tv Cuomo Prime Time CNN November 4, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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wow... that's so nice! is that a photo of tepechitlan? yeah! the gift of ancestry®, is a walk through your history. do you remember who this is? it's a gift that surprises you, moves you, and bonds you. ...papa? i can see the nose and everything. she was the original strong woman. i know. this holiday, give the gift of family. give the gift of ancestry®. ♪ it's a busy night. let's go to chris and "cuomo prime time." >> welcome to "prime time." learn or lose. that's the proposition for democrats. so question -- why would speaker pelosi tell her caucus earlier
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she wanted votes on the build back better bill tonight and infrastructure tomorrow? why won't they learn the lesson? don't promise what you can't deliver. so far tonight, no votes scheduled as of this program. but it may be worse if they do vote on build back better, because they know the senate is not ready to pass it because of their own party. the speaker also chose to put four weeks of paid family and medical leave back in the $1.75 trillion plan, after scrapping it to get senator manchin on board. but he's still locked in the same position he's been articulating for months, and says that paid leave has to be in a different bill, not the reconciliation bill. so why put it in? the democrats are acting like they're playing games with the outparty, but this is their own
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party. why air your incongruence openly to expose manchin as the problem, right? but who loses? the democrats do, because it is still democrat dysfunction. pushback over masks, mandates, bias, policing. these are all symptoms of this growing idea that government doesn't help. can't help. can't help but mess with people. this is the existential threat to democrats. now, perversely, and they're not in a good position, but they're not in a good position for a good reason. hear me out. perversely, one political party is about feeding fears that government cannot do anything. so it is on the democrats to show it can. that's the harder prt er part o
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equation. as my father used to say, any jack ass can kick down a barn. it takes a good man or woman to build one. so the eas-- here's the problemr the democrats. they're fighting the good fight. that's not me saying so. they said so. that was their pledge. and for months now, while promising that we'll show you government can work to end the chaos, they've demonstrated that the core of their pledge is a false premise. and if government is not getting things done that help, it is only seen as that which hurts. and senator manchin said that out loud today. >> you want to know what's wrong with the place? i go to work in a hostile working environment every day. if you're a democrat and a republican is up for re-election, these are people
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you're working with. you have a responsibility to get something done. >> now, i was tempted to say, joe manchin twhoshg, who are yog with? you have this dream the republicans will work with you. they will do nothing but oppose. what about the infrastructure bill? that was in the making for a very long time. wake up. welcome to politics. that's what i was tempted to say. but what is that? that's me feeling the fever, right, of this fatalistic notion about government, that i am tempted to say to him, hey, that's how it works. hate them, they're your enemy. but that's not the way it's supposed to work. and this isn't about the democrats not getting it. that's lazy. that's an easy media narrative. but it's not accurate. they get it. >> people want us to get things
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done. they want us to get things done. >> they get it. they're just not getting it done. and if democrats want to get re-elected, they need to ask why they are not getting it done. and the answer is the man and woman in the mirror. it's not just joe manchin. listen, i'll tell you why, and no, i'm not defending joe manchin, okay? just because he's got italian blood doesn't mean we're on the same page. i only met the guy once or twice in my life in person. and his positions have strengths and weaknesses, like the rest of them. but manchin has always been where he is on these policies. he said it in a letter, remember? so why would the democrats put out something that they knew they couldn't deliver within their own party? think about that. you're trying to prove that government can work. and you're going to make a play that you know you can't get done
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in house, let alone with the other side? who takes the blame? because that's stupid, because that's bad politics and bad leadership. it's bad governance. biden takes the brunt. why? because he's the president. it's his agenda. the buck should stop with him. but here's my problem with that. joe manchin sent that letter to joe biden? no. who did he saenlend that letter? who signed it acknowledging they know where joe manchin was that have since come as a surprise? that wasn't joe biden. that was this man. >> democrats are closer than we've ever been. but we'll keep working until we get this done. >> you're working against y yourselves. that's not what the people wanted. working sounds like you're doing the votevoter's business.
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you're not. you're fighting with your own. senator chuck schumer is not a camera shy guy until lately. he may pick friendly venues where he won't get hit hard, but what makes him unusual is he's not delivering as the leader of the senate. we hear more about mitch mcconnell than we do the democrat leader. chuck schumer couldn't even get his own pick for mayor in his state, the city of buffalo. he couldn't even get her elected tuesday. he backed a socialist. he took that big step to the left, told people this is the person. she won the primary. beat the incumbent. but then not beaten by the same incumbent in a write-in campaign. a write-in? that's usually and other. who did you vote for? oh, i wrote in, mickey mouse. those are the stories you hear. when is the last time a write-in candidate won in a major race?
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against the candidate that the senate leader said to vote for? and got trounced, if the returns are right. doesn't look good for schumer or the democrats. you said government can work. give us a chance. you haven't even gotten your own party together. you were weighed and measured and found lacking tuesday. and with good reason. if you want to restore faith in government and you should want that, you are fighting the good fight. you're just not fighting it well. you have to show that you are better than the hate parade on the right. otherwise, you're just fueling their fire. you are now proof of their case of government dysfunction. so far, the people believe you have failed. now, the good news is, for
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democrats, you still got time. these weren't the midterms. the media is just treating it like it were, but they weren't, right? but you having time, so what if you don't plan to change? that's why i started with the questions about pelosi's tactics. pass the infrastructure bill. get the win. see where that takes you. now, on the theory that now even when you pass all these goodies for people, the infrastructure, and the build back better bill, and be clear, i think a straight read on it is, you have much-needed measures coming to more people than have been helped in a generation. but even when it passes, the work is tainted. democrats need to show government can fix the real problem now. this would be good for you, but people aren't going to forget how this happened. there's this notion on the left, and with their buddies in the media that as long as we pass it, all this process, nobody
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cares. yeah, they do. they care. you just saw on tuesday that they care. so here's what you've got to do. you have to face the existential question, can we make government work? and if you are going to prove that you can, secure the signature expression of voice, voting. and it may take a filibuster shift. i get the arguments on both sides of that. but right now, this toxic two-party system, there is no motivation for cooperation. and for the democrats, but manchin, it's not good enough. but manchin, keep saying that and you'll all be back home living in them, not in power. yoda, do or do not, there is no try. working hard is expected. results are all that matter. the existential question is not whether or not democrats get the
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mood. but whether or not they can make government work. and i think it is an open question whether or not it can. let's take it to the getter minds. former republican ohio governor john kasich, and stewart te stevens. thank you for being on the program. do both of you believe that in this system, with our two parties, toxic as it is, that government can work? governor kasich? >> absolutely it can work. but government really usually needs to be a last resort, not a first resort because of the bureaucracy connected to it. i agree with much of what you said, and i've been saying for months now they need to pass the infrastructure bill. i mean, forget this build back better whatever it is. pass the infrastructure bill. take it to the house. if the progressiving es won't v for it, then bitden goes to the
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republicans. on the build back better bill, manchin just said it. i saw a scroll just before i came on the show -- break that big package up into things that people can understand. i mean, people do care about a child tax credit. they do care about family leave. break it up. don't shove it all through. figure out how you'll pay for it. and then also, in the group think inside the white house, you have to have people telling the president the truth. everybody can't tell him what he wants to hear. finally, what is his passion? what does he really feel strongly about? i can't figure out what it is right now, chris. and they need to get an issue that can relate to all americans beyond all. this and i'll give you one. i'm kind of involved with it, so is your brother-in-law, the issue of mental health touches every american, for kids, adults. you can get this kind of thing done.
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>> well, look, on the last point, stewart, to bounce it over to you, it's way past time. every family we know, kasich's family, stevens' family, cuomo's family. if we don't believe we are directly connected to or care deeply about someone who struggles with mental health the same way we see with physical health, it's all the same but we just cam it something different, we're lying. but the governor's quick rush to say yes, government can work, where is the confidence in that position come from when your party is resolutely against doing anything with the democrats? so how can government work and are the democrats maybe fighting the good fight but to no effect? they can't each get it to their own side. >> with my former party, chris, with all the reasons we talked about, it's important that the
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democrats understand this is not a normal time. you have a party -- you can't negotiate with a party that doesn't believe you're a legally elected president. that's the reality. so there are three parties now. there is the party of no, which is are republicans. and two parties inside the democratic party, which can be a strength and it reflects the diversity of the country. but it's a great challenge, and you have to come to zbgrips, ca it the biden wing and the bernie sanders wing. and that battle will decide the future of major decisions. but they have to conduct this with the appreciation of what this is about is preserving democracy. because if they huz thlose the jim jordan will be the speaker. they will put kevin mccarthy's head on a spike. and they'll move into '24 and
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support donald trump and we're off to the raises of ending democracy. so act like democracy is at stake and that will change how you feel about whether or not it's $1.8 trillion or $1.6. because ultimately 20 years from now, that won't be remembered. whether or not we lost democracy will. >> governor, last word to you about whether or not you believe that the hill to die on is securing a democracy, specifically the right to vote. >> yeah, i think it's very important. i think they have a reasonable bill that joe manchin helped put together and they ought to move on that. but frankly, chris, to me, the number one thing democrats should do is pass the infrastructure bill. republicans support it in the senate. put it in the house, up or down, for it or against it. if you're the president of the united states, you will be a winner, whether you win that vote or not, you will be a winner. people want it, everybody in
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this country understands highways, bridges, airporting. they want this fixed. that will show them that government can be capable of working. >> appreciate you both. what does the leading progressive voice make of her party? let's turn to congresswoman katie porter. do we believe that the democrats know how to do better? next.
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ebenezer. ebenezer. marley? first you will see the past. excuse me! coming through! ugh! and then...the present. and finally, ebenezer...the future! introducing the all-electric eqs. happy holidays from mercedes-benz. if you're looking for something that's a window into the state of play here, take a look at the white house pushing back against this statement from virginia moderate abigail spanberger. she seemed to suggest that biden's agenda is far bigger than what voters wanted, and why
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they put him in office. "nobody elected him to be fdr." >> this is not too much, this is what needs to happen, and it should have happened decades ago. it's been some time since we actually invested in our country and in the american public. >> you should have invested in dealing with your own party in figuring out what you could pass before you went out with the offer. that's what would have made sense. moderate democrats don't agree with what you just heard. that's why biden is still having to make calls tonight to get them on board, especially in the senate where the senate leader for the democrats, schumer, you know, when is the last time you saw him talking about how he's getting it done? so where do things stand? let's bring in a truly better mind, deputy chair of the progressive caucus, congresswoman katie porter. i generally know better than to go toe to toe with you.
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i'm generally bringing you on here to explain things. but tonight, i've got facts on my side. it is political malpractice to push out something when you don't even have something through your own ranks. and your party, not your caucus, but your party keeps making the same mistake. even pelosi trying to have a vote tonight on the build back better bill. why? when you know you're not going to get it through the senate. what is your party up to? >> look, we have a bicammer al legislation chur. in this case, the house needs to act first and we are prepared to do that. when i just walked back from the capitol, conversations were ongoing but wrapping up. i think we will vote to pass this bill tomorrow. >> which bill? >> the build back better bill and also the infrastructure bill. i think we're going to pass them
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on the same day and send them over to the senate. the infrastructure bill will head to the president's desk for signature. >> i always like understanding how a bill becomes a law. but, but, this is your own party that you're doing this with. it makes perfect sense if you were playing against your opponents. but you're not. and this is stuff that you're supposed to do in house, figure out, go to your leadership, get the votes, and then worry about how to fight the other side. how can people believe that government can get things done with democrats when democrats can't get things done with democrats? >> well, first, democrats have gotten things done this year. unemployment rate is low. wage growth is up. gdp is growing. we have shots in arms. we delivered money to help people with coronavirus. we have taken action to rejoin the paris climate agreement and protected public lands. so we have gotten things done already this year.
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there is no doubt that we need to get these bills finished and get them done. we need to see what the senate does with them. but i think we are on a path to doing that, and the end is coming very, very soon. literally i think within the next 24 hours. and i am very, very ready, as i know the american people are, to get these bills passed. look, chris, people understand that debate and disagreement, whether it's within a party or between parties, is part of democracy. this is not the easiest form of government. but this is a form of government that we're committed to, because we think it reaches the best results and gives the most important for that debate that makes the best policy that. is exactly what we're trying to do tonight. >> representative, do you believe that the mandate that was delivered to the democrats was the voters saying, we're okay if you guys can't agree on things within your own party? >> well, with regard to the election results that we saw this week, look, the american people had some struggles that we're facing.
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we're dealing with high child care costs and climate change. those are still problems today. so there's no doubt that the biggest problem we have in politics, in our country, is that americans have distrust of both democrats and republicans. they're constantly, i'm sure, who in washington they can count on to fight for them. i certainly take to do heart each day to get up and show the american people that i'm putting their interests first. until one party or the other figures out how to convince the american people that we will do that day in and day out, year in, year out, we'll keep seeing these movements back and forth between democrats and republicans as we did in the last two elections. >> but when the democrats make the promise, we can make government work and end the chaos, and then you spend months fighting yourselves and having leadership not get it done, again, all due respect, i've known nancy pelosi my entire
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life. i do not question her bona f fid fideness. joe manchin is not the leader of the senate. when the president said, can you get this done? chuck schumer knew because of that letter that he is supposed to say no, representative porter. i can't get joe manchin. let's not go forward on this. we have to figure out another way in house. let's not go out $3.5 trillion, because i can't get it done. he sent me a letter. can't you blame him? >> well, look, i don't think we're going to advance any accomplishments for the american people with blame, but by negotiating and coming to the table. >> but it's how you learn a lesson. it's how you learn the lesson of why this has been stalled so long. that would be my point. back to you. >> well, look, it hasn't been stalled a long time. is that frustrating? yes. believe you me, we are frustrated. but the reality is, we have the
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votes we have. chris, you know it and i know it, it's simple math. we have exactly 50 votes in the senate. we are not able to pass things through normal senate procedure. so when someone says break this up in a bunch of small bills, what they're saying is we shouldn't pass these things at all, because we will not, sadly in this political environment, get republicans to come over and work on issues like child care. work on issues like climate change. work on issues like prescription drug prices. so we have to do this through reconciliation. that makes it a bigger, more difficult and longer process than if we were acting on each one of these issues separately. but if we try to take these issues on separately, we do not flat out have the votes. >> i think you're right. and i think that you work hard. and i think you work for the right reasons. and that's why i appreciate you being on the show. but there is no but, full stop. your party, though, and the leadership better figure it out,
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because this does not look like making government work to voters. and you got lucky. that was a warning on tuesday. you've got a year plus to figure it out. let's see what you do with the time. congresswoman katie porter, appreciate you making the case. >> thank you so much. now, you know what's nice about when you win? with nobody complains about the elections being rigged. you notice that? gop just happy with the votes. why? because they won. remember that. and remember that when they're upset, they're just trying to play to advantage. that's a lot of speculation, how dare you, where is the proof? glad you asked. we have proof you've never seen before of just how brazen, ugly, and obviously the intentions are. these people are trying to get you to hate what you're supposed to love. and if you don't believe me, see with your own eyes, listen with your own ears, next.
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for your women. taking your jobs. and bringing drugs. and ended with a mob of red hats convinced to attack the government trumpeted as the cause of all that concern. the proof of his purpose is in his people. you'll see names, sidney powell, rudy giuliani. others, under oath, depositions, lawsuit by a former executive with dominion voting systems who claims he was defamed by the trump campaign. giuliani, powell, prominent conservatives. the defendants are moving to dismiss the case that's pending. but they did do the depositions and you video you'll hear how they lay out the objective, namely feeding fears. not with facts. facts be damned. no proof of truth necessary. case in point, a theory that has
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been played mostly for laughs, claim made on national tv. two american companies were working with a dead venezuelan dictator. absurd, yet absorbed. listen. >> we had a report that the heads of dominion and smart mattek, somewhere in the mid teens, you know, 2013, '14, whatever, went down to venezuela for a get to know me with me duro, so they could demonstrate the kind of vote fixing they did for -- for chavez. >> barely say it, let alone believe it. fallen man, from america's mayor, to trump's stooge. a former federal prosecutor who says repeatedly he couldn't be bothered to be verified whether
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any of the claims he was making were backed up by facts. >> you said that heads of dominion and smart mattek? >> yes, that's what i was told, before the press conference, i was told about it. sometimes i go and look myself when stuff comes up. this time i didn't have the time to do it. it's not my job in a fast-moving case to go out and investigate every piece of evidence that's given to me. otherwise, you're never going to come to a conclusion. >> first of all, it wasn't a case. it was and is a con. and rudy likely knew it. why would i say that? because the trump camp had a memo debunking the claims of election fraud. yet they didn't say a word. under oath, sidney powell, forced to admit that getting to the truth wasse ernever an
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objective. >> there were a number of media outlets. why did you not ask to provide a statement correcting that these misstatements that you had recorded? >> that didn't seem to be the material part of the inquiry. >> material part. the truth wasn't material? now, look, you'll say hey, look, in politics, they all lie. that's not true. but you can feel that way. i understand why you would. but just know if you or anyone decides to still put stock in trump's sludge, you now know you are buying a bunch of lies, designed to destroy confidence in government. listen to the response to why the trumpets would ignore a report that corrected their assertions done by the department of homeland security
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on the integrity of the election. >> i'm ask if the trump campaign read this and considered it? >> not to my knowledge. >> why would they not have read this if it comes from the u.s. government? >> objection, form and foundation. >> rudy's justification for spreading sputem is that everybody does it. so what we have here is a bat toll the bottom. what does that mean for where we're all headed? for that, we're going to turn to norm eisen, next.
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the chair of the january 6 committee says about 20 new subpoenas are going out soon, this as lawyers for the former president appeared in court to try to keep documents about the capitol riot secret. let's discuss whether the government works well enough to uncover the truth with norm eisen. what's the answer?
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>> the answer is, yes, it's already starting to uncover the truth. and chris, it will now be up to the d.c. circuit to prove me right or wrong. >> so you go through, you get the documents. you see that president trump was talking to people. there was some kind of knowledge. there was a semblance of suggestion that let's see what happens. he was too quiet for too long. then what? >> well, the thing that happens next is that, um, we see the devastating, um, consequences, um, of the insurrection. and i think we're going to get these additional documents, and i think they're going to have some very explosive information in them. it's clear the judge is going to open the door, chris, and i think on appeal it's going to
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move quicker than some fear. >> am i wrong to be cynical about the impact of the outcome, to see -- i see support for trump as people using him as a proxy for their animus against the entire system. he's never been an anecdote, he's always been a virus, injected into the system because people hate it. will that change? >> chris, i think we -- we've already seen a national dawning as to what trump represents. as these facts come out, they will have impact. that is why this litigation, the civil liable litigation you were talking about earlier on the show, this litigation over the committee's subpoenas, they're getting to the truth. people do pay attention to the truth, and that truth inoculates
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against the virus of lies and hate that you're talking about. >> i'm with you. but so much of the truth is about -- or people accepting something as true, it's about who is telling them it. that's why i have some hope for this iteration, because it's about documents. you can't like or dislike documents. they say what they say. hopefully if you get paper, people will see it as a reasonable basis to make an informed opinion. norm eisen, thank you for being on the show. >> thanks, chris. now, i'm off tomorrow night. but the game is on. you can have a cnn special report "trumping democracy, an american coup" right in this slot tomorrow night. all right, sports world. star quarterback benched for sunday after testing positive for covid. this is what happens, right? not like this. aaron rodgers, big deal. lots of commercials. his words and actions up to this
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point bring a whole new set of questions to the issue of pro athletes and this virus. let's see what bob kostas thinks. aaron rodgers, that's the action that needs to be taken here? next. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate-to-severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? hide my skin? not me. by hitting eczema where it counts, dupixent helps heal your skin from within, keeping you one step ahead of eczema. and that means long-lasting clearer skin... and fast itch relief for adults.
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this does not smell good what's going on with the green bay packers star quarterback, aaron rodgers. he's not play thing sunday against the chiefs. covid protocols, says the head coach. what does that mean? the nfl network and espn say that the quarterback has tested positive for the virus. wish him well, hope he recovers quickly. hope he's asymptomatic. and they report he's not vaccinated, which makes this statement from the mvp back in august all the more perplexing. >> are you vaccinated and what
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is your status on vaccinations? >> yeah, i'm immunized. you know, there's a lot of -- a lot of conversation around it, around the league and a lot of guys who have made statements. you there's guys on the team that haven't been vaccinated. i think it's a personal decision. i'm not going to judge those guys. >> is he one of those guys? he said i'm immunized. he didn't say i'm vaccinated. could mean the same thing, could not mean the same thing. same aaron rogers who was not seen observing any of the protocols for unvaccinated players since training camp opened in late july. and here he is partying is up for halloween with some of his teammates. what's going on? is he vaccinated or not? why don't we know that answer? or why isn't it reaffirmed
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immediately? and if he isn't, what should the penalty be? bob kostas, what's your take, brother? >> well, he is not vaccinated. what happened, chris, was that at some point during training camp or just before, he petitioned the nfl to be listed as vaccinated. he apparently sought some sort of homeopathic remedy. the nfl rejected that petition. so he been unofficially unvaccinated the entire season. the proof of that is that unvaccinated players -- they comprise 5% of have to be tested every single day. vaccinated players are tested once a week. there are also other obvious protocols involving unvaccinated players. they're not supposed to travel on team charters. they have to get their separately. they're not allowed to leave the rooms for any other reasons
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except team meetings and the games themselves when they're on the road. they have to be separated by six feet in the locker room. they're supposed to wear masks at all times when at a team facility. so it would be obvious that the team had to know because they're testing him every day. >> if they're testing him every day. >> yeah. >> i mean, i think it's a really -- >> yeah, the supposition. >> it's a really honest question as to whether aaron rodgers has been allowed to do whatever the hell he wants to do because of who he is. if so, and this all gets blown up, what should the penalty be? >> well, both he and the team could be liable for penalties. there have been teams already that have been fined hundreds of thousands of dollars. and the saints and raiders lost low-round draft picks for failing to follow protocols as carefully as they should have been following them. when it comes to aaron himself, there are a lot of people in the
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media who cover the nfl on a daily basis who have labeled him a liar. if you want to be extremely kind you could say he was disingenuous. he was obviously comfortable with most of the media and nearly all football fans believing he was vaccinated. the other thing is when people say it's a personal choice -- i don't want to be glib, but it's a personal choice to get a tattoo, whether you're going to have the sushi or pizza, but it's not a personal choice when it affects other people. not only their health for obvious reasons, but in the case of athletes on a team it affects your team and chance to win. an unvaccinated player, even if he's asymptomatic must be quarantined for ten days. so the earliest he could return without having practiced or been any part of team meetings is the day before their next home game against seattle. so in effect he could miss two games. they're 7-1. they're vying not just for a
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playoff spot but perhaps the number one seed in a home field and all those things. and he's put that in jeopardy. why is that solely a personal decision when you're the single most important component of the team. the quarterback in football is the single most important in all of team sports. that's obvious. >> here's what i want to see. i want to see aaron rodgers, assuming he's healthy enough, own it. say that you're not vaccinated. you can say why. say what you did. say what you didn't do. be straight. you're too important to the league for them to do anything that bad to you any way. but own it. because i'm telling you what's going to happen right now, bob. no matter what comes out about him it is going to be a reenforcement for exactly every color of cynicism and suck we have about covid. people who are anti-vax are hesitant or against mandates or getting fueled into this thing of big brother all the time, they're going to support him. even though it may be the case he's done everything wrong.
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on the other side, people are going to want to see him canceled. i don't think that's right, either. i want to hear him own it. that's what we need. that's what everybody needs -- the fans, society, someone to just own the truth. >> well, no matter how anti-facts, anti-science, anti-common sense some of the anti-vaxxers are, people like carson wentz and cole beasley and kirk cousins in the nfl are more celebrated, certainly the more focus case of kyrie irving in the nba, say whatever you want they've all owned it. they've all come out and say this is what i believe, this is what i'm doing. aaron rodgers was disingenuous about it. his reputation -- one of the greatest players of all time, but his reputation is going to take a hit. he may get support, but on balance his reputation is going to be hurt. >> we'll see how he handles it. bob kostas, i'll tell you how you handled it. you're a pro.
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thank you very much. always a plus. >> thank you, chris. >> all right, let's take a breather, come right back with the hand-off. he takes robitussis powered by 100% drug-free ingredients. are you gonna leaf me hanging? soothe your cough naturally. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® is a pill that lowers blood sugar in three ways.
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thank you for watching. it is now time for the big show, don lemon tonight, with its big star d. lemon. coming to you early because you deserve the time. >> i'm walking into the studio and looking at the monitor and see aaron rodgers tests positive for coronavirus, not vaccinated. what? >> yeah. >> what? >> yeah. >> why is he still working? do you know how many people he comes into contact with? do you know how many people's lives he put in potential jeopardy of getting sick and beyond? why is he being allowed to -- nobody else can do that. i can't. i have to get vaccinated to come into this building. >> you know how much he matters to that team? >> everybody matters. >> not the same. not the same. >> i get what you're saying, but -- well, it matters if he gives covid to somebody else and they get sick and give it to their sick grandmother or the person who has some autoimmune
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