tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 23, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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you certainly deserve astronaut wings. >> in fact he told me bezos trip made a big step. let's see how this plays out. the faa order says an honorary award can be considered for those who contribute to commercial human spaceflight. we'll see if he gets the last word. stay tuned. and thanks for joining us. ac 360 starts now. good evening. we begin this friday night with the weight of a weeks worth of evidence that our struggle with covid will not be over anytime soon, unless of course a lot more people get vaccinated. without that even though this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, it's going to continue to limit what the vaccinated can do as well. that's where we are tonight. the country is now averaging close to 45,000 new cases a day, about four times more than a month ago. at the same time only about 600,000 vaccine doses are being administered daily now. that's down from a peak of more than 4.5 million a day in march.
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so now with the much faster spreading delta variant, by far the dominant strain hospital intensive care units are once again getting crowded, filling up. localities are once again imposing mask mandates. the nfl this week imposing new penalties on teams with outbreaks with unvaccinated players. governors and politicians and tv personalities began shedding months of vaccine denial in defiance. not soon enough. in alabama, for example, the governor today pushed hard on people to get the vaccine. only 33.9% in her state have. that's the worst in the nation. another thing that's become clear this week is that some people for many reasons just don't want to get the shot not even as cnn's elle reid discovered when they've got the best reason in the world to roll-up their sleeve. >> reporter: did anyone you know get covid? >> my son had covid. >> reporter: how old is he? >> eight. >> reporter: wow, so that's pretty rare for a young kid.
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what was that like? >> he's sick a lot. he's been sick for a while and he's still sick. going to have to get him looked at and see if there's further damage. he got real sick. fever every day for weeks. >> reporter: are you guys going to get the vaccine? >> no, no vaccine. >> reporter: how come? >> i just don't trust the government. >> it is extraordinary to hear that. an 8-year-old child sick for weeks with fever, still sick, maybe going to go see a doctor. but the parents, the family still won't get vaccinated. tonight conservative radio talk show host phil valentine is in the hospital with covid. for months he's down-played the need for most people to get vaccinated. today his family posted this on social media. it reads in part, phil would like for his listeners to know while he's never been an anti-vaxxer, he regrets not being more ruhospitally pro-vaccine and looks forward to being able to advocate that position as soon as he's back on-air which we all hope will be
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soon. the statement concludes, quote, please continue to pray for his recovery and please go get vaccinated. a vaccine doubters family telling people on his behalf to get vaccinated, which is certainly welcome. every voice helps. but, again, this comes after far too many people have died unnecessarily including some in their very last assisted breaths before being put on a ventilator asked for a vaccine. you went to the covid floor of the hospital. what did you see there? >> reporter: anderson, we were at baptist medical center on the covid floor in jacksonville, and i saw doctors and nurses desperately trying to save lives. but they're really up against the numbers. the number of covid patients is increasing. right now they have 349 covid patient. 74 of them are in the icu. 72 of those 74 are on ventilators. they're also turning regular hospital beds now into icu beds
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because they need them so badly. we were there yesterday, and on that same day they had 60 new covid patients come in. and i'm told that 57 of those 60 were eligible for the vaccine. and anderson, only one of them had actually received it. and that's the problem. 99.6% of the covid patients at that hospital are unvaccinated. so i spoke to one nurse, and she told me that in their desperate times here they are facing a ventilator or being intubated, these unvaccinated patients are begging for the vaccine. listen to this. >> people who are here who are unvaccinated really staring down death, are any of them asking for the vaccine or voicing regret in. >> that's a great question. i mean every single day. most somebody was just saying we're getting ready to intubate the patient which means putting them on the ventilator. and they said if i get the vaccine now could i not go on the ventilator? so they're begging for it.
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when you're in the icu with covid it's not the time to get vaccinated. they're desperate because they're gasping for air. they can't breathe. they are scared. they feel like they're going to pass away, so they're just asking for whatever they can do to possibly keep from being put on a ventilator. because once patients get on a ventilator it's really hard to wean them off. >> and you say they're begging for the vaccine? >> they are. they're just at a loss for whatever they can do to stay alive. >> what do you tell someone who's begging for the vaccine now? >> we just tell them we're going to make it easier for you to breathe, relax. we're going to intubate you, keep you as comfortable as we possibly can. when you get better, we'll vaccinate you. >> and anderson, the nurse there you heard her saying these unvaccinated patients are terrified. they're struggling to breathe. they are afraid they're going to die, but these are patients now who chose not to get the vaccine but now desperately want it, anderson. >> were you able to speak to any patients? >> i was. i spoke to three patients.
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all of them were on breathing machines struggling to breathe as i was speaking to them. therapy in a lot of pain. all of them said that they regret not getting the vaccine. they all had the opportunity to do so. one woman told me that she was more afraid of the vaccine than getting the disease. now that's certainly changed for her. and they all told me it if they do survive this and they get out of the hospital they will get the vaccine. anderson, one other note, they're also seeing a lot younger patients here at this hospital. they told me 44% of the covid patients they have now are 40 years old or younger. and they're also staying in the hospital much longer because they are much sicker, anderson. >> randy kaye, i appreciate it. thank you. joining us now served as surgeon general. in a recent op-ed in "the washington post" we calls for tighter guidelines on masking in light of the delta variant saying this about the move to loosen them two months ago. quoting now. i was among those who initially thought the revised guidance might encourage people to get vaccinated. after all they can enjoy
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pre-pandemic freedoms at lower risks. but things did not work out as i and other public health experts had hoped. vaccinated or not masks were gone for it good. we're pleased dr. adams can zwroin us tonight. thanks so much for being with us. i want to read more about what you said in "the washington post" op-ed. first of all, i don't know if you heard but just a second ago we played a sound that our reporter ely reave was talking to a mom in alabama, and the mom's 8-year-old child got covid and according to her had it bad and had been sick for weeks with a high fever, and was still not feeling good. and she was planning to go back to a doctor rb try to figure out if there was any damage or anything that could be done. and yet she still will not be vaccinated because she says she doesn't trust the government. as a doctor i'm sure you have had patients like that. how do you convince somebody who sees their 8-year-old child sick
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and still sick and still doesn't want to get a vaccine for anybody? >> well, anderson, that story breaks my heart because i have an 11-year-old daughter who is unable to be vaccinated right now. and what i would say to your viewers first of all is the best way to protect the unvaccinated -- and remember a lot of the unvaccinated are our children who are ineligible to be vaccinated. if it's for the adults around them to be vaccinated. there are people who don't wear motorcycle helmets. there are people who drink and drive. there are people who don't get cancer screenings. there are people all the time who don't do what health officials say. as doctors and public health officials it's our job to continue to treat them with compassion, build that relationship and build that trust, and you will win them over. and i know people don't believe this, but i win people over every single day with a compassionate touch, really approaching them and trying to show them that i care. because when people know that
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you care, they'll actually care what you know. 600,000 people are getting vaccinated every single day. that's not as much as we'd like, but that's still 600,000 people who are now protected and protecting those around them. so we've just got to keep at it. >> so i want to read more what you wrote in "the washington post." you said i know what it's like to be well-intentioned but wrong on masking. after realizing you airered the best way forward to own the situation and hit the reset button. do you think it's possible to hit the reset button when it comes to masks? feels like a huge step they don't want to take, a huge step backwards. >> well, i do believe in it. and we have to have faith in that. we've got to start treating americans like adults. we trike to make everything binary. we try to make it simple. we try to make it into a tweet. i'm sorry. covid is not that simple.
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there's a lot of nuance. and the cdc gave the best advice they could at the time, but guess what? that was pre-delta surge. delta variant is changing things. that was putting trust in the american people to really do the right thing, but unfortunately people chose to pull their mask off whether they were vaccinated or not. so the message needs to be adjusted, needs to be clarified on the part of the cdc. but the american people need to own up and say, hey, we rise and fall together. i push back. i don't think this is a pandemic of just the unvaccinated. we're all suffering through this pandemic. but we need to help people understand when you're unvaccinated you're putting yourself and other people at risk for sure. >> i think that's an important message because i do think a lot of people -- i mean, we've heard a lot of people who have chosen not to get the vaccine say well, what do you care, you're vaccinated, you're fine. ignores the fact that, you know, especially with the delta variant even those who are
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vaccinated now can become sick. and even though you may not become hospitalized or die, you can become sick. and you can perhaps pass it to your child. or that person who chose not to get the vaccine, itdize affect those who are immuno compromised and can't get vaccines or children. >> absolutely. i have an 11-year-old daughter. i have a wife who is still dealing with a cancer diagnosis. i have a mother who had a stroke last year. these are all people who are vulnerable and made vulnerable by the individuals around them. but there's also social consequences. we're going to see masks come back whether we like it or not in community because when you have a 25% positivity rate, hospital wards full that forces us to have to reengage in mitigation. so young people if you want the bars and restaurants to stay open, if you want to be able to go out in communities without your mask, then you've got to do your part and get vaccinated.
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the nfl you mention, the oichl allics, there are people missing out on great opportunities simply because they wouldn't get vaccinated. and so there are social benefits to getting vaccinated. but also know this delta variant, there was a recent study that showed you have 1,000 times the viral particles when you're infected with the delta variant than when you were infected with previous variants. this is different beast that we're dealing with, and it requires a more intense response. so, please, i'm pleading with you, get vaccinated. it is safe. most of the problems you see with vaccines in history occur within the first couple of months. we've gotten hundreds of millions of people vaccinated. if this vaccine weren't safe we'd know it by now. that's not to say there aren't side effects, there aren't problems. but the benefits far outweigh the risks. >> so just unmasking because you're saying the cdc needs to the revise their guidance. what would your guidance be right now to friends and family members and to americans out there about even if you're vaccinated, if you are vaccinated where should you wear
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a mask? >> well, that's a great question. the cdc put a lot of responsibility on individuals to make decisions, but i don't think they gave them granular enough recommendations to be able to act on their own best behalf. if you're unvaccinated, you need to get vaccinated as soon as possible. and if you choose not to, then you need to mask up. if you're vaccinated, you need to understand that you still could be spreading this delta variant. not as much if you were unvaccinated, but you still could be spreading it. if you're going out in a public setting, i suggest you mask up especially if you're in a community that is seeing high prevalence numbers. and if you're taking care of someone who's sick or someone who's unvaccinated, then you should also consider masking up when you go out in public around mixing around the vaccinated and unvaccinated. schools are struggling with this because you've got unvaccinated and vaccinated mixing. if you're in a high prevalence area then please listen to your health officials and consider
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masking up even if you're vaccinated. but if you're unvaccinated especially mask up. >> i'm going to follow your advice. just ahead a report from the least vaccinated state in the nation, alabama, and efforts there to get more shots in peoples arms. next, though, breaking news on bail for one of the former president's old associates and why this one is not a nothing but a get out of jail free card. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? sorry? well, since you asked. it finds discounts and policy recommendations, so you only pay for what you need. limu, you're an animal! who's got the bird legs now? only pay for what you need.
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barriers don't stand a chance. ♪ that's why we'll stop at nothing to deliver our technology as-a-service. ♪ there's breaking news tonight on one of the former president's many friends, associates, former friends and associates who found foul of the law. the figure is staggering. a quarter billion dollars bond secured by $5 million in cash. cnn's paula reid joins us with more. when this first came out the justice department said mr. barrack was a flight risk what changed? >> anderson, he has the best
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lawyers money can. as they said today they moved mountains to convince prosecutors he had put up enough to convince them he wasn't going to flee. as part of this deal he has to wear an ankle monitoring bracelet, surrender his passport and abide for by a curfew, but this is still a good deal for him because he narrowly avoid a flight on the con air, the plane u.s. marshals use to move people across the country. overall this is really good deal for him. >> what are your sources telling you about whether or not he'll cooperate with officials? >> i've talked to a lot of sources and i continue to hear there's no expectation mr. barrack will cooperate in any ongoing investigations specifically those involving the former president and his family. anderson, we know a lot of people say that, right, and then they realize they don't have the resources to defend themselves against the justice department and they wind up having to cooperate. but here i think we've established mr. barrack certainly has the resources to
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fight. not sure if he'll win, but he certainly can fight. >> lastly two democratic lawmakers ted lou and kathleen riser are conducting an investigation into whether mr. barrack's case was suppressed. what more do we know on that? >> that's right, anderson. me and some of my colleagues we learned the prosecutors have this evidence but the case didn't move forward. and what's not clear is did it not move forward because they knew, the u.s. attorney at the time, richard donohue, didn't support it or was it because he did something to intentionally stall that case? we also know then attorney general bill barr wasn't a fan of these illegal lobbying cases. so it's unclear if the inspector general is going to take this up, but i think you can expect both sides of this case, anderson, pto be arguing there are politics at play. >> elliot, it's a lot of money.
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have you seen an amount like this for bail, 250 million bond, $5 million in cash? >> i've never seen an amount like that but i've also never seen anyone with foreign registration. and look, this is a remarkable case, anderson. let's step back and let's look at what the law is. there are two reasons why people are detained prior to their trials. either they're a danger to the community or they're a significant flight risk. and the prosecution was saying quite accurately that he presents a significant source of risk. number one, the wealth. number two, the jets. number three, one of his codefendants actually has already fled the country and they haven't found him in a couple years. and so, yes, this is an alarming amount of money, and it just goes to show what $250 million can buy you in our criminal justice system. >> how does someone disappear in this day and age? the codefendant fled in 2018, still remains at large. i find that kind of remarkable.
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anyway, i digress. with barrack's access to money and private jets and powerful people in other countries, does it make sense to you on what the strategy the justice department is deploying here? i mean, i guess it would be $250 million at stake if he split town. i don't know what his form of wealth is. >> it's not just the $250 million at stake, anderson. imagine he gets on his private jet and flies to the uae tomorrow. number one he loses $250 million. number two, he becomes a fugitive from justice and is subjected to additional charges after that. number three, any bank that transacts with him is considered aiding and abetting. any individual in the u.s. who helps him is also subject to charges himself. so he'd bring a whole bunch of other people into this. for a 70, what three or four-year-old individual facing a significant amount of jail time for this that's also risky.
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>> there's also concern the justice department may have squashed this under the former administration. what do you make of that? >> there's two different outcomes and two different things that could have happened here. number one, look, if in fact the justice department was squashing it and hiding both congress and t t the independent inspector general should look into this and get to the bottom of it. however, there's an entirely plausible explanation, imagine they have the evidence in june, july, august, september of last year in the runoff of a presidential election. it would have been very poor form of a justice department to bring charges against an ally of the president of the united states regardless of what people think of donald trump. that's just bad for the justice department and risky and a violation of justice department procedure. so perhaps it's not sitting on it or suppressing it. it's just waiting until after election day or even months after election day for a new justice department to come in. that's not incredibly uncommon. >> elliot williams, appreciate it, thanks. tomorrow the former
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president heads to arizona, ground zero for his lies about election fraud. we'll discuss his session with that state plus a new report that spells out just how much money his pac is raising claiming it's going to the ballot recounts to fund that. how much is actually going to the fraudulent ballot recounts like the one in arizona? millions of vulnerable americans struggle to get reliable transportation to their medical appointments. that's why i started medhaul. citi launched the impact fund to invest in both women and entrepreneurs of color like me, so i can realize my vision and give everything i've got to my company, and my community. i got you. for the love of people. for the love of community. for the love of progress. citi.
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former president's political action committee has raised in the first half of this year, none of it has gone to pay for the arizona recount or to support similar efforts across the country. and that is despite fund-raising e-mails that talk extensively about the need to support so-called election integrity. according to sources the political action committee spends some money on travel, legal costs and staff, but mostly it's just holding onto all that cash that people gave them. the former president heads to arizona tomorrow. kyung lah has more on his focus on that state. >> reporter: as the so-called arizona audit begins its fourth month there's been a constant drum beat from donald trump. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: since it started in april trump has blasted off more than two dozen statements to his loyal followers. amplifying the big lie and praising arizona republicans
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despite what arizona senate president and leader of the effort karen van publicly says. >> this is not about trump. this is not about overturning the election. this has never been about anything other than election integrity. >> reporter: her e-mails tell another story. obtained by watchdog group american oversight last month. van writes in a december e-mail she spoke with mayor giuliani at least six times in two weeks and mentions a private two hour meeting with giuliani and the trump legal team. in november van writes she asked the trump legal team to please file a lawsuit to halt vote certification in the state. she tells another voter last december about a personal call from president trump thanking us for pushing to prove any fraud. but van wasn't the only elected official who received calls from the trump orbit. maricopa supervisor bill gates got a voice mail 2020 from then trump lawyer rudy giuliani. >> i have a few things i'd like
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to talk. maybe we can get this thing fixed up. >> reporter: do you believe this entire thing was always about donald trump? >> yes. yes, i do. that's what this is about. this is about an effort to continue to raise doubts about the election system. >> he thinks somehow in arizona the election was stolen from him. and it's just not true. >> reporter: but trump wants it to be true, says kirk adams, lifelong republican and former chief of staff to arizona's republican governor. why is donald trump so obsessed with arizona? >> he believes if here in maricopa county it can somehow be proven the election was stolen, it will therefore mean it was stolen in other states like pennsylvania or georgia or elsewhere that he needed to win. >> so the former president is going to arizona tomorrow. this audit obviously has been ridiculed as a sham. it's not an official audit at all. it's still going on behind you,
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and arizona republicans are still clamoring to get on stage tomorrow with the former president. what do you expect to happen tomorrow at the rally? >> reporter: well, we're expecting to hear the former president say exactly what he's been saying in his statements. he is going to perpetuate the big lie because he wants it to be true, even though it is not true. even though this audit which has been maligned by federal election officials, independent auditors, independent people who run these audits, legitimate audits say that this is completely a sham and a show and an exercise. so we're expecting him to perpetuate that myth, anderson. but that's not stopping a number -- a very long list of 2022 republican candidates for arizona governor, for the u.s. senate to want to be on stage with him because the republican base finds donald trump popular, and they believe what he says. >> yeah.
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kyung lah, appreciate it. according to "the washington post" the former president's pac has raised $75 million this year on the back of these election fraud conspiracies. all those news letters, all those appeals about what they call election integrity. but to quote "the washington post," trump has been uninterested in personally bankrolling the effort. the pac has mostly been sitting on all that cash. perspective now from maggie haberman, washington correspondent for "the new york times" and cnn political analyst. and david axelrod. maggie, i mean if the former president actually believes that the election was stolen and that these recounts could find evidence to prove it, you would think he'd be using every single resource including the money that his supporters donated to him that he was asking them for in order to kind of fight these battles to uncover evidence, but he's not. >> you would, anderson. and you raise a key point, which is that he raised this money on this premise, that this was about fighting the election results he has repeatedly falsely claimed were the result
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of widespread fraud. but this is in keeping with who donald trump is. number one, he uses other peoples money when he can. he tries to have other people pay for things when he can. and two, he often tries to have other people do things for him. he tends to try to not have his direct fingerprints on things that might be controversial. some of this might be a strategic choice by him and candidly driven by the fact most of his advisers are not happy with his focus on these arizona efforts and his attempts to try to find similar efforts in other states or at least push it in other states. they think it's counter productive, they think it's not helping him, and they think it's going to make it harder for other republicans to keep supporting him going forward. >> david, i don't know what the technical definition of a grift is, but the former president's pac was formed with a barrage of e-mails going out to raise money for election recounts. we reported at the time given the very loose rules about how that money could be spent, this could very well end up being a
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political slush fund he had control over how it was spent. isn't that exactly what this has turned into it? >> 100%. you don't have to be sherlock holmes. this is a con. it's been thrown out of every court in the country where it's been contested, but he gets to pocket the money. and let's point out, you know, we know from other reporting that, you know, he's got financial pressures and so on, and he can off-load a bunch of his -- certainly a bunch of his political expenses and other expenses onto this fund. so this is -- yeah, he's taking advantage of his cult here. and meanwhile he's propagating these myths about the election particularly the arizona one. i mean, that have just been so readily debunked including by the republican election officials in maricopa county.
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>> right. >> so, you know, it is a con. it is a scam. and people are involved in fantasy fulfillment for donald trump. >> and it goes on. i mean, now, maggie, he's going to arizona to go on stage with all the politicians who are going to be running are going to be on the stage with him are dying to get a photo with him. and there will be, i'm sure, more e-mails going out about sending money to him to continue fighting for what they're calling election integrity even though that's a ruse. >> it's interesting, anderson. he was talking to some reporting and talking to an anderson a couple weeks ago and he was trying to push this person to say, you know, this idea he could be reinstated in august is real, which it isn't to be clear. and he was trying to push this person to say this arizona effort and other efforts could really be productive in terms of
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undoing the results of the election. they won't be. but when this person told him they weren't going to do that, it just wasn't true he said something to the effect of, you know, i know this is almost impossible, but i want to keep the focus on election integrity. he is knowingly letting people have this hope, and whether it's just because he wants to believe it, whether it's just because as david says he wants to raise money, you are correct. his efforts are going to spent tomorrow not just on e-mails going out, but his actual words are going to be encouraging of trying to undo the election. and yes, there's profitability in it and it can't be ignored. >> if i could just comment on this. you know, we've -- it has really dramatic consequences because there are people who believe him. we know that they're the same people who send the money. they're the people who showed up on january 6th. and by propagating these myths he's also inciting what we've already seen can be very, very
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dangerous actions on the part of people. so, you know, it's a scam -- >> it's not just that people believe him, david. it's that legislators across the country are actually trying to pass legislation based on this fantasy. i mean, they are -- that's what's behind all these, you know, what they're calling election integrity bills in various state legislatures, which, you know, democrats and others are calling attempts at voter suppression. >> yeah. the arguments for that legislation around the country are, in fact, the real election fraud. we had probably the most certifiably honest election in the history of the country and the most litigated. and so this isn't about curing a problem. it's about creating anxiety and then using that anxiety to justify restrictive voting laws that they feel will advantage their party and that trump is
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demanding. >> maggie, david, i'm just told that my crack team of researchers looked up the definition of grift and according to miriam webster it is to obtain money or property illicitly as in a confidence game. sounds about right. next more on covid and vaccine refusal. our gary tuchman spent it day at a vaccine clinic in alabama to find out why so many in the country are refusing a new lease on life. (sounds of car doors closing) (crash sound & tires squealing) (phone chimes) this is onstar. we've detected a crash from your phone. is anyone injured? i don't think so. good. help is on the way. is there anyone i can call for you? my dad. okay, i'm calling him now.
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early in the prod cast we mentioned alabama's governor cay ivy and the exasperation she expressed when asked about the large number of people in her state which has the lowest vaccination rate in the country not getting their covid shots. here's some of that exchange. >> what is it going to take to get people to get shots in arms? >> i don't know. you tell me. folks are supposed to have common sense, but it's time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks. >> as the leader of the state don't you think it's your responsibility to help try and get this situation under control? >> i've done all i know how to do. i can encourage you to do something but i can't make you take care of yourself. >> according to the cdc only 43.9% of alabama residents are
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vaccinated. 360's gary tuchman spent the entire day at a clinic at one of the largest counties in alabama. >> reporter: it's 5:00 p.m. and a pop up covid vaccine clinic has just opened at mobile, alabama's annual bay bites food truck festival. there's the choice of all three vaccines, but there are no takers. only the workers for the mobile county health department. but ten minutes later -- the ceo of the soul heaven cafe leaves her food truck and becomes the first visitor choosing the pfizer vaccine. >> you are done. that's pretty easy, right? >> it was real easy. >> reporter: mobile county is one of 400,000 people and has one of the lowest vaccination rates of any county in america at 37%. in the state at 34%. the county health department is striving for more frequent
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outreach to get people vaccines, and that's why its employees are here. 10 minutes later another woman gets a vaccine. she chooses moderna. >> you told me you have mu multisclerosis and your doctor has given you the okay to get the vaccine. >> i'm really glad to have gotten it. they're here doing this today because otherwise i'd still be kind of dragging my feet. >> reporter: 40 minutes pazes by with no more vaccine customers, but two mem then show up. don bates on the left, brittney williams on the right. >> the reason i'm doing it is i can do it. >> and it's free. >> most of my family has been vaccinated and they've been pushing me and pushing me and i've been putting it off. but the delta variant kind of scares me. >> that's why you got it today? >> yeah. >> reporter: it's now 6:00 and now one hour into the vaccinating. the curiosity level is high but
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the vaccinating is not. those are the only four who came over the first hour. the health department is sponsoring other vaccine events at places such as truck stops, coffee shops and car dealerships. the department's director of disease surveillance, she says her department must be creative. >> since july 4th we've just had an explosion of cases. you know, a doubling and a tripling of the number of cases every seven days. it's accelerating greatest in the age groups of 18 to 49. >> reporter: back at the food truck festival jacqueline is 22 and says no vaccine for her. >> i just don't think that i need it, so i'm not going to get it. >> reporter: you know, though, almost everyone now who's dying or being hospitalized is somebody who hasn't been vaccinated. the people who have been vaccinated, almost all all of them are not going to the hospital and not dying. does that concern you? >> not really. i'm a healthy person. i don't have any underlying health issues. i'm not really concerned about it. >> i'll just do the johnson &
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johnson. >> okay, that's perfect. >> reporter: but those who are concerned continue a slow trickle to the vaccination tent. jason sullivan says he wasn't planning to get a vaccine until coming to this festival. how come you waited this long. >> based off a lot of stuff i heard off the internet and what people were saying about the covid shot. >> reporter: so basically rumors. >> rumors. >> reporter: it's now 8:00. the vaccinations at the food truck fair are over. the final number of people who got vaccinations, 12. that's an average of four an hour. it's not a big number but the health department workers will tell you the numbers are getting higher at their various outreach events over the last week. good news, amid the delta variant, bad news. >> gary joins us now from mobile, alabama. so are the health department workers disappointed with the turnout for vaccines at the food truck festival? >> reporter: yeah, there workers, anderson, are not disappointed. they've been holding events like this for several weeks now. and a couple of the events only
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had one person getting vaccinated. so this event had 12 people. that's 111% increase. it means they're a glass half full kind of people. they'll keep holding the events and keep hoping that the vaccination numbers keep going up. >> i've got to say public health workers, they are unsung hero. they get people in their face probably all the time these days because of the way things are, but they they do incredibly important work. coming up, what food costs more in terms of land, water and pollution than any other. well, the answer in a new cnn special report, eating planet earth, the future of your food. i'll have a preview next. one! two! three! four! five! 72,807! 72,808... dollars. yep... everything hurts. only pay for what you need.
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okay chill, 'cuz mine's so fast, no one can catch me. speed? we'll show you speed. wow! -that's nothing... ...because my internet gives me a flex 4k streaming box for free. impressive! that's 'cuz you all have the same internet. xfinity xfi so powerful, it keeps one-upping itself. can your internet do that? according to scientists, the humble cow cost more in land, water, and air pollution than any other on the planet. that being said, the equally humble hamburger. i certainly like my hamburgers. but as bill weir discovered in his new cnn special report, "eaten planet earth the future of your food." >> we are going to go to a
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classic pat kty melt. we are going to show you some meatballs for the beef. and then, the pork variety, we are going to do some buns, as well as some pork bolognese. >> oh, beautiful. all of this will be made with flavored plants and in five years, a guy with no experience in food or business took impossible, from one restaurant, to over 30,000, including burger king and starbucks and 20,000 stores. >> here we go. the moment of truth. lots of burger. >> oh, yeah. >> mid, rare, to medium. absolutely. you ever heard of a burger taste? this is what we do. we taste the burger. >> cheers. >> wow. that's really good. >> got to go in for seconds. >> reporter: and since everything is political, these
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days, don't take my word for it. get a load of conservative fire brand and ranch owner, glen beck. >> i would say a is meat. b is the fake burger. >> b is the real burger. a is the impossible burger. >> that is insane. >> that is insane. bill weir joins me, now, for more on his special report that airs in just minutes at the top of the hour. you know, i have actually -- i had those burgers too and i tried them really for the first time the last couple months and i got to say, they're really good. i mean, i was surprised. what surprised you in your search? >> it's -- that is one of the main things, anderson. the founder of impossible food says, you know, the first time a car raced a horse, the horse won but that was never going to happen, again. because the technology behind the car just gets better and better and better and horses aren't really improving. same goes for cows. and impossible is not even the biggest player in the game.
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they are number three behind beyond and morning star farms, which is owned by kelloggs and that technology is getting bigger and bigger as entrepreneurs figure the only way to sort of get carnivores off of meat, which is ultimately the goal of a lot of scientists who say that the planet just can't sustain the american diet and meat loving is you got to come up with something that tastes just as good, at the same price or less. and we're kind of there. and the plant-based ones. that's just the beginning. there are all kinds of lab meats that are just getting underway. we met one founder of companies that discovered a new protein in the geyser water of yellowstone national park. i know you have done this story. >> yeah. yogurt. >> a huge thing. >> yeah. >> yeah. exactly. and they can make out of that same stuff, you can make yogurt. you can make cream cheese. you can make a chicken breast. you can make a hamburger and you wouldn't know the difference, if you didn't know the difference. so, it's expected that these alternatives could take 40 to 60% of the meat market in the next 20 years or so. but really, it's addressing that
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massive problem. there is so much waste in the system, in the food system. a billion tons of food is wasted, every year. it's so hard for small-family farms to compete against giant factory agri business, these days. so we kind of look at all the different problems and all the really ingenious solutions that are out there. >> yeah. i mean, it's extraordinary what they -- what they're doing, now. and -- and, you know, i hadn't even realized, with cows, that even, like, the -- the flatulence of cows is a serious contributor to -- to methane gas and being released up in the warming of the planet. it's, like, 3 or 4% or something insane. >> exactly. it is -- um -- it's one of the burps and then the toots as it is but that's the case. there is 1.4 billion cows and all of them have four stomachs and they put out more methane, more sort of planet-cooking greenhouse gas than the permian basin. all the oil wells there that leak all that, as well. so, they are also working on
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engineering a more planet-friendly cow. turns out, if you feed 'em a little seaweed, that goes down by 90%. and as a result, lobstermen in maine are also growing kelp to feed cows and people. >> love that. cool, bill weir, thanks so much. the cnn special report eating planet earth, the future of your food, is next.
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wake up to what's possibl with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. i like meat. grilled chicken. >> burgers. >> reporter: this is a show about diets. not the kind that gets you ready for swimsuit season. >> lobster's the best. >> but the nutritional wants and needs of over 7 billion people. what all those meals are doing to our bodies, and our little, blue marvel in space. when covid-19 shut down life, as we knew it, it made a lot of folks rethink food. where it comes from. who provides it?
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