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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  June 16, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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expected to be enacted into law. a day after the senate did the same. 14 republicans voted against the bill. once president biden signs it, june 19th will be known as j juneteenth independence day. >> a question, the great mr. cooper. what is the significance of juneteenth if at the same time we pass into law that it must be recognized, we see the same body failing to protect some of the signature rights that go along with freedom of the same. >> a good question there, chris. >> deep, man, deep. that is the hypocrisy that we're dealing with these days is that that's why we have to depend on good minds like yours to keep calling it out. thank you. good to see you as always. >> he laughs but not because he finds it funny. president biden returns to manager tonight after his historic summit with vladimir putin. here's the upshot.
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how did the trip go? wasn't trump's hel-stinky but biden wasn't reagan commanding russia to act, either. that he did what he came 22nd the russian. work on advancing mutual interests but barnld threatening our vital interests with cyber attacks and election meddling. >> he knows i will take action like we did with this last time-out. he knows they are consequences. they are not able to dictate what that in the world. >> does he? hasn't putin gotten used to no consequences after trump told the world he trusts him more than his own intelligence agencies? and no small irony, president biden actually confused the pair earlier. >> i caught part of president'' putin's press conference --
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>> gaffe? doesn't really qualify. on purpose? of course not. funny? a little. of course, putin's work of weakening our country being done for him, right? by the rabid right. another sign of how pathetic our politics are, trumpers who sat quiet while trump tossed this country under the bus with biden, with putin -- there it is for you, with putin in helsinki. he threw us under the bus. they said nothing. now they say, biden isn't being tough enough on putin. >> he is a trained ga propagandaist. >> are you kidding me? are you kidding me? i hope he runs for president. i really do. i hope he runs for president. i want to see somebody who will
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have an amazing pedigree, and pompeo does. he does from west point on. cia, top diplomat. are you kidding me? you want to be a leader and you're going to lie to americans' faces like that? about how biden didn't say anything strong enough? when you let trump that he says he believes putin more than his own intel and you said nothing. come on. come on! when is it enough for you guys? when are you going to say it's a game, we know it is bs and we don't allow it in any other part of our life because this part matters. do you remember pompeo saying, i have seen proof of the originalen of covid. i have seen what happened in the wuhan lab. and then what? he dummied up. where was the proof? now he believes in tough, in
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follow-through. they are doing putin's work of division. they're even spewing some of the same talking points now. putin and these pawns of trump. black lives matter movement. arrests of capitol rioters. same thing. listen. >> america just recently had very severe events, well known events after the killing of an african-american. and the entire movement developed known as black lives matter. what we saw was disorder, destruction. we don't want that to happen on our territory. people came to the u.s. congress with political demands. four 00 people, over 400 people have criminal charges. they face prison sentences of up to 20, maybe even 25 years. they're being called domestic
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terrorists. it is unclear what grounds. some people died. and one of the people who died was simply shot on the spot by the police, although they were not threatening police with any weapons. >> don't miss the point. the point isn't his him okayokayis o, hypocrisy. and he treats his own people like dogs. blm, bad. biden, bad. for rounding up innocent people who attacked the capitol. they had no weapons. they were sweet like sugar. where have we heard that before? here. >> if we prosecuted blm and antifa rioters across the country with the same determination these last six months, this incident may not have happened at all. >> we've seen plenty of video of people in the capitol. they weren't rioting. it doesn't look like an armed insurrection. >> there was no insurrection. >> he didn't know it was a video from january 6th, you would
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think it was a normal tourist visit. >> same stuff? same language. we call it trumpery. nothing to do with trump. it is a real word meaning to deceive. what a coincidence. biden said before his trip, democracy is in peril. he's about to return to a democracy in peril. after confronting someone who helped put us in that state. again, we're doing a lot of the work ourselves. so other than confirming that police poise a bounds and a broad, why did this summit matter? let's take it to a much better mind, former secretary of state madeleine albright. great to see you. >> great to be with you. thanks for asking me. >> do me a favor of engaging the skeptic. why meet with this guy? >> well, i think this was a very
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important summit, actually. because what it does is make clear our views, and that we have a very different president from the one that he met with before, and a country where president biden is making clear that we're back. that he understands our value system. that we believe in human rights and freedom. and that we know we have responsibilities. and he knew what message he was going to deliver and he delivered it very clearly. and i think there are a number of angles to look at what happened here. there are several steps that president biden took that really explain how he will and does operate in a world where he believes that america is back and we need to protect our interests. so bilateral diplomacy is basically, the working tool for how to deliver messages.
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how to really know what you're going to say and nobody is better at that than president biden. because he understands the importance of human relationships, of talking straight and being prepared. that's a very, very important rt that a. he knows the history of rur, he knows about putin. he does something very difficult, to know who you are but to put yourself in the shoes of the other party. you brought this up and i think this is a whole new word, the what-abouts? and putin is very good at the what-abouts. we have to be able to dispute sxem this make cheer that putin is speaking to his own audience. his own people. because they are deluded into thinking he is doing a good job. i do think it is ridiculous and i think that we have to make clear that the comparisons, the
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what abouts make absolutely no sense at all. >> in our overwhelming reality, i think putin is also speaking to the white fright trump contingent in our country as well. i want to ask you another question. you raised something that i don't want to let get away too soup. what do you think of former secretary of state pompeo saying biden needed to be stronger with putin about what he's been doing in this country, when he sat silent after that mockery of what happened in helsinki when trump threw this country under the bus, saying he believed putin over u.s. intel? >> well, i am appalled at what pompeo did when he was in office. by the way, anyone longer a diplomat. and the kinds of things that he did or didn't do, what he supported trump in doing. and so it's an outrage. we ned to call it out when somebody is really saying things
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that bear no resemblance to reality. it does show that we have to deal with the issues that were left over from a tragic period in american history. >> all right. back to biden. tell me why it is okay to say, we discussed our mutt you'll interests, and to paraphrase, this guy keeps breaking into our house and ruin the democracy, why work on mutual interests instead of sending the message, look, you know and i know that you did this. and it is going to stop or you're going to have trouble that you never mansioned. see you next time. why go into this mutual interest part? >> because i actually do think that it is realistic fong there are certain aspects about russia's behavior that we do have mutual interests. and that has to do with the fact
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that of the nuclear arms, what they possess, and we have some strategic ability dealing with the issues, and with the knew start extension and dealing with that. and i think it is worth always in diplomacy to try to find something that you have in common. while at the same time, you make very clear that you have certain issues that you will not agree with and you state very clearly what you do believe in. so i think that part is very important understanding that there are some mutual things. the other part that sit very important about this summit is that the u.s. was not alone. i think the build-up to it was brilliant. president biden going to show that america is back but also, that we have partners that believe in the same things we
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do. so he has the g-7, nato, the e.u., all of whom agreed with the kinds of issues that he raised in terms of moral values, in terms of the direction we have to go in, the problems that we have. we have partners. putin is alone in his delusional view of what the world is. so i think that part of the summit was also very important. and by the way, what i think was a very smart move, the number they have personal in the state department, very knowledgeable about russia, europe and nato, is on her way back to brussels to brief the partners about what really happened so that we are not alone in this, and there are areas where we can find ways to cooperate. but mostly, that we have to be true to our values of human rights, of telling it like it is, and understanding. and then i think, chris, another part of this that is very important is that this is but
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the beginning and there is a work program that is set out where they are going to work on the strategic ability, but they are going to work a new area causing so many issues. that's the whole cyber warfare. hybrid warfare. that the rules are not set out. so i think that having our partners be able to help in developing this area and being very clear, that if putin takes steps in those areas that president biden outlined, he said 16, that there will be repercussions. there will be a way that we will make our stand very clear. we are not alone. we have a work program. it is realistic and this was a very useful summit. >> last word to you. what is the next move that biden floods to do to cement this trip.
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>> i think he does have to spend time at home explaining to american people how we proceed, that the what-abouts are something that are dangerous in terms of dealing with somebody who in many ways, is willing to believe things about us are not tro. and the importance of how our domestic policy goes together and he needs the support of the american people and we are at a very important point in our own history and america is back and can only be back when the american people are supportive of how we answer questions, how we understand our values, and that we are true to what america is about. >> two things. one, secretary madeleine albright. when people watch this, they'll flood me with messages saying, why don't you have her on more often? one, all do you know is ask.
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and two, i love your pin. i always ask but your pins. but i don't like the imagery. while it is ufrgle sam, you are anything but an empty hat. i appreciate your insight. nobody comes before you in my book for insight on these matters. so thank you, madam secretary. >> i'm happy to come any time. thank you. >> thank you. i'll be asking and soon. the irony of trump folk saying putin is too soft on putin. i covered it there. we were desperate for something. pompeo, all of them. so we're going to look at what biden actually set out to achieve. whether it worked. we have an insider who helped get him ready. is this what she expected? next.
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man, it's sad. i believe you have to live your life as an optimist. you can be a realist but you have to be an optimist. i was really hoping biden can go take on a true bad guy and america would stand behind its president. that's what you retrump-licans did when trump threw us under the bus in helsinki. i'm telling you, international messages of the media apologized to me as an american after that. they said i'm so sorry for you. that's how bad it was. so now, you're going to have these same pulpits, pigeons and pawns saying biden needed to talk tougher? when she said nothing? when trump took putin's side over american intelligence? give me a break. you've got no legitimacy. no leverage. you have no credibility.
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and yet, here we are. senator tom cotton calling biden's meeting with putin ill-advised. pompeo, former secretary of state, cia, west point, biden should do more than meet. he should hold a joint press conference to blast putin off the stage. like trump did? oh, you only go back, what happened -- it's not a false equivalency. it is apples to apples. it is not what-aboutism. if you're going to say he was not strong enough here, why did you say nothing about that? come on. he's doing, they're doing exactly what putin wants to do. so let's bring back an expert who helped prep biden for the summit to see if she feels the plan went the way it was supposed to. former nato deputy secretary general, undersecretary of state for arms control, rose is back as promised. good to have you. >> nice to see you, chris.
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thank you for having me. >> from what you can tell, execute the plan as expected, and if so, why satisfied? >> i've been having a good laugh about all the criticism, too. actually for me, biden showed the most subtle skills of a negotiator. people said didn't you threaten him? he said well, i didn't need to issue threats. i just made simple assertions like what would you think if your pipelines came under attack? that's the perfect sign of a strong and subtle negotiator. you don't need to pound the table and jump up and down. you just make it clear what do you know if behavior doesn't change. so that's what i saw president biden doing. today i thought did he a really good job, frankly. >> i will not dignify the critics on this one. i usually do because i think it is good for discourse but not when they sat still in helsinki. so rose, i don't understand, madeleine albright tried to
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explain it to me. i have two very smart women trying on explain to it one dumb guy. i don't understand the pre tense of, we have mutual interests whether you know the man is ini ammical to your cause and trying to destroy democracy. what is the upside of that suggestion that there are things to work together on when you know he's trying to destroy you. >> of course, it is a tough argument. i remember days of the evil empire and the ussr and they were always trying to destroy us. but yet we felt it was necessary and ronald reagan felt it was necessary in the end to talk to them about reducing and eliminating nuclear weapons because they could blow us up and the whole world as well. they were an existential threat. so to me there are some no-brainers for the united states. we have to keep working on them. i was interested today that putin offered to biden that
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russia could help on afghanistan. that's a big deal. the soviet union had their own big failure in afghanistan. i'm not saying that nato policy and u.s. policy has been a big failure but we do need to keep working hard to ensure that a peace process becomes stable and that we get the afghanistan people the continuing access to their rights. if russia is willing to help with that, great. if they're willing to put money behind it, great. i thought it was interesting that putin offered to help. he also offered to help on iran. so that could be very much to our benefit. we are concerned about the threats that the iranian state poses to the united states. >> in terms of primacy, is anything more threatening than cyber if only analyzed on the metric of what is happening here at home? i haven't seen anything be as
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effective and it is no coincidence that putin is parroting the same attacks that we saw in the election and what we hear from trumpers. nothing hurt us like that. shouldn't that be priority one? >> absolutely. i still argue that nukes should be priority one. that's me speaking. there are deliverables and the other big deliverable was, they are going to get down to work, two take. cyber experts on how we begin to work together with cyber attacks and these particular cases that are such concern to the united states. the ransomware attacks going on. in many ways, they are deeply embedded in his state so he will have to do some heavy lifting to shut them down. let's see what can be done. and it seems that biden was very clear. he said i'm not taking that
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man's word for granted. i'll giving three to six months. let's see what progress is being made. it is good to have that deadline set for us to be sure that the president will keep an eye on what that happen. >> thank you very much for taking us inside. what it means and what it could do. up ahead, did trump's inaugural committee misuse nonprofit funds to enrich the family business? that would be a crime. we have one. lead witnesses in the case. she says, she doesn't lie. and even if she does, it doesn't matter. she has proof. next.
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want when it comes to assessing or figuring out the meaning of all the different donald trump scandals. time and again, you can read the emails, you can hear the tapes, you can see his signature on checks. it is true that there was a serious attempt going on to profit and that's a problem. and it is true with absurd stuff as well. like this planning document from the inaugural saying the then president-elect and his daughter, quote, confirmed they would like a full military parade as well as tanks and helicopters. when it comes to the inaugural, there is new evidence showing just how trump's team worked to profit off the presidency, and that is a violation of the constitution. we have the documents and an insider to help us make sense of it. stephanie winston wolcott.
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you've seen her on the show before. you know she was close to melania, the author of the book, melania and me. good to have you back on prime time. >> thank you for having me. >> by the way, i wasn't calling you a liar in the tease. i was saying, it doesn't malter what people say of your credibility because you have proof. we only know what someone can show. and you say there is proof that there was profit motive here. that you talked to then president and his daughter about the same. is that all accurate? >> it is. i would like to add that the investigation into the inauguration committee is just beginning. so many people think it was so long ago but the investigation into the missing funds, into ivanka, donald, rick, don jr., all those involved. and as you said at the beginning about telling the truth, rest assured the documents and the
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testimony speak for themselves. so that is where we will see who is inning and who is guilty. >> put up the email from rick gates to ivanka about an initial proposal to build the inaugural committee 3.6 million for the presidential ballroom at the trump hotel. is it true -- did you put the email up? did i miss it? oh, good. put this up so people can see it. 3.6 million. you said that is way too high. it wound up being about $175,000 a day. take us through that about what you think was behind the numbers that were offered. what was the motivation and did you talk to about it and what was the response? >> to start out with, you're in washington, d.c. you have the most incredible land mark historical buildings so it never should have been concerned about doing anything
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at the trump hotel. especially since it is the president-elect's hotel and they would be self-profiting. when the price did come across my screen which was forwarded to me, i was in shock and i did raise red flags and i did call out almost the audacity thinking a price like that could be subject to a conversation. in doing so, i daf conversation later, a few weeks later with president-elect, with donald trump and ivanka in donald trump's office. my meeting notes are very clear. i happened to make sure to keep them after every meeting. and they are sent around to every person that is in charge of each division within the inaugural committee so everyone has a chance to respond to them. and the responses were slow and far from coming in. because i don't think anyone knew how to respond to that. so rick gates took lead as he did with most of the inaugural
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financing. he was given the poufrt purse. he had the power of the safe. the tickets and the funds were in his hands and he was very close, i don't know now, but he was very close to the family very much. close to ivanka. and to handle things one-on-one. >> what do you recollect in terms of what president-elect and his daughter's response that this was hyper inflated? >> donald felt ivanka would deal with me later on the subject. we were going through an entire presentation of the entire inaugural heyout. he didn't seem to think anything of it. nor did he want a conversation about it. he said ivanka and you will talk about it later. and ivanka was very clear that she and rick would have that discussion. when i spoke to her later that evening. >> so what this comes down to, did they want to profit and did negligent it was wrong?
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do you believe there is proof that they used their own property when they didn't have to, and they didn't do it to be nice. they did it to make money. >> they really didn't do it to be nice and they did do it to make money. the documentation, the evidence is strong in this case and it does tie it all back to the finances. we say follow the money. allen weisselberg involved at the end to make sure the finances were properly accounted for, when the trump hotel was rather, you know, institutionally, nothing should have ever happened. there we had the land mark building that's we could have used. they were available. some of them were rental-free. some of them were nonprofit. they split it in half. trump hold inflated the cost. they charged for the same amount of time, instead of $175,000, they charged $5,000 to another organization on the same day.
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so we do have precedence as to what is the proper amount to be charging for space rentals. >> we can still hear, your camera froze but we can hear you so let's keep talking. the inaugural committee was charged with trying to upsell rooms at the hotel. how so? >> i can't give you the accuracy of the conversation that's took place there because i was not a part of them. >> there's another email we can put up. sorry to interrupt you. you're back, you look great. thank you. put up the email from trump's hotel staff to rick gates. and it says, while we're waiting, we can use some more big rated rooms. specially bit -- especially big and highly rated signature suites.
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significance. >> significant because the inauguration committee should have no contact whatsoever with the trump hotel and spending at the hotel. nor should it have organized any rooms on behalf of any of the donors. donors that were contributing $5 million or $1 million packages. it was controlled by the trump administration which we know was the operating organization that controls every entity under trump. and rick gates, having control of that, working the other executives in charge of the presidential inauguration committee had the ability to place people in the trump hotel, charge exorbitant amounts. $6 million was spent on other hotels that didn't get used. so that's something i was very concerned about. i had not seen that talked about
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enough. the trump hotel, we had a friends and family rate of 345. for the inauguration, that price was inflated $3,000 for the evening. no other hotel, five star, any star, had any comparable raise in price like the trump hotel did. >> thank you very much for bringing us prof of the suggestions. >> thank you for having me. >> you don't have to care about this at home but the proof is the proof. it is a strong suggestion that they're looking to profit and you're not allowed to do. that simple point, simple proof. a new conspiracy theory is emerging about the attack on the u.s. capitol duflt hear this? directly from hate tv. why i would repeat it? because now you have elected officials, once again following the lead of the fox. a former top fbi official will take it apart. and this matters. next.
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trump supporters are on an endless quest to deflect blame for january 6th. it can't be as bad as we all saw. then it is bad for him and bad for them. remember, they first blamed antifa? then they said it was preplanned? that there was no way that trump incited it? then they insisted there was no riot. these were peaceful tourists. now a new bold faced lie is being pushed by the fox five. >> strangely, some of the key people participated on january 6th have not been charged. the government calls those people unindicted co-conspirators. what does that mean? it means in potentially every case, they were fbi operatives. >> no. they could just as well be pizza salesmen. he is getting something wrong and he probably knows this. here's what should bother you. his employer said in open court
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that he is not to be taken seriously. do they put that on that screen when he is putting out that bs? no. it is one thing when he will show video of me working out, as if that's a problem. i've never heard a man insult another man by saying this guy is too jacked. i've never heard of it. i take it as a compliment. it's nice to be mentioned on hate tv. why aren't they telling you, don't take this man as truthful? because we said in open court, he is not to be believed by reasonable people. they said it. what is the source? a site run by this guy. darren beaty, former trump speech writer go left his post in 2018 after attending a conference with white nationalists. forget about what kind of dirt bag he's getting the information from. let's talk about what is true and not true in this scenario? former fbi director andrew mccabe. person one, person two. unindicted co-couldn'nspirators.
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what's the reality? >> the reality is we'll go into very briefly a little law lesson here. i am convinced that your viewers are smart he than tucker carlson. here's how it works. when an indictment is written, at the time the indictment is written and signed off by the judge, there are people who need to be referred to in the indictment to make it a coherent story so it makes sense but who is government is not prepared to charge at that time. there may be all kinds of different reasons they're not prepared to charge that person at that time. i'll give you a great example. when the indictment against michael cohen was sworn out, the government couldn't charge the president, donald j. trump. so he was referred to in that indictment as individual one. it could have also explained or referred to him as an unindicted co-couldn't spear or the. it is the same thing.
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>> so does that means trump is an undercover fed? >> he might. he just might. >> deep state, baby, deep state. >> so he is doing a little correlation is causation. sometimes the government will carve out its own people. in my experience, they rarely call you guys, to put in undercover federal agents as unindicted co-couco-conspirator. you can't be because you can't have criminal intent. that's the whole point of being undercover. the alleged oath deeper charged in the capitol riot, the indictment. caldwell and personal two took selfie photographs of themselves on the balance connolly and other areas on the perimeter of the capitol. they wrote, us storming the capitol. i'm such an instigator.
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what is the reckless of this? >> it's not hard to figure out who person two is there. a pretty good guess. probably sharon. the point is for whatever reason, the government wasn't ready to charge her in that same document. maybe they need to collect additional evidence or maybe she's decided to cooperate and is providing information that needs to be protected for this period. there are all kinds of different reasons. the one reason that doesn't exist is the one he suggested. it is not an agent of the government, not an undercover officer. you can't refer to them as unindicted co-conspirators. >> andrew mccabe, thank you very much. >> thanks, chris. >> it's okay to attack the government. you have to have cause and it has to be good cause and it has to be based on proof. i can't be because you want to undermine confidence in our
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democracy. so it somehow helps and you the political people you like. that guy should have on his screen that he is not to be taken as serious. that's what they argued in open court. they should own it. they are a disgrace for not doing it. in texas, it's hot. the agency that runs the state's electrical grid is also feeling the heat. same power operator responsible for the winter storm blackouts led to deaths. now asking texas to conserve energy in a really harsh way. there's a problem here and it is a bolo, next. to that same old place♪ ♪that you laughed about♪ ♪well, the names have all changed♪ ♪since you hung around♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you.
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deal with the heat of a texas summer. not frigid winter storms, remember? >> we're not used to this kind of weather. here are the primary needs, the most are in the summer. >> they were prepared for summer, with the humidity and the flooding that comes in those months as well. not for arctic cold. >> true, but that doesn't mean the system can handle the extreme heat either. it is now in the high 90s in dallas and houston. for texas, that's nothing for what the summer can become. yet the state is already looking at unexpected plant failures, they are short of electricity to power nearly 2.5 million homes already. people are being told, imagine
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this. it is 90 out. set your thermostat to 78. turn off your appliances. what they're not being told is why this is happening. now, ercot, the acronym for the state's power grid manager, they say answering requests from the media about why would reveal, quote, trade secrets or would, quote, cause substantial competitive harm. really? what competition? they manage the whole state's power grid. it is the only statewide grid in the country. there is no competition. before we see a repeat of blaming the new deal, keep in mind more than 70% of the plants offline are thermal powered. in texas that means natural gas. it's not a grown issue. politicians on the right like ted cruz have been quick to call out problems in california. what about now? can't run off to cancun, can you this time, ted? or can you? meanwhile, biden's cabinet secretaries, buttigieg, ran home because it is a selling point
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for the infrastructure plan. they don't tell you nowhere in the $3.2 trillion is money for the texas grid. come. on the winter problems, people got fired and some legislation got passed but it will take years for changes to take place. we don't have years. demand better. not blame. better. we'll be right back. one more bite! ♪ kraft. for the win win.
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