tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 1, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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good evening. chris is off tonight. with democratic lawmakers still struggling to bridge their divide, pb went to the hill, telling lawmakers take all the time you need. >> i'm telling you we're going to get this done. it doesn't matter when. it doesn't matter if it's in six minutes, six days or six weeks. we're going to get it done. >> this gives them time to focus on social spending and vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill, which was being held up by negotiations. and a short time ago, house speaker pelosi sent a dear colleague letter to members, agreeing that more time was
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needed. in our last hour, i spoke with the chair of the congressional domestic caucus, who was pleased by tonight's outcome. >> we are doing the work we need to do to go back and look at our priorities and make sure that we are really thinking through what we need to have in this bill and how we can come to agreement. that is the negotiating process and i'm thrilled that it is really happening. look, i think that we will do the work we need to do and i'm confident that we're going it get there. >> so, in the meantime, the house passed 30 days of stop gap money for the highway trust fund which lapsed overnite. diamond, with the president's role and the days ahead. at the capitol with more on how the democrats bridge that divide. first the white house with jeremy diamond. how is the white house feeling about the meeting with democrats
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on the hill? clearly it seems the progressives are at least now going to be going back, looking, as she said, their priorities and perhaps coming down from the number of 3.5 trillion? >> and that's one of the reasons why white house officials i spoke with tonight feel pretty good about the visit to capitol hill accomplished. they feel he the president acommentlished what he went there to do. first of all to remind them of what's at stake. and more importantly, really to try to relieve some of the pressure that has been building up on capitol hill over the last several days. what's interesting about that is the white house and president have very much in part of that build up, that pressure that was building up over the last several days. very much pushing yesterday for the vote on the infrastructure bill to happen. but since that collapsed, the president went in with this mindset of trying to release some of the pressure and the
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white house believes that's going to give space for those negotiations to go more in depth and happen in a way that both sides have crystalized their positions publicly and more committed to getting to a deal. >> is there any timeline from the white house? i know the president made a point of saying it could be as long as whatever. but obviously, speaker pelosi, whether you think she should have set a deadline or not, she did bring this to a head. if there's no urgency, this could just drag on. >> that's one of the risks here and so it's interesting. we heard the white house focus on this deadline, self-imposed deadline. and even earlier today the white house pres secretary said the artificial deadlines are helpful. today we hear the president talking about six days, six weeks. ultimately this bill was reauthorized for another 30 days. i think that's going to be the timeline the white house is looking at. they're not go tag take a pause. they're going to remain in
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involved. one thing to be clear the president returned from capitol hill, went right to the oval auflgs and sat down with some of his senior aids to debrief and talk about the steps ahead. one of the steps ahead next week is not only be nothing volved with negotiations but also traveling across the country to try to use the presidential bull bully pulpit and bring up pressure from that point of things, rather just in washington. >> work still to be done for democrats. what is the sense behind the scenes of how far moderates and progressives are willing to bend to get a compromise? >> some moderates are really frustrated. because they had been promised this vote on monday. then that promise got shifted to thursday and today and of course we end the night knowing there will not be a vote on the floor of the house of representatives on that bipartisan infrastructure bill. the frustration is very much a part of how mod red lights are feeling tonight.
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but progressives making clear they want to have more conversations. what they had wanted all along was clarity from manchin and cinema, two mod rts in the senate, who they believed had not been forthcoming about what they wanted. this week brought them manchin saying out loud $1.5 trillion was his number and didn't say it once, said it repeatedly. i think that was a big moment for progressives, feeling like this negotiation is going to take off. but there's a lot of work still to do. and in her dear colleagues letter, the speaker got into how much more work there is. she said more time is needed to complete the task. our priority is to create jobs on the health care, family and climate agenda. that's a shared value. our chairs are still working for clarity and consensus. clearly the bipartisan infrastructure bill will pass once we have agreement on the reconciliation bill. once again, anderson, moderates saying the deal was to bring a
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bipartisan infrastraukture bill to the floor. they're voicing frustration. and hopefully, over the weekend as members go home and have time apart, perhaps they'll come back next week ready to dig back in. build what about house republicans? there's new reporting they may be rethinking their support for the infrastructure bill? >> we suspected there would be a handful of republicans. many aids were saying probably around 12 to 20 who might vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. remember, it passed in the senate with 19 republican votes and some of the senators, who were supportive were working their colleagues in the house of representatives trying to get their colleagues across the capitol to vote in support. because republican leaders were whipping against it. now we're learning some of the republican members, who had been thinking about voting for the bipartisan infrastructure bill may not do that because they feel thunouncement tonight by
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pelosi that she's not bringing the bill to the floor means this bigger $3.5 trillion or smaller package, however large it turns out to be, social safety net bill is so tied inextricably 2450 bipartisan infrastructure bill and they're concerned because the argument behind the scenes that leadership has been making according to aids i've been talking to is that bipartisan infrastructure bill is a gateway drug to the bigger socialist package. that's what republicans are calling it. so, if you vote for the bipartisan bill, you're helping bringing the bigger bill along. now that pelosi is saying these two bills are so linked, that really gives republicans, who were thinking about helping pass that bipartisan bill, some pause. >> joining us one of the recipients of speaker pelosi's dear letter.
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you heard congresswoman suggest progresse progressives are going to look at priorities and maybe willing to negotiate a smaller figure. do you agree with that? and how tough do you expect negotiations to be? >> i do. the progressives have always said we will negotiate. the president was inspiring today. he said look i'm a moderate democrat, i ran as a moderate democrat but i believe we need have a consensus on the bigger bill to pass infrastructure and that has been the progressesival position. the other thing he said that's so important is he said tell me what you're for. we're for child care for everyone. we are for making sure people get to go to community college without debt, for seniors getting dental and vision. we're for bold policies under the climate crisis and those who oppose it, tell me what policies you're not for and i think that will help us get to consensus.
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>> what has changed from a day ago? aside from president biden coming to the hill and telling democratic coges to take some more time on this? >> presidents matter. it was like reading tea leaves. everybody wanted to interpret the president to fit their vision. for the moderates, he said, look we have to do both bills and frankly,to the progressesivals he said you're not going to get 3.5 trillion. he said i've been spending hours with the two senators. i want the 3.5 trillion. i wrote the bill but we're not going to get it. thalts are reality. so compromise. i think he was such a straight shooter and he's going to get a response from for caucus that is go took be more unified today than we were 24 hours ago. >> the figure of $2 billion seems to be on a lot of people's lips.
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what do you think when you hear that? >> i think we should do what the president suggested, which is first say what the priorities are and see where it totals and where senator mansion, senator cinema disagree. so, what is they don't want to fund? visions and dental vizzets for seniors? free community college? is it that they don't want to fund paid family leave? and then we can have a conversation. we shouldn't start with a top line. we should start with the programs. >> and you're not clear on that. you don't know where they stand on those specifics? >> i'm not clear. i don't think the president is clear. at least with senator cinema, we don't have specifics. i think senator manchin has put out a fairly detailed proposal and having further conversations and senator cinema has started to engage. >> one of your democratic colleagues, stephanie murphy
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rer, release add statement in part saying i'm sadly disappointed and dissolutioned with the process. she criticized the speaker's decision to delay the infrastructure vote again. a misguided attempt to assert leverage over the reconciliation bill? >> no one's going to assert leverage over president biden. two-term vice president. this is what he wants and that's what we were always saying. the idea a few progressives and the house were going to exert leverage over the peeker and the president is not true. he wants both of them because he wants to help people. stephanie murphy's been a constructive voice and i hope she'll get behind the president's vision. next, two political professionals. their take on the president's decision to call a timeout. new, developments on the hunt for brian landrie.
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talking tonight about president biden's tempt to get everyone on the same page in what's is vitel for their future and they would argue for americans. talking to commentators who have seen a lot of this in the west wing. so, the president's visit to the capitol seemed to have help tamp down tensionz bs between the progressives and mod rtds. what do you make of how split the party's become and where it goes from here? >> i think he did a good job tamping this down. usually you don't deploy the big gun unless it's to seal the deal. that wasn't the case. he did something very artful. listen carefully to congressman from california you just interviewed.
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one of the ablest, smartest men of the whole wing, or the whole congress, if you ask me. he's happy. listen to what biden did. i have to have both the roads, bridges and infrastructure package and the child care welfare package. that made the liberals very happy. then he said we're going to have to come down from 3.5 trillion to 2 trillion and it's still the liberals are happy about that. that's a pretty artful thing. i've talked to a few moderates that are still crabby. i'm guessing they're going to hear you guys better get something done or we're going to fire you. biden knows what he's doing. he's been a senator since, i think since they shot alexander hamilton. so, he knows what he's doing. >> i think paul's right. i think the president split the baby. gavl both sides a reason to move forward and he needed to do it. the more broad question though
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is on where the party is. i think what's getting lost is what's in the bill. it is a shift, a shift i think that is long over due that really reinforces the safety net that's been under attack since the 1980s. and i think everyone is going to have to look at the benefits of universal pre-k, community college, paid family leave, expanding medicare and a lot of stuff on climate. and i think it does reflect the bill itself from an ideological point of view, reflects a shift in the democratic party. it has moved from the party paul and i think worked hard on bringing it to a more centrist party too, a party reflecting where the country is, which has become more progressive over the last two decades. >> does this mean they're enjoying running on socialism, taking over america? >> yes, they probably will but
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i'd be careful. because if they get to specifics. if they say i think your child care should cost less, your health insurance premiums should come down, your grandma should get help with dental and vision and hearing. those are really popular things. they got to move away from the price tag and when they do, that's fine. that's going to be good for the democrats. i am struck by lauren's reporting earlier when she said there's 19 senators in the republican party, 38% of their people voted for it. i'm not really sure that's good politics. heck, they did that about bill clinton, who was the moderate. so, they're always going to do that. do you think your kid should be able to go to community college if she wants to without running a bunch of debt? >> but republicans can basically do what some of them are already
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doing, which is criticize it, don't vote for it, but then when it passes, claim credit on some specific things that are popular in their districts. >> well, they can but they haven't had their oponents run against them. i think you're going tosy a lot of ads in the midterms about republicans talking out of both sides of their mouths. a pres release on a bill she voted against. that's an ad person's dream. again, picking up on what paul said. what the republican party is revealing itself is a party that, once again and we've seen this over the last five years, puts politics ahead of the country. they are basically saying i would rather hurt joe biden than help people. and i don't think, in the long term, that's a very good strategy. >> it's interesting, paul, though, how over time, people's perspectives changes. there are a lot of people who
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say this is socialism, far too much but they like medicare, social security, which a few years ago or when it started was viewed in the same way. >> yeah. i think a lot nof voters of democrats are talking to are theoretical conservatives but operational liberals. theoretically, the government too big and spend too much? heck yeah. do you think your grandma should be able to get a hearing aid under medicare? of course. the fact medicare doesn't cover hearing and dental and vision, i don't know. i'm pretty old. we need that stuff. it's the first thing to go is you can't see, hear, eat. that's a practical thing. people become liberal when it's practical and operational. and that's where the democrats have to take this. >> and that's where you see them taking this in terms of the midterm. >> >> and i did hear that. i can still hear that. the one thing i would add to this is the other piece of this
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is that this is paid for and it's paid for by something very popular, which is the rich have gotten away with everything. look at the during the pandemic the billionaires have flourished while the rest of the people have suffered. so, i think when you add that in, that somehow we're shifting the burden to where it belongs, while providing services to the people who need it, that's a pretty powerful combination. >> thanks. have a good weekend. both seem like spring chickens to me. up next, there's good news on covid today. and the u.s. covid death toll cross as somber threshold and california becomes the first to mandate vaccines in the classroom. when i needed to jumpstart sales. build attendance for an event. help people find their way. fastsigns designed new directional signage. and got them back on track. get started at
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more breaking news. a somber milestone, the u.s. death from covid has crossed 700,000 people. 700,000 families mourning the loss of a loved one. california is the first state to mandate vaccines for k through 12. it will be phased in as they get full federal approve for the different age groups. there's good news about a drug taken orally that could, could make a big dent in how the virus is fought.
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talk about all this, sanjay gupta in a moment but first more on the action in california. why did he say he wanted to announce this mandate before they're eligible for the vaccine? >> first of all, if all goes well, the vaccine for younger children will be approved relatively soon. the fda advisory committee meeting later in the month. the bottom line is the governor wanted to create the expectation right away that if you're a young or older child, k through 12 that you're going to need be vaccinated from covid-19. and it's a good argument. that you're required for a whole host of diseases. and the governor invoked his own children to whom recently tested positive for covid-19. take a look.
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>> i have four young kids. i can't take this anymore. i'm like most parents i want to get this behind us and make sure kids don't have to worry about getting a call saying they can't go to school because a student or staff member tested positive. >> and how and when does this mandate go into effect? >> first of all, there will be another pole and religious exemption with students continue to opt out or their parents do, then we'll be able to pursue an independent study with their various schools. in terms of when this goes into effect, it's going to be rolled in, in terms of phases. for 12 to 17, it will happen and gets full approve and that will happen either in, i guess in the next couple of months. but in terms of when it will be rolled into california, june or july, which ever comes first.
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and the rea we're seeing online has been predictable. basically the same positions people had for wearing masks and other vaccine mandate ss, the se position applies. dr. sanjay gupta joins us. his new book is titled "world war sea. "i mentioned the u.s. just passed 700,000 deaths. when we first started reporting, we shuttered at 50,000. did you ever think you'd see this? >> no, i definitely did not, anderson. i know there were models and prp projections all oevrl the place. but you kept thinking in the united states, with all the resources we have, the public health infrastructure, we wouldn't see this. i remember talking to deborah burks last year some time and
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basically suggested when we really grappled figuring things out that almost every death after that was preventible, which i know is very hard for people to hear who have lost loved ones. but so many of the deaths were preventible. it was inaction, ineptitude, the fact that we don't have a true health care system, as much as a sick care system in this country. it's the racial inequities that were unmasked by all this. the feelty to individual liberties instead of the collective good. i've thought about this a lot, anderson. as a doctor, you dedicate our whole lives to try to help and save lives and it's just very hard to believe that this many people have died and so many of those deaths were preventible. >> and especially true now. i want to talk about this pill that is being reported about today. last hour, former fda
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commissioner says he thinks this antiviral pill from merck could be a game changer. i kind of thought it was a vaccine in pill form but it's not that at all. it's for anybody. people who have been vaccinated. anybody sick with covid could potentially take this and how effective would it be? >> we do have to get some clarity on exactly who would be the most likely to benefit from this. i think you're right that, even for people with these breakthrough infections that are symptomatic, who are sick, they could benefit from this. they weren't part of the initial trial but there's no reason to suggest they wouldn't potentially be beneficiaries of this. let me show you the data. this is the trial. you split the two groups. 385 were given the drug. 28 were hospitalized. in the placebo group, 45 were hospitalized, eight died.
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so, between hospitalization and death about 14 to 15%. so, that's where the 50% benefit comes from. that's how they calculate that. it is a treatment, as opposed to a preventative, to your earlier point. they still have covid and while it seems to be a pretty effective treatment, there's still a lot that we don't know about this virus. i bring this up to say people are going to say well now that this exists and if it gets authorized, should it make the vaccine less important? no, you still don't want this disease. we still don't know what it does to the body. i even, as a brain guy, can't understand how a respiratory pathogen cause loss of smell to the brain? if you get it, it may be tremendous benefit, if the safety data pans out and the fda authorizes it. >> one of the things gottlieb
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said in the last hour is he thinks it can have a big effect on consumer confidence. that somebody, if they're vaccinated and get a breakthrough infection, knowing they could take a pill that would greatly reduce even more their risk of dying or being hospitalized or getting -- feeling really bad, it would encourage them to engage in the public, encourage them. but you're saying the flip side is people taking risks? >> i don't know. hume human behavior is surprising and unpredictable. i don't think this should dissuede people from getting the vaccine. they think now that this exists, i don't need to get the vaccine. yeah, you want more tools. certainly the tool belt. i remember talking to you prepandemic and reminding half the country only gets a flu shot every year.
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when things like tamiflu came about, people thought if i get si sick, i'll just take the tamiflu. we have the where withall to prevent the diseases in the first place. even as a surgeon, someone who treats people in stage of disease, would think prevention has to be a better alternative. cheaper too. it's about 700 bucks. the covid vaccine, about $20. >> "world war c"." and more on the investigation of the death of gabby petito. possible sitings of her fiance. trying to look at how real the sightings are. and the reports on the days, weeks manhunts have losted.
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stress possible, sightings of brian laundrie, whose fiance, gabby petito was found dead. >> we won't stop until we have these convicts captured. >> reporter: it was one of the biggest man hunts in u.s. history, after richard matt and david sweat pulled off an elaborate escape from a maximum security prison in new york. they used drill bits to chisel their way out of their cells and escaped through this manhole. more than a thousand federal, state, and local law enforcement searched through the neighboring towns, fields and forests surrounding the prison. they also received more than 1400 tips. one of those tips led authorities, first to richard matt, who was shot and killed and then to sweat, who was also shot but survived. they were on the run a little more than three weeks and made
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it more than 30 miles from the prison before they were found. ex-cop, dorner went on a shooting spree, looking for revenge after the los angeles police department fired him. he ended up allegedly killing four people. police pursued him deep in the san bernardino mountains in the middle of the winter with knee-high snow. authorities used snow cats and armored vehicles to search the area for dorner, a trained sharp shooter, who was still armed. california fish and wildlife wardens called in a sighting of dorner in his car. which led to a stand off in this cab. police hoped it drag him out by starting a fire but dorner's remains were later found among the ashes. he was on the run only nine days. in 1996, erick rudolph set off a bomb, killing two and wounding dozens.
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he would go on the to carry out three more bombics before being identified two years later. they picked up his trail in north carolina. hundreds of law enforcement officers searched through the dense forests but rudolph had advantages over authorities. a military background, very familiar with the deep woods of north carolina and he may have had people helping him along the way. rudolph was only caught after a rookie police officer found him rummaging through the trash behind a building in murphy, north carolina. he was on the run for five yearz bfore he was caught. he's serving a life sentence in a maximum security prison. and then there was the case of whitey bowlinger, the notorious crime boss from massachusetts. in 1994, he got a tip he was about to be indicted and quickly went into hiding. he assumed a new identity, along with his girlfriend. the fbi put him on their 10-most wanted list, along with osama bin laden. he was finally apprehended in
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california, after a tip was called into authorities. whitey bulger was on the run 16 years. he was later beaten to death inside his prison cell. >> and brian laundrie's family told police they have not seen him since september 14th. what's the latest on the search? >> reporter: well, anderson, the days in this manhunt are certainly adding up. they reported him missing september 17th and the next day authorities started searching the carlton reserve. so, today, october 1st, marks the 14th day of the search for brian laundrie. the fbi say it's a targeted search based on intelligence. but as you know, we're getting the tips from around the country and alleged sightings and no sign of brian laundrie. >> thanks very much. depaul joins us now.
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the regional commander of the regional task force for new york and new jersey. people must -- authorities must get alleged sightings all the time. especially when someone is watched and there's so much interest in this. what do you do from a law enforcement standpoint with all these sightings? >> right now, brian laundrie is getting a whole lot of attention. it's a full-court press. there's a lot of dedicated resources, state-of-the art equipment. man power going after this guy. and they have to. there's tips coming in all the time. they have to vet these tips out, knowing the case. as you put that puzzle together, there's a fugitive investigator, you're going to know what tips are good and valid and which ones you need to take a hard
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look at and others you got to exhaust all these leads. the public has to remain vigilant. see something, say something. >> and you say exhaust these leads. they have to keep searching these areas, even though they've been doing it for a while and no sign. >> oh, yeah, absoly. absolutely. randy mentioned those four cases but he's no whitey bulger. he's no career criminal. she doesn't show and has a panic attack. they run in the woods and don't know what they're doing. i think he hit the ground running. he's scared, dark, off the grid, not communicating. he's going to make a mistake and as i told you earlier, he's sleeping with one eye open right now.
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hopefully law enforcement closes on this guy and they bring this home. >> it seems authorities have been down playing the alleged, possible sightings of laundrie. how do investigators usually go through? you said they have to vet them? how do you vet -- people say i saw him on the trail in north carolina? >> they come in a vuriday of ways, whether they saw him, or had a friend that saw a friend. there was one guy who could have been his twin brother and they have a video. cctv, security cameras. they're picking up photos and pictures. there was a guy in a bar and somebody took a shot of him with their cell phone. he looked just like him. these tips are going to come in. you can't ignore them. i mean, whitey bulger, great example. i know the deputy that found him. he blew dust off the files and
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looked at the tips that came in and saw a couple of good ones. spoke to a woman over seas and she said yeah, i'm telling you he's my neighbor and we know how that case ended. so, very important that you pay attention. >> always good to talk to you. appreciate it. next did youtube's ban on misinformation come too late? we talk to the former google engineer. how much money can liberty mutual save you? one! two! three! four! five! 72,807! 72,808... dollars. yep... everything hurts. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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exclusive ticket access to unmissable events. that's the real music to your ears. one of the many reasons you're with amex platinum. tonight, i'll be eating a buffalo chicken panini with extra hot sauce. tonight, i'll be eating salmon sushi with a japanese jiggly cheesecake. (doorbell rings) jolly good. fire. (horse neighing) elton: nas? yeah? spare a pound? what? you know, bones, shillings, lolly? lolly? bangers and mash? i'm... i'm sorry?
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i don't have any money. you don't look broke. elton: my rocket is skint! you have always loved vicks vapors. and now you'll really love new vicks' vapostick. it goes on clear and dries quickly. no mess. just the soothing vicks' vapor for the whole family. introducing new vicks vapostick. days after youtube banned the covid vaccine and with misinformation entrenched in so many segments of society. we spoke to an engineer, former google employee that worked on the youtube algorithm how this happ happened. >> you have to keep it as long
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as possible. >> and that didn't matter if it was bs videos about vaccines, it didn't matter if it was m misinformation, as long as people watched the videos. >> we immediately care about that. >> youtube announced this week it would crack down more on vaccine misinformation but almost two years into the pandemic, the news left many people asking. >> what took them so long? >> it should have happened many years ago. they are abusing categories and the content was generating a lot. >> the company saying it will ban well-known false claims about approved vaccines including that they will cause autism, cancer or infertility or substances in vaccines can track those who receive them. >> i'm sure you've seen the pictures all over the internet of people who have had these shots and now they're magnatized and they can put spoons and
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forks on them and it can stick. >> she despite a history of making unhinged claims like that was only recently suspended by youtube. >> this is not content without consequences. this misinformation when it takes hold in communities can have a profound impact. >> taken hold it has. sherry's conspiracy theories have spread far and wide. >> my own doctor tried to get me to watch the shot. >> so you trust this woman on the internet more than your down tore? >> i do. >> another superspreader of covid misinformation, joseph had almost half a million followers on the platform. >> it's an unproven vaccine. it's just being accelerated in virtually every safety study. >> he has almost 2 million followers on facebook and more than 300,000 on twitter reacting to his youtube ban he said in a statement he was being senatored
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a -- censored and they had little to say when confronted by cnn's randi kaye in august. >> do you feel responsible for people who didn't get vaccinated, possibly got sick and died because of what you told them about the vaccine? what do you say to families that lost loved ones? >> companies like youtube spend too much time focussing on gross and not enough on safety says this former google engineer that worked ed with you tube . >> i thought it would make it a better place to get people more information but they have an algorithm that doesn't take into account truth that sometimes
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people don't describe it with misinformation. >> joining us, sullivan joins us. how wide ranging could the effects of the rule be considering how often other websites link back to youtube? >> that's right, anderson. the effects of this go beyond youtube and youtube's inaction of this go well beyond youtube. videos get shared on facebook and websites. the big question is howf how effective will they follow throw? a spokesperson for the company said since that employee, we spoke in that piece since they work for the company a few years ago, youtube says it got its act together more on vaccine misinformation. they brought in new rules and changes to the algorithms but that being said, it's pretty stunning anderson that we're almost two years into this pandemic and it's only now the company is putting in a wide spread ban on the ridiculous claim that the vaccines have
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news continues, let's turn things over to don and "don lemon tonight." this is "don lemon tonight." thanks for joining us, everyone. here is the question that everyone on capitol hill is asking now. so now what? what happens now? right? all of a sudden we were in this big deadline, what are we going to do, the deadline is coming? can nancy pelosi do this? mitch mcconnell? so there was a day of high drama, right? we're waiting on the edge of our seat since last night for a vote that did not come. the presidenin
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