tv Don Lemon Tonight CNN October 5, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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tonight, president biden slamming republicans for refusing to join democrats in raising the nation's debt ceiling, calling their actions hypocritical, dangerous, and disgraceful. congress facing a deadline of october 18th, two weeks from tonight, to increase the country's borrowing limit, or the nation could default on its debt for the first time in history. facebook whistle-blower frances haugen testifying on capitol hill today, saying she is coming forward because she says facebook knows its platforms are used to spread hate and misinformation, but she alleges the company hides that evidence. and is this the end of the covid pandemic? is the end in sight? new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are all trending down. but what about the upcoming holiday season? we're going to get some answers from our very own dr. sanjay gupta. first i want to bring in cnn senior political analyst kirsten powers and john avlon. mr. avalon, you are first. so the country is facing the
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potential of its first default in our history. republicans know this could be catastrophic, but they're still refusing to blink. do they care about what this could do to the country, or do you think this is all about making democrats look bad? >> well, as mitch mcconnell said in a previous debt ceiling and default crisis, this is a hostage they're willing to ransom. that itself is a very dangerous game by its nature. h default would be disastrous not just to our economy but the world economy because we're the world's reserve currency. we're the only nation in the world, major industrialized nation in the world, that does this to our self. this is a self-inflicted crisis. we need to get rid of the debt ceiling and stop this polarization of it. we've raised the debt ceiling 31 times under a republican president since 1980. mitch mcconnell has voted for debts ceiling increases. this is designed to pay for things the republican congress already allocated under
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president trump. so stop this gamesmanship. stop holding the american economy hostage for partisan political games. >> kirsten, i think the term you like to use is owning the libs. that's why most republicans are doing what they're doing. we're talking about paying bills that have already been approved to be spent. i mean this isn't, you know -- and this isn't mainly trump's debt that the gop is refusing to pay. >> yeah. >> or it is mainly his debt. i said that wrong. it is mainly trump's debt that they're refusing to pay. let's get that right. >> yeah. but the bottom line for them is they don't want to do anything that could possibly be helpful to joe biden even if it's in the country's best interest. instead they're willing to put us on this sort of collision course with financial wreckage. and this in light of the fact that we've had this really awful period in our history where, you
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know, obviously it's been terrible because of all the people that have died, it's also been very difficult financially for a lot of people. the economy took a huge hit from it, so the idea that you would just be toying around with the economy and toying around with raising the debt limit to score political points is -- is pretty outrageous. >> john, president biden is calling republicans -- he says they're hypocritical and dangerous for not helping to raise the debt ceiling. this could pass with just democratic votes if the filibuster wasn't in the way. is this another problem that could have been avoided? i see you shaking your finger at me. >> that's the key point. that's the whole deal. you know, mitch mcconnell is here saying, look, democrats control the white house and both houses of congress, and joe biden voted against the debt ceiling in 2006. but there's a world of difference between voting against the debt ceiling, which by the way is not a stand of
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fiscal responsibility because it's things the congress has already voted to spend, and filibustering. that's what republicans are doing, which requires getting ten republican votes. in this circumstance, that's virtually mission impossible unless they back down. we've had democratic senates raise the debt ceiling for republican presidents, including for president trump. so this is hypocritical. it is dangerous, and it's not remotely normal. don't get fooled into thinking it is. >> kirsten, we're not just talking about the debt ceiling here, the debt ceiling standoff. biden's entire agenda is in jeopardy tonight. two sources tell cnn that biden told house progressives that the cost of the social safety net package needs to come down between $1.9 trillion, and $2.2 trillion. you think they're going to get onboard with this? >> you know, i have been an optimist throughout this entire situation, and i do think that they are going to get to that number. >> i thought you were going to say except for tonight.
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>> no. i think -- i don't believe the progressives really have ever thought or think that the number is going to be 3.5. so they understand that the number is going to have to come down, and i do believe that everybody recognizes, whether it's the moderates, you know, whether it's the progressives, they recognize the stakes here, and the stakes are huge. the stakes are huge for the country, and the stakes are huge for joe biden in terms of being able to get things done because, you know, if things go the way people think they're going to go in the midterms, then this could be his only chance. >> yeah. president biden is admitting, john, that this all hinges on two people, and we know who we're talking about, senators manchin and sinema. is it a smart strategy to single them out like this, to single them both out? >> well, that's where the problem is right now. i mean, look, manchin we know
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now laid out a pretty clear outline of his proposals to senator schumer in july. senator sinema, though, has been completely opaque. she leaves washington this weekend to go visit a foot doctor and have a meeting with her donors. and at this point you got to say what you're in favor of. ive mean if the white house is signaling they're going to reduce this bill by over a trillion, that should be a big win if their concerns are actually fiscal responsibility. if they're matters of actual specific policy, let's hear it. let's hear it in public and then find a reason together. biden is being patient because he realize process doesn't matter in the eyes of history. getting the ball down the field and getting a big bill passed does. the window is shrinking, though. this can't be done forever. kyrsten sinema needs to put forward what her priorities are and then vote for a bill that includes them. >> thank you, both. great joe biden and kyrsten sinema on "snl" this weekend.
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i was like, wow, they got them down. thank you. i appreciate it. i want to turn now to the controversy over facebook with cnn correspondent donie o'sullivan and legal and national security analyst asha rangappa. good evening to you two as well. so let's see, donie. facebook whistle-blower frances haugen is testifying before congress tomorrow. you have been going through her prepared testimony. what can we expect? >> reporter: yeah, don. she says very clearly that the she knows that a trillion dollar company like facebook, she says in her words, could destroy her. they could try and, you know, totally discredit all the accusations that she is leveling against them. but what she lays out, i think quite eloquently in her hoping statement, which we'll hear tomorrow morning, is really this idea that -- the idea that facebook is putting out to the world, that to have a platform where you upload photos and where you share stories and stay in touch with your family, that
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to have that platform for free, that you have to also, you know, possibly be exposed to misinformation and hate and everything else that we know is on facebook and instagram. and she's making the point pretty clearly that that doesn't have to be the case, that facebook is making choices here, and the choice she says is that they're choosing profit over safety. >> donie, facebook and other sites it owns, instagram and whatsapp were all offline for almost six hours today t. was really quiet. i kind of enjoyed it. for like six hours today. it was a mess that impacted billions of users worldwide. is this just a massive coincidence that this happened hours after this bombshell whistle-blower's interviewer? >> reporter: that certainly seems to be what facebook is suggesting. i want to show you a statement they've released in the past few minutes. i'll read it slowly. it is a lot of technical jargon. they're saying their engineering
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teams learned that a configuration changes on the backbone routers that coordinate network traffic between our data centers caused issues that interrupted communication. basically what they're saying there is that facebook's computers in their data centers, some form of setting change, a configuration change stopped these computers from being able to communicate effectively with each other, and that is what caused the outage. so they're saying here, it seems, it's a glitch, not an attack. but still they are being pretty slim on the details. one thing they did stress in this statement is that so far they have no evidence that any user data was exposed. but you're right, don. i mean the timing of this is very interesting, and it will, of course -- the company will have to investigate. >> it was interesting. i think one of the most interesting posts i saw
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afterwards was instagram, facebook, hurry up and come back up because i'm not an influencer nor a model, nor i forget what else, unless you're up. i thought about how the world has changed. there are people who simply have made their living on being facebook and instagram influencers and models and actors and promoters. >> i had no place to post my selfies for six hours. i was devastated. >> or your food or whatever people do. here's part of frances haugen, what she said on "60 minutes" last night. >> one of the consequences of how facebook is picking out that content today is it is optimizing for content that gets engagement or reaction. but its own research is showing that content that is hateful, that is divisive, that is polarizing, it's easier to inspire people to anger than it is to other emotions. >> misinformation, angry content. >> yeah. >> is enticing to people. >> it's very enticing. >> and keeps them on the platform. >> yes. facebook has realized that if
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they change the algorithm to be safer, people will spend less time on the site. they'll click on less ads. they'll make less money. >> interesting. asha, in your experience, does this result in the kind of echo chamber where people can be easily recruited if they are being fed a steady diet of hate and anger based on what they might initially click on? >> yes, don. we have seen that in spades with the covid misinformation, which was, you know, a lot of the top performing posts on facebook's site. but the bigger issue here is that what this whistle-blower is describing is that facebook as it's currently designed and currently managed to maximize engagement, to maximize growth, is really incompatible with democracy. you know, democracy requires deliberation. it requires evidence-based argument, reasoned debate, reaching consensus on just the shared reality if not an
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outcome. and what facebook wants its users to be in is a perpetual state of outrage and division. and that's how they make their money. and they also need their base to believe -- their user base to believe that that is actually what reality is, you know, so they project that out into the world. so, you know, i think we're facing kind of a choice here in terms of what values do we want, and can we get facebook, if not on their own, you know, through regulation to maximize democratic values rather than their own profit? >> listen, we could speak on and on and on about this. it's fascinating, but our time is up for now. we'll talk more. thank you both. i appreciate it. i want to bring in cnn global affairs analyst max boot. max, hello to you. let's talk about the politics of what we've been discussing in the segment before this one as well. you have a piece titled "the gop
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has become the stupid party and proud of it," proud of being stupid. what is that all about? talk to me about that. >> well, this was sort of inspired by a press release that congresswoman lauren boebert of colorado sent out a couple weeks ago, calling on congress to imeach. it was supposed to be impeach biden, but she had imeach biden in giant letters across the top. i thought it was kind of symbolic of where the gop is today, both in the combination of political fanaticism and extreme partisanship, but also in this contempt not just for political norms but for spelling norms and kind of basic rules of grammar. you know, this is something that donald trump perfected where, you know, his twitter feed was notorious not just for all sorts of lies but really just stupid, obvious misspellings. people even thought he was putting that in there on purpose
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because he was signaling contempt for elites who care about things like spelling. i mean on one level, this is just absurd and laughable, but there's a serious point here, don, which is when i was growing up in the 1980s, the republican party actually had a reputation as the party of ideas. and under donald trump's leadership, it's really reclaimed an older reputation as being the stupid party. and for a lot of republicans and populists in the republican ranks, that's not something that they're ashamed about. that's not something they're embarrassed about. they're proud of being known as the stupid party because they're signaling contempt for education, for elites, for knowledge, that they think they're standing up for the common man by just uttering inane and ignorant opinions. and that's a very dangerous position for one of the two major parties to be in. >> well, that's like people who wrote on twitter -- i think it was twitter, i'm not sure. maybe it was facebook. don lemon, your, yo-oy-o-u-r, a
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moran. >> i get those all the time. you expect stuff like that from random trolls or random people out there, but the examples in my column, it's all members of congress who are saying this stuff, all this nonsense about like louie gohmert talking about birds burning up over solar panels or, you know, marjorie taylor greene, who says she doesn't believe in evolution but does believe in jewish space lasers. >> can i play some examples for you of ron johnson first up. let's hear it. >> yeah. >> we do not have an fda-approved vaccine being administered in the u.s. >> could you ever get behind a vaccine mandate for everybody? >> no, not unless there's some incredibly deadly disease. i mean much higher infection fatality rates
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how doeshat harvargrad not en the contradicon h thiis actun publican tpe les prott medire fro socialist alth sec who provesede? roc johnson claiming that, you know, covid, which has only killed 700,000 people, making it the worst pandemic in a century, that's not serious enough to have vaccinations? i mean this -- again, at some level this is just absurd and laughable and ridiculous, but this is serious. i mean these people actually have power. >> and you have marco rubio calling biden's plan marxism. is this stupidity all just an act, or are they really just that stupid?
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i don't know. >> i think for some people it is an act. you have to believe elise stefanik probably knows better because she actually went to harvard. a lot of them, it's not an act. >> marco rubio is an educated man as well. many of them are. >> he should know better. at some point it really doesn't matter. do they know better? are they actually as dumb as they appear, or are they just acting dumb? even if they're just acting dumb, that tells you something about who they're appealing to, what the republican party is about when even the brightest lights have to pretend to be ddim bulbs. >> max boot, the new piece is titled "the gop has become the stupid party -- and proud of it." thank you, sir. i appreciate it. >> thank you, don. one single state is leaving billions of covid relief on the table, and students will be the ones to suffer. plus president biden has just about had it with republicans refusing to do their jobs and pay america's debt even
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i would've called yesterday. but... i could've called yesterday. but... i should've called yesterday, but... would've, could've, should've. we hear that a lot. hi. i'm jonathan, an insurance professional and manager here at colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes, people put off calling about life insurance. before you know it, another year has passed. and when they do call, they say,
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they are leaving $2.3 billion on the table. florida the only state in the entire country to not apply for a third round of funding from president biden's american rescue plan. and now the education department is asking why the state's missed multiple deadlines and if they want the money. joining me now is the president of the broward teachers union, the second largest school district in florida. thank you for joining us. >> how are you doing tonight, don? thank you. >> listen, is governor desantis playing politics with your students' futures? >> yeah, he's extremely reckless. it's definitely politics. he's a governor that's come out
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real clearly that he's planning on running in 2022 against biden. so there's some, you know, conversations that are happening. is this a way to say that i'm just going to, you know, keep pulling back and doing my own thing to show that i can take charge and have the total power. so that's one piece. and the other piece is that, you know, he's just, you know, looking to defund public schools. when you're not looking to come up with a plan, meet a deadline for the hundreds of thousands of students across the state of florida that are in public schools that need to have, you know, lots of resources and actual physical bodies in the schools to take care of our students, it says a lot. it's just wrong. >> yeah. listen, this is how the governor responded to the education department's request for a funding plan, and i quote here. at this time, no district has articulated a need for funding
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that cannot be met with currently available resources. whenever this may change in the future, the state of florida will coordinate with the u.s. doe to ensure florida students and educators have all the resources they need. so how would you like to respond to the governor? >> i just cannot believe that no district has, you know, reached out and said that they need every dime to meet the needs of so many things that have just happened over this whole covid, you know, era. it's just unbelievable. i would like to see proof, and i'm going to personally ask our own district tomorrow when i'm down at school board headquarters for a board workshop and a press conference that we're having so i can just clearly ask. you know, i know we're always saying we're underfunded and every dime will definitely help with the resources. so many different things have happened in just broward county school district alone, where i
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see it in our schools. i see it with not enough bus drivers, not enough teacher assistance, not enough teachers, not enough guidance counselors, all of these needs that need to meet our students that have, you know, been home going through covid, that their socioemotional component, feeling that achievement gap, our schools better h varks systems, roofs. all of these things for him to say that no district has reached out, it's really something that is unbelievable. >> particularly those that need help, the underserved communities, right? this monday could help schools in underserved communities that might not have the funds to make pandemic-related improvements or start extra support programs. >> that in itself has been a plan that broward county public schools has put in motion of all of these extra wraparound and extra support services to meet
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the needs of our students that need to fill in those gaps, which is let's starting with the social emotional piece. that in itself. reaching out to our students that were trying to figure out how to get back physically into schools and making sure they are safe. all of these little components of the resources besides having actual physical resources, we need actual bodies there in our schools, which we are seeing all around, as i mentioned earlier, are in such need of every single person in a different department that we're just struggling to get. >> well, anna fusco, thank you so much. best of luck to you. we appreciate you appearing on the program. >> well, thank you. i hope ron desantis changes his mind and releases the plan so that we can get the money. thank you. a looming economic catastrophe staring america right in the face as republicans refuse to budge on raising the
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debt ceiling. president biden telling the gop, get out of the way. it helps keep you effortlessly comfortable by sensing your movements and automatically responding to both of you. and, it's temperature balancing to help you stay comfortable all night. it even tracks your circadian rhythm, so you know when you're at your best. in other words, it's the most energy-building, wellness-boosting, parent-powering, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. don't miss our weekend special. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36 months. ends monday. [whispered] air wick. do you want more control of your fragrance? the air wick scented oil warmer has five settings, not three, for better frangrance control than febreze plug. take control of your fragrance with air wick.
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president biden is slamming republicans for refusing to join democrats in raising the nation's debt ceiling. he's calling their actions hypocritical, dangerous, and disgraceful. he's also accusing republicans of playing russian roulette with the u.s. economy. congress is now facing a deadline of october 18th, two weeks from tonight, to increase the country's borrowing limit, or the nation could default on its debt for the first time in history. so let's discuss now. paul krugman is here. he's the author of "arguing with
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zombies." paul, good evening. thank you for doing this. i appreciate you joining us. >> good evening. >> so listen to the president and how is slamming republicans over the debt ceiling and saying this. then we'll talk. here it is. >> a meteor is headed to crash into our economy. democrats are willing to do all the work stopping it. republicans just have to let us do our job. just get out of the way. if you don't want to help save the country, get out of the way. >> so, paul, if the u.s. defaults on our bills because, as you have put it, republicans are committing political sabotage, what's going to happen to our economy and americans' pocketbooks for that matter? >> well, it's kind of scary. actually, of course, nobody knows, but it's not just that the u.s. government suddenly finds itself without enough cash to pay its bills. the dollar is special. u.s. government debt is special. the whole world financial system is built on using u.s. treasury
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bills as collateral. so all of a sudden, you've taken the world's safest asset and made it not something that is meeting its obligations. so nobody really knows, but it is definitely a very scary prospect. >> you know, cnn is learning that president biden told -- today told progressives that the social safety net package needs to come down between $1.9 trillion, and $2.2 trillion. you recently wrote a column about how the progressive wing is advancing popular policies while the conservative wing is willing to risk blowing up the president's agenda. you describe it as biden versus a rip van winkle caucus. you say democratic moderates need to wake up. talk to me about that, paul. >> yeah. there's still a group -- moderates, i hate that term. basically if there's a good term for it, it's actually the corporate wing of the party, the ones who are listening to u.s.
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e chamber of commerce instead of the public. but they're acting as if it's still the 1990s when you could make deals with republicans, when we were just not at all in this kind of situation. but they're also acting as if the kinds of things people believed in the 1990s, low taxes lead to higher growth, government is bad, the era of big government is over, were still relevant. at this point, what the progressives are asking for, even the full $3.5 trillion is not a huge thing. it's 1.2% of gdp over the next decade. it's a medium-sized initiative of stuff that has lots of good economic analysis, saying that it's actually going to be highly productive. so saying that, you know, we need to scale this back, that we need to kind of think that it's 1993 again is -- or 1999 again, that's a really -- you know, where have these people been for
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the past 20 years? >> how do you see this -- does this correct itself? i mean what should the president do or the democratic party, or what should happen in order to correct this? >> well, you know, it is this crazy thing where the democrats have zero margin. they have to have every single senator, and so we're down to kind of, you know, analyzing the psychology of sinemanchin. that's what some of my friends call it. the idea forward is you get a deal as good as you can, but you definitely don't allow -- what the corporate wing of the party wants to do is just have steel and concrete and nothing else. that's just not acceptable. that's a total failure. in fact, it's the human investments that are the thing that will do the most good. and if it falls short, progressives originally wanted $6 trillion. if it ends up being less than
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$3.5 trillion, i'll be unhappy, but at least let it be significant. >> paul krugman, always a pleasure. thank you, sir. >> okay. take care. positive signs in the fight against covid. are we on the other side of what could be the last major spike? dr. sanjay gupta joins me next. i would've called yesterday. but... i could've called yesterday. but... i should've called yesterday, but... would've, could've, should've.
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we hear that a lot. hi. i'm jonathan, an insurance professional and manager here at colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes, people put off calling about life insurance. before you know it, another year has passed. and when they do call, they say, "i wish i'd called sooner." call right now for free information on the $9.95 plan. are you between age 50 and 85? you can get whole life insurance with options starting at just $9.95 a month. do i have to answer health questions to get it? there are no health questions. you cannot be turned down for any health reason, past or present. how long does this policy last? our $9.95 plan is permanent protection. can my rate increase later? never. once you're insured, your rate is locked in for life. you can get whole life insurance with options starting at just $9.95 a month. have you thought about life insurance but put it off? don't regret what you didn't do yesterday. call now and feel great about saying yes today.
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we're on the road to recovery in our fight against covid. cases are down almost 35% from a month ago. hospitalizations down around 30% for the month. and deaths down almost 10% from a week ago. i want to discuss now with cnn's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta, also the author of the new book "world
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war c: lessons from the covid-19 pandemic and how to prepare for the next one." dr. gupta, thank you so much. listen, i hope i'm not ahead of myself when i said we're on the road to recovery. so it was a brutal summer as we know. some parts of the country, on the covid front. but now cases, hospitalizations, deaths all trending down. is the end of this pandemic in sight, or i don't know. what about the upcoming holidays? >> i think it could be in sight. you know, i've been very cautious, and i think we've got to be humble here, don, but we've also got to look at the positive trend lines and read into them. what i've been doing throughout this pandemic is try to look at what's happening here, what's happening around the world, what's even happened historically. you're right. people say the weather is going to get cooler and drier and that's when these respiratory viruses like to spread. to that point, let me show you 2009. what you see at that point is that there is a surge, that big surge, that second peak is right now. that's october of 2009. then the numbers go down as
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we're seeing it happen now, and they stay down. that's what happened at that point. if you go back even further, more than 100 years to the 1918-1919 flu pandemic, again the biggest search of the entire pandemic -- there were really three or four different waves there, but the biggest one was, again, right about now. then it came down, and then you got a little surge again going into the spring of the following year. but for the most part, this was the worst of it in both those pandemics previously. part of it, i think, don, is you've got people vaccinated. and part of it also is it's such a contagious virus that a lot of people have been exposed to this and developed some natural immunity. we don't know how long that natural immunity lasts and that's going to be a big question mark in terms of future surges. but all the trend lines look pretty favorable. >> sanjay is out with a new book, "world war c: lessons for the corvid-19 pandemic and how o
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prepare for the next one." it's supposed to come out tomorrow, but i found a bookseller who put it out early against sanjay's wishes. what was the inspiration? >> you know, don, it's funny. doing television, i think the amount of information and knowledge that i'm sort of trying to absorb even to do a few minutes with you every night is probably twentyfold to one. all these papers, i've just been taking these notes and doing all these things and i felt like there were so many lessons that i had learned. i talk to scientists all over the world and the thing that kept coming up over and over again is it's essentially possible to make yourself pandemic-proof. it's very much within our control. we kind of knew that, but some of the ways we do it are surprising, even when it comes to our own individual health.
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i mean 80% of your immunity -- if i say, don, you need to improve your immunity, how would you do it? 80% of your immunity is in your gut. it's also a big source of your serotonin, your mood. very related to your gut. how do you transform your body into one that can better fight this virus or at least not get so sick from it? also, don, let me show you. in the united states, we know that citizens here are much more likely to have the risk factors that set them up for severe disease, whether it be obesity, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, all these types of things. they are the diseases of affluence. they happen in wealthy countries. wealthy countries got hit hard by this pandemic. usually you think of a new infection, new outbreak, you think poorly developed countries are going to be hit harder. not the case here. it was almost the reverse. why? part of it's what you see on the screen there. so the idea that we could come better prepared even for the next few months but also for the next several years and decades,
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i think, is very much within our power. i wanted to have a releal prescription on how to get there. >> we need to take care of our obesity problem in this country, which is a contributing factor, i'm sure you will agree. i want to ask you this, sanjay, because you were talking about your gut. you also specifically touch on the importance of microbiome. is that what you're talking about? >> the microbiome, yeah. the microbiome. so that is this sort of universe of organisms that live inside our gut and are very responsible for our immunity and for frankly many functions. they call it the second brain in the body. and i just -- i've always known about this. it wasn't taught in medical school, but i learned it on my own over the last decade or so, and it's very interesting again going to this idea that what you -- i'm going to exaggerate a little bit, but what you had for breakfast this morning could influence how much you'd be affected by the disease tonight
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because of your microbiome. it is that specific, and there are ways to really put yourself in the best possible position not only to help diminish some of those diseases you just saw on the screen, but to make it less likely you're going to get sick of covid if you get it or a future pathogen. that part is really striking. again, there were countries around the world, south korea versus the united states, i use this example because first patients were diagnosed the same day. >> it's up on the screen now. >> don, look at that. blue is south korea. red is us. i mean they're one-sixth the size of us, but how do you explain that? we're all human beings. what did they do so different that we have, you know, 43 million confirmed cases in the united states, and they had 300,000? there's something there. there are real lessons, and they're going to be important because, again, there will be more emerging pathogens. these viruses keep jumping into humans. they don't have to turn into pandemics. we can be the blue line next time around, and that's why i
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really wanted to write the book. >> i can't wait to read it. i had the opportunity to get it. i didn't. there it is on the screen. i said, hey, this book doesn't come out until next week, but anyway -- >> thought it was a bootleg. >> so i didn't buy it. anyway, "world war c: lessons from the covid-19 pandemic and how to prepare for the next one." ike i'm going to buy it, sanjay. thank you, sanjay. best of luck. we appreciate it. >> you got it. thanks, don. >> and we'll be right back. age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. look, i gotta say something. 'said it before and i'll say it again. if i thought a reverse mortgage
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tonight, a murder case in oregon sparking outrage. a black man shot to death after allegedly complimenting a white man's girlfriend. the suspect now facing six charges including murder. here's cnn's omar jimenez. >> no justice, no peace! >> reporter: familiar chants for what some see as a familiar story. this time playing out in bend, oregon. a black man, barry washington jr., was shot and killed allegedly after complimenting a white woman. no evidence of the compliments being inappropriate according to the local district attorney, who also says washington was then confronted by the woman's boyfriend, ian cranston. >> he said some words to mr. washington. mr. washington said words back.
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there was some pushing, some jostling, some punches thrown. but then it calmed down. it was not going to get out of hand. then mr. cranston pulled a gun out of his waistband and shot and killed mr. washington. >> reporter: cranston's attorney disputed that account and wrote to cnn, in part, before ian cranston ever drew his weapon, barry washington had assaulted him without provocation, resulting in head injuries that required the police to take mr. cranston to the hospital, where a brain scan and other procedures had to be performed. cranston was initially arrested on a single charge of second degree manslaughter and had been released on bail before a grand jury returned an indictment thursday that added second-degree murder, first degree manslaughter, first degree assault, and unlawful use of a weapon. friday, a judge ordered him held without bail. district attorney hummel has said this was a homicide with no justification. >> black lives matter!
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>> reporter: meanwhile, a community and family is left looking for answers as race is hard to ignore. >> we just want justice the right way like the rest of the world would if their loved one was killed in cold blood just like this. >> reporter: it's a dynamic not lost on the district attorney. >> there's a reckoning with race that needs to happen in central oregon, and it needs to happen now. justice will be done in this case. >> reporter: and after the initial charge against cranston was filed, he even wrote in part, it's important his family feels our community saw barry, that we see them, and that we believe barry's life, their lives, and the lives of all black people matter. he is not, however, seeking a hate crime charge as of now, citing there isn't enough evidence. cranston has a plea hearing set for early december. omar jimenez, cnn. >> omar, thank you so much for that. and thank you for watching. our coverage continues.
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are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! hello and a very warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the united states and around the world. i'm isa soares in londs. just ahead on cnn newsroom. >> facebook, instagram and what's app were down for hours. the whistleblower was about to testify on capitol hill. >> facebook can't get a break. the tech giant's troubles are growing ahead of testimony in congress that could have severe implications. the french catholic church braces as a report says more than 200,000 minors have been abused b
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