tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN August 4, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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hope they're treating you well? >> they are. >> appreciate it. >> appreciate it "right right matters an american story." important book and insightful look what is going on in the country. to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, biden versus desantis, biden slamming him saying he doesn't want to hear a blip about covid from him after he told governors like desantis to get out of the way. a war of words escalating tonight and the ohio congressional race that split the democratic party. shawntell brown is "outfront". and an update tonight on the mother of three who is facing eviction. tonight dasha kelly and her response to the number of you that came to her aid and how she
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plans to pay it forward. let's go "outfront". good evening. i'm erin burnett. biden versus desantis. the governor is hitting back at president biden after the president said governors not helping in the fight against covid should quote get out of the way. here is the florida governor ron desantis. >> he's so upset about florida, his solution is he wants to have the government force kindergartners to wear masks in school. joe biden also believes that vaccinations should be mandated by the government and you should show proof. we can either have a free society or a bio medical security state. i don't want to hear a blip about covid from you. >> bio medical security state. well, okay. putting hyperbole aside.
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if anything, florida is a crisis state because it's not just leading the country in new cases. florida right now, august, has more hospitalizations than any other point during the pandemic. and yet, desantis is fighting tooth and nail to stop any type of mandate. right? whether telling companies and cruise lines they aren't allowed to mandate to show proof of vaccination status that puts guns on the work of business or threatening to strip schools of funding if they mandate masks when of course, the majority of young children, all young children under 12 are unvaccinated and through it all, he has been mocking at every turn as the virus rages in florida. >> did you not get the cdc's memo? i don't see you guys compiling. we are not supporting doing any vaccine passports in the state of florida.
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we always said we want to provide it for all but mandate it for none. biden is a lockdowner. hisse advisors are lockdowners. lockdowns don't work. we demonstrated that. >> desantis has his eye on getting reelected and he thinks turning the tables is a good way to keep his job. his campaign is actually selling t-shirts and other items that say don't fauci my florida. literally on his campaign website. don't fee auci my florida. you can get a water bottle. the governor of texas greg abbott using a similar playbook in his state where one out of three icu beds in the state is now being used by a covid patient. that's the situation in texas. the state's own health department just warned and i quote texas is facing a new wave. delta has erased much progress grel to end the pandemic. full vaccination protects nearly all from hospitalization and death. yet, here is governor abbott.
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>> there will not be any government imposed shutdowns or mask mandates. >> which includes schools where kids under 12 who are not able to get vaccinated yet, of course, are defenseless if they don't have masks on. that's all they got. to be clear, the biden administration has stopped short, i mean, i know desantis says biden wants lockdowns. he's not called for one and they have not yet called for a vaccine mandate across the country. but the cdc does recommend right now that everyone, regardless of vaccination status wear a mask indoors and the best tool right now against the virus as we all know, the single best tool is to go ahead and get vaccinated. right? that's just the bottom line fact. so why are these republican governors fighting? both masks and vaccines. it could be possible anyone would put politics ahead of well being and safety?
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let's look at the map because it shows how fast covid was spreading a month ago and on this map you'll see very few areas of red that represent high levels of community transmission of covid. now i'm going to flip it and show you the same map today. the entire southeast and most of the midwest is deep red and many of these states in red also have fully vaccinated rates that are below 50%. like texas and like florida. and today, the nation's top infectious disease expert warning that if more action is not taken to stop the delta variant from spreading, there is a good chance that the united states of america could soon be facing a more dangerous outbreak from another variant. in an interview today, dr. fauci says i'll quote him, if we don't crush the outbreak to the point of getting the overwhelming proportion of population vaccinated, then what will happen is the virus will continue to smolder through the fall into the winter and there could be a variant that is lingering out there that can
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push aside delta. variants are living with the vaccine. desantis and abbott are scoring political points to win reelection, giving fuel to those against the vaccine. in many cases, those who are spreading conspiracy theories about the vaccine, which is why there are some other governors including new jersey's phil murphy losing patience. here is governor murphy today confronting a group of protesters at a covid relief bill signing. >> these folks back there have lost their mind. you've lost your minds. you are the ultimate knuckle heads and because of what you said, are saying and standing for, people are losing their life. people are losing their life. >> he lost his cool because of people out there protesting, trying to say no need to get vaccines. phil mattingly is "outfront" live and you've been talking to
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officials at the white house tonight. how are they reacting to desantis' comments and actions. he's coming straight at and punching at the president. >> they are responding with data. one white house official sent me a series of data points under scoring how severe the surge is in florida. white house secretary jen psaki said 20% of the hospitalizations in the country are based on florida saying the hospitals are overwhelmed and the white house believes it is doing everything it can to help the people of florida and wishes that ron desantis would join them in that effort. i think this goes to why you've seen such a significant shift in the tone from white house officials, from the president on down over the course of the last several days in terms of calling out governors like ron desantis and the governor of texas, as well. they believe this isn't partisan, that's what they say but databased and certain governors as jen psaki, the press secretary said that simply aren't doing the right thing in terms of the safety of the people and their response, the
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white house response given how sharp it has been is meant to convey simply that more action is needed. it's not something you're going to see change i'm told over the course of the next several days. the white house is in this posture and believe it's a necessity given the surge they are seeing across the country. you noted this is about masks. this is not about vaccine mandates and not something administration is considering nationwide however, we are learning tonight from a white house official that the administration is in the midst of drafting plans to vaccinate almost all foreign travelers that come or require vaccination for foreign travelers that come into the u.s. it's in the early stages of the process of a faiphased approacht this is a key element and something under consideration now, erin. >> well, it's pretty krcrucial. you're looking at vast swaths of the world. they got to do it. phil, thank you very much. appreciate it. and i want to now talk about two school districts that are defying governor desantis in
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florida. carly simon is the superintendent of a school board that voted tuesday to require masks for the first two weeks of school and anna is back with me. she is the president of the broward teacher's union. broward county public schools, the sixth largest school district in the country says it's keeping the mask mandate in place for now in defiance of the governor desantis. let me start with you. governor desantis issued an executive order saying the cdc guidance, which the cdc says students should wear masks so this executive order comes from desantis and says that order lack as well grounded scientific justification. of course, that is false. we know masks prevent transmission and we do know that children under 12 are unvaccinated. why is it important to you to stand up to governor desantis now? >> because our students all of our children need rational people believing in
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understanding science and are paying attention that this state is in a pcrisis and we need to keep all protocols including mask wearing. broward county did exceptional phenomenal last school year when we went back to face-to-face in october, where we didn't have a spr spread. >> i know the decision was made after two custodians died and now i understand it is a two-week rule here on masks. why just two weeks? went into that? are you considering making it longer? >> so on monday i had a mask mandate for all employees, vendors and volunteers on campus. so essentially, all the adults that would be an campus. i also included in that incentives for people to get vaccinations, and we're also providing covid leave for individuals who have been
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vaccinated who are having a breakthrough with the delta variant and we are not offering that covid leave for individuals who have not been vaccinated because we really want to encourage it. the board on tuesday, they did vote in a unanimous 4-0 decision to have two weeks of a mask mandate for the students and then we would come back on august 17th with the board and we would listen to data and determine next steps after that. >> i heard several teachers are being intimidated and receiving threats from anti maskers. they have come out and said this is happening. i know you yourself have been a target of protest outside the school board meeting, in your county where they were yelling at you before you went inside and i'll play something they said as they were burning a
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mask. >> it is time to pass off this symbol of tyranny and child abuse. we will not stand for it anymore. >> anna, is the governor's latest order making things worse when you already have people hurling insults, protesting, burning masks? >> it's much worse. it shows poor leadership when we elect a governor to take care of our state and he's making a crisis with covid and spreading, not everyone is vaccinated trying to get people to get vaccinated is a chore if unsure or whether they just can't get it because of medical reasons and to have our governor jump on board with, you know, going against our school board and
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threatening us to have no funding a deplorable. we wouldn't expect to see this from an official, especially the governor of florida. >> governor desantis threatens the state with hold funds, lose funding from any schools unwilling or unable to compile. so take off the mask or i won't give you money. are you concerned about losing funn funding? >> yes, of course. we're very much concerned about losing funding. i think we're also concerned about losing instructional time and we know if we have masked children in our classrooms and all of them are masked we will have fewer quarantines and when we have fewer quarantines, our children will have direct instruction more often and what are the things that concern me is when we have families that don't want to have masks on their child, what they're doing is not only making the higher
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chance they will have to be kw quarantined but because they're not wearing a mask they are making other students that don't have masks on to be quarantined. we need instructional time. we have a loss from last year and what we need is kids in the classroom getting a healthy and good education. and when we don't have funding, we wouldn't have that, either. so i think it's, you know, we're hoping is that the governor understands that we really need to do this. one of the things as far as the decision associated with employees, it was because i'm losing parts of our work force. i have had schools of custodians where the entire team has gone and we are running into a situation where we know we need adults to run schools and if my adults are sick or needing to quarantine, i don't have adults present to provide the education and so i'm hoping that the governor is just willing to let us get through the surge and then we can move forward. everybody wants to move forward.
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nobody wants to have masks forever. we would like to be able to be safe and have instructional time with our students. >> well, i mean, that basic thing, people want to be in person and students are falling behind, the entire country is falling behind. thank you so much carly and anna. appreciate you and your time and i want to go straight to dr. lina nguyen. she's the author of a new book "lifelines a doctor's journey in the fight for public health." dr. nguyen, appreciate you being here. this is a choice between a quote free society of bio medical state. that's how they are framing it. is that what a school mask mandate is about? >> no, of course not. i don't even understand what is this term of this bio medical security state.
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should we not use antibiotics for pneumonia or not get your appendix out? we're at war. we're at war with this virus that has already killed more than 610,000 americans. we now have the tools with vaccines and masks to stop further death and suffering and destruction. i mean, why is it that there are political leaders in this country who are saying we have these tools but we're not willing to use them and in fact, we'll forbid people from using these tools to protect their family members, their employees. it really is -- i don't have the words for it. it's extremely frustrating and really tragic and it's the reason why we're having the surge. the reason why we're not able to get our economy back, the kids back in school is because of these leaders. >> yeah. so, you know, i've heard the argument that hey, why are you talking about florida? they have the most cases because it's one of the most populace states.
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i pointed out hospitalizations are at a record but this point about being so populace. california is the biggest state in the country, bigger than florida and nearly double the population of florida but right now, less than half the cases. okay? so just to take away this point for everyone that may hear it. do you have any doubt, dr. nguyen, looking at the record hospitalizations in florida, do you have any doubt it is political decisions, not allowing masks, not pushing vaccines, not allowing cruise companies to mandate vaccines is just an example, that that is actually driving case loads? >> at this point of the pandemic, we know what works. this is not back in november or december last year where we didn't have these vaccines. we certainly didn't have wide spread access to the vaccines and people, hey, you have to social distance. you have to hunker down at home. you have to mask. right now we actually have the answer to all of this, which is vacci vaccination. in the meantime masks are important but ultimately, we
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have the answer and we have a lot of states not embracing vaccines. we have a lot of states not doing indoor masks and it's not surprise these are the same areas that have the highest concentration of infections, hospitalizations and soon, deaths, as well. >> of course. thank you very much, dr. nguyen, appreciate your time. next, we have troubling new details tonight about what was actually happening inside the justice department after the 2020 election. one top official actually drafting a resignation letter because of trump's attempts to overturn the election. plus, the winner of that closely watched democratic primary in ohio we were talking about with van sounds a lot like the current president. >> we can try common ground though. >> one of the things we've been successful at is building consensus and finding common ground. >> was this the key to her
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victory? shawntell brown is my guest and defiant as the state's assembly member say they have enough votes to impeach him and kick him out. welcome back to milkshake mustaches, high fives and high dives. to 3-on 3s... 2-on-2s... and 1-on-1s. at aspen dental, we see all the moments that make us smile so we make it easy to share your smile with convenient, total care - all in one place. and flexible hours that work with your life. right now, new patients get a complete exam and x-rays — free without insurance, and everyone saves 20% on their treatment plan. welcome back to life's best moments. call 1-800-aspendental or book online today. get ready - our most popular battery is even more powerful. the stronger, lasts-longer
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i'm really nervous. i don't know what i should wear. just wear something not too crazy, remember it's a business dinner not a costume party. on a spotty network this is what she heard... just wear something crazy, remember it's a costume party. a costume party!? yes! anybody want to split a turkey leg? ♪ ♪ ♪ common love isn't for us ♪ ♪ we created something phenomenal ♪ ♪ don't you agree? ♪ ♪ don't you agree? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ow! ♪ tonight more evidence of former president trump's attempt
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to weapon nize the justice department to overturn the 2020 election. a former top justice official drafted a resignation letter because he was so concerned trump gave direct instructions to his acting attorney general to use the department to support trump's false election claims. this is as we're learning top doj officials shot down a scheme to get georgia lawmakers to overturn joe biden's win in the state. that's according to another letter. jessica is "outfront". these are significant developments ato top doj offici and if you think about it, this is in the final days of the trump administration. you've gotten trhrough all of that and that event led this top official to draft a letter. what more can you tell me? >> it was this chief of staff to the acting attorney general. he had his resignation letter written and ready. it was january 3rd and because he as well as other doj
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officials were bracing for trump to fire and replace jeffrey rosen with jeffrey clark. rosen was the acting attorney general, clark was the top official for the civil division and unlike he was aligned with trump. that official who was prepared to resign and he talked to lawyers for hours this week and notably, there was a drafted resignation letter on january 3rd. it the same day that trump summoned rosen and clark to the white house to have what we've learned was this apprentice style showdown for the attorney general job. each of them having to make their case. rosen of course wouldn't back up trump's claims of election fraud while clark would. before that meeting, he wrote in this letter that he never sent, he said this, this evening after acting attorney general jeff
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rosen over the course of the last week repeatedly refused the instructions to utilize the department of justice's law enforcement powers for improper ends, the president removed jeff from the department. now, of course, that firing never happened and never sent the letter but we know, erin, at least a half dozen other doj officials had similar plans to resign if rosen wasn't fired. so this is all coming out as investigators in the house, lawmakers are looking into all of these efforts from trump and now we know at least one doj official to try to overturn the election. erin? >> pretty incredible. and it's incredible to do aparen d -- "apprentice" style showdown. it's pretty statebrett stunning levels. let's go straight to former assistant u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york and john avalon, anchor and cnn
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senior political analyst. thanks so much to both. did trump commit a crime? >> yeah, erin, forget about a crime. i see several federal crimes here. i'll be specific. it is a federal crime to deprive a state of a fair election. it is a federal crime to solicit false counting of ballots, false certification of an election. it is a federal crime to conspire against the united states. now, could a good defense lawyer come in and quibble with this or try to poke holes in it? sure. i gladly take on that fight. my point is there is more than enough for the current justice department under merrick garland to open a criminal investigation. they have to do this. i've not seen a single public indication the current justice department has any inclination to look at anything donald trump has done but this is deadly serious and there has to be consequences. imagine if there is no consequences for this whatsoever. what kind of message does that send? doj has a job to do here.
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>> john, you take the new developments on top of something else we learned the other day, trump hold his acting attorney general rosen to just quote say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the republican congressman. john, it is, you know, it's not hiding in plain sight. it's in plain sight. there is an extremely clear pattern of behavior here. >> absolutely. and as every day we learn new details that we just lived as a country through the most dangerous moment of our democracy since the civil war. and donald trump makes people like richard nixon look like a choir boy. he was using the power of the presidency to try to overturn an election, to destroy our democracy and a few good men and women stopped that effort to their great credit but it shows how badly the guard rails have been damaged and to ellie's point, there needs to be accountability otherwise we'll encourage more of this in the future.
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>> so ellie, you used to work for the justice department and this latest reporting does paint the picture of a dysfunctional justice deputy, letartment let' honest if not for a few key individuals pushing back, this mass resignation and threat president trump could have put in mr. clark and things could have turned out very differently, couldn't they? >> yeah, a lot of credit goes here to jeffrey rosen to richard donohue and leaders of the justice department. jeffrey rosen had a very up and down term as deputy attorney general but here he absolutely did the right thing and it's an important reminder of the importance of the justice department as a check on the run away powers of the president and i think it's so important that we not go numb here because we've seen so much reporting on this and it's sort of started to become a drum beat. we see that the president tried to weapon nize doj to steal thi election. there is nothing normal and acceptable. it's an act of disloyalty by donald trump, rey clark.
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it needs to stick with them for history and there needs to be real consequences. >> jeffrey clark is the trump loyalest at the center of this and abc news has gotten a letter showing he tried to meddle in the georgia election. he was vying for the job in the hours long oval office meeting jessica describes as "apprentice" style and wants to replace him with clark and trying to overturn the election there. the on consequences of all of t could have been incredible. >> absolutely. look, this is two days before the insurrectionist attack on the capitol and we see behind the scenes, this hinchman willing to do the president's bidding, drafting a letter to encourage the governor to overturn an election in georgia turning the country to complete chaos and counting of the electoral college vote. this is more than cynical career
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but jeffrey clark. this demands accountability. we see all the evidence that the president was conducting a full-court press to try to overturn the election, to turn t overturn the democracy. there is no greater sin in our republic than that. >> thank you both. next, shawntell brown defeating a progressive candidate that once said this about having to choose between biden and trump. >> you got two [ bleep ] in front of you and you got to pick one. >> well, was backing biden the key to brown's victory? she is next. plus, new york governor andrew cuomo refusing to resign even though it now appears there are enough votes in the state assembly of new york to impeach him. is there any chance he leaves without being impeached?
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democr democratic primary, mod red -- moderate shawntell brown won. brown making her loyalty to president biden part of her campaign for congress echoing key points on the campaign trail. >> i never, never said defunding the police. >> i've never been a champion or believer in defunding the police. >> we can find common groundworking across party lines. >> one of the things i've been successful at is building consensus and finding common gro ground. >> the victory follows a string of wins in louisiana and mexico, new mexico and congressional races. virginia's primary for governor and the new york city mayoral race. "outfront" shawntell brown,
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she's a member of the cuyahoga county counsel. look, a huge day for you after your win. you were the under dog and you prevailed. now, i just played some of those moments from the campaign, you were clear that you supported biden's agenda and once endorsed him to sh star t in case anyone is wondering what i'm saying. do you think your support for the president was key to your victory? >> the support the insurance me -- insu instrumental but not the key part. long before this became a national narrative for a progressive and what i've been described as moderate or establ establishment candidate. i have the support of 100 elected officials, mayors, school board members, precinct
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committee folks, those closest to the ground that know what the needs of their communities are. i also had a ton of support from faith based he leaders in the jh community and in addition to that, we had a lot of local union support. that was always our path to victory. i never got into a race with the expectation of doing anything other than winning and i say that respectfully and humbly. i got six victories under my belt and today makes the seventh. we're victorious in the election and i take nothing for granted. that is largely in part where i believe we were able to win this race and we had a winning formula from the beginning. >> so, you know, it's fair to point out, of course, all those endorsements you had but of course, you're opponent nina turner, you know, there is a lot of vitrel in this race. she said this. >> we didn't lose this race.
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evil money manipulated and aligned to this election. >> the evil money manipulated and maligned this election. i want to know council member turner actually raised more money than you and she received help from outside groups as you did but she did actually raise more money than you. what is your response when she says she didn't lose, that what lost was the evil money manipulating and maligning the election? >> only one winner. so i am grateful for the people making a decision to elect me to move the primary democratic nominee. listen, money, if money were the deciding factor as you pointed out, she certainly had more of it and so again, our winning formula was connecting with people and the community if all politics is local, i'm as local as it gets. i've been a legislator for nine consecutive years that has given
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me the opportunity to develop a lot of relationships and help deliver results when people need them. as you pointed out in your previous footage, i'm a consensus builder. i focus on issues. never seeking to make headlines or getting attention but always looking to make headway and be effective. so that was the primary difference, i believe, in this race. people wanted someone they could count on to focus on getting them what they need. >> so one of your biggest supporters is congressman james clyburn, the number three democrat in the house right now. when he endorsed you in june, he said something to the "new york times", i remember talking to him about. he's been very adamant about this issue and doesn't like the defund the police slogan and he said and i quote when i spoke out against slogan like burn baby burn in the 1960s and defund the police that is cutting the throats of the party, i know exactly where my constituents are. they're against that and i'm against that. of course, as you know, there
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are many in your party elected in congress who don't only say defund the police, they mean defund the police, are these slogans hurting your party or do you use congressman clyburn's words cutting the throats of the party? >> i think that they are damaging. i know that they come from a place of good intention but three-word slogans are not what gets us to a place of agreement on policy. to negotiate and folks come to a place of consensus requires a lot of hard work. so i understand how that is damaging. as a person who really would look to maybe strengthen our police force by investing in training them and dealing with racial biases, those are what we need to be focused on and streamlining the service so the
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police can be focused on really violent crimes instead of dealing with mental health issues, those drug addicted and those that might commit low level offenses like trespassing by the homeless population. those individuals need support so i would be in favor of the cahoot pact, which is crisis assistance helping out on the streets and that would provide a fourth option when people call for 911 instead of police, fire or ambulance they would have the option for a vcrisis interventin specialist. >> thank you very much. i appreciate your time council member brown. victorious in that primary in ohio's crucial 11th district. next, new york state assembly members appear as of my speaking right now to have the votes to impeach governor andrew cuomo and those votes require getting on hour by hour and just crossed the line. one assembly member andrew cuomo
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threatened to destroy, next. an update to a story we brought you last night -- okay, it's an app that compares hundreds of travel sites for hotels and cars and vacation rentals like kayak does for flights. so it's kayak. yeah, like kayak. why don't you just call it kayak. i'm calling it... canoe. compare hundreds of travel sites for thousands of trips. kayak. search one and done.
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write down phone numbers for your parents, siblings and neighbors. pick a place to meet your family if you are not together and can't go home. remind your parents to pack an emergency supply kit. making a plan might feel like homework, but it will help you and your family stay safe during an emergency.
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tonight governor andrew cuomo defiant and clinging to power even after the president of the united states said to resign and qdoubled down today. >> the president believes gov governor cuomo should resign and leave space for future leadership in new york. >> this comes as assembly members, 80 democrats and republicans confirm to cnn they would vote to impeach the governor over allegations he sexually harassed 11 women. "outfront" now ron kim and assemblyman, i appreciate your time. it appears and i've been watching these numbers tick up through the day as i'm sure you have that you now have the votes with the majority of assembly members telling cnn they would support impeaching governor cuomo. how soon do you think a vote could happen? >> i think the vote can lahappe
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as soon as the next couple weeks. we're past the point of debating whether he should be impeached. we're discussing how he should be impeached. >> so a couple weeks away. it's a pretty stunning development here. he's denied the allegations and wants to run for reelection next year. i guess if you take a step back, do you believe there is a chance the governor will leave office without being impeached? >> i think there is zero chance of being in a power at a time when the public, lawmakers, constituents are demanding accountability. the top prosecutor of the state of new york came out and said he broke staid and federal laws. the legislature has a legal and moral duty to remove him to fully hold him accountable. >> so you have been one of the loudest voices speaking out
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about another issue the governor has been being ing investigated which is handling of covid deaths in nursing homes. in february, you told me about a call that you received from the governor where you said he threatened you that if you did not issue a statement defending him and you said cuomo told you on that call he could quote destroy your political career. you told me it was ten minutes on the phone where he was berating, yelling and threatening you on this call. do you see parallels in the way the governor treated you and how he's trying to discredit his accusers? >> 100%. there is a clear pattern of his ab abusive power and abuse of women. this is a clear pattern of an
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abutsive person that thinks he' albove the law. they have enough executives that feel they're above the law and it's about time we hold everyone accountable. >> appreciate your time. thank you very much. >> thank you so much. governor cuomo could have the impeachment vote in the next couple weeks. "outfront" next arkansas has just 25 icu available beds in the state and the surge of covid cases is taking a toll on nurses. >> have you had days you don't want to come to work? >> yes, yes, i had moments where i sit in my car and cry before i came to work. >> plus an update on dasha kelly, the mother of three girls facing eviction. how she plans to help others in the same situation .
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and here. which is why the scientific expertise that helps operating rooms stay clean is now helping the places you go every day too. seek a commitment to clean. look for the ecolab science certified seal. tonight, there are just 25 icu beds available in the entire state of arkansas, the record low. some workers walk off their shirts. martin sav itch is out front. >> reporter: surging covid cases have made every day a disaster. >> a slow-moving mass casualty event, yes. >> reporter: he runs the
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ambulance but his ambulances are running out of places to take patients. computers track hospital zablt. red means they're full. it's the reddest day they've ever seen. for this doctor every day is a challenge. >> we're down over 200 nurses and positions that we can't fill. >> reporter: as chancellor for the university of arkansas. the latest surge is pushes his health care workers to the breaking point. >> we've had people walk off the job because they couldn't take it. >> reporter: somebody walking off of their shift at this hospital. >> we've had people walk off their shift in the middle of a shift, as distressing that is, because they couldn't take it anymore. >> reporter: they can't add more staff. did you ever anticipate that the worst surge would be at a time
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when there was a vaccine? >> no. >> reporter: what's different health care workers say is the frustration that it shouldn't be happening. this was supposed to be their break. >> i think everyone thought that. >> reporter: instead the vaccination raid in arkansas is low and daily new covid hospitalizations have exploded. >> overwhelmingly most of the patients are unvaccinated. how do you not get angry? >> i think to respect everyone's decision. i know there's a lot of misinformation. >> reporter: being an emergency room physician is all he ever wanted or so he thought. i just wanted to read a tweet you put out and you said not going to lie. this has sped up my thoughts of retiring from health care by a few years. what's going on? >> it gave me a second thought as to what i'm going to do with the rest of my life. >> reporter: he sees the constant stress stealing his
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co-workers' passion for their jobs and passion for their patients. >> reporter: do you hear about it? >> it's constant. >> reporter: it's the only life tequila gardner has ever known. it's taking its toll. have you had days you didn't want to come to work? >> yes. yes. i've had moments i sit in my car and cry before i came to work. before i came in, i sit -- literally sit there and cried. >> reporter: some hospitals are so desperate to find nursing staff that they are willing to pay a $25,000 signing bonus. some medical personnel say it's not about the money. it's about their health and their meantle well-being. they say no amount of money can change that. erin. >> wow. all right, martin. thank you very much from little rock. out front next, an update on a
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story we brought you last night. the mother of three little girls facing eviction, tonight she's finding her footing thanks to you, and we'll tell you how. doe to? (naj) no, we do it because it's the right thing to do. we help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. (other money manager) sounds like a big responsibility. (naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different.
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4:59 pm
. finally tonight, an update about kelly, who you've seen on our show the past couple of days. her go fund me account has enough money, she says, quote, a number beyond belief, she says to help her and many others. she's a mom of three girls and faced evictions. she sold her possession, sold her blood plasma and she was worried. here's what she told us last night about strangers who cared enough to help. >> these are tears of joy,s trust me. i don't -- i'm just so thankful.
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i appreciate each and every one of you. just overnight all you guys reached out and helped us. your encouraging words, it's just gave me a lot of hope and i just want to make sure i do the best i can to help the next person that is in my same situation. >> donations for the most part, 10 and $20. one, though, was $15,000 and it added up. she plans to put the money into savings accounts for each three girls, pay off the rest of her apartment lease and make sure to pay it forward to o others. thanks so much for joining us. ac 360 starts now. good evening. there's breaking news tonight on several fronts. new york's governor andrew cuomo facing the possibility of impeachment. on
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