tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 9, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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>> i think that's probably the last thing that we should be worried about, a cicada in an airplane. they will be gone in a couple weeks and you're not going to see them for another 17 years. >> i love the sound they make. thanks for watching us. "ac 360" starts now. there is no place like home. truly. just ask a president overseas with a domestic agenda as big as the world but tougher to navigate. john berman here in for anderson. it's not as though the goals president biden set for his first trip abroad were not am wish sho -- ambitious enough, either. arriving for the g 7 summit he's seeking to repair relationships strained by the predecessor and recommitting to nato and coordinating transatlantic policy on fighting covid facing down china, cooling the planet and don't forget confronting vladimir putin who he'll meet
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next week at the center of news with alexi navalny and the political movement. if that sounds like a lot, there is the small matter as the presidencys it of saving democracy. >> i believe we're at an inflection point in world history. the moment where it falls to us to prove that democracies will not just endure but they will excel as we rise to seize the enormous opportunities in the new age. we have to discredit those who believe that the age of democracy is over as some of our fellow nations believe. >> so there is that. and there is everything back home stalled legislation on infrastructure, police reform, voting rights and investigating the insurrection that's let's not forget was barely five months ago. as he's prepping for the g 7 and nato summit, russia summit and the rest, he's left the chief of staff behind in washington to
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deal with congress and said to be working the phones himself. so plenty to get to tonight on both sides of the atlantic. let's start off with cnn kaitlan collins. how much is this trip about the nitty gridty of foreign policy and how much of it is sending a broader message that the u.s. is under new management? >> i think so much of this, john, is going to be about that broader message and you saw president biden mentioning it in his first speech tonight saying america is back. that's the message the president and his top aids try to hammer home while here on their first trip abroad and saying essentially that look, of course what happened during the last four years with his pred seds s -- predecessor, they are here to say that's not the path we want america to continue on. we want to focus on building alliances and framing it as a critical mission talking about a democracy versus autocracy.
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a lot of these allies are still reeling from the four years that was donald trump and they're wary of america sustaining on the world stage because they see yes, it is not donald trump in the presidency any longer. it's joe biden. they realize how quickly that can change within 75 years of the alliances and partnerships, so much can change depending who is in office. that seems obvious but never more obvious than when former president trump was in the role. that will be the broader message you're seeing him hammer home here but he also has several different challenges facing him depending on which world leader he's going to be meeting with and tomorrow that starts face-to-face with the british prime minister boris johnson. >> so wary allies and that doesn't ad ver scaries because there is a signal russia is sending the rest of the world involving
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alexi navalny labeling his political movement as extremists. what do we know about that and how it might impact the many p -- expectations? >> this seems to be a move taken by a court but almost certainly granted approval by the kremlin. this court deeming the groups tied to alexi navalny to the groups and seen as a broadside just days ahead of president biden's meeting with president putin here and of course, essentially the message is going to be stay out of what is happening in russia and what is being involved there and we kind of knew that was the message putin was sending. you heard him speaking a few days ago talking about what happened at the capitol on january the 6th saying how are you going to talk about democracy abroad when you see what is happening in your country? the bigger stakes here will be just so high not only because of this latest decision related to the two groups tied to nal vee
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kn -- navalny but the ransomware attacks that the united states said they believe are based in russia on critical u.s. infrastructure. the solar winds hack, election interference. jailed political prisoners, the list goes on and on and it raised a question even internally of what they are actually going to get out of this meeting, out of this face-to-face with putin and you've heard the national security advisor say it's better to get in the room, be one on one with him and talk to him directly to figure out where he intends to take this relationship while biden is in office and we'll see where that goes but we should note that it doesn't appear the russians have even committed to doing a two and two press conference where it's each world leader standing side by side as trump did with put putin. president biden will be taking questions. they haven't said if president putin will also be taking questions from the white house press core. >> that's interesting. that's worth watching.
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thank you for being with us. someone that knows what the president is experiencing as former senior advisor to president obama, i'm talking about our senior political analyst david axelrod. he joins us with chief international correspondent, the first one makes it even biggebigger. how much is choreographed and how much do they have to go with the flow? >> a lot of it will be choreographed. the things you are concerned about are the things that come from the flow and that may come more from the meeting with putin than anything else. look, i think jon and khnhn san
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summed it up well. they are hungry after four years of trump and joe biden is no stranger to them. he's been traveling the world for half a century meeting with leaders as a senator, as vice president. this is comfortable terrain for him. his hard task is to persuade them that the commitments that he makes are commitments the united states will stand by after he's gone and there is, you know, posttraumatic stress syndrome from trump and so that is his task and it's important because the chinese are telling people, you know, you can't really rely on democracies and america to be consistent in their commitments because democracy is too fragile. we are reliable. we can -- you can work with us. that is what we're fighting and that's why biden is casting this as a much larger discussion than merely any particular issue even as the issues are really, really important. >> to david's point, what are u.s. allies in europe most wary of now?
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where do they need the most coaxing? >> well, i think he hit the nail on the head when he talked about this idea of posttraumatic stress. essentially a deep seeded fear that even though the expectation is president biden will come in and say the right things and make the right gestures and put things in place that people support broadly in this part of the world, what happens when the next u.s. president comes along? is the u.s. going to sustain this role in a long term? can they be relied upon? this is really seen here as a moment for liberal democracies. there was a study that was done just recently that said for the first time since 2001, the number of autocracies was larger than democracies. it seems to be on the rise and that has a lot of people in europe particularly very concerned. keep in mind, john, this is a came of flux. we're seeing angela merkel, the german chancellor will be leaving her position in
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september and elections next year in france and recently we heard the german spy chief come out and tell the german newspaper that they haven't seen this level of russian meddling in german affairs since the cold war. so the demands are huge. all of it happening against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, the economic fallout of that. a lot needs to be achieved not just in terms of rhetoric but substantive agreements to really try to comfort and assuage people here that the u.s. is back, that this role is something that can be counted on and that liberal democracies can work together to counter this threat of rising authoritarianism. >> it's chilling that autocracy is a growth. with all the challenges over seas, how surprised are you that ron klain, the white house chief of staff, a very powerful important chief of staff was left behind in the u.s. to deal with challenges on the domestic front? >> yeah, not that surprising
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because this is a critical moment for the domestic agenda and the domestic agenda is tied to everything else so, you know, president himself feels quite confident on the global stage. this is actually his area of expertise and so i'm sure that's fed into it. he's got a very strong foreign policy team. so, you know, the fact that klain stayed back to work the domestic agaenda and we're in te midst of the final throws of this discussion on infrastructure that will be very, very important, you know, the direction of that is critical to biden's overall agenda. so, you know, i wouldn't read too much into the fact that ron was left behind other than the domestic agenda can't be left to flounder while the president is overseas. >> clarisa, i have to ask what is going on in russia
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navalny. nobody covered him as much as you have. what do you make this move from the russian courts almost certainly with the blessing of vladimir putin? k what kind of message does that send to his meeting with joe biden and what challenge does that pose to president biden? >> i think it poses a real challenge to president biden because president biden is coming in, john, and saying we're here to reestablish international norms. we're here to reestablish american values, democratic values, human rights and then you have essentially russia coming out on the eve of the g7 saying okay, we just designated navalny's organizations as extremists organizations and we're making it very clear to you that internal domestic issues are off the table. this is a non-starter. so how does then president biden go about trying to raise these issues? i think the key question in all of this is what is the metric
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for success from this putin biden summit? what exactly is everybody hoping to see from it? is the bar that it simply has to be less humiliating than the trump putin summit? is the bar that we'd like to see some kind of a reset agreement between russia and the u.s. in which case the two leaders will have to find areas to cooperate on. i think you can expect to see them talk about things like nuclear agreements, also climate change, counterterrorism. there are strategic areas where the two countries can find some common ground but really president biden is going to have to be very clear and very deliberate in walking this tight rope of standing up for those american values, defending them and bringing himself as an advocate not just for the u.s. but the g 7 of nato, of the european union and trying to balance that against what president putin is drawing as very certain lines. >> clarissa ward, thank you very much for that. david axelrod, stick around.
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we'll come back to you shortly to talk more about how the president nav igates the same republican opposition his old boss dealt with and some and ed markey if they can't agree on using all the tools at their disposal meaning reconciliation and eliminating the filibuster. ♪ ♪ see? it's on. before, the rain would bring me down. how ya like me now, rain? before, you had to be awake to make a difference. before it can change the world, it has to change yours. the all-new, all-electric volkswagen id.4. ♪ ♪
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advil dual action fights pain 2 ways. it's the first and only fda approved combination of advil plus acetaminophen. advil targets pain. acetaminophen blocks it. advil dual action. fast pain relief that lasts 8 hours. we touched on it at the top. president biden wlleaves plentyf policy in place and infrastructure spending in the second incarnation after the first broke down yesterday and voting rights legislation facing solid gop opposition but also lacking a commitment to key senate democrats. the legislation to reform policing snagged. the president has also called on congress to tighten gun legislation that hit a fresh snag today on the background checks and on top of it there is senate defeat on an independent january 6th commission, too, and what if anything the white house does about that.
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most or all of it depends on getting republican senators to agree and barring getting republican senators getting democratic senators to agree on procedures to go around them, neither of which seems to be happening. joining us is ed markey. thanks so much for joining us. look, a close ally of yours, democratic congressman alexandria ocasio-cortez said president biden and democrats should take a step back and saying if playing patty cake with gop senators is worth dismantling people's voting rights, setting the planet on fire and the wealthy to not pay their fair share of taxes and went on to say it's a hustle. what do you think of that? how do you feel about the issue whether democrats and the white house are maybe putting too much faith on republicans to compromise? >> i've said all year long we have to repeal the filibuster. the republicans are using that as you already said to block gun
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safety registration from blocking equal pay for women in the united states from passing. from blocking protections for voting rights from passing. they are using the filibuster to accomplish that goal and they're extending it now to infrastructure and climate change with their obstruction of policies so from my prospective, the filibuster has to go. it is a jim crow past and now being used to block the agenda, which our country voted for last november with a democratic house senate and president. >> it's not going to happen today. you know that. joe mansion is against it and other democratic senators are against it. what is your alternative plan? >> as you said there say new negotiation that's broken out between moderate democrats and republicans but john, the number two republican in the senate said this afternoon that there aren't going to be the votes for
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anything that goes beyond what shelley, the lead republican negotiator already proposed to joe biden and joe biden rejected. so he already said that it's the non-starter if you go beyond that. this new group is actually in political terrain that is not going to bear fruit and as the great maya anglo said, when someone shows you who they are, you should believe them the first time. they're telling us that the leadership level of the republican party that they are not going to accept any more than the modest proposal that shelley moore has made. >> have you been in contact with joe mansion or kirsten cinema about going the path of reconciliation which for the viewers we know means going without republicans? you need every democrat on board for that. >> ultimately, we are going to need every democrat and i think
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ultimately it's going to be a product of the failure of these negotiations to produce anything that matches the magnitude of the climate crisis which we are facing. we need a massive expansion of wind and solar and all electric vehicles and plug in hybrids and battery storage in our country. we can save all the creation by engaging in massive job recreatn and republicans aren't going to support any of it. nothing that is climate centered will be allowed by the republicans to be in infrastructure bill. >> how much jeopardy do you think the democratic agenda is in and how much time do you realistically think you have? look, i know it's still 2021. we're barely half way through. we're not even half way through 2021 for the midterm elections coming up and how concerned you might not have the majority of that? >> my feeling is that we have to be big. we have to be bold. we have to respond to what the
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american people voted for last year. if the republicans say no climate, then i say no deal. let's just move on. let's move to the next phase where we work using the reconciliation process as you said which only needs 51 votes. we can't allow the procrastination, the obstruction which the republicans have engaged in in the past in 1994, 2010, we know what their strategy is. we've seen this movie before. we've given enough time. i don't think it's going to happen after what we've seen in the first five months of the biden administration. >> i got to let you run. how frustrated are you with democratic colleagues joe mansion that he doesn't share your frustration and willing to let this go on? >> well, thus far, mitch
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mcconnell has shown us what the republican game plan is. i think the same thing will happen on an infrastructure bill that matches magnitude or the problem we're facing within this country or planet and the filibuster and the doing of the republican party. >> senator ed markey from massachusetts, go bruins, thanks for being with us tonight. i know. i know. all right. up next, what former president obama told anderson about the political we're witnessing now, the danger he sees in it when when he continue. e continue. we . ♪ it's velveeta shells & cheese
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the first overseas trip is happening at a pivotal time domestically after all is to be expected but democratic end fighting. in an interview monday night anderson talked with the former president obama about the divided political landscape, the former president warned it's dangerous to ignore opposing view points. >> you wrote about the importance of getting exposed to other people's truth and that's how attitudes change. what happens when the only truth that people are willing to expose them to is their own?
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>> look, this is part of the challenge. it part of the challenge with social media. you know, i think there has been a lot of conversations about how we are able now to just filter out anything that contradicts our own bias, prejudices and predispositions. it's not symmetrical, i have to say this. the truth is that on, what, at least the right would consider liberal media like cnn, yeah, you guys are still take democrats to task for things. i think democrats lord knows when i was president, i was getting a lot of incoming from my own base and so, you know, it's not semimeymmetrical. we just shutout anything our own
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sense of righteousness in these big debates. >> back with us david axelrod and joining us, former special assistant and personal aid to president obama reggie love. david, it was interesting to hear that conversation about politics today and i'm wondering what other criticisms do you hear from democrats that the republicans are better at it than we are, some democrats say. they tune everything else out. they don't ware what people say and just go for it. >> it is true that the republicans don't care about that. they are fundamentally -- matthew was on with me the other night and said that they don't feel shame. they don't care that much about attacks on them for, you know, behavior and they're also not wedded to these institutions the way democrats are so yeah, i
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think that they go farther back. i have to say, john, i was listening to that conversation with senator markey and aoc's tweet and reminded me of when i was working for the president. we were trying to pass the affordable care about and you're at home state dispatched democrats from the senate seat in 2010 after ted kennedy died and all of a sudden, we didn't have 60 votes. the house wouldn't accept the health care bill the 60 with kennedy passed and all of a sudden, you know, everything seemed in parail. they sent me to the senate with the caucus and my friend stood up and was just spitting fire and he said why doesn't the president of the united states go over and tell the speaker of the house and the house democrats to pass the senate health care bill and i said to him, senator, if you have 218 votes in your pocket, a list with 218 names, you should go to the house side of the rotunda
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and give her the list because i don't shrinkthink she has that . it took us months to pass that bill. we did pass that bill. there is an affordable care act and as good as people say republicans are at this, i remember john mccain turning his thumb down and preserving the affordable care act so when you have narrow majorities, nothing is guaranteed. >> yeah, you either have the votes or you don't have the votes and you can't make them up where they aren't. this isn't lyndon johnson in 1958. it's just not. david, on the point of the media, which president obama -- let's talked about a lot. he says there is no equivalent for the democrats to fox news in the republican party. what's the impact there? >> huge. i mean, we -- voters who support democrats have very diverse media outlets and get different versions of the news.
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republicans, fox news is a dominant force in terms of getting facebook and social media is another and they are very much locked in a silo which is why so many republicans believe that the last election was fraud when there was absolutely no evidence to support that. when you're fed that story through your news sources again and again and again, you tend to believe it and that is a huge problem. >> reggie, you're here. i'm happy to see you pop on the screen here. i want to play a little more of anderson's interview with president obama. listen. >> one of the things you write we need to explain who we are and where we are going. i mean, as somebody who has dedicated myself to story telling, this resonates with me but i wonder are we as a country still willing to listen to each other's stories? >> this is the biggest challenge we have is that we don't have the kinds of shared stories that we used to.
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th there's always a division along the lines of race. you know, we have 400 years of whites and blacks not being able to have shared experiences because of slavery and segregation and so forth. but even within let's say the white community, right? the stories of kids growing up in manhattan and the stories of kids who are growing up in abilene, texas and the stories of kids who are growing up in montana, those stories no longer meet. partly because of the segment, the siloing of the media, the internet, entertainment. we occupy different worlds and it becomes that much more difficult for us to hear each other, see each other. the thing i learned first as an
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organizer and elected official as a politician was when you start hearing people's stories, you always find a threat of your own story in somebody else. and the minute that recognition happens, that becomes the basis for a community. >> so reggie, you were with the former president for so many of those conversations when he heard those different stories and i wonder how important you think it was to be able to share to try to find that common thread. >> look, john, i think that this is such an important conversation and i do believe the biggest challenges that it's not about running for president and having to go into the homes of people to hear their stories. these stories exist in the communities that we live in and what we really have to do is to be empathetic to be able to hear and listen to those perspectives
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and experiences that are different than the ones we know and i think that is what -- and i think obama writes about this and before he was president and dreams for my father, when he talks about the constitution, you know, and kind of says that look, you know, because the power in our government is so diffuse, the process of making laws in america compels us to make the possibility we're not always right and sometimes we can change our minds and it challenges us to examine motives and interest constantly and suggestions the individual and collective judgments are at once legitimate and highly fallible at the same time. that's hard for people to do. >> yeah. no humility right now in this country. that's for sure. david axelrod, reggie love, thanks for being with us. >> good to be with you, john. >> up next, dr. anthony fauci's concerns about the slowing pace of vaccinations and the threat
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people that received pfizer or moderna shots and the variant that devastated india and is here. a lot to talk about with dr. sanjay gupta and lina nguyen. the author of the upcoming book "lifelines" a doctors journey in the fight for public health. sanjay, dr. fauci said he's concerned about the delta variant. that's the variant seen in india concerned about it becoming dominant in the united states. do you share those concerns and what is particularly worrying about that variant? >> it is a more transmissible variant and so as we've seen now in the past if something is more transmissible, it starts to out pace the other existing variants out there. so there is about 6% sort of presence of this variant now in this country but it's likely to continue to crowd out the other variants. i'm worried about it for people who are unvaccinated. i mean, this is the conversation we've been having for sometime.
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the vaccine against the variants, that's the race what we know is that the vaccine if you're vaccinated thankfully, you're pretty protected. i mean, we can show you this is real world data now that we're getting back looking at how well these vaccines protect against the yellow is the u.k. variant. by the way, the delta variant is now the predominant variant in the u.k. got to keep up with all this. you can see there is a little drop off in terms of protectiveness with the delta. that's the pfizer vaccine on the left. but it's pretty good. astrazeneca, you can see the protection you get there. again, a little bit of drop off with delta as compared to the u.k. variant, the alpha but pretty good. one of the big things here is this far right graph and this is a good reminder, john, basically one shot versus two shots. you see that if you've had just one shot your protection is far lower than if you get both
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shots. you remember a couple months ago we were having a discussion should people just get one shot and there was a lot of debate back and forth because we didn't know if we'd have enough, what you heard from the scientific community at that point is get two shots. that's where the data lead s us and now we know why. getting two shots is really protective. if you're vaccinated, i'm not worried. if you're not, this say reason to do it. >> a concerning analysis from the cdc found nearly 11 million doses of the j&j vaccine, about half of the doses delivered have not been used. a source told cnn approximately 1 to 2% of the doses distributed will expire. we're talking within weeks. how foreseeable was this? what more should or could have been done to prevent this from happening with so many countries in such need for these vaccines? >> john, this was anticipated. that's how much it was foreseen.
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it was anticipated. there were state health officials sounding the alarm for months they were soon going to be reaching the point where supply exceeds demand in these states and i just think about the real tragedy that there is right now that there are billions of people in the world who have not yet seen a drop of the vaccine there are vulnerable ld early people, health care workers on front lines begging to get the vaccine. i think in a way, it's a sign of american exceptionalism that here we're begging people to get a life saving vaccine when so many people around the world would really want it. this should be a call to action for the biden administration to figure out what to do before the doses actually expire. what's the plan? it is hard to export drugs and therapeutics but surely, we can cut through the red tape and make an exception in this case. we need to do a lot better job of scaling up production of vaccines around the world to understand there are about a
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billion doses, we need 11 billion doses of the vaccine to be given out and again, such a great tragedy for any of these doses to be expiring on our watch here. >> sanjay, i know there are parents concerned when they see reports that there may be a connection between this rare, very rare cardiac illness and young adults, particularly young men who have taken the pfizer, moderna vaccines. what do we need to know about this? >> first of all, i can appreciate those concerns. i'm a parent. you're a parent. your boys got vaccinated the second dose recently, so did my girls. i understand those concerns. this is a rare phenomenon that we're talking about known as myocarditis, mild inflammation around the world. we know there is a few cases but enough cases where it seems to indicate it seems to be more than a standard background rate. what i mean is that in many populations, you do have occurrences of things like
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myocarditis. is it higher among these people that have been vaccinated or not? increasingly, it might be slightly higher. they are seeing it in israel. they're starting to see that now here. we don't know for certain but this looks like a biological phenomenon. very rare. typically happens four days after the second shot. people have chest pain. seven patients were written about in this journal. they had chest pain. four of the patients had faefr and were treated. it was pretty easily treated according to that journal article. so i get the concern. it's still a far better idea to get vaccinated. these patients, by the way, did not have misc, this inflammatory syndrome. at first the doctors thought it might be that but this is something to keep an eye on and shows the surveillance system at work. >> dr. nguyen, thank you. sanjay stick around. coming up, sanjay will examine the origins of the pandemic and
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as you heard, there's a lot of covid news lately. but where and how did it originate? president biden has ordered the intelligence community to redouble its efforts to find out, but answers may be hard to come by. >> i'm struck by what dr. robert redfield told me in february. >> i'm of the point of view that i still think the most likely etiology of this in wuhan was from a laboratory. >> for a lot of people, it was stunning. not so much what was said. after all, the lab leak theory had been out there for some time. but that the former director of the cdc said it. someone with access to raw data and intelligence that others didn't have. after largely being dismissed,
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the lab leak theory is gaining new momentum. >> we know all laboratories all over the world have had and continue to have accidents despite our best efforts to prevent them. >> this professor penned a letter along with 17 other scientists writing, more investigation is still needed to determine the origins of the pandemic. both theories remain viable. now, the question is, will we ever know? it's not easy, if you think about it, tracing the origins of a small strand of genetic material on a massive planet never is. consider that it's been 45 years since the first recognized cases of ebola. yet we're still not sure of its origins. tracing sars to horseshoe bats
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took 15 years. >> nearly all previous outbreaks of emerging infectious agents from arisen through natural means. second, this virus does appear to be related to bat coronaviruses. >> but just how closely related is a critical question. this coronavirus is 96% similar to another virus found in bats. >> it's not close enough to say that it's the exact virus that gave rise to this one in a simple evolutionary step. but that kind of gap, 4%, means years, means decades in terms of natural evolutionary time. >> and that evolution means something. typically, after a virus makes the jump from animal to human, it sputters along, evolving, learning how to become more efficient.
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that takes time. with sars-cov 2, it came screaming out of the gates. >> normally, it takes a while for it to figure out how to become more and more efficient in human transmission. >> in the lab, do you think that process of becoming more efficient is happening? >> most of us in the lab, trying to grow a virus, we try to grow bi b better and better. >> according to sources, well before december 2019, there were concerning reports of researchers from the wuhan institute of virology becoming sick with some sort of pneumonia-like illness. were they the first patients in the world to contract covid? we don't know, and we're told they tested negative for antibodies. but that hasn't been independently confirmed.
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which leads to perhaps the most crucial parts of a successful investigation. access, and trust. >> if we can convince the scientists in china, in wuhan, to sit down with us and share everything that they have, and we likewise share everything that we have with them, i really do think that we can make some headway. >> it's worth pointing out that the lab leaks do occur. in the uk in 1978, smallpox. and others, that occurs. the big question is, the type of research that is happening there oftentimes makes these viruses more efficient in humans. is it worthwhile research, and can we hold people accountable? that is the big question. >> sanjay, thank you. up next, what don mcgahn
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special counsel. but mcgahn said he did everything he could to prevent that. and he said that trump wanted him to go on the record and deny that trump ever tried to remove mueller, but he was afraid it would expose him criminally and also the former president, donald trump, criminally as well. mcgahn also talked about donald trump's behavior, described as erratic, and sometimes out of control. he said some of the things trump asked him to do were crazy. this goes to show the state of mind of donald trump during this period of time. it's important to point out, this revelation by mcgahn and testimony won't amount to anything. the mueller report has been issued. the former president beat back an impeachment proceeding around that time. this was about making sure he would come in front of this committee for future instances like this coming up.
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the house speaker, nancy pelosi, putting out a statement saying his testimony alone was a victory for democracy. >> ryan, thank you. the news continues. let's hand it over to chris for "cuomo prime time." chris? >> the question is now, does the doj decide to do anything on the strength of what mcgahn put out there. john, have a good night. i'm chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." this is night one of president biden's first overseas tour. the main question is, will he take back the power from putin? the president addressed u.s. troops stationed in the uk this afternoon. made the case that america is back, and ready to lead the world again. reassuring our troops, our friends, needed. getting russia out of our elections and infrastructure is a must. biden seems to get that.
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