tv Don Lemon Tonight CNN August 5, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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um, you know how you know we sit here and we tell people about the -- the variant and covid-19 and getting the vaccine and, you know, many people don't listen. many people do. but the wbest way to show is example. you should see this interview that i have, coming up, of this entire family who got covid. and now, he's in his hospital bed, and he is saying if these are my last words, then i want to spend it this way. by talking to you, and getting people to hear my voice, and to hear this message. it's really, quite incredible. >> all you can do is tell people the truth. >> yeah. >> you can't make 'em believe. and the hope is, in telling stories like the one you're going to tell tonight, that people will see themselves in not just the people who are sick but the people who are struggling with losing them around them. >> yeah. >> that's the part that we, often, don't emphasize enough. that, you know, you wear a mask. you take care of yourself because what you may do to others and if you don't take care of yourself, what about the people who you are supposed to take care of? >> yep.
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our time is short because i want to get to it. i really want people to see this. >> i will be watching, i love you, d lemon. >> more than you know, i will see you soon. this is "don lemon tonight." we have got a lot to get to tonight. and i am going to get to my take, in just a moment. i thought this was so important, i taped it just before the broadcast. we moved a lot of things around so that we can show you this. you know how bad delta is. new-daily cases topping 100,000. dr. anthony fauci predicting that, number one -- that number, excuse me, could double to 200,000 new cases, per day. so i just want you to hear from two people who contracted covid. a husband and a wife. both, unvaccinated. here it is. >> so joining me now to talk about their experience is travis and kelly campbell. as you can see, travis is, still, in the hospital, and kelly is with him. travis, kelly, thank you so much. i really appreciate you joining us. >> thank you.
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thanks for taking the time to hear our story. try to get the message out, please. please, don't wait. the delta variant is stronger and faster, and it attacks those that are not vaccinated or have more medical conditions. [ inaudible ] ten times faster and harder and it's -- it's not working. [ inau
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[ inaudible ]. >> travis, this -- it's tough to hear you because you are still on oxygen. but i think your message is loud and clear. you know, you got the mask on. i just want to know -- i heard your message -- but how are you doing? how are you feeling, sir? >> i feel like with all the support, the prayers, and messages, it's given me energy. but i, also, feel like, any second, it could be my time and it's over. and i can't go back and change it. if i could, i'd go get the vaccination and take my family with me. >> what are your -- um -- what are your symptoms right now? what -- tell me about the symptoms you've had. >> i can't breathe. i'm trying but [ inaudible ].
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all the elements, the dehydration is very, very difficult. the scary part, the easiest part about covid is getting it. then, you get to the hospital and there's no beds. there's nothing they can do. and you're just drowning. >> you said you feel like any moment can be your last, travis? >> absolutely. absolutely. it's that terrible. i can continue to gain energy.
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it -- it's so aggressive. i didn't have covid before but i can only imagine. i can't -- i can't understand why a parent or grandparent would not get vaccinated and take that chance because it's so aggressive, don. it's so scary. and it happened so fast. >> travis, i'm so sorry. kelly, i want to bring you in. um, you were hospitalized with covid. and two of your children were, also, infected. how you doing right now? >> i'm good. they're all healthy. they're all on the mend. we didn't have as severe symptoms as travis. so, we were lucky but we all had
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a touch of it. you know, whether it be the coughs, the fever, the headaches, the diarrhea. you know, we all had symptoms. i have one child who tested positive and he [ inaudible ] symptom. so, you just -- you never know. it acted different to all of us. >> why didn't you guys get vaccinated? >> we don't really have a reason. we just, you know, were [ inaudible ] people. we don't go to the doctor's a lot. we're not sick. we're not around a lot of people. >> in early 2020, my daughter's basketball team all got sick. and they had the same symptoms as covid. so, when covid come out, everybody automatically kind of
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assumed we had had the covid. it's like a stomach bug. once you got it, you kind of feel like you're not going to get it again. but that's not true. our antibodies are only good for about-90 days. and so, the covid started [ inaudible ] so we just thought. we live in the country, not a lot of interaction. and we -- it was my fault, don. i was the one that was negligent. i should have took my kids and my wife and got everyone vaccinated, anyway. but i'm paying the price. and i just want anybody and everybody, if you're on the
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fence, i want you to take an evaluation of what your life means to you, and go get vaccinated, please, please. >> well, travis, you know, i got to ask you because, you know, people think it's not real. and they'll say, you know, the best immunity i have is the natural immunity. i've got the antibodies. if i get it, i can survive it and so on. you know the story. you know. i don't have to tell you. and, you know, i have heard your me message, loud and clear. but what do you say to people who don't believe it's real or that this is something you can develop natural immunity to or they don't need to get the vaccine? >> they can come and stay with me. it's real. it's as real as it's ever gonna be. and it's only going to get stronger. and i'm just asking, if you're
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not comfortable making a decision, reach out to your doctor. reach out to your mama. ask your mother, mom, do you think i should get vaccinated? or should i just take my chances? i think you'll get your answer. go to your 8-year-old daughter, and ask her, you want to go with daddy so we can get our vaccination? because if you don't get your vaccination, you can't go back and try it again. you don't have a second chance. you got to live with what you got. >> kelly, um, can you just tell me what the prognosis is? >> day by day. he hasn't gotten a whole lot worse. he hasn't gotten a whole lot
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better, either. lots of steroids, lots of breathing treatment. he's got a bit of strength back up and get him going. >> yeah. well, i got to tell you, kelly and travis, you guys are so brave. and to tell your story and to admit that you feel that you made a mistake, your words, not mine. and i just think that you are really brave to do this. and we wish you the absolute best of health and luck and we're thinking about you. you, get well and i hope your message resonates to the rest of the world. thank you so much. >> hey, don, one more thing. don? >> yes, sir. >> if people would open up their hearts with love and consider being organ donors and extending someone else's life, it is the
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greatest gift you can ever give community and humanity. and i urge ya. and, don, if this is the last thing i get to do in my life. >> thank you, travis. thank you, kelly. be well. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> so, there you go. that says it all, right there. that says it all right there. get vaccinated. we'll be right back. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana.
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we are back, now, and i hope you watched that compelling interview, and i hope you share it and we put it on social media because it is really important. get vaccinated. we have a lot of news to cover. big news. multiple stories. from the pandemic, that is threatening american lives. to the attempted coup that's still threatening american democracy. and there is news tonight on the impeachment investigation of the new york governor andrew cuomo. the governor, defiant, digging in his heels and resisting growing calls to resign in spite of the state attorney general's bombshell report on sexual-harassment allegations by 11 women. the impeachment investigation moving quickly, with the governor asked to submit any evidence, no later than august 13th. his attorney says the ag's report, which alleged the governor's office retaliated against one woman was, quote, legally and factually wrong. the new york attorney general's office responding, quote, the
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report speaks for itself, and we stand by it. that, as there are, now, a total of at least six district attorneys requesting information from the state attorney general's office on the allegations of sexual harassment. we've got a lot more to come on this story, just a little bit later on in the show. so, stay tuned. but now, i want to turn to the ongoing threat to democracy in this country. it's a nice democracy, if you can keep it. the question is, can we keep it? what we have seen in the -- in this country was nothing less than an attempted coup. and the warning signs are, still, flashing red, tonight, and right now, as well. if that doesn't scare you, it should. just think about it. we saw the insurrection happen, in real-time. we saw, with our own eyes. what we didn't know, until now, what the then-president of the united states had done behind closed doors to try to overturn the democracy that he swore to protect. just think what we have learned, in just the past few days. the then-president, in late december, pressuring doj
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officials, includings the acting-attorney general to quote just say that the election was corrupt, and leave the meant to me and the r, meaning republican congressmen. that according to handwritten notes from the acting-deputy attorney general, notes shared with house investigators. a day later, another doj official drafting a letter suggesting that there were irregularities in the election. there weren't. other top officials refused to sign it. days after that, another former-doj official drafted, but never sent, a letter of resignation, in case the acting ag was pushed out for refusing to promote the big lie of bogus-election fraud. and let's not forget, the then-president pressuring georgia's secretary of state to, quote, find the exact number of votes needed to overturn joe biden's victory. >> so, look. all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we
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have, because we won the state. >> hmm. well, all of that, just days before the violent insurrection at our nation's capitol. are we paying close enough attention? is the doj looking closely at what we have learned? are democrats prepared to stave off another coup attempt? because the big lie is alive and well and the big liar is still out there pushing it. it's all related. all, part of the big picture. the assault on voting rights is nothing less than a plan to give the gop the power to overturn the next election, if they don't like the results. i hope you heard that last line. gives them the power to overturn the election, if they don't like the results. and it is happening, right now. texas governor, greg abbott, calling for a second-special session of the state legislature, this weekend, to push voting restrictions that democrats blocked by fleeing the state. >> our fundamental view is that if you are pushing for legislation that makes it harder
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and not easier to vote, that makes it less accessible, that limits the ability of people to get to the polls, to take time off to do that. um, then -- then, our question is what are you afraid of here? are you afraid of more people getting out to vote? or what's the concern? >> it is, all, related. the january-6th deniers and their nothing-to-see-here and insurrection, what insurrection? that's their message. what insurrection? they are all part of it, too. their lies about tourists, peaceful patriots, black lives matter, and antifa. they're lies. it's all part of the big picture. part of the big lie. the doj has charged more than 550 people, in connection with the insurrection. a federal judge telling one, you called yourself and everyone else patriots but that's not patriotism. patriotism is loyalty to country, loyalty to the constitution, not loyalty to a head of state. that is the tyranny we rejected
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on july 4. president joe biden surrounded by lawmakers, members of law enforcement, and their families, signing a law to award congressional gold medals to the brave police officers who risked their lives to defend the capitol from blood-thirsty rioters. and then, going on to say this. >> remember what this was all about. it was a violent attempt to overturn the will of the american people. to seek power, at all cost. to replace the ballot with brute force. to destroy, not to build. without democracy, nothing is possible. with it, everything is. so, my fellow americans, we must, all, do our part to perfect -- perfect and to preserve our democracy. requires people of good will and courage to stand up to the hate, the lies, the extremism that led to this vicious attack. >> we need to see the big picture.
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we need to heed the warning signs. we need to take action to protect our democracy from the threat that is, still, looming tonight. and speaking of threats, there is the pandemic that is threatening american lives. new-daily cases of covid topping 100,000. you just heard that powerful message from that virginia man and his wife. both have covid. he is still in the hospital. on oxygen. they are begging everybody to take this seriously, and to get vaccinated. but gop governors of states, like texas and florida. states with one-third of the country's total-covid cases last week. putting their own constituents at risk by banning mask mandates, especially in schools. the education secretary, miguel cardona, saying this. >> don't be the reason why schools are disrupted because of the politicization of this effort to re-open schools. we know what works. we have to keep our students safe. we have to keep our educators safe. >> governors making it all about
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politics, instead of the health and safety of kids, too young to get vaccinated. president biden with a two-word response to criticism from florida governor, ron desantis. >> he was using your words about don't be in the way. and he's saying, i am in the way to block too much interference from the federal government. your response, mr. president? >> governor who? >> should be persona non grata. like i said, covid is still threatening our lives and the attempted coup is still threatening our democracy. it's a nice democracy, if you can keep it. the question is can we keep it? hospitals are overwhelmed right now. younger and younger people coming in with worse and worse cases. and it's happening, right in my hometown. the louisiana governor is here. we're going to talk to him, next.
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so, new-daily cases of covid topping 100,000 in this country. but tens of millions of eligible adults in the u.s. have, still, not gotten their shots even though the vaccines are safe. they're free. and they've been available for months. so, why not? let's talk to pollster, frank luntz, he is here with me now and he spoke to 21 unvaccinated people from 14 states across the country with the help of the de beaumont foundation to ask why they are still saying no to the vaccine. just a reminder. we saw someone in the top block of the show. didn't get the vaccine. very sick in the hospital, now. now, regretting it and telling people to get vtheir vaccine.
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frank, good evening. >> thank you for having me. it's the most important thing i've done this year, and maybe it's the most important thing i've done in my entire career. >> why do you say that? >> because, as a pollster, you get a chance to measure public opinion. but rarely, do you get a chance to make a difference. to actually try to help people. and i got to admit, don, it's been very difficult, for me, because my job is to keep my cool. to listen. to ask questions. and then, supply the information and the advice to people, like you. but i'm getting so frustrated, now, because i know, personally, the consequences of making bad decisions. and i don't want people to do that. and there's so much blame to go around that we need to avoid the partisanship. the -- the politics of covid, at least for now. there's plenty of time to hold people accountable. and perhaps, most importantly, if we don't get people vaccinated in the next three or four weeks, we got all these kids coming back to school. we got schools opening up,
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again. >> uh-huh. >> the danger of delta and the other variants. combine that with the schools opening up, and this is a serious, if not -- um -- crisis situation. and i want the public to know this. to embrace it, and not look at it as someone else's problem, but to accept it as their own problem, their own challenge. and do something about it. >> so tell me, then, why are these people, still, unvaccinated, frank? what are they telling you? >> it's, number one, they've gone from, not now, to no. and i want to be clear about that. initially, it was, well, i'll make the decision, in good time. i'll do it on my own time, not on the government's time. but too many people are telling me that they are, possibly, going to get the vaccine. and then, when i approach them directly in these focus groups, they actually say, well, no, the truth is, i'm not going to get it. second is that you got to keep the politics out of this. and i know that the -- that the temptation, particularly in the people who do the job that you do, is to beat on those who aren't vaccinated.
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to hold them accountable/responsible for what's happening in this -- in the spread of the virus. the problem is if you demonize them, if you insult them, they will surely not listen to you. and they will not be educated by you, and that's my second fear. and the third thing is that they, frankly, they feel pressured, rather than educated. and so, we have to use language and -- and statistics and facts that will bring them in, rather than pushing them away. >> yeah. listen. i -- it's so -- it's so interesting that you say that because i hear people saying, listen, i'm so tired of trying to convince people who don't want to be convinced. and why is it my fault that they're not getting vaccinated? it's their fault and how much more -- if they want to get sick, let 'em get sick and whatever comes with that. i'm just being honest. that's -- that's what i'm hearing. there's a frustration, from people who are educated and informed about these issues, and who are vaccinated. so then, what will motivate them to get the vaccine?
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what moved the needle for some of these people? >> two things. number one is to know that 95% -- it's 95% of doctors now vaccinated. so, the people who know the most have done this. what do 95% of doctors know, that the unvaccinated don't? that's a really powerful statistic. and second, is the fact that, now, when you get covid, it can actually be and is more dangerous to you. more -- you have a long-term consequence that lasts far greater than whatever the vaccine could do. whatever side effects you could have. and in the end, we need doctors directly involved in this. we need doctors answering the misinformation that your show has done a very good job of pointing out. we need doctors to open up their offices, to give people vaccines because that's where they feel the most comfortable. and we need doctors to -- to embrace the next generation. we need them to be talking to the kids. in fact, i'm going to ask,
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through your show, for doctors to put together a video, not for the parents but, for the children of the parents. to tell the parents, get your kids vaccinated before they go back to class. then, you'll feel safe. then, you'll feel secure. your child -- if -- if those children are not vaccinated, then your child is in jeopardy and your child is threatened. we all need -- you know what? what i don't understand is we used to work together, as a country. in times of great trial and tribulation, we would pull together. in 2021, we seem to be pulling apart, and that's not the america that i grew up in. it's not the america that i know. >> yeah, it's not. but it's -- listen. over -- but over the past few years, there have been people who have been promoting and really relishing in the misinformation. and people and organizations. i want to hear from some of the people you spoke to, frank. i got to get a break in, because i think it's important. you don't want to miss this. frank spoke with some people, and they talked to us about
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getting vaccinated, if they're going to do it, if they're not going to do it, why they aren't, and so on. right after this break. don't go anywhere. this is the sound of an asthma attack... that doesn't happen. this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face,
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so i am back now with pollster, frank luntz. so, frank, let's listen to one teacher. wa what one teacher said about getting the vaccine. just to say it again. this is a teacher. >> to me, personally, there's nothing you can say or do to get me to get vaccinated. there's nothing that can be done. so, i think that everybody needs to be responsible for themselves. and for their children. and do not send your kid with a cold to school. we've done that for many, many years. i think it's time to just be cleaner. to stop that, and be responsible for yourself, and that's what i truly believe. >> well, i mean, look. you wouldn't know but how is that woman a teacher?
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but, look, did others share her feelings? and how much trouble are we really in right now with that -- these are kids who are going to be in confined spaces, on school buses, some of them unable to get vaccinated because they're -- ah, go on, frank. sorry. >> yes, but -- but -- but, don, this is part of our job is to keep cool when things around us are going to hell. and it is our responsibility. it's why i'm up, this morning, at at, my time, 4:30 a.m. the challenge, now, is not the parents. the challenge, right now, are the kids. that we have, in some cases, only two weeks left before kids go back to school. and everyone's going to be going back within a month of today. our challenge is to get as many parents to give their kids the gift of life. to give the gift of safety, of security. parents are trying to think, what can they do for their kids? can they buy them a new outfit? can they -- can they get them a car?
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can they do something special for them? the most important thing a parent can do for a child is get them vaccinated. >> but, frank, that's -- that's if they're of age. it's almost too late for them to get the shot, and be fully vaccinated by the time that they have to go back to school. and i mean, i'm just wondering, like, did you -- i think you said you spoke with some of these people afterwards. but did they understand and -- there's no other way to put it -- do they understand their own ignorance with -- with -- when it comes to this? and why is that woman a teacher? i wouldn't want anybody like that teaching my kids. that's my responsibility and if my kilchild's teacher isn't vaccinated, i don't want them to go into a classroom with her. it should not be that i have to hold my kid out of school because the teacher doesn't want to get vaccinated. do you understand what i am saying? >> yes, i absolutely do. and, don, you know what? we're in an impossible situation where people don't want to listen to each other. they don't want to learn from each other. we used to be a community that respected the wishes of others.
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that we would compromise, on our own, to make life better for others. that's the way we used to be. right now, the goal, the mission, is to get as many needles into as many -- i can't believe i am saying this -- but to get as many needles into arms as possible. and if we get the first vaccine right now, if we can even influence a thousand of your viewers, 10,000 of your viewers, which is a tiny fraction, to get them to get vaccinated. to get them to get their first shot. that, in itself, saves lives. >> yeah. >> so i'm looking at this incrementally. and one, last thing. that we need to get president biden and president trump in the same damn room. i would use tougher language but i don't want to get an scc fine. >> but why is that? why would you get the -- he's not the president, anymore. why would joe biden call donald trump or get donald trump, the person who has been the number-one spreader of misinformation, in the same room? frank, that doesn't make sense. help me -- help me -- help me
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understand why it makes sense. sorry, that's the wrong framing. >> it makes sense. it's cool. it makes sense because we're trying to get every spokesperson, every political person, every press person, every community and spiritual person engaged in this effort because we know that it saves lives. and so, we try to be nonpartisan, not bipartisan, nonpartisan. nonpolitical. nonjudgmental. there is plenty of time for your anger and for my outrage. we can all do that, on new year's eve. i want to make sure we get to new year's eve. and whatever it takes, even if i have to be extra patient, extra kind, extra decent to people i disagree with, i'm going to do it. and you need to, as well. every news network needs to do so, as well, because there are people watching you right now that are making the decision. i want them to make the right choice. and by the way, it's not just republicans. you have african-american
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democrats. you've got some latinos. you've got people who live in rural areas of the country. we need to reach out to everyone who isn't vaccinated and to everyone to get their kids vaccinated and do it right now so at least they have their first shot in their arms before they go to school. >> get to a point where my grandmother used to say a hard head makes a soft behind, right? so, at some point, there is no convincing. and it -- it seems, to me, that we're at that point. i know you keep saying that joe biden needs to reach out to the former president. the former president is, still, out there spreading misinformation. that is a pipe dream, frank. that is never, ever, ever, ever, ever going to happen. these two men will never get into a room. i -- look -- it's -- it's a good thing for you, i'm sure, to want it to happen. and then, on the other front, you know, when you say in 2021, we have gotten to this place where people, you know, we don't -- well, that's been building for a long time. and that's been happening, quite frankly, with -- with the republican party. who became the trump party.
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and who became the party of misinformation and the big lie and politicizing the -- the -- the pandemic. and then, politicizing the vaccine. so, you know, it -- it's hard to, quite honestly, i understand what some of those people are coming from and i understand that you say, well, we need to have some compassion. it's hard to be compassionate, sometimes, for people who don't want to listen. who want to remain ignorant. do you understand what i'm saying? >> not only do i understand that, i empathize with it. but i say to you that if you are genuine in your heart and in your head, and now i'm going to sound somewhat spiritual. i'm going to channel tim scott. but if you're genuine in your commitment to save lives, then you accept people's foibles. you accept their weaknesses. you don't get angry about it, and i am trying to teach myself that as i try to do my craft, as i try to do my trade. and i say to people, again, i want to deliver a message right
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through the camera. to doctors, the best way for you to communicate is through a q&a. to ask the questions that your patients are asking, in the words that they're using. and then, deliver them answers. that q&a, on video, is the most likely way to make a difference. don, i get it. i empathize with you. but until the end of this year, i'm not giving in. and i'm not giving up. and i'm not going to be partisan and i'm not going to be political. and i'm going to do my best to try to give your viewers, and any viewers i can get in front of, the best-possible information so they can convince their friends, their family, maybe even themselves, to get vaccinated. >> well, as you know, frank, the truth is not partisan. right? and -- and everything that i said here, tonight, is truthful about the people who are hesitant to getting it. and, look, i hope what you're saying is right. and you should continue to fight for it. when i see people, now, i hear people saying doctors are paid actors. they're being paid by the left. that's politicizing it. or that the -- the folks that i had on, earlier, the campbell's.
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they are paid actors. don lemon has paid actors on the television right now. there's nothing paid about actors. these are people who live and they said we are country folk. we don't have a lot of interaction with people. we made a mistake. we should have gotten the vaccine because everyone in our family has gotten it. this could be my last breath. and you know what the -- the anti-vaxxers say or the trumpers? these are actors. why -- no one should be watching this. why do you have people on who have been affected poorly by the vaccine? at some point, frank luntz, people cannot be converted. they cannot be spoken to. and they can -- they will not get it through their thick skulls that what they're doing is not only harmful to them, but it's harmful for their fellow men. and if they can't get it through their heads, at some point, you got to say i'm done. and you have to move on, and take care of the people who are, actually, doing the right thing and focused on the people who are doing the right thing. and how you keep them safe, and not the people who don't want to be kept safe.
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>> there's a way to handle this, which is, in the end, if you want to get on a plane, you have to be vaccinated. >> yep, i agree. >> if you want to go to a concert or sporting event, you have to be vaccinated. if you want to eat in a restaurant, if you want to stay in a hotel. we are going to reach that point and there are some businesses who are doing it right now. so make the right decision, on your own. and there are no mandates. >> yeah. >> at some point, we have to do that. so again, don, i hear you. but for now, you and i need to do the best that we can, at least through the end of this year. >> i got ya. >> and then, as your grandmother would say, at that point, that's when i say, okay, you got to start swatting -- >> all right, frank. i appreciate you coming on. i hope you come back. i love the information. thank you so much. frank luntz. okay. lot more news. we'll be right back. at carvana, we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms, with care and respect. to us, the little things are the big things. which is why we do everything in our power to make
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so, please, sit down and watch this. especially -- look, everyone, but especially my southern viewers, louisiana folks. my home state of louisiana is one of the hardest hit by the surge in coronavirus cases across the country. fueled by the delta variant. today, there are more than 2,300 people hospitalized with covid. an all-time record. 91% -- 91% of current-covid hospitalizations in the state are from people who are not fully vaccinated with 258, currently, on ventilators. and this surge is especially impacting children. there's lots to get to with louisiana governor, john bel edwards. governor, thank you so much. i really appreciate it. straight to the information. okay? you know it's my home state. it really hurts to hear what is happening there. the delta variant. is it -- is it totally out of control? >> well, it's -- it's, certainly, surging and we have the highest-case growth in the country. we know that well over 90% of our cases are attributable to
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the delta variant, which is more transmissible. and we know we don't have enough people vaccinated. today, we have 37.2% of -- of our state's population fully vaccinated. that's not enough. and then, you throw in the august weather where everybody goes indoors to escape the heat and humidity. and it is the perfect trifecta. and that's why we have the highest-case growth in the country right now. and tomorrow, we'll report more than 2,400 hospitalizations and -- and what's different about this one is 20% of our cases, don, are in people below the age of 18. um, and -- and that -- that is very different than previous surges. and we have a lot of young people, who are in the hospital, now. and -- and, you know, it's a very challenging situation. >> you said, tomorrow you're going to report 2,400-plus hospitalizations? >> yeah. it'll be more than 2,400 hospitalizations. that's all across the -- the state. i will tell you that -- that we
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have a number of hospitals without any, additional capacity, today. they're, already, delaying things like, for example, organ transplant when you have a living donor. i know they've had to delay cancer surgeries and that sort of thing. and -- and they call them nonemergency surgical and you know, they can be delayed for a few days, but we're in a really difficult spot right now in louisiana. >> i think it's important that you say that because people think about it in terms of themselves, usually selfishly. you know, this is my body. i get to do what i want. it's my freedom, what have you. but it's more than just you, governor. you're affecting, if you don't choose to get vaccinated -- there's a ripple effect to it. >> well, sure. you know, that's the nature of a pandemic. when you have a highly transmissible virus that is this deadly, you know, what you do or wa you don't do has an effect on
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your family, on your community, on your neighbors, and that's why we call it public health. that's why we have mitigation measures like the mask mandate that we reinstated earlier this week to go through september 1st, because we have to slow transmission, and we know that masks work. that should buy us a little more time, hopefully to get people vaccinated. but we've got to take the demand off of our hospitals. our health care workers have been slammed now for a year and a half, and i can tell you they're exhausted mentally, emotionally exhausted, and we need to cut them a break. we need to do what's required. folks need to be vaccinated. >> i just want to put up some of this information because you know what was frightening to me? because children, you know, the children are really important in this, right, because they weren't being affected. you said that 20% of the people now coming in are below 18. >> 20% of cases. >> yeah, cases. okay. oxnard hospital for children is reporting 23.6% positivity rate.
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you have new information. 23.6 positivity rate among children under 19, up from 10.8% at the start of july. more kids are getting sick and getting hospitalized from these variants, and do the kids start back? if they haven't started, they start soon. >> some schools started this week, and that's one of the reasons why we put the mask mandate in schools as well. so this is for 5 years old and older and all indoor public settings to include our schools because we want people to be in school. >> but we want it to be safe. so we're going to follow cdc recommendations on that and american academy of pediatrics as well. so we've got that mandate in our schools to try to make sure we have a safe environment and that we don't continue to generate the kind of transmission that we've seen recently. >> okay. 13% of adolescents fully vaccinated in louisiana. what about teachers?
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should teachers be required to be vaccinated? >> well, we're going to add it to the mandated list of vaccines as soon as the fda gives full approval, licensure, which hopefully will come in the next several weeks based on reporting we've seen over the last couple of days. but i'm asking teachers -- i'm asking everybody, don't wait till then. we have three safe and effective vaccines today. this is critically important if we're going to end this pandemic and stop people from needlessly becoming sick, going to the hospital, and, yes, dying. you know, we have reported a number of deaths just over the last three days, 136 in louisiana in just the last three days. so, don, we all have to do better and acknowledge that we have a role to play and it affects our neighbors and our -- by the way, not just covid patients, but if the hospitals are full, you can have a heart attack or a motor vehicle accident or a stroke, and you're still going to have problems
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accessing the type of care that you need. and we're seeing that play out now around the state of louisiana. >> governor john bel edwards, i really appreciate you joining. come back as often as possible, okay? thank you and best of luck down there. be safe. >> thank you. god bless. >> you as well. next, president biden warning that we can't rewrite history, laying out exactly what january 6th was, an insurrection.
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