will come up for a vote. and so yes, they'll be on the record in their opposition and have to state their reasons. they'll put amendments forward. senator schumer has allowed that to occur with other bills, unlike senator mcconnell did when he was in charge. so we will see exactly where the republicans are. but i can tell you where they are. you're not going to get a republican, you're not going to get one republican to vote for s. 1, the old h.r. 1. there's not one. and you think about that, what does that say about that party? it means that they are bound and determined to hold onto the power that they have. that's what this is all about. this isn't about fairness. this isn't about the health of our electoral system. this is all about republicans holding on to the power that i think they illegitimately got and want to hold onto at all costs. >> that's why it's so important for the process to be exposed. let people hear the arguments and see what it's about and what it isn't about. now, this is usually the point in the interview where i go, damn, i ran out of time with
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holder again. not tonight. tonight i want to hold you over for a second block so we can discuss how important the other piece of this legislation is in light of what is going on around the country on the state level. and i want your take on what is working and not working for your party and what it means going forward. let's take a quick break and we'll be back with the former ag who is on the front lines of one of the most important fights in our democracy's history, next. (man) so when in doubt, just say, "let me talk to my manager." next, carvana's 100% online shopping experience. oh, man. carvana lets people buy a car-- get this-- from their couch. oh, how disruptive. no salesman there to help me pick out the car i need. how does anyone find a car on this site without someone like us checking in? she's a beauty, huh? oh, golly! (laughter) i can help you find the color you want. that sounds nice. let me talk to my manager. (vo) buy your next car 100% online.
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former attorney general eric holder is with us. thank you for sticking around, sir, appreciate it. when you hear mitch mcconnell say you don't need the john lewis act, it's already in the law, states' rights, how does that sound to the ears, to your ears as the only black attorney general that this country has had? when you hear him say it and the way he says it, what does it mean to you?
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>> when i hear somebody talking about states' rights and denying people the right to vote, that takes me back to a very bad place. it takes this country back to a very bad place. that's where republicans are trying to take this country, to a very bad place. the assault on our democracy, what they're trying to do to our electoral system is reminiscent of what we saw during the jim crow era. what we're seeing now is the greatest attack on voting rights since the jim crow era. you know, this is a nation that's been generally on an arc. we have always tried to expand the number of people who had ability to vote, from simply white men who own property, to women, to african-americans. we've moved this arc so we include more people. we try to make it easier for people to vote. and what mitch mcconnell and republicans are doing around the country is inconsistent with that arc, inconsistent with, you know, the founders of their party. they call themselves the party
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of lincoln. yet they're doing absolutely nothing that is consistent with the memory of our greatest president. >> but it's the right play, because he is right, you do have federal law that makes it illegal to restrict voting on the basis of color. but he knows what that means. you're going to have to have elections, people are then going to be harmed, they're going to have standing, they're going to go to court, they're going to sue, it's going to take time and they will get the benefit of those laws until they get tracked down one at a time. that's his play. my question is what is your party's play? do you see the desperation? it's all joe manchin this, joe manchin that. is that all you got? does the party not have the desperation to find a way to get this done if it matters that much? >> i think the democratic party is ready, is fired up, and wants to take the battle to the republicans in the fight for our democracy. but beyond that, chris, the american people are on our side. the for the people act polls
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extremely well among republicans, independents, and democrats. >> in west virginia, by the way. in west virginia, the for the people act polls higher than the jobs bill or the relief bill. it's at 81%. so what is manchin's play and how does that fit into the democratic strategy? >> i'm not sure what senator manchin's play is. i hope that over time we'll get him to a better place. but, you know, what we as democrats are doing is fighting i think this the best way that we can, trying to generate interest, generate support by the american people, trying to pressure republicans, trying to bring transparency to the system. but let me be honest, i think progressives and democrats are too often uncomfortable with the acquisition and the use of power. and we need to get over that. we have power now in the senate that we need to use. and it's not to use it in the
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way that republicans have, to probate themselves and to entrench themselves in essentially minority rule. we've got the people behind us. so we have to use that power to make sure we put in place systems that will withstand attacks like the republicans are presently doing. so we've got to get comfortable with the use of power. >> now, look, i remember, i was alive and in this job back in 2009, when you were in office. you got all this heat for saying that in too many ways, that we've acted like a nation of cowards about taking on our biggest challenges. and i was okay with it then, because either you take on the tough fights or you don't and you leave yourself open to scrutiny when you can't take on the tough fights. i feel it applies just as much today, mr. attorney general, as when you said it then. we've got the same issues and worse, and we're moving backwards at a rate that is much greater than it was in 2009 in terms of where we are as a people.
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what do you think? >> i think the stakes are higher. i think that the attacks are greater. they're more intense. the republican party has gotten to a place where they are comfortable with the notion that they're going to be a minority party in terms of popular support, that will have majority power. we are on the verge of -- and i don't say this lightly -- we are on the verge of a political apartheid system in this country where a minority, again, not with popular support, but because of gerrymandering, because of the way voter suppression, the way in which our constitution has kind of broken up our system with regard to the senate, the electoral college, there is a whole range of ways in which the minority, the minority in this party can dictate to the majority the policies of this nation, the policy direction of this nation, the foreign policy of this nation, the domestic policy of this nation. and so we have got to fight. this is what's at stake. our democracy is what is at stake right now.
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>> no time for cowards. because if you don't get it right, and you don't have eric holder, the first african-american attorney general for the united states of america, because if you don't even the playing field then you don't get even results or anywhere close. mr. holder, thank you for fighting the fight on gerrymandering. i don't care what party you're with, we've got to get the representation right. it's not fair, it just gets more unfair as it goes down the line. i appreciate you being on tonight. >> we've got to keep fighting. don't be pessimistic. keep fighting. >> have you met me? that's why i wear the black suit. you're always welcome here to paint the optimism and make the case. be well. joe manchin had a big meeting today, i think, with a board, a body, from the naacp, okay? and we have a key player who was in the room. and he said it was productive.
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manchin came out and said i haven't changed my position. so what is the state of play? what are the stakes? and what has to happen that isn't? the harry's razor is not the same. our razors have five german engineered blades designed to stay sharp, so your eighth shave is as smooth as your first. and we never upcharge you for high quality. harry's. available in store and at
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about your position on s. 1 that changed based on this conversation? >> no, i don't think anybody changed positions on it. we're just learning where everybody is coming from. >> that meeting included my next guest, naacp chief derek johnson. it's good to have you, sir. >> good to be here. >> joe manchin is talking "we," and "i don't think anybody" -- i think it's just about him. what's your take on manchin after the meeting, what is this about for him and do you think he gets it? >> first of all, he wanted to establish a relationship and go from there. we understand where his position is but we also understand where we need to go as a country and as a community and that is to protect the right to vote. we should not allow a procedural question used by segregationists like russell and eastland to forget an appreciation for the constitution and people's votes being denied. where manchin is coming from, i'm not here to predict.
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but i do know we must fight so we can win. that can only happen right now if we open up a different type of dialogue and come to a place where we can agree to move the country forward. i really appreciate the last interview with attorney general holder, because if we don't expand the electorate, if we don't allow democracy to truly be in place in this country, we're going to go to a dark state and that dark state will be very harmful to african-americans and many others. >> understood. are you open to streamlining the for the people act to just deal with gerrymandering specifically? and of course you still have the john lewis act which would be the only federal mechanism to stop what is spreading through these states like a cancer right now in terms of their suppressive laws. what do you think about streamlining the first act, the for the people act, and then putting it to manchin, hey, you said you're for the gerrymandering part, that's what
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it is now? >> that won't address state legislative bodies that enacted regressive laws like in georgia. you're going to have a lot of voters harmed because of what they've just done in georgia and in several other states. so we have to address the harm that has been implemented in state policy over the last two months as well as address issues around redistricting, how we make sure we get lines that are not so heavy polarized that we won't recognize congress in the next session. and we must also put in place measures to prevent jurisdictions from trying to suppress votes moving forward. >> i'm with you, 100%. the john lewis act is what gives you the stopping mechanism for having a preclearance of these state laws. and i know you know this, but for the audience. and the for the people act is the gerrymandering. right now manchin is saying there are too many things in the for the people act that aren't about gerrymandering that are
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about campaign finance and presidential taxes and d.c. statehood. take that out and say, good, just do the gerrymandering, and then do the john lewis act, what about that? >> is he prepared to say if all that happens, we're going to move forward and i will not participate in stopping on a procedure the advancement around the protection of votes of americans? is he prepared to ensure that if we take all that have out, we can move forward and know that we have fair, transparent elections where people could have access? the very things he attempted and did in many cases when he was secretary of state of west virginia. he created early voting. he did many things so west virginians could fully participate. we're asking him do that for the rest of america, do not allow a segregationist procedural rule to block full implementation so we can have the democracy that we all have invested in.
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>> and i know you know all this, derek, but for the audience, they can make a one-time change on the filibuster. i know it would set precedent. but we're already past that. harry reid did it with federal judges and then mcconnell did it with the supreme court. and if you did it here, yeah, they may double down on it, but is this fight worth it? that's the question democrats have to put to joe manchin and to themselves, frankly. i think he's been a little bit of a scapegoat and that's why i like that you guys entered the arena today. >> it's important that we don't give up the fight, because when we fight, we win. that's been the history of the naacp, of civil rights of this country. although joe manchin may have a position today, we have to continue to push the congress as a whole, the senate specifically, so we can get to a place where we can ensure that all eligible citizens can fully engage. because if we don't, 2022 will
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look much moworse than we've ev seen. our democracy is at stake. we must protect it and we have to do it now. >> americans being able to exercise the franchise is absolutely the good fight. and i wish you well in that. derek johnson, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. all right. so this ukraine perfect phone call. you knew it had to be a problem when trump called it perfect, because remember, that is his game always, right? nothing is a mistake, everything is right, nothing is bad, everything is perfect. we played you the exclusive audio that cnn got of rudy giuliani in his own words, absolutely putting pressure on ukrainians and making it clear that if they did what he wanted, he would talk to the president for them about that meeting which they needed to bring legitimacy to the fledgling zelenskiy administration. you know who else heard it? zelenskiy and his assistant. we had him on before. he's back with us to make it
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clear about what they understood about what rudy had wanted from them and what they had to give and what he was offering to get for them. ♪ and they're always glad you came ♪ welcome back, america. advil dual action fights pain 2 ways. it sure is good to see you. it's the first and only fda approved welcome back, america. combination of advil plus acetaminophen. advil targets pain. acetaminophen blocks it. advil dual action. fast pain relief that lasts 8 hours. introducing aleve x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it, and see what's possible.
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something for me if you want me to do something for you. if you had any question, you had exclusive audio obtained by cnn last night, further exposing that rudy giuliani was doing the exact pssame thing in trump's name, attempting a quid pro quo to get biden. listen. >> and all we need, all we need from the president is to say i'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election, and then the biden thing has to be run out. it's gonna be run by honest people. that would clear the air really well. and i think it would make it possible for me to come and make it possible, i think, for me to talk to the president to see what i can do about making sure that whatever misunderstandings are put aside and maybe even, i
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kinda think this could be a good thing for having a much better relationship. >> sounds like he's eating a sandwich or something. he was very casual about this but he was also being recorded. and i don't think rudy cared, you know why? because there was no shame in their game. how about on the other side of the phone? igor nobokov was on that phone call, former aide to president vladimir zelenskiy. thanks for being here. >> downlothanks for having me. >> he knew what he was asking and you already knew, you had investigated these things, there was no information like this on biden that they were asking for. is this also true? >> yes. >> expand. >> well, basically we knew what to expect before the phone call. i mean, we do read the news, and
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we've heard the stories. so the only hope that we actually had was that since we're complete neo-fiphytes in politics, we could expect a gentler treatment. but that wasn't the case, we experienced the full "godfather" mode street away. i would be lying if i said that tape brings back fond memories. [ inaudible ]. >> igor, i still got you? >> yes. >> good. just to be clear, when i communications with the administration on this issue allowed your team to say, look, we don't know of anything about biden, this has already been looked at, and rudy came back three days after guiliani's call, you would hear trump say
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the same thing. when you had been clear that there was no need for an investigation, and rudy came back and said, yes, you need to have an investigation, a good, honest prosecutor, how was that interpreted on your side? >> well, we kind of realized that it wasn't about investigations. it was about creating that picture, you know, for the general public in the u.s. of something happening in ukraine. basically our impression was they wanted to stir things up and see what comes out of it. and they wanted basically to use the ukrainian officials to rubbish all of that, to make it look official and real and give that credibility to all the conspiracy theories. so that was very uncomfortable. but there was another tragedy associated with it. basically, before this interaction with rudy giuliani,
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before the perfect phone call, before the events, a young kind of civil society, dreamers, we fully believed in american exceptionalism and the strength of american ideals. and that was one of them. and experiencing all of this firsthand, hearing those conspiracies, experiencing that pressure, that was really damaging. i mean, everyone, including myself, has a slightly more cynical view of america now. and that's the real tragedy, the damage has been done. >> well, look, there are always going to be different facets to every government, especially when you're looking at it through the lens of politics. one of the things that makes america the envy of the world is that i'm also sitting here right now reaching out to a foreign source to criticize a former president of the united states, and his attorney who are under current investigation for what was happening. so accountability is the key in a democracy and that's what we're struggling with here.
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and i have to tell you, i appreciate your help and your perspective of having been on these phone calls and making it clear to the american audience, you knew what they wanted, they knew it wasn't legitimate, and they asked for it. and "they" was the president and his lawyer and it was clear to the president of ukraine and his team. igor, thank you very much, i appreciate you, and be well. >> thank you. now, one step sideways as we go to break. how much does it hurt to hear this young ukrainian guy say i see america differently now? it hurts, right? it hurts me, because you love your country. and what was done was wrong. and don't both-sides, that's bs. this was a uniquely wicked and dirty deal and you just heard this guy who should be looking up to this country for the way forward for his own, saying now i'm not so sure. don't be in denial. we've had too much of it.
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in fact, a segue, deep denial about the pandemic. i'm going to keep talking about this movie "contagion" from 2011. when i watched it again, it was like a slap in the face. a decade ago, we should have known this was coming and we've done nothing. my next guest saw the warning signs. are we ready now if it happens again? which is why we do everything in our power to make buying a car an unforgettable experience. happy birthday. thank you. we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. because that's what they deserve.
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♪ we should have never gone through the pandemic the way we did. if they had taken its seriously in the beginning, if trump had not made a political play on it, we wouldn't have been there. but now forget about him. pre-trump, i keep coming back to this 2011 movie "contagion." the filmmakers talked to experts and figured out what the scenario would be like and it is exactly like what we lived through and a key element was leaders in deep denial. take a look. >> we can't even tell people right now what they should be afraid of. it's the biggest shopping weekend of the year. >> we need to consider closing the schools down. >> who stays home with the kids? >> people who work at stores, government workers, people who
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work at hospitals. >> yes. and yet we did nothing to plan. you know trump took out that white house office for pandemic -- so what? we should have an entire infrastructure. we knew for years. dr. lipman was a chief scientific consultant for that movie. 2010 they came to you, doc, thanks for joining us. they said, what would it look like? you didn't make any of that up in giving them a fictitious story line. how do you explain why this country allowed itself to be so vulnerable to something they had to know was coming? >> well, chris, i think the last segment highlighted the problems, a lack of leadership. the preparedness that we did have was really a function of
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what happened after 9/11. when bush decided to actually look at what we had to do to jump start the search to build production facilities in this country. that effort, which was really led by tony fauci was supported by obama as well. but as you said, there was sort of a minimizization of the effort. and we had a lack of leadership not only in the united states but in many parts of the world, and you've seen the consequences of the lack of leadership. we all new that something like this was inevitable. we knew that we had to expedite the development of vaccines, that we needed better testing. and the fact that we are coming out to the end of the beginning of this pandemic now doesn't mean that we're all the way through nor does it mean that we won't have another one. so what we're hoping is that people will pay attention, not
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just to the movie, but to what it is we've learned as a consequence of what we've seen thus far. >> so two questions: first one is, if, god forbid, there is covid-20 or whatever it would be called, we don't have the defense production act, you know, revved up in a way where we're ready to make ppe, where we have that one company in maine that makes swabs ready to expand production to help us, to get the reagent that we had to source from asia and north africa. we don't have stuff in place, do we? >> not yet. i hope this is something we're going to be addressing shortly. there are so many areas where we're weak, chris. i was in china in january of 2020 before we realized what was going on here. and the chinese government was
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investing heavily in personal protective equipment. when i came back to newark, it was like stepping into a completely different world. they were stopping people at the border coming from china. but there was no effort to do anything similar with the people arriving from europe. and europe was -- the virus was coming in from europe, not from china. there were so many places where we went wrong. >> so that -- >> that said -- >> go ahead. make your point, doc. >> i just want to say, the vaccine story here is absolutely extraordinary. the investments that we made in vaccine development beginning in the early 2000s paid off in spades. look at how well we're doing. if we could get everyone to take the vaccine, we would be far safer. >> now, what i want to do, doc, is, you have the way forward. if america doesn't take its technology and work with other
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countries to get more vaccinations in the countries that are lagging behind, this is going to repeat itself and come back in some variant form. so we're going to stay tracking that and i want you to come back and work with us on that piece again on another night. okay? about what we need to do in the around the world. >> extremely important. >> i appreciate you. we'll be right back. >> my pleasure.
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rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the same medications as the vet, but for less with fast free shipping. visit today. thank you for the opportunity, it is now time for the big show, "don lemon tonight," with its star, d. lemon. >> you got that right, sir. how are you? >> i'm doing well. >> what do you think of this whole bipartisanship? >> i heard a goofy man once say that bipartisanship for the sake of itself is meaningless. >> bipartisanship for the sake of bipartisanship is empty is what the goofy man said, which is me. do you think i was right. >> if you said two plus two equals four, do i think you're right? yes, i think
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