tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 3, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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classroom sunday night at 10:00 eastern. thank you for joining us tonight. ac 360 starts right now. good evening. the death toll on the east coast from the remnants of hurricane ida is now at least 50 people. alive report from louisiana where the storm hit and president biden visited today. we begin though with a speed bump on the administration's road to covid boosters by the 20th of this month. as you know, that's the date the president announced just last month. >> pending approval from the food and drug administration, the cdc's committee of outside experts will be ready to start these boosters, this booster program through the week of september 20. in which time anyone vaccinated on or before january 20 will be eligible to get a booster shot. >> well, that was the president on august.
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that qualification about fda and cdc approval being needed has been part of the message as a white house spokesman reporter reminded reporters today. that part of it might have gotten lost because it's been a stream of sound pibites like these. >> i would not at all be surprised that the adequate full regimen for vaccination will likely be three doses. there is no doubt from the dramatic data from the israeli study that the boosts that are now being done thand contemplat here support very strongly the rationale for such an approach. >> well, even as that message was going out, the federal officials were warning the white house there might not be enough data on the moderna vaccine to recommended anything but the pfizer shot as a booster. it's a sign this leading vaccine expert said that administration is taking the wrong approach with the public. >> you can't make an
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announcement and then say we'll wait to see what the fda and cdc says. that's really not the right way to do it. >> meantime, as this is playing out, cases and deaths from the delta variant are rising. the country now averaging more than 166,000 new cases and upwards of 1,400 new fatalities every single day. with that as the backdrop, the question is how is the white house handling this. phil mattingly joins us with more on that. do we know why the white house was so out on front of this without full support from the cdc and fda? >> a couple of reasons. one is preparation. they wanted to make sure they were prepared whether this moment came with those key caveats of things needed to be approved first. t the other is urgency. they have been scrambling for several weeks trying to get ahold of the dell delta and concerned about the implications of the transmission of the delta variant. the last point you kind of heard from dr. fauci there, a level of inevitability, a sense this was kg to come immediately.
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they saw other countries go first and they felt like this was a matter of time and this led them to get cross wise with some of the scientists inside their operation. the fda according to a person familiar with the matter warning the administration not to put a specific timeline on things, to bait for the data dom in and wait for the agency to go through the process. the head of the fda, the head of the cdc, yesterday in a closed-door meeting with the president's top covid advisor made clear that had come to pass with moderna. they did not have the data to move forward by the september 20th timeline. they made clear the timeline remains that way for the pfizer vaccine, but moderna is not ready. there are, it's not going to come to pass the way it was laid out. >> what is the white house saying, and what happens next? >> the white house is making clear they are going to follow their scientists on this one and not move regardless of any timeline they set owut, won't move forward until the fda and cdc sign off. that is expected before that
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september 20th deadline when it comes to pfizer, the expectation is that moderna will be a few weeks after, but they don't necessarily know the specifics. moderna said they are giving the data necessary to move this process forward. the biggest thing you heard from white house officials is that they wanted to make sure they were prepared. they knew this would be a significant undertaking. millions of shots from individuals in a tiered timeline and they wanted to make sure that they had the capacity. they know they have the supply. mostly, the capability to be able to deliver those when the boosters were approved. t >> the white house released a new plan today about future pandemics. >> for all of the focus inside the administration about battling the current pandemic and, obviously, that is where their sole focus has been for the better part of the last eight or nine months. the president made clear he wants the administration to lay the groundwork for future pandemics knowing this probably isn't going to be the last.
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what they rolled out today was a multi-tier plan. more than $60 billion in proposals to better prepare the country for the next pandemic, whether it was centralizing the actual response to it, whether it was creating better defenses for the country when it comes to vaccines and therapeutics, bolstering the health system, taking lessons learned over the course of the last year plus and underscoring the fact that there were so many failures, particularly in the early stages of the pandemic. they know they won't get all $65 billion with a snap of the finger. as democrats move forward on the president's legislative agenda in the weeks ahead on capitol hill the administration is asking to include at least $15 billion in the bill that democrats are moving forward. they want to make this count and stick so the president said he wanted to do it, the administration putting plans behind that pledge today. >> all right. appreciate the update. perspective from two mfrmts
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m.d.s. doctor, given the way this has played out, could you think the white house got ahead of itself? >> thanks for having me, anderson. yes, they certainly did. that's why you saw two fda officials highly respected resigned yesterday because they felt for the first time the science was not leading. the trump administration's handling of this pandemic was marked by nihilism, incomp tins and hubris. the one thing they got right was to do the science on vaccines when a moment when we had a huge crisis on our hands. wet the data in november and waited for the regulators to look through the safety to say, yes, it's good to go. now we are rushing in a moment when, in fact, the emergency is not among the vaccinated. the emergency remains among the unvaccinated. and the safety signals out of israel are inadequately described at this time. they have not been carefully described even by dr. fauci,
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unfortunately, and i think the american people need to know what it really means. >> i am confused. what does this mean? i mean, you read on the screen there september 20 booster rollout may be scaled back to just pfizer vaccine at first. what does that mean? if somebody took the moderna vaccine, would they get a pfizer booster, or it's only people who got pfizer vaccines get a pfizer booster? >> i think there is a lot that's unclear at the moment. although i might gently disagree with dr. fauci here. my friend and colleague dr. faust, who i respect very much, i think the white house did the right thing. it was already enough data here in the u.s. to say that, yes, if you are fully vaccinated, you are well protected against severe illness. however, it does look like the effectiveness against symptomatic disease, mild infections is decreasing, especially with the delta variant. and that we also have israeli data showing if you give people a third dose you are
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substantially increasing their protection, in fact reducing the likelihood of infection by ten times in people over the age of 60. i think there is enough data to make the recommendation. and even if the fda and cdc don't want to make the represent, one thing they could do is to say we are allowing people to get a third dose, that it is patient's choice to get a third dose. we know this is already occurring, over 1 million americans have taken the step. i hope we see more clarity around allowing additional people to get the dose and collects data so we are able to weigh these safety and efficacy based on uts data here. >> should people have the option to get a booster? >> once we have data to share with them. they can't make an informed decision without data. and right now all we have is data from people over 60 in israel. in that group it suggests that a booster decreases infection. but once you have a breakthrough
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infection, whether vaccinated with two doses or with three, the risk of hospitalization of severe illness in israeli data set is the same. so the trillion dollars question becomes how long does this protection in the 60-plus age group last? if it's months or years, it makes sense do it. if there is no effect in younger people who actually have a higher rate of adverse effects that are important and we give everyone a choice without data, we will be shooting ourselves in the foot if there is a subgroup of people, like younger males who, for example, had much more side effects after two doses. it could be a major problem if the third dose doesn't help them, but hirts them. the israeli data suggests it might be a good idea for the 60 plus group. >> if it works in the 60 plus group, is there a reason why it wouldn't work in the 20 plus group? and by the way, israel is now
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vaccinating everybody -- i mean, people in their 20s in israel have stood in line for an hour just, you know, this week and gotten a vaccine -- got be the third booster shot. >> yeah, i don't think there is a question that the vaccine, the third dose would add an additional level of immune protection for everybody who is getting it. i think what dr. faust is getting at is there is a different risk benefit calculation for different groups of people. there i agree. i think that we are entering a part a point in the pandemic where people are making different risk decisions. we see this happening already. some people are saying i am fully vaccinated, i am going to resume all my pre-pandemic activities. others are saying i am going to be a lot more caution. and i think it's the same thing whether to get a booster dose. some don't want want to get a booster dose, i am healthy, even if i get a breakthrough infection, it's going to be mild, i don't need to get this for now. somebody else, elderly
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individual, renal disease, heart problems, diabetes, a mild infection could land them in the hospital and maybe that person lives at home wan unvaccinated family member. it would make sense to allow them the choice to get the booster at this time. >> there was a new study on breakthrough infections that found that being fully vaccinated reduces the odds of long-term covid symptoms by half. obviously, even with those otsds long covid is still a possibility. that would seem -- that certainly is some good news though that it significantly reduces the risk of long-term covid. should we be using different metrics for when it's time to double down on boosters? >> so that data looked at people who were fully vaccinated. so long covid is less likely after full vaccination. that's great news for vaccination. over and over again the vaccine is the winner. i feel like we have a baseball team losing right now because of delta, our slugger, the vaccine, hit a grand slam and everyone is
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questioning whether the slugger is worth it. this is not the question. the major question is has the iraq done what we said it would do, which is to keep you out of the hospital, keep you from dying, and the answer is that it has. i think this is still, if you ask anyone what's more important, to get the unvaccinated people onboard and end this crisis or to basically run up the score in the vaccinated subset. when you look here and abroad, the answer is clear. this remains a crisis of the unvaccinated. delta is making it harder, but still the solution is the same. >> dr. faust, dr. nguyen, i appreciate your perspectives. thanks very much. now the question of a third shot to the millions of americans still hesitant to take it at all, including young people now turning up in icus with the delta variant. such as the florida teenager you are about to meet having caught the virus and nearly dying of it. she is now hoping to be an example to here peers, a life-saving example. >> reporter: how are you feeling? >> much better.
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i'm able to walk, finally able to move around, do stuff by myself. still need a little bit of help, but i am improving every single day. >> reporter: just weeks ago an interview with 15-year-old paulina seemed unthinkable. the unvaccinated florida teenager had tested positive for covid and was fighting for her life in a florida hospital. paulina, couldo you remember hu you felt by the time you've got to the er? >> i remember walking into the er and i was, like, dragging my feet, like, it was hot outside and i just couldn't breathe normally. >> reporter: was it scary for you? >> yeah, very. >> reporter: pauline tested positive on july 11. just as she was making plans to be vaccinated. first it was just a runny nose, but then came the headaches, loss of taste and smell, and then the struggle to breathe. are this was paulina before she got sick, a healthy energetic high school sophomore.
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that quickly turned into this. less than a week after testing positive, paulina's oxygen levels dropped to below 70. on july 17 when she went to the hospital doctors immediately put her on a ventilator. >> it was the scariest moment when they told me because i didn't know what to expect. i started asking questions. at first i said, no, no, no, please, no, and they said, well, we don't have any other alternatives. we have to do that. otherwise, you know, something, you know, worse can happen. and i said, okay, well, i guess you guys know better. so just do what you can do to save my daughter's life. >> reporter: paulina's matter agnes velasquez also tested positive for covid around the same time. even though she had been fully vaccinated in april. she insisted on staying in her daughter's hospital room. >> they said, okay, that's fine, but they told me, if i go into
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the room, i cannot go out. so that's why i was every single minute with her. >> reporter: did you pray for her? >> of course. i did. i did pray. i prayed every single day. there was no day or moment that i would not pray. >> reporter: paulina had pneumonia, too, and doctors put her into a medically-induced coma. they kept her on the ventilator for 11 days. do you remember anything about being in the hospital when you were so sick? >> i don't remember much since i was in the medically-induced coma. besides when i woke up from the coma and seen my mom by my side. >> reporter: after a month hooked up to life-saving machines, paulina was finally able to go home august 13th and now she has a message. a lot of teenagers think they don't have to get vaccinated, they are so young, nothing's gonna happen to them. do you believe that given what you went through? >> no. it is a very serious virus. this virus does not pick and
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choose who to infect. and it could hit you as hard as it hit me. and i don't want anybody to go through what i went through. my message technically is just if you are eligible to get the vaccine, please do. i plan on getting vaccinated as soon as my doctor lets us know when i can. >> and does she know when she might be able to get that vaccine? >> well, anderson, she wants to get it as soon as she can. doctors, of course, want to give it time, make sure she is strong enough to take the vaccine. she is working on getting stronger, doing physical therapy. because of that medically-induced coma, she has had to relearn things, even picking things up and hold on to things. also she has some weakness in her arms and legs. so she is learning how to balance again and walk on her own. the big question is will she go back to school when the time comes. as you know, there is a battle over masks in the classroom. certain think in her country, broward county here in florida.
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so the doctors may tell her she is not ready to go back to the classroom depending how strong she is. whether or not she is in the classroom, her message is very clear to her fellow teenagers. get vaccinated, wear a mask. just because you are young, you are not invincible. out of florida, the state tonight reporting a drop in new cases for the week. a little more than 129,000, which remains staggering, but at least an improvement over last week's record high of 151,000. much more ahead, including breaking news in the wake of hurricane ida and the launch of a louisiana investigation of five nursing home residents. and later senator ron johnson, the conspiracy theory friendly insurrection downplaying from wisconsin new questions about what his next move may be. get a free samsung galaxy a32 5g when you switch to america's largest & fastest 5g network. more power to stay healthy. boost mobile
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louisiana's attorney general launching a probe into the death of nursing home residents taken to a warehouse during the storm. the death of a fifth person was announced moments ago. today president biden visited the state surveying the damage and reassuring more than 800,000 customers still without electricity that more help is coming. >> i know y'all are frustrated about how long it takes to restore power. it's dangerous work. deploying more federal resources, including hundreds of generators and more to come to restore power as fast as we possibly can. faster than anything happened during katrina. >> brian todd joins us from independence, louisiana. we have been checking in with you this last week. what are you seeing in terms of recovery on the ground? how are things? >> anderson, as far as the restoration of power is concerned, we are getting word of steady progress there. that sentiment coming from the entgy louisiana company and from new orleans mayor cantrell. all of those entities tennlling
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journalists they expect full if not complete restoration to baton rouge and new orleans by next wednesday, september 8th. but the new orleans mayor cantrell says she expects more sooner, and there will be steady, you know, improvements of power restoration in new orleans in the coming days. they are pointing to wednesday to say that most, if not all, of the power of those residents in new orleans and baton rouge should have it back by next wednesday. as far as the gas lines are concerned, that is still a real struggle here in louisiana. several refineries are down. officials saying it's taking a while to get those back up and people are still waiting in long and very agitated lines to get gasoline. this comes as we are getting new information tonight on what happened here at this warehouse regarding those nursing home patients. wheelchairs and hospital curtains scatter the site of this remote warehouse where five nursing home residents died. >> this is a nightmare.
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it's a nightmare. >> reporter: local leaders looking for answers for what went wrong. >> nursing home owner should be held accountable. as far as the investigation, we understand there is one. >> reporter: the warehouse in independence, louisiana, served as a temporary evacuation facility for more than 800 patients from seven area nursing homes. the conditions inside were appalling. >> crowding. mattresses on floors. instead of beds. porta-potties instead of bathrooms, probably not enough of them. it was just things that none of us would want our family members to have to go through. >> reporter: according to one patient who was inside, insects were crawling all over the mattresses. the independence police chief says the facility was prepared for a certain number of residents, but the number nearly tripled quickly. >> i believe that the corporate management planned for 350. for whatever reason, they sent in 850. and where they failed was in not
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proactively seeking to move those patients to an appropriate facility. >> reporter: renaud owe derosa's 84-year-old mother made it out. she suffered with a 103 degree fever for several days. >> she was upset but i knew she was alive. if we would have known it would have been a place like this, i would have took her. >> reporter: with no power, generators required to provide patients oxygen failed and the heat was oppressive. the health department tried to intervene tuesday when they heard about the deteriorating conditions. >> inspectors visited the site. i will tell you they were expelled from the property and prevented from conducting the full assessment. >> reporter: cnn obtained property records showing bob dean owns all seven of the nursing homes plus the warehouse. dean has a history of poor disaster management. a local investigation found he
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made a similar plan to evacuate residents to a warehouse during hurricane george in 1998. >> i would hope his license for nursing homes is revoked. that would be outcome he doesn't get to do this again. >> reporter: the governor committed to a full investigation. a promise relatives will not let them forget. >> why didn't you contact anybody for help? let somebody know what was going on. contact one person. people shouldn't be treated like that. you should be held accountable. >> does the owner of these nursing homes, has he talked at all? >> reporter: he has spoken to one affiliate, anderson. we reached out several times today to bob dean, the owner of all seven of hose nursing homes where those patients came from, also the owner of this warehouse. we wanted to ask him about an explanation. he didn't respond to cnn. he did, however, tell wvua that given that they lose -- they
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would have expected to lose more patients in that period of time with those conditions. he said, quote, we did really good with taking care of people in this incident. anderson, that's not a great defense, and this gentleman has a track record of poor maintenance of his nursing homes. we will see what happens in this investigation. >> he said they did really good? five people died in the warehouse behind you. i mean, wow. appreciate it. >> his quote is we did good with taking care of people. >> more to learn. brian todd, appreciate it. coming up, a major new abortion ruling in texas that could change the landscape. we'll be right back.
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more breaking news ton. a judge in texas issuing a narrow but potentially significant ruling on texas' new anti-abortion law which the supreme court this week dekriend to block. joining us two former texas state senator wendy davis. jeff, explain what happened and how big a deal this is and what the ruling means. >> well, a trial court judge in austin, which is travis county, texas, just ruled that planned parenthood could not be sued under this new law for at least two weeks. this is a temporary injunction until september 17th. there is going to be a hearing
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on september 13th. but unless an appeals court steps in, planned parenthood is insulated from any lawsuits that individuals might file to stop them or punish them for conducting abortions after six weeks. this ruling only applies to planned parenthood. so other institutions, other medical operations, other people who assist women in having abortions could till be sued in this two-week period. for at least for these two weeks, planned parenthood is safe. of course, unless this ruling is overturned by an appeals court. >> so i'm clear, would other people -- under this new law, you know, uber drivers who drive somebody to a planned parenthood, could they be sued?
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>> athat's a little unclear to me. a broad interpretation of this ruling would be anyone working with planned parenthood could not be sued for the next two weeks. certainly planned parenthood cannot be sued. but certainly other institutions that perform abortions or assist women in having abortions, they are still subject to the strictures of this law for the next two weeks. >> senator davis, what to you make of this? >> so a little bit of a more narrow, i think, application than jeff was just talking about, and, you know, this literally just came down the pike. so we're all still trying to understand it. but it appears as though it blocks a particular organization and its affiliates. texas right to life and anyone associated or affiliated with it from suing any planned parenthood center under this particular law. it's not clear yet that it applies to any third party who
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might try to sue, even planned parenthood. so it's a victory of sorts. it certainly is a step in the right direction and we're so proud of planned parenthood federation of america and their outside counsel for pursuing an aggressive strategy like this. but still a little unclear exactly what the protections are that are going to be provided even for the planned parenthood clinics themselves. >> jeff, do you agree with that, that it could be some other third party could still sue planned parenthood? >> that's unclear to me. i think it is possible that that's one ruling that this only applies to texas right to life and people affiliated with it. what makes it somewhat more complicated is texas right to life has been soliciting people to become vigilantes.
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they have solicited people to be bounty hunters to find people and organizations that are aiding and abetting abortions. so, you know, it could be a lot broader than just texas right to life because they are acting, as i understand it, are trying to act as a kind of clearing house for people filing lawsuits under this law. because this law just went into effect on september 1st, we really don't know how it's going to work. i'm not aware yet of any lawsuits that have been filed, but the way this works, it's likely some lawsuits will be filed pretty soon, if not against planned parenthood, someone else. >> senator davis, do you envision other providers filing these kinds of lawsuits like planned parenthood did, or do you think they will wait and see what happens over the next two weeks? >> i think this is certainly
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giving them reason to hope and reason to pursue an aggressive strategy as planned parenthood has done. i would not be at all surprised to see other abortion providers in texas pursue a similar strategy, even prior to the outcome in two weeks, which will define this on a more permanent basis. so time will tell. but we are feeling much more optimistic right now than we were at this point in time yesterday. >> senator, what happens in two weeks? who decides this? >> so this court again, as jeffrey was mentioning a moment ago, this is a temporary restraining order for the next two weeks. she will then hear more evidence from both sides and make a decision about whether to permanently enjoin at least texas right to life, its affiliates.
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>> as jeffrey said, all of the people that they have been recruiting on basically their snitch website. we believe it blocks all of those parties from filing suit at least for now against planned parenthood under sb-8. >> jeff, i understand you have a question? >> well, i guess, senator davis, the question is, is this just austin? austin is a blue island in a red state. obviously, there are a lot of democrats in the cities in texas, but are you concerned that this is a court ruling that, you know, in the blue island of austin and perhaps some other -- once it starts getting into the appellate process, which is far more conservative than most people in austin, are you concerned about, you know, where this may go in the larger texas legal system? >> no question about that, jeff.
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you know, we have -- as we have more liberal district court level courts like in austin, we also have some more liberal appellate court systems and some more conservative ones. so this is going to create ultimately a clash, which will, i have no doubt, make its way to the texas supreme court and time will tell what that decision will ultimately be. >> senator -- >> and it's worth point outs that the texas supreme court, unlike some supreme courts, is an elected supreme court. so that means all of the members are republicans and it's a very conservative court. so i just think, as this moves through the process, planned parenthood has a very tough road in the texas legal system. >> senator davis -- >> can i -- >> go ahead. >> as long as planned parenthood and other abortion clinics can
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stave off the application of this law, while we wait, and we still wait for the fifth circuit to hold a hearing and make a determination on the constitutionality of the law, every day we can keep it from being effective here while we wait for that to happen is an important and positive and powerful day for texas women. >> senator davis, do you have a sense of when the fifth circuit might weigh in? >> we have no idea, anderson. they canceled a hearing without any indication of why several days before this law took effect. that's why there this was emergency request to the u.s. supreme court. but it is still pending in front of them, and at so the point them take it up and have that hearing and make a decision. >> senator davis, jeff toobin, appreciate it. coming up next, president
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biden by all odds has had a tough political month, coming up to assess the damage today and talked to david axlerod about what may happen moving forward. finding new routes to reach your customers, and new ways for them to reach you... is what business is all about. it's what the united states postal service has always been about. so as your business changes, we're changing with it. with e-commerce that runs at the speed of now. next day and two-day shipping nationwide. same day shipping across town. returns right from the doorstep, and deliveries seven days a week. it's a whole new world out there. let's not keep it waiting.
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numbers, only 235,000 jobs added, far less than estimates and what the administration had hoped. then there is the continuing anger an disappointment over the evacuations from kabul and the deaths of 13 u.s. service members and the confusion over vaccine booster shots. a new washington post/abc news poll shows the president is underwater on the overall question of his job approval, 44% approval now compared to 50% back in june. joining me cnn senior political commentator, top aide to president obama, david axlerod. david, the biden campaign really campaigned on a promise of competence, that he would restore a sense of calm. do you think he and his team should be concerned about his ratings at this point? >> well, look, i am sure they are concerned. it's been a bad stretch. i experienced these kinds of things in the white house myself when i was there. some of these things are out of your control. afghanistan clearly set him
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back, even though in this "washington post" poll today, 77% of the people polled supported his overall position that it was time to withdraw from afghanistan, only 30% on his -- on the quality of the exit, the nature of how we exited. but i think a lot of this has to do with covid. i think they had hoped they would be -- this would largely be in the rearview mirror by now. that impacts the economy. you mentioned the job numbers today. those are a function of what happened with covid. so there are a lot of things that are weighing them down right now, and, yeah, i think it's a concern, primarily because you have midterm elections coming up next year and those are going to be important to him and the party, and, you know, you want some forward momentum going in. but we are 14 months way from those elections, and what we tend to do, anderson, and i caution against it, is we tend to measure these things in the moment and we live in a very
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dynamic process, and so many things will happen between now and then that that could change that dynamic. >> yeah. 14 months is a lifetime in the world of politics and the world of news the way it is today. the disapproval was most dramatic with independents. in june, 43% of independents disapproved of president biden's job compared to 57% now. it's really, i mean, again, you know, it's a snapshot in time, but this in this moment it would seem to give an opportunity to republicans. >> yeah, look, two weeks ago nbc had a similar poll and showed a dramatic drop, i think 14 or 15 points among independents. 29 points, by the way, among ind pentathlons on covid, which ways i thought was instructive. the number that i think that troubles democrats is among those independents, their
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congressional preference fin th two months between the nbc polls shifted from plus 14 democrat to plus one republican. so, yeah, i think there is a lot of nervousness about this. it is the natural state of politicians and democrats to be nervous. so that's not unusual. there is something to be concerned about here in the independent numbers, the ones that i would really focus on because there aren't that many movable parts in american politics anymore. yes, he dropped some points among democrats, but still an 86% approval among democrats. virtually no support among republicans, very little. that's the nature of our politics. the independents are the movable block. he won them in the election by nine points, and so it is concerning that he has a 57% disapproval rating among independents right now. >> we mentioned the new jobs numbers released today for august were well below what was expected. the unemployment rate did go down. how much do you think the success or failure of the biden
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presidency will depend on the economy or, i mean, normally it's -- you would say it's always, but with covid i wonder if that's somehow more important. >> well, there is no doubt that that is going to be a big factor. there are a lot of factors lined up against him in these midterm elections. historically presidents lose seats in the first midterm after their election. this is a redistricting year, and that redistricting will favor republicans. and he is hoping that he can reverse those trends by passing his major pieces of legislation this fall, on infrastructure and social infrastructure. and that the economy will take off, and they will have -- he will have forward momentum going into that midterm election. but that's speculative at this point, and, you know, right now it doesn't feel very good. >> yeah, david axlerod, appreciate it. thanks, david. >> good to see you. next, gavin newsom facing a recall election a little more
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than ten days from now. one constituency he thought he could count on is not exactly warming up to him. an explanation when we continue. i didn't know where to start. i submitted an application and within two days had $30,000 in my account. we built this house behind us with a sofi personal loan for $100,000 our most important sofi loan was actually to pay for this guy here. through my experience with sofi, it's lifted kind of that shame of debt. and it's lifted the debt, which has also helped immensely. ♪ ♪
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california governor gavin newsom faces a recall election the week after next, and one demographic that has consistently voted for democrats doesn't seem all that engaged with the democratic incumbent. cnn's kim law has that story. >> reporter: gary montana's day as a maintenance technician is so jammed, he doesn't have time t to care about the election. he has one feeling about governor gavin newsom. >> i don't think he understood, the average person voted you in. >> reporter: he's most upset about newsome dining in a restaurant in the middle of the pandemic while he worked. it is in california's latino communities where covid's impact was felt the most, everyone in montana's family got covid. >> i just saw the lack of
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leadership. that to me was like, okay, and that's when i thought we needed to recall the governor. >> latinos make up an estimated 30% of california's voters. >> all roads to victory come september 14th are going to lead through every latino neighborhood in the state of california. am i right. >> reporter: key in whether governor newsom keeps his job. >> thanks for your help. >> reporter: why democrats are blanketing spanish language media with ads. as are the republican challengers. >> reporter: with less than two weeks to go to recall election day, the drive is getting the base out to vote. progressives have been knocking on doors through the central los angeles neighborhood while some say this. >> have you heard about the recall? >> no, i have not. >> reporter: and there is frustration over the governor's
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economic policies. >> they're recalling governor newsom, right? >> yeah, we don't want that in there. >> reporter: most we talked to in this predominantly latino community say they'll vote no on recalling newsome. >> i'm going to most likely say keep him in office. >> we could end up with something worse, something like donald trump. >> reporter: in 2018, 64% of latinos voted for newsome, part of a resounding victory sending the democrat to the governor's mansion, while the most recently recall poll show latinos support keeping newsome, there are questions about whether those voters will cast a boallot. >> sometimes we show up. sometimes we don't. it depends on what the issue is. and sometimes we're the ones that can change the whole paradigm, and sometimes we don't show up and everybody wonders what happened. >> reporter: one frustrated independent feels so disconnected he's considering voting republican. >> yeah, i would rather see someone more in touch with the
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people. >> what is the latest on high profile national democrats going to california to try to help governor newsom, is that something they are hoping is going to happen? >> reporter: well, anderson, you may remember it was a week ago that the vice president, kamala harris, who is from california, she had to cancel the rally be governor newsom because of what was happening in averfghanistan. she flew back to d.c. this weekend marks that arrival, senator amy klobuchar on sunday, senator elizabeth warren tomorrow. both will be at rallies. they're going to really try to rally the democratic base, and what the governor is looking for is that extra charge to get people to put their ballots in the mail because even though all of those democrats that we talked to, anderson, said that they would support the governor. a lot of them had not dropped that ballot in the mail. anderson.
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one week from tomorrow, the 20th anniversary of september 11th. the declassification of the documents, related to the fbi investigation. the president says this fulfills a campaign promise, and it's something that families and friends of those killed on 9/11 have been demanding. a group of more than 1,600 affected by the tax had asked the president to refrain from visiting ground zero next week unless they released more documents. many of them hoping for more information about what many of them believe are possible links between saudi arabia and those who conducted the attacks. a programming note to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11, cnn is
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going to air a special report front row to history, the 9/11 classroom, this sunday. we're visiting that horrific day through the lens of the 2nd grade students, their teacher and white house aides who were in the florida classroom with president bush the moment he learned about the second plane hitting the world trade center. let's hand things over for michael smerconish, who's in for chris cuomo. >> i'm michael smerconish, in for chris cuomo. who would have thought they would make the abortion restriction look legal. enacting a law that bans abortion after just six weeks, a time period so early that many women don't yet know they're pregnant. it contains no exceptions for rape or incest and incentivizes citizens to sue abortion providers. the supreme court has allowed this legislation to stand for now, even though it's a glaring affront to roe v. wade, some
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