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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  October 3, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. appreciate your company. i'm michael holmes. coming up, joe biden hits the road this week to promote his agenda as democrats grapple with what they may need to cut to get a vote. 'tis the season to avoid covid. the cdc has released new guidelines to keep your family healthy over the holidays. and a facebook whistleblower speaking out. why she says teenage girls are victims of the company's corporate greed.
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♪ ♪ live from cnn center, this is "cnn newsroom" with michael holmes. >> and we begin here in the u.s. where joe biden will be headed to michigan on tuesday to rally support for a pair of multitrillion dollar bills that represent the heart of his legislative agenda. after a week of negotiations, his social and environmental policy overhaul is still in limbo. the vote on the bipartisan infrastructure deal, which was delayed twice last week, that's now been pushed back to the end of the month. and progressive democrats are insistent it will not pass until they get the even larger spending bill across the finish line, too. have a listen. >> so if we're not looking at numbers, what about $1.5? >> that's not going to happen.
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>> why won't it add it -- >> because that's too small to get our priorities in. it's going to be somewhere between $1.5 and $3.5, and i think the white house is working on that right now. >> we have more now on the plans to push through biden's legislative agenda. >> reporter: joe biden will hit the road this week to promote his economic agenda, which he's still hoping to get across the finish line. he will travel to michigan, where he will promote the infrastructure proposal, and also that more sweeping economic agenda, which would expend the social safety net in this country. both measures currently remain stalled in congress, as moderates and progressives remain at odds over the two measures. he's also expected to host democrats here at the white house to get those negotiations going again. but there have been frustrations voiced by some democrats in the party, particularly moderates who are frustrated that
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bipartisan infrastructure bill did not get a vote last week. but the white house says that there needs to be some give and take in the negotiations. take a listen. >> people will be disappointed. people will not get everything they want. that is the art of legislating. but the goal here is to get both bills. and we're going to fight until we get both bills. that's the statement from the president. human infrastructure is important. and physical infrastructure is important. so we're going to do both. >> reporter: nancy pelosi has set an end-of month deadline to get that infrastructure bill passed. but the white house has resisted putting a timeline for when they want to see these two measures pass. instead, he said he's going to work like hell to ensure they do, but acknowledging it could take more time. and joining me now from los angeles to discuss, cnn senior political analyst ron
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brownstein. good to see you, ron. let's start with the differences between democrat progressives and moderates. given that and almost total republican opposition, can you see joe biden getting a meaningful amount through congress of his agenda? >> throughout this process, i believed in the end, something will pass. probably not $3.5 trillion. but something very significant, because it is the -- it is in the interest of all democrats to pass something. they're all better off if something happens if the whole thing collapses. i think that's being called into question a little bit now in the case of the senator from arizona, kyrsten sinema, who is so aggressively positioning herself against the party in the way this is unfolding. you can imagine how it might possibly -- she might decide it is in her interest to sink the whole thing. but on balance, it seems in the end, democrats would be better
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off than doing something than not. and therefore, logic would assume they'll find a way through this. >> and while the democrats have their internal issues, it can't be left unsaid that there's pretty much no republican support for the larger bill, which are broadly popular with the democrats claim is paid for. what is the political calculus for republicans opposing a plan so popular with vote sners >> first of all, this is the modern dynamic of the senate, where the majorities are smaller, and the ability of the president to get any support from the minority party is also smaller. so you are living on the edge constantly in the modern senate. don't forget, in 2017, when republicans had 51 seats in the senate, their effort to repeal the affordable care act collapsed because three republican senators said no and they were unable to get any democrats to vote for it. the republican calculation is straightforward. another democratic legislative
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success they believe bolsters democrats and biden. and their goal, as it was with 2010, is to -- in 2009 and 2010 with democrats with yununified control under obama is to prevent them from achieving anything. because they believe that will help them in the 2022 election. that's the calculation they are making. they are also betting that they can discredit this cannot so much by arguing it program by program, but by focusing on the overall price tag. and you can see to some extend, that's what joe manchin and kyrsten sinema has been helping them to do so far. and biden going on the road is an attempt to shift the focus back from the bottom line cost to the individual programs, because they are quite popular. >> popular with democrats. the democrats say it's largely paid for. so the cost of it seems a little
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moot. you mentioned the republicans wanting to show dysfunction. is the dysfunction not in massing things the public want? will there be any electoral fallout for not going with this? does that give democrats ammunition in 2022? >> i think more than likely the way the democrats can make this work in 2022 and 2024, there may be a political -- any kind of a twofer for their political and budget problems. they do have to slim it down now. they're not going to get $3.5 trillion through the senate. probably every other senate democrat would accept a large number, as would almost every house democrat. but they're going to have to slim it down. one way they may do that is by phasing in and out some of these programs to reduce the overall costs. so what you might see is democrats taking some of the more popular elements, like the children's tax credit, universal pre-k, paid family leave, and basically saying -- putting them
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in place, but having an endgame for it. and then going to the voters and saying look, if you want this to continue, you have to elect a democratic congress in 2022, we are committed to maintaining these benefits. i can imagine being part of the solution, as they try to slim down this package. >> yeah. and i know it's a sort of a third rail in the u.s., but my friends overseas ask me about this a lot, whether it's the $3.5 trillion wish list for progressive, and the outrage over that from the right. what seems to be forgotten is that money, a, is over ten years. and in that time, twice as much is going to be spent on the military. the u.s. spends more on defense than the next 10, 11 countries combined. why is the bloat of the military budget not more of an issue? >> it's a good issue. democrats have felt that is a third rail in recent years. and, you know, in this biden -- in this effort to fund this new
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spending, they're focusing almost entirely on raising taxes on top earners and corporations rather than shifting money from defense to domestic spending. $$350 billion in additional dmes domestic spending is more than what barack obama and bill clinton were able to add by far. they are trying to do things at once. this is off described as an expansion of the social safety net, and there are elements that are that in terms of increased funding for a health care subsidies and the child tax credit. but it's also the biggest increase in public investment in america's future economic capacity that has been attempted probably since the sputnik era in the late '50s and early '60s. there are hundreds of billion also year for universal pre-k, expanded community college, investment in green jobs, research and development. so there are two goals here at
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once. and in a more logical world this wouldn't be together in a single bill, but because of the filibuster, they have to put it together in one reconciliation bill. it's the only way to get around tin evidence table republican filibuster that can block what they want to do. >> and we talked many times about the filibuster and whether that's -- well, it's bad for the country if you want to get stuff done. ron, always good to see you. >> thanks for having me. now, japan's parliament is set to confirm a new prime minister in a special session that began moments ago. former top diplomat fumeio kishida will take the reins. he emerged as the leader for leadership of the liberal democratic party last week. he's bring in selena wang from tokyo to talk more. how differently might the new prime minister govern?
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>> really he was seen as the status quo pick, who is going to be a continuation of his successors. his cabinet is set to be heavy on allies of the former prime minister shinzo abe, and his first test will be this general election coming up. he will be the face of the ruling liberal democratic party that was criticized for the leadership of outgoinging prime minister suga. while the ldp is expected to maintain its power, the risk here is that he's not going to -- kishid, is not going to excite the parties and the party's dominance may be weakened. he was not the public's popular choice. he has struggled to shake off this image as a boring bureaucrat. he is a political veteran, a former foreign minister. but he was not the popular one.
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it was tara kono who was really the public's favorite. but ultimately, the ruling liberal democratic party went with this leader, who was seen as the safe and the stable choice, michael. >> yeah, yeah. and so the main challenges he will face, he will be well versed in the challenges of china's rising assertiveness and military buildup and resumption of ballistic missile tests by north korea. what might his priorities be? >> well, he campaigned on narrowing the income gap, on this "new capitalism." and in spending billions to boost the japanese economy that has been hard-hit by the pandemic. and domestically, one of his key challenges will be to keep covid-19 cases low. after multiple surges of covid-19 infections, japan is finally come out of this long state of emergency and these restrictions will being lifted. as you say, on foreign policy, he faces a multitude of
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challenges, not to mention north korea becoming more aggressive with china. he's expected of continuing the policies of working with allies against china. a big challenge will be to ball hans the deep economic ties that japan has with china, as well as increases concerns about beijing's military assertiveness. i spoke with an economic adviser to the outgoing prime minister. his big concern is how long lasting kishida's leadership will be. take a listen. >> there are so many complicated issues, and he's not -- ruling party of ldp. so i'm concerned about the revolving prime minister system.
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>> suggsuga was a short-lived p minister. and before shinzo abe, japan cycled through six prime ministers in just six years. >> good point. selena wang there in tokyo for us. a facebook whistleblower is speaking out publicly, accusing the company of placing profit over public good. p the social media knows its platforms are used to spread hate, violence, and misinformation. during an interview with "60 minutes," she said facebook has tried to hide damning evidence in order to protect its profits. cnn's brian stelter now with more on what she is saying and facebook's response. >> this is a big moment for facebook. as a whistleblower comes forward to call attention to the
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algorithms, what these platform rsz doing to our minds on a daily basis. this employee's name is francis halgen. she's worked at facebook trying to combat misinformation. she said the longer she spent there, the more concerned she was about the company's failures. she calls out the algorithm in particular, and how it prioritizes facebook's profits over public safety. here's a whart of what she said. >> one of the consequences how facebook is picking out that content, is it optimizing for content that gets a reaction. but their own research is showing that content that is hateful and divisive, that is polarizing, it's easier to inspire people to anger than it is to other emotions. >> misinformation, angry content is enticing to people -- >> very enticing. >> and keeps them on the platform. >> yes. facebook realized that if they change the algorithm to be
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safer, people will spend less time on the site, they'll click on less ads and make less money. >> she's soon going to be a household name. she leaked to "the wall street journal" anonymously, sharing documents with internal research from facebook, showing how the company is in some cases well aware of the problems its platforms cause. then she gave that interview, and on tuesday she'll be testifying to the united states senate. the interview is a preview of what she might say. i was struck by a comment she made about facebook's impact in the united states and around the world. she said the version of facebook that exists today is tearing our societies apart, and causing ethnic violence around the world. facebook, of course, says no platform is perfect but it tries exceedingly hard to star out misinformation and hate speech and has tens of thousands of staffers working to make the platforms healthy and strong and says advertisers don't want to be associated with a toxic environment. so it's in facebook's interest to clean up the property.
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but look, time and time again we have seen facebook fall short of its own expectations, its own goals, and she said she had seen so much, she had to blow the whistle. her lawyers have filed complaints with the scc trying to get the government involved. facebook has responded to the "60 minutes" report. a spokes women for the company says this -- every day our teams have to balance protecting the ability of billions of people to express themselves openly with the need to keep our platform a safe and positive place. we continue to make significant improvements to tackle the spread of misinformation and harmful content. she goes on to suggest we encourage bad content and do nothing is just not true. still to come here on the program, there is promising data for a new anti-viral pill against covid-19, but hear why
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dr. anthony fauci says it is no substitute for a vaccine. plus, the latest on an oil spill off the coast of california. the ecological impact officials fear second have on the area, after the break. how does apartments-dot-com help more renters get into new homes than any other site? it's really as simple as taking the ol' power nap. and wakey, wakey... apartments-dot-com. the most popular place to find a place.
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the cdc has released new covid guidelines for the upcoming holidays here in the u.s. it says the most important thing you can do to stay safe is, yes, get vaccinated. the agency is also encouraging people to mask up in areas with high transmission rates, and consider virtual celebrations rather than in-person gatherings. in new york city, public school employees who have not been vaccinated won't be allowed back in the door on monday. under the district's new policy, unvaccinated employees could be placed on unpaid leave until next september. some teachers are challenging the policy in court, but on friday, they failed to convince the u.s. supreme court to halt enforcement while the case plays out. there is some good news on
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the covid front. the u.s. seeing new cases and hospital admissions decline for the first time in months. and on sunday, anthony fauci said the u.s. appears to be turning a corner, but he warned americans against getting too comply sent, saying millions more still neat to get vaccinated. >> the united states may be turning the corner when it comes to the latest covid surge, but in order to keep the hospital and infection numbers down, more people need to get vaccinated. that's the word from anthony fauci, chief medical adviser to joe biden over the weekend. the latest cdc numbers showing that about 56% of americans are fully protected right now against the virus through a vaccine. he also expressed concern that with the promise of a new covid
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treatment, a new oral anti-viral, many of those unvaccinated americans may simply choose to bypass getting vaccinated. fauci saying that is not a good idea. >> it is never okay to get infected. you know, you heard the numbers. it decreased the risk of this pill did, of hospitalizations and death by 50%. you know the way to decrease the risk by 100%? don't get infected in the first place. >> reporter: the maker of that anti-viral says that their product can potentially cut the risk of covid death and hospitalizations by nearly half. those companies planning to submit product for emergency use authorization to the fda as soon as possible. >> we're going to take a quick break. when we come back, california might have a new environmental disaster on its hands after an oil spill near los angeles. what we're learning about an
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investigation into that spill. and we're following developments in afghanistan where an explosion apparently has targeted senior taliban leaders in kabul. we'll have the latest after the break. once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. what happens when we welcome change? we can make emergency medicine possible at 40,000 feet. instead of burning our past for power, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. we can create new ways to connect. rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever.
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what? you know, bones, shillings, lolly? lolly? bangers and mash? i'm... i'm sorry? i don't have any money. you don't look broke. elton: my rocket is skint! ♪ ♪ for deb, living with constipation with belly pain was the same old story for years. trying this. doing that. spending countless days right here. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. awful feelings she kept sugar-coating. finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. that her symptoms were all signs of ibs-c. and that's why she said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain,discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them.
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do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. a potential eke lodge cam dis -- ecological disaster is off the coast of california. divers have been inspecting a stretch of pipeline of oil about 17 miles, hoping to find the source of the spill. officials now say the leak
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appears to have been stopped, but the threat to areas near los angeles is not over. here was the mayor of huntington beach on sunday. >> in a year filled with incredibly challenging issues, this oil spill constitutes one of the most devastating situations that our community has dealt with in decades. rest assured that the team in huntington beach mobilized quickly, and we are proactively responding. we are doing everything in our power to protect the health and safety of our residents, our visitors, and our natural habitats. >> cnn's natasha chen is on the scene in huntington beach with more on the cleanup efforts. >> reporter: more than 1200 gallons of oily water mixture have been recovered, and 3700 feet of boom deployed.
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but 1200 gallons is nowhere near the spill amount of 126,000 gallons. the recovery and cleanup effort will take some time. we have watched as boats dragged a boom up and down the coast, trying to collect that oil. so far, we have been told of one oiled ruddy duck that's receiving veterinarian care, and reports of other wild life washing up are being investigated. people have found tar balls on their feet and spin, and health officials say that could be causing some skin irritation. health officials on sunday said they would issue an advisory, especially for people with respiratory illnesses, warning that the products evaporating could create irritation for the eyes, nose and threat. the bottom line is people should stay away from the water and away from the shoreline. >> i was there for a few hours today, and even during that time, i started to feel a little
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bit of my throat hurt, and you can feel the vapor in the air. i saw what i'll describe as little pancake clusters of oil along the shoreline, and i have described it as something like an egg yolk. if you push it, it kind of spreads out. so we don't want team to disturb those clusters so the cleanup can be more easily maintained. >> reporter: the parent company responsible is amplify energy. their ceo said sunday they will do everything in their power to make this a quick recovery. the spill happened about 4 1/2 miles offshore from a pipeline that connects from a processing matt form to the shore. divers were in place sunday evening to try and investigate a potential source site what might have caused the leak. the national transportation safety board sent investigators to help figure out what occurred. natasha chen, huntington beach, california. gunfire and explosions rocked the afghan capital on sunday in what appears to be a
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taliban operation against an isis cell. now, that came hours after a blast tore through a crowd gathered outside a mosque in kabul. a number of civilians were killed. clarissa ward has the latest from inside afghanistan. >> reporter: this is the most significant explosion that we have seen here in kabul for quite some time now. certainly since that horrific airport blast at the end of august. we believe that it was targeting senior taliban leadership who were attending the funeral prayers of the group spokesperson's mother. now, we don't know exactly how many taliban leaders may or may not have been killed or injured in that attack. they are being quite tight lipped about that at the scene. journalists who tried to gain access were pushed back ostensibly for security measures. we also don't know yet who is, in fact, responsible. the obvious candidate would certainly be isis-k.
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they were behind the airport bombing that i mentioned previously. but they have also claimed responsibility for a number of smaller scale attacks, particularly in the city offy l -- jalalabad. so how much is the taliban going to face if isis-k claims responsibility and if they continue to wang an insurgency against the new foundering government. clarissa ward, cnn, kabul. north korea picks up the phone. when we come back, after more than a year of radio silence with south korea, the sort reopens a hotline between the two countries, but it comes with conditions. we'll have the latest from paula happen live after the break.
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in business, it's never just another day. it's the big sale, or the big presentation. the day where everything goes right. or the one where nothing does. with comcast business you get the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses and advanced cybersecurity to protect every device on it— all backed by a dedicated team, 24/7. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. the chinese property giant evergrande group has halted trading in shares of its stock.
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the real estate firm did not specify a reason. they are one of china's largest developers and one of the world's biggest businesses by revenue. however, it is also china's most indebted developer, and disclosed financial challenges in recent weeks. north korea has reopened communications with south korea after cutting ties back in 2020. south korea's unification ministry confirms the north responded on a hotline about five hours ago. a communications link between the two country's militaries has also now been restored. kim jong-un vowed to restore the hotlines with the south during a speech last week. cnn's paula hancocks joins me now. obviously good news, but what's behind the decision and what chance is there it will last? >> reporter: well, michael, it has been a troubled hotline for sure over the recent months and even years. it's often one of the ways
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pyongyang shows its anger at seoul by cutting the hotlines. in june of last year, they cut the hotlines and blew up the liaison office. they did briefly reopen snthese hotlines in july of this year, but that only lasted a couple of weeks. so it is positive news, that they have been reinstated. i don't think anybody is going to be too overly optimistic as to how long it could last. we did get some information from the south korean side as to what was said by a south korean official when they called saying it's been a while and i'm glad that the communication line has been restored like this. i hope the interkorean relations can develop as the communication line has been restored. so it's a positive develop.
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we'll have to see if it lasts. it comes at a time when north korea is continuing and has been increasing its missile larges and new weaponry testing. just last week, there was a hyper sonic civil tested, recently there are what north korea called strategic cruise missiles being tested. they are calling on south korea to abandon their "double standards and delusion" about what they call north korea's self-defensive testing, considering south korea is carrying out testing of its own, a submarine ballistic missile for example it tested recently. so north korea calling on south korea not to have double standards. if it does that, there could be better relations going forward.
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we even heard hints of another summit from pyongyang. >> it is interesting that they have reopened lines of communication, but state media say it's south korea that must repair relations and resolve issues. so what happens when these lines of communication are open, does anything get done? >> reporter: well, these lines, for example, the military hotlines, are effectively to make sure there's no miscalculation, no misinformation, and no inadvertent start of tensions. so they have a call in the morning at 9:00 a.m., another call in the afternoon at 4:00 p.m., just to make sure that there is communication between the two koreas, and the south korean side said today they wanted to make sure and said to north korea, if there is an issue, we need continued communication between the two koreas. north korea did agree to that. so it's just to make sure that
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nothing goes awry. michael? >> yeah. paula, thank you, as always. paula hancocks there in seoul, south korea. for our interview national viewers "world sport" is up next. for those in the u.s., i'll be back next with more news. you're watching cnn. ♪ ♪ i give families a home, not just a place to stay. i am a vrbo host. ♪ ♪ (brad) everyone is discovering the power of 5g. but we've been helping millions of renters get into 5g for years... and also 6g. and 4c. and 2r. and 7l... apartments-dot-com. the most popular place to find a place.
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a huge trove of private financial documents now reveals how the rich and powerful kept billions of dollars beyond the reach of taxes, creditors and accountability. if a project known as the pandora papers, almost 12 million financial records were obtained by a team of investigatetive reporters from the international consortium of investigative journalists. "the washington post" and hundreds more journalists worldwide. they report -- the report includes details on the offshore accounts of more than 130 people listed by forbes as
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billionaires, and more than 330 politicians and public officials in more than 90 countries and territories. now, according to "the washington post," the pandora papers allow for the most comprehensive accounting to date of a parallel financial universe whose corrosive effects can span generations draining significant sums from government treasuries, worsening wealth disparitdispar and shielding the riches of those who cheat and steal while impeding authorities to recover hidden asset. we should note cnn has not done its only analysis of the legalities here, and using these could be perfectly legal depending on where and how they're used. pamela brown spoke about them with greg miller, one of the journalists reporting on the pandora papers. >> are these offshore accounts
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legal that you analyzed? >> yeah. i mean, it depends. so these companies that offer shell companies and so forth, they reside in jurisdictions where they are abiding by the laws of, say, the british virgin islands or cypress or other places around the world. and you're right, to point out that there's not anything necessarily illegal about that. but it creates a lot of problems. it leads to tax evasion. these off-shore systems are often exploited by criminals to hide ill-gotten gains, corrupt politicians, and just -- as you put it at the top of the show, i mean, just the very, very wealthy in moving and hiding money in ways that the rest of us can't or don't tend to do. >> according to "the washington post," offshore financial firms that responded to the icij's and
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the post's request for comment issued statements asserting their compliance with legal mandates. if you noticed the prices s some some of your favorite products are going up. there is a global supply chain problem affecting everything from bacon to jewelry, tvs and dressers. maybe you have heard about the shortage of microchips impacting smartphone makers and slowing down the car industry. ports are overwhelmed with backlogged goods and the recent energy crisis in the u.s., uk, and china haven't helped matters either. the global economy is also facing a labor shortage, compounded by brexit and the pandemic. and there are concerns this could all linger through the upcoming holiday season. let's bring in ryan patel, a board member and senior fellow at the drucker school of
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management. good to see you. how bad is the damage that's been done to the global supply chain? we're seeing everything from cars to christmas presents to gatorade on shelves. what can people find themselves short of in the real world? >> especially with the consumer demand, with the holiday season coming. anything electronics, semi conductors. last year, we saw things go out of stock, specifically laptops and cell phones. but don't be surprised that you won't see some items as discounted as last year, because companies have to come up with that margin. either they'll increase the prices or not slash the prices. and the second piece is really the timing of the supply chain. what many companies are trying to forecast, they really don't know what to forecast because they don't know how many products they'll get out of the door. that leaves a lot of problems on what's going to be on the
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shelves. >> when you look at the cause, it's bhn a combination of things. you had the u.s. trade war with china, the pandemic. you have that giant ship blocking the suez canal. what can turn these issues around? >> the we saw it in the past last couple of years, when you think about innovation, it really needs to. i think what we're going to see, i hate to use the "c"-word, but collaboration. collaboration between countries, to have these products in place, and getting the consumers what they want. we're seeing automation and technology being leveraged, data analytics plays a huge part. and the supply chain industry has no choice but to go faster to catch up. >> what, then, is the lesson the
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supply chain offers to countries wanting to protect themselves from shortages long term? what have countries learned about their vulnerabilities and the need to secure those supply chains? >> be resilient, and diversity. if we've learn anything, there needs to be a backup to a backup plan. and the stakeholders want sustainability, and do good in the environment and a sustainable chain. the countries can't put a band-aid around it, but have to focus on long term valuation that will help the global economy. at the end of the day, we're all interconnected. so it's important that we all succeed, because we're all in it together. >> they've become national security issues in some regards with some of these issues. speaking of those issues, pressure is growing on president biden to lift the trump tariffs
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on chinese goods. but would that have a positive effect on this, or not really relevant? >> there's so many layers with that trade war tariffs, it wasn't just about trade. there were other things in there. but thinking about china, they've been at 6% growth gdp, far ahead of the pandemic in reco recovering. china will become a larger part of the trade. the question for the u.s. and president biden, how much can you hold out? do you need the chinese trade goods? can you get it from somewhere else? and part of that is a negotiation of other things, particularly with security, foreign investments flowing back and forth. there's a lot more to this than just trade. but, yeah, we're going to see both superpowers having to come to the table eventually. >> i wanted to ask you in the broader economic world, when people have been buying because of stimulus money, then goods
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are in short supply, what are your concerns about inflation? >> that's the result, when you saw the fed chair come out and say, you can't really control the prices, and people are spending. so people are spending money. many banks have come out and said inflation will be an issue. will interest rates increase next year? will that cause a step back for the economy? i think the biggest thing is, is there going to be an overheating process? it's a fine balance to make sure everything hits on the right -- going on the right way, the right track. however you want to mention it. but everyone is focused on the inflation rate, the finance rate, in the financial world, for sure. >> great to see you, ryan. thanks. >> thanks, michael. what originally started as an art exhibition remembering americans who died from
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covid-19, it consists of more than 700,000 white flags, each representing a person who lost their battle with the virus. the artist says that this has taken on a life of its own. dana bash reports. >> reporter: it's hard to capture this on camera. it's even hard to capture it with your eyes. >> yeah. >> reporter: when you're here like you and i are. because it's so vast. it goes down to the world war ii memorial now. suzanne is the artist behind in america remember, a temporary exhibition on the national mall. each flag represents an american life lost to covid-19. >> when i bought flags in june, i bought 630,000. i thought never would we use that many. i've reordered twice. >> reporter: visitors come by, not just to observe, but to
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participate. writing dedications for loved ones submitted online. >> one flag, it was a 99-year-old who died. and the flag reads, he refused a ventilator. he asked that it be used for someone younger. >> reporter: when the exhibit opened september 17th, there were 670,032 deaths. since then, thousands more have died. each day, she's increased the number to reflect that. >> i check the numbers every day. because it's important that we honor those people whom we just lost the day before. >> reporter: it's a lot of people. >> an incredible amount of people. >> reporter: this weekend, that number hit an unthinkable milestone. 700,000 american lives lost to covid-19. >> there are a lot of flags that say, if only you would have listened. or i wish you had gotten vaccinated. >> reporter: look at this one here. dear mom, you were a woman of
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strength, love, and kindness that radiated from you. this period around the holidays is the hardest without you. >> what i didn't realize was how much emotion people would bring to this. i created the art. but they've brought the content. the stories. the sadness. oftentimes they'll tell me, this is the first time i've had a chance to cry. >> dana bash there. spanish officials are warning a volcano in the canary islands is erupting more aggressively than before. this is the volcano on la palma, and it doesn't look like it's close to ending yet. due to the millions of cubic meters of lava spilling out. just absolutely spectacular live pictures, but the damage has been enormous. thanks for spending part of your
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day with me. i'm michael holmes. stick around, i'll be back with more news in a moment. [inaudible shouting and clashing] ♪ ♪ [horse neighs] [phone clacks as it closes] ♪ ♪ what happens when we welcome change? we can transform our workforce overnight out of convenience, or necessity. we can explore uncharted waters,
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hello and welcome to the viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm michael holmes. i appreciate your company. coming up on cnn newsroom, tis the season to avoid covid. the cdc has released new guidelines to help your family stay healthy over the holidays. and a facebook whis


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