tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN September 1, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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and heavy rains battering new jersey, new jersey. in pennsylvania 41 passengers including students had to be res cused from a school bus trapped in flood waters. that that's it for us. the news continues. let's hand it over to chris for "cuomo primetime." chris? lord, give me something easy. just one hard thing after another. anderson, thank you very much. i'm chris cuomo. welcome to prime time. there are new concerns at home after the taliban's take over. homeland security is picking up chatter on online platforms, but it's not what you might expect. taliban or other groups abroad issuing new threats, that's what you'd expect, right? this chatter is coming from here. and there's another twist. this is not about islamist extremist sleeper cells. it's about homegrown white supremacists and other violent extremist groups here who are looking to be more like the
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taliban. the authorities say that what they're hearing are these guys celebrating the taliban's success and saying it's a model for those who believe in the need for a civil war in the united states. and then there's this weird paradox. on the one hand they're celebrating the taliban and say we want to feel like them and on the other hand there's this chatter that echoes a lot of what we're hearing that the arriving afghan refugees could be criminals and racist groups here saying they could degrade the authority of the white race. home lbd official says this is all, quote, troubling because it, quote may insight violent activities directed at immigrant communities, unquote. one more reason that no comfort or qualification can be given to this kind of talk or these groups. there are not good people on
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both sides. now our focus is not what may happen in america in the future. it's on what is happening right now to those americans left behind in afghanistan. and remember it's not just americans, and we have a truly shocking development that we're learning tonight. the majority of afghans who helped us over the last two decades were likely left behind. the majority and that comes from a top state department official asked about what the plan is. so what did we get today? what is the plan? how are you going to get the americans out, make sure no one gets left behind? and what about the allies? here's what we got. >> we've been in contact with them in the last 24 hours to tell them that we are looking at all possible options, air routes, land routes to continue to find ways for them to help evacuate and to support them in
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that. >> we will communicate directly to them personalized instructions on what they should do, when they should do it and how the united states government feels we are best positioned to help them do that. >> the other piece is over land efforts. we are operationally working on both airplanes so that depart and getting the airport up and operational and over land departures. >> now, they say 100 to 200 americans may still be in need of rescue. among them more than two dozen students from california of all ages from 19 different families trapped after visiting relatives over summer break. another concern is that the military is now supposedly out of the rescue game leaving it to diplomats. now can we really rely on diplomacy with the taliban to get everyone out, especially now there is no present threat from american force on the ground? so who's filling in the gap? once again it is the best of us,
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our veterans and their allies fighting the good fight. have you seen the hashtag digital dunkirk, hashtag that's online? it's an army of veterans, ngos, former government officials and others, their allies that are made it their collective mission to step in where the government hasn't, working their contacts, working with each other to save the stranded a world away in afghanistan, one by one, family by family. and it's working. we have a big update tonight on an american we've been keeping close tab on. we call her sarah here. it's not a real name obviously. sarah is now on the move. she's not out yet but she's out of kabul. now if you've been watching this program you heard her story. she's a former interpreter for u.s. forces. she's been in kabul and she didn't want to leave until she could get these other siv applicants and their kids to safety because she knew what would happen, okay? now she's got about 20 people.
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actually she had like dozens who were living in and around her house. but she has 20 many of them children of interpreters who helped our military are with her. these guys are smart. they know the intel and tacks so they're helping these people with that knowledge and trying to keep her with a very small digital footprint. why? because people are looking for them. every account they've had is that the taliban and other countries may be helping them to find these people. now that's the scary part. so we're unable to talk to her, you're not going to see her tonight in person, but she did take a video to show their journey. we blurred out faces to protect them. one of them was a baby who just had a tumor removed from her head. she's okay, too, for now. here's what we were sent. >> we have kids and one recently
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had her surgery. beautiful baby. we're still in afghanistan trying to figure out how to leave this country, and it's late at night. and we're trying to leave, but -- we're in a safe place right now and i just hope things work out for us and we can get out today or tomorrow. thank you so much. >> why are you blurring the faces? because god forbid they don't get out, the video exists. people can identify their faces. the bad guys can identify them as well as anybody who wants to help that's why. our first guest helped get us that video because he is helping sarah to be on the move. he's one of the heroes, and there are countless others. i don't want him to yell at me.
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former intelligence officer and afghan war vet, sam rogers. he's here because he's who sarah put me in contact with. but he'll be the first one to tell you he's worked with a lot of people many of whom he's not even met before. he's the colegs's director with concerned veterans foundation. good to see you again, brother. >> good to see you, chris. thanks so much for having me on again and i appreciate you giving a shout out to really the network if not hundreds of thousands of veterans doing this. i'm just a tiny piece of it. we wouldn't have been able to get to a new safe place about it. we're glad she's in a safer place. and, you know, the state department's briefing just had -- had me thinking that i'm glad they're finally at the point we were, you know, almost ten days ago which is analyzing routes out of country, alternate
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routes outside of airports. but we just want to know what it is they're doing, what they're planning to do. our folks don't necessarily have time. >> that's the problem. the commodity here is time, and it's been cut short by our exit, and it does sound like they're behind. and look, we'll get to why you had to be involved in the first place. let's deal with the specifics. so sarah and a bunch of the kids who were with her are on the move but not out, and what is the challenge? >> well, the challenge is the fact there are no flights coming or leaving any airfields. different countries continue to open or close their borders, iran, uuzbekistan, those these overland routes are changing all the time. this planning all these different veteran groups are putting in continues to fall apart as these things change. >> so you have to find a border they can get to over land because you're not flying anywhere right now, and then,
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matt, you have to take a bet that will be open. and you have to make a bet if it's not open you can find a way to get to another safe place? >> right. yeah, so it continues to change. we've got a large group of people who are constantly monitoring this. you know, my pregnant woif has taken some night shifts taking my phone and make sure no one's in crisis, nothing's changing or happening. it's a full time operation that we would love the state department to effectively engage and take on. but we're just not seeing the things they're saying when it comes to our american citizens on the ground there. >> how likely is it right now that sarah and these kids can get out? >> i'm an optimist, and i -- you know, my profession is getting people around to -- around the country through checkpoints, things like that. i'm confident we'll get her out. it's just going to be a -- it's going to be a rigorous activity.
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it's going to take a lot of planning. and, you know, there's no banks there so getting cash and supplies to these folks is perilous itself. >> last question, and obviously this is an ongoing dialogue. you can text me whenever you want, the whole gang gang, you know that. your work is worthy. the question is why is it so worthy? have you reached out to the state department to kind of loop them in and get them to oversee if there's an obvious huge resource development to help? >> i was told a link to forward to sarah so that she could get into some sort of queue system for the state department, and the app crashed several times when she attempted to use it. and really i didn't understand why the state department need her to tell them what she had done with the state department process already. and i just -- i have to say, you know, we're starting a refugee care package drive in wisconsin tomorrow. it's going to go for six days, and veterans are putting so much
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into this. we're putting everything on the table. and, you know, sarah exemplifies the american idea. she is leaving no one behind. she is bringing these children and these women and these kids with her after spending 15 years with the american military. you know, i only spent like 9 years cumulative in service. and so it's just unacceptable, and we need to see accountability after this. we need to an investigation or after action review to hold people accountable for how this and the last 20 years have unfolded. >> we've never seen anything like this where there's literally a shadow slash parallel effort from veterans trying to save the people they believe to promise at the same time the state department is trying to do it, and i don't even hear the state department recognizing you guys. you know, there's thousands of you out there doing this and talking to people on the ground. we all heard the stories about how people atika boule airport there were communicating with
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guys like you to get people in, not the state department. so sam, as ever you got my number. you use it. when you have updates on sarah, you'll have time on this show, i promise you that. and anything i can do off-line, i'll do, okay? >> i really appreciate it, chris. thanks so much. >> god bless and may your wife have an easy and good pregnancy. take care. i'll talk to you soon. i'll talk to you tonight, okay? >> thanks. >> all right, i've never seen anything like this in my life, by the way. okay? there's thousands of these guys. go online look at hashtag digital dunkirk. it's not just yap and people on twitter saying they want to do things. i'll put the organization he's working with and a couple of organizations he's working with to work for sarah. and if you want to donate, that's up to you. we're going to turn to another afghan war vet who's working to rescue those who helped us. why he takes issue with president biden's handling of the pull out. he says it's not about politics
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but the idea he and guys like sam and everybody else is trying to cleanup this mess is just wrong. how do we do better? next. eded to consolidate my credit card debt. i needed just one simple way to pay it all off. it was an easy decision to apply with sofi loans, just based on the interest rate and how much i would be saving. there was only one that stood out and one that actually made sense and that was sofi personal loans. it felt so freeing. i felt like i was finally out of this neverending trap of interest and payments and debt. ♪ (man) my ex is dating a pisces. so i'm like, 'screw it. let's talk manifesting. let's talk chakras. let's talk self healing my way through the 12th house. (woman in van) set your intentions. (man sitting) crystals up. (woman) full moon bath ritual. cleanse and find your magic.
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operating rooms stay clean now helps the places you go too. look for the ecolab science certified seal. let's talk more about these growing concerns among u.s. officials that what's happening in afghanistan is energizing white supremacists and far right extremists here at home. site, an organization that tracks their activity online is tracking what it calls its desire, quote, their desire to emulate the taliban or increasing rhetoric about invasion from displaced afghans. how concerned should we be? after all we know how january 6th turned out, right? let's bring in an afghan war veteran, former marine captain, cia case officer elliot acerman. thank you for your service. it's good to have you on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> what do you make of this weird paradox where on the one
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hand you have homegrown bigots saying, hey, we should be like the taliban and then at the same time saying fear the afghan refugees? >> i think what it evidences is the fact that anytime we as a nation betray our values we become less safe. so when we betray our values it's obvious the way we become less safe internationally with threats from groups like isis-k in this case. but i think what's maybe less intuitive to folks is when we betray our value we also become more vulnerable domestically. and i think that's what we're seeing manifest, and we should take a moment and pause. when we're interacting on the international stage that causes white supremacist groups to cheer at home, maybe we should reflect on our policies and whether or not they're the right ones. >> i've bip framing what we are
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living through in the afghanistan exit is biden with uzdealt a bad hand by trump and his team in negotiating with the taliban, and he played his hand poorly. do you agree with that assessment? >> i do. i agree that he played his hand poorly, but, you know, i would go onto add, you know, he's the president of the united states. he exercised his extraordinary powers. he didn't need to play those cards, and we can look at a whole host of issues where he did a complete reset from president trump, whether it's the myriad executive orders he signed within the first 24 hour of the administration, putting us back into the paris climate accords. he did not have to follow on his bad deal, and i think we should stop using that as top cover for the deb occul we've seen in the past several weeks. >> why do you think they stayed with let's call it a bad deal? how much of it is on them? how much is it on me and the media who didn't seem to care we were negotiating with the taliban in the first place and not really covering the last six, seven months of what was
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happening in afghanistan? >> well, chris, i think you just hinted at some of that. i think there was a calculation here that americans don't care about afghanistan, and i hate to say tat. it's a cynical thing to say, but there was a poll way back in 2018 that showed 4 2ers of americans couldn't say whether we were or not even at war in afghanistan. so i think looking at numbers like that and feeling the united states doesn't care about this war anymore led the administration to believe no one is going to care if we pulled out. i think they didn't anticipate this would put afghanistan back into the center of the conversation, and, you know, americans don't like to be embarrassed on the world stage. they don't like to see us, again, betray our values in this way. and i hope now is the moment we can do the right thing and hopefully come out of the other end of this thing having salvaged our national reputation. >> you know, the digital dunkirk hashtag and all these efforts, they're just starting to get
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attention on shows like this. i mean we've been doing it for a couple weeks now, but the big reason is that the government is not recognizing it, right? they don't want to say guys like acerman and rogers and all these men and women and our allies are doing what we should be doing. if you ever heard anything like this, what do you think is motivating the effort by people like you? >> i've never heard of anything like this. i've never been part of anything like this, and i've never sort of seen a collapse of competence on the part of the u.s. government that equals what we've seen go on in this afghanistan withdrawal. and just want to be clear that is in no way a criticism or indictment of the marines and service members on the ground many of whom i've been in contact with and who behaved frankly like absolutely heroically atika boule international airport, what these folks did. but we never should have been in this position in the first place. and i think -- i think the
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government needs to recognize what's going on with digital dunkirk, and i think they need to start assuming some of the responsibility for getting these afghans out and these american citizens out. and i think what we also need to see is some accountability. this has been nothing short of one of the greatest debacles in american history, and if we don't see some type of investigation, if we don't see i think some resignations from senior officials, i don't know what that says about if there's any accountability at the highest levels. if you can't get fired for this what can you get fired for? >> the problem is the investigating gets done by politician, and the chance of getting anything good out of that that does anything but split the baby is impossible these days. let me ask you something. the main defense of any type of criticism here is, hey, look, afghanistan the status quo was horrible. it was always going to be terrible. it was always going to by chaotic when you left. this place is a terrible place and we're not going to occupy it. that criticism is unfair because
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a lot of this was unavoidable. >> i would disagree with that. first of all, let's crack open a history book. if you look at the soviet withdrawal from afghanistan it was in no way a deb occul. it was relatively orderly. as far back as april and may, i make my way as a writer and i was writing pieces about efforts like congressman seth moulton and jason crow warning the administration, sending them letters to explain their plan how to evacuate all these afghans. and they were met with silence. we can also look at the fact we shutdown every single major u.s. air base in the country. and you only need to look at a map of afghanistan to realize it's a landlocked country as opposed to a place like vietnam the last time we did this. so we basically put ourselves and our backs to a wall, but it was a wall we built ourselves. >> do this for me.
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first of all, take my appreciation and thanks as an american for what you did as a veteran but also what you're doing right now. and be another set of hands for us and let's stay in contact every day. and as you understand the developments of what's happening and what's not happening and why let me know so i can get the information out and hopefully have you back to explain, okay? >> sure, chris. thanks for calling attention to the story. >> elliot acerman, thank you for your service and thank you for making a difference. >> major news here at home today. this is the roe v. wade situation brought into right now. there is nothing theoretical. there is nothing future oriented about the situation. it is now. the supreme court just allowed a texas law that is the most restrictive abortion law that literally allows people to be bounty hunters looking for those who have abortions and those who helped them anywhere in the
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country. and they did not decide to take it, the supreme court. and that tells you a lot. president biden calls it a blatant violation of roe v. wade. no abortions after six weeks of pregnancy in texas before most women even know they're pregnant, how is this going to be enforced? but what does it say about what's going to happen next? remember the supreme court is taking on roe v. wade in a mississippi case that will argue to move back the viability almost in half. right back with two people fighting next.
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wade never happened. in legal terms it's proof of why -- sounds more decisive than it is. it is a loophole as much as a principle. it means the thing has been decide, but that's only because an idea of settled law is only settled until the court settles it differently. blessy v. ferguson, right, separate but equal, brown v. the board of education integration. plessy v. ferguson was decisive but then it changed. roe v. wade could as well. wants to move the viability date i believe to 15 years. roe v. wade could be changed in a material way that will mean something for women all across this country. a nation split between places where abortion is legal and
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where it isn't. the reality as we speak women in the second most populous state, texas, can no longer get an abortion out of 6 weeks of pregnancy. i don't know if you've been in the baby game but six weeks a lot of people don't even know they're pregnant then. rape, incest, doesn't matter. also fundamentally shifts enforcement of the law from cops and the state onto private citizens effectively making them bounty hunters. the state will pay $10,000 to anyone who successfully sues clinics or even regular texans who help a woman get access to what amounts to almost two generations of what's been basic health care in this country. let's bring in two women who are already seeing what this means. nancy is handling the legal fight. and marva saddler whose clinics in texas are living the new reality. welcome to both. let me start with you.
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living the new reality, what does that look like? >> it's extremely scary. at this time we're still uncertain of what's next and we're definitely turning women away. >> turning women away why? >> because as of today, as of midnight last night those women are no longer eligible for procedure in the state of texas, and there are are no other options for them here. >> now, nancy, marva could say we're going to do it anyway, but that's putting a lot of burden on her. what could she expose herself to and what does this demand as a remedy? >> well, let me just start by saying as the lawyers for whole womens health and marva we're extremely concerned -- extremely concerned the supreme court has yet to rule on our request to enjoy texas law. the court will rule and they haven't yet, and as you said at the top that means this law, this unconstitutional law is now
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in effect in texas. and, you know, you cannot violate the law. i will say as the lawyers for whole womens health and that's what's so pernicious about this law. it's so unconstitutional to abandon six weeks before pregnancy before a person knows they're pregnant and 12 other states they do it for political reasons. all of them struck down. so texas decided it was going to do this devious thing which is to say we're not going to enforce the laws of the state of texas and empower and intitle abortion rights activists to be vigilantlies and go and see marva or sue the doctors or as you pointed out sue a friend who drives tuesday the clinic and sue a sister who loans the money. any of those people could be subject to being sued, and being sued multiple times by multiple people in multiple jurisdictions in the state of texas. you know, this law is so pernicious that it's said even
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if a person was having the abortion in dallas the sister that drove them could be sued in houston. >> anywhere in the state. >> anywhere in the state. you can make it as hard as possible. do it in the rio grande valley. and texas is an enormous state, large in population, large in land mass. so, you know, right now the clinics are doing what they can, complying with the law, seeing only those, you know, 10% of patients who do terminate that early. but meanwhile this fight is not over. you know, we're waiting for the supreme court. you know, this is -- >> that's the key, nancy, you're waiting. you don't have to be waiting. they could have ruled already. and the omission, you know, the inaction i think speaks volumes here especially with this mississippi case coming up that wants to move it to 15 weeks, but both of them are simple principles about where they want to see viability. we know the lineage of the case law here. the question is this going to change again?
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on the human level what is this like for you? you know, this is your life, this helping women like this and what happens when they don't get help from you? >> i mean, it's been extremely emotional. we've seen women over the last couple of days basically tell us that leaving out of the state is not an option to them, and at this point they're trying to figure out how they're going to become parents. my tafstaff and my doctors goino work and came to work this morning with this fear just entering the building could cause them to be sued by the people who harass them on the sidewalk every single day. it's really scary. it's extremely scary, and more than anything it's sad. it's absolutely sad for the women who have looked for us for help all this time, who know we're the best at what we can do and take care of them safely without judgment now cannot help them at. >> how concerned are you that women will do things that are dangerous? >> i'm extremely concerned.
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history has absolutely shown us that. because abortion becomes illegal or inaccessible, it doesn't stop. a women who doesn't want to be pregnant will go through desperate needs to figure out how not to be pregnant. and it's super unfortunate our state has caused the citizens of the state to make that decision and move forward with that sense of doubt and that stigma they continue to put on all of us. >> marva, nancy, this is just the beginning of what is absolutely going to happen. we'll see what the court rules, but this is not a hypothetical anymore. this is not theoretical and not just political talk. this is going to be about what the consequences of the last election were and what this court is going to decide, and you will have a forum here to plead your case. i'll see you both going forward. >> thank you. >> thank you. i want to take this step back because we make a huge mistake i'm as guilty and more than most of you. i forget.
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we cover things that are really bad. elijah mcclain, you remember his name? i had to look it up again. i did. i'm going to be honest with you. not because i didn't care but because there are so many names. there's so many different policing issues that we look at. this young black man dead, stopped by two police two years ago in colorado. remember he was unarmed, he had committed no crime. they came up on him and he was like what are you doing, what are you doing and they wound up giving him -- they administered a drug at the scene, these emts who came and he died. we left that story. remember the local prosecutor i had him on the show. you remember how that went? and now the state took it over. and tonight there are major developments and you need to hear them next.
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so that's why it's important to make a plan with your parents. here are a few tips to stay safe. know how to get in touch with your family. write down phone numbers for your parents, siblings and neighbors. pick a place to meet your family if you are not together and can't go home. remind your parents to pack an emergency supply kit. making a plan might feel like homework, but it will help you and your family stay safe during an emergency. all right, we got to take a step back so we can actually
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move the story forward two years. that's how long it took for anyone to be charged in the death of elijah mcclain. in those two years one fact has never been in doubt. if the police had not stopped the 23-year-old as he walked home from a store in aurora, colorado, do you remember this video -- he would still be alive. they stopped him because he was being suspicious. what did that mean? they never could explain. now three cops and two paramedics are facing 32 criminal counts no thanks to local law enforcement -- not law enforcement, the prosecutors. you'll see in a second. it wouldn't have happened without 2 million people signing a petition which forced action at the state level. it was the state attorney general who took this case to the grand jury because the local not law enforcement but technically it is, it's the d.a., but i don't mean to -- i don't want to smear the police, okay? the police who need to be held to account are but it's not
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about all police. the local d.a. tried to argue on this show that there simply wasn't enough evidence. >> let me tell you my role in this whole investigation is to determine whether or not a criminal charge should be filed. >> yes. >> how in the world can i file homicide charges when i can't prove a critical element beyond a reasonable doubt the cause of death? >> who says you can't? a pathologist report is just one aspect of an investigation. and he didn't rule anything out either. he said it could have been homicide, could have been accidental, could have been natural. he doesn't really know. he looked at the drugs in the system, he saw marijuana and ketamine. >> based on speculation. >> you could have investigated more. so you're saying if a pathologist doesn't give you a home run you never go forward with a case? >> and by the way there was no injuries to him whatsoever. >> he's dead. he's dead. >> didn't sound like a zealous prosecutor, right?
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it shouldn't take 150-page investigative report assigned by the city council to tell you there's, quote, serious concerns about how the case was handled. then again it shouldn't take moving the case away from local prosecutors to move charges. once again we see that's exactly what it took in this case just like it did with george floyd's murder and the death of ahmaud arb r.a., a case by the way just now going through pretrial hearings almost two years after his death. just wanted you to know. now we're going to take a break. we're going to come back to our top story, the race to save those who helped protect us in afghanistan. so many are still trapped. we've never seen an effort like this digital dunkirk, these veterans and their allies doing all they can. what's it like? you're going to hear from someone who did get out along with most of his family, a former afghan interpreter recorded his escape. he's here with his video and what he needs you to know next.
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today a senior state department official admitted an ugly truth. quote, the majority, unquote, of afghans who work for the united states during its two decade military campaign were likely left behind. we're fortunate enough to have with us a member of the minority who the help of cnn and others on the ground was able to escape. 34-year-old abdul rasheed shazad he tried several times to get himself and his family through the airport gates but the crowds were too massive. he says his 8-year-old son was nearly trampled in the chaos, his 2-year-old got sick. in a call you can hear the father of three pleading to be saved, not to be left behind. >> why have the american soldiers forgetting about us after everything we did, the
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sacrifices we made? why are they leaving us behind? i don't want to be kill by the >> the cnn team helped rasheed get past the taliban. he was turned away by u.s. forces because his siv application is still pending. rasheed called for help from the navy s.e.a.l. he had once worked with in afghanistan and others. it took seven hours for him to finally get through. >> the air force terminal, we made it. we are real excited. >> now, again, this is an instruction how it was not planned. this is not the normal operation. this was service members doing it for themselves. once here in the u.s., he was reunited with the s.e.a.l. who helped get him to safety. beautiful. we need a lot more of that. rasheed joins us now from fort
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lee, virginia. how's the family? >> thank you, sir, for having me on your program. so the family, they're all good, you know, they're all excited. they're all happy, so it's so amazing to be here. >> is -- what is it like for you to hear the stories of all the people who were left behind, and how hard it's going to be with the americans gone? >> i'm in contact with most of the people that are left behind in afghanistan, and they keep calling me, and they keep asking me that i'm in the u.s., and they want me to talk to the people who are in charge and here, you know, to make aware to get them out of afghanistan, you know. they're still in trouble. their lives are in danger, so they keep sending me messages. they keep calling me, you know, and they keep asking for help. >> how many people who helped
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the united states that you know and who are still in afghanistan, how many of them have heard from the state department about being helped to get out? >> we were around 700 people in one group, you know, we had a telegram grouped named alban afghan left behind association. just i got out. just i made it. the other ones, they are still left behind. >> have they heard from the united states government in the last few days? >> no, they didn't, you know. that's their concern, you know. they're like -- they're like telling me like they haven't received anything from the department of the states. >> do any of them have the sivs? rashid, do any of them have the siv visas? >> they all applied for sivs, wu they didn't get any answer from
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the u.s. embassy or the u.s. department of state. >> what is your concern about what's going to happen to them before too long? >> yeah, the department of state, i want all the american officers here to like do something for them, you know, get them out of afghanistan, you know. they're in danger. they're all in danger, you know, so once the taliban, they took in kabul, they will go after them. they will find them, and they will kill them. they all will be killed, you know. i want them to be out of afghanistan as soon as possible. >> so the hard part was getting out of kabul for you. now you're here with some of your family. now there's the new hard part. what will life be for you here? >> so i would like, with some awesome people with the help of cnn, here i will try to do my best to take care of my kids,
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take care of my family. yeah, so i will make it somehow. >> what are you going to do for a job, what are you thinking? >> today we had some process going on where i am located right now, so they asked me like where i want to move. i told them like it's either california or dallas, texas, so yeah, i will be going there getting some security job or like over a truck driver, yeah. >> are you getting help? are you getting support here? who's helping you? >> so most of -- like most of the people that i have here, like most of my friends, they're willing to help me. and most of the sea.e.a.l.s thai work with back in afghanistan, they're all willing to help me. >> so thundit's not the governm officials so much as the guys who you worked for and know who
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are in the united states. >> we are just getting like this room is given by the government, and we are just like they're giving us food and drinks and stuffs here, but nothing else, you know. the other -- >> go ahead rashid, make your point, please. >> the other help are coming from the non-government people, you know, like the s.e.a.l.s and other people. >> well, rashid, i know that you're still trying to get your brother out, that you're worried about him, that he'll be targeted by the taliban, and i know you have a life to make for you and your family here, and i'm really excited about hearing about your adventure and i hope a lot of beautiful things happen for you and your family. ra rashid shirzad thank you for helping america and i'm glad they helped you back. >> thank you so much, sir. >> god bless and be well. we'll be right back.
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7:00 pm
you know, this really is unlike anything we've ever seen before, not this exit from afghanistan. it is unique and that evacuation wasn't like anything we've ever seen. why it had to happen, that's a debate to have. but this crisis and all these veterans helping on their own, amazing. don lemon tonight with the big star d. lemon right now. >> this is awful. we've been through worse with bigger losses of life, but this is one that we're in now, so i think that we'll get through it. the sad part for me, obviously, the folks who are still there. a herculean task, though, getting all those people out, 120,000 people in a week, look, i think that part is a success. but the loss of life from the american service members, i think that is the saddest part for everyone no doubt. >> absolutely. but i think that the continuing concern, you left the majority of people you promised to help who helped you
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