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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  August 31, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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president biden addressing the nation today telling americans the war in afghanistan is now over and marking the end of america's longest war. the president vigorously defending his decision to completely withdrawal u.s. troops in the chaotic final days as the united states military airlifted more than 120,000 people out of kabul's airport. tonight, more than 1 million people along the gulf coast, mostly in louisiana without power after hurricane ida's devastating blow but wide spread power outages could last for weeks amid excessive heat and a restrictive state abortion law could take effect tonight in texas. if it's not blocked by the courts, it could effectively end roe v wade. i want to go to john harwood now and also political commentator charlie dent. gentlemen, thank you for joining
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us. apr appreciate it. john, president biden delivering a forceful defense withdrawing not giving an inch to his critics. what is the strategy here? >> don, think what you saw today was part strikeategy and part personal impulse. he wanted to explain and defend the decision in broad strokes that led us here. that is the war in afghanistan was time to bring it to a close, that it had long since achieved principle objectives and he not only deeply believes that now but for ten years. obama and trump wanted to do the same thing but biden didn't and because biden did it, he's been for the last two weeks in a category 5 political hurricane. the proximate cause of that was the collapse of the afghan government and security forces but the images that that put on our tv screens of the kabul airport led a chorus of critics,
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republicans, the news media, some democrats, as well to accuse him of being incompetent, unprepared, lacking empathy for afghans that he took that. they got control of the airport. they staged this evacuation that got all but about 100 of the 6,000 americans in afghanistan out, that got 120,000 people overall out, tens of thousands of afghans. it was marched of course by that horrendous suicide bomb attack last week that took the lives of 13 american service members but overall, president biden thinks both the decision was right and the execution of the withdrawal was strong in the end. they got control of it and got people out. and i think the intensity of the criticism that he received really angered him and that's where i go to the personal impulse part. it made him angry and he express that anger in the speech today. some people would say it
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passionate. other people would say it too hot. don't know if that served him well enough or not but he wasn't holding back. >> the president called this evacuation mission an extraordinary success. you think president biden should ask someone in his administration to resign over this withdrawal. why is that? >> i think there has to be some level of accountability. the evacuation clearly was successful. in many ways it's extraordinary what the people on the ground did but the policy that led up to the evacuation was disastrous on a strategic diplomatic and hu humanitarian level. the president presented a false choice to the american people. either we end this forever war, everybody out or a major troop surge. i don't think that was the choice at all. you know, yes, we could have main maintained a fragile status quo better than the taliban but i think there has to be some level of accountability. not now but over time there
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should be someone that should probably step down over what happened because i don't think anybody can say this policy made -- to surrenderer to the taliban and extremists that may end up developing another base which to contact attacks. >> john, i see your expression. do you want to respond? >> well, i -- charlie clearly disagrees with the policy decision to get out and a significant number of members of congress do, a significant number of people who were involved in past administrations disagree with the decision but joe biden was very clear on when he ran for the presidency that that's what he wanted to do and i don't think we should hold our breath waiting for him to seek resignations for any top defense officials for a policy that he
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thinks was correct and that he thinks was implemented in an acceptable fashion. one thing he addressed in the speech today, people say well, you didn't foresee the afghan security forces would collapse so quickly. that is true. he's acknowledged that. he's also explained in the speech that had he taken actions in response to the anticipated collapse of the government, he likely would have accelerated the collapse of the government and produced the same situation. that's what he believes. charlie may believe differently. i don't think biden will fire people for doing what he wanted done with the result that he is contending with. >> charlie? >> well, look, there has to be some level of accountability. i don't know how anybody can really defend what has just occurred. it breaks my heart to see this sacrifice. it seems -- i don't want to say in vain but people sacrificed so much for this. i mean, how can anybody, you
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know, think turning over this country to the taliban is -- look, trump and biden fundamentally agreed policy. joe biden had a surrenderer agreement -- >> before you go into that and i promise, i'll let you finish. hang on, hang on, hang on. i'll let you finish. as i said in the open to the show, the former administration negotiated a deal with the taliban, the one whose secretary of state and defense -- secretary of state met with the taliban. the leader of the taliban was released because of the former previous administration. so there is a lot of blame to go around here. and who else was joe biden going to negotiate with after the former president negotiated with air quotes after the former administration relink quished so much power? sorry for the interruption. go on.
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>> look, we withdraw air support and intelligence support and we're shocked the afghan army collapsed. i mean, that's what happened. that was predictable. we can make a great argument about maybe we shouldn't have trained the afghans the way we did to be so dependent on us but that's what we did. at the end of the day, i think -- look, this is hurting america standing in the world. and i don't blame joe biden entirely for what happened. of obviously, donald trump negotiated this deal, this very bad deal. joe biden was under in obligation to implement that horrible sham of a policy as far as i'm concerned and it's easy to blame trump but fundamentally, biden, trump agreed on the policy which was just to get out and pretty much with stand the consequences. >> yeah, thank you, gentlemen. appreciate that conversation. thank you very much. see you soon. >> president biden making the case leaving afghanistan was the
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best option for the u.s. joining me is a form eer marine corps captain. so glad to have you back with us here on cnn. thank you for doing this. you heard the president today. do you believe leaving afghanistan the way we did was the only choice for the u.s.? >> no, i don't. i agree with your previous guest that there were a whole host of options and the president in many respects has presented the american people with a false choice that this was not a -- we either leave afghanistan or see a massive escalation in fighting and recommitment of troops. so i think he's the president of the united states. this is his policy and like your previous guest, i believe it's a disastrous one so far and there needs to be some accountability and i would hope to see the resignation of senior defense officials because if there weren't resignations over something like this, a debacle like this, then what would there
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be resignations for? that would speak to a culture of inaccountability at the highest level. i don't agree with the president. >> let's talk about the folks still there. the biden administration promising to evacuate themerica afghanistan. is that realistic? you've been helping people try to get out of the country yourself, elliott. >> it will be very difficult. we heard a lot about how administration has this leverage over the taliban right now with regards to aid. what i fear is that the taliban has a lot of leverage over the united states now because we have more american citizens in the country today than were left behind in teheran in 1979. so i think if i were the president, i would be very concerned about the number of americans we left behind on a human tbasis.
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>> the u.s. military negotiated a secret deal with the taliban to help get americans to safety before u.s. troops left. why do you think the pentagon seems determined to show cooperation with the taliban? >> it's really been sort of puzzling to watch, at least what i perceive to be almost a apology narrative coming out of the administration with regards to the taliban. seems earnest efforts to say this is a reformed taliban. the there were an acknowledgement the taliban we're dealing with is the same taliban and would make our cooperation more seemly. i'm very skeptical and there is nothing i've seen particularly amongst my contacts in afghanistan. some have been assassinated by the taliban in recent weeks this
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is any type of new organization. >> appreciate having you. thank you. please come back and be safe. >> thanks, don. >> thank you. i want to turn to the latest on the aftermath of hurricane ida, at least five people have died. more than a million are without power in the scorching heat. cnn brian todd for us live again this evening in new orleans. thank you for your reporting. thank you for appearing on the program this evening, as well. it is hot. most people in louisiana still don't have power. give us the lowdown. what is going on on the ground? >> reporter: well, don, it striking to us and me and members of our team here how much people are still struggling. a little more than 48 hours out after hurricane ida. how much people are struggling to get some basics they need to survive. we're talking food and water. people are wondering where will i go for food and water? my team and i have been roaming around this city all weekend and in the two days since and there
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are very, very few grocery stores open. there are few of any kind of stores open and food and water are really starting to become an issue. we did visit today a food and water distribution center in the neighborhood of algiers in southern new orleans and this was setup by the local city counsels and a couple private groups. people waiting for hours in line in their vehicles and on foot just to get one meal per person and a drink per person. so as noble as the effort was to try to get people something, it just was limited and one of the people we talked to who was in line, ronald peggy was a little frustrated with that. take a listen. >> the food issue, the water issue, i don't think they have these things out quick enough. they don't really have -- i think they should have a medical ship here already for people in dire straights of medical need because the hospitals, a lot of those went down. it like i don't think they say that they prepared but they are not giving a good effort.
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>> reporter: so you can sense the frustration on his part and a lot of other people's part and we visited the neighborhood around that area and saw a lot of bad damage. roofs collapsed and the oppressive heat people trying to deal with. we visited a family where a mother was living with eight children and her mother and extended family. her 10-year-old boy has a heart condition and trying to make arrangements what to do when his medication runs out. again, just some of the struggles people are dealing with no power in this area and the heat getting worse and worse and another issue, don, is gas. twice yesterday and today we visited gas stations here where there were really, really long lines of people waiting to just get either a tank full of gas or fill up cans of gas. people told us they were waiting for three or four hours and gas stations were simply starting to run out and it's just really again a real struggle because the refineries here and
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production platforms here are still mostly offline. i mean, you've got oil production and natural gas production platforms, don. we read something today more than 90% of the production platforms are offline. refineries are still down. g gasoline will be a huge issue here and already is as it extends out from the hurricane, you wonder when some stuff will get back online. >> yeah, brian todd bringing us the stories taking us inside what is happening down in louisiana, it's sad. thank you for keeping us updated. appreciate it. you be safe out there. president biden says he's committed to help americans that want to leave afghanistan. up next, we'll talk with one of those americans still stuck there. >> those remaining americans, there is no deadline. we remain committed to get them out if they want to come out. ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah, it's time for grilled cheese. ♪ ♪ after we make grilled cheese, ♪
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. president biden saying the u.s. is committed to getting out any american citizens stuck in afghanistan if they want to leave. anywhere from 100 to 200 americans that want to escape are still believed to be there. one is an interpreter. he was living in california until he watched the afghan government collapse earlier this month, and he knew he needed to get his family out. once he got to afghanistan, he tried to get into the airport multiple times with his mother and niece but each time they were confronted with tear gas and closed gates. he joins me now on the phone and we're only using his first name for his safety and that of his family. so glad you're with us. thank you for joining us. you went to afghan from to rescue your family africa beautiful fell. you repeatedly went to the airport to get out but no luck. talk to me about trying to get through the gates. you said you were hit by tear
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gas? >> yes, hi, don. how are you doing? so yeah, i was in california when i heard that the government collapsed and people were able to get their family out of afghanistan so i decide and i left my wife and my 6-month-old son behind to go save my family. my family got warning from the taliban and got letters from the taliban your son and your brother who work with the u.s. army was a traitor. so for that reason, i came to afghanistan to rescue them and i went to the gate, the airport gate but my way was blocked and welcomed with a lot of tear gas and smoke grenades and even one of the soldiers told me go away otherwise i'll shoot you on the head
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hea head. i showed him my pass port. he said i don't care. your passport is worthless here. >> let me ask you. people here understand you have a family but people are wondering why did you go back? did you do something to help facilitate while here in the quite bef united states before it got to this? >> yeah, i tried always and tried to talk with a lot of lawyers and a lot of people to facilitate my family to the united states but unfortunately, due to the problems, i was not able to bring them to the united states. so when the government collapsed and i heard from friends and family they were able to bring their entire family like some -- a person with a u.s. passport were able to bring 25 people with them and escort them to the airport and for that reason, i
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left united states and came to f afghanistan to rescue my nine family members with me. but there was no luck for us. >> so you have been emailing, calling and texting the state department and u.s. embassy to help get you and your family out. have they told you anything? what are they saying? >> good question. i contacted u.s. embassy and i contacted the state department and i was in talks with them and told them i need to get out of here with my family because my family is really in danger and i'm in danger so i need them out of there. u.s. embassy did not reply to me. the last email i received from the state department and u.s. embassy was the 26th and people were pushing me to go to the gates controlled by the taliban and there was no safety involved
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there because it's a long way and they were letting people individually and there was a possibility for taliban to pull every single american on the flight and just kill them right there and because there was no guarantee and i refuse to do that. >> well, that was the reason for my first question was did you think you could have better helped them had you stayed in the united states? my other question is when you went to the gates, were you -- did you go with your entire family when you tried to leave? >> i did, yes. >> do you think if you had gone alone, if you were just going by yourself, do you think they would have let you back? is it because you had so many people with you and you were trying to get people out? if you were by yourself and showed them a passport, would they have let you through? >> that's not the case. i show them and say i'm by myself. they say go away. there was an interpreter giving
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me a lot of f word and s word. it not a case of my family. in general, they didn't let me to get in. >> the state department told us that they cannot verify if anyone contacted the u.s. embassy because it's suspended all activity. cnn has been told officials made 55,000 phone calls and sent 33,000 emails to try to contact americans who wanted to leave. were you ever contacted or your family? >> i did not contact anybody and even contact them and i give them my passport and my name every detail and i basically set up all the forms and service they had available and filled it out but they never contact me and never ask me to meet them at a certain area or go to the airport so you evacuate you and your family. >> are you hopeful the u.s. government will still be able to get you and your family out of there? >> i don't know. no, basically, i'm hopeless
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right now. i don't have any hope that the u.s. government will help me. i contact the u.s. department of the state and they hung up the phone on me. i'm pbasically helpless right nw and nobody will help me. >> there are other folks in similar situations as you and we have been speaking to them. again, administration, the president promising they will try to get -- they are going to get all the americans out, even after obviously after the deadline that is already passed. so we thank you for calling us. best of luck and please keep us updated on your situation. >> you're welcome. thank you, don. thank you for having me. you guys have a good night, bye. there is a midnight deadline. the supreme court has to act now or a texas court decision could effectively end roe v wade. stay with us.
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so this one is really important. pa pay attention. restrictive abortion law set to take place in texas. if not blocked, it could end roe v wade. let's discuss with jeffrey toobin and laura coats. thank you both for joining. good evening to you. jeffrey, this texas law set to go into effect at midnight central time that bans abortions at six weeks and allows private citizens to bring suits against providers in anyone that seeks
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abortion. >> it very simple to explain. abortion will be illegal in texas, period. there is no abortion clinic. there is no abortion provider that will risk going forward giving anyone the opportunity -- any woman the opportunity for an abortion in light of this law. six weeks is a time that most women, many women don't even know they're pregnant. so it's effectively a ban on all abortions and this very strange provision of allowing private parties to sue is an attempt to insulate the state of texas from being sued to stop it. one reason why this is such a legally complicated situation is that there is no clear defendant in this case, and that's why the law was set up this way, and that's why in about 88 minutes, unless the court acts, you know, for the first time since 1973,
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abortion will be illegal in the united states -- in a state in the united states. >> so i don't want to over state because this is what i say when i introduced you and you said the supreme court -- unless we -- we're waiting to see if they enter vein. if the law takes affect, what does that mean for roe v wade. i said it could end roe v wade. is that an over statement? >> i don't think so. i'd like to know what laura thinks. the point of roe v wade is states cannot ban abortion. if texas bans abortion in 87 minutes, that means that roe v wade is not good law anymore. and look, this is a model that texas has set up that the other red states, if this works, will follow quickly. >> okay. laura, i want to hear what you have to say because it bars
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abortions for as you heard jeffrey say for many woman member during the time they don't even know they're pregnant. it would effectively out law 85% of abortions in texas. talk to me about what you think and whatpponents if there are a? >> you can't over state this enough. this would allow, if the supreme court decides to allow this to go into effect at midnight central time, they could essentially overturn roe v wade in a state without lifting a finger, without saying a word on a shadow docket, not even addressing it, hearing an oral argument that stood the test of time for decades and decades. talking about up ending the trimester frame work of roe v wade and talk about a woman's right to choose -- prior to the viability of a fetus, meaning it can actually exist and survive outside of a womb except for their doctor. what they are doing is so sneaky
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it needs to be explained more. they are saying as jeffrey talked about is normally you can't sue a state necessarily a state itself has sovereign immunity. you would normally sue somebody that could enforce a law. what they have done in texas essentially is said any person can sue anyone in a very vague term who aids and abets in abortion. meaning someone that encourages, drives you to, performs, speaks to you about it in someway, somebody who may have donated money to an abortion related cause of some form or fashion, that person could then have to pay a penalty of about $10,000. this is somebody you could make somebody come to their knees in litigation now. this is not how it's supposed to be. not only is roe v wade valid law but the idea of a plaintiff that might have to have something that they cannot reverse in the form of having a risk of imminent harm by law, they can't go to the courts to address their grievance.
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they have doctors that can't perform under roe v wade. the supreme court has to say look, the fifth district court of appeals has to say that the lower court actually gets to decide in this point in time whether the law is actually unconstitutional or the supreme court can do it themselves. but the idea of under the cover of darkness without lifting a finger, without writing an opinion, without hearing oral arguments, without having it fully briefed and there is presently a case on the docket, they could say all the hard work is done and imagine what would happen in other context here? if another state said a private litigant can bring on action for a $10,000 bounty on somebody that own as gun. this is a way to go around and have an end around things where the constitution or supreme court has effectively weighed in the issue. this is something that cannot be
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over stated. it's shocking we're finding our zels minutes away and the supreme court said absolutely nothing. >> you know, the -- it's painful sometimes to go through legal procedure. but the procedure here really is something very important. i mean, everybody knows that the supreme courts year starts on the first monday in okctober an all the big decisions come out about the end of june and their arguments and their briefs filed and everybody gets to know what's before the supreme court. here it is. at the end of august, while the supreme court is not even in session, abortion is going to become legal. this major issue in american life, this huge ly die vis siev issue is about to change overnight without anything, without any sort of argument, without any sort of opinion which it's just going to sort of
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happen and again, if this -- if we don't hear from the supreme court in the next 83 minutes, it's just -- i mean, it just an outrageous way to run a legal system or political system to have a change this momentous happen as laura said, you know, with no decision at all. just sort of happening. >> jeffrey, you said abortion is about to become legal, you mean illegal. >> illegal. >> wow. if the supreme court doesn't step in now when it does come back in october, is there -- can their overturn it? can they change it? >> that's a very interesting question. there is a case already before the supreme court in the traditional manner out of miss mis, a very similar restrictive law where they are going to receive briefs and hear oral
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argument and decide the case in customary manner. the political environment and the real world situation will be very different because mississippi's law currently has been stayed because it is in conflict with roe v wade but if texas has already made abortion illegal, the mississippi case will look very different. >> laura, i'll give you the final word. you sat in this very seat. i have a short time left. i don't want to give you a short trip but final word here. >> real quick. all hope is not lost in the sense of the lobbying challenge. if the supreme court allows this to go into effect, a litigant can bring suit and say they don't have to pay the fine because it's unconstitutional. this is after the fact when roe v wade allowed for the proactive ability not to have laws like this evening exist.
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>> appreciate both of you. >> he's telling companies investigators. what is kevin mccarthy so afraid of? let's go walter! after you. walter, twelve o' clock. get em boy! [cows mooing] that is incredible. it's the multi-flex tailgate. it can be a step, it can even become a workspace. i meant the cat. what's so great about him? he doesn't have a workspace. the chevy silverado with the available multi-flex tailgate. find new adventures. find new roads. chevrolet.
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i booked our hotel on kayak. it's flexible if we need to cancel. cancel. i haven't left the house in a year. nothing will stop me from vacation. no canceling. flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done.
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woman: 5, 6, 7, 8. [band playing] a new school year begins. in the classrooms we've prepared... with the students we are devoted to. in concert with the parents and families we partner with every day.
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we can't do it without you. we're ready to teach. our number one priority is student safety. we're determined to keep everyone safe. and excited to help all students succeed. woman: because we know quality public schools make a better california... so the house minority leader kevin mccarthy issuing a warning shot to the telecommunication and social media companies asked by the house january 6th select committee to preserve the records of lawmakers and private citizens. he says if these companies compile with the democrat order
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to over -- to turnover private information, they are in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the united states. republican majority will not forget and will stand with americans who hold them fully accountable under law. supposed to be democratic. anyway. only yesterday cnn broke the story the january 6th select committee was looking to preserve the phone records of a list of lawmakers and members of the former president's family, president trump's family who could have been involved in the stop the steal rally right before the capitol insurrection. joining me is amanda carpenter and scott jennings. good evening to both of you. good to have you on. let's discuss. amanda? >> yeah, well, i think there is a tale here -- >> go on. scott, she jumped in with no question. you need to learn. >> sorry, i thought it was a
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prompt. >> go on. >> i didn't realize -- >> i want to hear what you have to say. go on. >> there is a tale here and kevin mccarthy's statement/threat he can't point to an actual federal law that is being violated so this does seem quite clownish. i am not telling anyone to dismiss it at all because it seems to be the message coming from a lot of republicans. marjorie taylor greene was on another network saying if phone companies did they they'd shut them down and mitch mcconnell unrelated to a january 6th investigation stuff, he was openly threatening woke companies there would be consequences if they oppose the voting rights. this is a trend within the republican party i'm concerned about as a rule of law republican that doesn't believe in retaliation policies being enacted on political enemies. >> scott, she mentioned marjorie taylor greene doubling down on the threat to shut these companies down. let's listen in and i'll get your response.
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>> these telecommunications companies if they go along with this will be shut down. that's a promise. >> so scott, the select committee releasing a statement tonight saying they won't be deterred but those who want to whitewash or cover up the events of january 6th or obstruct our investigation and between greene and mccarthy, it seems like some protest too much going on. >> i mean, my view is they're trying to virtue signal and throw lines in the water to make the conservatives believe they will fieg ght this. these things get fought all the time. but we do it not courts. we don't do it retribution via legislation that would interfere with the free market. there are probably legitimate questions about obtaining communications of lawmakers, also obtaining communications within the kexecutive branch an probably questions of executive privilege.
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there is a place where this gets sorted out not necessarily on the floor of congress but the courts. i think if a company or individual thinks they've been wrong by this committee, they can take it to court and a judge can decide and that process plays out rather routinely. i'm dismayed we would threaten future legislative action and it takes us down a frankly pretty bad path as a party since we've been protective of private companies in the past and their rights and privacy rights of private companies. >> isn't this cancel culture, scott? they're trying to chanancel peo for compiling with court orders? >> yeah, the threat to cancel a company's existence would technically be cancel culture, yes. that would be one way to look at it. this is not good legislative practice. particularly when you have another branch of government that exists to sort these things out. >> we'll talk about the letting some of the refugees in the country. is there a lot of hypocrisy
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♪let it go (let it go)♪ so back now with amanda carpenter and scott jennings. amanda, the gop also on the attack over the afghanistan withdrawal. with gop lawmakers fear-mongering over afghan refugees coming to the united states. the biden administration is vetting afghans before they arrive in the u.s. and again once they land in the united
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states. so why these scare tactics about saying, you know, they're going to be boston -- future boston marathon bombers or rape young girls? >> well, i think the end of this war was completely chaotic. and i'm not excusing some of the comments that some of these congressmen have had who i truly believe are outliers in this situation. i'd just say this isn't an ideal way to bring any new people into our country. i think some of the people coming here will become the best americans. anyone that fought through a taliban crowd to get themselves through an airport probably because they relied on their friends who they phoned and whatsapp signalled and were probably already in lines for special immigrant visas, that's qualification enough for me. and if they want to go vet these children standing in the airport, go ahead.
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because the tears streaming down their face and the little peace signs they throw up for photos is enough for me. >> scott, listen, i think everyone wants a very strict vetting process here, but just respond. >> yeah, look, i support the vetting. i think the vetting is going on. and i agree with what you said. i think it will continue to go on. we have a long proud history of accepting refugees in this country. and we have a long proud history of supporting people who've supported us. i'm in kentucky tonight. and we have several hundred afghan refugees, i think the first families are just now arriving in kentucky. i'm proud they're coming here. i'm proud to live in a state where we're going to accept these folks because i agree with amanda. i think most of them are going to become the best americans. they've already been working on our behalf. that doesn't mean we shouldn't continue to do the vetting process that i know is already under way. but to say that these people are going to show up and become numerous bombers and rapists and -- it's just -- it's wrong. the rhetoric is not right. and i think if you wanted to
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talk to somebody about the people that we're bringing over talk to some of our military leaders. talk to some of our soldiers. talk to some of our special forces guys who've relied on these folks over the last 20 years. they'll tell you what kind of people they are. and i'm sure they'd be proud to have them in america. i know i'm proud to have them in kentucky. >> that's got to be the last word. thank you both. i appreciate it. weil see you soon. have a did flight. and thank you for watching, everyone. you have a good night. our coverage continues. i may not be able to tell time, but i know what time it is. [whispering] it's grilled cheese o'clock. you've been taking mental health meds, and your mind is finally in a better place. except now you have uncontrollable body movements called tardive dyskinesia td. and it can seem like that's all people see. ♪ some meds for mental health can cause abnormal dopamine signaling in the brain. while how it works is not fully understood, ingrezza is thought to reduce that signaling.
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9:00 pm
good evening. after two decades of war in afghanistan president biden today tried to forcefully defend how he ended it, when he ended it and how final chapter


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