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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  June 22, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the same medications as the vet, but for less with fast free shipping. visit today. the big show, don lemon tonight, starring d. lemon. what's up? >> i tell you what, every once in awhile you got to wonder if this is worth it and somebody like this kid, night bird, comes into your life and you get the opportunity to give her this platform so people can hear her
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sing and where her song is coming from and what he's dealing with the rest of us can't hold a candle to and our attitude is what we need and then, it's suddenly worth it. >> listen, she's very talented no doubt and she's an inspiration, very inspiring but we each have our talents. you have your calling. you have your talent and you're very good at it so don't discount what you do. don't under estimate -- >> i ain't no night bird. >> you can't sing. you make people cry a lot. >> i can sing. i can make people cry, too. i'd like to make you cry. >> listen, i tell ya, i want to talk about something and congratulations to her and i like having her on but we're having an important election in new york city right now. a lot of it has to do -- the biggest issue is what you talked about on yo your show, crime. that's what people are going to vote on and that's the number one issue and everything comes second. the murder rate is up across the country and in this city but
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interestingly, the other things people talk about and make an issue about, those two down from two years ago and that's the good news with that but the murder rate, you cannot bring a life back. you can bring the economy back. you can bring the real estate market back. you can bring retail back. i would never, ever bet against new york city as i've been saying but you can't bring back a life and that's what people will vote on. >> look, of ybviously, i know - >> consequences around the country. >> you know, the most interesting thing because it's rank choice voting unless there is a huge ten, 15 point spread. >> can i show you. >> other than that we don't know until july. >> they are just coming in now. we have rank choice. we'll explain. there you go. there it is, chris. go on. >> right now it's close the polls. how they do it through the burroughs. he probably won't wind up with
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anything like ten points but if he doesn't this and he'll go tough on crime and new york city and new york state, my brother is the governor of new york, they have legal obstacles to bringing down the crime. shootings are the problem. people not being put in jail and staying in jail for shootings. >> yeah. >> and part of that is law, not just everything else. >> i had the former police commissioner on on friday. he's a police commissioner and crime is down. think about what whatever you want. he said that all of these defund the police effective crime. also, the reform, especial ly bail reform and so on is moving too fast trying to do too much at one time and quite frankly these are his words. people need to realize some
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people need to be in jail when it comes to bail reform and many people they are picking up, people committing these crimes are people who have been let out, people out on parole -- >> out on bail. >> out on bail i should say. they find that they're the ones who are committing, many of them are the ones committing these crimes and let me put this up and i'll let you go. this is the first choice because we have rank choice voting. the first choice of people that voted early or in person could be weeks before we find out. >> yeah, it will be weeks. >> who gets above 50% here. eric adams won't get above 50%. let's say it won't happen and then the next round, the people who made, whoever the second choice was until someone gets above 50%, i won't be decided so we have a rank choice voting but certainly new york city a barometer of what is happening across the country, people are voting on the crime issue right now in this city. that's the number one thing, the
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number one -- it's at the top of their list when it comes to the issues. >> look, there is a real reason for that. i heard someone giving their opinion about it earlier who is a former new york politician and they were saying, you know, the younger generation, they don't know howed bad it used to be so they are shook by this. i dismisthat. hearing about shootings and seeing people run out of stores with bags knowing they won't get arrested is going to shake everybody in that community, and i think that city, my city is heading for some tough sledding for sometime to coal ume unless there is serious structural reform and it ain't cops. it isn't that cops aren't doing their jobs. okay? they're arresting people. it how those arrests are being treated is the problem. >> yeah, i got a lot to talk about. this is one issue we'll be discussing and a lot of other issues. >> d lemon, i love you. like night bird says, it's okay,
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it's okay. >> can we tell people what we did for juneteenth? >> yes. [ laughter ] >> i said to chris as we were on the dance floor, i said remember, that i danced with you on juneteenth. [ laughter ] >> i thought that was funny. i thought you would laugh. >> i thought it was beautiful. i loved being with you. >> our families were together and friends and we were enjoying ourselves out and celebrating and, you know, it was juneteenth and i said hey, look, it's juneteenth and we're all dancing, a diverse group of people. >> it's all good, brother. make your witness. there is "don lemon tonight." let's talk about the politics in washington because they couldn't to debate. come on, guys. they couldn't find ten republicans who were willing to stand up and make their case every single republican in the senate filibustering to block debate on the for the people act just like they blocked debate on
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the january 6th commission. democrats failing to advance their sweeping voting rights bill while states all across the country passing restrictive laws in an assault on the heart of our democracy. laws that are all about making it harder for black and brown people, many of whom will vote for democrats to cast the ballots. the vice president camillkamalas saying this after the vote. >> the bottom line is the president and i are clear we support the john lewis voting rights act and the fight is not over. >> so, now what? now what? the way forward, what is that? the john lewis voting rights act named after the late civil rights icon and democratic congressman expected to come to the senate floor later this year. what will he say? what will he have said about what happened tonight? what do you think? you can question whether the president did enough but not as if he hasn't been sounding the
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alarm. he said it just last week on the first overseas trip as president. >> and i've never seen during a civil war such out ward assault on voting rights. i mean, just a flat assault. i didn't anticipate that happening four years ago. but it's happening now. >> so he called the assault on voting rights in state after state his word, despicable and said republican voters think so, too. >> the republican voters i know find this despicable. republican voters. folks out in -- outside this white house. i'm not talking about the elected officials. i'm talking about voters. voters. >> and then there is the former president barack obama just yesterday he called republicans refusal to allow debate on voting rights not acceptable.
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>> think about this. in the aftermath of an insurrection, with our democracy on the line, and many of these same republican senators going along with the notion that somehow there were irregularities and with legitimacy. they're suddenly afraid to even talk about these issues and figure out solutions on the floor of the senate. they don't even want to talk about voting. and that's not acceptable. >> here we are. a divided senate can't muster the 60 votes needed to allow debate on protecting one of our most precious rights as americans and that is the right to vote and that brings us to the battle over the filler buster because let's face it, republicans had no reason to negotiate since they knew we all knew democrats didn't have the
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6 60 votes they needed. kirsten cinema and joe mansion a diehard defender of the filibuster writing in a washington post op ed it quote compels moderation, more likely compels minority rule. the filibuster allows a determined minority like republicans whose leader says he's 100% focused on stopping president joe biden's agenda. the filibuster allows them to do just that and it been going on for decades. we played this for you a couple weeks ago and i want to play it for you again because i think it is relevant and you need to hear it as often as possible. this is dr. martin luther king junior back in 1963. >> i think the tragedy is that we have a congress with a senate that has a minority of misguided senators who will use the filibuster to keep the majority
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of people voting and suddenly they wouldn't want the majority of people to vote because they know they do not represent the majority of the american people. >> so the filibuster has been used again and again to kill civil rights and voting registration. former president barack obama speaking at the funeral of june lewis calling it a relics of jim crow. >> this takes eliminating the filibuster a jim crow relics to secure the god given rights of americans, that's what we should do. >> the filibuster, mansion and s cinema were trying to create a bipartisanship. we saw that today. it's a long disgraceful history of being abused to block civil rights and voting rights bills. facts first here. used to preserve slavery in the 1840s before it was a filler buster and used the defeat an
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anti lynching bill in the 1920s. in 1957, senator therman took to the floor to filibuster the civil rights act speaking for a record 24 hours and 18 minutes. in 1964 the longest filler buster in senate history 60 days almost derailed that act. 1983, senator jessie helms finally dropped his filibuster attempting to block the bill declaring martin luther king junior day a federal holiday. is the filibuster really worth more than voting rights for millions of americans? that has mitch mcconnell today makes a breathtaking statement there is nothing broken about the country and the system worked on january 6th. i can't believe he said that but here it is. >> there is nothing broken around the country. the system upheld very well
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during tense stress in the ladder part of the previous congress. there is no rational basis for federalizing this election therefore there is no point in having an election, debate in the u.s. senate about something we like to do. >> okay. i want you to think about this. nothing is broken. okay, if nothing is broken why do you need to pass these laws if nothing is broken? what needs fixing? 14 states passed at least 22 new laws restricting voting and there are more in the works while the false claims of non-exist taent fraud and why t big law if nothing is broken? while mitch mcconnell is saying nothing is broken, they are trying to break it again. >> if the election was fr frau
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fraudulent, people have to make up their own minds. it going to be up to the public and perhaps politicians. i don't think there has ever been a case where hundreds of thousands of votes will be found so we'll have to see what happens. >> okay. we'll have to see what happens. i think we've seen what happens when they disgrace twice i'm peached former president pushes the big lie that spawned the insurrection and blood thirsty supporting rioters and storm the halls of congress hunting for lawmakers. the former president again barack obama warned about that last night. >> the violence that occurred in the u.s. capitol on january 6th, just a few months ago should remind us that we can't take our democracy for granted. around the world, we've seen once vibrant democracies go into
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reverse walking in power for a small group of powerful autographs and business interests and locking out the political process. disd disdents and protesters and the voices of ordinary people. it is happening in other places around the world and these impulses have crept into the united states. we are not immune from some of these efforts to weaken our democracy. >> so with all of that, i want to fill you in on something that is going on over at the fox propaganda network. i don't usually respond to these things. i don't like to punch down and i would like to focus on issues important to you other than someone taking hot shots at me. >> no, he does not live in section 8 housing. he lives in one of the whitest towns in america, in fact, 80%. >> section 8 housing.
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let me simply just say this. if you think that a black person who doesn't live in public housing can experience or understand racism in this country, well, that just says much more about you and your ignorance on these issues than it does about me. so what do voting rights really mean and what will it take to protect them? i'll talk with the house majority james clyburn and chuck schumer reacts to tonight's vote. >> once again, senate republicans have signed their names in the ledger of history alongside donald trump the big lie and voter suppression to their enduring disgrace. paul loves food. but his diabetes made food a mystery. everything felt like a “no.” but then paul went from no to know. with freestyle libre 14 day, now he knows how food affects his glucose.
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♪ hey hey hey. ♪ goodbye. ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na... the world's first six-function multipro tailgate. available on the gmc sierra. . every single senator comes as sources say the house speaker nancy pelosi will have a select committee to investigate january 6th after they blocked a bipartisan commission. so joining me now democratic congressman james clyburn.
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thank you so much. appreciate you joining us. the house speaker nancy pelosi telling colleagues she'll name a select committee to investigate the insurrection. that was an attack on democracy and this news kcame out moments after they blocked the voting rights bill. do you see these things as connected? >> they could very well be but thank you for having me this evening. i would hope that the speaker will move forward with doing this because the people that i talk to want to see us, something about what happened on january 6th. the real patriots in this country want this democracy to continue its pursuit of a more perfect union and we cannot do that unless we get to the bottom of what happened on january 6th and who was behind it and who funded it. there are a lot of questions that need to be answered and why
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they want answers, i don't know. nancy pelosi will do what is necessary to find out. >> democrats secured joe mansion's vote but they can sink the sweeping election reform bill thanks to the filler buster. where does the battle to protect voting rights go next, congressman? >> well, i think we continue as you know, senator mansion put forth some principles that he thought should go into a bill. he's made it known that he has a problem some of what is in s 1 now and you also have the john lewis voting rights in advancement act that we plan to get to the senate very soon. we have a lot of avenues still open to us. so just because we have not moved forward on this does not
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mean we cannot get something a kin to what joe mansion has put forward. stacy abrarms expressed support for it. i said at the time that i thought it was a great step in the right direction. so just one step. that's other things he could do to help improve his proposal and might be acceptable to a lot of people. >> you know, so much congressman, so much of the legislation aimed at restricting voting rights pushed by republicans at the state level will disproportionately target black and brown people. it will disproportionately affect black and brown people so explain what the senate republicans just did when it comes to voters of color. >> well, what they just did was say we want these legislatures down in georgia, florida, texas. these legislatures where the republicans are putting forth a bill to restrict, to suppress,
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to even overturn elections. we want that to be the law of the land and i want to sit here for your audience tonight that article 1, section 4 of the united states constitution makes it very clear that states do not have the authority to determine general elections that rests with the congress and that's why they have never been able -- remember states came out with term limits and said there was a term limit and people in congress, the courts said you can't do that and so this thing of saying that we want to take over the state of the elections no. we don't want states taken over federal elections and that's what this is about. >> they called out senators mansion and cinema over the filler buster back in march you told the guardian and i quote here, there is no way under the
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sun that in 2021 we are going to allow the filibuster to be used in voting rights. that ain't going to happen. that would be catastrophic. if manage and cinema enjoyed the majority they better figure out a way to get around the filibuster when it comes to voting in civil f the fillibuster was used now. do you know as important as voting rights? >> yes, i do. and i think it's very clear we have done it for the budget. we have something we call reconciliation and we have the filibuster but we can do a bunch to keep the faith and credit of the united states government in tact. you can do the same thing for constitutional rights and voting is one of those constitutional rights. so yes, i see a way for this to get done and for the filibuster to stay valuable when it comes
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to things like legislation. do you want to build a wall? how high the wall should be? how long the wall should be. those are legislative questions that have nothing to do with the constitution so let the filibuster apply. when it comes to constitutional issues like voting, the filibuster ourgtght not apply. the word rock conciliation is to be used for constitutional issues than the budget. >> i just want to get to something you've wrote just last week and here is what you said. the senate is fiddling away precious time as our democracy burns. that's what it's all about, right? it's all about protecting -- >> that's exactly what it's about. yes, sir. >> that's the issue at risk. >> that's exactly what is at risk. and i think that more and more people are speaking to that because if we do that, if we do not do what is necessary to
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maintain people's right to have an unfettered vote, if we do not get people back on their feet because of where they are as a result of this pandemic, if we do not do these things, we are doing nothing but fiddling around and that is for poll li -- polite company. >> appreciate your time. >> thank you. results coming out for the new york city mayoral primary race and cnn projects the winner will be determined using rank choice voting tabulations. that's the list right there. you see eric adams is former brooklyn burro president and now he is on top. maya wiley number two. kathryn cgarcia number three an andrew yang number four. he had ran for president. use rank choice voting.
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that's right now what the numbers show and again, there is another round whoever gets to 50% or above at least above 50%, that will -- the winner will be determined and it may not be until july or so until we actually figure out who it is. so more ahead on that. >> plus, republicans showing their true colors blocking the voting rights bill and it doesn't look like those colors are changing any time soon. so what comes next? well, i tell you what comes next on this program. john kasich. that's who. after the break. ♪ this... is a big deal. now, at, millions more people can afford health coverage. due to the covid relief law, you can pay less with financial help. in fact, 4 out of 5 customers can get a plan for under $10 a month. from doctor visits to preventive services to prescription drugs-- these are quality plans. you can do this. you can have coverage as soon as july 1st if you sign up now for a limited time,
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to everything. not a single republican vote. even though the bill included voter i.d. and other things the gop wants isn't clear that the republicans want -- i should be clear i should say excuse me that the republicans want no part of it. >> there was no voter i.d. in that bill, don. the mansion bill has a voter i.d. and we've got to see whether the mansion bill will come. the mansion bill is very reasonable. it says, you know, a little bit of early voting you have to have voter i.d. and declare the election day a national holiday. if the democrats were smart, they would put that on the floor. that bill, that mansion bill you've heard mr. clyburn speak favorably about it and stacey abrams has spoken fairly about and it's very, very difficult for that bill to go down on that kind of a party line vote because i think it's far more reasonable than hr one and will help solve the problem 1and is real efforted bipartisanship.
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>> they don't want to consider the mansion bill? >> i think that's totally wrong. when you take a look what is happening in these states where they're trying to rollback. look, it should be easy to vote without having fraud. okay? it should be made easy and these states now are engaged in making it more difficult. so i just completely disagree with republicans that say that mansion bill doesn't make sense. it makes total sense. it not a total federalizing of elections but what it does do is set guard rails into law and make sure people can vote and secure. i completely disagree with them with the mansion bill. they're wrong on it. >> let's talk about voting s secure and fraud and i want to play something to get to the conversation. this is a senate majority leader check schumer, that is what he said after the vote. >> every single senate
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republican just voted against starting debates, starting debate on legislation to protect americans' voting rights. once again, the senate republican minority has launched a partisan blockade of oppressing issue here in the united states senate. an issue nol less fundamental than the right to vote. this is further evidence voter subpoena p suppression is part of the platform of the republican party. >> okay. he's saying voter suppression is an official platform of the republican party. mitch mcconnell is actually saying that the system held, that it worked. it wasn't an issue with the system. so if there wasn't an issue with the system, if nothing was wrong, then why fix it? and do you agree with what chuck schumer said? >> no, i mean, chuck is just
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using a lot of heated rhetoric there. if everything was fine, then there was no reason for 12 or 13 or 14 republican states to try to clamp down on the voting. and you know, we know what is going on in arizona where they are doing this count, this recount, which is -- i mean, turned out to be a big fat joke and they're actually looking for bamboo to see if the chinese were apparently somehow involved until the in the ballots out there. ridiculous. if everything is working, there is no reason to turn around and start to restrict voting. one thing i will say, don, when it comes to a crisis like we had with covid, it's reasonable to go back and visit that, to make sure that the way that the voting happens is consistent with what the law is in the state and really kind of an update but at the same time, i would tell you i don't see the reason for them to try to clamp down and i've said it before, there are some republicans that say if too many people vote, they won't win and that's because they haven't been
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developing an agenda that's broad enough to attract other people. but i guess what i'm saying to you is if everything is fine, then they shouldn't be clamping down. >> isn't that what -- >> -- in these republican states. >> isn't that what all republicans are saying since they voted against being -- there even being a debate about it? i think they're all pretty much saying what you just said. you're saying some republicans. i think all republicans, at least lawmakers are saying that. >> yeah, here is what i would say. a filibuster is a filibuster. now, back when donald trump was president in 2017, 31 democrats signed a letter. a total of 61 united states senators signed a letter saying we should never get rid of the filibuster. the democrats filler bustered on police reform and didn't have a discussion. >> we're talking about filibuster, that's something else. >> no, what i'm saying to you is -- no, what you're saying is they don't want to discuss it. that's what a filibuster is.
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they're filibustering that bill. so we have to talk about the filibuster because i think that there is a distortion here. now people say legitimately we can have a legitimate debate whether you should have a filibuster or shouldn't, you can't have 31 democrats saying in 2017 we shouldn't get rid of the filibuster and now they turn around and say we have to get rid of the filibuster. you know what it is? it depends who is in power. who is in power. so look, my view going forward is bring the mansion bill up and put it to the republicans. it's a fair and reasonable bill that's supported broadly and that's what we ought to be focused on now. guard rail. >> let me ask you this, do you think anything has changed since 2017? >> in what regard? yeah, we don't have donald trump anymore. >> i'm talking about the republican party. >> i don't know. yeah, i mean, i think they have gotten under the spell of donald
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trump, yes, and i'm very disappointed and been very strongly spoken out against that but that's not a reason to get rid of the filibuster. >> that makes sense that democrats might have a different approach because i've been saying it's a break glass moment -- >> no. >> hang on. >> no. >> well, okay. go ahead. >> especially if people are trying to restrict voting rights as you and i both agree, you said that it is and i think that's what is the fund mental right that we have as americans to be able to choose our leaders and if people are trying to restrict that, if they're trying to also steal the election by putting legislators in place who can overturn elections in states and municipalitmunicipalities, elections and nationwide elections, wouldn't you think democrats might have a different approach and say hey, listen, the only tool that we have in the drawer to save our democracy with millions upon millions of people to have unfettered access to the ballot box is to change this rule at least a carve out
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of this rule because this whole bipartisanship arguing for the filibuster for the sake of arguing for the filibuster won't help us preserve that. >> don, if you get rid of the filibuster, the republicans win the senate and turn everything back. it's the purpose of the filibuster is to bring people together. read the op ed priest cinema wrote. she said the purpose of the filibuster -- >> i read it -- >> the purpose of the filibuster -- >> i got it. that's just her -- right. okay. you agree with it. that's the whole point of an op ed it's someone's a pinion. that doesn't mean that's what it is if you look at the history of the filibuster, which i gave at the top of the show, that's not what the filibuster is used for. it in many ways used to block civil rights legislation and keep white from bloacks in this country. >> well, i don't agree with
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that. i'll also tell you that police reform is absolutely critical. sponsored by an african-american republican senator and the democrats filibustered it and at a time we had the streets on fire in this country, there is a legitimate police reform bill. the filibuster. give me another one. the covid relief bill. the democrats blocked the covid relief bill. they filibustered it at a time when the country was in so much trouble because people were hurting because of the pandemic. i don't agree with using -- look. i'm not sure i would have supported what we were saying. i don't think the filibuster ought to be used to block civil rights. we ought to pass civil rights laws and pass mansion but i don't want to get rid of the filler buster because i don't know where that ultimately leads under the c us, don. it leads us down a path for either party to be extreme and i don't support that. it sort of like what happens in the house. >> there could have been a carveout for that particular legislation. >> carveout, we should have
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carved it out for police reform. there is a lot of things -- >> look -- >> your point of view is very legitimate. >> police reform is something that people have been talking about. it is not part of the constitution. right? it is not part of the fund mental right to vote in this country. so it's like you're comparing apples to oranges and i understand what you're saying. >> okay. >> hold on. hold on. hold on. >> yeah. >> people politically use the filibuster to their advantage, both democrats and republicans. i understand what you're saying. to compare voting rights to an issue that can be worked out in other ways, that doesn't destroy the fund mental right under the constitution, it should be i should say under the constitution for people, that's a whole -- that's as my mother would say, that's a horse of another color. it's not the same thing, john. >> but we have historically always believed that states should run elections and when states are abusive, you know what you can do? vote the legislators vote.
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vote the governor out. >> you think states would be determining a national election like the presidential election? >> they did the last time. >> should be doing that -- >> no, i don't think the state leg sl legislators. the system worked when joe biden was elected. it worked. okay? do i think it needs to be improved from where it was? yes, soleme updates and i don't like what the republicans are doing to restrict. get the mansion bill up there and put it to republicans and let debate this and discuss it again but i've enjoyed this discussion with you. i have. i really have. >> i just have to say that especially -- >> it's a very -- >> it's tough. we're going to have to have it. i'm speaking for people around this country who fought and died and whose ancestors foug ht and died for the right to vote. that's it. i'm trying to make sure they're
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heard. i'm in so much trouble because we went long as we usually do. >> thank you, don. see ya. bye.
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>> early results coming in tonight as cnn projects the winner will be determined using ranked choice voting tabulation. you see those early results up on your screen again, eric adams 30.61% and maya wiley second, kathryn garcia third and andrew yang coming in fourth place. again, this is for in person and early voting only. so no one has reached a threshold of 50% or above and so it's going to be a rank choice voting. we may not know for weeks. july sometime at the earliest. so let's talk about the rise in crime rates that is bringing new
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attention to this race but with new rank choice voting system, it could be weeks again as we said before we know the ultimate winner here. i want to turn now to cnn senior political analyst john avalon and cnn's athena jones covering this race for us. so this race getting national attention. i've been saying both of you good evening, athena, this is a barometer for what is happening and what is to come. talk to us what we're seeing in these results, please. >> well, don, you know, it's interesting because andrew yang burst on the scene when this race began in eastrnest a few months ago. now in the recent months it's been in person but andrew yang benefitted very early on from name recognition. this is someone that was a 2020 presidential candidate that lasted longer than some other more experienced real politicians in the race and so we got a lot of the recognition and the attention early on.
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turns out at least in these very initial, very preliminary results, he's in fourth place. several points behind, about nine points behind the person in third place right now which is kathryn garcia. very important to stress we're outside a polling place here on the upper west side and just now things are really wrapping up with poll workers here beginning to cart away ballots and paperwork so this is very, very preliminary. the results that are coming in tonight that are coming out of being released by the board of elections of new york city, is not who to include absentee ballots and not going to include all of the in person votes from today. the idea is that this is going to be a combination of early votes, in person votes. these are results we're beginning to see. we won't see the first official you could call it release of the official results of the first round for another week and even those results will not include all of the absentee ballots that's why it going to be quite
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a process. bottom line, here, though, as we kind of expected, eric adams, maya wiley and kathryn garcia are the three emerging as the top three right now. >> john, let's bring you in now because with covid infection rates plummeting here, there is a surge in violent crime in this city. that's become the key issue in the campaign, really and americans, this is what is happening across the country. americans are worried about this crime increase. this could play out in other races, as well. >> no question about it. i think in part that's what we're seeing. if you take a look at the top tier candidates, don, people look at new york city from a distance and think it's a deeply democratic city and it is 7-1 democrat registration advantage. but that does not mean the democrats are all from the far left particularly times when crime is rising. eric adams campaigning tough on crime and kathryn garcia running really as someone who can manage the city getting some support from republicans and maya wiley
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is the sole candidate in the top tier for what cub considered the far left of the party getting aoc's endorsement. it shows a couple things. big cities are not stereo typically liberal as people think when crime is rising. the moderate wing of the party is still very, very strong particularly then ly environmen. it more likely the votes from folks in the center of the party will go to each other than the far left. final point, turnout is low. we don't know the final numbers yet but let's say it gets to 800,000 out of 3.7 million democrats in a city of 8 million. so there is always a question about the representative sample. rank choice to make it more representative. this has a lot of messages nationally for democrats that may feel the party is moving too far to the left because the e let trit is setting a different message. >> thank you, john and athena. so we know the previous president went to great lengths to punish his perceived political enemies but this is another level.
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a new report says he was so upset by "snl" making fun of him he wanted the d.o.j. to do something to stop it.
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new reporting on how far the previous president was willing to go to use his office to settle scores. the daily beast reporting that in early 2019 president trump wanted the justice department to get "saturday night live" to stop making fun of him. two people familiar with the matter telling the daily beast trump asked advisors and lawyers in early 2019 what the f krerks -- fcc and courts and justice department can do to stop snl and jimmy kimmel that made trump
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a frequent target of jokes like those. >> yes, sir? >> donald j. trump. donald j. trump. >> you come to get me. i knew it. it the muslim stuff, right? >> no. >> it for calling mexicans rapists? >> no. >> pocahontas? >> no. >> i am not a crook. i bet nixon got one scoop of ice cream for dessert but i get two scoops. do you think i care about optics? look at me. i sit on every chair like it's a toilet. >> trump is calling the reporting fake news but fits the pattern there was never any issue too small or too personal for trump. sad. we'll be right back.
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