tv Don Lemon Tonight CNN October 27, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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this is "don lemon tonight." we have breaking news on the chaos in washington now. democrats are battling their own in a desperate attempt to push joe biden's agenda across the finish line. sources telling cnn the president is expected to attend a house democratic caucus meeting on capitol hill bright and early tomorrow morning 9:00 a.m. delaying the departure for europe by a few hours to convips progressives to vote for the infrastructure bill tomorrow. that as a lot of democrats are furious tonight paid family and medical leave is now likely to end up on the scrap heat out.
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along with through tuition for community college, marginal tax rate increases and the clean energy program. joe mansion doesn't think the paid leave policy should be in the bill at all. one democratic senator telling cnn quote people are pissed he wants to take out paid family leave. >> the problem is with the members here although they're very few in number, there are a significant minority think they have a right to determine what the rest of the congress should be doing. the minority should not be dictating to the majority. >> the president's initial 12-week family leave proposal was scaled back to four weeks in an effort to get mansion support but that didn't work. neither apparently has an effort by senator christian gillibrand to find a compromise with mansion that says tonight quote, i just can't do it. the question is can democrats
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get out of their own way and make a deal with just hours to go until the president's trip? we have breaking news tonight on the investigation of the shooting on the set of alec baldwin's movie "rust" that killed cinematographer held lean t -- ha elalyna hutchins and inj joel souza. the director saying this. >> there are safety protocols that are supposed to be followed bid everyone in the industry and that did not happen in this case on multiple levels. >> there is a new search warrant affidavit with a shocking revelation. the assistant director david halls failed to fully check the gun that fired the fatal shot before he handed it to alec bal baldwin, again, according to the affidavit. the afford revealing 24-year-old hanna reed gutierrez only on her second movie, no live ammo is ever kept on the set but that's not what the sheriff says.
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in a press conference today he says the gun discharged by alec baldwin fired a suspected live round. >> i think the facts are clear. a weapon was handed to mr. baldwin. the weapon is functional and fired a live round killing ms. hutchins and injuring mr. souza. >> he said investigators recovered what they believe to be additional live rounds on the set. >> the actual led projectile that was fired has been recovered from the shoulder of mr. souza. we regard this specific spent casing and recovered projectile to be the live round that was fired from the revolver by mr. baldwin. we have recovered what we believe to be possible additional live rounds on set. >> so many questions raised during this press conference, and in this case, i don't know. it may turn on the answers. we'll see what happens. why was there so much ammunition, live ammunition on a
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movie set? how many live rounds were there? and was there a lack of seriousness about safety on this particular set? there is a lot to be answered. there is a lot of breaking news tonight. we want to get to the news happening in washington d.c. first on capitol hill. i want to bring in jessica dean and white house correspondent arlet signs. good evening to both of you. thank you for joining. here we go. it getting down to the wire. there is so much movement on this spending bill tonight. seems like negotiations are changing by the minute. where do things stand now? >> they are. it was a whirl wind of activity today and tomorrow. to give you the headlines here. they are still searching for a top line number how much this will ultimately cost them and also, exactly how they're going to pay for that. the revenue. how will they create the money to pay for this and the issues, the separate provisions going into the bill. we'll start with expanding medicare. you saw senator bernie sanders with the clip at the beginning
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of your show. i had just asked him he'd been to the white house and i asked what assurances he got from president biden. he said it's not the president that's the problem but people the minority in the senate continuing to push for that to expand to dental, vision and hearing and a medicaid expansion to the 12 states that have not done that. i talked to tammy baldwin today and she told us about a compromise that would allow them to instead of starting a federal medicaid program for the expansion, instead subsidize essentially plans through obamacare. they'rew working on that trying to make sure senator mansion will get on board as they seek to expand medicaid and ensure as many people as possible and you have prescription drug negotiating costs for that. we know kyrsten sinema and others with pharmaceutical companies in their home states or districts have really pushed back and had resistance to that. that continues to be paid out. paid leave as you mentioned at the beginning of your show appears to be dropping off
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although i'll tell you once that news broke late this evening when we were here, they were going through the final vote series and there were very upset democratic senators and also on the house side as well at the idea that this could get dropped from the package. so senator gillibrand saying they are pushing. climate is probably the one, don, has a lot of optimism from people. we got a letter from nancy pelosi and she sent it to house democrats today. she was very optimistic about the climate proposals. we're hearing it could be u upwards of $500 million will be the biggest chunk of money in the package, likely. >> arlet, i want to bring you in. it a big deal. this is a big trip for the president and a big deal since we're hearing he's delaying the foreign trip to meet with white house -- excuse me, to meet with house democrats tomorrow morning. is he going to be twisting some arms? does he expect to close a deal before he goes? >> well, don, the white house had long been entertaining the
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possibility of having president biden go in person to make this appeal to house democrats. ultimately, they wanted to make sure it would be beneficial to the process. tomorrow the president will be heading up to capitol hill in the morning to meet with house democrats. a source i spoke with said he'd speak to them in person when it comes to the bipartisan infrastructure proposal and the larger economic package but the president certainly was hoping to head into this foreign trip with some type of agreement on his top legislative priorities. one big question going forward, we've heard that house democratic leaders would like to schedule a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure pro postal but progressives are still insisting that they want to see some actual legislative text that could be voted on and not just a frame work. they want to actually see the tangibles of what this plan is going to look like. the congresswoman jayapal said
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simply having the president come and ask for them to vote for the bill wasn't necessarily going to get her members on board. so we will see tomorrow what kind of heavy lifts the president might have ahead for him as he is meeting with those house democrats. he could be postpone -- that meeting supposed to be around 9:00 a.m. we don't know when he'll leave for roamme but the white house said he can only delay the trip a bit starting on friday. the white house is certainly acting with a real sense of urgency talking to those two key holdout senators, mansion and sinema and trying to take in concerns senator bernie sanders and you saw senator sanders here at the white house a meeting with the president for a little over an hour today. so the president is really trying to take a handle on all sides within his democratic party as he is hoping they can come together and push his economic agenda across the finish line. >> let me ask you about something jessica mentioned, that is a paid family leave.
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the corner stone of the president's agenda. how big of a blow is it if this is out of this plan? >> it's pretty big. this is a central component of what the president had been proposing. you'll remember they touted there would be 12 weeks of paid family leave that was later whittled down to four weeks and it was a town hall last week with anderson cooper where the president was touting this and talking about how the american people are really -- they support this type of measure and they want to see this type of assistance. now, we are learning that it is likely ly scraps completely fr the plan a concession from joe mansion that ex prpressed reservations about including that in the proposal and other elements of the plan not making the cut anymore. when it comes to free community college, the raising the corporate tax rate. it was a few hours ago the white house was toting the paid family leave as a historic investment in the plan. of course, there are other
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things this white house will be toting if this deal comes together. there is such as free preschool and other incentives like the one-year extension of the child tax credit. that paid family leave having that out of this plan is a very significant blow to the white house. >> yeah, that is a corner stone. jessica, listen, give me the latest on the democrats' plan to pay for this bill taxing billionaires and so on. we've been hearing about a lot of pay fors, right? so what's the plan here? >> it's like a new tax plan kind of as the hours go by but there is a couple to zero in on. the corporate minimum tax seems to have a lot of support galvanizing on it. what that would do is place a 15% tax on roughly about 200 companies that make a billion dollars in profits a year. so that seems to be kind of moving ahead right now as we speak. the billionaire tax that you just mentioned is a bit more precarious at this point. there is a lot of push back.
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we saw joe mansion and elizabeth warren walking down the core tore and i spoke to elizabeth warren as she was getting on an elevator and i said how are these conversations going? we have senator mansion pushing back? she kept saying we have to keep talking and don, that's what we've been hearing a lot today. we need more details and need to keep talking. they're still trying to sort it out. democrats originally wanted and planned for raising individual income tax and also the corporate tax rate reversing a lot of the trump tax cuts. that's what came out of the house. and the house, the chairman of the committee that put that together continues to stand by that that's the best way to do this, the problem is senator sinema said she's a no go. they're stuck trying to figure out what the exact pay fors are and the billionaire tax we'll have to see how that's shaped over the next 24, 48 hours or so. >> yeah, and the president hopes in the next eight hours or so.
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>> right. >> thank you, jessica. thank you, arlet. appreciate it. >> thank you. while democrats draw a line in the sand over family leave now that it's all but scrapped from the social safety net bill. i'll speak with congressman jamal bowman, next. insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ your new pharmacy is here. to make sure you don't run out of meds here. and with amazon prime, get refills and free two-day shipping. who knew it could be this easy? your new pharmacy is amazon pharmacy.
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so here is the breaking news. a source telling cnn biden will attend the house democratic caucus meeting tomorrow morning to convince progressives to vote for the bill before he leaves on the crucial foreign trip delaying the departure from europe to get a concrete result. in a big development, it looks like paid family and medical leave may be out on the social spending bill because senator joe mansion proposes it. i want to bring in democratic congressman bowman. good evening. sir. so what do you think? if that's out, are you in? >> you know, that remains to be determined. we're the only developed country in the world that does not have paid family leave. we were supposed to be at 12 weeks, it went down to four weeks and now it's out. even though the majority of the
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country supports paid family leave. it's inhumane to ask a mom or new parents to leave their child in child care while they have to go back to work to try to earn a living and keep a roof over their heads. so it remains to be determined where i am now that i'm hearing that that is out, again, it's unfortunate that we have a minority senator one person who opposes this where the majority of the country supports it. so for me, it's unacceptable. >> have you heard from him? did he say why he didn't support it? >> no, i personally have not heard from him. the cpc has not heard from him. and i don't quite understand why he doesn't support it. he seems to be and he has portrayed himself to be someone
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profamily and if you're profamily, you're prochildren and if you're prochildren, we should have paid family leave as a developed nation. as the wealthiest nation on earth. listen, we have an economy that rewards millionaires and billionaires and we put them on track to be trillionaires but we can't provide paid family leave. the only rational i heard from mansion is entitlement. he is rejurggurgitating from th 1980s when we have a multi racial democracy going through a climate crisis trying to recover from covid. building back better is building back better for all people including poor people, people of color and those trying to start families.
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>> so will you vote for this spending bill if that's not in it? >> again, it -- it remains to be seen, right? this negotiation has been changing seemingly minute by minute throughout the day and i'm sure it will change a few more times into the evening and i'm looking forward to hearing what the president has to say tomorrow at our caucus meeting. but, you know, we can't to hear progressives need to compromise. progressives need to acquit esz. but just a few of our colleagues in the senate are stopping that from happening. we are in alignment with the american people, with president biden, with speaker pelosi, with majority leader chuck schumer and it's our job to deliver for the american people. the president cannot go overseas
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on this climate trip for example where only the bipartisan infrastructure frame work in hand. that say regressive bill when it comes to climate. 500 billion investing in climate as part of the build back better act is a good thing, but where is that 500 billion going to put us, to help us reach our 2035 and 2040 goals? so still a lot to work out. we need to see bill text before we decide what we're going to do in terms of a vote. >> you say the bill is regressive. he can't just go with the infrastructure part of it. if he appeals to you tomorrow, can you reach an agreement on the infrastructure part before he leaves? >> i would love to see bill text and i would love the opportunity to go through the bill text line by line. you know, i'm new here. i've only been here ten months but i can tell you that there have been times where we have received bill text 30 minutes
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before folding on the bill. that's completely unacceptable especially for something like this where we are making the biggest social investment since the new deal. so i want to see bill text the same way joe mansion gets the opportunity to go through it line by line. my office and we on the house side need to go through it line by line, as well and continue these negotiations. we are finally on the precipice of investing in public housing for example in a way where we haven't done in decades. investing in extending the child tax credit. investing in universal prek, investing in universal child care almost universal child care, taking care of our seniors, balance reduction. we have to get this right and unfortunately, the deadlines have sped up the consciousness of the country wanting us to do it a bit quicker. we have to do it right. that's the biggest take away
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now. >> real quick, if you can give me a quick answer. you talked about the mentality and living in the 21st century world. do you think that some of the folks and, you know, i guess specifically joe mansion or whomever, that they have this sort of idea of a -- maybe a house phone mentality when we're living in a cell phone era or -- do you understand what i'm saying? he's talking about coal. that's not where the world is anymore. >> well, when we talk about the green new deal, we're talking about a just transition for those who work in the fossil fuel industry to ensure that they not only maintain a job but maintain insurance and the same pay and we come together to make sure we deal with the issue of climate change. hurricane ida destroyed new york and new jersey killing 50 people just a couple weeks ago. that's going to happen more frequently so we have to get to a place of clean renewable
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energy to independent fossil fuels. >> are you concerned it looks like your party is blowing it and democrats can't govern and has huge ramifications and a ripple effect. look at virginia and other places elections are coming up. i'll be covering elections next week and for 2022 and 2024. if you guys can't come to an agreement on this. >> governing is about negotiation, right? and negotiating. >> i understand that. >> it takes time. >> i get that. that's not what i'm saying. i'm not talking about negotiating. governing is also gaining control of the narrative, being able to indicate to voters and to convince them to come aboard. tell them what you're doing. and also, to negotiate and to agree. all of those things but -- >> in my district, don, if i may interject briefly, in my district people are excited that someone is finally fighting for
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them. >> your district is not the country. i understand that -- >> hold on -- >> when you look at polling across the country -- >> across the country. >> the american people are aligned with the build back better -- >> when you look at polling across the country, the american people don't know what democrats are doing. they see there is end fighting amongst democrats. the president's pole numbers are shrinking. it's not just about your individual districts, which i understand you guys have to -- you're looking out for your constituents but there is also a broader picture happening that's also broader picture happening with the democracy under threat in this country and it doesn't seem you understand the moment you're in now. >> so i can agree that we need to do a better job of communicating, of engaging with the districts that will benefit the most from the build back better act. i agree with that. that's what i try to do on a daily basis and many of my colleagues try to do the same
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thing. i think the president's poll numbers are falling not because of the end fighting but because of the engagement and variety of other things. if we or when we pass the build back better act along with the bipartisan infrastructure frame work, those numbers will go back up and when we do well and deliver on voting rights reform, those numbers will go back up, as well and when people feel the impact in their pockets and lives, those numbers will go back up and we'll maintain the majority in the house in 2022. >> i understand -- >> it's time to deliver. >> i enjoyed this conversation. i hope you'll come back and we'll continue to have these discussions. thank you. appreciate you joining us, thank you. >> thank you. major developments in the investigation of the fatal shooting on the set of alec bal baldwin's movie. the police saying the actor fired a suspected live round. blatche and give steve a break. slack. where the future works.
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to have a universal recycling and composting program for residents and businesses. but it all starts with you. let's keep making a differene together. . so there are big developments tonight in the fatal shooting on alec baldwin's movie set that took the life halyna hutchins. the gun discharged a live round. meanwhile, the district attorney saying the question of how live rounds got loaded into the gun will be a factor into determining possible criminal charges and the assistant director handing baldwin the
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weapon admitting he didn't fully check it. let's bring in the armorer on "euphoria" and a lawyer representing people that got hurt on film sets. jeffrey, the d.a. says how live rounds got into the gun will be a key factor in bringing charges. do you think we could see criminal charges in this case? >> i really do. i mean, if you look at what happened on this set, you have a situation where live ballistic rounds were allowed to migrate on to a movie set and it always highly likely on a movie set that someone is going to be, if you're using firearms to shoot scenes, somebody will be pointing a firearm at another person and if you add those two things together, the high probability a gun will be pointed at someone and the fact that live ballistic rounds are allowed onset is the kind of conduct that rises to the level
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of gross negligence, which is what you need to have a criminal charge. i really think someone will ultimately get indicted in this case. >> who in the line of people there, gross negligence but whom? >> well, i mean, you know, they're going to have to piece it together. obviously, the armorer has responsibility for making sure that that gun doesn't make it to the actor's hand, that's the primary responsibility of the armorer and the first assistant director is the person on a set who is primarily in charge with safety and if the first assistant director isn't doing his job, those are both deviations from what a normal person would do and it rises to the level of recklessness because that deviation is likely to result in injury. so those two people i think are definitely going to be a focus of the investigation but ultimately, the d.a. has to figure out how that round got into that gun. i mean, it's clear that the armorer and the first a.d. didn't inspect the gun and find out that the round was in there,
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but somebody put it in there. somebody ultimately put that round in that weapon and that person also i mean, i'm presuming the d.a. will do their job and figure out who that is but i think that person is also likely to be indicted for some form of criminal negligence. >> this is what you do. in this conversation that we just had, what do you want to add to it? >> well, it's obviously unconscionable that a live round would make it on to a movie set much less into a hero prop gun. the chain of vevents that have o occur is unfathomable. there is a chain of custody the gun stays in possession of armorer from the locked truck, always under theircare. they're the only ones that handle the care and get to the actor. the first a.d. can see that and take a look at the ammo and gun but it's a relationship between the armorer and actor.
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it's obviously, it was a bit of chaos that day. some of the crew walked off. and the replacement crew so people were sitting idle and they had gone through weeks without a paycheck and working really long days, 14 plus hours and then we find out unbelievably that someone went off and shot actual live rounds out of a prop gun near the set. so is it a leftover from the shooting, the recreational shooting during the break? ord deliberate round in the gun? the safety steps are in place. the armorer would have checked it and the first ad would have checked it. that did not happen. >> as you talk about this and these new revelations come out, what are you thinking about -- this is highly unusual, right? for someone to be a possible target practice as we've heard and then the armorer, excuse me, the a.d. saying i didn't really -- i don't think it
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checked it fully. this is extremely ly unusual. >> it's very unusual, you know what? i'm sorry, we shoot millions, literally millions of rounds, blank rounds in hollywood and we've been doing it for over 100 years. it's a very safe process. we're used to it. we block it out carefully and everyone knows when the gun has a blank because we call it out, hot gun, which you heard cold gun. we call out a hot gun on demand. the last thing before the camera rolls and we get the scene and the armorer is the last one to clear the gun when they call cut. everything is safe as possible. something like this is a major breakdown. there are so many safety checks along the way, it's really hard to fathom how this was allowed to happen. >> quickly, to show our viewers, you have some examples here of a safety and we'll get back to jeffrey because i want to talk about the legal angle.
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between a studio safety blank and dummy round, show us what you got. >> a studio safety blank might look like this and you can see this crimped end on the end of it and it looks almost like the end of a hot dog where it's pinched off or a sausage. that's an unfired blank safety blank round and i'm going to show you next a fired safety blank round. you can see that it's open. it been punched open and it's very obvious and it's about half of the weight because there is no powder. then i'll show you what a dummy round looks like. this is the hollywood magic, it looks like a real bullet. it has the lead in front and brass casing but there is no gun powder in it and no primer. to add to the safety, we also add a little bb inside. you'll never see it on camera but any crew member can put it to their oear and i'll put it t my microphone and hear the rattle. we can pick it up and rattle it. i read in a report the a.d.
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noticed the rounds that had holes in them so in my experience, it not very common onset to have dummy rounds that have a hole but what they can do is drill a hole right through the side of it and lets people know that it's a dummy round. so that would be duressed into the cylinder of the revolver. >> jeffrey, i have to go. what happens next? >> there will be trehree investigations. you have osha looking to see if safety regulations were followed. you have the criminal investigation and presumably, if the family decides to do so, there will be a civil investigation. all of those work on parallel tracks. >> you guys have been great. jeffrey, we'll have you back and continue to talk about it. dutch, you as well. appreciate you guys joining us. let's hope this never happens again and they put more safety precautions in place. listen, there were a lot. it looks like they just weren't followed here. thank you so much. so i have something really important to tell you about.
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okay? you want to mark your calendars and tune in because on tomorrow's show, we'll air my exclusive interview with the jurors, many of the jurors from the derek chauvin murder trial. i asked them about hearing that g gut wrenching testimony and what it was like to repeatedly watch the video of chauvin kneeling on george floyd's neck tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m., "don lemon tonight," the derek chauvin jurors will join us. the fda is expected to weigh in on whether to authorize the covid vaccine for young children after it got the green light from advisors. questions from parents about what this means for their kids and we got dr. anthony nowfauci here to answer them. he's next. ♪
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after a long wait, parents could start vaccinating younger children as soon as next week. fda advisors voting in favor of smaller pfizer doses for kids ages 5 to 11. it could be a key step in slowing down the pandemic as winter gets closer but with 28 million kids soon to be eligible, the question really is how many parents will get on board with this? let's discuss with anthony fauci. doctor, thank you very much. appreciate you joining us this evening. vaccinations for children 5 to 11 years old could be approved in a matter of days. parents have a lot of questions about that. here is a big one. the dosing. the 5 to 11-year-olds would get a smaller dose than kids who are 12 and older, even though they are close in age and could have much bigger body sizes. what do you say to parents? they're concerned about this. >> no, actually i don't. your have to make a cut off some
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point and the cut off was made at that age from 5 to 11. as you know, from 12 and older, the dose was the standard dose. they cut the dose down now to about one-third of what it is. it was 30 micro grams and it's now 10. that's a reasonable thing to do. if you have to start measuring it by body weight and things like that, it would become too confusing. i don't have any concern as a physician and as an immunologist knowing the kinds of things when you stimulate the immune system. i think we'll be okay. i think that was a prudent choice. >> that was my question about body mass and size and height and you don't find that necessary? >> no, i don't think so, don. i don't. i think it would become too confusing if that were the case. i think this is a good way to have the cutoff. >> listen, a recent kaiser family foundation poll shows around one-third of parents of 5 to 11-year-olds will vaccinate their children as soon as it's
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available. with covid trending down right now and cases oftenless severe in children, lots of parents are asking if their kids really need it. what do you say to them? >> you know, i think the answer to that, as i feel fairly certain the answer to that is it would be a good idea to vaccinate the children. you know, when you ask people about what they're likelihood of having vaccinations be there for themselves when they're adults or children, we start off around 35, 37% and then when people start seeing that the vaccinations are being distributed and they're being administered and things are going well, people gain more confidence. so i think that number of the people that would be willing if not enthusiastic about getting their children vaccinated is going to increase. you know, don, i do feel it's important to vaccinate children. no doubt from the statistical standpoint when children get infected, there's very much more likely that they would not have a severe outcome compared to an
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elderly person like myself or someone who has an underlying condition. but that doesn't mean that the kids are exempt from some serious illness because all you need to do is go to the pediatric hospitals around the country and you see particularly with the delta variant, which has a much greater chance of transmitting that more kids are getting infected and as more kids get infected, some of them, maybe a small proportion are going to have a serious outcome. also, you want to make sure that we don't have a situation where the children inadvertently and innocently when they get infected, many of them without any symptoms are spreading it within the family unit, which is something that recent studies indicate that that might be the case. there is a really good reason to have the children vaccinated and that's the reason why we hope that we'll be able to answer the reasonable questions that parents would have and no doubt about that, they have good questions and hopefully, in the out reach we'll be able to
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adequately answer the questions of the parents. >> one of those reasonable questions might be, you know, my kid already had covid. they still need to get the vaccine? i mean, i know you recommend it for adults. is that the same for kids as ad adults, do they still need the vaccine? >> i think that would be the case for the following reason. one of the things that is so clear if you are infected and recover and then you get vaccinated, the level of your immunity against reinfection is really profound. it goes way, way up making you really very, very well protected against a return infection even with a different variant because we know when you have a high level of these neutralizing antibodies, it spills over and covers essentially many of the variants that we know are circulating. right now, delta is obviously the critical one. it occupies about 99% of the isolates in this country. >> so other questions.
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parents are worried about misc and long covid in children. how much do we have to learn more than a year and a half into this, doctor? >> we know it occurs and it's serious. there are something like 5,000 kids that we have documented have gotten misc. long covid is an interesting thing, don. the reason is that one of the things that we learn about in realtime as the months go by and maybe even the years go by, is that we don't know the full impact of what happens following infection. we're learning a lot about that. we know that kids can get long covid and for the audience not knowing what that is, it's a persistence of symptomology sometimes not really readily explained by any pathology process but we've seen it can be debilitating in adults. fortunately, children statistically have a less of a chance of long covid i think
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than adults. it's anywhere from 5 to 10 to 30% or more. with children it's between 4 and 6%. but there is still the risk and you don't want to take the chance of a child having some long term consequences of being, feeling washed out, inability to concentrate and the things that are associated with long covid. a lot of reasons, don, to get the children vaccinated. >> you know, i did a story last night. i reported last night about a high school that is testing whether some of the kids can -- kids and staff vaccinated, if they can go maskless. so many parents want to know if their kids will be able to go maskless once they are vaccinated. >> you know, the answer is not right now. when you say maskless, i think don, we have to qualify what you mean. if you're talking about in an indoor space in which you're not sure everyone is vaccinated or what their status is, the cdc recommendation still says that
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in the school setting and indoor congregate places to wear a mask, even when vaccinated and the reason is, don, the dynamics of infection right now we still are averaging about 70,000 infections a isolate that's a viral dynamic that's too high. we don't need to do any more mitt mitigation. there will be a time we can put the masks behind us. i don't believe now, particularly in an indoor setting that we're ready for that right now. >> i want to talk to you about right now, i'm sure you know, dr. deborah birx gave a response, saying 135,000 lives could have been saved by i want pl -- implementing masks and she says that the 2020 election distracted them from the virus response.
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you were there, do you agree with her characterization? >> i think we could have done much better, and i made no secret about that. that got me into some trouble with the trump people when i was being open and honest about the fact that i felt that many of the things that were said about don't worry this is going to go away or not paying as much attention to it, i don't think you could put a number on how many lives would have been saved if you did it differently. it's much easier the other way to say if you did this different thing, if you vaccinated people, you would in fact save a lot of lives. you know, dr. birx tried her best when she was there, i was with her, but a lot of times some of the things we recommended were not put into place. she does have a point in what she said. >> dr. fauci, thank you. >> good to be with you, don, thanks for having me. two months ago, he didn't
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so take this everyone, the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell failing, excuse me, well, falling in line with the former, there was a little slip there, falling in line with the former president and endorsing football star herschel walker's georgia senate run. mcconnell putting out a statement saying i'm happy to endorse herschel walker for u.s. senate in georgia. he is the only one who can unite the party, defeat senator warknock, and help us take back the senate. why don't you rewind to july, cnn reported mcconnell said
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david perdue, and kelly leffler run again. he faces allegations he threatened his wife and other women over the span of decade. walker's campaign has said this, that he has received help since his allegedly violent incidents in the early 2000s. they said he has received help since the incidents. all right. senator mcconnell down played the allegations saying there are some things written that indicate he has had some challenges in his life. on the other hand, the good news is he's made several impressive performances on national television. he's good on tv. walker's claim with no evidence that there was serious election fraud in georgia, no evidence, but he claims so. he tweeted on january 6th that trump needed to get to the bottom of who stole the election. listen, there is no doubt that minority leader mcconnell wants
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